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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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Do you know when Vicki told Billy and Rhonda? If she told them after Shannon already told everyone, then it's fair game. Besides, they live in Chicago, not OC. Who are they going to tell, Abe Froman?

Who even gives a shit? It's their business and maybe the context was "she's in a tough place" so give up the big bed already! Sheesh, what a mess of nothing these people all are.

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Do you know when Vicki told Billy and Rhonda?  If she told them after Shannon already told everyone, then it's fair game.  Besides, they live in Chicago, not OC.  Who are they going to tell, Abe Froman?

To me, that's irrelevant, it was just mean of her to say to someone in front of others...especially since Rhonda was making assumptions about Shannon from gossip. She was cruel. At least she had the decency to admit she was wrong later.

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What Rhonda said was not only mean but she used an awkward analogy


Yep. The legal word for it is, "questionable analogy." It when someone tries to make 2 different situations seem more similar than they actually are. I cringed when I heard it, but it doesn't surprise me that Vicki and her people have  no ability to think. Vicki did it, comparing her lying about Brooks to Jesus being nailed to the cross. Totally made no sense. Rhonda did feel bad later, and Vicki didn't have anyone there supporting her except Rhonda. I don't think she and Billy have the slightest clue what is going on. I do agree that with Shannon that it seemed like Rhonda had that planned out a bit ahead of time. But it wasn't Vicki's fault. 

Edited by bravofan27
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Tonight I wanted to reach through the TV and slap those bitches Shannon, Heather and Meghan silly. For the wonderful, fulfilled lives they all claim to live, they can’t find anything else to talk about at a baptism celebration party except Vicki?

I was glad when Rhonda said that Vicki didn’t ask Shannon to show proof of David cheating like Vicki is expected to do. Then Shannon tells David how she shut Rhonda down. No you didn’t, bitch, you just walked away. And Rhonda didn’t tell “everyone”; she was talking to Shannon. Also, discussing Vicki/Brooks with the other hags every time they’re together is O.K. but how dare Vicki tell her brother about David? Hey, Shannon, YOU put it on T.V. so it’s not exactly a secret!

Fancypants Heather had a lot of nerve saying that people (Vicki) have no right to talk about someone else’s business without their permission. What the fuck does she think she and the other members of the coven have been doing for the past several episodes? And I’m tired of her and the others continuing to tell Vicki that they love her when they’re trashing her the minute her back is turned (and that includes Tamra).

Heather needs to concentrate on finishing her mega-mansion, Shannon needs to concentrate on keeping David happy so he doesn’t start looking for another sidepiece, Meghan needs to concentrate on figuring out how to get Jimmy to want to spend more than 50% of his time with her, and Tamra needs to concentrate on actually walking the walk of being a good Christian. That should keep them all busy enough that they can get out of Vicki’s private life. The Vickster has Brooks, Brianna and the death of her mom to deal with, without having to put up with those heifers.

I’m not a fan of Vicki by any means but, believe me, I will not be watching the reunion because I cannot stand seeing a bunch of mean bitches gang up on one person; I don’t care who it is. Those women need to check their superior attitudes at the door, but of course that’s not going to happen. I'm done with this franchise, but I will be here next season to read the snark!

I don't believe Vicki brought Rhonda to the party to deliver a message to Shannon. Shannon was insisting that all Vicki had to do was show Brooks' records and Rhonda responded to that. Shannon brought it up and gave Rhonda the opportunity; I don't think it was preplanned at all.

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Baptism and Bravo HW should not mix. Even the pastor seemed to be in on the drama of trying to get the money shots by keeping Vicki on the scene.  I hope his honorarium was worth it. Anyway you slice it, it felt lackluster. Wonder if Bravo was upset that Brooks didn't show. Surprised they didn't make that a requirement.


Tamra wants to wash all her sins away? Honey, the earth is only 71% water so ain't enough on this planet to wash her sins away.  Heard they found water on Mars, maybe we can import some?


Besides which Tamra was baptized and likely back on the devil's payroll 30 minutes later, if she ever left it to begin with. How the hell you gonna fix you lips and say you want a drama free quiet life while being in service to Satan Andy? As a matter of fact, I roll my eyes at all people who say that malarky on reality shows - looking at you Shannon Beador. 


Tamra asking how things were going while she was getting another coat of spackle on/refurbished - couldn't tell if she was disappointed that everyone was getting along or happy that shit hadn't popped off without her being in the mix.


Funniest moment? Shannon marching up to Vicki and saying thanks so much for being a true friend and Vicki saying 'yay, you welcome' thinking Shannon was being serious and then realizing Shannon was being sarcastic and was mad as hell. I had to rewind and laugh over and over again. 


I don't even know what to make of this show, these women or these storylines anymore but one thing I can say is that they really are killing the concept of what friendship is. I don't think I can hear the phrases "i was a good friend to you" "you told me I was a bad friend" uttered between women 40 years and up. I mean what the ever loving fuck!! 


I don't even know what the hell to make of stories like Shannon where The Affair has been her story this season from jump and then she wants to get brand new and upset when some non cast member brings it up? How the hell am I supposed to feel?  By the time its aired, its public fodder to the point where at least 4 episodes ago it feels like Shannon is beating a dead horse when she brings it up so really what the hell is the foul here? I really can't drum up any outrage at Rhonda. Just can't. Frankly, I kinda love that she bounced back at them. I am moving more into the Brooks is probably lying camp (that calling Terry who called a colleague to administer IV is suspect as hell) but I still believe the show us your records stuff is disgusting and over reaching.  Don't want to believe. Don't. What is so fucking hard about that?!?!?


I don't even understand the whole Newport Imaging thing, especially since I have heard Shannon say that she has had PET/CT SCANS done there not long ago. 


Wow, Vicki really got in a car and drove away. In a way, I really do hope that she peaces this show out next year. 


I really hope this reunion isn't a gang up. I hate those. 

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And speaking of psychics, seers and swamii's (we were, weren't we?) How can Tamra be a born again Christian and still believe in those things? She's been chatting with her special psychic that was on one episode, the 'wishy washy' one regarding Brooks' cancer. Will she still continue to FaceTime him, or will 'Pasture' Mike replace the psychic?

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Well, we did have the New Jersey "Christening" aka "Family fued from hell" that launched the Gorga's on their franchise.  Not only was there cocktails and hor d'oeuvres, there was screaming and physical violence.  lol

Another christening from hell to be sure! That's the scene that got me to turn on my first housewives episode - some pop culture show had it on and I just had to see what kind of show it was from.
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I don't even understand the whole Newport Imaging thing, especially since I have heard Shannon say that she has had PET/CT SCANS done there not long ago. 


Yes.  Shannon did say she had scans done at Newport Imaging but she did not say "not long ago."   They stopped doing those scans in 2008 or 2009.  

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Wow, Vicki really pushed Brianna under the bus and drove over her, backed up and drove over her again.

Also, how can a mother be with a man that she knows her own daughter HATES?

Remember that Vicki is all about her life being for her children and now grandchildren but she can't give up this man that her family doesn't care for. (They are supposedly broken up again, we'll see how long it lasts this time around.)

It's called self sacrifice Vicki, learn about it.

I think a woman can be with a man that her mother hates too. Ryan is no prize.

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To me, that's irrelevant, it was just mean of her to say to someone in front of others...especially since Rhonda was making assumptions about Shannon from gossip. She was cruel. At least she had the decency to admit she was wrong later.


I totally agree that what Rhonda said to Shannon was stupid and uncalled for. 

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And speaking of psychics, seers and swamii's (we were, weren't we?) How can Tamra be a born again Christian and still believe in those things? She's been chatting with her special psychic that was on one episode, the 'wishy washy' one regarding Brooks' cancer. Will she still continue to FaceTime him, or will 'Pasture' Mike replace the psychic?

A few episodes ago Tamra was telling someone about the Vicki/Brooks story, and she said "My spiritual adviser told me Brook's doesn't have cancer".   This was after her new found religion.  But, she's referring to that psychic as her spiritual adviser. . . so where does that leave her "pasture"?

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I think a woman can be with a man that her mother hates too. Ryan is no prize.

No disagreement from me on that point!

I think Brianna married Ryan partially out of spite and in defiance to her mother.

Remember how gleeful she was telling her mom that they had eloped. (Already married and Vicki had no control over it)

Brianna is just as stubborn as Vicki and digs her heels in to show everyone how right she is about her life choices.

Won't surprise me in the least when she divorces Ryan and moves back home with mommy now that Brooks is gone.

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It was nice of Ryan to stop changing the oil in his car to go to his mother's baptism. What a slob.

I was amused that he was the first to arrive where the free food was several minutes ahead of everyone, long enough to ask out loud "Where is everyone? "

Rhonda was a straight-up bitch for throwing that in Shannon's face, but Vicki even moreso for telling her.

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Spot on. What Rhonda said was not only mean but she used an awkward analogy. She is yelling to someone about her husband having an affair, at a Baptism celebration in front of others? Classy stuff right there. It was not her place.

The whole episode was strangely edited.


Yeah it was awkward because she just wanted to get that dig in somewhere on camera. This was Faye Resnick level of this is none of your business on the shit stirring tip.

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Do you know when Vicki told Billy and Rhonda?  If she told them after Shannon already told everyone, then it's fair game.  Besides, they live in Chicago, not OC.  Who are they going to tell, Abe Froman? I believe Vicki was telling the truth in Tahiti.  At that time she had not told anyone.


As for Heather not talking about or telling anyone about The Affair; only Shannon said that.  David said Heather knew about The Affair, so she must have talked to someone about it for it to get back to David!


Also, does anyone really believe she didn't tell Terry?  I'd bet my life savings she did.

Read Shannon's blog tonight, she explains the real timeline of this. Vicki claimed that Tamra told her the day before the finale was filmed but Shannon says otherwise. I tend to believe Shannon on this, not Vicki. Billy and Rhonda have only met Shannon/David 1 time, there was no need to tell them anything about the affair, none.

We've heard rumors that Vicki will insinuate and/or claim that she was duped by Brooks.


Of all the talking heads we've seen over the years, this one has to be the most revealing.


And so it begins.........



LOL That was a very telling comment by Vicki IMO!!

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I don't even know what to make of this show, these women or these storylines anymore but one thing I can say is that they really are killing the concept of what friendship is. I don't think I can hear the phrases "i was a good friend to you" "you told me I was a bad friend" uttered between women 40 years and up. I mean what the ever loving fuck!!



I don't see how Shannon can keep saying she's Vicki's best friend when they've only known each other 2 years at the most.  She even asked something about how could Vicki show Brook's Pet scan results to Tamara when Shannon was her best friend.  Since when does she think she's more of a friend of Vicki's than Tamra who has known Vicki and been her friend (even if it has been on/off) for years?  And then, just because she is no longer friends with Vicki, she divulges the big "secret" of David's affair to the two women who went out of their way to make her look like a raving lunatic last season.  All of a sudden she can "trust" them.  Shannon is such a putz!!!  Whatever shit Tamra puts her through next season is well deserved if you ask me.  I can't wait to witness it!

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On WWHL, Vicki didn't back down from disparaging her daughter on national television because Brianna evidently didn't comply with Vicki's instructions to not talk about Brooks on camera with Tamra or in any other context. I guess Brianna "got what she deserved," too.

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Another deflection tactic Vicki tried was bringing up that her Mother was dead and she wanted to go to heaven to be with her. She was trying everything to get them to stop exposing her lies.


Ha,ha, YES! Trying to insinuate she's suicidal (wanting to go to heaven) as a way to make the other women back off. I hate her like posion*


* TM Jerry Seinfeld's TV mom

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I really don't understand the premise that, because Shannon's marital problems have been grist for the rumor mill, those in whom she confides are free to disseminate details about the situation to whomever they please. Why would Vicki be outlining the saga of David's infidelity to her sister-in-law, someone that Shannon has never met? And then contending that Shannon "got what she deserved": mind-blowing. Not to mention, Vicki's remarks about Brianna may be abstractly true but what kind of mother literally calls the daughter (you know, the one she professes is her "life" and "first priority") a "shit stirrer" on national television. I had no problem with Heather getting in her ass or the the cast stampeding after her. Vicki has been happy to ruin parties and scream at others (see: Tamra at Heather's name change fete; Gretchen at a variety of functions; Alexis prior to their reconciliation) when she hasn't painted herself into a corner with lie after lie.


Obviously Rhonda and Billy are still ticked at Shannon for having to give up their bedroom in Mexico-guess they didn't like the little bed either.  I believe Billy's tweet when the episode aired was: "Hope you all watched the RHOC tonight. Gave up my room cause Shannon couldn't sleep close to her husband for a change.  #cmonman" 


Seems Vicki shared a lot with her family.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Not only is there not enough water on this planet which has a higher percentage of water to land to wash Tamra clean, even a Brillo pad applied vigorously for long periods of time would fail to do the trick.

All of these shows have become mega boring.

Grown women behaving like middle school children has run its course for this viewer.

Edited by SFoster21
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Well, darn it. No joke, I opened my bible before hopping on this board, and it was right at the part that says "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

I'm trying to think of some sort of awesome judge-related pun for Tamra, but I can't. Oh well!

On the whole I'm pretty ambivalent about this episode. That baptism party was, IMO, a spectacle... but I do hope that Tamra's being genuine. Sure, no one is going to be perfect... but perhaps she'll be less rude, unkind, and dissatisfied. Dare I say it, I'm kind of rooting for her.

Vicki's Jesus talk, OTOH, was gross.

And all in all, I appreciate how Shannon called Vicki out! She seemed honest and bold. Perfect execution? Nah. But so much improvement over her histrionics from last season!

Even Heather and Terry were less obnoxious than usual. Terry admitting he was (in his own word) a douche (douchebag?) was a pretty big step for him. And that too seemed... genuine? Genuine-ish? Well, at the very least, not just a polished statement for the cameras.

See? I can't snark tonight! LOL


I really don't understand the premise that, because Shannon's marital problems have been grist for the rumor mill, those in whom she confides are free to disseminate details about the situation to whomever they please. Why would Vicki be outlining the saga of David's infidelity to her sister-in-law, someone that Shannon has never met? And then contending that Shannon "got what she deserved": mind-blowing.


Basically with you here. A few thoughts in addition to yours:

* Shannon told them *while* they were filming... perhaps thinking that, though the stuff about the affair would eventually come to light via the show, she'd still have a chance before it aired to put her own version of the story out there first, before the viewing public saw it. So maybe she started being concerned about what, exactly, Vicki was putting out there. Especially given S's current frame of mind, wherein she was no longer sure that Vicki had been telling the truth about... a lot of things.

* It's not up to *Vicki* to decide what's OK to share or not share, especially if there were things told in total confidence.


Almost every Protestant baptism that I can remember witnessing was done as part of a church service, usually a regular Sunday service. I have never been to one but I do know sometimes in the country people are baptised in a river. Trust me on this, baptisims with a pre-baptism cocktail party are extremely rare. LOL

Of course people might likely have a party or luncheon afterwards. But not quite like this one! ;)

Haha, right? But a potluck and/or sheet cake just wouldn't cut it for this show. ;)

Edited by ivygirl
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Billy's grilfriend's insult to Shannon didn't even make sense. Why would Shannon need to prove David was cheating? No woman would make up that humiliating lie and swear Vicki to secrecy if it weren't true. That heifer just wanted anexcuse to bring up the affair to hurt and humiliate Shannon. She need to get back to kissing Vikci's ass for money and STFU.



I read this as a "fourth wall" type of comparison.  I think Rhonda was saying Shannon should show proof of David's affair to validate it as a storyline like the others are questioning Vicki using Brooks' cancer as a storyline and needing to validate it.  It's a stretch, but I'm sticking to it.  Lol!

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I don't see how Shannon can keep saying she's Vicki's best friend when they've only known each other 2 years at the most. She even asked something about how could Vicki show Brook's Pet scan results to Tamara when Shannon was her best friend. Since when does she think she's more of a friend of Vicki's than Tamra who has known Vicki and been her friend (even if it has been on/off) for years? And then, just because she is no longer friends with Vicki, she divulges the big "secret" of David's affair to the two women who went out of their way to make her look like a raving lunatic last season. All of a sudden she can "trust" them. Shannon is such a putz!!! Whatever shit Tamra puts her through next season is well deserved if you ask me. I can't wait to witness it!

No one deserves the Tamra treatment.

Tamra is the one who needs to go.

She is the blight of the show.

Fun high tailed it on out of the RHOC when Tamra became a cast member.

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I don't believe everything happens for a reason.

There is no reason for Tamra to happen to TV.


You know what's funny?  All season long, Tamra has called her pastor "pasture". and not one person corrected her, not even off-camera.  Not even the vocabulary queen, Heather - not even the "median "medium" queen, Shannon - not even Miss Truth, Justice and Knowledge, Meghan, as Tamra called him "pasture" twice at the baptism party.  It's almost like a "Yeah, let's watch her make a fool of herself all season." kind of thing.

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You know what's funny? All season long, Tamra has called her pastor "pasture". and not one person corrected her, not even off-camera. Not even the vocabulary queen, Heather - not even the "median "medium" queen, Shannon - not even Miss Truth, Justice and Knowledge, Meghan, as Tamra called him "pasture" twice at the baptism party. It's almost like a "Yeah, let's watch her make a fool of herself all season." kind of thing.

I think somebody tried to correct Tamra at her sex party. It was either Vicki or Heather.

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So, to get this straight, Tamra seems to think that one can act as evil and treacherous as ever, even after deciding to be baptized, right up until that time. And from here on out she will be angelic. Ok.

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On WWHL, Vicki didn't back down from disparaging her daughter on national television because Brianna evidently didn't comply with Vicki's instructions to not talk about Brooks on camera with Tamra or in any other context. I guess Brianna "got what she deserved," too.

I agreed with Vicki, Brianna had made it known she didn't like Brooks, so why keep talking about it?

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You know what's funny?  All season long, Tamra has called her pastor "pasture". and not one person corrected her, not even off-camera.



Vicki did try to correct her but Tamra was rambling at the time and didn't hear it.

What was up with the IV thing?

It came off like Heather was recirculating a rumor she heard.

It didn't make sense to me.



My question on the IV thing is, why hasn't it been mentioned before tonight?  Why wouldn't Heather have brought it up during any of the previous pow wows she's had with Shannon/Meghan/Tamra when gossiping about Brook's cancer?  And she did make it seem like some gossip that she heard and not anything Vicki actually said to anyone.  And I think Vicki really did seem not to know what Heather was talking about.  I highly doubt she would invent such a provable lie.  And why would Heather not confront Vicki on this so called lie the moment she heard about it?  And also, it doesn't make since what Shannon said about Briana telling her the same IV story, but she ended the statement with, "and I've never had a conversation with Briana in my life".  I was like, "Huh?!"  I think Shannon is lying about Briana saying that Vicki told her the IV story.  I think she's pissed and she's trying her hardest to make Vicki look like a liar.

Edited by swankie
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So did Vicks claim she was out of town when Brooks supposedly had Terry send someone over with an IV? I thought she mumbled she was probably traveling. Then she was in Oklahoma when Brooks supposedly showed Billy his PET/CT scan? Am I getting that right? It is so convenient that she is traveling when everything is happening. Vicki is lying about something whether it is Brooks' cancer or him not having cancer, something hinky is going on somewhere.


Thanks to whomever upthread who pointed me in the direction of Shannon's blog. It was a good read.

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