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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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I'm just curious - what way has Vicki been treated that has been so awful? The only one I've seen going way overboard with her is Megan. But Vicki can give as good as it gets. She's been horribly nasty to Shannon, IMO. But as for her "friends", I've only seen them ask questions, try to calmly let her know some things weren't adding up. I haven't seen any of them outright attack her or anything.

I have posted my opinion about Vicki's treatment and why I feel the way I do in various threads in this forum.

Whether or not the diagnosis is true, it should have never been a storyline.

Bravo has once again crossed some moral and ethical boundaries by forcing the storyline the way they did.

I can't help but think of pyramid schemes and things like Prepaid Legal,when I think of Icky. Don't know why.

I have Prepaid legal through the company I work for. I have never used it though.

The cost for the service is tiny. My company pays most of the fee.


Edited by Scrambled Fog
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Oh, you know who else is pissed about this season?  Newport Imaging.  Their phone has been ringing off the hook with inquiries about whether they do PET scans.  A tweet said they were going to pursue legal action against Brooks for showing their name on television (it was on his medical paper) but I doubt much will come of it.  I'm sure Vicki makes her living selling high commission insurance products and investments.  There's no financial analysis/planning involved. 


I forgot that Brooks was missing teeth when Vicki met him.  Thanks to whoever mentioned that.

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I agree.

Shannon and Heather are the only ones who know how to dress themselves.


Granted, I can barely dress myself, but I thought Shannon's dress looked cheap.  Like it was made out of paper doilies.  I'm sure that dress cost more than 3 months of my salary, though.

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The best moment in this ridiculous episode was the look on Pasture Mike's face when Vickie was comparing herself to Christ being nailed to the cross. Priceless. Also the angel food cake with a halo and the devil's food cake with horns . That's all I've got. Bring on the reunion.

Right??? I need somebody to meme the look on this face with a "Bitch, PLEASE" caption. That comparison was unbelievably awful, even for Vicki.







Perfection.  Idk how she thought that her lie wouldn't be uncovered at some point.  But then I remember, that in addition to being a bitch, a narcissist to the nth degree, and a liar, Vicki is also dumb as a box of hair.  So, really, I answered my own question. 


Wait--David had an affair on Shannon?

Yes.  And - another little-known tidbit:  Vicki's mom died.  I know, it is shocking! WHO KNEW??



I hope both Briana and Shannon call her out at the reunion on this!


For real.  As far as I'm concerned, this IV story is the metaphorical "smoking gun" to the Brooks-and-Vicki-are-lying saga.  And I believe it's what Heather has been alluding to when she says that some information came out while filming that caused her to cast serious doubt on the whole thing.  She and Shannon are more PC than Megan, so they won't come out and say - on camera - that "he is lying."  But I'd be shocked if they were not thinking it and saying it off camera.

Edited by Duke2801
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Line of the night for me "That Ronda bitch...".  I literally laughed out loud. 


I've never liked Vicki...until her friendship with Shannon.  I thought Shannon brought out a nice side of Vicki.  They both seemed to be a good friend to the other, until halfway through this season when Vicki flipped on Shannon for some reason.


Sometimes the most interesting tidbits are offhandedly revealed.  Like when Shannon revealed that Vicki said she (Shannon) hadn't supported Brooks by not coming by City of Hope for his chemo session, and that Brooks apparently called her, yelled at her and hung up on her.


Tamra is still she same as she ever was ...making it seem to Vicki that it's the "other ladies" discussing everything, and leaving herself out of the equation. Then telling Vicki "they're winning" as she's climbing out the limo.  Loved the line Shannon made about Vicki being the Godfather and people getting in the limo to talk to her.


Laughed when Meghan PI and Lizzie heard the conversation getting heated and hightailed it around the bar to get closer to the action.


And not to beat the IV subject to death, but in Heather's TH, she said that Brianna told HER about the IV story, not Tamra.

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I agree with this. I also think she had a financial reason to go along with it. Vicks became complicit when she launched a business with Lenka, the detox grass lady




Vicks is all over the interwebs talking about this miracle mixture. Why do you think that Brooksie always ha one of those green shakes in his hand. Product placement! And it would have probably ended up with an announcment that Brooks was cured, so everyone needs to get with the program. But that never happened because it blew up in their faces. Vicks was up to her neck in it. The IV was just the last straw. So typical Vicks, drama and hyperbole. I'm sure she told Shannon that Terry arranged for an IV. Like Terry, as much of a jackass as he is, would actually order at home treatment for a cancer patient who is undergoing chemo. What a load of bull.


Tamra seems to view a baptism as a free pass for all the shitty things she has done. That's not the way it works, Tams. 


How long does it take for someone to leave a party? I mean seriously. If you want to go, then go. It takes 30 seconds to walk out the door. I'm not sure if it was Vicki or the other women who kept stalling. I was having visions of the producers doing a body block in front of the door so Vicks couldn't leave and simultanously pushing the others out to the lobby to keep the drama going. 


Megan PI was a non issue in this ep. 


I felt bad for Shannon. She really thought Vicks was her friend. Oh Shannon, their are no friend among these fools. 


Billy and Rhonda reminded me of when Jimmy Carter was elected president and brought his redneck brother Billy to the white house, where he sat on the porch and drank Billy beer all day. Rhonda was such an asshole. Records of what? It made no sense.


Glad the season is over. I thought Andy was treating Vicks with kid gloves on WWHL. Never asked about cancer. I want to see Tams apologize to Alexis for her Jesus jugs comment. That should be rich.

Love your post!

1) Yes, Tamra owes a real, sincere apology to Alexis.

2)Perfect comment on Brother Billy, same name and everything!!

3)How darn long does it take for Vicki to leave a party?? She was clearly waiting for Rhona Sue and Billy Bob to make it happen before her exit. Vicki could care less about Shannon, or Heather, or anyone but herself for that matter. Her comment about being nailed to the cross was just so OTT and narcissistic, but why does that shock me?!

4)The real reason why Vicki was working so hard to stick to the Brooks has cancer story...the Lenka, ClubDetox money maker for her retirement, yet again, get rich quick scheme. She has to save face not only for the endorsement deal but to insist she was duped when it comes out because of her insurance business that she never lets us forget about as viewers. I know Brianna is no prize but to continually throw her under the bus on TV? Nice mother.

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To me, that's irrelevant, it was just mean of her to say to someone in front of others...especially since Rhonda was making assumptions about Shannon from gossip. She was cruel. At least she had the decency to admit she was wrong later.

Maybe, but she admitted it to the wrong person.  She owed Shannon an apology.  


I gotta say, I loved the montage after Tamra's dunking of all her bad memories, overlaid by a bunch of water.  That's Emmy-worthy stuff right there.  


And I love the closing season finale music!!  Reminds me of the good ol' days when reunions were filmed in someone's backyard. 


Tamra must love her arc this season.  She was the outsider where no one called/supported her/showed up at her boob implant removal (or was it implants? who cares), to where all the women were congratulating her, saying how proud they were of her, and shedding tears of joy (wtf?????) during her baptism.  


Vicki did seem kind of DONE with this group in the limo.  Reminded me of Kim Z., who got a spinoff when she was done with the Atlanta women.  I could see Vicki wanting/doing the same.  


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What Kind Of Year Has It Been For The Real Housewives Of Orange County?


This franchise is now ready for a major overhaul in the cast. Much like they did in New York, and even in New Jersey - switching out 3 or more castmembers in one fell swoop. Shake things up. Not saying that the NY and NJ changes worked, but they need to try it in the OC. 


Get rid of Vicki, Tamra, and Heather. Or get rid of Vicki, Tamra, and Meghan and reduce Heather to friend of like they did to Lu Ann one season.

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There is still no proof what's his name is faking his diagnosis.

"Consider the source" of the idea the diagnosis was faked. "The source" alone should give one pause.


No, but now we have some story that Terry came over to the house with an IV and other lies surrounding the diagnosis.

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I thought Shannon's dress was very appropriate for the occasion and her age, as well - actually, I thought Shannon looked the best last night that she has all season.



Her hair?  Not so much.  She needs a talented hairdresser and a different color.

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Not a religious person, but Tamra's baptism made a mockery of that practice. All those friends standing around pretending it was a meaningful ritual, when we all know she's simply trying to redeem her terrible reputation. What's next if this conversion doesn't take (which it won't)? Sister Tamra joins the Sisters of Eternal Bitchiness and Coarse Behavior in their OC convent?


Like others, I've known all along that Vicki knew Brooks didn't have Stage 3 NHL, yet still promoted the charade to the season's very end. I never saw her lose her composure or go into one of her automatic self-pitying crying jags once (as she did when Brianna had throat surgery) over the prospect of losing her gas tank nozzle with a drawl. And she always seemed to conveniently time her trips out of town to most of his supposed treatment appointments for alibi purposes.


But I'm curious about how Brooks is now getting by without her money and support. Did he successfully hook another relatively wealthy divorcee or widow and move in with her? The man is totally incapable of earning a living through conventional and legal methods. Or is Vicki sending him support monies on the sly?

Edited by Should Be Working
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Line of the night for me "That Ronda bitch...".  I literally laughed out loud.


Right? I loved that too! As she's stalking off to David. And his face is all, "Oh no, not again!"


Sometimes the most interesting tidbits are offhandedly revealed.  Like when Shannon revealed that Vicki said she (Shannon) hadn't supported Brooks by not coming by City of Hope for his chemo session, and that Brooks apparently called her, yelled at her and hung up on her.


Yea, the part about Brooks yelling at her really stood out. Brooks has been nothing but calm and pleasant this entire season. On camera. I've long believed that he was intentionally maintaining his composure, because freaking out would just make him look more guilty. But I believe that his real character comes out behind the scenes - such as this moment Shannon mentioned. I bet you anything THAT'S the real Brooks. 

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OK, but Tammy Sue's corroboration was a psychic/spiritual advisor.

OT - my autocorrect is turning me into a worse speller than I already am. I apologize in advance to Heather Dubrow and anyone else who might find that déclassé.

Well, it really all started with Eddie, not the psychic. Episode 1, Eddie laid the foundation of questioning whether or not Brooks had/has cancer in his "cough Bull Sh!t cough" comment to Tamra.


I have posted my opinion about Vicki's treatment and why I feel the way I do in various threads in this forum.

Whether or not the diagnosis is true, it should have never been a storyline.

Bravo has once again crossed some moral and ethical boundaries by forcing the storyline the way they did.

I have Prepaid legal through the company I work for. I have never used it though.

The cost for the service is tiny. My company pays most of the fee.


Vicki and Brooks made it THE storyline all season long by telling different stories to different HWs, knowing full well that they would eventually compare notes with each other. Did Bravo/production cross a line, Maybe, but Vicki and Brooks most certianly did and Bravo/production could not have done it without Vicki/Brooks doing what they did to begin with.

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Vicki is paid to do this and it is clear that every participant/actor agrees to the terms that imply that you take your turn being the victim.  C'mon, she's playing her part, collecting her paycheck, plain and simple.  I wouldn't feel any more sympathy for Vicki than I would someone who gets their head chopped off on American Horror Story.


And seriously, you can order an at-home IV just like you can order a pizza delivery???  What in the world, why not just go to the ER?  That right there seems pretty sketchy to me. 


I enjoyed seeing Lynne and Tammy again!  It would be fun to bring back some of these "oldies" from time to time.  I'm really wondering what story line Vicki is going to come up with next season to keep her interest alive.  Oh yeah, bring back Donn. 

I have the inside scoop on Vicki's story line for next year.  

          No more Brooks, he is gone for good.    But, sadly Vicki has cancer.     Prostate Cancer.

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OH I forgot to say


Did anyone else see Terry right after the speech, i think he was about to start laughing-realized the camera was on him, shoved his face in his glass and turned around so nobody would see. 


It was hilarious and I love him for it. totally perfect. I would have done the same. it just stuck out to me when it aired lol

Shannon also looked like she was holding back a laugh or two


Edited bc i had the timing wrong, lol

Edited by yogi2014L
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I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone. This season wasted my time and I knew this is how it would go so why do I still watch? I've said I'm done watching before but the next season usually intrigues me into watching again! Except for Atlanta and Jersey, I quit those years ago. I don't have one more thing to observe about this season other than it was total bullshit.

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Bet Vicki regrets the day she brought Billy's girlfriend to Tamra's baptism. Makes you wonder why she would do that. There was no reason to bring her brother and girlfriend. Did the producers ask her to bring them? And it was all to easy when Ronda brought up David cheating. Sometimes I think what is going to happen on these shows is all arranged in advance.  So much going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. I hope we're not all being played for fools. 


Brooks is the best con artist I have ever seen. I was really believing (and felt sorry) for him. How is Vicki ever, ever going to get herself out of this one. 

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Well, it really all started with Eddie, not the psychic. Episode 1, Eddie laid the foundation of questioning whether or not Brooks had/has cancer in his "cough Bull Sh!t cough" comment to Tamra.

Vicki and Brooks made it THE storyline all season long by telling different stories to different HWs, knowing full well that they would eventually compare notes with each other. Did Bravo/production cross a line, Maybe, but Vicki and Brooks most certianly did and Bravo/production could not have done it without Vicki/Brooks doing what they did to begin with.

It was Bravo's choice to film and air the material.

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Just a thought but I wonder if there is some sort of insurance fraud behind all of this Brooks has cancer stuff. Maybe he is getting some sort of kick backs from these hippy dippy doctors. Hey doesn't Vicki sell insurance?

Edited by ParkCirclegirl
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You can be religious and say the word frickin', the two behaviors are not mutually exclusive.



There are no behaviors "mutually exclusive" for some who claim to be religious...religious leaders, in fact: Jim Bakker, Warren Jeffs, David Koresh, Pat Robertson, Jim Jones, Jimmy Swaggart, and so many more.  

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Line of the night for me "That Ronda bitch...". I literally laughed out loud.

Tamra is still she same as she ever was ...making it seem to Vicki that it's the "other ladies" discussing everything, and leaving herself out of the equation. Then telling Vicki "they're winning" as she's climbing out the limo. Loved the line Shannon made about Vicki being the Godfather and people getting in the limo to talk

Bahahaha one of the best lines of the season. Insult the person who insulted you to someone else, because the person you are insulting doesn't deserve your attention, they deserve your dismissal!

Disclaimer: I'm almost 50, I'm not Shannon, I'm not neurotic, I pretty much never have nagged my husband of 26 years (and he hasn't cheated on me) I don't go to Dr Moon or do crystals...but for some reason, I truly relate to Shannon in a way I don't with 90% of the HWs across this franchise. Maybe because she seems too human?

Over the years, I haven't had many issues with other women, except on the rare occasion...I can recall a specific incident where I had someone try to embarrass me in front of others. I reacted identically to the way Shannon did in this scene. I was so upset and angry, I turned on the person and said to my friend in front of everyone, "That bitch ______ blah, blah," and refused to ever speak to her again even though we ran in the same small circle. I knew I was the injured party and the nerve of this woman because I had done so much for her. She had been a friend to me, but she was not a true friend and I didn't know the depth of her lack of morals & fakeness towards me until a short time before "the incident." Once I realized this and she said the wrong thing at the wrong time, I couldn't contain myself any longer and then the blow up. You know, from then on, I would just look at her like she was invisible. I know I should have forgiven and moved on quicker but she really cut me by hurting my pride. Of course, this was at least a decade ago. I live in a different area now, but I'm back there frequently to my hometown. To this day, I can't say hello. I'm not mean, I just look at her as if I never met her before. I guess that was my preservation button and pride still ruling my mind. Thank you Shannon! Winning!!

Edited by IKnowRight
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Brooks is the best con artist I have ever seen. I was really believing (and felt sorry) for him.



Hope Brooks doesn't read this, BichonBlitz!  If you live near Florida, your credit, investments, bank accounts, property, and love tank are all in jeopardy!

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Bet Vicki regrets the day she brought Billy's girlfriend to Tamra's baptism. Makes you wonder why she would do that. There was no reason to bring her brother and girlfriend. Did the producers ask her to bring them? And it was all to easy when Ronda brought up David cheating. Sometimes I think what is going to happen on these shows is all arranged in advance.  So much going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. I hope we're not all being played for fools.


Its pretty clear to me that Vicks brought Billy and Rhonda to fight her battle. She didn't want to nail Shannon, so she sent Rhonda in. At one point, Billy was surrounded by the others hos whilst try to defend Vicks while Vicks was across the room trying to look like she wasn't paying attention. This way she can claim she had no idea what happened, why Billy and Rhonda acted like that, yadda yadda. Vicks gets to remain the innocent victim. 

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Yes, yes, Luna, you got it! No confusion on your part! Heather is a liar. Terry is a liar. Shannon is a liar. Tamra is a liar. Briana is a liar. Vicki is the only truth teller cuz she's, you know, like Jesus, you know. She will NO LONGER hang around with those "Devil Women" who were "lucky" to be her friend. Oh no, no, no! From now on she will surround herself only with those who believe in Jesus. LOL!


Well, that would be a pretty boring show....somehow, I can't imagine that Vicki would get much love from people who believe/love Jesus (non-devil-women), when she walks into church, screaming "Woo-hoo.....where in this place can you whoop it up?"     ;-)

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It was Bravo's choice to film and air the material.

It was what Vicki and Brooks chose to talk about when the cameras were on them. They could have talked about anything else, business, weather, her grandsons, his kids, travel, the other HWs....anything. Instead they, Vicki/Brooks, chose to talk about his "cancer/treatments" ON camera and to the other HWs. They both laid the ground work for this storyline months before filming began by giving interviews and by talking to the other HWs and giving them all differing stories. Vicki and Brooks had total conrtrol over whether or not to discuss this on camera and they chose to so IMO, they can not blame anyone else.

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No, we didn't see/hear it. Heather said on Twitter that it had been discussed on the show prior to last night, but Bravo didn't show it to us. I would imagine they wanted to save it for the finale to enhance the drama. All season long there have been all these random questions, but really for most of us, this little nugget seems to indicate that Brooks is a liar.


She also said this is brought up at the reunion, so I agree they wanted to save this for last!


During Tamra's pasteurization, did the water start to curdle? They probably had to drain the pool and refill it with holy water!

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Its pretty clear to me that Vicks brought Billy and Rhonda to fight her battle.

Yes. That is called triangulation. A narcissists' common weapon. Pit people against people so you don't have to do the dirty work, then you elevate yourself back to your own perceived high status.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Paid or not paid, I don't feel people should be treated that way.

     Every single cast  member should repeat that to Vicki.

     "Shannon got what she deserved"      Really?  That is reasoning and justification of a mean and nasty 5 year old, not a grown woman.

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Her hair?  Not so much.  She needs a talented hairdresser and a different color.




All of them need a "make-under" (well, except for Meghan).  I thought Heather looked spectacularly awful at the "Baptism."  Instead of using Terry's bullshit magic serum, if she wiped 90% of the make-up on her face, she would look 20 years younger.  That goes for the rest of them too.  The heavy use of dark makeup just makes them all look so hard.

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I'm Catholic who only goes to church on Easter and Christmas, so you know, I'm pretty lax about religion. However, seeing Tamra's ass cheeks through her dress as she exited the pool was just offensive. She seems to think that being baptized has given her a free pass to act like a bitch and then be "forgiven" just because. She just doesn't get it. This whole story line seemed soooooo fake and offensive. She's just gross.

I was trying to figure out what Tamra was wearing....was that her idea of a christening/baptismal gown?  Was she wearing a bathing suit underneath the see through thing?  

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The eternal question, for me, since Season 3...

WHY does Tamra always come out standing? Is it because she is Satan's spawn?! Unscathed, once again...

I guess the pasteurization kept her "safe" for one more season.

Yes. What you wrote.

The big mystery for me is why do people keep believing Tamra?

I am completely baffled.

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All of them need a "make-under" (well, except for Meghan).  I thought Heather looked spectacularly awful at the "Baptism."  Instead of using Terry's bullshit magic serum, if she wiped 90% of the make-up on her face, she would look 20 years younger.  That goes for the rest of them too.  The heavy use of dark makeup just makes them all look so hard.


And...while I'm no fan of Meghan...she certainly looks 100 times better with her brown hair we see in the previews of the reunion. Much better.

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And...while I'm no fan of Meghan...she certainly looks 100 times better with her brown hair we see in the previews of the reunion. Much better.


Totally agree!  I didn't even recognize her.  Oddly enough, despite the fact I think she has a strange mouth, her looks grew on me.  She is built rather strangely but she's very striking.

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When did Vicki get so Jesus-y? I don't remember her invoking religion in earlier seasons. Before anyone slams me, keep in mind, I'm an orphan, people! An orphan! And, if we've learned anything this season, we've learned that once your mother is gone, you can be the biggest, flaming asshole on earth and all is forgiven.

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Vicki and Brooks made it THE storyline all season long by telling different stories to different HWs, knowing full well that they would eventually compare notes with each other. Did Bravo/production cross a line, Maybe, but Vicki and Brooks most certianly did and Bravo/production could not have done it without Vicki/Brooks doing what they did to begin with.


Agreed. Also, it's just a given that Bravo has no scruples and will exploit anything. After a decade on this show, Vicki should know that. If she was really worried, she could opt not to participate and just keep on selling that insurance. 

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I never would have a thought the words of a chronic liar and a psychic/spiritual advisor could form the basis for elaborate conspiracy theories.

Tamra has a lot of people right where she wants them.

The Terry story has nothing to do with Tamra.
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Love your post!

1) Yes, Tamra owes a real, sincere apology to Alexis.

2)Perfect comment on Brother Billy, same name and everything!!

3)How darn long does it take for Vicki to leave a party?? She was clearly waiting for Rhona Sue and Billy Bob to make it happen before her exit. Vicki could care less about Shannon, or Heather, or anyone but herself for that matter. Her comment about being nailed to the cross was just so OTT and narcissistic, but why does that shock me?!

4)The real reason why Vicki was working so hard to stick to the Brooks has cancer story...the Lenka, ClubDetox money maker for her retirement, yet again, get rich quick scheme. She has to save face not only for the endorsement deal but to insist she was duped when it comes out because of her insurance business that she never lets us forget about as viewers. I know Brianna is no prize but to continually throw her under the bus on TV? Nice mother.


Vicki must have said "I'm/We're leaving" about fifteen times before Billy/Ronda got enough liquid courage in them to go and approach Shannon.  I don't know if that was Vicki's idea or the producer's, but Billy seemed like he was taking direction about where to stand, where to look, etc., and he looked uncomfortable doing it.  "That Ronda-bitch", on the other hand, just waited for her cue, and BAM!!!  in she went!  

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When did Vicki get so Jesus-y? I don't remember her invoking religion in earlier seasons. Before anyone slams me, keep in mind, I'm an orphan, people! An orphan! And, if we've learned anything this season, we've learned that once your mother is gone, you can be the biggest, flaming asshole on earth and all is forgiven.

Vicki has been filmed doing the Jesus thing off and on throughout the years.

She was filmed reading the Bible at least once that I recall during one of the early seasons.

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Agreed. That's definitely Tamra's trademark move.

But I think it's Vicki that has the majority of archetype narc qualities.

Most, if not all, of the HWs ping on the Cluster B continuum to varying degrees.

That's just an opinion.


Those Cluster B traits get amplified, if not exaggerated, due to the nature of the show.

That's also just an opinion.


Edited by Scrambled Fog
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Love your post!

1) Yes, Tamra owes a real, sincere apology to Alexis.




Tamra hasn't found Jesus, God, or a clue.  Tamra needed a story line this season and some ammunition to walk into the next round of child custody court battles with Simon.  

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For what it's worth- Vicki and Brooks are the one who told their stories, unsolicited to begin with. When the info doesn't line up, I don't blame anyone for checking it out.... especially Meghan after the know it all about being a parent talk that Vicki unleashed on her. If you don't lie, or give constantly shifting stories, maybe people will just accept your story at face value. Besides, Brooks has a history of lying about having Cancer. Not to mention the crap he did to Briana and if anyone doesn't believe her accusations regarding his advice to her husband, go listen to it... its online. Brooks is a tool of the useless kind.

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I find it interesting that after the first few episodes, where everyone found Meghan to be a giant pain in the ass, that her time on screen has drastically been reduced?  It's like Bravo has heard the huge backlash against her and re-edited the subsequent shows to reduce her role.  

I'm warning all my female Florida friends to look out for Brooks the viper.

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