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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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“Seek to be a person who finds peace when something triggers you instead of getting angry and seeking revenge”

This quote was posted from the Queen of Walls, the same one who cries she doesn’t feel “safe” when she is triggered. 🙄 




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On 2/1/2023 at 9:28 AM, Cetacean said:

We have heard from three out of, what 15? 18? 28?  I lost track of the number of kids.  One of them is a known loose cannon who bullies and himself uses physical abuse, one is a flibbertigibbet and two are business rivals.  Not buying it.  But the public is so they got what they want - attention and money on their paid SM accounts.

Who is considered to be the loose cannon?

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4 hours ago, tensedabs said:

He's not trying to curate a money making scheme from what he says and therefore inhibiting his opinions.

Oh, I absolutely disagree. Paedon was making TikToks wearing a "What. Does the Nanny. Do?" T-shirt. He was doing podcasts, and trying to establish a social media presence. I just think Gwen and Mykelti were smarter about monetizing (and if he's still in the service, perhaps there are some restrictions on what he can do -- I don't know).

He was primarily smack talking Robyn, but then he pivoted to Meri, and started standing up for Robyn (which, to me, felt like Daddy had words with him). Paedon very much seemed to be trying to make a splash.

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More unoriginal drivel from Meri. The woman rarely has an original quote or thought of her own, it’s almost always pre-packaged and crafted. I find it so hypocritical coming from the woman who, when challenged or pressured, becomes snarky and mean, possibly causing people to have feeling of unworthiness. 



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From Lizzy's website:

You have three retreat options: Supreme (you'll be sharing a bathroom and a bed with Marge from Dubuque - she's a snorer and lactose intolerant so watch out, lol!), Elite (no Marge, but you don't get any special brown sauce on your Costco ice cream on Make Your Own Sundae night) or Elite Plus (you might have to take out a second mortgage on your house but you get to meet Meri Brown, star of the hit TV show Sister Wives!  Disclaimer: you may NOT ask her any questions unless it relates to purchasing LuLaRoe merchandise, and you may NOT look Meri directly in the eyes).

Transportation, as always, is not included so Meri doesn't care how you get to Parowan.  Uber, bike, walk, whatever.

And more:

All sales are FINAL.  If you are unable to attend after you've already paid, we will hold your payment and apply it to the next event you're able to attend.

This is insane for what she's charging.  People have things come up, or they change their minds, or the timing doesn't work out.  For Meri to keep FOUR TO SIX GRAND from her customers and apply it to another retreat that may or may not ever happen?  W in the actual F is that about??  Is that even legal?

I recently booked a few days at a resort during peak season.  A few days later I realized we had a conflict.  The resort refunded my down payment, minus $25.  Whatever, I get that.  But if they had wanted to keep my entire down payment?  I would've been furious and never booked there again.  Who, exactly, does Meri think she is?  Beyonce?



Edited by laurakaye
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18 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Who, exactly, does Meri think she is? 

Strong, independent, platitude-spewing Boss Babe.  Who wouldn't drop $6K to be in her hallowed presence and be imbued with her incredible wisdom?  What an honor to be in the same hallowed space as this amazing leader!

To quote Miranda Priestly "Everybody wants to be us".

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Just the thought of Meri potentially spending some misguided person's hard-earned 4 grand on boxes of leggings makes me angry - I highly doubt Meri is stashing that cash away until the attendee can make another retreat in 6 - 9 months or whenever Meri decides to hold another one.

Until an attendee breaks their NDA or something, I will continue to believe that Meri's guests are other MLM shillers who go to each other's "retreats" in an effort to drum up real-live paying suckers.

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26 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Until an attendee breaks their NDA or something, I will continue to believe that Meri's guests are other MLM shillers who go to each other's "retreats" in an effort to drum up real-live paying suckers.

The whole thing is just smoke and mirrors.  She might reel in one sucker by posing with the rest of the non-payor plants.

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6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

From Lizzy's website:

You have three retreat options: Supreme (you'll be sharing a bathroom and a bed with Marge from Dubuque - she's a snorer and lactose intolerant so watch out, lol!), Elite (no Marge, but you don't get any special brown sauce on your Costco ice cream on Make Your Own Sundae night) or Elite Plus (you might have to take out a second mortgage on your house but you get to meet Meri Brown, star of the hit TV show Sister Wives!  Disclaimer: you may NOT ask her any questions unless it relates to purchasing LuLaRoe merchandise, and you may NOT look Meri directly in the eyes).

Transportation, as always, is not included so Meri doesn't care how you get to Parowan.  Uber, bike, walk, whatever.

And more:

All sales are FINAL.  If you are unable to attend after you've already paid, we will hold your payment and apply it to the next event you're able to attend.

This is insane for what she's charging.  People have things come up, or they change their minds, or the timing doesn't work out.  For Meri to keep FOUR TO SIX GRAND from her customers and apply it to another retreat that may or may not ever happen?  W in the actual F is that about??  Is that even legal?

I recently booked a few days at a resort during peak season.  A few days later I realized we had a conflict.  The resort refunded my down payment, minus $25.  Whatever, I get that.  But if they had wanted to keep my entire down payment?  I would've been furious and never booked there again.  Who, exactly, does Meri think she is?  Beyonce?



Does she want them to show up if they're under the weather?!

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1 hour ago, Teafortwo said:

All sales are FINAL.  If you are unable to attend after you've already paid, we will hold your payment and apply it to the next event you're able to attend

What nerve!   

Suppose you can't go after you've paid because Grandma was in a terrible accident and you need to spend that money on medical bills? on home nursing care? on a wheelchair?   TOUGH!  Meri has your money and your grandma can suck it! 

I guess even if she is able to sell your spot to someone else at the last minute, she will still hold your money.  ??? 

Is Meri ever not a total bitch? 

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2 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

What nerve!   

Suppose you can't go after you've paid because Grandma was in a terrible accident and you need to spend that money on medical bills? on home nursing care? on a wheelchair?   TOUGH!  Meri has your money and your grandma can suck it! 

I guess even if she is able to sell your spot to someone else at the last minute, she will still hold your money.  ??? 

Is Meri ever not a total bitch? 

To your last sentence, a gigantic NO!!

Meri has balls as big as church bells, and I pity the fools that buy into her WAY overpriced retreats, and anything else she's shilling.

I can't believe anyone speaks to her, let alone lets her victimize them.  Wise up, you chumps!

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I don't know. I kind of get it. The B&B only has four rooms.


Let me be clear. I think the prices she is charging for these seeming self-improvement "retreats" hosted by a woman who probably doesn't even yet know that she is well rid of her ridiculous ex-husband are enormous. I will not argue with anyone on that point. And I cannot, for a minute, imagine paying thousands of dollars to meet any Brown. 

All her delusion aside though, since the B&B has four rooms, if/since she seemingly can find suckers to pay those prices (can you imagine?!?!?! You could have the most luxurious weekend for that money), I can get that she can't/won't give you back your money, because the sucker pool is limited, and if you bow out at the last second, it will be hard to find another sucker who is as much of a sucker as you, to take up that space.

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7 hours ago, General Days said:

I don't know. I kind of get it. The B&B only has four rooms.


Let me be clear. I think the prices she is charging for these seeming self-improvement "retreats" hosted by a woman who probably doesn't even yet know that she is well rid of her ridiculous ex-husband are enormous. I will not argue with anyone on that point. And I cannot, for a minute, imagine paying thousands of dollars to meet any Brown. 

All her delusion aside though, since the B&B has four rooms, if/since she seemingly can find suckers to pay those prices (can you imagine?!?!?! You could have the most luxurious weekend for that money), I can get that she can't/won't give you back your money, because the sucker pool is limited, and if you bow out at the last second, it will be hard to find another sucker who is as much of a sucker as you, to take up that space.

She also seems to have designed it so that people cannot say it was terrible. Most businesses want to grow and adapt, she just wants to hurt people by taking advantage (and not allowing them to report that they were taken advantage of, because, NDA).

Meri Brown is a force of dark, negative energy. She doesn’t care who she uses as long as she comes out ahead. 

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As far as a NDA:


Language that is too broad, unreasonable or onerous can void an agreement. Courts will also challenge or invalidate agreements that are overly expansive, oppressive or try to cover non-confidential information. Subsequently, if the information becomes public knowledge, an NDA can no longer be enforced.

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Well Brené Brown likely gets thousands as a speaker. 🤣 And Meri is absolutely, positively no Brené Brown!

I don't even know who that is, so my "I cannot, for a minute, imagine paying thousands of dollars to meet any Brown," declaration not only stands, but has been expanded by one Brown.

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On 2/17/2023 at 7:57 AM, GeeGolly said:

Well Brené Brown likely gets thousands as a speaker. 🤣 And Meri is absolutely, positively no Brené Brown!


On 2/17/2023 at 12:40 PM, General Days said:

I don't even know who that is, so my "I cannot, for a minute, imagine paying thousands of dollars to meet any Brown," declaration not only stands, but has been expanded by one Brown.

Okay, I still don't really know anything about Brené Brown, but Vegas therapist Nancy name checks her (and one of her books, maybe on vulnerability) in a session with Meri and Janelle. I caught the episode today, so the timing was just funny to me, given our early convo.

Edited by General Days
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5 hours ago, General Days said:


Okay, I still don't really know anything about Brené Brown, but Vegas therapist Nancy name checks her (and one of her books, maybe on vulnerability) in a session with Meri and Janelle. I caught the episode today, so the timing was just funny to me, given our early convo.

Meri is a Brené Brown wannabe. The only problem is Brené is an educated professor/author/speaker and Meri is an MLMer/Meme poster.


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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Meri is a Brené Brown wannabe. The only problem is Brené is an educated professor/author/speaker and Meri is an MLMer/Meme poster.


I looked up Brené Brown after seeing your earlier post. I am not personally familiar with her work, but I didn't mean to put her down; she seems pretty impressive.

I have a lot of sympathy for Meri, but I cannot imagine being motivated by her, except as a cautionary tale. (I keep picturing the old "Glamour Don'ts from Glamour magazine -- with the black bar across the eyes of the "Don't" examples).



FANDOM CONFIDENTIAL TO MERI: Leave the cult; disentangle yourself from your ex-husband; fix your relationships with estranged family members (not him! the rest of them); stop exploiting your fanbase with predatory MLMs; go work on yourself. Call us five years after you've done all that, and we'll reassess. 


Edited by General Days
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I wonder if we are going to get any sneak peaks of the amazing activities and extraordinary food that was served at the exclusive retreat in Parawan??

They're going to have to give her a storyline, and it doesn't appear that Meri sees any of the other family members on a regular basis. Maybe they will show her having more "deep" conversations with Robyn, or arguing things out with Kody.

Regardless, I suspect the upcoming season will be full of boring filler material from all the wives. From their social media, there isn't much going on that I would really be interested in. 







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6 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I wonder if we are going to get any sneak peaks of the amazing activities and extraordinary food that was served at the exclusive retreat in Parawan??

Or if anyone was left feeling like they deserved a bit more for the price……..

if I had so much money that $6k didn’t matter to me — and being sued for violating a NDA didn’t matter — I’d go just to see what she’s providing for $6k. If it were laughable, I’d tell the world and let her sue me.

Because there’s simply NO POSSIBLE WAY her boring old house, in Utah, IN WINTER, combined with her lack of expertise on holding retreats is worth $6k. 

She’s kinda like Whitney Thore that way — thinking she’s better than she is without having had to practice or earn a following in the profession. She just wants to charge top dog prices. 

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

As an aside, her friend Jenn made her Instagram private.

Interesting - as half of the wildly popular IG show "Fridays With Friends," you'd think she would want to stay public to help Meri entice those all-important followers with money to burn at her retreats.  I wonder if Just Jenn is getting some blowback for being besties with Meri?

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14 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Interesting - as half of the wildly popular IG show "Fridays With Friends," you'd think she would want to stay public to help Meri entice those all-important followers with money to burn at her retreats.  I wonder if Just Jenn is getting some blowback for being besties with Meri?

I have wondered where Jenn and her kids go when Meri stages these retreats.

Edited by Sandy W
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Is anyone else wondering why Meri hasn’t come out and shared all the awesomeness from her most recent “sold out” retreat? Wouldn’t she want the publicity? Or, as we suspect happened last time, was it a bust? 

Found this article questioning whether or not it was even legal how Meri was advertising the retreat: https://tvshowsace.com/2023/01/23/meri-brown-bb-retreat-a-scam-per-ftc-guidelines/


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I could be wrong, but silence on the issue probably means it was just the LuLaRot downline that attended.  It was probably the ones that are selling (and buying!) the most, or that are the best at sucking up. 

I haven't checked...did she give up Fridays with Buttkissers?  Some of the comments were fun to read (the snarkiest ones, naturally.)


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On 2/17/2023 at 1:42 PM, ginger90 said:

As far as a NDA:


Language that is too broad, unreasonable or onerous can void an agreement. Courts will also challenge or invalidate agreements that are overly expansive, oppressive or try to cover non-confidential information. Subsequently, if the information becomes public knowledge, an NDA can no longer be enforced.

Thanks for posting this. If Meri’s NDA really is as tight and tough as they say, it would probably come close to being oppressive and cover non-confidential information?  Heck, if rumours are true, you cannot even say you attended! Let alone share if it was any good…. It really makes me wonder if she’d stand a chance if she was sued over this.

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2 hours ago, LilyD said:

Thanks for posting this. If Meri’s NDA really is as tight and tough as they say, it would probably come close to being oppressive and cover non-confidential information?  Heck, if rumours are true, you cannot even say you attended! Let alone share if it was any good…. It really makes me wonder if she’d stand a chance if she was sued over this.

I think if something bad happened or one was defrauded, the NDA would not be enforceable. Besides, does anyone really think that Meri would spend the money and time to sue someone and the endure the backlash from fans if an attendee said something? Especially if that person was not wealthy and did not have the money to pay a judgment?

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We're not talking, say, Tom Brady's nanny, we're talking about someone who went on a Z-list retreat. I'm sure they could spout away with little repercussions, but if they were worried about it, but still wanted to get the info out...

Sally could tell Jane about the retreat and ask Jane to tell someone way outside Sally's circle. So Jane tells Dick all about it and Dick posts it on SM. Meri has no authority over Dick, nor does anyone else, so no one can compel Dick to give up his 'source'.

Sure Meri could try to figure it out, but would she try? And would she be successful?

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44 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

I can't see Meri paying an attorney to sue someone.  How much money could she win on something so trivial.  It's not like she's hiding the secret to a cure for cancder.

The fact that she’s going through all this just reiterated to me that she remains a nasty person at her core. She knows it sucks and it’s not work $6k. 

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1 hour ago, Cetacean said:

I can't see Meri paying an attorney to sue someone.  How much money could she win on something so trivial.  It's not like she's hiding the secret to a cure for cancder.

I'm not a lawyer, but when you sue someone, doesn't the attorney usually take the case on spec, for a share of the damages (I think one third is supposed to be typical)?

That's my understanding, and so most lawyers (or most reputable lawyers) only take cases they're pretty sure they can win. If it is correct, that would mean Meri would have to find an attorney who thinks she has a good case, but if she found an attorney who thought she had a good case, that attorney would probably not charge her up front.

I welcome any correction on this. This is just my understanding, but I've never sued anyone, so I don't know.

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