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S05.E03: Paris Is Burning

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I like smelly mellie, but if I recall correctly her daughter walked in on her when she was giving the vp a bj. And I think there were pictures. So nobody thought to mention that in that stupid negotiation over the interview? Because I'm sure this won't ever come out. Ever.

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I'm glad that Mellie treated Olivia mostly indifferently. I long for the day when she treats Fitz that way. More than anything she needs to get over him.


I am too.  I have always liked the way that Olivia has shown some respect towards Mellie and vice versa.  If it weren't for Fitz, they would be friends - I think.


Truly beg to differ. Now it's known that Liv has the President's ear (and also his dick) she will get tons of clients who will hope that she can get some advantage for them.  I understand that Washington DC is a City of Whores.  Of course, she is going to need some new associates, real ones not that trio of Murderers she currently has working for her.  She may as well add Charlie to the payroll if she is going to continue with 3 people whose resumes have blood splattered all over them.


He has 18 months left and the investigations will begin.  Were public funds used to keep Olivia?  Did she have access to the President that she should not have had?  Did she receive special favors?  I don't think anyone will touch her with the kind of heat she brought down on herself.


all I heard was "I need this power back and if I have to kiss your ass to do it, then that's what I'm going to do."



Me too.  Cyrus coveted his job and the power that it gave him.  He sacrificed everything for it so its not surprising that he would kiss stupid Fitz's ass to get it back.


Cyrus was on the team that got Fitz to where he is and he is responsible for Fitz meeting Olivia in the first place.  Cyrus is morally corrupt, but he deserves better from Fitz.


I appreciate Shonda  using How Do You Keep the Music Playing by James Ingram and Patti Austin.  I love that song.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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Yes, a spurned Cyrus is out for blood. I'd be happy to watch him get it, metaphorically speaking.

If that happens, sitting through another round of B6whatever hijinks would be worth it.

Cyrus is corrupt, but for the most part he owns it and unlike some others, he actually has consequences for his actions (ie, losing James). I miss him interacting with Mellie.

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Two, her first dress...


Eh, it wasn't any worse than Olivia, at the beginning, looking like she had a gym towel wrapped around her neck.  Sorry, the shallow end of the pool is calling...


Overall, I thought that was one of the best acting of the show in quite awhile, even given the "despicability" of all the characters involved.  Bellamy Young does desperate drunkeness quite effectively, and when she laid into Olivia in the closet there wasn't anything to say except game, set, match.

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I am too.  I have always liked the way that Olivia has shown some respect towards Mellie and vice versa.  If it weren't for Fitz, they would be friends - I think.


I think so too. Maybe I missed it but does Liv know why Fitz is all mad at Mellie now- the bus situation, her father- I don't know if we're just to assume Fitz told her before this seasons premiere but even so, to me, it kind of seems like Liv doesn't know the full situation. But then again, we're only on episode 3. I can't fully expect everything to be out in the open so soon. 


I don't know how I feel about the character of Jake. Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't. I hate b13 storylines as much as anybody but I have had a special spot in my heart for Scott Foley since the late 90s so I enjoy seeing him on my tv screen. And I would be sad to see him off of it. But yeah, I know that that is probably just my Scott Foley love. 


I just can't like Fitz, I think he is a hypocrite. I did love how this episode had a conscious effort though of him somewhat looking dumbfounded that the two women in his life who are always in some ways bending down to his wishes and demands basically shutting him the hell up by telling him they have given up so much of their lives for HIS LIFE. Those moments were somewhat hilarious.  

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Well, I know I am in the minority but I was glad to see B16 back only because I did not want a season of Olivia/Fitz.  So over them.


(Hangs head in shame and waits for tomatoes to be tossed)


I was glad Mellie did not give in to the interview, the only thing that would have made me happier would have been if she had stormed out of the Oval when Fitz was talking to her and kept on walking then.   Ugh - he just disgusts me.  How he thinks he has the moral high ground on anything is beyond me. Waiting, waiting, waiting for the public to find out soldiers were sacrificed for his beloved Olivia.  Please let Cyrus let that cat out of the bag.


Huck wanted to erase the internet?  Why didn't someone say "Great idea Huck, go for it" It would have kept him busy the entire season. Preferably in a locked room.

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Well, I guess the B16 stuff gives Jake something to do when he's not being a cuckhold. When Olivia called him and said that she thought she made a mistake he should have told her to go duck herself.

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Well, I know I am in the minority but I was glad to see B16 back only because I did not want a season of Olivia/Fitz.  So over them.


(Hangs head in shame and waits for tomatoes to be tossed)


 No tomatoes from me, in fact, I'll sit next to you.  Jake is a hugely pussy-whipped by Liv (everyone is) but other than that I like seeing him. When the show goes back to the spy shit and my feeling is "What a relief!" it's gone off the rails, again. Although, watching Olitz getting their faces cracked by truth bombs was pretty good entertainment.  

After 8 years of fucking Fitz and all the longing and yearning Liv says "I may have made a mistake" I howled with laughter!  UCG! To Jake, of all people! Well, d'oh! But of course she was just checking to make sure he was still wearing his leash. And he was. As is Fitz who can't decide to shit or get off the pot unless Liv gives an OK. Which I really find quite satisfying since he is such a little bitch to every one else.

I haven't been as entertained by this show since season 1. I hope they keep it up.

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I'm glad B16 is back, too.  I'm looking forward to Papa Joe's speeches.  I've missed them. 


On a shallow note, Tony Goldwyn looks like death warmed over to me.  I don't know if the schedule is stressful or if he just looks like that but he needs to go somewhere and rest his eyes. 

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See, I didn't get this. If she was actually choosing him, she would have stepped out in public with him. Isn't that what he wanted? She was choosing the presidency, which he doesn't care about as much as he wants her. That whole scene was a fail to me, and I couldn't understand why Fitz went along with it.


This.  The first "watch me choose you" worked because it was whiny Fitz getting off his butt and actually doing something other than throwing himself a pity party and making excuses for his own poor behavior.  This was... giving Fitz the opportunity to continue his pity party and make excuses for his own poor behavior.  


I'm way, way team Jake over team Fitz (though I don't much care for either of them), but I wish Jake would get off his ass and tell Olivia that he's not interested in being her emotional blankie whenever the man she really wants can't bring himself to step up to the plate.  Olivia's previous behavior towards Jake seemed like she was genuinely torn.  Now it just seems abusive and cruel.

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OK, so Cornelius Smith, Jr. (Marcus Walker) was added to the cast of regulars and is in the opening credits this season with the rest of them, but have we seen him yet in any of the first three episodes?

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How can anyone paint Fitz as the romantic lead in this? Yes fine if you squint Olivia and Fitz have sexual chemistry and look smokin hot together but that only works if you get a case of retrograde amnesia and forget that Fitz is a walking man child that has no concept that other people have lives or feelings that don't revolve completely around him.

<---edited for errors

Edited by Chaos Theory
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How can anyone paint Fitz as the romantic lead in this? Yes fine if you squint Olivia anfFitz have sexual chemistry and look smokin hit together but that only works if you get a case of retrograde amnesia and forget that Fitz is a walking man child that had no concept that other people have lives or feelings that don't revolve completely around him.<br /><br />


 lol I can't squint hard enough to make that work. ; )

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How can anyone paint Fitz as the romantic lead in this? Yes fine if you squint Olivia anfFitz have sexual chemistry and look smokin hit together but that only works if you get a case of retrograde amnesia and forget that Fitz is a walking man child that had no concept that other people have lives or feelings that don't revolve completely around him.<br /><br />

The problem is he's supposed to be a Byronic romantic lead, flawed and dark and twisty and romantic, with grand gestures and drama. In the vein of Mr. Rochester and Heathcliffe, he's supposed to smolder. 


Problem is, that amount of drama can become tiresome. In a single book, we have a resolution, but on tv, we have seasons. And without resolution, we get bored. 


Fitz refusing to wait 18 months and quietly divorce is supposed to be a grand romantic gesture, he will NOT wait for his beloved. It's very dramatic.  But that gesture also will cost him his reputation, his children's love, his dignity, and will cost Olivia her reputation, her career and her dignity. 


It's not that he's not a romantic hero anymore. It's that grand suicidal gestures are just not very romantic long term. 

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It's not that he's not a romantic hero anymore. It's that grand suicidal gestures are just not very romantic long term.



    Also the grand gesture trope loses it's potency when overused. The bigger, bolder gesture that again just fizzles out like the rest of big bold gestures is tiresome and the opposite of romantic, IMO

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Sarah Palin never had a problem thinking that she could be the candidate (she undermined/upstaged Senator McCain at every turn) so I think Mellie's thinking is realistic given what we all actually witnessed in real life.

Notice who you had to liken Mellie to to justify her entitled, delusional, me-me tantrum, it speaks volumes as to who Mellie is and what she is about.

How anyone can be pro Liv and Putz and not Liv and Jake after this episode is beyond me. As noted up thread, Jake knows, loves and wants what is best for Liv. Fitz loves the idea of Liv and much like his wife, he is a petulant child only obsessed with his me wants.

Edited by Happytobehere
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The thing that really got me was Liv choosing Fitz - she always chooses him and she always pays while he is the one whose life gets to stay intact.

Exactly! Liv's primary problem for five seasons is that she has always chosen that loser. She always gets burned, he throws a hissy fit and Liv begs for the awesome that is Fitz. Liv and Mellie really should be best friends because they are no pathetic weaklings when it comes to Fitz, his sex game must be the bomb, because he has nothing else to offer.

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There is a lot about Shonda's world that depresses me, but I have a new number one: the Louvre burning takes a scrolling backseat on news channels to waiting for a press conference that's yet to start where someone might or might not talk about the president's sex life. 

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How anyone can be pro Liv and Putz and not Liv and Jake after this episode is beyond me. As noted up thread, Jake knows, loves and wants what is best for Liv.


I actually found Jake's behavior on the phone call kind of insulting, and his "Never fear, fair maiden -- I will save you!" schtick extremely tiresome and repetitive. When Olivia was expressing doubts about her decision, he didn't tell her to walk out -- no, his instinct was to charge in and rescue her ("say the word and I'm there"). But I believe Jake only serves a purpose when Olivia is in danger or needs a protector, as is evident by the number of times she's been kidnapped, held hostage, threatened and assaulted since he's come on the show (and yet, somehow managed to walk around for a whole season and a half without his protection before).


Plus, I don't believe Olivia loves Fitzgerald Grant, Dude on the Street, but President Fitzgerald Grant. I believe Olivia loves power. Fitz gives her professional power, if not personal power (look at how she dictated the strategy of the White House's response to her answer). I can easily see how that's appealing to Olivia. Fitz isn't just some guy, he's the leader of the free world. I believe that always has to be taken into account when discussing Fitz vs. Jake, because I'm pretty sure Olivia takes it into account. Fitz has something that Jake lacks, and that Olivia needs, for whatever reason. The show has proven that time and time again.


Plus, the endgame with Jake is to what...run off somewhere? (he always talks about going back to the island, "standing in the sun," and running away) I can no more see Olivia happily living on a beach than I can see her making jam in Vermont.

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I actually found Jake's behavior on the phone call kind of insulting, and his "Never fear, fair maiden -- I will save you!" schtick extremely tiresome and repetitive. When Olivia was expressing doubts about her decision, he didn't tell her to walk out -- no, his instinct was to charge in and rescue her ("say the word and I'm there").


I think you're right. Olivia is allegedly a strong, independent woman (note that I use the word "allegedly"), but instead of supporting her and having her back, Jake's inclination to jump in and "help" sends a message that he thinks she cannot stand on her own. Someone who supports a capable woman who is having doubts will say "Hey, you can do this and I have your back," not "you need me to take care of this for you."

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