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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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Well I just went through a shocker!! All this virus stuff has been hard, and missing all the sports and regular events...isolating to keep safe...man I feel like the world is closing in... and jeez the universe just dumps on us again! We had a 6.5 earthquake at 5:55PM tonight. I'm in Western MT epicenter was in ID about 3.5 hours away from me. Scared the $hit out of me, it took an hour before my heart calmed down. 

Someone posted on NextDoor "Wow disease, earthquakes...what's next fire and flying frogs?" The night before last I saw the most beautiful double rainbow out my kitchen window, tonight I'm shaking and rolling... what is next???

eta: Not that I would ever wish for fire...been through too many to ever want that again!!

Edited by Gramto6
  • Love 3


Holy wow, no wonder you're shook up. Are you OK now? Did it jolt or was it a roller? I was watching Steve Perry right around that time so If I felt anything I woulda thought it was because of him. 

Where was the epicenter? I'm in Cache Valley about 20 miles below Idaho's southern border. Wonder if it was on the same fault as the quake outside of SLC a couple weeks ago?

I get freaked out about the Yellowstone Caldera every time there's a quake around here. Holy wow, 6.5!

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Someone posted on NextDoor "Wow disease, earthquakes...what's next fire and flying frogs?

And several states had tornado activity a couple of days ago. We have really pissed off Mother Nature.

I would give everything I own for even one piece of good news.  Just one.

So I'll go back in history to my baseball loving days when good old "Ern" (Ernie Harwell) was the broadcaster for the Detroit Tigers.  What a voice.  My mom used to take my sister and me and our friends down to Tiger Stadium for opening day every year.  Always had a big fight about it with the nuns (didn't phase her, she was a Presbyterian) and did that all the way through high school. She held the title of Coolest Mom for my whole school career.

  • Love 9
23 minutes ago, suomi said:


Holy wow, no wonder you're shook up. Are you OK now? Did it jolt or was it a roller? I was watching Steve Perry right around that time so If I felt anything I woulda thought it was because of him. 

Where was the epicenter? I'm in Cache Valley about 20 miles below Idaho's southern border. Wonder if it was on the same fault as the quake outside of SLC a couple weeks ago?

I get freaked out about the Yellowstone Caldera every time there's a quake around here. Holy wow, 6.5!

Epicenter was just west of Challis, ID. About 3.5 hours from me. It  was a jolt, jolt, jolt and then roll, roll.  Lucikily not much damage here... I was in CA in a Costco when the Loma Preiata quake hit, it was frightening beyond belief! I hate the wind, but I hate earthquakes so much more!

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52 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

I would give everything I own for even one piece of good news.  Just one.

Will hearing that my dad is doing better and that they have actually taken him off oxygen to see if he can live without it qualify?  I think these days "good news" is relatively speaking.

After begging the hospital to hear from someone today I finally got a call from a social worker.  She asked me if I had spoken to any of the doctors and I said "no", that no one had updated me on my father's condition since he was admitted on Sunday.  She was shocked because she said her paperwork indicated that someone had called me.  I told her no one had.  She said she would rather that the doctor speak with me before she did and would have her call me right away.  5 minutes later, the doctor finally called.  She told me that my father's oxygen levels had improved and that they were giving him that anti-malaria drug.  She said that they were experimenting to see how well he does without the oxygen before they decide how to proceed.  He is still weak and only speaking in one word sentences right now.  I think tomorrow I am going to ask to speak with him just so he can hear the sound of my voice.  He was only just moved into a permanent room last night, ironically in the same wing and floor as he was in late Jan./early Feb. when he had his leg infection.  

When I hung up the phone I looked at the caller ID on my phone and her call came through as "Morn Report RM" which I instantly recognized as "Morning Report Room".  I couldn't believe it.  Since the day my father got his first email account in 1993 he has been writing me a daily email entitled "AM Report".  I never knew that phrase had any special significance until a few years ago when my father finally explained it to me.  When he was first in the army way back at the end of WWII through the '50s he was the person assigned to type up the standard army daily Morning Report for his superior officers.  He originally got this duty because he was literate (which back then wasn't as prevalent as it is now) and because he knew how to type.  He had taken typing in high school to meet girls, LOL.  I couldn't believe that for so many years I never knew that!  But imagine my shock today to see that phrase as the location where the doctor was updating me on my father's condition!  I find that truly astounding, like it's some kind of message from the great beyond or something.  

I then called the social worker back and she and I spoke for a while on his options after he is released, whenever that is going to be.  She said that the doctors are recommending him to go to a nursing home or rehab. facility for after care and phys. therapy.  She asked me about the details surrounding his rehab. in February of this year and because I wasn't really up to finding the written info. on that I gave her the name and number of his social worker there.  She was happy with that and said she would call me tomorrow.  I asked her if those places were accepting patients positive for Covid-19 and she said that many of them were.  I also later saw an article saying that in New York they were being told they had to accept Covid-19 patients.  The rehab. where he was in Feb. was up here in CT, though, but he will likely have to go to one in NY this time because we are not going to be able to drive him 100+ miles up here to that one and paying for it is out of pocket and costs $1,000 each way!  If he goes to one within 25 miles of NYC there is no extra charge for transportation.

So that's where it stands now.  Again, thanks for all the support and wishes.  I can't think of a time when they have meant more.  This is truly horrible for all of us and it makes such a difference when we all support each other.  Today my husband and I went for a walk on a beautiful "rails to trails" walking trail near our house.  There were a few people going back and forth on foot and bikes.  We gave them extra wide berth, at least 8-10 feet.  I am now worried that this wasn't enough.  It's unbelievable how paranoid this situation can make you.  My husband had to deposit a check in the bank drive through.  He wore exam gloves and after handling the tray and buttons he peeled his gloves off like a surgeon and threw them in a garbage bag.  We are considering ordering a pizza from a local pizzeria tomorrow and having it dropped off in front of our house or if that isn't possible dropped in our trunk.  We would then handle the box with exam gloves and throw the gloves away.  We would then put on new gloves and cut slices off to put in the toaster oven to kill any potential germs that got on the pizza from the oven to the box.  I generally do that anyway to crisp up the crust a bit.  I am even a little afraid to do this.  Wow, this is unbelievable.  A local upscale restaurant group with several different restaurants in the area made the tough decision today to close indefinitely after doing a brisk take-out and delivery business in the past few weeks because they are concerned for the health of their employees and the public.  That is just unbelievable.  God help us all.

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Gramto6 - glad to hear you were "only" frightened beyond belief. Sometimes it takes awhile to get past a quake mentally because they come without warning and can be so devastating. And if you're OK maybe someone you know and love isn't. so there's that. Do you have family or friends who were closer to the action? (Hopefully not). 

As for the Loma Prieta 6.9 that struck about a half hour before the start of Game 3 of the Oakland- San Francisco World Series and put an end to the pre-game show ... so much death and injury and damage, so many fires and bridge collapses, and displaced people and animals!

But also many uplifting stories. For some reason I have always remembered one scene from the days and days of news coverage we watched in SoCal.

Right soon after the quake long lines of civilians were moving hose for fire departments, and fire hoses are HEAVY. One woman in a business suit and heels - obviously just getting off work at 5pm - was carrying hose and her purse kept slipping off her shoulder as she was fast-walking. Every few steps she shrugged it back into place - I think it felt too heavy when it slipped down to her elbow - but she never faltered and she kept up with everyone else.

It makes me cry to think about small things like that but people are quite often so lovely in little ways during times of need. 

And of course the background music for that TV station's footage of various scenes was hometown boy Steve Perry's Lights.  

I like the way he has rarely missed a Giants home game over the years and pops up somewhere to lead the crowd in singing Lights or Don't Stop Believin' and no one bothers him, he's just a fellow baseball fan. IIRC he used to arrange Journey's concert tours around baseball season. 

"You know the song about our home town, San Francisco, it's called 'Lights.' "


  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Well I just went through a shocker!! All this virus stuff has been hard, and missing all the sports and regular events...isolating to keep safe...man I feel like the world is closing in... and jeez the universe just dumps on us again! We had a 6.5 earthquake at 5:55PM tonight. I'm in Western MT epicenter was in ID about 3.5 hours away from me. Scared the $hit out of me, it took an hour before my heart calmed down. 

Someone posted on NextDoor "Wow disease, earthquakes...what's next fire and flying frogs?" The night before last I saw the most beautiful double rainbow out my kitchen window, tonight I'm shaking and rolling... what is next???

eta: Not that I would ever wish for fire...been through too many to ever want that again!!

OMG, I hope you and your area didn't sustain too much damage!  One of hubbie's clients has a ranch near Bozeman.  He has chosen to stay here in CT during this time.  One would think being way out in Montana should be a good thing right now, but no and how horrible.  So sorry to hear what you are going through.  Next thing you know there will be swarms of locusts and signs of Armageddon!  This virus situation sucks at best and to have more dumped on you makes things even harder to bear.  I know how you feel.  Many hugs to you!  

16 hours ago, Meowwww said:

@Yeah No

So many prayers and so much love to you and your dad.  Please keep us posted, the power of group prayers/wishes is very powerful.  Hugs. 

Obviously yes, and I do believe that.  Thanks again, this means the world to me right now.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 6

Yeah No - it sounds like your dad is 9.5 out of 10 on the good news scale. That is wonderful to hear!

I bet those five minutes you waited for the doctor to call weren't easy* after the SW said "I'd rather you speak with the doctor first." 

*Grrrl, don't do me like that!

As for Morning Report, I think Universe (sly one that "she" is) sends messages to us all the time - and some of us are better than others at recognizing them. 

  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, suomi said:

Yeah No - it sounds like your dad is 9.5 out of 10 on the good news scale. That is wonderful to hear!

I bet those five minutes you waited for the doctor to call weren't easy* after the SW said "I'd rather you speak with the doctor first." 

*Grrrl, don't do me like that!

As for Morning Report, I think Universe (sly one that "she" is) sends messages to us all the time - and some of us are better than others at recognizing them. 

Yep, those 5 minutes were some of the most agonizing in my life, you got that right!  It wasn't quite so bad because when the social worker first called, she had blurted out wanting to talk about next steps after he is eventually released, plus I knew that he had just been transferred to a non-ICU room so I was at least hopeful that these were good signs.  I had a prolonged period of agony just getting someone to call me at all.  It was over a day since I had heard from someone.  My husband kept saying "no news is good news", but my stomach felt like it had been through a meat grinder anyway.

As to recognizing the signs, in this case that one wasn't hard to miss - it was like a big neon sign in the desert, LOL.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Will hearing that my dad is doing better and that they have actually taken him off oxygen to see if he can live without it qualify?  I think these days "good news" is relatively speaking.

Absolutely and thanks for sharing! We hear so much that we assume that just getting it is a death sentence.  Nice to know even a man of his age can beat it.

  • Love 10
35 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Absolutely and thanks for sharing! We hear so much that we assume that just getting it is a death sentence.  Nice to know even a man of his age can beat it.

Thanks, I know, I am still worried although optimistic right now.  My dad is an unusually hardy individual in relatively good health for his age.  He was lucky enough to hit the genetic jackpot in a lot of ways.  I myself am not even as healthy as he is given that I inherited a few of my mother's medical conditions, esp. the tendency to have blood sugar/weight/insulin resistance and sodium issues which were programmed to come on post menopause and probably linked to changing female hormones.  But yeah, my father continues to be an inspiration to us all.  He has always been that way and is even now.  He's a person with an unusually positive and optimistic outlook, which I am sure has contributed to his longevity.  Of course my mother was just the opposite and I'm somewhere in between both of them.  I am still terribly worried about him, though.  We don't know what to do with him when he comes out of rehab. whenever that will be.  I don't think we will want him to live alone down in NYC anymore, but there are financial issues surrounding getting him into assisted living which are scaring me half to death.  Plus there's the fact that he signed over his co-op apartment in NYC to me years ago and he's continued to pay the $1,000 a month maintenance on it.  If all of his income has to go toward assisted living, how will I ever afford $1,000 a month to support that apartment, especially in the middle of a pandemic when no one is going to want to buy a fixer upper in the Northwest Bronx and my husband and I right now have ZERO income.  So I have even more worries than it might seem.

P.S.  Just yesterday hubbie applied for that small business loan that might be forgiven so we might see some cash in the near future.  He is self employed (owns his own limousine) and right now for obvious reasons that business has ground down to a complete halt.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

Thanks, I know, I am still worried although optimistic right now.  My dad is an unusually hardy individual in relatively good health for his age.  He was lucky enough to hit the genetic jackpot in a lot of ways.  I myself am not even as healthy as he is given that I inherited a few of my mother's medical conditions, esp. the tendency to have blood sugar/weight/insulin resistance and sodium issues which were programmed to come on post menopause and probably linked to changing female hormones.  But yeah, my father continues to be an inspiration to us all.  He has always been that way and is even now.  He's a person with an unusually positive and optimistic outlook, which I am sure has contributed to his longevity.  Of course my mother was just the opposite and I'm somewhere in between both of them.  I am still terribly worried about him, though.  We don't know what to do with him when he comes out of rehab. whenever that will be.  I don't think we will want him to live alone down in NYC anymore, but there are financial issues surrounding getting him into assisted living which are scaring me half to death.  Plus there's the fact that he signed over his co-op apartment in NYC to me years ago and he's continued to pay the $1,000 a month maintenance on it.  If all of his income has to go toward assisted living, how will I ever afford $1,000 a month to support that apartment, especially in the middle of a pandemic when no one is going to want to buy a fixer upper in the Northwest Bronx and my husband and I right now have ZERO income.  So I have even more worries than it might seem.

P.S.  Just yesterday hubbie applied for that small business loan that might be forgiven so we might see some cash in the near future.  He is self employed (owns his own limousine) and right now for obvious reasons that business has ground down to a complete halt.

I wish I could give you a big hug. My thoughts are with you.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Thanks, I know, I am still worried although optimistic right now.  My dad is an unusually hardy individual in relatively good health for his age.  He was lucky enough to hit the genetic jackpot in a lot of ways.  I myself am not even as healthy as he is given that I inherited a few of my mother's medical conditions, esp. the tendency to have blood sugar/weight/insulin resistance and sodium issues which were programmed to come on post menopause and probably linked to changing female hormones.  But yeah, my father continues to be an inspiration to us all.  He has always been that way and is even now.  He's a person with an unusually positive and optimistic outlook, which I am sure has contributed to his longevity.  Of course my mother was just the opposite and I'm somewhere in between both of them.  I am still terribly worried about him, though.  We don't know what to do with him when he comes out of rehab. whenever that will be.  I don't think we will want him to live alone down in NYC anymore, but there are financial issues surrounding getting him into assisted living which are scaring me half to death.  Plus there's the fact that he signed over his co-op apartment in NYC to me years ago and he's continued to pay the $1,000 a month maintenance on it.  If all of his income has to go toward assisted living, how will I ever afford $1,000 a month to support that apartment, especially in the middle of a pandemic when no one is going to want to buy a fixer upper in the Northwest Bronx and my husband and I right now have ZERO income.  So I have even more worries than it might seem.

P.S.  Just yesterday hubbie applied for that small business loan that might be forgiven so we might see some cash in the near future.  He is self employed (owns his own limousine) and right now for obvious reasons that business has ground down to a complete halt.

Hugs from MT too.  Glad to hear your dad is doing better. Keeping him and you & hubby in my thoughts and prayers.

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So for the last few weeks that I have been shopping, I have only seen ONE shopping cart that was full.  The majority of shoppers are getting few enough items that they can go through the self-checkout lines (15 items or less).  I know I haven't been buying a ton of stuff because I don't want to linger in the store.

So why aren't the supplies going up?  As I've shared before, we have a LOT of grocery stores very close to my house. (Within 8 blocks).  I hit three stores today trying to find toilet paper, and actually DID find some at the  grocery-only Walmart, but they didn't have that much stock.  I looked up and down the aisles (in all three stores) as I was heading to the toilet paper aisle and the shelves are still stark and bare.  Cat and dog food are getting very hard to find in all of the stores, although I found some at Walmart where I found the T.P.

So what is the story with the factories?  Are they considered essential workers?  Don't they face big risks in catching and spreading the Coronavirus?  If they don't work there won't be product for the stores.. if they Do work they are at great risk in catching this "plague".  Are the factories open?  And truckers can fall sick which means supplies are more scarce in reaching their destinations.

I don't have any answers whatsoever.  I just wondered why the shelves are still so bare when the hoarding has ended.    Any theories?

Edited by Kyanight
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I went shopping for the first time since before the shutdown.  I still have plenty of TP and paper products from a sale a month ago, so was just looking for protein & vegetables.  I was pleasantly surprised to find my closest store had everything I wanted, and some cheese, beef and canned turkey were actually on sale!  But the paper products & sanitizer aisle was bare.  I think it may be a supply chain problem now that the hoarders have run out of storage space.  Delays followed by deliveries so that there are under- and over-stocks that stores are dealing with.  Local grocery store flyers for the next week show "sale" prices on junk foods are higher than usual, but real-food prices are normal; that is a good sign that I hope endures.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 5

So, I have been thinking. 
Bear with me, it might be long. 
I’ve shared I work at a pet supply and food store.  We are deemed essential. 
Like grocery stores, our doors are still open and people are coming in all day still. 
We have no protective gear.   Just my coworkers and I and a bottle of veterinary grade germicide and our bare hands and arms as our uniform is a short sleeved shirt.  
Most of our dog and cat food food bags are plastic, as are the treats. Same with the birdseed and all the small animal supplies. The virus can live on plastic for a number of days, apparently.  
We have the rare customer who comes in, puts on gloves to pay, and takes them off, only to grab their bag of dog food...upon which the virus can live for days.  (Most aren’t wearing any sort of protective anything). 
Plus, we get large shipments daily...mostly wrapped in plastic or in giant cardboard boxes, upon which the virus can also live for what, 24 hours?  Touched by who knows how many warehouse workers and drivers. 
We process the shipment, put away the hundreds of dog and cat food bags etc. 
So our customers who are trying to protect themselves aren’t really protected.  Neither are we.  We as a collective (my coworkers and I) have just kind of given up worrying about ourselves because the stream of customers and shipment is never ending. 
I see how this is spreading like wildfire.  So much product going out and coming in. So many people not thinking about it.  And some with a false sense of security because of their gloves. 
And those of us essential workers really are captive because the pace of our jobs isn’t conducive to even being able to think about protecting ourselves. 
It’s truly mind boggling. 

14 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

It’s truly mind boggling. 

It is mind boggling that, despite the statistics and the prediction that a quarter of a million Americans will die, people are still out and about like nothing is happening.  I would love to take a gun and shoot people that are milling around in stores, not paying a bit of attention to any kind of distancing.  One of these days, when things get worst to the max, it may happen.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

It is mind boggling that, despite the statistics and the prediction that a quarter of a million Americans will die, people are still out and about like nothing is happening.  I would love to take a gun and shoot people that are milling around in stores, not paying a bit of attention to any kind of distancing.  One of these days, when things get worst to the max, it may happen.

I know, this is just crazy!! A town here in MT is threatening to arrest people not following the social distancing guidelines. They are viewing FB pages where people are organizing big group get togethers to flout the rules. Also people violating the stay at home order. They are seriously following up on complaints for non compliance and fines and jail time could result.

So far we as a state have a low number of cases (217) and deaths (5) but that can change so quickly if people don't follow the rules. MT is a fairly large state with a small population (a bit over 1 million people), we should be able to lower the curve if people would just be smart about it!

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No locusts or earthquakes, but it has hailed 4 times in 48 hours here.

I have been able to find most things--toilet paper, sanitizing wipes, pasta and flour, but prices are crazy.  I paid $7.29 for a 5 pound sack of flour.  I only do delivery, so maybe they are marking it up.

That said, I will deal with extra grocery expense because I know someone that has lost relatives to the virus (in a red state) and my husband's manager has a cousin in the hospital seriously ill.

And I came into close contact with someone with the virus myself.  I have the cough, the body aches, a headache, the nausea, and it feels like someone is pressing on my chest.  But without the fever and shortness of breath I can't get tested.  Instead I am told to quarantine and call if I get the fever.

I am hoping it means I have a mild case and will soon have coronavirus antibodies for protection. 

Edited by PDXlulu
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At some point these hoarders just have to run out of room. Right? Maybe they are renting storage space??? What are they going to do with all the TP,  set up roadside stands?  I guess I just don't understand the mentality. All I need is enough for me to get by...there were 2 packs of sanitizing wipes at the drug store and I only bought one. Someone else needs some too. 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Meowwww said:

So, I have been thinking. 
Bear with me, it might be long. 
I’ve shared I work at a pet supply and food store.  We are deemed essential. 
Like grocery stores, our doors are still open and people are coming in all day still. 
We have no protective gear.   Just my coworkers and I and a bottle of veterinary grade germicide and our bare hands and arms as our uniform is a short sleeved shirt.  

Do you have any gloves at all that you can wear?  Rubber dish washing gloves or even winter gloves?  My friend is going out wearing her big yellow Playtex dish gloves and doesn't care what anyone thinks.  If I were desperate enough I'd make my own makeshift mask out of any piece of fabric tied around my face, even a winter scarf.  Something is better than nothing.  It pissed me off early on in this when medical professionals here in the US were telling people on TV that the masks weren't going to prevent getting the virus, so don't bother wearing one for your own protection, meanwhile all the TV footage coming out of Asia showed every single person wearing a mask.  Now suddenly they've changed their tune and are saying that even non-N95 masks can help and that something is better than nothing.  After some online research I found out that the P95 masks are just as effective and ordered a few for $13 a piece.  That was before word got out.  Now those masks are going for almost as crazy prices as the N95 masks - I saw them going for upwards $40 online - still lower than the N95s, which are auctioning for anywhere upwards of $100 EACH.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

It is mind boggling that, despite the statistics and the prediction that a quarter of a million Americans will die, people are still out and about like nothing is happening.  I would love to take a gun and shoot people that are milling around in stores, not paying a bit of attention to any kind of distancing.  One of these days, when things get worst to the max, it may happen.

My best friend in NYC has been telling me that all along a lot of people there have not been listening to the strong stay at home order of Gov. Cuomo and have been out and about among other people like nothing is going on.  Just today she was telling me about the footage of that hospital ship, the Comfort as it came to dock in NYC, showed a crowd of people waving at it from the shore.  Like WTF with these stupid idiots?  Now, I know that there are a lot of reasons other than this for the high numbers in NYC but the people there aren't making it any better for themselves and as a result the rest of the country too.

14 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Hugs from MT too.  Glad to hear your dad is doing better. Keeping him and you & hubby in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks, Gram!  I also have you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.  Many (((hugs))) to everyone!!

I decided to call the hospital and ask to speak to my father if he had a phone in his room.  He did but they told me he really doesn't have enough strength to speak.  They allowed me to have the nurse hold the phone for him to hear me tell him I loved him.  I heard him trying to gasp out in response and after I hung up I broke down in tears.  His condition is still the same and they are still giving him more tests to see how he's really doing.  They are also doing this to see if and when he will meet the minimum health requirements for release to a nursing home that accepts Covid patients.  The social worker recommended one near him and it's actually one I know is very good so I am hopeful that when the time comes we can get him in there.  After hearing him, though, I am not as optimistic as I was yesterday.

I had another rough day Wednesday.  Another roller coaster ride.  I texted with his personal attendant, who when I asked her if she was tested for Covid first said "yes" but that she had not received her results even though she was tested a week ago.  I told her she should call to find out for sure.  She texted me back not even 10 minutes later and said she found out that she was negative for Covid-19, but that these results were based on her condition before letting the EMTs into my father's apartment.  This is perplexing because she had symptoms at the same time my father did and even mentioned days ago that she had pneumonia, which is one of the known possible symptoms.  She says she is feeling fine now.  I told her she should get tested again and she said she would.  Something about her story isn't adding up for me but I am not going to venture to theorize about it other than to say that perhaps she had a false negative on the first test, who knows?  I am hearing that the tests aren't as accurate as they should be and that hopefully they will get more accurate in time.  I just hope she hasn't been out there putting other people at risk.  I have been working on the theory that perhaps she was the person that brought the disease into my father's apartment, but who knows?  I am wondering if the way she has been responding to me might be an effort to throw me off from drawing that conclusion because she feels to blame.....

6 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Just based on the gas station this morning, people are not removing gloves correctly. Removing them correctly is all part of using them correctly. 🤦‍♀️

Because people don't understand how to wear masks they are sometimes causing more harm than good, too.  It's something foreign on their face so they keep adjusting it.  Morons.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

All I can say to all of these posts is God help us all!  This is an illness, can't be denied, fools will muddle through and say no it isn't and all the while infect many more. They will kill as many as the disease will, maybe more if they had only followed the restrictions.

See, this is HUGE for me!  I couldn't live with myself if I unknowingly spread the disease and because of that someone (or more than one person) died.  When people do this on purpose.... it should be murder.  And some of these groups call themselves religious!!  If the congregation gets sick, the head pastor/guru/whatever he is called should be charged with second degree murder times however many people die from his group.  Then these idiots go out and infect their communities.  Ay yi yi.... ::shaking head::

Related but not:  There was a large Italian family that lost the mother and three of the adult kids I think it was, and more were sick with Covid.  The mother died first and I thought that was a blessing.  If one of my kids are going to die, I want to die first.

What a sad world we live in right now.

6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I am wondering if the way she has been responding to me might be an effort to throw me off from drawing that conclusion because she feels to blame.....

That may very well be the case!   


I know you are discouraged about the fact that your father couldn't talk, but be VERY encouraged by the fact that the hospital would not release him if he were sick enough to be there.  This is a very good sign that they want to transfer him to a lesser care facility.  I think he just needs time to heal.

  • Love 5

I went to the grocery store pharmacy this morning during "senior" hours, and I was the only one getting a prescription.  I sat in my car for the 15 minutes it took to fill it, and went in to pick it up.  They expected me to sign for the meds with the same stylus/pen that is attached to the machine, the one that EVERYONE uses and is never cleaned, and sits on top of the uncleaned counter.  I just stood therefor a minute, and then asked for a tissue to use to hold the pen.  I was very surprised that they had not figured out some way for people to acknowledge getting their meds without using that filthy pen.  But I did actually get to go outside into the sunshine, and drove around a few extra blocks before going back into hiding.

I think I may have had corona in February.  I came down with a fever, then a cough and a little wheezing, and then had a bad sinus infection.  I took antibiotics for the sinus infection, and by the third dose I was feeling 90% better, and by the third day I was feeling great and completely normal.  I finished the antibiotics, and have been fine since.  My doc says it is very unusual to have a fever with a sinus infection, and suggested that I may have had corona.  Who knows?  The last 6 months have been interesting for me; lost my dad in November, had Strep in December, had whatever  in February, and now shut in my house.  At least my cats are happy that my lap is available more often!

Stay healthy, everyone.

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Thanks, Gram!  I also have you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.  Many (((hugs))) to everyone!!

I decided to call the hospital and ask to speak to my father if he had a phone in his room.  He did but they told me he really doesn't have enough strength to speak.  They allowed me to have the nurse hold the phone for him to hear me tell him I loved him.  I heard him trying to gasp out in response and after I hung up I broke down in tears.  His condition is still the same and they are still giving him more tests to see how he's really doing.  They are also doing this to see if and when he will meet the minimum health requirements for release to a nursing home that accepts Covid patients.  The social worker recommended one near him and it's actually one I know is very good so I am hopeful that when the time comes we can get him in there.  After hearing him, though, I am not as optimistic as I was yesterday.

I had another rough day Wednesday.  Another roller coaster ride.  I texted with his personal attendant, who when I asked her if she was tested for Covid first said "yes" but that she had not received her results even though she was tested a week ago.  I told her she should call to find out for sure.  She texted me back not even 10 minutes later and said she found out that she was negative for Covid-19, but that these results were based on her condition before letting the EMTs into my father's apartment.  This is perplexing because she had symptoms at the same time my father did and even mentioned days ago that she had pneumonia, which is one of the known possible symptoms.  She says she is feeling fine now.  I told her she should get tested again and she said she would.  Something about her story isn't adding up for me but I am not going to venture to theorize about it other than to say that perhaps she had a false negative on the first test, who knows?  I am hearing that the tests aren't as accurate as they should be and that hopefully they will get more accurate in time.  I just hope she hasn't been out there putting other people at risk.  I have been working on the theory that perhaps she was the person that brought the disease into my father's apartment, but who knows?  I am wondering if the way she has been responding to me might be an effort to throw me off from drawing that conclusion because she feels to blame.....

Oh honey.  So many prayers and love. 
His assistant may not have been tested, due to the test shortage.   She may be afraid to tell you this.  
Be strong, if you can. We love you. 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

I went to the grocery store pharmacy this morning during "senior" hours, and I was the only one getting a prescription.  I sat in my car for the 15 minutes it took to fill it, and went in to pick it up.  They expected me to sign for the meds with the same stylus/pen that is attached to the machine, the one that EVERYONE uses and is never cleaned, and sits on top of the uncleaned counter.  I just stood therefor a minute, and then asked for a tissue to use to hold the pen.  I was very surprised that they had not figured out some way for people to acknowledge getting their meds without using that filthy pen.  But I did actually get to go outside into the sunshine, and drove around a few extra blocks before going back into hiding.

I think I may have had corona in February.  I came down with a fever, then a cough and a little wheezing, and then had a bad sinus infection.  I took antibiotics for the sinus infection, and by the third dose I was feeling 90% better, and by the third day I was feeling great and completely normal.  I finished the antibiotics, and have been fine since.  My doc says it is very unusual to have a fever with a sinus infection, and suggested that I may have had corona.  Who knows?  The last 6 months have been interesting for me; lost my dad in November, had Strep in December, had whatever  in February, and now shut in my house.  At least my cats are happy that my lap is available more often!

Stay healthy, everyone.

I've seen people in front of me in checkout lines who bring their own stylus pen to use at the terminal. I love my Apple watch - use it to pay 99% of the time! Cash is so germy. 

  • Useful 2
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

I've seen people in front of me in checkout lines who bring their own stylus pen to use at the terminal. I love my Apple watch - use it to pay 99% of the time! Cash is so germy. 

I did pay with my Apple watch.  But I had to sign their machine to show that I picked up the RX.  The pharmacy where my niece techs signs for everyone, and writes CV behind their name (Corona Virus).  That way no one has to touch anything.

  • Love 5

I love the Getty! If I could go somewhere this week, that's where I'd be. Which re-creation is your favorite? It's hard to choose. For me it's Madonna and Child or Irises (use the arrows on The Laundress). 


People are re-creating famous artworks with their pets and whatever else is lying around

The art world has gotten online since the coronavirus pandemic devastated everyday life. With museums closed for now, institutions have launched virtual tours and live streams for us to enjoy while we wait for a return to normalcy.

But we reached a new level of art appreciation this week when the Getty Museum challenged the Internet to browse its online collection and re-create works of art at home.


Edited by suomi
deleted inches of empty space
  • Useful 1
13 minutes ago, suomi said:

I love the Getty! If I could go somewhere this week, that's where I'd be. Which re-creation is your favorite? It's hard to choose. For me it's Madonna and Child or Irises (use the arrows on The Laundress). 


I had plans to go to the Getty this month, before the pandemic.  Now the brochure is sitting on my desk reminding me it's gonna be a while.


Another PSA about masks.  Once you have them on, do NOT futz with them!  If they are uncomfortable or just don't feel quite right, suck it up and live with it.  If they fall off, leave them off.  To keep reaching for your face to readjust your masks is the worst thing you can do, breaking the "do not touch your face rule" and rendering the mask superfluous. 

And they are meant to cover your mouth and nose, not your mouth and chin.  Yes, I have seen pictures of people wearing them with the nose exposed.  Poster children for natural selection.

And while I'm on a roll, along with scrubbing you hands for 20 seconds, do not use your clean hands to turn off the water.  You used dirty hands to turn on the water so if you don't use protection to turn it off, you have just recontaminated them.  Use a tissue, paper towel, a washable cloth or anything else to turn off the faucet. Then wipe it with disinfectant.  Poor technique is as bad as no technique at all.  This "pretend" sanitation has always been a pet peeve of mine resulting in letters to nearly all of the cooking shows on TV!

OK, stepping off the soapbox.  Proper handwashing was practically the first lesson we learned in nursing school and it's clear these days that those lessons are not taught any longer.

Edited by Kohola3
using the correct word - role vs roll
  • Love 6

Since our governor held a video conference yesterday and told all of us to wear masks when we leave the house (even for a walk!) I've been scrambling to figure out what to use.  Everything I found on Etsy was either sold out or the seller needed 3-5 weeks to make them - and then you have the SHIPPING time on top of that!  I don't have any old T-shirts or cloth to make some masks - not even any rubber bands.   I finally found some on Ebay.  Hopefully they will arrive soon!

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Since our governor held a video conference yesterday and told all of us to wear masks when we leave the house (even for a walk!) I've been scrambling to figure out what to use.  Everything I found on Etsy was either sold out or the seller needed 3-5 weeks to make them - and then you have the SHIPPING time on top of that!  I don't have any old T-shirts or cloth to make some masks - not even any rubber bands.   I finally found some on Ebay.  Hopefully they will arrive soon!

Our governor in Pa has also said the same.  I've been poking around looking for some plain fabric suitable to make some for me and my husband...so far I have come across some christmas fabric scraps... 🙄

  • Useful 1
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13 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

Our governor in Pa has also said the same.  I've been poking around looking for some plain fabric suitable to make some for me and my husband...so far I have come across some christmas fabric scraps... 🙄

Let's hope that we will not be lending that festive touch come Christmas.  On another note, if you are scrambling for elastic, someone suggested that if you cut a bungee cord open, there are multiple strands of good strong elastic inside.  I haven't tried it as I have several hanks of elastic in my sewing supplies but it seems worth a shot.

  • Useful 3

Some assorted thoughts.   I think Christmas fabric would be fantastic for a mask - they are putting up Christmas lights all over the place here to cheer people up!  If I saw someone wearing a Christmas-fabric mask, it would make me smile!  (In a happy way - not a snide, mean/making fun of someone way!)  lol

Although it's an excellent idea - I don't think we have ever, at any time, had a bungee cord in the house.  I could be wrong though, I had many sons who brought home many things... but it was mostly broken pencils, rocks, bottle caps, dumb stuff in my eyes/treasures in their eyes.  My daughter had an argument with me on the phone this morning because she insisted I had rubber bands in my junk drawer.  Even though I assured her repeatedly that we do NOT (since I clean out the drawer quite often), she won the argument before we hung up the phone.  I went and looked in the drawer.  There was ONE rubber band, which isn't enough to make a face mask.  So we call that fight a draw then - since there WAS one rubber band but not two?

We got pitas at the Pita Place which is owned by the most lovely elderly Indian couple.  She is from Zimbabwe and he was born in South Africa so this food isn't even their native cuisine.  We all laugh about it sometimes when we are chit-chatting because people always assume that they use family recipes or something.  (I think this might actually be a chain.)  ANYWAY... the POINT of my bored rambling is this:  Several Door Dash/Grub Hub/Uber Eats people or whatever came to pick up orders and NONE of them... NOT ONE - were wearing masks.  What the heck, people!!

My son and I were sweating/struggling to breathe through hot winter scarves!! (In a pinch....)

Edited by Kyanight
  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

She is from Zimbabwe and he was born in South Africa so this food isn't even their native cuisine.  We all laugh about it sometimes when we are chit-chatting because people always assume that they use family recipes or something. 

One of the better pizza places near me is owned by a Chinese couple. They are the only employees.

Now I want pizza. 😁

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