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4 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I think so. Given the spoilery breakdown by the reddit guy, I don't see how they'd fit another "dessert" scene into the episode. 

I don't know. If it's (as I suspect) the same guy from last year under a new user name. He very often glossed over Olicity/Felicity related stuff on Reddit.

Also was he the one that said Overgirl was pregnant and that's why they needed Kara?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't know. If it's (as I suspect) the same guy from last year under a new user name. He very often glossed over Olicity/Felicity related stuff on Reddit.

Also was he the one that said Overgirl was pregnant and that's why they needed Kara?

That's true, but since it looks like they find out about the potential betrayal at the reception, and then the seriousness of what happens next-- the team breaking up, Thea getting beat up and Lance abducted-- I'm not getting my hopes up.

The crossover spoilers from the reddit guy were pretty accurate in general. I think the pregnant part was his own spec after Kara doubled over from being punched in the gut. He added "???" to it. 

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

The crossover spoilers from the reddit guy were pretty accurate in general. I think the pregnant part was his own spec after Kara doubled over from being punched in the gut. He added "???" to it. 

Yeah I don't think he's wrong but, he tends to gloss over stuff.

Plus he tends to put his stuff through a Reddit filter. Does this mean there's "dessert" in the episode? I don't know, I'm just not ruling it out just yet. 

It could also be different expectations. Olicity fans might be thinking 320/520 and SA is talking 401 or 406.

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15 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

That's true, but since it looks like they find out about the potential betrayal at the reception, and then the seriousness of what happens next-- the team breaking up, Thea getting beat up and Lance abducted-- I'm not getting my hopes up

Is it too much to ask that the episode starts with them in bed before going to the reception? (It's probably too much to ask. I'm just getting spoiled now...)

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Just now, Trisha said:

Is it too much to ask that the episode starts with them in bed before going to the reception? (It's probably too much to ask. I'm just getting spoiled now...)

I actually thought it might start like that and then Donna interrupts. 

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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Yeah I don't think he's wrong but, he tends to gloss over stuff.

Plus he tends to put his stuff through a Reddit filter. Does this mean there's "dessert" in the episode? I don't know, I'm just not ruling it out just yet. 

It could also be different expectations. Olicity fans might be thinking 320/520 and SA is talking 401 or 406.

I'd be thrilled with something like 401 or 406, and I think something like that would probably fit better under the circumstances. 

Just now, Trisha said:

Is it too much to ask that the episode starts with them in bed before going to the reception? (It's probably too much to ask. I'm just getting spoiled now...)

I love being spoiled! And yeah, that would work. Or there could be part of a montage at the end showing how parts of the team are spending the holidays and Olicity getting started on what will likely be an abbreviated honeymoon.

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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Plus he tends to put his stuff through a Reddit filter.

For sure. Oliver seeing E-X Felicity and Oliver and Felicity being reunited and Oliver deciding that he doesn't care about getting married just get shuffled into "Olicity scenes" (not to mention 510's description if this is the same person). I wouldn't count out a scene just yet.

Idk part of me still feels an ending montage of all of the characters that just shows Oliver and Felicity going to bed together, but we'll see. 

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57 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Also the reception looks beautiful but who are all these people? :-)

Well, Oliver is the mayor and he grew up in society. A lot of people probably scored invites because it's good politics and I can buy that Thea would have gotten out one of Moira's address books and gone to town inviting people just for the hell of it.

All I know is that my iTunes season pass had better be accessible next week in China or I will cause an international incident. And I could never bring myself to thank Trump, so I'd just be stuck over there.

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3 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

All I know is that my iTunes season pass had better be accessible next week in China or I will cause an international incident.

Are you going to the mainland? I don't think it will be. In addition to iTunes distribution rights being wonky internationally, China puts access blocks on basically everything. When I was there, I couldn't get to anything owned by google or any streaming media sites, even imgur. PTV was still accessible, though!

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We're going to Taiwan, and then to China before cruising to Japan. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have any problem in Taiwan, but we fly to Shanghai next Thursday. So I probably won't be able to try until we get into international waters. Curses!

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9 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

So I probably won't be able to try until we get into international waters. Curses!

I was on a Baltic cruise when 5x20 aired and was too scared to try to use the internet in Russia to download it, and then couldn’t get a connection fast enough/long enough to download it in any other country. I know your pain!

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Are we really supposed to believe someone in the team turned traitor? I'm not gonna lie 'ill be super surprised if this is true. But knowing this show it's not true at all and everyone will be loyal as Always...

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Just now, DeadZeus said:

Are we really supposed to believe someone in the team turned traitor? I'm not gonna lie 'ill be super surprised if this is true. But knowing this show it's not true at all and everyone will be loyal as Always...

According to the spoilers, it is true, to an extent. Rene throws Oliver and essentially the team under the bus.

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Just now, way2interested said:

According to the spoilers, it is true, to an extent. Rene throws Oliver and essentially the team under the bus.

Interesting, i'll believe it when i see it though... Even if it's true i doubt it will stick and they will be cool a few episode later... I mean i want it to stick cuz i think wilddog running around with guns is pretty lame and diminishes Olivers Bow and Arrow stuff... I rly doubt he'll be off the team for good though...

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6 minutes ago, DeadZeus said:

Interesting, i'll believe it when i see it though... Even if it's true i doubt it will stick and they will be cool a few episode later... I mean i want it to stick cuz i think wilddog running around with guns is pretty lame and diminishes Olivers Bow and Arrow stuff... I rly doubt he'll be off the team for good though...

I wish we could get rid of all the noobs and just go back to Oliver, Diggle Felicity and Roy or Thea (sidekick, NOT William). 

I don't know how long this Civil War is supposed to last, probably resolved by 615. It would be great if it lasted to May and then resulted in the B-Team leaving town for good (after defeating Team Baddie).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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8 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Rene throws Oliver and essentially the team under the bus.

Even if one could understand Rene's motivation, how could anyone on the team trust him again after that?

I mean, OTA is proven right that the new team members are dishonest, so while their methods of finding out are questionable, it is not as if they are in the wrong. Dinah has her secret, Rene is betraying them and Curtis doesn't really factor into anything really at the moment. 

Also, are we ever going to find out about the actual evidence or is the FBI lady a part of Cayden's long plan to defeat Team Arrow?

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8 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I wish we could get rid of all the noobs and just go back to Oliver, Diggle Felicity and Roy or Thea (sidekick, NOT William). 

I don't know how long this Civil War is supposed to last, probably resolved by 615. It would be great if it lasted to May and then resulted in the B-Team leaving town for good (after defeating Team Baddie).

Yes, it annoys me that Oliver is like, punching, kicking, shooting arrows, looking cool... And then the next scene is Wilddog shooting a hail of bullets with no skill at all... I thought the point of The Arrow/GA was to do what regular cops or ppl could not, and literally be a badass compared to them... But Wilddog makes Oliver look dumb for using a bow...

But i strongly doubt they will go back to OTA, not a chance... Not even 1 member will leave. I'm sure of it.

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2 hours ago, Chaser said:

I know it's mean but I'd love Oliver to be like "no just you newbies".

Seeing as OTA apparently spied on them, I think it’s implied.


2 hours ago, Trisha said:

Is it too much to ask that the episode starts with them in bed before going to the reception? (It's probably too much to ask. I'm just getting spoiled now...)


2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I actually thought it might start like that and then Donna interrupts. 

I was thinking about her being late because Oliver messed up her hair and it took a while to get it right. Not aided by Donna pecking about details of married sex.

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19 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I wish we could get rid of all the noobs and just go back to Oliver, Diggle Felicity and Roy or Thea (sidekick, NOT William). 

I don't know how long this Civil War is supposed to last, probably resolved by 615. It would be great if it lasted to May and then resulted in the B-Team leaving town for good (after defeating Team Baddie).

What do I need to burn or to sacrifice to make this happen? 

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5 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I mean, OTA is proven right that the new team members are dishonest, so while their methods of finding out are questionable, it is not as if they are in the wrong. Dinah has her secret, Rene is betraying them and Curtis doesn't really factor into anything really at the moment. 

I think it's all starting to make sense now. They pushed Diggle/Dinah partner/friendship and pushed Curtis into Felicity's Company storyline and, we had Rene being drawn into Oliver's family drama as well as being the guy to rat out Diggle in 603.

Could this have all been a setup for this Civil War Story? 

Dinah is keeping secrets from the team, Rene does turn on Oliver (even if I understand his reasoning) and Curtis was fighting with Felicity in 607 and is apparently jealous of them in 609.

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I already hate this whole Civil War storyline. That kind of conflict only works if you care about both sides. I cared about both Team Captain America and Team Iron Man. I care about OTA, but I don't care one iota for Team Newbies. 

Edited by tv echo
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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Could this have all been a setup for this Civil War Story? 

I think so, along with the fact that Diggle and Felicity were getting a bunch of small moments between each other, Oliver and Felicity got back together and married already, and why Diggle's secret didn't cause issues between him and Felicity and were resolved between him and Oliver in one episode. Strengthening OTA and subtly introducing conflict with the newbies.

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Curtis: "It could literally be any one of us." Uh, no, Curtis. It can't. Shut up. 

At the very least, I would rule out Oliver himself. This isn`t an "we`re talking with a shapeshifter, it could be any one of us" scenario.

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15 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I just re-read the midseason spoilers from Reddit, and apparently Curtis catches the bouquet? It's in Donna's hands in the trailer, so... I guess he runs into her/grabs it from her?

Pretty much. You can see him rushing up in this GIF ... he uses his height :P


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33 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Even if one could understand Rene's motivation, how could anyone on the team trust him again after that?

Exactly. And I'm interested to know why he's giving the toast instead of Diggle. Probably so it can feel like more of a knife in Oliver's back when he learns the truth. 

Also, I'm annoyed that Oliver and Felicity are in the bunker with the team immediately after the reception and not somewhere quiet and alone having dessert. Dammit.

Edited by KenyaJ
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35 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Even if one could understand Rene's motivation, how could anyone on the team trust him again after that?


Pretty much this. Also because knowing Oliver if Rene went to him telling what the FBI is trying to do he would do anything to help him. So Rene doesn’t trust the team and I don’t see why the team should trust Rene in the future.

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6 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Exactly. And I'm interested to know why he's giving the toast instead of Diggle. Probably so it can feel like more of a knife in Oliver's back when he learns the truth. 


IIRC the spoilers say that Curtis was giving a drunken speech and lamenting that Olicity got married but, he's alone. Rene interrupts and then gives a toast. Sounds like Curtis is a hot mess at the Reception.

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4 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

And I'm interested to know why he's giving the toast instead of Diggle.

According to the spoilers, Curtis gives a drunk toast and Rene takes over. I'm kind of hoping that someone else (Diggle, Thea, Donna, someone who has known Oliver and Felicity for more than a year or two) gives a toast too but Reddit guy skipped over it. Didn't he not even notice the wedding reception the first time he watched?

I have a feeling I'm going to be telling Curtis to shut up a lot during 609.

39 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Even if one could understand Rene's motivation, how could anyone on the team trust him again after that?

He'll probably do something to save OTA - maybe all the newbies will, since something has to happen to make us want them back - and then they'll all come together to fight the villains. Or they'll reluctantly team up again because of the team of villains and then something will happen and they'll be one big happy team again.

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Aiii look at his stupid happy face while she's feeding him cake!

I do think SA is teasing us that that is probably the dessert scene. So no "dessert" just plain old cake dessert. BUT I never knew I wanted a scene like that and it is incredibly cute and squeeworthy.

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I just know that if it really is OTA gain. They will be struggling really hard and then be like "we really need the team back..." Even though they were fine in the past and they were also doing fine at the start of S5 with just Oliver and Felicity, but they recruited the noobs just cuz they were active on the street by themselves and might have gotten themselves killed, but Olictiy was still doing just fine and didn't really need em. But i'm sure that if they split up, suddenly OTA will struggle without them.

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Do we have a link to the reddit spoilers?

Found it.

Rene being the one to almost crack isn't surprising. But OTA spying on NTA was a bit surprising but with this whole situation as far as outing Oliver being wrapped up in a pretty little bow by the sounds of it (since Rene doesnt crack) is a tad disappointing. 

Edited by Primal Slayer
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You see, knowing that Curtis is going to throw a tiff over Olicity being married as he's all alone just makes me pissed the hell off. Curtis ruined his own marriage because he simply had to be a vigilante and ignore his husband. His husband rightfully got sick and tired of it and left. Then Curtis did nothing to save the marriage. So no, I'm not going to feel bad for Curtis being lonely. 

Seriously, I liked Paul and Curtis and then they had to add drama just to add drama. 

I'm surprised at how much I've grown to like Rene since last season. I totally sympathize with his reason for turning on the team. That being said, he probably should be kicked off the team after that if he's going to be giving away secret identities through blackmail and manipulation of the FBI. Though I wonder how difficult it's going to be for Rene to go through with it. I get that he most likely won't get that far, but I'm interested in how the Rene subplot is handled. 

Seriously, Rene's the only Team B member I care about, and this time last year, I would never have imagined myself saying this. 

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24 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Seriously, Rene's the only Team B member I care about, and this time last year, I would never have imagined myself saying this. 

The only Team B member I ever cared about was Rory/Ragman but he left a long time ago so all of NTA can get gone and that'd be just fine with me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

IIRC the spoilers say that Curtis was giving a drunken speech and lamenting that Olicity got married but, he's alone. Rene interrupts and then gives a toast. Sounds like Curtis is a hot mess at the Reception.

Ah, I forgot about that. Thanks!

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56 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

So much of this season would've been much better and hard hitting had we had Laurel/Thea/Roy in place of everyone else. Characters that have actual history.

This really sums up the problem with newbies, their places on the team/relationships with OTA don't feel earned. I wonder if it'd work better if they'd shown us any of the immediate aftermath of Lian Yu? It would make sense that the experience bonded them but we've never seen it.

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7 hours ago, Belinea said:

Maybe this was brought up before but shouldn't the president help Oliver out considering he saved the world from an alien invasion?

It depends on whether Oliver has been charged with violations of Federal or State law.  Presidential pardons can only be issued for violations of Federal law, and they only waive the criminal penalties for those crimes; they do NOT change the finding (or implicit admission) of guilt that is required for a pardon.  And violations of State law are not subject to presidential pardons; those are exclusively within the specific purview of the State governor.

Edited by legaleagle53
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*I had to rewrite this because I was on a phone that for some reason doesn't post in English on the site* I haven't started the episodes yet but I seen this on another site. I don't mind spoilers. The Reverse Flash says everyone has heard of the Flash and Co but no one has heard of Felicity? But she starts a company that I'm sure will still be around in the future, so how can anyone not know who she is? Explain that dialogue to me? 

Edited by Simba122504
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17 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

This really sums up the problem with newbies, their places on the team/relationships with OTA don't feel earned. I wonder if it'd work better if they'd shown us any of the immediate aftermath of Lian Yu? It would make sense that the experience bonded them but we've never seen it.

It is funny how quickly they swept the aftermath of Lian Yu under the rug. I was expecting way more flashbacks then the one that we got.

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

So much of this season would've been much better and hard hitting had we had Laurel/Thea/Roy in place of everyone else. Characters that have actual history.

Maybe. Except I can't really see Thea or Roy actively going against OTA. Laurel, yes. She's more likely to be stubborn and do her own thing.

12 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

It is funny how quickly they swept the aftermath of Lian Yu under the rug. I was expecting way more flashbacks then the one that we got.

Because, just like Havenrock, it was more of a "shocker" than an actual storyline they want to pursue. They used to eliminate baby mama so Oliver can be a dad, and they used it to eat up episodes without Willa Holland because she again has limited episodes this season.

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