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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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18 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Silly me! I thought two parents and a baby was a "family"! Who knew that it was just a baby!

What a slap in the face to all the people out there who suffer from secondary infertility or decide that one child is more than enough, and to those that would give anything to have even the one child these selfish assholes have now.

This is particularly irksome for me to sit through, given that Rick's saga with Amber and fighting for baby Eric III who was of no blood relation to him was the story that got me into this show to begin with. It was a huge fucking story where Rick grew as a person--in most ways, he was more mature then than he has been at any given point since.  And there was Maya's baby who died during her stint in the slammer. You would think either of them would want time to love and get to know Lizzie before asking barely legal Nicole to put her life--"life" being code for "relationship", which for her is the same thing--on hold again for this. Hell, even if they had revisited this shit a year from now, it would've been more palpable.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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RJ is an idiot. Brooke's home, alone, upset, and making tea. Yet he's going to ask her if she and Bill got married? Does  she look like she just got married? Then wants to take her to a haunted house? Then he still doesn't care she loves Bill as long as he pushes her to Ridge.

Did I miss when Caroline & Thomas became a costume matching duo?

Zende walking out on Nicole after she agrees to be a surrogate? Didn't we do this just a few moths ago?

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11 hours ago, grisgris said:

So Bill didn't just out and out dump Brooke.  My take-away was that he needed time to cool off and sort out his feelings before attempting to think about patching things up and deciding which course the engagement will take.

I was under the impression he still wanted to get married.  I think he actually said (but who knows with my memory these days haha) that there will be a wedding, just not today.  I much fear your scenario where Ridge goes upstairs and Bill sees this, without hearing Brooke's protests is exactly what's going to happen.  Then, as they say, lather, rinse, repeat...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

8 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

Wait, Maya had a baby in jail?

That was the story...she had the baby in prison & she was put up for adoption, but she was killed in a car crash.  When it was retconned that Maya was transgender, the story changed to Myron being the father & the baby was born while he was in prison.

ETA:  Forget this, Myron was legal guardian for the baby, but then was later given up for adoption.

Edited by ByTor
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20 minutes ago, ByTor said:

That was the story...she had the baby in prison & she was put up for adoption, but she was killed in a car crash.  When it was retconned that Maya was transgender, the story changed to Myron being the father & the baby was born while he was in prison.

I thought it was revealed that Maya adopted the girl and had no biological tie to her- which is why this whole thing about her child with Rick MUST be a bio Avant has been so stupid since Maya has adopted a child and claimed her as her own before.

BTW has Maya officially adopted Lizzie? That's a beat they just skipped over.

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Mon. 10/31 recap

Happy Halloween all!

Only there's nothing happy about this episode.

The minister asks if he should proceed and Brooke is eager to tell him, yes, that she and Bill want to be married. Um, I don't think so, Brooke.

Rev. Brown: "Family, friends, and loved ones, we are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of William and Brooke. This celebration represents the love, the commitment, and the honor that they share for each other. And they're so pleased to have all of you witness this unforgettable moment in their lives." Ugh, did he have to say "unforgettable?" I doubt Bill knows that that's the GarBridge song but he's already pissed all over their day.

Cut to cat who ate the canary Maya. "You mean it?" Of course, she means it, because God forbid someone else carry miracle baby #2.

Maya: "You hear that, Lizzy? You're gonna be a big sister." Somebody slap her. And how presumptuous. This may be mean, but I hope Nicole doesn't get insta-pregnant and let Raya's heads spin then.

Nicole is confident she can get Zende to see how wonderfully angelic she is all over again. Don't count on it, Nicole.

Caroline, who has already grossed me out, with this little comment to Thomas: "If our son has half the body you do, he's gonna be very popular with the ladies" is hanging out at the Halloween party. There are comments about steam punk and little Dougie and costumes I don't give a shit about any of it. They are forever tainted by Rape Night and no amount of cute costumes or adorable babies are ever going to make them palatable.

There's some chatter with Zende, Pam, and Charlie, and thank the Baby Jesus, nary a mention of lemon bars, although we have to hear Pam say this (re Charlie): "Handsome Beauregard here just tried to lure me into his barn to pet his stallion." I am not even kidding. I'll wait while you all vomit. Dracula Zende is anxiously awaiting Countess Nicole - until she arrives to burst his bubble and tell him she's signed up to be Easy Bake Incubator all over again.

Maya teases Rick with an egg and tells him Nicole said yes. They laugh and laugh and laugh and I just want to punch both of them in the throat.

The minister is continuing with his typical wedding ceremony prose and I am counting down the seconds to the inevitable halt.



Bill: "Stop. Stop."

Even though I knew this was going to happen and I don't blame Bill in the slightest, I'll admit, it still stung.

Bill tells Brooke that he "will not look back on this day, our wedding day, and remember that groveling, pathetic loser begging for your affections." As apt a description of Ridge-Pen as I've ever heard.

Brooke, trying desperately to salvage that which cannot be salvaged, protests that Ridge is gone. But clearly, his ghost lingers and the question Bill still needs answered is, will it always? 

Bill: "He's already tainted the day, Brooke. We deserve better than this for our wedding." He is 100% in the right here. The day was tainted the second Brooke didn't throw him out or make a hasty exit. While Ridge is responsible for his actions, she has only herself to blame for her lack of handling him the way a woman about to marry another man should and would have.

Bill assures Brooke (and my racing heart): "You will be my wife. But not today." That's the Bill I love. Unwilling to compromise on what should be the happiest day of his life and saving the wedding for a day with no interruptions, no hesitation, no looking back.

Brooke protests, saying he can't just leave her at the altar. He can and he did, honey. I'll bet you're so glad you entertained Ridge's ridiculousness now, aren't you?

Zende is PISSSED. And I can't blame him. Yes, it's her body, her decision, but she promised him they could move forward with a future that didn't include doing this again and she broke her word.

Zende: "It's not your responsibility! It is not your job to have babies for them!" I think Raya would beg to differ and they'd be correct. She is clearly at their beck-and-baby-call.

Nicole: "I want to give my sister and Rick a family. Not just a baby -- a family." Fuck you, Nicole, you stupid little twat (and fuck the writers, too!)  So couples with just one paltry baby aren't a family? So my husband and I, despite years of trying to have a baby with no success, aren't a family?Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! Fuck everything today.


Nicole insists she's not going to lose Zende. Honey, you already have and boo-fucking-hoo.

Brooke comes back home.

RJ: "I'm surprised you're home." Oh shut it, you little snot-nosed punk. It can't be that huge of a surprise when you sent Daddy over to bust up Mommy's wedding that it did, in fact, get busted up.

Brooke tells him that Bill called off the wedding and again, this kid, feigns surprise. Fuck off, R.J. I'm on a roll.

Zende is busily becoming the next insta-alcoholic. 

Enter Sasha. Walk away, girl. Walk away. 

But of course she doesn't. Dammit.

Zende tells her that Nicole agreed to be the surrogate. Again.

RJ: "Mom, it's gonna be good, all right? Everything's gonna be okay. I know you're upset, but to be honest, this is the best thing for you in the long run. For you and for Dad." Oh just shut your stupid crooked little mouth, you annoying little gnat of a person.

Brooke: "Don't get your hopes up. It doesn't mean I'm going to be marrying your father." If it does or they get back together, I am DONE with this show. 

RJ: "What does it mean?"

Brooke: "I don't know. But I just broke the heart of a man who's been nothing but kind and loyal to me." Yes, you did, and you better be crawling on broken glass and whatever else it takes to get him back.

RJ suggests going to a haunted house or watching a scary movie. Oh, sure, kid, that'll take her mind off today. 

Brooke tells RJ she's going upstairs to be ALONE. A-L-O-N-E.

Which is the cue for fuckface Ridge to show up. 

I'm inserting the ghost of the late Ann Douglas here:


Zende tells Sasha it's over which is the cue for Sasha to plant one on him. And I want to go all Tyra Banks on her thirsty ass right now.


RJ and Ridge go back and forth about Brooke and discussing her present and her future as if she has no say in it. In their minds, she doesn't.

Ridge promises to bring their family back together...

Fuck you, Ridge. FUCK YOU!

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13 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I thought it was revealed that Maya adopted the girl and had no biological tie to her- which is why this whole thing about her child with Rick MUST be a bio Avant has been so stupid since Maya has adopted a child and claimed her as her own before.

You're right, my recollection was incorrect, there was no biological tie.  From Soap Central: 


Maya explained that she had been the legal guardian of the daughter she gave up for adoption but that the girl's father had been a troublemaking boyfriend (presumably Jessie)

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I literally (TM Sheldon) could not possibly care less about Zzzzzende or Nicole, the incubator, but I'm going to jump into this discussion like I give a rat's ass about either of them, because with better characters & actors all around, this could be a good story, & I would care.

I fully believe that Nicole is the boss of her own body. If she wants to rent (for free) out her womb just a few months after she rented (for free) her womb out for 10 months, then gave up her firstborn, biological child to her sister, as stupid as it sounds, it's her body, & her choice, in my opinion. It's a ridiculous, idiotic, untimely decision, but it is hers to make. Bold prediction: if this kid makes it, it'll be a boy named Nicholas.

However, I completely understand where Zende is coming from. When we were pregnant with our first, which we kept, & still have, we had already been married for 2+ years, so we were far more established than Zecole, & it was sometimes rough on me, but it wasn't a picnic for my hubs, either. I was fortunate that I didn't have much morning sickness either time, but when I did, it sucked for both of us. I couldn't do a ton of things that he could, certain smells that had never bothered me sent me into near-convulsions, horrific Diet Dew-withdrawals, constant tiredness, apparently I was occasionally somewhat unpleasant (his paraphrased words), the unstoppable bladder, the emotional meltdown when something major happened, like he bought the wrong brand of chicken breasts (Tyson, only Tyson!) the list goes on & on, & I actually considered myself to have good pregnancies. I'm sure Zende, if he was a real boy, would be thinking all of those things, & not necessarily wanting to relive them, just as my husband did when that second surprise "+" sign popped up with baby #2, right at a year after the birth of #1. With us, though, we knew that our 2nd was our last pregnancy, & that we were going to keep that baby, Zende doesn't have that luxury, especially since Raya think that Nicole's body is their property, & may want a complete 25-man-roster baseball team from her, which she'd obviously oblige. The other major factor, I was well past my 20s when I was pregnant both times, I can't imagine going through that back-to-back at about 22, which is about the age I assume Nicole is. 

Finally, what is up with Raya asking Nicole to do that again so soon after she just gave them her firstborn child?? I think that Lizzie was born about the same time as my son, in late-spring, which would make her roughly 6 months old. There is no way, with a teething, sleep-challenged 6-month-old, I'd be thinking "we should so do this again soon!" As far as Nicole, personally, geez, let the girl's body heal from the first one before you guilt her into a 2nd one! There has to be something that they wanted to do in the first story, but didn't, so they're making a 2nd; Nicole will be unable to have more kids, she'll fall in love with Rick, Sasha will become pregnant with Zende's kid, something. This is like a redo.

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3 hours ago, nkotb said:

There is no way, with a teething, sleep-challenged 6-month-old, I'd be thinking "we should so do this again soon!"

I'm sure that Maya has a "Catherine"* on the clock 24/7 to help with all of those normal "unpleasant" duties of mothering an infant. Maya, bright-eyed, in full hair and makeup, dressed in her spotless FC-designed clothes, can trot out the clean, well-rested infant when it suits her purpose.

*For the newbies. There was a young blonde woman named Catherine who was on for many years and was Brooke's nanny for RJ and Hope.

Edited by grisgris
Maya doesn't have the trots!
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I think the story was that the child who died in a car crash was Maya's boyfriend's at the time. He was a drug dealer who gave her the big bucks for the surgery and treatment. Maya was close to the child and considered her as her own. 

Edited by LittleIggy
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With Maya always going on about giving Lizzie a little "brother or sister", maybe the twist will be Nicole popping out one of each. Now, I know a matching set wouldn't be enough to cure the Raya baby rabies, but I think two new little ones would ease the raging beast. At the very least, it would keep them occupied for awhile, and maybe they would give Nicole a full entire year before asking for triplets. 

And because I am torn up and can't stop thinking about it; when Ridge barges into Brooke's bedroom, cause we all know he will, what will she say? I am so friggin nervous about that. In retrospect, I didn't like her response to the Little Mother Fucker when he asked "what about dad", because Brooke would naturally and automatically go running to Ridge. Her response kinda irritated me "don't get your hopes up." WTF??? Shouldn't it have been "RJ, right now I am very upset with your father, and for future reference, I love Bill and want to marry him. Me and your father have no future together." But she didn't say that at all. Once again leaving the door open for Ridge. 

I am so aggravated. And disappointed. 

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23 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I'm sure that Maya has a "Catherine"* on the clock 24/7 to help with all of those normal "unpleasant" duties of mothering an infant. Maya, bright-eyed, in full hair and makeup, dressed in her spotless FC-designed clothes, can trot the clean, well-rested infant when it suits her purpose.

*For the newbies. There was a young blonde woman named Catherine who was on for many years and was Brooke's nanny for RJ and Hope.

I meant to add that they for sure have a nanny, but I forgot in my original post. Still, though, what's the rush? Enjoy this baby that you've been way-bigger-word-than-blessed with. She's perfect & healthy, & biologically-related to both of you pushy idiots at your guilt-inducing insistence. It's not like they have to worry about a ticking clock (OMG, seriously typed "clicking tock", must've been a Freudian slip or I'm clairvoyant), Nicole can barely buy a drink, let her recover for a minute before you insist that she hit the pause button on the remote-of-life.

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8 hours ago, Artsda said:

Did I miss when Caroline & Thomas became a costume matching duo?

Zende walking out on Nicole after she agrees to be a surrogate? Didn't we do this just a few moths ago?

Thanks for highlighting just why Ridge-Pen and Carowhine made me cringe.  As a day one viewer, I can't ignore the age difference that should be between those two.  Toward the end, it was as if he was the parent and calling the shots in that relationship.  Whatever spirit she had was slowly ebbing away.  Now that TIIC have the Twitter princess with an age-appropriate partner (her rapist, no less), the age difference between her and Ridge-Pen is even more glaring.

As for the whole Zzzzzende, Nicole, Raya mess, my reaction is always the same:  Oh, who the fuck CARES?!  I can't believe I was robbed of the opportunity to see a budding Sasha/Thomas romance for this mess.

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50 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I think the story was that the child who died in a car crash was Maya's boyfriend's at the time. He was a drug dealer who gave her the big bucks for the surgery and treatment. Maya was close to the child and considered her as her own. 

Like rape night, Maya's sexuality, or Steffy being the love of Liam's life, the story line keeps changing.  My best recollection is that Maya was not the child's legal guardian but took care of her when her boyfriend went to jail. When Maya was going to jail, she brought the child to Dayzee to find a good home for her.  At first, we were lead to believe it was Maya's child with her boyfriend than it changed to a little girl she cared about. What I don't remember is how Maya got the wright to bring the child to Dayzee to find her a home. Upon Maya's release she returned to Dayzee looking for her little girl like she was able to retain custody. 

ETA:  Maya would have to adopt Lizzy to become her legal mother.  The birth certificate would have Rick as father and Nicole as mother. It is different for Douglas. His birth certificate would only have to be amended since Thomas is the biological father.  

Edited by Waldo13
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35 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

With Maya always going on about giving Lizzie a little "brother or sister", maybe the twist will be Nicole popping out one of each. Now, I know a matching set wouldn't be enough to cure the Raya baby rabies, but I think two new little ones would ease the raging beast. At the very least, it would keep them occupied for awhile, and maybe they would give Nicole a full entire year before asking for triplets. 

And because I am torn up and can't stop thinking about it; when Ridge barges into Brooke's bedroom, cause we all know he will, what will she say? I am so friggin nervous about that. In retrospect, I didn't like her response to the Little Mother Fucker when he asked "what about dad", because Brooke would naturally and automatically go running to Ridge. Her response kinda irritated me "don't get your hopes up." WTF??? Shouldn't it have been "RJ, right now I am very upset with your father, and for future reference, I love Bill and want to marry him. Me and your father have no future together." But she didn't say that at all. Once again leaving the door open for Ridge. 

I am so aggravated. And disappointed. 

Her response irritated me, too. The stupid little twerp already has his hopes up and right now, he has good reason. The wedding didn't happen because Ridge barged in and Brooke let him.

The only thing I'd add to what Brooke should have said. 

RJ, right now I am very upset with your father, and for future reference, I love Bill and want to marry him. Me and your father have no future together. We haven't for a very long time. I know you love me and think you know what's best for me but I am a grown up and you need to trust me to do what's right for me and our family. Bill and I are going to get married. We will be a family and even if you don't agree with that, you need to accept that and respect my decision."

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11 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

Wait, Maya had a baby in jail?

The baby was Maya's entry story...the now forgotten Dayzee had helped her arrange the adoption before going to prison and she came back looking for her kid.

Given that the character was so obsessed and more bug eyed than Sharon on Y&R, I thought we were headed towards her kidnapping either Brooke or Steffy's baby (one of them was pregnant at the time, but I forgot which).

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

The baby was Maya's entry story...the now forgotten Dayzee had helped her arrange the adoption before going to prison and she came back looking for her kid.

Given that the character was so obsessed and more bug eyed than Sharon on Y&R, I thought we were headed towards her kidnapping either Brooke or Steffy's baby (one of them was pregnant at the time, but I forgot which).

I didn't know that was possible.


Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Her response irritated me, too. The stupid little twerp already has his hopes up and right now, he has good reason. The wedding didn't happen because Ridge barged in and Brooke let him.

The only thing I'd add to what Brooke should have said. 

RJ, right now I am very upset with your father, and for future reference, I love Bill and want to marry him. Me and your father have no future together. We haven't for a very long time. I know you love me and think you know what's best for me but I am a grown up and you need to trust me to do what's right for me and our family. Bill and I are going to get married. We will be a family and even if you don't agree with that, you need to accept that and respect my decision."

This is the type of writing that has always driven me nuts especially when I was on the GarBridge train 100 years ago.  There was always that little bit of ambiguous dialogue that was thrown in there to give Bridgies some hope and to keep them hanging on in the hopes that maybe...just maybe...this time they'll get their couple.  So, now we have a heartbroken Brooke upstairs while her narcissistic ex-husband and their spawn are downstairs gloating and making plans because this is just oh, so wonderful "for us."  Everything was about what the senior asshole and his slouchy mini-me wanted.

I remember years ago at the height of Throoke's popularity that CBS' switchboards lit up because during a pivotal scene, KKL had gotten so into it that she ad libbed and screamed the "GD" word at WH's Thorne.  It was said that the director and the TIIC were surprised but decided to let the scene stand because there was no way they could get that kind of passion if they did a retake.  They happily took the heat; I'm not sure if the show was fined or not, but I'm sure they had no problem paying it.  On that note, I would love it if KKL could ad lib just once when her character is speaking to RJ:  "RJ, may I ask you something?  When was the last time you paid a bill here?  You know--a mortgage bill, a phone bill or any other kind of bill?  Are the credit card statements or utility bills addressed to you for payment?  Do you buy your own clothes or food without financial assistance from me?  Do you even clean up after yourself, or do you pay the housekeeper?  No?  I didn't think so.  This is how this is going to go.  I'm the adult here and you have absolutely NO say about who I marry.  If I wanted Bill here to clip my toenails that is MY call--not yours!  So, you would do well to get out of my face right now and take your little ass somewhere and sit down.  And, if you don't like the way shit is going, guess what?  You can always go and live with your dad wherever the fuck that is!"

Did I mention that I hate that little fucker?

Edited by MulletorHater
My Slouchy hate again...
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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

There has to be something that they wanted to do in the first story, but didn't, so they're making a 2nd; Nicole will be unable to have more kids, she'll fall in love with Rick, Sasha will become pregnant with Zende's kid, something. This is like a redo.

Nicole does the implantation, Zende comes around and supports her through the pregnancy and birth, she has the baby but can't have more kids.

Nicole does the implantation, falls for Rick, doesn't want to give up the baby and she and Maya are on the outs.

Nicole does the implantation, but tragically dies in childbirth. Zende, Sasha, Vivienne, and Julius are furious at Maya and Rick for their selfishness; Maya falls into a depression, and her and Rick's marriage begins to fall apart. Who will Rick turn to for comfort?

Nicole does the implantation but loses the baby mid-term. She and Rick bond while grieving with Maya being left out. Meanwhile Zende finally knocks up Sasha and a desperate Maya moves in on her to try to take the baby so she can 'save her marriage'. It may not be the right Avant/Forrester combo she wanted, but it'll do.

Nicole AND Sasha both end up pregnant. One will lose their kid while the other is prematurely born and a baby switch happens. Maya either swaps Nicole's dead kid with Sasha's since she doesn't deserve it and Nicole can no longer have kids so Maya owes her or Sasha swaps her dead kid with Nicole's live one so she can keep Zende. Depends on who the show sees as their 'heroine'.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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23 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I didn't know that was possible

Geez, SC is going to be like one of those cartoon characters whose eyeballs end up in front of them on the floor!

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I call ??, once again, with a sisterly bond out trumping a mother daughter bonding.  Nicole will give up another baby without batting an eye. WTF?  The woman she has become?  Because  you got boned you're now a woman?  Even giving birth doesn't make you a woman?  Well, technically yes, but you have the mind of an adolescent.  Now, what if there is another girl?  Do they ask for a third child so they could have a little brother?  

How the fuck does Zende get the use of the company jet.  Wouldn't someone have to clear it before he does.  More ??. I'm on Zende's side.  Nicole can do what she wants. It's her body but Zende doesn't have to be a Wyatt, with the spine of a jellyfish, when it came to Hope or Steffy. 

Wyatt to the.  I have no qualms about him outing Ridges Plan B. I never had a warm and fuzzy feeling, with Ridge, but now he's completely dead to me.  The only bottom feeders, that are lower in my book, is Rick and Maya. 

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

This is the type of writing that has always driven me nuts especially when I was on the GarBridge train 100 years ago.  There was always that little bit of ambiguous dialogue that was thrown in there to give Bridgies some hope and to keep them hanging on in the hopes that maybe...just maybe...this time they'll get their couple.  

I came into the show right after Throoke became a thing, and I hated what I did see of Bridge  (which was mostly her throwing herself at a seemingly happily married Ridge following the WTF ending to her marriage to Thorne). Still, I was glad that RJ was Ridge's kid and I thought that 2004 wedding would be it for them. My mom, having followed soaps most of her life, told me in so many words, "LOL, no."

I complained up thread that Brill have never had time to be a real couple, but that's been the case for her and Ridge for three DECADES. And while the abuse isn't as openly grotesque as Victor has been to Nikki, nor were either of them as completely unlikable as I found ATWT's supercouples to be separately or together (especially Holden!*), they never had a chance to not be in battle with each other or with Stephanie. 

*I'm still blown away that they got Jon Hensley to play what was essentially a day player role as Steffy's doc during her miscarriage instead of get him as a recast of Nick or Ridge (who was off the show by then) or another character to balance out the very skewed balance of women to men on the show. Given how much of a rigid blowhard Holden was written as in the last seasons, he could've nailed this version of Ridge and given this show some much needed eye candy AND acting skills.

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Don't hate me, but I can see a Bridge reunion down the road.  However, they would need to recast Ridge for it to work.  TK's version of Ridge is too much of an abusive douche bag to work in ANY coupling.  Even with Caridge he was controlling and browbeat Caroline into doing things his way.  I always thought he was trying to replace Caroline the first with her namesake.  That relationship was beyond creepy.  I like the suggestion of Jon Hensley as a recast for Ridge.  I think he and KKL would have good chemistry.   

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16 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

Don't hate me, but I can see a Bridge reunion down the road.

No hate. I think the same thing.

As of now the only way Bridge isn't endgame is if in the final episode Brooke has dropped Bill and TK's Ridge to the curb and has chosen herself and is okay with that when suddenly she sees an unnamed man walking out of the surf in a banana thong, a silver fox Adonis who is none other than Ronn Moss.

It's like she's hit by a thunderbolt. It's the same for him. And as they stare at each other and smile like they've known each other all their lives and can see the future and it's them together and happy...we fade to black.

Brooke will definitely be in the final shot of the show if JMcC isn't still on the show. If he is then I amend the final scene to being a Forrester fashion show with Eric and Brooke watching as the show goes on, Brooke is single after choosing herself and dumping Bill and Ridge.

Across the aisle she sees a man salt and pepper mullet, scarf thrown around his neck, amazing cheekbones. Who is he? He can't take his eyes off her nor she him. Thunderbolt hits again, they exchange smiles, you know it's on like donkey kong, we pull back out so that all three original cast members are in the finale shot and we fade to black.

Otherwise the show will bounce TK HARD to get RM back for the final episode and he's playing Ridge in the scenarios above and you get endgame Bridge.

Bill is gonna go back to Katie just like when Nick left it was implied that he and Bridget were never gonna quit each other.

Dang it as bad as this show has been, I don't want it to end yet. Keep on keeping on Mr. Bell!

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

I call ??, once again, with a sisterly bond out trumping a mother daughter bonding.  Nicole will give up another baby without batting an eye. WTF?  The woman she has become?  Because  you got boned you're now a woman?  Even giving birth doesn't make you a woman?  Well, technically yes, but you have the mind of an adolescent.  Now, what if there is another girl?  Do they ask for a third child so they could have a little brother?  

How the fuck does Zende get the use of the company jet.  Wouldn't someone have to clear it before he does.  More ??. I'm on Zende's side.  Nicole can do what she wants. It's her body but Zende doesn't have to be a Wyatt, with the spine of a jellyfish, when it came to Hope or Steffy. 

WTF, indeed. It's really sad and kind of icky how she views motherhood and giving birth. She really is an incubator, I guess. 

I think because they're just flying from California to Hawaii it's okay for him to use the jet as no one else needs it for actual business. It's like a long cab ride but in the air. I really wish that they would let Sasha be just friends with Zende. Why does she have to have a romance with him? He still loves Nicole and is clearly upset, so how does she not realize she's totally his rebound no matter what his tipsy self says, which is another problem because he's been knocking them back. Take advantage of popping over to your dream destination, have a mai tai and some fun in the sun, but for goodness sake, don't sleep with someone who is in love with someone else. Plus, what about being a good sister? Just because the Logans and the Spencers are all about the OPP and their sisters' boyfriends/lovers'/husbands' dicks doesn't mean you have to. Have some pride and self-respect!


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This show does friendship like my MINI 3 door hatch can haul a family sized table in its trunk. And while I expect BMW will keep growing that car out in size to the chagrin of first- and second-gen owners who liked the size of my previous hatchback, damn it, I don't expect any mid-model improvements to the 2017 B&B . :p

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Good for Wyatt for ratting out Eric's shitty family.  However, Brooke was conspicuously absent from the list of culprits unless I missed it.  I heard him say Ridge, Steffy and Rick.

If Zende is so possessive of Nicole's uterus, why didn't he just propose to her after the miracle birth? I was kind of expecting that.  He's an outlier for Forrester men as none of them seem to be able to exist for very long without marrying somebody ... anybody.

Sasha, OK. You were sitting there and heard him say loud and clear to Nicole over the phone, "I love you."  Hope you packed a parachute.

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6 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Good for Wyatt for ratting out Eric's shitty family.  However, Brooke was conspicuously absent from the list of culprits unless I missed it.  I heard him say Ridge, Steffy and Rick.

If Zende is so possessive of Nicole's uterus, why didn't he just propose to her after the miracle birth? I was kind of expecting that.  He's an outlier for Forrester men as none of them seem to be able to exist for very long without marrying somebody ... anybody.

Sasha, OK. You were sitting there and heard him say loud and clear to Nicole over the phone, "I love you."  Hope you packed a parachute.

I don't feel sorry for any of them....not for Nicole, not for Zende and certainly not for Sasha and her Steffy Forrester game in the show's latest Triangle of Doom. i wont call her Brooke 2.0 because Brooke was many things over the years but absolutely boring was never one of them. 

2 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

If Show was a vehicle, the current model is a Yugo. Or at best , dented Hyundai with Trash bag/ duct tape windows 

Let's not go insulting Yugo, there.

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9 hours ago, grisgris said:

Good for Wyatt for ratting out Eric's shitty family.  However, Brooke was conspicuously absent from the list of culprits unless I missed it.  I heard him say Ridge, Steffy and Rick.

I didn't hear her name mentioned, which really disappointed me.  I hate to see Eric get hurt again, but I'd really love a scene where he confronts her over her deceit...I mean Brooke of all people should never betray Eric in any way.

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20 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Nicole does the implantation, Zende comes around and supports her through the pregnancy and birth, she has the baby but can't have more kids.

Nicole does the implantation, falls for Rick, doesn't want to give up the baby and she and Maya are on the outs.

Nicole does the implantation, but tragically dies in childbirth. Zende, Sasha, Vivienne, and Julius are furious at Maya and Rick for their selfishness; Maya falls into a depression, and her and Rick's marriage begins to fall apart. Who will Rick turn to for comfort?

Nicole does the implantation but loses the baby mid-term. She and Rick bond while grieving with Maya being left out. Meanwhile Zende finally knocks up Sasha and a desperate Maya moves in on her to try to take the baby so she can 'save her marriage'. It may not be the right Avant/Forrester combo she wanted, but it'll do.

Nicole AND Sasha both end up pregnant. One will lose their kid while the other is prematurely born and a baby switch happens. Maya either swaps Nicole's dead kid with Sasha's since she doesn't deserve it and Nicole can no longer have kids so Maya owes her or Sasha swaps her dead kid with Nicole's live one so she can keep Zende. Depends on who the show sees as their 'heroine'.

I will admit that, if something bad is going to happen to Nicole, I kind of prefer it happening with a second pregnancy.  Only because then it makes Rick and Maya look even shittier.  The first baby you high pressure sales pitched her into having isn't even a year old, and you just had to go and push her to pop out a second ASAP?  And now look what happened to her!  Add in that Zende can attest that Nicole had every intention of turning them down, until Maya got her over there for a "sisterly bonding lunch" (AKA the high pressure sales pitch part 2), and they look even worse.  

13 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

If Show was a vehicle, the current model is a Yugo. Or at best , dented Hyundai with Trash bag/ duct tape windows 

I'm thinking the Adobe (now we see how many people are old enough to get that reference).  

OK, now I need to go inform my husband and our one child that we're not really a family.  

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I didn't hear her name mentioned, which really disappointed me.  I hate to see Eric get hurt again, but I'd really love a scene where he confronts her over her deceit...I mean Brooke of all people should never betray Eric in any way.

Meh. If he was able to brush off her sleeping with Deacon in two seconds, he could overlook this.

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2 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Meh. If he was able to brush off her sleeping with Deacon in two seconds, he could overlook this.

Except this time what Brooke did was directed toward Eric, Brooke sleeping with Deacon had nothing to do with loyalty to Eric (at least I'm pretty sure she wasn't married to him at the time).

ETA: What makes it worse is that she did this behind his back.  Considering the kind of relationship Brooke & Eric have had in the past, she really should have spoken directly to him regarding her reservations about Quinn, not done something underhanded like helping to throw him out of his own company.

Edited by ByTor
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15 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

If Show was a vehicle, the current model is a Yugo. Or at best , dented Hyundai with Trash bag/ duct tape windows 

Perhaps a  Trebant. (Google it, in post cold war Russia, you could trade a pair of Stonewash Levi's for this "car"on the Black Market. ) Or what was that POS that Walter White drove, a Pontiac Aztek? Or OOHOOH! WAIT WAIT!..., if Show were a vehicle, it could just well be that Hideous 1970S broke down WINNEBAGO that Walter and Jesse tooled around in the desolate NM desert, looking for a place to park and cook Meth. Perfect imagery, METAPHORICALLY and BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED,  as said WINNEBAGO wound up being a Symbol of something that used to be a fun thing that aged badly and was put to use for Sinister purposes which ruined a lot of people s lives. (Similar to show.) It became a crime scene that wound up in the Junkyard Crusher. If this old WINNEBAGO of a Show doesn't change its ways, that's just where it's going!

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I think Ridge and Quinn are going to be a thing.  This whole story about them having to work together on the fashion show is a plot point to put them together and test Quinn's loyalty to Eric.  Either Ridge will set out to seduce her to see if she will betray her marriage vows, or it will be a natural thing of them bonding over work.

I like RS and TK together - both are fine actors and it could be interesting.

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Steffy is no prize by ANY means but Wyatt's situation with his marriage reminds me of the advice Dorian Lord gave her daughter Cassie:

How you get your man/woman is how you lose your man/woman.

Wyatt got Steffy because of Quinn.   Wyatt is losing Steffy because of Quinn. Yes, Liam is the common denominator but when aren't Liam AND Quinn the common issue whenever Wyatt's relationships implode?

He sets himself up for these falls. I refuse to buy the show trying to paint Wyatt as a 'victim' in this marriage with his benevolent 'I will always love you' drop at Steffy. Man, please.  He wanted to beat Liam so bad in the Steffy sweepstakes he didn't get to really know her or see her in all her harpy glory. Actually, he did see that crap when she was battling Ivy but because it was on his behalf, he didn't care. His need to best Liam overrode his common sense and he rushed 'winning' the girl by cheating only to have the harpy turn on HIS butt when she got the full picture of what his mother did.

And now he realizes 'Damn, this harpy be crazy' and is shocked and 'hurt' that she never really loved him the way he wanted when deep down he KNEW his marriage was built on sand.

The thing I'm interested in? Wyatt vs Ridge. Let's see him get his Bill Spencer on.  You now have an interesting Spencer dynamic set up with Wyatt and Bill loaded for bear against Ridge and the Forresters with Liam siding with Steffy and wanting to protect his relationship with Steffy. It'd be ironic if Steffy begins riding Liam's ass because he can't 'control' his father and brother the way Wyatt couldn't control Quinn the way she wanted.  Steffy should stop delegating tasks to her men and just take care of business herself.

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Wow that was fast, Nicole already had a doctor's appointment.  Does Ridge have the capacity it realize Eric has put him on blast?  Could I believe that Steffy could go even lower than she has?  Not at all.  Steffy still continues to put the blame on Wyatt for how she has acted. The marriage being doomed was never ever Quinn's fault because she can never be at fault.  Even fucking Liam was not her fault because the devil drove her to it.  Wyatt living in her family home?  Once again Steffy I remind you, you don't have Forester blood.

How did Steffy rub off on Nicole?  Like Steffy, she has no one to blame but herself but she has to put the blame on someone else for her actions.  Quinn and Sasha are the pariah and Steffy and Nicole are absolutely blameless.  

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I really hope that Sasha & Wyatt get together, so they can: 

A) both not be rebounds for once (Sasha wasn't Thomas' rebound, but that lasted as long as my gum after lunch)

B) move away from someone who's hung up on their sibling

C) see how boring the people they're hung up on are

Zzzzzende is not interesting, which is why he & Nicole kinda match, but Sasha is vivacious, beautiful & street-smart. She needs someone who can appreciate all of those things, & that's certainly not Zende. Steffy is a self-involved, plastic drip, who thinks truffle fries, parachute men from Dollar Tree & Bob Hope movies are the way to seduce another drip (in fairness, she's correct). Wyatt is funny, a Spencer, who's probably more like $Bill than $Bill's chosen son, Drip, & most importantly, apparently better in the sheets than Drip, according to the ones who've bagged them both, which is every woman Wyatt has dated on the show, save for Nicole. Full-circle.

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59 minutes ago, maisie said:

I think Ridge and Quinn are going to be a thing.  This whole story about them having to work together on the fashion show is a plot point to put them together and test Quinn's loyalty to Eric.  Either Ridge will set out to seduce her to see if she will betray her marriage vows, or it will be a natural thing of them bonding over work.

I like RS and TK together - both are fine actors and it could be interesting.


TK has failed the chem test with KKL who is DOOL's Drake Hogestyn's female counterpart. The woman has chemistry with a tree stump.

He failed the chem test with HT and admittedly, she's a sourpuss and the only person I ever saw HT have chemistry with was Scott Reeve's Ryan on Y&R.

He did have some initial heat with LG but couldn't figure out how to hold onto it. 

I am not interested in seeing him try and test out his chemistry with RS nor do I care in watching TPTB ruin one of the best couples (Queric) they've ever had in the process.

I would much prefer that TPTB cut their losses, admit this recast was an epic failure, and send Ridge packing to Paris. He can take Puffy and Waffles with him and his little gnat of a son, too.

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2 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I really hope that Sasha & Wyatt get together, so they can: 

A) both not be rebounds for once (Sasha wasn't Thomas' rebound, but that lasted as long as my gum after lunch)

B) move away from someone who's hung up on their sibling

C) see how boring the people they're hung up on are

Zzzzzende is not interesting, which is why he & Nicole kinda match, but Sasha is vivacious, beautiful & street-smart. She needs someone who can appreciate all of those things, & that's certainly not Zende. Steffy is a self-involved, plastic drip, who thinks truffle fries, parachute men from Dollar Tree & Bob Hope movies are the way to seduce another drip (in fairness, she's correct). Wyatt is funny, a Spencer, who's probably more like $Bill than $Bill's chosen son, Drip, & most importantly, apparently better in the sheets than Drip, according to the ones who've bagged them both, which is every woman Wyatt has dated on the show, save for Nicole. Full-circle.

I would be on board for Sasha/Wyatt since Thomas didn't work out.

I am calling a Rick/Nicole pairing now. She is going to turn to him as a big-brother-in-law shoulder to cry on over Zend-on't (and her hormones from insta-pregnancy #2) and it leads to something more. I think TPTB were going there but decided to scrap it in favor of trashing Sasha. And Sasha can laugh her ass off when Maya goes ballistic.

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Just now, CountryGirl said:

And Sasha can laugh her ass off when Maya goes ballistic.

We won't be that lucky to see Sasha have any fun in whatever story they put her in. If Maya is in anguish, you can't bet she'll unleash it on poor Sasha.

7 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:



Hee. Love this.

But yeah, I'm still pretty sure Ridge/Quinn are gonna happen. They're the right age and they've set up the mutual loathing so it'll come as a 'surprise' when it happens.

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4 hours ago, ByTor said:

Except this time what Brooke did was directed toward Eric, Brooke sleeping with Deacon had nothing to do with loyalty to Eric (at least I'm pretty sure she wasn't married to him at the time).

ETA: What makes it worse is that she did this behind his back.  Considering the kind of relationship Brooke & Eric have had in the past, she really should have spoken directly to him regarding her reservations about Quinn, not done something underhanded like helping to throw him out of his own company.

To that first point, I'd say it would, given that Bridget is their daughter. Mostly, I was just being flip about lenient he always is to Brooke no matter how much she deserves to get chewed out.

But I agree entirely on the second part. And this goes back to this show having nothing in the way of nuance or balance.

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Slump Boy is what, 16 years old?  The way he's acting is more for a kid who's under the age of 12 and not a teenager.  He sounds so stupid whining that "Mommy and Daddy need to be together as a family, boo hoo".  Little twirp needs a swift kick in his ball sac.  Parents don't have to be married to be parents to you, you little whiney putz. 

Why oh why does TK need to look so totally filthy?  His hair, the stubble and clothing does not scream "I'm a high end fashion designer".  All it says to me is that he's a lazy schmuck who refuses to wash his hair.  Not even a three hour flea dip would clean him up.  

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Totally filthy?  I don't think we are seeing the same person.  Lots of guys have stubble. Tom Ford, a very successful fashion designer, has stubble and looks great.
 The idiots in charge put too much product in TK's naturally curly hair. ( Have you ever seen the guy clean shaven and in a suit?  It's a thing of beauty.)  I love the intelligent comments on this board, but the constant criticism of TK's looks is really getting old.  If it were a female character who was constantly being called fat, ugly, dirty, greasy, etc., I don't think that would be tolerated too well.

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Zende and Nicole are too young for so much pregnancy drama. Which is why I don't feel bad at all that he has chosen not to stay with Nicole and her choice to consent to another surrogate pregnancy. I think Nicole is too young for any of this, but, as someone posted upthread, it's her body, her choice. But its also Zende's choice not to take this ride again. He does need to be careful how much he's willing to lean on Sasha for comfort though--and Sasha would be better off not trying to be his "friend" right now, knowing how she feels about him. Its all just a train wreck in motion.

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