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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Perhaps the cousins Spencer can get a family discount from international-spy-therapist Andre on their inability to take responsibility to take responsibility for their own actions. I'd throw Carly in there too but then Andre would never leave the office. Hell, I don't know how he gets any free time when he's treating Morgan.


I'll give to Luke, as insufferable as he could be he never blamed his crap on Deke or lying or being cheated on. He was just like, "yeah, I suck, deal with it."

  • Love 3


Re: Lulu/Dante/Valerie. They had to have Lulu do something as bad as or worse than Dante to even the score between them. Though IMO, putting someone's life in danger, however inadvertently (but it's Johnny, a loose canon if there ever was one, so what did Lulu expect?), is worse than cheating on your spouse. Now Lulu can be browbeaten by Dante and Valerie for that. Because the cheating was really her fault from the beginning, since she lied. What else could Dante do but cheat?

Are you being serious or facetious?   Lulu did NOT put Valerie in danger.  That's all on Johnny, just like cheating is all on Dante and Valerie.  Lulu did not start it all by lying because it has been proven on GH that Dante ALWAYS jumps to the worse possible conclusion when it comes to Lulu.  He has learned nothing.  Case in point:  He believes that Lulu had sex with someone in the stateroom on the Haunted Star.  Therefore, it MUST be true.  Except that it's not true - again!!  The very same "jumping to conclusions" that Dante did about Lulu and Dillon, he did again!  He is a jealous guy who does not trust his wife, and it's ironic because she's the only person who has been faithful to the marriage, and yet the writers continually write her as the villain and Valerie as the victim, and Dante fed up with his wife for . . . what exactly? 


Lulu is guilty for trusting Johnny but she actually has a very long standing relationship with the man, and so I can see why she would trust him.  Dante trusting Valerie?  A woman he's known a few short months?  Eh, whatever.  It's SUCH  stupid storyline, and I FF through any scene that has Valerie opening her mouth.  I may stop that practice if I ever get a glimpse of someone throwing her a punch - and a punch at Dante too.  


Re: Lulu/Dante/Valerie. They had to have Lulu do something as bad as or worse than Dante to even the score between them. Though IMO, putting someone's life in danger, however inadvertently (but it's Johnny, a loose canon if there ever was one, so what did Lulu expect?), is worse than cheating on your spouse. Now Lulu can be browbeaten by Dante and Valerie for that. Because the cheating was really her fault from the beginning, since she lied. What else could Dante do but cheat?

Are you being serious or facetious?   Lulu did NOT put Valerie in danger.  That's all on Johnny, just like cheating is all on Dante and Valerie.  Lulu did not start it all by lying because it has been proven on GH that Dante ALWAYS jumps to the worse possible conclusion when it comes to Lulu.  He has learned nothing.  Case in point:  He believes that Lulu had sex with someone in the stateroom on the Haunted Star.  Therefore, it MUST be true.  Except that it's not true - again!!  The very same "jumping to conclusions" that Dante did about Lulu and Dillon, he did again!  He is a jealous guy who does not trust his wife, and it's ironic because she's the only person who has been faithful to the marriage, and yet the writers continually write her as the villain and Valerie as the victim, and Dante fed up with his wife for . . . what exactly? 


Lulu is guilty for trusting Johnny but she actually has a very long standing relationship with the man, and so I can see why she would trust him.  Dante trusting Valerie?  A woman he's known a few short months?  Eh, whatever.  It's SUCH  stupid storyline, and I FF through any scene that has Valerie opening her mouth.  I may stop that practice if I ever get a glimpse of someone throwing her a punch - and a punch at Dante too.  

  • Love 2
Their big stories are Jake is creepy and Olivia is breastfeeding a baby in a bar.

BTW, can I say I'm extremely disappointed that the phrase "baby in a bar" was not used once yesterday.


Mayor Lomax: You're breast-feeding a baby! In a bar!


I'll give to Luke, as insufferable as he could be he never blamed his crap on Deke or lying or being cheated on. He was just like, "yeah, I suck, deal with it."


Yeah, Luke was never one for self-pity, except at the very end when he'd been ruined as a character anyway.


Lulu is guilty for trusting Johnny but she actually has a very long standing relationship with the man, and so I can see why she would trust him.


So she knows he's a hothead. As I wrote, Lulu is inadvertently responsible for Valerie being in danger, as Lulu is the one who told Johnny to deal with Valerie. 


And yes, I was facetious that the only thing Dante could do was cheat after Lulu lied. Sorry, I thought that was obvious. The show isn't going out of its way to contradict that, though.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

There is back stage politics EVERYWHERE. Just based on Rogers's tweets on Face Book, he enjoys being on and working with the CBS soap more.  Other than giving us an FYI when he was filming and keeping mum about the shitfest rushed storyline, hardly anything about this show.

Y&R used to be crazy behind the scenes with all sorts of cast drama. Its been tame for the past past and you don't really hear anything anymore. GH bts was more dramatic last year.

I am 99% sure dubbel zout was being facetious.

And I went back and watched the Krissy/Sam scenes and whomever surmised that this professor is female is probably right on. Kristina avoided using any gender specific words. She said "my professor is hot" and they/them and never used he or she. It was very obvious once I went back and watched again.

  • Love 3

KEVIN!!!!!!  But, ugh, what a waste, being trotted out to make us feel bad for Liz or set up her having a breakdown or something.  And his cosigning Franco as Jake's art therapist - and having to treat Franco like a colleague - hurt my soul, though at least it was the dayplayer child psychologist's idea.


Relatedly, it bums me that I can't get invested in the Crimson stuff because I think I would with anyone but Nina at the helm.  Her stumbling into ideas and being praised as a creative genius just rubs me all the wrong ways.


Again, what is the point of this breastfeeding "story"?

  • Love 6

The precious few seconds of Anna, Robert and Andre were everything today.  TR and FH light each other up and I don't understand why TIIC are not giving TR more screen time while they have them.  These writers can't do much of anything right.


I mean, is this breast feeding story the best one they can write about an empowered woman?  I can think of a much better one, and it would involve having a wife put her cousin-fucking husband and his side-piece on blast for repeatedly cheating on her (in her own home, no less) AND NOT MAKING HER THE BAD GUY!  Dante and Val should just be incinerated in a cloud of their own gas so Lulu can move on with some damn dignity.


Oh, I almost forgot about the all-too-brief scenes with Jon Lindstrom.  So is Liz's mental health going to be an issue or is she going to skate for lying about Jason's identity for months?  Now I generally like Liz and don't give two shits about Jason, but what she did is pretty sick and twisted.

  • Love 6

So Sam wants Jason to tell Jake what Liz did, so that Jake will hate the only constant parent in his life? The mother that he loves? I guess that means she would be ok with someone telling Danny all about Sam's sins then. Maybe someone should tell Danny all about her con past and that she watched his brother get kidnapped, since she's apparently ok with trying to turn kids against their mothers. Hell why she's at, why not tell both boys that their father murders people for a living.

Sam and Jason need to stay the hell out of Liz's house if she's not there. Hopefully Liz kicks them out after Sam accuses Liz of staging the break in. I'm shocked they are having saint Sam actually be wrong about something.

  • Love 6

KEVIN!!! JL looks fiiiiine.


They use that cabin for everything.


LOL. They really do.


Relatedly, it bums me that I can't get invested in the Crimson stuff because I think I would with anyone but Nina at the helm.  Her stumbling into ideas and being praised as a creative genius just rubs me all the wrong ways.


Nina is pretty good about giving Maxie credit where it's due. I like this story. Women! Working! Together! Successfully! How often does that happen? The Julian angle is dumb but par for the course with him. Just sell the stupid magazine to Nina and eat the tax write-off.


Nina: Where's Julian? He should be here.

Franco: He's probably looking at himself in a mirror, so it will be a while.


Hee. Like a broken clock, Franco can occasionally be right.


Jason is such a chickenshit. Tell the kids what happened, in kid-appropriate terms. It's not that hard: "Mom didn't tell the truth about something really important, and that's the reason I can't live here," or whatever. It's a lot better than giving them (i.e., Jake) hope that they'll all be together again. Liz is a chickenshit too, for that matter.


I know I'm supposed to find Mayor Lomax the bad guy here, but why am I siding with her over Olivia?


Because Olivia is always so self-righteous? I'm on her side, but only because there are still people who think breast-feeding in public is obscene, and that attitude needs to be shut down. The breast is doing what it's meant to be doing. Stop fetishizing/sexualizing a natural function, weirdos.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 9

All I got out of yesterday was a happy dance at seeing Robert and Anna and a headache inducing eye roll over the scenes at the PCPD.  


First, Johnny can't afford a lawyer?  Second, the police chief standing over him browbeating him into either accepting an attorney who should not be allowed to represent him due to the boatload of conflict of interest.  It's even more obnoxious, because the writing actually acknowledged the conflict of interest.  So they know, and they still went "eh, screw it, we can write him being forced to accept Scott as his defense attorney."

I liked the scene. Maybe I just enjoyed Kin Shriner and Brandon Barash in a scene after close to a decade, and the fact those two usually have a little fun. Johnny can't afford a lawyer, unless they will allow him access to his accounts to pay for one, which he was unable to do so, which was part of the reason he was staying at the Haunted Star. The forged documents he either had on hand, or got from underground source that owed him. I think Scott was going to walk away, but when Nathan asked who was helping Johnny, Scott figured out pretty quickly that Lulu was somehow involved. While I think that he is still plenty pissed at Lulu, Lulu is Laura's daughter, who Scott still cares for and still is friendly with. If he helps Lulu he helps Laura. Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 1

In light of all the weird sex scenes Julexis have had, Alexis needs to never wear that part leather sweater again.


The Olivia scenes would have been redeemed if Dante had had to suffer through that.


geee who could have broken into Liz's house whooooo.


Wow, Nina has somehow managed to become more relevant than Franco. 


Uh-oh, Jordan needs to watch out. Nik might start trying to hump her.


Oh, nice, Sonny is yelling at Morgan tomorrow. I like anyone who yells at Morgan. How times have changed.

  • Love 2

You know what, I don't particularly care about Nina, but fuck it, at least someone is being productive and trying to get their life together. 


Kevin and that other doctor should have recommended Liez and DNAJ be sent to the sanitarium immediately for intensive psychotherapy. 


Olivia got arrested. I can't with this raggedy ass show.

  • Love 4

Have they made up? Lulu was furious with Scott for a long time.

No I don't think they have and even with amnesia, Lulu professed to dislike him. However it wasn't about Lulu, it was about Laura. I liked the look that BB's Johnny shot at Scott when told him not to answer any of there questions. Scotty's intense dislike of Johnny might work to his advantage, because I think I a lot of other lawyers would tell him to give up his accomplice, but Scott would do his best to keep Laura's daughter out of it.

  • Love 1

I guess Sam is just supposed to be fine with NotDeadJake taking his anger out on her. We can't tell him his mother is lying trash, so let's continue to let the angry little sociopath think this is Sam's fault and he should have beef with her. Because she's the one who knew who his daddy is and lied to erbody, including him, for months. Yeah, no. His bratty lil ass needs to be told something, and made to understand he ain't finna get his way. And whatever happens, this is grown folks bidness and you ain't a special snowflake.

God forbid poor Grams shuffles off her mortal coil. WHO WILL WATCH CLARK AND ANDY???

  • Love 16


Either Jake or Liz herself is fabricating the incidents at the house

I can't see Liz faking a break in at her own house.  What would be the point?  She didn't know Jason was coming over at that moment to find the door open.  


So it has to be Jake.  He figured his mother would find the door open and freak out, it just happened to be Jason that got there first.  


Unless they're going with a DID story and Fliz is doing it.  

  • Love 1

I guess Sam is just supposed to be fine with NotDeadJake taking his anger out on her. We can't tell him his mother is lying trash, so let's continue to let the angry little sociopath think this is Sam's fault and he should have beef with her. Because she's the one who knew who his daddy is and lied to erbody, including him, for months. Yeah, no. His bratty lil ass needs to be told something, and made to understand he ain't finna get his way. And whatever happens, this is grown folks bidness and you ain't a special snowflake.

God forbid poor Grams shuffles off her mortal coil. WHO WILL WATCH CLARK AND ANDY???

Jake hasn't done anything to Sam. He's not required to like her, and Jason and Liz have already told him that he can't be disrespectful to her. 


Liz already told the boys too, that Jason isn't with them anymore because he's mad at her. He doesn't need to know the details. There's no need to turn Liz's kids against her.


Like I said though, if Sam wants Jake to know what Liz did, then I'm sure she will have no problem with Danny knowing all the shit she's done.


I can't see Liz faking a break in at her own house.  What would be the point?  She didn't know Jason was coming over at that moment to find the door open. 

So it has to be Jake.  He figured his mother would find the door open and freak out, it just happened to be Jason that got there first. 

Unless they're going with a DID story and Fliz is doing it.


Yeah nothing onscreen indicates that Liz is making all this up, and I do think that Jake saw something at the window on NYE, but he definitely broke the picture. 

Edited by MissE
  • Love 5

I can't see Liz faking a break in at her own house. What would be the point? She didn't know Jason was coming over at that moment to find the door open.

So it has to be Jake. He figured his mother would find the door open and freak out, it just happened to be Jason that got there first.

Unless they're going with a DID story and Fliz is doing it.

It's definitely him. It's the crime of a child. What adult would break into someone's home and break ONE photo? Don't take shit, don't rummage through shit, don't sweep ALL the photos off the fucking mantle, just leave one broke fucking frame on the floor? Not one, not ever.

So what was the deal with Andre and the WSB, I think I missed the explanation if it was given.


I don't know something about him working for different agencies and having no real allegiances or something. It didn't make sense tbh.


Oh, I wanted to say, dayplayer doctor totally looked and sounded like she could be related to Obrecht.


I legit thought it was Dr. O at first. But I am so fucking scared now that you actually put it in writing that they will go there. She will be Dr. O's long lost daughter.


So Kevin doesn't know that Liz knew about Jason long before everyone else, so what the hell was this bitch talking about when she was saying she was a town pariah? Apparently no one knows. Except somehow Franco does. He can probably sense crazy or something.


BH looked so beautiful today. Her hair and makeup were perfect.


DNAJ's face at the end was amazing. I continue to enjoy the hell out of this child's terrible acting. Liz's face was amazing, too.


BM with that haircut and scruff is doing it for me. Did he get in an accident or something? What was up with the broken ankle and bandage on his hand?


Nina was insufferable in the scenes with Franco but then I liked her in the other scenes. 


I don't have much to say about the Anna/Andre/Robert scenes (they were fine) or the Carlos/Sabrina scenes (they were boring). I thought this was gonna be TeCa's maternity leave story though so I was surprised she popped back up.

  • Love 4

I legit thought it was Dr. O at first. But I am so fucking scared now that you actually put it in writing that they will go there. She will be Dr. O's long lost daughter.


I wouldn't hate it, I don't think. And then Nik could try to hook up with her and she'd betray him somehow and he'd whine and she'd be like "so fuck yourself".*


*Just kidding, this is GH, she'd get down on her knees and beg for forgiveness. [laura wright]ha-ha![/laura wright]

  • Love 3

Franco overheard Liz and Carly arguing. That's how he knows.


Oh OK. I couldn't remember how he knew. I guess then we can safely assume no one in town even knows about Liz's lie but Carly, Sonny, Michael, Jason, Sam, Nik, and Franco. I'm gonna pretend no one told Monica so it's easier to accept that she didn't get to yell at Liz.


[laura wright]ha-ha![/laura wright]


Don't hurt me like this!

Edited by peachmangosteen

I guess Sam is just supposed to be fine with NotDeadJake taking his anger out on her. We can't tell him his mother is lying trash, so let's continue to let the angry little sociopath think this is Sam's fault and he should have beef with her. Because she's the one who knew who his daddy is and lied to erbody, including him, for months. Yeah, no. His bratty lil ass needs to be told something, and made to understand he ain't finna get his way. And whatever happens, this is grown folks bidness and you ain't a special snowflake.

God forbid poor Grams shuffles off her mortal coil. WHO WILL WATCH CLARK AND ANDY???


DNAJ needs to be pushed down some stairs. I don't care who does it. 

The kid who plays DNAJ continues to be so so bad. Should I feel bad about laughing at him?

  • Love 6

Hoo boy. I guess it goes without saying that the writers HACKS SUCK and are suffering from amnesia, or rather, more accurately, don't give a fuck about what they've written before and just keep retconning and retconning.


I seriously banged my head on my coffee table when I heard Kevin (KEVIN!!!!!!!!) utter the words that he was worried about Liz...and saying that what a shock it was for her to learn Jake was Jason on her wedding day, which led to the break up. FUCK YOU! Whoever wrote that piece of shit. They can't make up their fucking minds.  And that's all I'm going to say on this subject, because it's giving me migraines and whiplash over what they're doing to Liz. No wonder Becky was disgusted or wasn't happy with the script she was given  (I read that in the PC News thread awhile back).  But she's a team player and is giving it her best. But it's still shit.


And sorry folks, but Andre "profiling" Sabrina, based on Anna's statement that she was a friendly person, was a fucking JOKE. He's horrible and terrible as a profiler. The words coming out of his mouth sounded trite and ridiculous and so unbelievable. They should had KEVIN be the profiler.


Robert and Anna just make everything BETTER. I LOVED RobertFucking!Scorpio's snark toward Paul, as well as Robert and Anna's snark and explanation as if Paul were 10, what they meant by "family business." You know, how they have a daughter, and a granddaughter, Emma? Which means, family? I really do wish, after Robert, said "No!" to Anna's accusation of whether she should be the Honeypot or seduce Paul, that he would have demonstrated what he meant. You know, a kiss and a few strokes. And then have him say, never mind.


What?  I say when you have Tristan and Finola in scenes together, planning and brainstorming, take FUCKING ADVANTAGE of the CHEMISTRY! I can't be the only one alone in thinking and wanting this!


As for the earlier episodes...


JEEBUSFUCKING!CRIPES.  When you have a perp, fugitive, whatever, telling the Police Commissioner what Miranda means, and spefically pointing out "The Right to Remain SILENT" as well as "The RIGHT TO AN ATTORNEY" yet, still have said commissioner, continue to threaten and question, you have to wonder what kind of crack the writers hacks are smoking!


And really? No Public Defender was available? Really? And there is no such thing as a panel or whatever the fuck Jordan was saying about Pro Bono attorneys. Unless Scotty was in court, and there was a defendant already in COURT, who didn't have representation, that would be the only instance where Scotty would be appointed as counsel, pro bono* UGH! The idiocy. It burns! I mean, it fucking BURNS!


Olivia: Oh for FUCK'S SAKE! Olivia (and I am really not a fan, unless she's reading Dante the riot act) did NOT verbally assault the mayor! I watched and didn't fast forward.  Alexis was actually correct in what she said.  And this is soooo going to get out in the next Crimson, after Julian told what'sherface that Olivia was arrested for breastfeeding.  Lomax must have had her head in a sand this past decade (and I'm being generous here with the time frame) to not KNOW that breastfeeding in public is LEGAL. And a maroon on top of it, because she's a fucking politician, and should have known better than to get all judgy and being the instigator.  And good Lord, but Shari Belafonte looks awful.


Dante and Valerie can BOTH DIAF and Fuck Off.


But I did love the scenes with Scotty and Johnny--with Scotty interspersing "Don't answer that," "Keep your mouth shut," while sprawled in his chair.  And all the questioning being done in the bull pen? and not in the interrogation room? GAH!


I loved Robert's "Dahling" to Anna, as well as telling her she was the most beautiful woman, and hot and...the looks that passed between them and...when he...hmm...err, where was I again?


*Learned from the School of Law & Order and some personal knowledge.

  • Love 7


Franco: He's probably looking at himself in a mirror, so it will be a while.


Hee. Like a broken clock, Franco can occasionally be right.


Dammit, show. You found my Achilles heel. My unabated hatred for Julian.


I must hold strong. I will not find anything remotely amusing about Franco. I mean, unless he up and killed Julian. You hear that show?   If you want me to stop my principled hatred of all things Franco, all you have to do the ONLY thing you could do is have him kill Julian.


We all have our price.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5
And sorry folks, but Andre "profiling" Sabrina, based on Anna's statement that she was a friendly person, was a fucking JOKE. He's horrible and terrible as a profiler.


You didn't think he was great?


Andre:  Sabrina and Carlos can't have gone far.

Me:  Canada

Andre:  They can't travel by plane.

Me:  Canada

Andre: And they need great health care.

Me: OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE, it couldn't have been more obvious if you had ended the sentence with ,eh?

Andre: Hey, I think they're in Canada

  • Love 14
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