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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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On June 28, 2022, the owner of the @mariahbrwn posted on Instagram,

"someone recently told me that i didn’t have to have all of my shit figured out in order for me to share myself with the world.
so here’s me, definitely not having almost any of my shit figured out, to let you know that i am trans. my name is Leon or Leo (i love both) and my pronouns are they/them."

Please refer to them as Leon or Leo, and they/them. 

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They mentioned these were filmed during the summer and she was home from school. Logan was seen a couple of times too. Where was it mentioned she is no longer pre-med? I haven't seen much in the media besides the catfish stuff.


If memory serves, Mariah herself tweeted it a few months ago that she was now pursuing Physicians Assistant, just as Logan is.


Of course, Meri still refers to them both as "future doctors".  Just like Maddie will be a "lawyer" even if she earns just a paralegal associates degree.

  • Love 4

If memory serves, Mariah herself tweeted it a few months ago that she was now pursuing Physicians Assistant, just as Logan is.

Of course, Meri still refers to them both as "future doctors". Just like Maddie will be a "lawyer" even if she earns just a paralegal associates degree.

Heh. It's 50/50 for me whether that's another Brown deception or a parent thing. As long as I was a reporter with bylines they could see, family members got what I did for a living. When I moved to PR, they were lost. For some in-laws, that translated into "nursing home assistant."

PA shouldn't be that much of a stretch of understanding (though I'm probably overestimating the number of times they actually seek medical care, given what we saw with Truely). But who knows.

Or she could be deliberately "inflating" perfectly great career goals. Because she's a Brown.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 2

Madding - wasn't putting Mariah down at all re: being an "only" child. That's why I put only in quotes. She actually DOES have siblings (lots of them!) from Janelle, Christine and Robyn. However, she, Kody and Meri act as if she is an only child. The fact that they do this is further proof that the children are being raised separately by single mothers while Kody runs from house to house, and not a single unit fahhhhmily like they'd lead us to believe.

Edited by egilsdottir
  • Love 12

I wasn't responding to you specifically, it's just that I'm a teacher and I encourage all kids to go to the best college they can, if they can. The college you choose to go to has to  be based on your personality, goals, grades and means. I've read so many times that Logan deserves to go to college on the basis of his mother birthing more children and Mariah doesn't and it makes zero sense to me. Even if Mariah didn't go to college so someday Truly had the opportunity there is no guarantee :  she would want to go to college, the money wouldn't be used by Kody elsewhere, or that she wouldn't get a scholarship. Education is important to Meri and to Mariah and I think it is great she was matched to a school that she likes.


Her being an only child (quotes or not) really has nothing to do with anything. Every child on earth has a purpose and a reason to be alive. I have an only child and if he is inferior compared to a Duggar or a Brown because they have more siblings, that's not a world I want to live in. Just my own opinion of course.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 1

I think maybe there has been crossed connections here. I am one that has posted in the past that it is unfair that Mariah got the choice to go to that expensive college and a new car to get there in, while Logan,Aspyn,Maddie and Mykelti didn't have that choice at all.Also Meri and Mariah both play that only child thing both ways. When it serves them, she's poor Mariah..only child. .other times she's the biggest cheerleader and has all these siblings hooray!!

I bet she chose only child when it was fish stick taco day at Christine's and chicken breast and asparagus at Meris. She sure did car shopping day. That meltdown outside the new house was a really good indicator that she didn't hear "No" alot, if ever.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 13

We don't know that the other Brown children were forced into certain colleges or denied opportunities. Meri wasn't obligated to serve bad food just because Christine chose to do so. I believe the Brown kids that are out of high school are happy with their choices and happy in general. And I never heard Mariah say she didn't have siblings, she is a Brown the same as all the others.

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Chicken breast and vegetables cost no more than the casseroles Christine made. I believe Janelle said she cooks healthy as well. It does cost more to feed six kids obviously, but it is not Mariah's responsibility to see that these kids are fed or educated. I didn't read the book, but based on the show it seems all of the kids seem happy and well cared for. Does the book say any of the kids were neglected because of Mariah?

  • Love 1


I've read so many times that Logan deserves to go to college on the basis of his mother birthing more children and Mariah doesn't and it makes zero sense to me.

It makes zero sense because it never happened. People say lots of dumb stuff on the internet, but nobody on this site or TWoP has said this. Lots of people noted the apparent unfairness of Logan having to go to a public in-state college when Mariah got to choose a far more expensive private school. Unless they're studying hotel management, which Logan isn't, few students choose UNLV if they can afford to go elsewhere.

  • Love 9

The thing is...I remember that Mariah was so stubbornly set on Westminster (which Kody said "looked like his idea of what a college *should* look like") that she refused to even consider any other option including UNLV where Logan is studying the same major.

Family finances should be entering into the consideration. She would have received a similar education and spend less traveling back and forth to the cult de sac.

  • Love 8


Lots of people noted the apparent unfairness of Logan having to go to a public in-state college when Mariah got to choose a far more expensive private school.

I read somewhere that Meri's family (not the family with Kody and sister wives) helps with paying for Mariah's education--but I don't know if that was a legit source or just a rumor (or a comment from Facebook or Twitter). But I'm not going to assume that Meri's a selfish b&*@h who's funneling funds from the other kids in order to get the best for her only chiild. I don't know if Mariah has any scholarships or works part-time, etc--or if Meri actually makes any money from that LIV marketing thing she's involved in and puts that towards Mariah's education. I'm just not on the "Mariah the Pariah" bandwagon--at least until I see more of the show that includes her and her interactions with the rest of the family so I can see for myself if she's snobbish and entitled around her family.


  • Love 1
I've read so many times that Logan deserves to go to college on the basis of his mother birthing more children and Mariah doesn't and it makes zero sense to me.

We must read very, very different things, because I've NEVER read this anywhere, ever. I've only seen conversations that found it unfair that Mariah be indulged with an expensive private college education when UNLV was more than good enough for her siblings. The whole point I think a lot of posters here are making is that Mariah is NOT an only child, but she is often indulged as if she was. And, according to their own claims of being a single family, THAT is not fair.

  • Love 12

The family full out says that the household pot of money was divided equally PER WIFE, not per individual. This means that Meri's household of 2 received the same amount of money for everything that Christine's household of 7 and Janelle's household of 7 received. Factor in Robyn's household of 4, then 5, soon to be 6.


Meri whined and moaned that she shouldn't be punished by receiving less than Christine or Janelle, because Meri WANTED more kids, but wasn't able to have them. So she should receive extra money for those pretend children she wanted, and everything would be equal. This was when I really started to loathe Meri. 


If everyone is equal and it's one big happy family, then disperse finances EQUALLY per person. Per wife is not equal. The distribution was not equal, which is why Meri and Meriah had nicer clothing, healthier food, better vehicles (or vehicles period), bigger living space, and why Meriah got to go to an uber expensive school and have a private room, while the other kids, who actually shared and had some sense, went to less expensive schools.


Meriah and Meri have some complex where they demand to be treated superior to all of their other family members. They don't care one bit that they're being unfair and think they deserve better, and then pout or complain when they're disliked or not included. They make their gilted beds, and then have to lie in them. Alone. 

  • Love 16

Until Kody married Robyn, Mariah was the only legitimate child in the family. That makes her the crown princess.
Traditionally, illegitimate offspring get the leftovers. That is the way families have been organized since the dawn of civilization.

Meri married the father of her child before she got pregnant, and the collection of unwed mothers followed. It was their choice to pop out a bunch of children fathered by a man they weren't legally married to, a circumstance which entitled them to welfare benefits.
Ignore the "spiritual marriage" nonsense. The cul de sac is populated with unwed mothers and their kids. This is not a family, they live in separate homes and do not share meals (unless somebody's making an announcement. )
Meri has now become a divorced, single empty-nester.
She doesn't owe the neighbors anything other than an occasional Tupperware party

  • Love 6
Meri married the father of her child before she got pregnant, and the collection of unwed mothers followed. It was their choice to pop out a bunch of children fathered by a man they weren't legally married to, a circumstance which entitled them to welfare benefits.

Ignore the "spiritual marriage" nonsense. The cul de sac is populated with unwed mothers and their kids. This is not a family, they live in separate homes and do not share meals (unless somebody's making an announcement. )

Meri has now become a divorced, single empty-nester.

She doesn't owe the neighbors anything other than an occasional Tupperware party



Thank you for saying what I was just about to post I'm Meri's defense, hate to say it lol. It's not Meri's fault the other's chose to have as many kids as they did. They knew from the start that this would be the family structure. Meri wanted more but couldn't do it. Also not her fault. Most people understand that if you're short on money, another child will add some difficulty to the budget. That was their choice just so they could gain approval from Kody.

I have a family member who absolutely adores babies and I'm sure she feels special when she's pregnant but she's living now as a single mother and continued to have two more on a low income, unmarried, six children in all. It's as if she doesn't know how babies are made. This is just poor planning and that's what Christine and Janelle have done to themselves. Kody is equally to blame of course, but you know what I mean I hope.

I'm sure Meri would have made the same poor decision but it wasn't in the cards. The others are not her problem. They knew the family structure. It's not even about illegitimacy.

Sorry I didn't add the quote in the same post :/

Edited by aethera
Added the quote in for you :)
  • Love 3
The others are not her problem. They knew the family structure.

But the others ARE her problem--at least, that's the party line they've been pushing on viewers for the past five years. Meri knew the family structure, too. In fact, as Kody's first wife, she was the first of the women to agree to that structure. In my book, the number of children each of the women had is totally irrelevant to this conversation. Their claim--repeatedly--is that they are one family, that the children essentially have four mothers. They share finances (for good or ill). But wait a second: do their individual circumstances (one child or six children) determine their relative lifestyle, or do their combined, all-one-big-happy-family circumstances determine their relative lifestyle?? The two notions are contradictory and mutually exclusive, and a perfect example of how they talk a big happy plyg game, but don't actually live it when the rubber meets the road.

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But the others ARE her problem--at least, that's the party line they've been pushing on viewers for the past five years. Meri knew the family structure, too. In fact, as Kody's first wife, she was the first of the women to agree to that structure. In my book, the number of children each of the women had is totally irrelevant to this conversation. Their claim--repeatedly--is that they are one family, that the children essentially have four mothers. They share finances (for good or ill). But wait a second: do their individual circumstances (one child or six children) determine their relative lifestyle, or do their combined, all-one-big-happy-family circumstances determine their relative lifestyle?? The two notions are contradictory and mutually exclusive, and a perfect example of how they talk a big happy plyg game, but don't actually live it when the rubber meets the road.

They all knew that each wife would get an equal share of the income, if that's what is actually happening. Everybody keeps posting that that's the case. Anyway, if they all knew as a family that the money would be split equally, the number of kids do matter. They all had as many children as possible without regard for their income.

I agree with you that they contradict themselves about the plygs all contributing to the pot but then say it's split equally amongst wives regardless of how man kids they have. My point was that every single wife knew what was up when they entered in. Be it wrong or right that's what they agreed upon. The whole thing is fucked up. I'm not the first to say it and never said I agreed with it.

  • Love 1

In reading all these posts, several points come up. Is it one family or is it 4 separate families?

Secondly, if there wasn't much money coming in until TLC, they probably weren't getting much from kody -any way it gets sliced and the state was paying for EBT and WIC and medi-cal or whatever they call it in NV.


They probably did tons of hand-me-down clothes, thrift stores, church charity bins/sales/food banks and so on. I think I remember in one of the early shows, Meri was saying she used the money from her job for she and Mariah- if Meri was not doing full time, kody was selling ads which may have been  mostly commission , and Janelle had the only full-time reliable paycheck gig, we're not talking about a huge amount of money back then for all those people. 


It's likely the state paid out far more than whatever little bit their combined incomes were. For all this adoption business, I have to wonder if kody is even listed as the father on half the kid's birth certificates so as to avoid child support payback to the state for all the food stamps and/or welfare. That said, at least none of the kids are in prison, so we sucker taxpayers save on that.

  • Love 4

These women chose to have many children with a man who refuses to work. They have used the system to get what they need, instead of having the sense to limit their families to what they can afford. Most women don't spend a lot of time worrying about their spouse's children from a previous marriage and despite what they say, it's the same.

  • Love 2

I think we've gotten a bit off the Mariah point here, folks. Re-rail please?  This is valid discussion but it doesn't belong in the Mariah thread. Let's take it to All Seasons Talk instead.


Also, let's not call the children bastards. I get it, that's technically what they are, but it's an out-moded term and they can't control what their parents chose to do - it's offensive to some folks here, so I'd rather just avoid it.



  • Love 6

It is relevant to Mariah's sense of entitlement, she is the only legitimate heir to the throne.

Imagine if you were an only child and your dad had fathered a lot of other kids on the side.

Children of first marriages have trouble enough accepting the half-siblings of subsequent marriages.

And in a plural family like that, if you don't think your mother is putting you first, you would feel like an orphan. So Meri's going to bat to defend Mariah's choice of a college is appropriate.

Also, didn't Kody say he pays more attention to the boys? Her father has probably been ignoring her all her life. Now, when she wants to go to college, he's more interested in Robyn and her kids than in supporting her. He doesn't have enough money to send her to college because he's too busy adopting Robyn's kids and making more babies.

I'd be throwing a few tantrums myself.

  • Love 1

It is relevant to Mariah's sense of entitlement, she is the only legitimate heir to the throne.

Imagine if you were an only child and your dad had fathered a lot of other kids on the side.

Children of first marriages have trouble enough accepting the half-siblings of subsequent marriages.

And in a plural family like that, if you don't think your mother is putting you first, you would feel like an orphan. So Meri's going to bat to defend Mariah's choice of a college is appropriate.

Also, didn't Kody say he pays more attention to the boys? Her father has probably been ignoring her all her life. Now, when she wants to go to college, he's more interested in Robyn and her kids than in supporting her. He doesn't have enough money to send her to college because he's too busy adopting Robyn's kids and making more babies.

I'd be throwing a few tantrums myself.


There were several posts in a row that didn't mention Mariah. The posts were relevant to ALL of them, not just her, and so I asked for the generalized discussion to be moved. Discussion directly about Mariah's feelings on the subject can of course stay here.

  • Love 1

Mariah has the unique position to either be a sibling or be an only child. She can turn it on and off at her pleasure. When she was younger, she could play with her half-siblings at will and when she wanted time alone, she was able to retreat to her private space in Meri's section of the compound. Mariah was the only child of the bunch to have privacy.

  • Love 11

Heh. It's 50/50 for me whether that's another Brown deception or a parent thing. As long as I was a reporter with bylines they could see, family members got what I did for a living. When I moved to PR, they were lost. For some in-laws, that translated into "nursing home assistant."

PA shouldn't be that much of a stretch of understanding (though I'm probably overestimating the number of times they actually seek medical care, given what we saw with Truely). But who knows.

Or she could be deliberately "inflating" perfectly great career goals. Because she's a Brown.

I'm an RN who works with PA's everyday at the hospital and they have to play well with others all the time, in fact all of the clinical aspect of healthcare does and Mariah just doesn't play well with others as we have seen and heard her siblings snarking about.  She should find something where she can work alone frequently.  

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 8

Mariah has the unique position to either be a sibling or be an only child. She can turn it on and off at her pleasure. When she was younger, she could play with her half-siblings at will and when she wanted time alone, she was able to retreat to her private space in Meri's section of the compound. Mariah was the only child of the bunch to have privacy.

Absolutely how I see it, too. Meriah can and did turn it off when it suited her. Meriah was the only one to never really have to share, unless she felt like it.


BTW - I seriously, honestly thought her name was Meriah with an E, because her mom is Meri, and these people *cough Christine especially  cough* choose the strangest spellings and pronunciations. Is it really Mariah, with a traditional A?


As to it not being Meri's fault the other women chose to have so many kids, that road goes both ways. Meri didn't chose to only have one, either. A huge chunk of their faith is to bring as many spirit babies into this world as possible. (They believe families are together as spirits before being born, then as human families with these bodies just facilitating the spirits onto earth for this lifetime, then as spirits together on their planets after death). So they absolutely go into this trying to have huge families with as many kids as possible, so they don't leave anyone in the spirit world. 


They also kept stressing in the beginning of the show that they were one big family, and all the mothers raise all the kids, and everything is cohesive and shared, even the husband. Sacrificing to work out problems brings spiritual enlightenment and being higher on the food chain in the afterlife. So.....having separate homes, then kitchens, now McMansions, etc., and having a huge disparity of resources also goes against their core beliefs. 


If Meri and Meriah actually cared about the other family members equally, I think they would've been more gracious with income, time and attitudes.

  • Love 6

You don't know Mariah though, you see a minute of two if her life over a year long period. I'm sure she has teachers who can assess her skills and abilities.

I am a certified teacher and taught K-12 in public schools and adults in GED classes prior to becoming a nurse so I know what she may successfully show in the classroom and even on her clinical rotations, won't translate into the real world PA's face in healthcare today.  


I don't think we've ever had such a vigorous defender of Mariah here.  Interesting....... 

  • Applause 1
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Having a reasoned debate is not the same as being a vigorous defender. You're all speculating :) That's the best part!


   Agree- like if I said, it looks like Mariah has had some advantages the other kids didn't but she also has disadvantages.  I would bet Christine and Janelle had way more of an interdependent relationship given the outside-the-home-worker/inside-home-worker relationship they had and same # of kids. I would bet Meri was not a huge part of that, either needing or participating except in case of emergency back up. It's hard to say for sure whether Mariah was part of the Christine daycare thing regularly or not.  Also she has a ton of half-siblings but no full siblings- which in an of itself is not that huge being as they were all raised closely, but here we go back to the situation of the relationships of the mothers and their friendships and/or resentments.


She may be a little bit of an outsider to the other kids, she may be viewed as 'privileged' somewhat unjustly as before tlc, I think none of them had much, and for that matter, her mom didn't qualify for the amount of free welfare stuff. Sure Meri may have shared with Christine and Janelle or they with her, but because  C and J were getting more benefits from the  state they were likely collectively better off sharing than was Meri. Sometimes we think someone is better off by some kind of idea of how this pie was divided -the tiniest minuscule pie of kody and janelle money- ok,  in theory it seems like M/M would have more but in practice it might not pan out that way.


Perhaps Meri/Mariah have sacrificed things and gone without for the good of the whole over the years and that went into the decision of the school. Or, Meri may see her position as being the one who said yes to all this, so she sort of takes a cut. I don't know. 


Just saying we may  think M/M were so much better off than they actually were- that and possibly being marginalized even unintentionally by the other two wives either because of personally not getting along (M/J) or because not as interdependent and # of kids in common as C/J.  I don't think Mariah is in as tight with the other kids and moms (quick tlc, run to show other moms hugging her so as to prove us wrong after the fact lol) , she knows it and this has led to a defensiveness/protectiveness re her and her mother.


Just like aethera says  that looking at the situation objectively is not defending, also looking at how things might have played out is not trying to place fault or blame or that there should be blame or someone is ';wrong', it just 'is what it is' .  But I think there are a lot of unfortunate 'it is what it is' stuff with Meri and Mariah as well as C and J and I don't think Meri has this 'queenly' position in the faahhhhhmleee as perhaps initially thought. No queen would have that level of loneliness and desperation heard on the phone calls.

Edited by BlackWidow
  • Love 1

I'm a certified teacher as well-unless you know a person personally (not thru an edited reality show), you have no idea how they will perform after they complete schooling. I'm sure you know your own students, but Mariah is not your student. I don't know enough about her either since we have seen less than five minutes of her on TV, I just don't believe it is fair to speculate on a college student's future unless you actually know them. My opinion of course.

And pretty much all teenagers come across as self-centered on the internet. I cringe at some of the stuff I see.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 3

I don't care much for Mariah but I admit isn't only based on a couple of short scenes and editing is everything.  But that whiny meltdown about not getting into the house hit a chord.  And the scene on some holiday (Mother's Day?) when all of the older girls were working together to prepare a meal -  Mariah pitched some sort of fit and the others laughed it off as if it were the norm for her.

  • Love 11

Yes, while it seems unfair to judge someone based on a few snippets of their lives, that's just life in these reality show times. Mariah has, at times, come off as being a brat in a lot of situations, and seems to have a different temperament than the other teens in the family. Even when Hunter was at his worst, during The Great Flight to Vegas, he never came off as entitled in the ways that Mariah did.

I agree with my fellow poster. Mariah's behavior when the other families got their houses was downright disturbing. It said a lot about her.

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I don't care much for Mariah but I admit isn't only based on a couple of short scenes and editing is everything.  But that whiny meltdown about not getting into the house hit a chord.  And the scene on some holiday (Mother's Day?) when all of the older girls were working together to prepare a meal -  Mariah pitched some sort of fit and the others laughed it off as if it were the norm for her.


I have to guess that some of that may be at the direction of the 'show' , like 'Can you play up the disappointmet a little bit? yeah, you sitting in the car looking at the house, that's a great shot."  I mean, producers have been known to encourage drama.



Producers/editors can only use what you give them.


Admittedly there have been times when she does tend to come off a bit whiny or over-sensitive or whatever, but that may be from what I said about her and her mom maybe not the closest with the other wives, the sense of maybe being marginalized from the other kids in some way, her being the 'only child' in her original family. It's possible the other kids may resent her on some level, again thinking whatever she gained being a 'only' afforded her all kinds of benefits, while in reality, at least back in Utah, she probably didn't have it all that much better than they did.  It She was all gung-ho about her mom trying to have more kids, which I think was Meri making an attempt at trying to get back into the sense of 'one big family' more than trying to get in better with kody but Mariah probably saw how her mom deals with kody, that kind of semi-whiny, pleading type stuff Meri does, and copied that.


So yes, the producers do use what they put out there, but they also cherry-pick what and how they use stuff, and encourage what they want to make 'better' tv. The other kids likely had lousy moments too, but did they show all of those scenes? They might have different ways of dealing with things that annoy them or things they want than Mariah does, simply because they have learned different coping mechanisms having a ton of siblings- they may be more scrappy and less whiny because that is what worked for them.

  • Love 1

I envision the "not getting into the house " tantrum went something like this:

"Mariah, stop what you are doing and get in the car"

"But I was just about to go out with friends" or "I'm doing my homework."

"Too bad, the film crew is here and we have to go look at the new house."

"Right now? I'm busy!"

"Yes, right now, get in the car we have to be filmed going to look at the new house."

So Mariah stops what she's doing, cancels her plans, changes her clothes, fixes her hair and makeup, gets in the car to go meet the production crew in front of the new house.

Where she is informed that she is not supposed to get out of the car because they are NOT going to look at the new house.

And you think her meltdown was unreasonable? They dragged her out for THAT?

  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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