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S01.E02: We Plug Holes

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It was okay.


*Krista, while you made valid points about patient Dana Davis, maybe hustle and cajole while you are doing some of your other duties? 90 minutes isn't tons of time. Luckily, you were able to cajole The Doctor You Want to do just that- do what you want. And please? Don't try to "save" Rorish. That's what Mama's for!

*I wish the Wonder Twins' power of almost killing people would stop.  I get it- doctors mess up and sometimes really can't help someone. Only last week and this week, it was Doc Babyface not speaking up on behalf of someone trusting them to look out for him and Doc I'm-So-Ready-To-Doctor to pooh-pooh him.  I did like that Dr. Pinada( sp?) was the one to repeat the "no job is too small on a team" mantra. I am willing to bet that no one makes the same mistake twice in Mama's presence.

* Doc Smug/ Mario (?) getting to be the bearer of bad news to a sports hero? Eh.  I missed the first part of the talk, but I liked Mama's phrase of "You have to stop being the bullet." It made me interested in what he told Mario(?).

* Our Admin of Awesome! Bringing hemorrhoids, mudslides and sunshine to every "Person" he meets! *g*  Long may he reign!


It was a bit gore-riffic in the open ( which turned off  Mr. A), but the stories were okay. K Callan, who I've loved for eons!, was a brief, bright spot in an otherwise depressing tale of eldercare in 2015. Who didn't have "child of some developmental disorder/spectrum smiles at Dr. Rorish" for the saintly dad? Of course the team doctor a) wanted the diagnosis covered up, b) tried to imply "weight" by golfing with the hospital mucky-mucks, and c) got shut down.


Is the hockey guy going to potentially be a recurring character this season? Could the goo Krista and Doctor You Want used be not-beneficial to the reproductive  environment and earn them a lawsuit? ( So very O.Henry- they save the ovary, but it's inhospitable for reproduction?)  I don't want bad professional things to happen to the newbs, but that's what struck me this time out.


I'll give it another episode. The open was good, but this week, like someone posted last week, I was all tense and wound up after the open. I don't think I need that after Arrow and Empire.  :)

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Boss Man Doctor told Blonde Resident something like "I thought your name might be Susan."  Maybe that was an "ER" reference, because "ER" had a blonde doctor named Susan?



That's actually what I came here for: to see if anyone else caught that reference. I think it had to be because she really does remind me of Susan/Sherry Stringfield.

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I am retired now but was certified for both trauma and critical care nursing and the show was so annoying I shut it off. First of all, the whole thing "we're going to Code Black," as though it has something to do with the chaos level within the ER, everywhere I have worked, which is five different hospitals, a Code Black is an external disaster, tornado, earthquake, major fire, bridge collapse that sort of thing. So I thought the button on the wall that said Code Black was dopey, because the whole point of a Code Black is that all off duty staff are called in. If they aren't in the hospital they aren't going to see a button flashing on the wall. They are going to get a phone call. The staff already there have received the news via police scanner.

Diagnosing a pneumothorax based on the fact the kid was from Norway, not by auscultation or X-ray?

The patient who was supposedly brain dead had his head elevated 45 degrees, while the one with a head injury was flat on his back. Somebody is confused!

A woman 9 months pregnant who has flu like symptoms but might be suffering from heroin withdrawal, but nobody could figure out what was wrong with her and near as I could tell no diagnostics were run and she left before anybody made a diagnosis.

Then the chief of the ER fires a resident without following anything resembling due process. And on her way out the door the resident suddenly remembers the patient complained of a headache ( which should have gone away as soon as she'd been outside, away from the carbon monoxide for a few minutes, but whatever) I'd had enough.

It's the worst medical drama I have ever seen.

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This hospital kinda sucks. Yeah, you get stellar trauma surgeons, but only if you are near death. Otherwise, you might lose your last ovary waiting for a surgeon.

Yeah, I don't understand why an OB-gyn couldn't be available. That is one of the specialists that is in house most of the time because of deliveries. What a nice case of malpractice if she didn't have surgery, but then former surgery resident wouldn't show off his mad skills. Him and the old resident seem like they will hook up later on, unless I missed the part that he was married.

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Could the goo Krista and Doctor You Want used be not-beneficial to the reproductive  environment and earn them a lawsuit? ( So very O.Henry- they save the ovary, but it's inhospitable for reproduction?)  I don't want bad professional things to happen to the newbs, but that's what struck me this time out.

Huh?  Goo?


They pushed saline into a foley catheter balloon to tamponade the bleeding.

First off, I don't watch any TV show for realism.  I'm not watching a documentary.  I don't watch this show for medical advice and I don't watch How To Get Away With Murder for legal advice.  They're just TV shows, shows, meaning not real.


That said, I think the show is okay, Luis Guzman is wonderful.  I liked his talk to Mario and how he referenced "An Officer and a Gentleman."  But other than that, the show is blah.

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Who didn't have "child of some developmental disorder/spectrum smiles at Dr. Rorish" for the saintly dad?

er... what?




I almost turned it off in the first scene where they have opened a guy up to do internal heart massage and then invite EVERYONE to come take a closer look, meanwhile NOT ONE person is wearing a mask.


Yes, everyone do come over and drool into the patient's chest cavity while we perform a procedure that would normally be done only under the strictest sterilized protocols.


Do people in ER's really not ever wear masks? Do they not even have one handy to put over their face when doing something like, oh, I don't know... crowding around someone who has their most vital and sensitive organs exposed and breathing right into them?


I'm never going to a hospital ever again!
Edited by slothgirl
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Who didn't have "child of some developmental disorder/spectrum smiles at Dr. Rorish" for the saintly dad?


er... what?


The super tropey bit of having the daughter of the guy from the open be detached and seemingly unemotional while Mom is barely able to hold it together?  Because if Dad dies, how will the Mom handle things?  Girl's bio-dad split because "it wasn't what I signed up for" but guy from the open stepped up and was insisting that he do father-daughter dance lessons. He was going to sign them up when the wreck happened. Of course the daughter, implied to be autistic or developmentally not typical, smiles at Marcia Gay Harden's character at the end because that's as tropey as everyone not actually examining the skateboarder from the pilot. 


As soon as the show made sure to make us aware why Dad-From-The-Open was so adamant about not dying, either he was going to die or there would be a Touching Moment with the daughter.  Also, why was there only one new doctor  going up to the patient? They didn't have to rush him, but a handshake from a couple of the folks would not have been remiss. It felt weird.

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I love it.


I've been able to pick up quite a few staff backstories in spite of how they scramble around saving a boatload of goners every week.  That's a nice change from Grey's, where I'd prefer to see more medicine, less angst.


(I have a weird back pain I can't figure out and I've jotted down "aortic dissection," just in case.  I'm sure my gyno will be thrilled when I mention this to her on Tuesday.  ROTFL)

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First of all, the whole thing "we're going to Code Black," as though it has something to do with the chaos level within the ER, everywhere I have worked, which is five different hospitals, a Code Black is an external disaster, tornado, earthquake, major fire, bridge collapse that sort of thing.


At the last 3 hospitals I've worked in (in Canada) it means Bomb Threat.  Usually when our emergency dept has a "code black"  we call it "bed alert".  I guess that's not exciting enough to call a tv show though. 


Krista/Christa is seriously working my last nerve though.  She is quickly becoming Mary-Sue resident to me.

I'm keeping it on the list for now.  I'm sure it's driving actual doctors batshit crazy (I see one or two have already made comments) but I like the sense of claustrophobia in the treatment areas and, frankly, I like seeing Raza Jaffrey and MGH on my screen.  Raza was on MI-5/Spooks when I first saw him and I've been waiting for his return to my weekly schedule.*  Tonight was worse than the pilot in terms of laying it on thick (the daughter, the "dead kids club," the ovary-rescue, and the intimacy via operating), but I'll give it another chance.  It's going to get canceled anyway, right?


*No, I do not count "Smash."

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At the last 3 hospitals I've worked in (in Canada) it means Bomb Threat.  Usually when our emergency dept has a "code black"  we call it "bed alert".  I guess that's not exciting enough to call a tv show though. 

[My Hospital] uses Code Black for bomb threats too.  Code Bed is a signal to the medical and surgical floors to start discharging patients RFN.

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