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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Aside from Alexis, Kristina and Molly looking gorgeous and Robert and Robin showing their Scorpio smarts, this was just AWFUL.


Hated all the Liz stuff, the Franco and Liz stuff, Monica thanking (!!!) Carly for Jason's appearance at the gala, Jason voluntarily walking away from Monica to go fetch for Carly, Patrick saying what he and Anna believed/guilt doesn't matter right now, and Dillon saying he mourns for Georgie range false to me.


Finola's tears in the previews got me, though.

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It was such a treat to see the Scorpios today!  But it’s bittersweet, because I know it won’t last and it involved having to sit through so much shit in between those blissful few minutes.  Including, why is that motherfucker Sonny allowed within a hundred feet of a Quartermaine gala?  Why is Monica thanking the she-beast who gladly covered up the murder of her other son?  Why is another lying, scheming Corinthii necessary on a show already cluttered with them and their boring problems?  Why can’t Maxie and Dillon have a conversation about Georgie, or anything else, without spending more time talking about and propping that psychopath Nina?  Why is Liz, who is getting crazier by the second, going on a date with a serial killer? 

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I haven't watched in a few days but I've been reading the discussions, so serious question. Liz is not being piled on?



I already posted about this on a previous page but in my opinion, no she isn't. The only real consequence Liz has suffered is that Jason dumped her and Carly went off on her at the hospital and honestly, as someone else stated, that was almost tame for Carly. But other than that, it really seems like most people either don't know or care about what she did and today was the first time she and Sam had a confrontation since she admitted the truth to Jason.


And the sole result of it was her smugly telling Sam that once again it was all her fault for not letting things go and daring to tell the truth about Liz's lie and going on about Sam using Patrick and then throwing in Sam's face that Patrick is probably back in Robin's arms with his daughter. So basically she got to run shot over Sam who while Sam got to stand there and take it and continue to be an afterthought in this storyline. 

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....today was the first time she and Sam had a confrontation since she admitted the truth to Jason.


And, it should be noted, Liz started said confrontation today.  Sam was trying to drop off a present for Patrick at the hospital when Liz came up snarling that Sam (!!!) was the one who blew up everyone's lives.


Shut up, Liz.

Edited by TeeVee329
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i like to think my girl stood there and took it because she knows they are in a hospital.  She has more class than a NURSE that works there and SHOULD KNOW BETTER.  Although, Sam has started shit in GH before so.....I can fanwank what I want, aight?


I REALLY wish someone would tape how Liz acts with Sam/Carly/Siohban/any other female and how she acts with the men that coddle her.  It really is night and day....and I am betting tomorrow she plays it weepy and apologetic since Jason is there to witness it.  Ugh she is trash. 

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THAT'S IT...REALLY? Elizabeth gets to be smug and throw shots at Sam in the aftermath of her lie and continue to make SAM the bad guy? Again, WHO the hell is writing this mess? And yeah Liz is REALLY being treated badly for her actions. Sam continues to be an afterthought and the smug bitch gets the last word. Unbelievable. And I still haven't gotten my Sam backhand to her. Ugh... Why did I start watching this shit again? I knew there was a reason I quit soap operas years ago. 


Valerie and Liz (and Dante, sadly) need to be besties.

Edited by ulkis
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Liz is just here for me so this lying about Jason's identity SL haven't really changed my no fecks to give attitude about her, but I need Sam to snatch this chicks soul from her body if she keeps getting in Sam's face.

I don't care about this dumb, boring, stupid, unintelligent story that is beyond ridiculous so I'm all for Liz doing her thing and not hating on her for it but please this desperate idiot needs to stay out of Sam's face.

And my Scrubs. Emma is adorable and gives me life.

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More than ever I am convinced that Robin has paid far more than most people on this show - not just for her mistakes but for her mother's and for her husband's.  That is why the perfect ending to her return this time would be for her to go back to PC, take out several people in town Dynasty's Moldavian Wedding style, go break Matt out of jail, and say peace out.


But you can't be a "no holds barred bitch" AND complain that people are being mean/ganging up on you.



Exactly.  Being a no holds barred bitch would be Liz saying I lied. Deal with it.  It wouldn't be her saying this isn't my fault.  It is Sam's for telling the truth.

Edited by camussie

But you can't be a "no holds barred bitch" AND complain that people are being mean/ganging up on you.


Haha I guess she's hypocritical one then.  Frankly, I have checked out of this story.  It's just too stupid for words.  I don't know what the writers are going for.  But I guess I don't mind Liz being a a jerk over being mopey. If this show was written with any thoughtfulness and actual character development, I probably would care more about the direction they are taking Liz's character. But since it isn't I'm just going to enjoy BH's bitch face. 

What's more egregious to me is that Ava was prepared to let Kiki think she was dead forever so she could avoid going to prison. 


This, too. They have completely failed, at every turn, to give Ava any true depth of soul or vulnerability. I cannot buy her fighting for Avery even, because I don't believe it's about Avery. It's about Ava beating Sonny. She's just as soulless and empty as he is. And it's really too late, now, for me to believe otherwise about her.


As far as the whole Liz versus Sam thing-eh. THey are both idiots for loving Jason. I can't respect-or like-either one when they are singing his praises. What is it with the way these writers want to portray the women on this show?


No self respect, any of them. How sad is that.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I hate that they are having Liz blaming Sam for this, but I loved her being a cold bitch to Sam today. It was hilarious. I hope she continues to be that way. 


I enjoy Liz's reactions to Franco, but this needs to stop. I would rather Liz be all alone for the rest of her life, than be friends with that man.


Also, is Maxie's hair that awful on purpose?


LW is a pretty woman, but that dress looked hideous on her. Alexis' dress was awful too.

Edited by MissE
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Best line of the show: Robert: "Let's go get our Daughter."


Man, I thought Robert was gonna deck Patrick. 


What? Even though Patrick is back, he still deserves to get decked for his behavior this past year.


And I love, love LOVE that Robert has been on the trail for Robin all this time. NO one will convince me otherwise.


Really, Robin should have prepared a syringe and stuck it to Jerry when Manrico was taking her away.


As for Liz? That wasn't her being a "no holds barred bitch." That was totally a Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Loony Tunes Crazy. Especially her line about hoping that Patrick and Robin reunite. She's totally lost it, the way she said it. I'm just ready for her to be taken away and treated for the crazy.


And STFU, show. Jason wasn't the love of Liz's life. That was Lucky. Yeah, yeah, teenage, cheating, affair, blah, blah, but I'm not buying the shit these writers hacks are peddling.


I couldn't hit fastforward fast enough when Monica fucking THANKED Cujo for bringing Jason to the gala. AJ, who?


Can I say: ROBERT!!!!!!!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 22

I looooooooved everything with Robin, Patrick, Anna, and Robert.

It's so cool to me that the writers remembered how much Robin loved the opera. I like how she used that to get the Hot Guard on her side. Her phone call to Patrick was so smart. My girl just has freaking brains!

Robert's straight talk is just the best.

Thank YOU to Smart Writer who finally acknowledged that PATRICK ended the marriage.

Liz was just...can she NOT talk about Scrubs? She basically gifted Sam to Patrick and did not care what Robin was doing or feeling.

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Liz was just...can she NOT talk about Scrubs? She basically gifted Sam to Patrick and did not care what Robin was doing or feeling.



As far as Liz knew, Robin had left Patrick and Emma and didn't want to be with Patrick anymore. Prior to knowing Jake was Jason, she supported Sam and Patrick because Patrick was happy. Was she supposed to tell Patrick to be alone forever?

  • Love 2
Liz was just...can she NOT talk about Scrubs? She basically gifted Sam to Patrick and did not care what Robin was doing or feeling.


I wish there was more time for Robin to blast Liz. Yes, I know. Patrick is a grown man, but Liz's lie wasted heaps of time for Robin, and Liz is gross. So it would be win-win for me.


And it's all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Wait, I sound like Liz. Never mind!

  • Love 6
As far as the whole Liz versus Sam thing-eh. THey are both idiots for loving Jason. I can't respect-or like-either one when they are singing his praises. What is it with the way these writers want to portray the women on this show?



Except that's not really how this is playing out right now. Sam realized Liz lied, told Jason and Liz finally admitted it and Sam was pretty much left out of that whole aftermath for days. Then she showed up to the hospital looking for Patrick and the nutjob came after her and started attacking her. Since the day Sam told Jason to ask Liz the truth, she hasn't had any interaction with him. If anything, the writers seem determined to limit their interactions as much as possible.


And Sam's anger justifiably is the fact that Elizabeth let her continue to grieve for a man she knew was alive, then later get engaged to another man while she was still technically married, not to mention having her son continue to be without his father. It doesn't have to be about Jason or being with him. What Elizabeth did was fucked up but in her nutty ass mind, she seems to think Sam is the bad guy and wronged her.


eta: I will say that as frustrating as the scene was, in hindsight, I kind of liked Sam's tiny eyeroll when Elizabeth walked away and just sort of this, "okay bitch is crazy, whatever..." Honestly, she reacted to Liz almost like Diane did. It's like it's clear she's delusional and pathetic so it's not even worth getting into a screaming match over or acknowledging her nuttiness.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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As far as Liz knew, Robin had left Patrick and Emma and didn't want to be with Patrick anymore. Prior to knowing Jake was Jason, she supported Sam and Patrick because Patrick was happy. Was she supposed to tell Patrick to be alone forever?

I'm not even necessarily talking about before she knew Jake was Jason. I'm saying, as she also repeated herself, that she wanted Sam and Patrick to get married. She doesn't care about Scrubs.

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As far as Liz knew, Robin had left Patrick and Emma and didn't want to be with Patrick anymore. Prior to knowing Jake was Jason, she supported Sam and Patrick because Patrick was happy. Was she supposed to tell Patrick to be alone forever?


No.  But being all "I always liked them as a couple" re: Patrick and Robin when she super recently claimed that she kept the Jason secret to protect Patrick's happiness with Sam was super groddy. 


Shut up some more, Liz.

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I wish there was more time for Robin to blast Liz. Yes, I know. Patrick is a grown man, but Liz's lie wasted heaps of time for Robin, and Liz is gross. So it would be win-win for me.

And it's all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Wait, I sound like Liz. Never mind!

Right now I'm just praying I don't have to see a scene of Robin thanking Sam. That's my one and only request from this show.

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I'm not even necessarily talking about before she knew Jake was Jason. I'm saying, as she also repeated herself, that she wanted Sam and Patrick to get married. She doesn't care about Scrubs.



Well heaven forbid she not bow down at the feet of Scrubs. Based on the past couple years, I'd say Patrick doesn't care about them either. lol


Also, she was clearly saying that to be mean to Sam, and get under her skin.

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Right now I'm just praying I don't have to see a scene of Robin thanking Sam. That's my one and only request from this show.



If history is any indicator she will probably thank both Sam and Liz for being there for Emma when she couldn't.  Like I said she needs to take a machine gun to some Port Charles gathering.  In fact I vote that is how GH ends.  

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So Liz, perfectly fine with leaving Monica in the dark about her son's identity as long as he kept loving on her lady bits, shows up to Monica's gala escorted by the man responsible for Michael's, her grandson's, rape.


That goes beyond shameless, imo, it's very the height of distastefulness, of disrespect and disdainfully disgusting.


I cannot wrap my head around any of this. The logic centers in my brain started to switch off, there's no making sense about any of this tripe.


They put a rush job on Patrick FINALLY! getting a clue about Robin and having he and her parents, FINALLY!, all go rushing to her aid. They basically crammed months of potentially well done, well acted and well received action and suspense and drama into maybe 4 days, 5 days tops, and it feels every bit of it.


There's hardly any time to breathe between scenes with them, the writing seems hurried and jumbled and mumbled, it's a garbled mess frankly. And while the end is thankfully near, and about damn time, it seems like such a waste doing it this way.


They had all the time in the world to do this well, to do this right.


But then on the flip side they're dragging out this awful, repetitive fuckary with Jason and Liz and Sam and all that nonsense.


The first time Sam sets eyes on her 'husband" since the truth came out is when she just so happens to spy him with Liz at the party his mommy is throwing that he basically had a fit about attending and acted, as usual, like the self serving asshole he is, wanting instead to pout and keep up the unbecoming pity party he was throwing himself.


Of course this comes mere hours after Sam's run in with Liz where Liz somehow thinks that Sam is going to feel the "sads" for not letting Liz off the hook with her lies to then marry Sam's own husband she believed dead for two years...


I had a feeling the new head writers couldn't repair the damage Wreck It Ron inflicted on this show, but even so I am truly shocked that they really just picked up where he left off, in fact I think they're making things worse.


How do you do that? How do you make something already so terrible more terrible? That has to be a talent within a talent...like pardoning Sonny for capital murder of an innocent, defenseless man (and veteran character) and then sticking him in a wheelchair because he just isn't a sympathetic enough character, obviously...


God, I hate this show...

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I thought the serial killer was with Nina?? I guess I missed something.

And, Nina? Wow how unprofessional to whine to Monica as she did about being left high and dry. Made it seem very clear she has no ability to handle this job without help.

Carly is like a cartoon character always running on fast speed. If I was Jason, or anyone, I would fake amnesia just to get her out of my life.

Liz. Ick. I hate when they portray women this way but a lot of men, especially Sonny, on this show fair no better.

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They basically crammed months of potentially well done, well acted and well received action and suspense and drama into maybe 4 days, 5 days tops, and it feels every bit of it.

I'm actually OK with the rescue being quick like this. I would not want to sit through months of this. I'd rather they go back to PC and start having real, one-on-one convos.

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So Liz, perfectly fine with leaving Monica in the dark about her son's identity as long as he kept loving on her lady bits, shows up to Monica's gala escorted by the man responsible for Michael's, her grandson's, rape.


Well Monica, is also kissing Carly's ass who was going to marry the man who was responsible for her grandson's rape, and who covered up the murder of her son, so I'm going to say that Monica doesn't really care who Liz shows up with.


And Liz and Franco literally walked in together. He's really there with Nina.

Edited by MissE
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Well, the show has provided a reason how Nik wouldn't have known about Robin being held captive on Cassadine Island.


She's been held at an abandoned site on the other side of the island. One that Robert with his WSB contacts has ferreted out.


My point is not to defend Nik, because he can go away now; but that Robert has brains and has been doing whatever it takes to find his 'baby girl.'  As far as I'm concerned, RobertFucking!Scorpio is the hero of this story.

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I'm actually OK with the rescue being quick like this. I would not want to sit through months of this. I'd rather they go back to PC and start having real, one-on-one convos.



The rescue being quick isn't my point, especially considering this is Robin's millionth time being kept hostage.


It's everything else that I am talking about, it's Patrick realizing the truth just now, Anna realizing the truth just now, literally in minutes months of what could have been come spilling out and then here comes the calvery with guns drawn, I'm just over it.


That foursome makes up four of the best actors this show has left, imho, and this is what they get. I'm just...no. Just no.




Well Monica, is also kissing Carly's ass who was going to marry the man who was responsible for her grandson's rape, and who covered up the murder of her son, so I'm going to say that Monica doesn't really care who Liz shows up with.


And Liz and Franco literally walked in together. He's really there with Nina.



Monica can't care because they never write her to care. I care because it's utter bullshit. And her thanking Carly was...I can't put into words how vile that was alone. And Liz herself made the comment about his offer to "escort" her there.


The very fact she's so desperate to not go by herself that she'd even let him touch her, the same man responsible for the babynapping of her youngest kid, is on a whole other level, imho.

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I didn't say Liz looked strong.  She isn't really being strong (ergo, how she acted with Jason the past few times they encountered each other).  I just said she was being bitchy to Sam which I enjoy more than mopey.  If Liz was bitchy to Monica about all she has done, that would be a completely different story.  And also, as I said, it doesn't make sense, but nothing about this story has.  I also do not think Liz is crazy but rather she is still living in a world where she and Jason are meant to be together so what she did wasn't really wrong because they were in love and its her time, you guys!!!!  It's stupid, and I hope at some point she sees Jason/Sam kissing or whatnot and gets over that real fast.  But I'm going to try to enjoy the performances since the show itself is a heap of garbage. 


But yeah, Jason is not the love of Liz's life.

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The very fact she's so desperate to not go by herself that she'd even let him touch her, the same man responsible for the babynapping of her youngest kid, is on a whole other level, imho.


Oh, I wish Liz would never speak to Franco, don't get me wrong. He shouldn't even be on this show anymore. However, Liz wasn't desperate to not go by herself, unless I missed a scene. She wasn't even going to go, but Franco convinced her to, to get back into the swing of things. They aren't even there together. His date is Nina.

But you can't be a "no holds barred bitch" AND complain that people are being mean/ganging up on you.


Liz can and she does. She does that to those she deem competition. Sarah, Carly, Siobhan, Sam, Britt etc


To the "Prize", all the men she's been with, she is remorseful with a dash of deflection and sweet as pie.


Liz has been like this for decades. 

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