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S06.E03: Thank You


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On a Ricktatorship point, I understand criticizing Rick, hell, I criticize him too, but to be fair, there wasn't really anyone else who offered an alternative. It's not like people kept coming up with ideas that he then shut down, the only one to offer anything was Carter, and he just wanted to fortify the quarry and keep a walker hangout behind the corner.

So the alternatives were Rick's plan (which I'd like to point out Carol supported wholeheartedly) or letting walkers amass in the backyard, attracting more and more all the time.

Was Rick's plan dumb? Well, yeah. Would it have worked if the unfair wolves hadn't attacked ASZ? Who knows, maybe, maybe it would have crashed and burned anyway. Was there anybody else even trying to take responsibility and do something? Not really.

It's kind of a frequent pattern: Rick comes up with something, it's a half-assed clutterbuck, nobody offers a feasible counterplan, it obviously goes wrong because it's a half-assed clutterbuck, people blame Rick, the next time nobody offers any alternative anyway. There have been a few exceptions, but it usually goes like that. So yeah, pied pipering the walkers on a cross country walk was a shitty plan, but the moment you don't raise your hand and say "we should try this instead" you kinda lose the right to complain that the one guy who came up with something came up with something shitty, in my book.

  • Love 9


I can't even begin to follow the logic of the various routes the characters were taking. Besides the fuckery of Daryl's detour, What the hell was Rick doing? did he run ahead and then double back via another route to the blind curve at Marshall and Redding? I still don't understand what he was doing. Right now I'm only able to make sense of what he did via  fan-wanking and overthinking, but it still doesn't really hang together. 


I meant to ask this this morning: What WAS Rick doing? I know he doubled back to get the camper. But why?


I did ask this morning about Daryl's "free-ride" and I've seen a few theories but nothing definitive because this is TWD and the writers never put anything in stone, or make anything comprehensible. If it weren't for Rick (now) being trapped, I'd say that both he and Daryl acted irresponsibly.  Except I wouldn't know because I never really knew what the master plan was.  But I do know, from last night, that they are to go 20 miles

Calling it now.


Glen is alive. But gets killed in the finale.


They're just trying to soften the blow for later.

He's alive, but is only a head. Then this guy with an odd name comes by. What was his name?  Something like mayor, or congressman . . . no, it was governor. And he puts Glenn's head in one of those aquariums at the pet store. Then they rule the world.   (Okay, next show.  See, this isn't that tough.)

  • Love 2

No the sun doesn't shine out of Rick's ass he makes mistakes of course. But it seems like every damn episode somebody is side eying the guy or second guessing or flat out not listening, and that includes people that have been under his leadership for years. It's almost as if his leadership is taken for granted. More often than not his instincts are good.

YEP. Lori said so herself; they look to Rick for all the answers but when he makes a decision they are quick to criticize. If you don't like the plan go home; go your own separate way but quit dragging down other people complaining and shooting them in the leg

  • Love 6

On Talking Dead, Yvette said that CDB (not Rick) was Michonne's "Betsy." But the other guest thought David's story about meeting Betsy was meant to remind us of Glenn meeting Maggie.

I agree with Yvette. Also, the very first person Michonne met wasn't Rick—it was Andrea.

You all are such deep thinkers. I was bored with his story telling and I thought Michonne was getting his story like she was the NPR Story Corp taker of the apocolyps.

  • Love 5

If anybody's keeping score, I was fairly bored last night. I mean, when you have all those re-shirts around and they ACTUALLY talk, then you know if people die, it'll be them. And I don't care about them. And like many said, when the woman hurt her leg, and one guy got shot and the other bitten, it was just TOO much. There was no real . . . anxiety. How many times have we seen people be chased by Walkers?  The one bright spot were the Wolves. Again, it happened quickly which made it even snappier. Cold-blooded bunch of people.

  • Love 6

I can't even begin to follow the logic of the various routes the characters were taking. Besides the fuckery of Daryl's detour, What the hell was Rick doing? did he run ahead and then double back via another route to the blind curve at Marshall and Redding? I still don't understand what he was trying to accomplish. Right now I'm only able to make sense of what he did via  fan-wanking and overthinking, but it still doesn't really hang together. 

I think -think- he wanted to herd away the stray walkers with the RV, like Sasha-Abraham-Daryl were doing. So, he doubled back, got the RV, went closer to ASZ and waited there for the walkers who had been distracted by the horn, planning to draw them away from ASZ again.

  • Love 4
If Glenn had been definitively shown among the Dead in the Memorian section or a guest on TTD last night, there would be no ambiguity or discussion about his fate today. The viewers are doing exactly what the writers want, fueling speculation about "is he" or "isn't he..." which creates great buzz for the show.


That's exactly what they want. They want people to make sure and tune in. Remember how Slabtown had really big ratings for that season, even though it was (in most opinions on here) a horrible episode? But Beth's fate had been up in their air for so long, a bunch of people wanted to see what was up with her. 


I'm putting it out there that this show should veer away from Kirkman's "nice guys finish last" influence as quickly as possible. We get that this world is a dangerous place but it appears that only the meanest will survive and really, who wants to watch that? It's the apocalypse and there isn't any hope left. Guys like Glen and Dale proved themselves adept at surviving but they had to be punished for demanding that life be worth living and not just about survival. What's the point of going on in such a world? Why wouldn't everyone get together Jim Jones style and drink the poisoned kool-aid?


Really good points. And this touches on why, even though I don't think I would ever do it, I couldn't hate on people who chose to "opt out". It's not just about being scared and sad that your loved ones have died. It's considering how much you want to go on when so many things about the world have changed, and is there really ANYTHING worth living for? Even your kids, do you want them to grow up to be hard and callous and unforgiving? I never hated on Lori when she questioned, briefly, whether Carl should survive Otis's gun shot. It's all so complicated. 


Personally, I do think you have to get harder, but you can do that without totally losing yourself. Rick has gone close to the edge, but I don't think he's totally lost himself. Carol either. BUT, I do think Glenn has done the best job of keeping his core self in tact. And I loved him for it. He was smart and quick and very very capable, but he was also kind and helpful and wanted to give people second chances. I actually think for mankind to survive and in order to built a stable community, you needs people who are at different degrees on this scale. You don't want someone who's too far gone, like a Wolf or a Gareth. But I think it's good to have harder people like Rick MIXED with someone like Glenn or Maggie. Balance. 

  • Love 16

This is sort of where I'm at.  Look, I liked Glenn.  I'm sorry if that's how he really died because nobody deserves to die like that.  But for him to somehow miraculously survive what we saw will require such a huge leap and willing suspension of disbelief that the showrunners can't ever claim ever again that "nobody is safe" and not be met with a massive eyeroll.  They've been veering toward that territory for awhile as it is.


I'm clearly in a minority because I like it from a sheer storytelling point.  If they truly want this to be a show where "anyone can die" then they're written a magnificent story to illustrate exactly that.  To have a major character go alone and senselessly and rather quickly with unfinished business, to not get a drawn out maudlin Tyreese style death is indeed a gutsy move.  It also significantly ups the cost of the series of bad decisions we've seen that have culminated in where we are now, rather than just a bunch of redshirts no one was invested in anyway.


I say all this fully expecting Glenn to pop back up in a couple of episodes for no other reason than audience manipulation.  


I love this post so much that I want to adopt it and raise it as my own.


TWD is an end of civilization story and we can (and will) lose characters we care about at a moments notice. People will make stupid decisions that seem out of character, because, hey, they are still human and every single one of us screws up once and a while. Luckily for us, a stupid mistake usually only results in inconvenience. Here, it results in death.  As a consequence, heroes will die stupid, meaningless deaths.


I do believe that this serves the story. It is upsetting and crazy making, but it rings true to me.

  • Love 2

I think -think- he wanted to herd away the stray walkers with the RV, like Sasha-Abraham-Daryl were doing. So, he doubled back, got the RV, went closer to ASZ and waited there for the walkers who had been distracted by the horn, planning to draw them away from ASZ again.

 Okay, that's good. Now what the hell was Daryl up to? May be the same thing? But then changed his mind? But he heard gunshots on the walkie-talkie and somehow he knew/thought is was Rick

  • Love 1

If damn fool Nicholas had to have a moment of clarity and gratitude, why on earth couldn't he have hurled himself into the walker crowd and at least temporarily diverted attention from Glen? Come on! And poor, poor Maggie...


Also, even if he did scoot under the garbage, what good would that do unless there's a fortuitously placed hole in the bottom of that fence? And if he is under Nicholas, I don't really see that being an effective safety net; those walkers would just keep eating as if it were a double-sized person.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1

the only one to offer anything was Carter, and he just wanted to fortify the quarry and keep a walker hangout behind the corner.

So the alternatives were Rick's plan (which I'd like to point out Carol supported wholeheartedly) or letting walkers amass in the backyard, attracting more and more all the time.


Carter actually had a good idea when he suggested fortifying the existing barricades. That quarry was working wonderfully as a walker trap and buying time until they got a better solution wasn't a bad idea.

  • Love 7

As they ran down the alley the camera panned past a fire escape. "Oh," I thought to myself, "they'll run right up those stairs and everything will be fine." Silly me, I forgot the level of bad, lazy, stupid, inconsistent writing we're still dealing with AFTER SIX SEASONS.


This show has always been frustrating, but my general feeling has always been, "Wow, this show is SO good...except for when it's stupid."  And I loyally handwave the stupid things away.  But my hand is getting tired, and this season I now feel like, "Wow, this show is SO stupid...except for when it's good."  Which isn't often.  It is beyond handwaving now. (Last night my kid said I have let the production value of this show blind me to how terrible it is.)

The completely idiotic zombie release plan of the premiere was a tough pill to swallow, but I did it.  Okay, just get on with the dumb plan, show, that you're forcing me to accept.  But it just keeps getting worse.



1.  Zombie plan is stupid.

2.  Morgan's extreme pacifism is stupid.

3.  Blair Witch geography is inexplicably stupid.

4.  Glenn and Michonne suddenly abandoning all experience and character traits is super stupid.

5.  Unstable dumbfuck Nicholas leading Glenn around is beyond stupid.

6.  Daryl literally driving in circles is stupid.

7.  Heath claiming they never leave their people behind is insulting and stupid, since their policy is to do so, and Nicholas had to face a zombie of a guy HE LEFT BEHIND, in the very SAME episode.

8.  Dying for redshirts is colossally fucking stupid.

9.  Playing games with the audience on TTD just pisses me off.



1.  Carol's rampage

2.  Rick blowing away the Wolves that stupid Morgan let go.


So...I just can't with this anymore.

  • Love 16
Why do people keep saying that Morgan letting the wolves live lead to this? The timeline doesn't work. We saw in the previous episode that it was Carl's girlfriend that led the wolves to Alexandria. She was marking the trail for them to follow. And she was there before Rick's crew arrived. Which means she had already marked the trail to Alexandria before Aaron and Darryl went out, and left Aaron's backpack.



I will admit I may miss little things here and there, but in what episode did we see Enid leaving a trail for the Wolves? I never saw her leaving a trail, period. But if she did, how are we to surmise it was for the Wolves? We never once saw Enid interact with any of them. 

  • Love 12

Just watched.


Well fuck.


I can't believe I burst into tears and wept like that over a fictional character.


Then I come here and learn that there wasn't an in memoriam for Glenn, nor was Stephen Yuen a Hardwick guest, and people are calling it a save for Glenn. I'll be watching it again later, but wow--I just don't see how Glenn could possibly have survived that. Even if Nicholas fell on top as walker bait (DAMMIT!! Totally unintentional call back to happier Glenn times. Sad again!!), and even if all that blood and agony we saw was supposed to be Nicholas's, that herd was so massive and so frenzied, I can't even begin to believe he could survive.


If he made it out, I'm with others on it: I don't care what kind of stupid deus ex machina or dream sequence or MacGyver save it takes, I will happily accept it and be relieved and delighted that they spared him.


I'm finding it hard to believe that he could be okay, though.


If that was Glenn's death--a terrifying and lonely moment with no one who loves him anywhere near--it would certainly underscore the reality of this awful world. And I think it's a smart move on the part of the writers to nudge the viewer away from expecting every hero to die a hero's death, even if it means risking viewer wrath. There are a lot of ways that shows can make a beloved character's death seem stupid and gratuitous, but if this was Glenn's end, I don't see it as gratuitous at all. In stories, we long for the symmetry of the hero's victory, but in real life, death almost always feels stupid and abrupt and forces the living to face the unrelenting nature of mortality. If this was Glenn's death, it was grimly real and horrifically emblematic of the ZA world.


It feels like he is dead. Until I learn otherwise, I'm in mourning.


*ETA all the characters I would feel less sad about seeing eaten before Glenn, in no particular order:

Every single ASZ-hat










Maggie (although I will cry if/when Maggie dies)

and the one character I love who, for me, is basically Glenn's equal in my heart--Michonne. Her death would be/will be devastating, although I think I have more attachment to Glenn, because he has just been ALL HEART from the very beginning. Brave, kind, resourceful, and good.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 7

Now that I have a more level head I apologize for blaming Morgan. I have now shifted the blame to the cast of Fear the Walking Dead

Ha.  I think part of the reason I'm so disgusted with the current state of affairs is that they used up all my good will on FTWD.  I have nothing left to give this crapfest of season 6.  Thinking about Fear makes me even madder.  lol


Hey, show,


  • Love 5
The ambiguity isn't enjoyable. It's not the fun kind of "what's going to happen?" It's manipulative, and if Glenn is dead, then both his character and SY deserved more.

This is exactly what is ticking me off.  It's the reason I stopped watching Lost (well that and it became clear the writers were just making it up as they went along).


There's a fine line between building suspense and messing with viewers' heads.  And Gimple's message to viewers read out on TTD was just more manipulation.


If they had cut off the Glenn storyline in this episode with him and Nicholas surrounded by a sea of walkers, I'd be wondering "Oh no, how are the characters going to get out of this one?".   The suspense is about the story.  But instead I'm wondering whether the writers are pulling a big fake-out or not.  The suspense is about the writers/producers, not the story.


  • Love 13

 Okay, that's good. Now what the hell was Daryl up to? May be the same thing? But then changed his mind? But he heard gunshots on the walkie-talkie and somehow he knew/thought is was Rick

Daryl was doing fuckall and going in circles just to have some cool shots of him on a bike, is my theory.

In all seriousness, I think he decided that he wasn't needed shepherding the walkers (and he truly wasn't, they were following Sasha's car just fine) and wanted to go to ASZ to help, but then Rick on the walkie saying "we have to trust them and do this for them, going back would be for us!" made him feel guilty that he was letting Rick down, I guess, and he went back to his designated spot, because why not, he'd already gone around twice.


Carter actually had a good idea when he suggested fortifying the existing barricades. That quarry was working wonderfully as a walker trap and buying time until they got a better solution wasn't a bad idea.


Oh, I personally agree with that. But I think Carter had quite a few good points overall (like why the fuck should they have trusted Sir Rick of the Gun-Waving Meltdown, for one), and failed spectacularly to get them across in an effective way or fight for them, and no other ASZhat even went "well, what Carter's saying makes sense". So, the way I see it the walker walk plan fuckup rests 50% on Rick's shoulders, the other 50% on everyone else's who just stood there and went "meh, whatever".

Edited by Caelicola
  • Love 4

I will admit I may miss little things here and there, but in what episode did we see Enid leaving a trail for the Wolves? I never saw her leaving a trail, period. But if she did, how are we to surmise it was for the Wolves? We never once saw Enid interact with any of them. 


That's just a popular fan theory at this point.  We actually have nothing concrete to go on with Enid except that she saw her parents killed and eaten and then ate a turtle to live long enough to get to Alexandria alone.


What we have seen that we can take as fact is Morgan letting two of the Wolves who later attacked Alexandria live in the season five finale after they attacked him and ranted a bunch of crazy about their intentions to keep killing.  In that same finale, Morgan rescued Daryl and Aaron, who dropped the bag containing the Welcome to Alexandria welcome packet.  And last episode we saw Morgan let one of the Wolves again live and escape with a gun, the same Wolf and gun that attacked Rick and took out the RV console this episode.

  • Love 4

YEP. Lori said so herself; they look to Rick for all the answers but when he makes a decision they are quick to criticize. If you don't like the plan go home; go your own separate way but quit dragging down other people complaining and shooting them in the leg


I've liked the Ricktator since before the Ricktatorship when he was just a sweet baby-faced Clutterbuck, but I'm still a bit annoyed at his freak out and banishment of Carol and I didn't even really like Carol, and now of course it's all good (Carol's Xtreme Measures ZA Procedures Manual™ that is) because Rick deems it so.  That's what I was originally getting at, in response to Rustbelt Writer, and if I have any further coherent commentary on that I'll take it to Rick's thread, but I want it on the record I'm still Team Rick, despite all the aforementioned Clutterbucking.

Why is there anyone who thinks his death was ambiguous? At all.

When he hit the ground we clearly saw Nicholas was not on top of him. We see the walkers rip out his intestines. If Somehow Glenn isn't dead it will have been completely and utterly cheap.


Glenn was the most humane of the remaining group. He was. And the fact that him seeing good in someone unredemptive getting him killed is very fitting for his character, He helped Tara redeem himself, and he thought he could do it here, and now the conscience of the group is gone. 

  • Love 6

Then they could have left the stragglers safe in a building and come back for them later, but no.  Let's waste precious time debating life and death and tactics.  Then Glenn specifically had to set fire to a building....in some other part of town? So they could all run down blind alleys and get stuck behind fences.  A fence Michonne couldn't seem to jump because...no reason.  And Glenn is trapped in another random alley for...no reason.  So he can die for...no reason. 



This!! I mean, back in "Clear" Michonne somehow magically returned into a walker-infested restaurant and escaped unscatched in less than a minute to retrieve Carl's family photograph. But in this episode she had trouble scaling a chain link fence? She had to keep hanging in place and kicking at the walkers grabbing her ankles? Our girl Michonne has easily escaped many treacherous situations - remember her single-handedly taking down a herd en route to finding Rick and Carl after the fall of the Prison? - so why must the writers make her look so suddenly inept that she can't quickly scramble over a fence with built-in hand and foot grips?


I had my hands to my mouth in horror when Glenn was attacked, but Mr. Ouisch quickly pointed out the "weird" camera angle, that it looked like Glenn's intestines were being pulled from his throat. So I'm voting for that was Nicholas' body being devoured and Glenn will escape somehow.


How exactly did Rick injure his hand? Was he bitten/scratched? Did he cut it? Did he break a bone? (I know that in the comics a looong time ago his hand was chopped off by The Governor, but Kirkman has gone on record saying that he regretted that writing decision and would not have done it in retrospect.)

  • Love 2

Daryl was doing fuckall and going in circles just to have some cool shots of him on a bike, is my theory.

In all seriousness, I think he decided that he wasn't needed shepherding the walkers (and he truly wasn't, they were following Sasha's car just fine) and wanted to go to ASZ to help, but then Rick on the walkie saying "we have to trust them and do this for them, going back would be for us!" made him feel guilty that he was letting Rick down, I guess, and he went back to his designated spot, because why not, he'd already gone around twice.


The herd following Sasha conveniently hasn't heard that they're supposed to be attracted to movement and sound.  You know, since they can be drawn off by a horn from miles away but not by the loud motorcycle directly in front of them that they can see.  Daryl's just lucky he didn't have some peel off from the main group and follow him, making the mess of random scattered walkers they were trying to corral even worse.

  • Love 2

The herd following Sasha conveniently hasn't heard that they're supposed to be attracted to movement and sound.  You know, since they can be drawn off by a horn from miles away but not by the loud motorcycle directly in front of them that they can see.  Daryl's just lucky he didn't have some peel off from the main group and follow him, making the mess of random scattered walkers they were trying to corral even worse.

But the motorcycle's faaaast! As a lazy person, I can totally relate to the walkers just going "fuck it, we'll just keep following this nice slow car, the dude on the bike looked kinda scraggly and smelly anyways".

  • Love 13

Episode title should be: No Thank You.


Last night I had a very difficult time falling asleep, I couldn't shake a large case of the feels I caught during this episode.  I'm so torn about Glenn.  I don't want him to be dead. At all.  He is one of my favourite characters, and has been with us since the start.  But based on his last scene, I am not only afraid he is gone, but I also think he should be.  If there is some magical escape plan from that mob of walkers, then it'll be the most contrived and shark-jumpy that I've seen this show. 


Lets have an episode do-over. Okay? ...okay? Pretend yesterday never happened.

  • Love 7

I just can't get past how much I hate this manipulation!

-If Glenn is dead, show that clearly.

-If you want to leave Glenn in peril (thereby us, in suspense), leave him exactly where he is, but show that he is trapped under Dickolous who is being eaten. 


I really dislike how it isn't clear enough to be certain, but it really wasn't presented with enough ambiguity to be nicely debated. They missed both marks.


Side note: I have seen stills side by side of Glenn in his shirt before the fall, and the walker hands about to tear into the chest of someone on the ground, and they do not look the same. (It might be able to be done with enough of a change in lighting between the two shots, but the color really doesn't seem to match.)

  • Love 4

"When he hit the ground we clearly saw Nicholas was not on top of him."  We did?  I saw them falling and Glen was holding Nicholas' body in front of him. Since we saw Glen's face on the ground, Nicholas must have been on top of him.


I think Glen was screaming in fear of what would happen to him next, not out of pain.  If those body parts being torn were from his body, he would have been dead.  If he could pull himself under the dumpster, he could probably survive because the concrete walls protecting the dumpster would make it impossible for the walkers to push it over.  However, how would he pull himself under there fast enough to keep his legs from being attacked?

  • Love 8

Episode title should be: No Thank You.


Last night I had a very difficult time falling asleep, I couldn't shake a large case of the feels I caught during this episode.  I'm so torn about Glenn.  I don't want him to be dead. At all.  He is one of my favourite characters, and has been with us since the start.  But based on his last scene, I am not only afraid he is gone, but I also think he should be.  If there is some magical escape plan from that mob of walkers, then it'll be the most contrived and shark-jumpy that I've seen this show. 


Lets have an episode do-over. Okay? ...okay? Pretend yesterday never happened.



I think he can still be alive because as the camera pans out on the "incident" his head disappears. Only a few walkers made it to the ground to ThankNicholas Dinner. 

  • Love 3

That's part of what I enjoy about this, the differing perspectives. I was pretty sure the ground clearance I saw was about 8-10 inches. Then I ran outside and measured my dumpsters and, yep, 3 inches.

But..but..but... (Let me find a straw to grasp here...)

These are dumpsters from a future ZA time so their design is modified to allow hiding space and/or trap doors underneath?


Okay, I'll put on my tinfoil dunce cap and sit in the corner now.

  • Love 2

I believe Glenn is alive.  He's going to survive by rolling under the dumpster, killing a walker, and covering himself with the walkers blood and guts.  After laying there for a few minutes, the walkers will lose his scent and slowly walk away.  Glenn will slide from under the dumpster and walk away.

He's gong 


I just can't get past how much I hate this manipulation!

-If Glenn is dead, show that clearly.

-If you want to leave Glenn in peril (thereby us, in suspense), leave him exactly where he is, but show that he is trapped under Dickolous who is being eaten. 


I really dislike how it isn't clear enough to be certain, but it really wasn't presented with enough ambiguity to be nicely debated. They missed both marks.


Side note: I have seen stills side by side of Glenn in his shirt before the fall, and the walker hands about to tear into the chest of someone on the ground, and they do not look the same. (It might be able to be done with enough of a change in lighting between the two shots, but the color really doesn't seem to match.)

I think it might also have to have hurt to hit the ground so that he was in pain from that and also shrieking from seeing Nicholas blow his brains out and spatter blood across Glenn's face and then suddenly toppling over with him into a bunch of walkers.   

  • Love 1

But..but..but... (Let me find a straw to grasp here...)

These are dumpsters from a future ZA time so their design is modified to allow hiding space and/or trap doors underneath?


Okay, I'll put on my tinfoil dunce cap and sit in the corner now.


I don't know how to post it here, but there is a still of the dumpster before they get to it, and the clearing is much more than 3'' on this one. Plenty of room for someone to fit under.

  • Love 4

I think -think- he wanted to herd away the stray walkers with the RV, like Sasha-Abraham-Daryl were doing. So, he doubled back, got the RV, went closer to ASZ and waited there for the walkers who had been distracted by the horn, planning to draw them away from ASZ again.


That's more or less what I think, but I don't think it entirely makes sense. For one, Rick could have accomplished the same end by going up a tree, keeping quiet and waiting for the main herd to pass. Mostly I think everyone, including walkers, suddenly started travelling through a Blair Witch landscape where the geography morphed to suit whatever plot point was needed and there were no straight lines to be travelled.



it was Carl's girlfriend that led the wolves to Alexandria. She was marking the trail for them to follow.


That's an opinion on what she was doing, not a fact. Maybe that's exactly what happened, but at no point has it been definitively shown that she was leaving markings for the purpose of conveying information to an outside group, never mind if it's the Wolves or other marauders. The two Wolves who Morgan initially allowed to survive after they attacked him were the same ones who recovered Aaron's backpack at the booby-trapped cannery. It was stuffed with pictures of the community, which IIRC included the name Alexandria. The roads around the community are peppered with signs announcing the development and literally pointing to it. They didn't need some random teen playing possum for over 8 months and sneaking out to tag trees in order to get there, they didn't even need Aaron's back-pack for that matter, they would have have eventually stumbled over it, just much later than they did and not with such disastrous timing.


More to the point, who isn't leaving markings? The Termites did it and Rick (or someone in his group or perhaps even someone mysteriously following a similar track) has left markings that Morgan has followed. I think at some point almost every character has marked a trail or marked their presence, whether inside a formerly inhabited place (like the prison) or out in the wilderness.


"fuck it, we'll just keep following this nice slow car, the dude on the bike looked kinda scraggly and smelly anyways"


Going by scent, they probably weren't sure if he was dead or alive.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 3


I think Glen was screaming in fear of what would happen to him next, not out of pain.  If those body parts being torn were from his body, he would have been dead.


I think trying to judge what is going on by the nature of his screams is fruitless.

He was feeling too many things- terror, horror, fear, surprise, shock, wtfuckery...

I'd have been screaming about all of those things, not just one specific one.

  • Love 2

That's more or less what I think, but I don't think it entirely makes sense. For one, Rick could have accomplished the same end by going up a tree, keeping quiet and waiting for the main herd to pass. Mostly I think everyone, including walkers, suddenly started travelling through a Blair Witch landscape where the geography morphed to suit whatever plot point was needed and there were no straight lines to be travelled.

Oh, I have no doubt the geography is fucked up (I'm using the f-word a lot, today...), the herds split up not long after the Marshall-Redding intersection, and yet he apparently had to run like ten miles to get back there, because time and space continuum and quantum physics and all roads lead to Rome, I guess.

  • Love 1

I'm devastated. It was a rough week and this was the bitter cherry on the top. I'm heartsick and sad and just wiped out by the shock and disbelief I felt when Glenn fell. I'd like to thank the writers for that. Sincerely. I got complacent. I believed my unkillables were safe until the end of time. I happily watched zombies and Wolves plough through Alexandrites and never for a moment thought one of my characters would die. I thought Glenn's death was epic. I kept watching, waiting for him to scale the fence or leap to the roof or somehow install an engine and drive that damn dumpster out. But he's not Spider-Man. Bad shit happened and Glenn went down, leaving me curled into a ball of shock. It's been a while since a character's death affected me to that extent, and I think the show displayed genuine balls and huge faith in its from-Episode-1 audience. I loved Glenn. He killed a zombie while taped to a fucking chair. And he's gone. This is going to sting for a while but I love the show for hurting me like this. Season 6 is not screwing around.

  • Love 8

I'm really sorry for Glenn if he's really dead, but the  zombie on  the left was  eating his or Nicholas's guts  with such  delight.... like they were  the most delicious guts  he had ever tasted.

I almost commented on that, too. They just looked so happy. 


Has there ever been a character that just . . . disappeared? Fate unknown?


I'm not saying I think Glenn is dead (or not), but if he is, how will anyone know for certain? Once the smoke is cleared, will they send a team back to that little town and find his shirt, or, maybe, the walkie-talkie? I can see Maggie wanting to do that.

Merle, until season three. Do you mean gone for good? (so far.)

  • Love 1

Maggie is going to be destroyed.  Absolutely destroyed.


I'm calling it now.  Jessie dies and Rick and Maggie get together.

Maggie is going to be destroyed.  Absolutely destroyed.


I'm calling it now.  Jessie dies and Rick and Maggie get together.

That could happen on a longshot (although I'm aware that many here want Jessie as zombie-chow.) However, I'll add another interesting possibility:

Maggie is pregnant, and there is no man she could ever love the way she loved Glenn. So, she raises the baby with Tara, so the child (a boy they name Glenn, of course) can have two parents.

Also, Rosita is pregnant at the same time with Abraham's baby (and of course Abe makes it home safely.) Rosita has a little girl.

We now at least have a Walking Dead 2:Next Generation, with Maggie's little boy and Rosita's daughter.

Well, that's it tied up in a nice tidy fantasy bow.

But I'll never get over grieving Glenn, son or no son.

  • Love 1

I'll say this - the show runners have done a kick ass job of keeping the show entertaining this year. We're going into week four and the excitement hasn't let up for a moment. There may have been some rough patches here and there but every week raises the bar just a little higher and I think they've kept the story tight. I'm totally fine with Glen pulling off some spectacular escape because hey, he's Glen and getting home safe to Maggie is what he does. And next week is 90 minutes? I don't know if I can take it.

  • Love 4

Sign me up for the camp of "Glenn Yet Lives".  I believe he landed on his back, with Nick the Dick's body on top of his, which the walkers were feasting on.  Glenn was screaming out of fear and horror, but he's got a good brain, and I think he'll roll underneath the dumpster.  He might be covered with walkers blood and guts by then, or the bottom of the dumpster might be rotted out after 2 years of rotting, leaking garbage decomposing in it.  I really can't see them offing Glenn in the manner shown, with no other TF around to witness it.  Maggie would never know what happened to her husband (and the father of her baby).  This way they get some good Maggie anguish scenes when she believe that Glenn is dead, which I think LC will handle nicely.  And conflict within TF, if Maggie blames Rick's plan for his "death".  And Rick might blame himself as well.  We'll see how Glenn survives on his own before he meets up with some others and returns to ASZ, much to everyone's joy.  Hopefully he makes it back in time to fight off the Return of the Wolves.


I'm saddened that neither Michonne nor Heath gave poor Dave a mercy killing while he was being eaten alive.  That was just bad writing there.  Very OOC for Michonne at least.  And someone could have tried to give poor Annie a headshot as they raced off, poor thing.


So Rick has hurt his hand yet again.  Hope he didn't get too much walker goo in there.  Hopefully Denise can clean it out before infection sets in.

  • Love 1

Calling it now.


Glen is alive. But gets killed in the finale.


They're just trying to soften the blow for later.


Exactly my thoughts.


Either way he'll be gone and I won't be happy.  He's my favorite character. I always swore I'd stop watching if Glenn died.. and I'm a GoT watcher;  I'm used to heartbreak. Glenn is a deal breaker for me.


Also, I wouldn't mind it if Maggie was pregnant. For one, it's a bit more realistic.  I mean, if you're having sex, it's a possibility.  There should be more pregnancies in the show actually.  I mean, I don't want another crying baby that they have to lug around, but having babies is more realistic.  Secondly, Maggie needs family.  One by one she's lost them all.  Her being pregnant is more than a cliche. She needs this.

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