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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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It pains me to say this, but I feel bad for Ridge. I acknowledge that he bears some responsibility for his condition, but I can't help my sappy old self. I have no doubt I will regret these feelings by next month.


It was nice to see Katie give an inch to Brooke, but it would have been nicer if she had made the first move. Since Bill left her, Katie has been pretty witchy, and has worked hard to grind her axe to a fine blade. It started by stealing Bill's company, then her focus shifted to Will and keeping him from Bill, and of course there is Ridge. Katie may care for Ridge, but nothing will ever convince my that her initial attraction was not motivated by a heaping dose of payback for Brooke. Then there is the way she has treated Brooke, the many horrible things she has said. Yeah, ok, we get it. Bill and Brooke fell for each other. No matter who started it; the fact remains that it happened. No different than Katie and Ridge falling for each other. For some reason though, it has only been Brooke apologizing. Katie OTOH, tells anyone who will listen that she refuses to apologize for her feelings or anything else for that matter. I don't get where Katie's sense of entitlement is coming from; it isn't as if she has a squeaky clean past. And when she was a young girl, she certainly never complained about the lifestyle Brooke's success affored her. The double standard being played out between Brooke and Katie is becoming tiresome. When Brooke apologized today for any harsh words she has said, Katie should have followed suit. But Katie isn't about to do that. If she did, it would signal to everyone that she has gotten past it all, and that would be the beginning of the end of the Katie Pity Party.


And, dare I hope that the writers actually pleasantly surprise me by having Brooke stay with Bill when she finds out what really happened?



This would be awesome, and so unexpected, but I don't see it happening. I can only imagine the venom that is going to be unleashed on Bill when the truth gets out. I don't see how Brooke would be able to maintain a relationship with him when everyone in all the families will be wanting Bill's head on a platter. Katie will be leading the charge of course, and will get the opportunity to use her nicely sharpened axe to do the deed. What scares me a little is Deacon. Don't get me wrong, I have always liked the Deacon character, and as inappropriate as it was, I thought KKL and SK had some smokin hot stuff going on. But this is a different time and a different day, and I like Brooke and Bill. For me the only relationships that come close are Thorne, Eric (only the first time), and Nick (before he lost his mind). DD and KKL are not only both beautiful, but they compliment each other, and have an entirely different energy than any other of Brooke's relationships. My fear is that they are going to be sacrificed, and that out of loneliness and despair, Brooke turns to Deacon, just like the first go round. She won't be able to go to Ridge, because he will be living his new life, and if Brooke is on the loose, I suspect Katie will have her compound locked up tighter than a drum. Ultimately though, my biggest fear is that it is all designed to bring Bridge back.


I hate Maya. If your pics aren't up to par, then maybe you should try sucking it up, putting a smile on your face, and doing your damn job. How is Oliver responsible for your dour expression? The fact that you are not mentally present during your shoots? The bigger question for me though, is why would Oliver deliberately sabotage his own work when Ridge is already on the warpath with him about it? Seems to me that Oliver would be trying to get the best shots of his life. No Maya sweetie, that is entirely on you for spacing out about being a Forrester, and not concentrating on the job a hand. I don't know, maybe if Maya had to spend a month in her old life, ala The Twilight Zone, she would have a better appreciation for what she has now. Oliver may have been off base encouraging Ally about modeling, but the fact that he has been doing that from the beginning tells me it is more about Ally, and less about Maya. I keep remembering that day at the pool when they did the water shoot, and he kept telling her she was a natural. That was long before that swarm of hornets flew up Maya's ass about being a Forrester. And really, how hypocritical of her to accuse Oliver of doing exactly what she is doing. And how pray tell, is romancing a person of age, worse than going after a married man? I am about up to the gills with Maya going on about how Ally is young and is going to get hurt. That may be, but Ally and Oliver are not married unlike Rick and Caroline. I wonder how much sympathy and concern Maya would have for Caroline is she was ever able to get Rick back in bed?


I could be imagining things, but every time Ridge looks at Brooke, I see sadness and longing in his eyes.



Stop that! You just stop that right now!


To me, Rick is acting exactly like he did when Caroline was the one on the outs and he was with Maya; basically, just poo-pooing bad behavior even if it disrespects his relationship.



Agreed. And it is annoying the hell out of me. Something tells me that if another man, ex or not, ambushed a towel clad Caroline in the steam room, that the end result would have been entirely different.

Edited by RuntheTable
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As much as I don't particularly like Steffy, that's not how I saw it. They split because she left after the miscarriage and after finding out she might not be able to have kids. For whatever reason, I got the impression Liam never really minded that Steffy was manipulative. The only time it seemed he really minded was when he thought she was in on Bill's scheme to fake her having a brain tumor. Even after everything they'd been through, and when Steffy was gone and he was (theoretically) happily looking forward to a future with Hope, Liam still complied with Steffy's request that he make a video about their love for her like the one he made Hope.

I'm not saying I think that he's pining for her right now, particularly (of course, she's off screen, so...), but I've never gotten the impression that he considers her stupid and lying. If JMW was still around regularly for filming, I think we'd still be getting Waffle doing his waffle thing.

Not to say I don't think what you're saying was ever the way things were. When he was married to Steffy the first time, he pretty much seemed like he'd love an out that would get him freed up to be with Hope again (although then, when he had that out, he still pulled his wishy-washy shit, including asking both women to meet him at a specific time so he could announce his choice). But, I think he was genuinely happy with Steffy when they were married and expecting, and he was confused and hurt when she left the country after losing the baby. And, even earlier than that, when he was freaking over the idea of re-marrying Hope (after their Italy wedding was non-binding), it was Steffy he kept spending time with to get away from that stress.

And, yeah, Steffy was manipulative, no two ways about it, but Liam knew the score there soon enough, and he still maintained a relationship with her (varying from friendship to more at different times in his waffling). I think that, on some level, he was kind of charmed and flattered by the lengths she'd go to to be with him, as twisted as that sounds.

One of the reasons I (and some others) liked when Wyatt came on the scene was because he was a guy who was one hundred percent into Hope. No looking elsewhere, not waffling back and forth between women, he just wanted Hope.

*Side note: "Skank" should probably go the way of words like "slut," "whore," and the like.

As for the spoiler that a

misunderstanding in Paris leads to a Hope/Wyatt wedding, by "misunderstanding" do they mean that Hope takes a little too long in the powder room during dinner, and Liam angrily assumes she's left him and goes to track down Steffy for sex?"

Because that's how Liam generally rolls.

I just don't believe that spoiler at all because they haven't even been seen as being anything but happy, except for this Quinn mess. Liam said Hope was always the one and divorced her twice when he finally caught on to her manipulative dirty tricks. If he was so happy with her, why did he divorce her twice and send her away at his last wedding? He told her no more babies with him, said the baby wrecked them, and chose Hope like he always does because he's always wanted to marry her. He couldn't because thx to Bill and/ or Steffy always they tricked them aka as Ajax mountain and the gondola. Then there was the Malibu wedding when he told Bill that he was going to marry Hope. Steffy knew this and dropped the baby bomb when she said she was going to let him make the decision on his own.

Liam has learned his lesson about waffling and chose Hope yet again at the last wedding. That's the pattern with him because he's very much in love with her and not Steffy, otherwise he wouldn't have said those things to her at the wedding. It wasn't because JMW wasn't going to be around either. It's because he said that she was always the one.

If he was so confused and hurt about her leaving, then why was he making wedding plans with Hope even before the plane left the tarmac? LOL. Then when he finally got the answer that she should have told him before she left but was too selfish to do, he ran to the plane so fast he probably skinned his feet. He was long gone before Steffy could even get to the door to change her mind. :). That's not a sign that he was so happy with her, lol.

Edited by meow
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Liam has learned his lesson about waffling and chose Hope yet again at the last wedding.

The only guarantees in life are taxes, death and B&B wafflers. Lol

Things are nice and groovy right now but I will never ever put it past these writers to do an about face on any of these relationships for no particular reason at all. The history of this show is built on wafflage. The writers eat waffles for breakfast. They vacation in Belgium.

I think either Liam or Hope are guaranteed to waffle again at some point. They are too young and there's no way the two of them stay happily together forever. That's just not how this show works. They'll bring in Ivy or recast Steffy or Wyatt will slide back in and we'll wash rinse repeat. I mean Liam and Hope have had like 4 aborted weddings in their 3 or so years together on the show. This is what they do. Lol

Edited by luvlee2003
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I love it when Brooke calls Eric "Mr. Smooth". Stephanie used to call him that too. A little ironic, though, given his big mouth would often land him in hot water.


I also wonder if these motor skill problems are keeping Ridge from servicing the obviously insecure Katie in their bedroom.

Having a bit of difficulty inserting plug A into socket B? Perhaps Ridge should borrow Bill's Katie Logan Spencer instruction manual.


Thanks for that, #St3phForrester.  I love Susan Flannery even though I didn't always like Stephanie.  SF was the kind of actress you need in a soap.  She delivered her lines with conviction, even in the stupidest stories.  Her last years on the show were very memorable to me.

You're welcome, takeittotheBanks. I miss SF too. 


Since when are Carter and Ridge besties? They were snapping pics together yesterday

During Ridge's FC coup a few months ago it was suggested by a few characters that Carter was Ridge's right-hand man, and more recently Carter was talking about missing his squash games with Ridge, but there's never been any on-screen 1-on-1 interaction between them. Which is a real shame. I want to see conspirators conspiring on-screen! Preferably shirtless!


It's entirely possible Caroline has gone from dull as dirt to becoming my favorite character. More of these people need to take a header off a balcony.

She's one of my fave characters actually. I love her so witty and sassy and business minded unlike some of the other feather head characters.

Can I join this club? I came into the show around the time of Caroline's meddling with Rafael & Room 8 and instantly thought she was fantastic fun in comparison to the Brooke/Bill/Katie fiasco counterbalancing the show at the time.


Liam has learned his lesson about waffling and chose Hope yet again at the last wedding.

His last wedding was to Steffy.

His last successful wedding was to Steffy; the last attempted wedding was to Hope. Edited by St3phForrester
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Editing out nicknames like "Skanky". Please see post above re: skank.

I couldn't remember if it was allowed here or not. I post on several boards so sometimes I can't remember but I will now.

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Given that he had difficulty tying his tie (but could remember tying someone else's?) I put it down to loss of fine motor skills, but I like #1 as a plot contrivance as well, and I would rather that be the driving force of the character for the next however long it's going to take him to return to "normal" than anything resembling a Logan sister, simply for the sake of variety. So we all know that won't happen.

ETA also, I keep seeing around the place people pointing out that Ridge is/was left-handed, so there's that too.

I'm beginning to think he has some neurological damage that's responsible for his motor impairment, if that's the right word for it.

The only guarantees in life are taxes, death and B&B wafflers. Lol

Things are nice and groovy right now but I will never ever put it past these writers to do an about face on any of these relationships for no particular reason at all. The history of this show is built on wafflage. The writers eat waffles for breakfast. They vacation in Belgium.

I think either Liam or Hope are guaranteed to waffle again at some point. They are too young and there's no way the two of them stay happily together forever. That's just not how this show works. They'll bring in Ivy or recast Steffy or Wyatt will slide back in and we'll wash rinse repeat. I mean Liam and Hope have had like 4 aborted weddings in their 3 or so years together on the show. This is what they do. Lol

I don't expect them to be endgame at this point like I mentioned before and I'm sure there will be others in their lives but who knows. The only reasons for their aborted weddings was because of outside interference, namely Bill, Steffy, and now Wyatt and his looney mother. I'd like them to be married now and left alone to be happy at least for a couple of yrs. Crick r happy and have been for some time now without interference, except for Myrna at times but IMO they're a great couple and I'm not tired of them. Some might be of course but IMO they're really cute.

His last wedding was to Steffy.

His last wedding was to Hope in December I think when she came to tell them she could have kids and he chose Hope.

I love it when Brooke calls Eric "Mr. Smooth". Stephanie used to call him that too. A little ironic, though, given his big mouth would often land him in hot water.

Having a bit of difficulty inserting plug A into socket B? Perhaps Ridge should borrow Bill's Katie Logan Spencer instruction manual.

You're welcome, takeittotheBanks. I miss SF too.

During Ridge's FC coup a few months ago it was suggested by a few characters that Carter was Ridge's right-hand man, and more recently Carter was talking about missing his squash games with Ridge, but there's never been any on-screen 1-on-1 interaction between them. Which is a real shame. I want to see conspirators conspiring on-screen! Preferably shirtless!

Can I join this club? I came into the show around the time of Caroline's meddling with Rafael & Room 8 and instantly thought she was fantastic fun in comparison to the Brooke/Bill/Katie fiasco counterbalancing the show at the time.

His last successful wedding was to Steffy; the last attempted wedding was to Hope.

I was talking about the one to Hope, not with Steffy because I could care less about her. Besides, that's when he chose Hope like he always does!! :).

ADDED: In fact I hate, hate, hate Steffy for the nasty crap she pulled on Lope and Hope, always trying to trick Liam, again aka as Hope and the gondola and other shitty things. She was an ugly, hateful, mean spirited, spiteful, nasty character I hope I never have to see on the show ever again, ever!!

Edited by meow
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Then there is the way she (Katie) has treated Brooke, the many horrible things she has said. Yeah, ok, we get it. Bill and Brooke fell for each other. No matter who started it; the fact remains that it happened. No different than Katie and Ridge falling for each other.


Or, more fittingly, no different than when Katie and Nick fell for each other.


I've never been one to harp on that one, since he and Bridget were so ill fated well before Katie and, later on Owen, came into the picture, nor has Katie been inclined to wreck a marirage since; but this whole situation with Bill the past year has been begging a mention about this. FFS, HOPE of all people has more self-awareness and has had her eyes opened up about, "Hey, maybe I shouldn't judge people so quickly or so harshly."

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Since when are Carter and Ridge besties? They were snapping pics together yesterday

Hey, they play racquet ball all the time!! All the time! They are known at the racquet club as "the Cartridge" because they are so tight! Haven't you been watching? ;-)

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Hey, they play racquet ball all the time!! All the time! They are known at the racquet club as "the Cartridge" because they are so tight! Haven't you been watching? ;-)


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His last successful wedding was to Steffy; the last attempted wedding was to Hope.



Lord those two are exhausting. How many attempted weddings does that make? 


My twisted side hopes the next wedding attempt is kaput because Liam sleeps with Quinn and Hope finds out right before she's set to walk down the aisle.  

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Lord those two are exhausting. How many attempted weddings does that make? 


My twisted side hopes the next wedding attempt is kaput because Liam sleeps with Quinn and Hope finds out right before she's set to walk down the aisle.  

Twisted sides represent!  It's right up Bradley's alley even though Quinn did try to kill Liam.


To expand on my spoiler, there was a video posted online by the actor who plays the yacht captain in the Monacco scenes. In it, there was a very distinct shot of WYATT and Hope arriving to board the boat. This was confirmed based on the fact that DB is wearing the same clothes that he was in the background videos from Paris.

At the end of the video, Hope and her groom are shown jumping off the back of the yacht into the harbor as a "leap of faith" I guess. It's obviously two stunt doubles, but it looks like it's supposed to be Hope and Wyatt.

The video was taken down and then when it was reposted, the scene of Wyatt and Hope arriving to board had been cut out.

Either Bradley is trolling the fans hard or that wasn't supposed to get out.

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Or, more fittingly, no different than when Katie and Nick fell for each other.


I've never been one to harp on that one, since he and Bridget were so ill fated well before Katie and, later on Owen, came into the picture, nor has Katie been inclined to wreck a marirage since; but this whole situation with Bill the past year has been begging a mention about this. FFS, HOPE of all people has more self-awareness and has had her eyes opened up about, "Hey, maybe I shouldn't judge people so quickly or so harshly."


Well, when you're Katie and grew up on a diet of (a) being the "good Logan" and the best of the bunch; and (b) firmly believing that your own fecal matter doesn't stink, self-awareness isn't exactly on the menu.


All she knows is that she and Ridge are in love, and it's infuriating that other people won't fall in line and accept that.  That's why she had to hightail it over to Forrester Creations to arrogantly berate Eric because he had the temerity to appoint Brooke and Ridge as co-vice presidents of his damn company.  I would have had more respect for her if she simply lifted her leg and peed on Ridge to mark her territory.

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Y'know, as much as I can't stomach Hopeless, I would LOVE to see a LOPE matchup (anemic together though they are) followed by a surprise STILL elopement, making Steffy BOTH Liam's wicked stepmother AND Hopeless's MIL!  Now THAT would be worth watching.

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I really don't care about Ridge and Katie and think the show could do without them.  Which sucks, because Heather Tom is one of my favorite soap actresses and I haven't minded TK in the past.  In fact, I liked him a lot the first year or so he played Zach on AMC.  It's too bad they didn't bring him on as a different character.  Ridge is very limiting, IMO.


Rather than having another showdown between Ridge and Rick over leadership at Forrester (if that's where they ultimately go with this story), I'd like to see FC at odds with another fashion house.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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I like watching cheesey and/or low budget horror films online, and I found one titled "Animal." Yeah, creative title! Guess what? Credits roll at the start and I see...Thorsten Kaye! Basically the plot is a bunch of people hole up in an abandoned cabin in a forest because there is an Alien-ish looking creature wanting to eat them. TK gets to be all heroic. Derivative but not a bad movie. Next time Ridge is at Big Bear, I'm sure I'll think of it!

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Lord those two are exhausting. How many attempted weddings does that make?

My twisted side hopes the next wedding attempt is kaput because Liam sleeps with Quinn and Hope finds out right before she's set to walk down the aisle.

Thank gawd that won't happen!! They'd have been married in Malibu if it weren't for that jealous Steffy!! Before that it was Bill and now Wyatt. I see them finally getting married in Monte Carlo, otherwise why would Brooke be there? :)

Twisted sides represent! It's right up Bradley's alley even though Quinn did try to kill Liam.

To expand on my spoiler, there was a video posted online by the actor who plays the yacht captain in the Monacco scenes. In it, there was a very distinct shot of WYATT and Hope arriving to board the boat. This was confirmed based on the fact that DB is wearing the same clothes that he was in the background videos from Paris.

At the end of the video, Hope and her groom are shown jumping off the back of the yacht into the harbor as a "leap of faith" I guess. It's obviously two stunt doubles, but it looks like it's supposed to be Hope and Wyatt.

The video was taken down and then when it was reposted, the scene of Wyatt and Hope arriving to board had been cut out.

Either Bradley is trolling the fans hard or that wasn't supposed to get out.

I saw that pic and it's not at all clear that it's Wyatt because they're backs r turned. I just don't see it happening because she's very much in love with Liam and he with her. They're not fighting at all either and I see nothing changing. Are there any spoilers to support her marrying Wyatt and if she was, Brooke would have absolutely no reason to go with them. It just doesn't make any sense, especially given Wyatt's nasty parting shot to her the other day. He's also not contesting Lope's relationship. IMO that's proof that she's marrying Liam. :)

Well, when you're Katie and grew up on a diet of (a) being the "good Logan" and the best of the bunch; and (b) firmly believing that your own fecal matter doesn't stink, self-awareness isn't exactly on the menu.

All she knows is that she and Ridge are in love, and it's infuriating that other people won't fall in line and accept that. That's why she had to hightail it over to Forrester Creations to arrogantly berate Eric because he had the temerity to appoint Brooke and Ridge as co-vice presidents of his damn company. I would have had more respect for her if she simply lifted her leg and peed on Ridge to mark her territory.

LMAO!! IMO that's what she's been doing.

Y'know, as much as I can't stomach Hopeless, I would LOVE to see a LOPE matchup (anemic together though they are) followed by a surprise STILL elopement, making Steffy BOTH Liam's wicked stepmother AND Hopeless's MIL! Now THAT would be worth watching.

Good thing we won't be!! :)

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I see them finally getting married in Monte Carlo, otherwise why would Brooke be there? :)


Brooke would be there whether a Lope wedding actually completely goes down or not.  God knows she was at every other wedding Hope and Liam "almost" had. 


Maybe that's actually the problem - Brooke's bad luck for Hope's weddings to Liam.  If the next one doesn't happen, they should try leaving her off the guest list for try number 57. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Guys, I just want us all to take a moment and acknowledge the fact that there's an Australian on B&B now. When she opened her mouth and spoke for the first time my little Aussie heart just swelled with patriotic pride. And then she said "Lemon Baahs" and I fell in love completely. Chookas, Ashleigh Brewer! I hope Ivy kicks ass and takes names for a long time to come. Hope already hates her for no good reason so that just makes my day.


And I'm glad to see Asshole Bill Spencer is back in town. I liked him calling Ridge "Smidge". And that scene at the end was good too, great editing between Ridge meditating and what he was seeing in his head. I couldn't help but notice, though, that that whole speech from Katie was lifted from a speech Stephanie gave Eric when he was blinded 20-odd years ago (only because I'd only just recapped that scene for my fansite a couple of days ago); she said the same things about seeing all the beautiful dresses and his children and his family and blah blah. Stephanie did it better, of course.


Spoilers from SNS for 7/21:


Confronted by Brooke, Bill strongly denies having any involvement in Ridge's accident. // Despite her misgivings, Brooke still agrees to marry Bill right away. // However, Brooke is stunned when, after researching Bill's financial records, Katie reveals that she doesn't think Ridge's fall was an accident. // Bill makes plans for an impromptu wedding for Brooke, but his trip to Catalina doesn't go as planned. // Meanwhile, an intrigued Deacon decides to investigate Bill's dealings. // Deacon tries to make amends with Brooke. // Hope begins to realize why her father really came back to Los Angeles. // After inheriting the Hope for the Future diamond, Wyatt decides to use the windfall to his advantage. // Wyatt shares a secret with Ivy about Hope and the Hope for the Future line. // Liam encourages Wyatt's budding friendship with Ivy, unaware of his brother's scheming. // Wyatt returns to Forrester Creations with a special present for Hope. // COMING: The pressure is on Brooke to cancel her wedding.

Edited by St3phForrester
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Maybe Ridge's header into the PC has shown him his true calling; he can no longer draw because his true passion is writing poetry? Pick up that pencil man, and set to work on your first poetic masterpiece!


Why does everyone defer to Hope in regards to major decisions at FC's? She doesn't design, isn't on the executive staff, doesn't model; she is the face of a line, and she has a message. Oh, and is apparently an expert on jewelry design.


And since when is jewelry the most important part of FC's?


Ivy is adorable. I will be interested to see how she fits in. I agree that Hope didn't seem all that thrilled.


I came across that clip about the upcoming nuptials in Monaco;

And there is absolutely no doubt that is Wyatt and Hope. I didn't see Liam, but of course this is only a short clip and is very choppy. There was some verbiage that said this may be a dream sequence, I would suppose of Wyatt's.


I see Bill is back to the business of being Bill. No employee perks! This is a soap of course, but the publishing industry is suffering, so I guess I can give him a small pass on his shitty behavior to his staff.


"the Cartridge"



Simply awesome. And it conjures up some intriguing mental images.........


I'd like to see FC at odds with another fashion house.



Sadly, I think those days are long gone. I don't think Bradley has the creativity to come up with a new fashion house rival for Forrester. He has taken the show in an entirely different direction from his father. Sure, Bill had his triangles, be he balanced it nicely with the fashion drama. Now, the only fashion shows we get are "design offs".


 I like watching cheesey and/or low budget horror films



You are playing my heart strings there! I have posted before about my love of terrible movies. The worse the film, the more I like it. I have a penchant for old 50's black & white's with mutated bugs, or giant folks. Also love "squishname" films; Sharktopussy, Dinoshark, Pyaconda, to name a few.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Wyatt is trying to get Hope back with Ivy's help starting next week. He probably takes inheriting the diamond as some sort of "sign". Hmmm....why would Ivy agree to help someone she just met get his girlfriend back.

KM said in an interview at the Emmys something to the effect of Liam being her head ie - the smart choice and Wyatt being her heart - the passionate choice.

I can see Bradley pulling a stunt where Liam is trying to find Hope after some misunderstanding and she's off in Monacco marrying Wyatt and he arrives too late.

Sort of a full circle from the gondola ride is Aspen where Hope had to watch Liam and Steffy get married.

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I see Bill is back to the business of being Bill. No employee perks! This is a soap of course, but the publishing industry is suffering, so I guess I can give him a small pass on his shitty behavior to his staff.



I fully expected to be upset at the return of Bill's assholery, but as the sister of an associate editor at SI, I totally agree with his actions.  The publishing world, especially print journalism, has taken a real beating in recent years.  Time, Inc. laid off more than 500 employees just a few short months ago and shuttered some of its magazines or moved the content online.  My sister was spared, but was devastated and in tears when I spoke to her because so many of her friends lost their jobs--all good people.  My own hometown newspaper, The Washington Post, has seen its quality deteriorate in recent years, as copy editors are either opting for early retirement or having their jobs eliminated.  As a result, typographical and grammatical errors are frequently caught by readers.  Plus, the newspaper eliminated the ombudsman, which is outrageous, because readers no longer have an independent voice.  Print publication companies are being forced to make these types of decisions everyday.  So I'm not mad at Bill for doing away with Katie's changes.


While the concept of a daycare and all the other goodies Katie added may look good on paper and boost employee morale, those changes couldn't be sustained on a long-term basis especially if the company's profits are down.  We already saw that Katie was not a good steward of Spencer Publications' bottom line.  I'm sure the employees would rather keep their jobs and earn a livable wage so that they can afford to pay for childcare costs.  And, trust and believe, that as the boss, Katie had carte blanche to take advantage of certain perks that her employees wouldn't have access to.  How many can actually bring in a playpen and place it in their offices or at their cubicles?  How many can take off for a "mental health day" just because their ex-husband pissed them off?  How many can leave their posts to go to a boyfriend or husband's job to mark their territory?


While Bill seems quite human in the last year or so, there are some things about him that will never change.  And, guess what?  I'm okay with that.

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Sorry MulletorHater, no offense intended. I wasn't really referring to what Bill took away, but more the way he took it away. A little heads up about not bringing your kid in that day would have been nice! In general though, perks at work are becoming a thing of the past. I am a Finance professional for a billion dollar, global corporation, and feel fortunate to have expensive health care, and a few weeks of paid time off. And the industry I work in is strong, and has not really been affected by the economic downturns we have been facing. Print media though has really had a tough go with the advent of the internet, and Kindles, and Nooks and so on. My hometown paper, The Baltimore Sun, is a shadow of it's former self, so I feel your pain about the Post, always one of my favorite reads.


As far as Bill changing? Nah. Only if it pertains to Brooke. The Stallion must maintain that aura of implacability, otherwise, he would just become another Ridge.

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Oh, RuntheTable, no offense was taken!  I'm one of those avid readers who was dragged kicking and screaming to my Kindle (a birthday gift from hubby) because I loved holding a book in my hands and the feel of turning a real page.  I have to admit though that the Kindle is a great way to read several books while traveling or during my subway commute.  I'm still waiting for my sister to forgive me for this betrayal!


ITA about the way Bill went about doing things.  But, it's typical Bill and the guy is often his own worst enemy.  One of my favorite moments was when he realized that Brooke pulled one over on him with regard to those papers.  Opening that envelope and seeing that torn agreement and a bunch of leaves fall out was pure comedy gold!  However, the character floundered while he was playing the househusband.  Thankfully, the writers have seen fit to put him back where he belongs and to keep some elements of his core character intact.  I'm still at a loss as to why he simply doesn't come clean with Brooke about Ridge's helicopter dunking, but again, it's typical Bill.

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copy editors are either opting for early retirement or having their jobs eliminated.  As a result, typographical and grammatical errors are frequently caught by readers. 

Sorry to go off topic, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.  I'm guessing errors are getting published because the editors they have left are too overworked & miss things.  Saving money is useless if quality is being sacrificed.

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KM said in an interview at the Emmys something to the effect of Liam being her head ie - the smart choice and Wyatt being her heart - the passionate choice.



I've been saying pretty much the same thing for a while.  She feels like she should be with Liam, for a variety of reasons, but I've never seen her as physically into Liam as she's been with Wyatt.  (I figured it was safe to leave this portion of the spoiler out of spoiler tags.) 

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Anyone willing to give a short recap of today's show?  LeBron is coming back to Cleveland, and we had to have an hour of live people on the street interviews rather than my one soap that I watch faithfully.  Grrr.

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Sorry to go off topic, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.  I'm guessing errors are getting published because the editors they have left are too overworked & miss things.  Saving money is useless if quality is being sacrificed.

Actually that is a real issue for print newspapers for both reasons, less copy editors = over worked ones that are left. I have family members in print publishing and used to work in it myself so I wouldn't say it was dumb.

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Actually that is a real issue for print newspapers for both reasons, less copy editors = over worked ones that are left. I have family members in print publishing and used to work in it myself so I wouldn't say it was dumb.

I hope I didn't sound offensive.  I meant it's dumb they're getting rid of staff that appear to be greatly needed.

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 You are playing my heart strings there! I have posted before about my love of terrible movies. The worse the film, the more I like it. I have a penchant for old 50's black & white's with mutated bugs, or giant folks. Also love "squishname" films; Sharktopussy, Dinoshark, Pyaconda, to name a few.

I watched a really cheesy one recently in which a bunch of teens (of course) who are rowing across a lake get attacked by a giant man-eating catfish/piranha hybrid. Said fish is so phoney looking it is hysterical. Lots of fake blood too.

If Hope actually used her head she wouldn't be involved with two brothers. I frankly wish both would dump her. I'm sick of the Princess Hope worship.

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Brooke would be there whether a Lope wedding actually completely goes down or not. God knows she was at every other wedding Hope and Liam "almost" had.

Maybe that's actually the problem - Brooke's bad luck for Hope's weddings to Liam. If the next one doesn't happen, they should try leaving her off the guest list for try number 57.

I'll wait and see.

Guys, I just want us all to take a moment and acknowledge the fact that there's an Australian on B&B now. When she opened her mouth and spoke for the first time my little Aussie heart just swelled with patriotic pride. And then she said "Lemon Baahs" and I fell in love completely. Chookas, Ashleigh Brewer! I hope Ivy kicks ass and takes names for a long time to come. Hope already hates her for no good reason so that just makes my day.

And I'm glad to see Asshole Bill Spencer is back in town. I liked him calling Ridge "Smidge". And that scene at the end was good too, great editing between Ridge meditating and what he was seeing in his head. I couldn't help but notice, though, that that whole speech from Katie was lifted from a speech Stephanie gave Eric when he was blinded 20-odd years ago (only because I'd only just recapped that scene for my fansite a couple of days ago); she said the same things about seeing all the beautiful dresses and his children and his family and blah blah. Stephanie did it better, of course.

Spoilers from SNS for 7/21:

Confronted by Brooke, Bill strongly denies having any involvement in Ridge's accident. // Despite her misgivings, Brooke still agrees to marry Bill right away. // However, Brooke is stunned when, after researching Bill's financial records, Katie reveals that she doesn't think Ridge's fall was an accident. // Bill makes plans for an impromptu wedding for Brooke, but his trip to Catalina doesn't go as planned. // Meanwhile, an intrigued Deacon decides to investigate Bill's dealings. // Deacon tries to make amends with Brooke. // Hope begins to realize why her father really came back to Los Angeles. // After inheriting the Hope for the Future diamond, Wyatt decides to use the windfall to his advantage. // Wyatt shares a secret with Ivy about Hope and the Hope for the Future line. // Liam encourages Wyatt's budding friendship with Ivy, unaware of his brother's scheming. // Wyatt returns to Forrester Creations with a special present for Hope. // COMING: The pressure is on Brooke to cancel her wedding.

Hope took to her immediately and even hugged her, SMH.

Maybe Ridge's header into the PC has shown him his true calling; he can no longer draw because his true passion is writing poetry? Pick up that pencil man, and set to work on your first poetic masterpiece!

Why does everyone defer to Hope in regards to major decisions at FC's? She doesn't design, isn't on the executive staff, doesn't model; she is the face of a line, and she has a message. Oh, and is apparently an expert on jewelry design.

And since when is jewelry the most important part of FC's?

Ivy is adorable. I will be interested to see how she fits in. I agree that Hope didn't seem all that thrilled.

I came across that clip about the upcoming nuptials in Monaco;

And there is absolutely no doubt that is Wyatt and Hope. I didn't see Liam, but of course this is only a short clip and is very choppy. There was some verbiage that said this may be a dream sequence, I would suppose of Wyatt's.

I see Bill is back to the business of being Bill. No employee perks! This is a soap of course, but the publishing industry is suffering, so I guess I can give him a small pass on his shitty behavior to his staff.

Simply awesome. And it conjures up some intriguing mental images.........

Sadly, I think those days are long gone. I don't think Bradley has the creativity to come up with a new fashion house rival for Forrester. He has taken the show in an entirely different direction from his father. Sure, Bill had his triangles, be he balanced it nicely with the fashion drama. Now, the only fashion shows we get are "design offs".

You are playing my heart strings there! I have posted before about my love of terrible movies. The worse the film, the more I like it. I have a penchant for old 50's black & white's with mutated bugs, or giant folks. Also love "squishname" films; Sharktopussy, Dinoshark, Pyaconda, to name a few.

I'm still baffled why so many think she's going to marry Liam. I just don't get it!! Wyatt proposed once already and she flat out turned him down. I'm just SMH at it. She doesn't care about money or jewels, that's just not who she is so if he thinks giving it to her will make her marry him he's got another thing coming!! They probably defer to Hope because it's her line and she seems to have the final say. Edited by meow
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A few months ago, the banner headline on the front page of our newspaper read, "Heath care law goes into effect".  I noticed it immediately, and found it hard to believe nobody on the newspaper's staff saw it.


I know Liam was trying to do the brotherly bonding thing, but, to me, it seemed a little insensitive to ask Wyatt to be his best man.



Y'know, as much as I can't stomach Hopeless, I would LOVE to see a LOPE matchup (anemic together though they are) followed by a surprise STILL elopement, making Steffy BOTH Liam's wicked stepmother AND Hopeless's MIL!  Now THAT would be worth watching.

I would be on board with that!  For a long time, I've thought that Steffy and Bill were soul mates!


Thanks to LeBron, a short-ish recap for donovan:

Ridge sort of, but not really, remembers what happened on the helicopter.  He remembers seeing the Spencer Publications logo on the pilot's (Justin's) jacket, but he can't put the pieces together.  Katie suggests they go back to FC, since that environment might get his creativity flowing again.

BIll and Brooke are making plans for their wedding.  Brooke suggests a double wedding with Liam and Hope.  Bill just wants to get married so he can do a happy dance in Ridge's face.  Brooke wants herself, Bill, Ridge, and Katie all to be able to move forward and do a happy dance together.  (I did not make that up!)  Justin interrupts them and tells Bill he has to go to FC to discuss some SP business with Rick.

Liam and Hope go visit Wyatt.  Wyatt reads a message from Quinn, where she apologizes to both of them and is grateful to them for not pressing charges.  She says she's getting the help she needs.  Liam is very grateful to Wyatt for saving his life, and asks Wyatt to be the best man at their wedding.  Wyatt accepts.

After Hope and Liam leave, Wyatt is remembering his Valentine's Day fun with Hope.  Someone knocks on his door.  It's two very big and serious looking men, one of whom is carrying a briefcase.  They work for the man who owned the famous and mystical HFTF diamond.  (Sorry, I'm blanking on his name.  Was it Riccardo?)  They tell Wyatt that Riccardo has died, and he had no family, so he left the diamond to Wyatt, since Wyatt loved the diamond as much as he did and would take good care of it.

Katie and Ridge are at FC, Ridge is trying to sketch.  Justin pops in looking for Rick.  Ridge sees him and starts having those memories again.  Justin kind of freaks and bolts out of the office, but does Ridge now remember everything?

Edited by Snaporaz
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Hey everyone, in case you haven't heard; LeBron is going back to Cleveland!


So, Wyatt is going to be the best man? That would explain

why he is on board the yacth with Hope in Monacco. But that doesn't explain why Liam is no where in sight, and why we see Hope and Wyatt jumping off the ship together.


I know Liam was trying to do the brotherly bonding thing, but, to me, it seemed a little insensitive to ask Wyatt to be his best man.



Agreed. Just like everything else on B&B, this is happening at breakneck speed. It has only been what, about three days since Hope made her most recent choice? So we are to believe that Wyatt's new found feelings for Liam are stronger than those he has for Hope? Whateva! And now the diamond is back. Will it's magical aura be what breaks the Liam/Hope connection? Maybe Ivy will fall under it's spell and develop an insta hardon for Wyatt.


Could Hope have looked any less excited to hear Liam talking to Wyatt about their wedding?



No. I couldn't quite decide if it was annoyance that they were bonding, which would mean no more fighting over her, or more a look of sly satisfaction that these two guys love her enough to put their differences aside.


I am having some thoughts about Bill and Justin. Obviously, Ridge is going to remember. Ok, so why do Bill and Justin have to admit to anything? No one but the two of them know that Bill gave that directive. So, Justin could just say that the wind grabbed the chopter, or that his knee hit the control handle, or that he blacked out for a second, or that he got a cramp in his arm, or....anything. He could say he panicked, and flew back to shore to get help out as fast as possible. It would look like a terrible accident, and not a deliberate act. Also, if it does come out, and the family is out for blood, which I have no doubt it will be, would US laws govern a crime commited in Abu Dhabi?


Oh, RuntheTable, no offense was taken!  I'm one of those avid readers who was dragged kicking and screaming to my Kindle (a birthday gift from hubby) because I loved holding a book in my hands and the feel of turning a real page.  I have to admit though that the Kindle is a great way to read several books while traveling or during my subway commute.  I'm still waiting for my sister to forgive me for this betrayal!



:) There really isn't anything like the tactile feel, and wonderful smell, as you turn the pages of a good old fashioned book. Hardback preferred!


I watched a really cheesy one recently in which a bunch of teens (of course) who are rowing across a lake get attacked by a giant man-eating catfish/piranha hybrid. Said fish is so phoney looking it is hysterical. Lots of fake blood too.



Ha! Does one of the kids have a necklace that protects him? And does an old man force the last survivor back into the lake with the mutant fish? If so, I saw that one. It had all the required elements; terrible acting, bad special effects, crappy writing and cinematography. It was great! I even watched it a second time.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Ha! Does one of the kids have a necklace that protects him? And does an old man force the last survivor back into the lake with the mutant fish? If so, I saw that one. It had all the required elements; terrible acting, bad special effects, crappy writing and cinematography. It was great! I even watched it a second time.

Oh yeah, that's it! Truly awful fun. Mark Margolis played the old man. He is a renowned character actor. I figured he was a family friend of the director and appeared in the film as a favor.

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Hey everyone, in case you haven't heard; LeBron is going back to Cleveland!

So, Wyatt is going to be the best man? That would explain

why he is on board the yacht with Hope in Monacco. But that doesn't explain why Liam is no where in sight, and why we see Hope and Wyatt jumping off the ship together.

Agreed. Just like everything else on B&B, this is happening at breakneck speed. It has only been what, about three days since Hope made her most recent choice? So we are to believe that Wyatt's new found feelings for Liam are stronger than those he has for Hope? Whateva! And now the diamond is back. Will it's magical aura be what breaks the Liam/Hope connection? Maybe Ivy will fall under it's spell and develop an insta hardon for Wyatt.

No. I couldn't quite decide if it was annoyance that they were bonding, which would mean no more fighting over her, or more a look of sly satisfaction that these two guys love her enough to put their differences aside.

Wyatt proposed to Hope once and she said no. I don't see her changing her mind because nothing has changed since then, she's still in love with Liam and always has been. I'd appreciate it if somebody could steer me in the direction of that pic. I saw it briefly but would like to see it again because whomever she jumps off the ship with has their back turned and there's no way to know if it's Liam or Wyatt for sure.

I cannot believe that after all Liam has done for Wyatt and he's going to stab him in the back by probably proposing to Hope again because he's got the diamond now. She doesn't care about things like that and I can't wait to watch her turn his stupid ass down yet again!! Besides I thought he said he didn't need her that much?!! Remember that bracelet he gave her that time? She never did wear it. She looked at it and thanked him but didn't put it on. She just doesn't care about money and jewels. He's so stupid, RME!!

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I'd appreciate it if somebody could steer me in the direction of that pic. I saw it briefly but would like to see it again because whomever she jumps off the ship with has their back turned and there's no way to know if it's Liam or Wyatt for sure.


I don't know the rules on these boards about posting links, or referencing other sites, so I will not do that. What I can tell you is I found the video clip/pictures by Googling "Bold and the Beautiful spoilers". The article is several pages back, and has a few pictures and a short video of the actor playing the Captain who performs the ceremony on the yacht. In the video there is a clear shot of Kim Matula and Darin Brooks boarding from a smaller boat. There is a picture showing Hope and the groom from behind; I think it is pretty clear the guy is Wyatt for a few reasons. His hair is flatter on top, and fuller on the sides unlike Liam's. The individual is also taller and thinner than Liam; Hope only comes to roughly shoulder height next to the actor, and she and Liam are approximately the same height. Of course pictures and videos can be deceiving, but I am pretty conviced the person in them is Wyatt. And there is always the possibility the shots are telling a different story than what we are assuming.



In any event, it is all speculation on my part. This is B&B, the show of triangles that go on forever. Given this involves Hope and Liam, I can see Bradley coming up with something that upsets Hope, or creating some big misunderstanding that sends her running back to Wyatt. I guess we will all have to wait and see.

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I don't know the rules on these boards about posting links, or referencing other sites, so I will not do that. What I can tell you is I found the video clip/pictures by Googling "Bold and the Beautiful spoilers". The article is several pages back, and has a few pictures and a short video of the actor playing the Captain who performs the ceremony on the yacht. In the video there is a clear shot of Kim Matula and Darin Brooks boarding from a smaller boat. There is a picture showing Hope and the groom from behind; I think it is pretty clear the guy is Wyatt for a few reasons. His hair is flatter on top, and fuller on the sides unlike Liam's. The individual is also taller and thinner than Liam; Hope only comes to roughly shoulder height next to the actor, and she and Liam are approximately the same height. Of course pictures and videos can be deceiving, but I am pretty conviced the person in them is Wyatt. And there is always the possibility the shots are telling a different story than what we are assuming.

In any event, it is all speculation on my part. This is B&B, the show of triangles that go on forever. Given this involves Hope and Liam, I can see Bradley coming up with something that upsets Hope, or creating some big misunderstanding that sends her running back to Wyatt. I guess we will all have to wait and see.

Thx for telling me where to find it and I'll do that. I tried and tried to find them but no luck. I still don't think it's Hope because Wyatt proposed once already and she said no. Plus Lope have never been seen to fight. It just makes no sense that it's Wyatt unless he pulls a gondola type scenario on Liam and tricks her into marrying him. I'm just going to wait and see.

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@RuntheTable if it's on a legal site you are welcome to post the link.


Thanks radishcake, I was looking in the questions section but didn't see that topic, or maybe I just overlooked it. Thanks agains for taking the time to respond and for being a great mod!

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Thanks radishcake, I was looking in the questions section but didn't see that topic, or maybe I just overlooked it. Thanks agains for taking the time to respond and for being a great mod!


If you can get to it easily again, would you mind posting a link to it?  I haven't seen it and would like to take a look.  Thanks! 

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That does look more like Wyatt than Liam. hmmmm   Especially in the 1st still photo with his back to the camera and being dabbed on the back of his neck.

I've read elsewhere that the two people seen leaping off the boat are body doubles but based on other photos I found elsewhere, I think the character is Wyatt.

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