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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I think Ron's on the verge, if not in the middle, of a major tantrum.


Someone at ABCD needs to give Ron a time-out.  Or maybe he just needs a juice box & a nap.


Ron comes off like he's spending too much time home alone with social media accompanied by a bottle of wine and too little time getting a good night's sleep or talking to living, breathing people in person.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Please tell me like I am Sonny, why again does Patrick care that he has been fired from a hospital he wanted to RESIGN from just a few months ago?


Because quitting is more satisfying. And I do think Dr. O was a little quick to fire him. Suspend him until the situation is cleared up. But this is GH, where the most extreme option is usually the one taken.


And I imagine we're supposed to think she's such a crafty schemer, but really, she's just been extremely lucky at every turn thus far.


I know. Lurking around corners and eavesdropping is hardly scheming.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Please tell me like I am Sonny, why again does Patrick care that he has been fired from a hospital he wanted to RESIGN from just a few months ago?

Ron forgot they wrote that?

More than likely plot point. Ron will use this to bring Patrick & Sam closer. I would actually care, if I believed for one minute this were more than contrived angst. SamTrick will get closer & wham Robin returns & Sam find out Patrick has kept the truth from her about Jason not being dead.

I'm close to packing my suitcase & going back to my room on the barge until my girl shows up. It's like we get 1 decent day every 10-15. I can't take all of the stupid that has to occur for plot points to work either.

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Jason is coming back because Ron wanted to fuck with Steve Burton, snag some famous actor, and shock us in one fell swoop. And spoil SamTrick. And redeem The Nina. Um and attempt to erase SK from our minds? That's my guess.

When we said More Quartermaines, we meant Alan and AJ back from the dead in good stories. Tracy with a brain. Skye. Ned. What we did not want was Franco and The Borg.

But if he's Jason Q, I'll take it. He just needs to tell a lot of people I'm sorry and a lot of people fuck off.

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I have a feeling she might be gone within a year (Britt).



She should have one of the most steady characters on the show.  She's a doctor on a show called General Hospital.  Only in this version of a soap opera, a character dropped out of college, the son of a mobster, whines a lot and doesn't get anything accomplished, has a higher likelihood of lasting on the show.  Ceteris paribus w/r/t both actors ability to spit out lines and being adequate in the looks department for a soap opera, Corinthos/mob trumps the hospital every day with this regime.  See ya Britt. 

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Morgan and Rosalie were cute and hot. Rosalie looks good not in scrubs, and Morgan deserves someone not banging anyone in his family. Verdict: hot. Ron will fuck this up.

I liked Anna and Jordan scenes today. I'm so jealous of Jordan. Bitch looks fabulous in those jeggings. I hate you with love.

Lol Julian and Sonny hijinks plus Ava. Like, you can bribe nurses, but you live in a park Mr Jerome?

No, Sonny, you cannot have sex with your children's significant others and then expect them to high five you.

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Julian wearing only shorts - well I know a few ladies here who will be happy. :)


Rosalie and Morgan - it could work. They have chemistry, and he's definitely checking her out. 


I hated everything about the Alexis-Sonny conversation, except her smirk at remembering Ava's pregnant with either Sonny's baby, or Morgan's. Has she forgotten that Sonny almost blew up Kristina?!?!


I did like Bobbie telling Scott to "put on your big boy pants." He's not worth fighting over, and he's a wuss.

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Kin Shriner needs to fix the ostrich hairstyle and to start bringing in his wardrobe from home.   The wardrobe department can't seem to find him a shirt and jacket that fit.  The button on that jacket is stretched so tight that when it does pop off it will put someone's eye out.  Scott is the DA and a wealthy man he should not be dressed like a drunken hobo at a frat party. 

  • Love 8

Morgan and Rosalie were cute and hot. Rosalie looks good not in scrubs, and Morgan deserves someone not banging anyone in his family. Verdict: hot. Ron will fuck this up.

Agreed. I sas surprised I liked them together at all. They were pretty & had chemistry. Ron will ruin it or do absolutely nothing with them. If Rosalie wasn't tied to The Nina's ass I might be excited

I'm so jealous of Jordan. Bitch looks fabulous in those jeggings. I hate you with love.

This a thousand times this. VA/Jordan makes me jealous also. She's one of my motivations at the gym besides being healthy of course.

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Kin Shriner needs to fix the ostrich hairstyle and to start bringing in his wardrobe from home.


Kin's/Scott's hair has always been like that so it doesn't bother me, but his button-gaping shirt did. And, has anyone else noticed the predominance of purple in the men's wardrobes? For a while it was the only color Sonny and Shawn were wearing (I was starting to wonder if it was becoming his "gang" color.) Apparently men's purple clothing was on sale at the same big box store that was selling gray paint at a discount. 


More to the topic, I'm more than a little offended that anyone would portray women of Lucy's and Bobbie's age as being willing to catfight over a man. I'm irritated that Lucy, being of a certain age, would run to Flea with her boyfriend problems. BTW, are Lucy and Doc divorced? Did that happen offscreen, too? Because if they're not, then what the heck is Lucy doing?


Finally, Scott was wishy-washy enough today that I'd love to see Bobbie and Lucy bonding in the hotel room and deciding that both of them are too good for him. 

  • Love 1

BTW, are Lucy and Doc divorced? Did that happen offscreen, too? Because if they're not, then what the heck is Lucy doing?


They're in the process of getting divorced, at Kevin's insistence.  Lucy mentioned on Monday that Kevin is only speaking to her through their lawyers.  I'm so annoyed that Kevin is apparently being shoved off the show.

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Kin Shriner needs to fix the ostrich hairstyle and to start bringing in his wardrobe from home.   The wardrobe department can't seem to find him a shirt and jacket that fit.  The button on that jacket is stretched so tight that when it does pop off it will put someone's eye out.  Scott is the DA and a wealthy man he should not be dressed like a drunken hobo at a frat party. 


This is Scott's hair, sadly. It's been his hair for ages. It's never changing again. It's godawful. I cracked up when Luke called him "Laura's Eraserhead fiancé" last year because that is exactly what it looks like, a fucking eraser head. I've been calling him that ever since. I love Scott and Kin despite the same old schtick the character has been doing for years and the cruise director suits but it's got to stop.


And why Scott and Anna continue to live in the fucking hotel is beyond me.

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They're in the process of getting divorced, at Kevin's insistence.  Lucy mentioned on Monday that Kevin is only speaking to her through their lawyers.  I'm so annoyed that Kevin is apparently being shoved off the show.


I'm sure it's just a temporary thing, actually. He'll be back and Kevin and Lucy will reunite. In the meantime, Ron can still assassinate the couple a little bit more.


Again, I had no problem with this story, with Lucy being tempted to cheat - I thought they started it off well, especially when Lynn Herring had this great monologue while in bed with Scott. But as with most stories, there is no more development. It's the start and then there's just the plot beats and long drops in airtime. There is no real discussion between characters. Now it's the middle phase so, oh, Lucy has lost interest in Kevin and is into Scott. Why?

Edited by jsbt
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Finally, Scott was wishy-washy enough today that I'd love to see Bobbie and Lucy bonding in the hotel room and deciding that both of them are too good for him.


It would be just like Leyla & Summer Rae in WWE when they ditched Fandango & started hanging out together!



Now it's the middle phase so, oh, Lucy has lost interest in Kevin and is into Scott. Why?

Doc refuses to be cool with her banging Scott behind his back, & Lucy has needs, so...hi Scotty!

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Lucy going from "I'm sad about my divorce/that Kevin won't talk to me" to "I will fight Bobbie to the death for Scotty!" in the blink of an eye is indeed such a disconnect.  Maybe it would work better if we had actually seen Lucy try and fail to get Kevin to forgive her, if we had seen her really mourn her marriage (which, let's not forget, she got back on track after her vampire delusions led to what sounded like a years-long separation), but two expositional lines after weeks off-screen don't cut the mustard.

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It is appalling to me that of these two men Scott is the one that has two women fighting over him, while Kevin is left in the cold.  (And I'd say that regardless of who the other guy was, because Scott??  Ladies, please.)  Kevin and Lucy have always been one of my all-time favorite GH couples, but, now, I don't even want to see Lucy on my TV screen.  The whole thing's sickening.  And the sad thing is I could see it coming a mile away, as soon as Lucy came back to the show and started having all her scenes with Scott.  I guess I have only myself to blame for continuing to watch, but, geez, ReRon, I hate you for making me hate Lucy.

  • Love 4


okay, NO ONE is mentioning Mickey pulling out a DEA badge? What are the thoughts about that? Is he legit or just trying to blow Jordan's cover? I'm leaning toward the latter, but did find it interesting.

I have totally lost interest in this story. It could have been good. We could have had a real mystery about Fluke. We could have had real plot development. Some of this was lost because of  AG's  illness and for that he cannot be blamed. But both he and Ron and Frank can be blamed for dragging this out. Fake Luke could have been exposed as Damian Smith (The only LOGICAL Candidate: Bill Echart has no reason to hate Sonny and was never this creepy only a Smith or a Sully would want revenge on both Luke and Sonny)  and an actor brought on to play the exposed Damian (maybe even the same guy who is playing Mickey if Leigh McClosuky (sic) was not available) and the story  could have kept moving. Instead we have this unending story with no real point.


All that is going on now is that Tracy, Lulu, Dante, Anna and dozens of other who KNOW Luke are being made to be stupid by not figuring this shit out  (I would even include Sonny in that list as the Sonny/Luke friendship is one of the few times the actors shine now a days.....how sad that when TR was around we did not get a "Robert and Sonny must work together to save Luke even though they hate each other rift)


When AG returns I expect this mess to get worse instead of better since I would bet that Ron still has not decided who Fluke is despite Geary saying that they had.

Edited by Fylaki

how sad that when TR was around we did not get a "Robert and Sonny must work together to save Luke even though they hate each other rift)



Aw, HELLSNO! to the nth degree to that! RobertFucking!Scorpio don't need nobody's help to get shit done, let alone that midgety moobster's.  The latter and Luke haven't been anywhere near close to friends for years.


Robert could do this with one hand tied behind his back.


Biased, who, me?

  • Love 10

I have a feeling TG's surgery really messed up the pacing for this story (beyond Ron's usual ineptness). TG looked truly terrible during his last episodes, so I assume he filmed as much as he possibly could before going on leave. His recovery also took longer than expected, and that led to Mickey Diamond coming on. I get Ron doesn't want to make the Big Reveal until TG is back, but you'd think he'd start dropping the odd clue here and there to at least keep the story moving forward. Mickey making threats doesn't do anything.

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Robert could do this with one hand tied behind his back.

Okay I can't argue that one. I am still holding out hope that it is Scott who actually figures this crap out and rescues Luke. I can see the attitude from both of them now.


I will never understand why writers (not just Ron this time) don't play to the strengths of their actors: Of the people on canvas right now KS, TC and NLG play the best off of AG, why not use that?  Felix is really only decent with Lucy.  LW and JZ play a good mother/daughter.  we keep getting pairings that are just off. Like putting KA with AG, all that happened was to highlight her inability to act. TC may be the only not great (good but not great) actor who Geary is kind to, any one else he just eats.  FH plays well with JT but we get one crappy scene every four months or so. It just makes no sense


BTW when RH was still Todd there were hints of he and Luke having a story line. Now that he is Franco that has been dropped and that is a shame. RH and AG are (or maybe were) giants in the soap business and I bet the two of them would have found a way to step it up if they had to play off of each other.

Edited by Fylaki

I have totally lost interest in this story. It could have been good. We could have had a real mystery about Fluke. We could have had real plot development. Some of this was lost because of  AG's  illness and for that he cannot be blamed. But both he and Ron and Frank can be blamed for dragging this out. Fake Luke could have been exposed as Damian Smith (The only LOGICAL Candidate: Bill Echart has no reason to hate Sonny and was never this creepy only a Smith or a Sully would want revenge on both Luke and Sonny)


Don't worry, they'll find one. Remember when Faison-Duke was determined to take over Sonny's mob territory? That lasted two weeks, never panned out into anything and was never mentioned again. I still don't know what that was about.


It could be Damian, sure. But I still believe it's Eckert, for a variety of reasons, most notably a) the alleged moratorium from the network on any more mask shit and b) Tony Geary's absolute glee over the pitch Ron gave him. To say nothing of the Barrett connection.


I'm sure they will reunite Kevin and Lucy soon enough - they're the endgame couple. But as it often is with Ron, he'll make you hate them all in the meantime. This could've been a great story, it started out decent enough IMO and then immediately went to the dogs.


Oh, and there are two people who could've seen through Fluke immediately: Robert and Laura. But I could also add Lulu, Tracy, Sonny and others, and they haven't.


I feel bad for TG and I know this break is not his usual one. But after years of long breaks just because, having this story stalled til October and introducing a variety of Fake Shemps like Mickey Diamond! to fill in for Fluke is just tiresome, especially since this has been going since January and we still have no inkling as to any reveal or real progression. I am now seriously half-expecting Levi to turn out to be on Fluke's payroll as well.


ETA: Forgot to mention Bobbie and Alexis. They should've seen through Fluke immediately.

Edited by jsbt
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