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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I would argue Liz's attitude is similar, all "I don't want him, but you can't have him!"  She saw Nik (GASP) talking to Britt and she dropped her plans for the day to interfere. 


This story is very annoying and doing none of these characters any favors.  Why again is Nik a prize worth all this fuss?  


Ron can make it up to me by having Britt share a scene with her brother in the near future.


I think that has been a characteristic of Liz since I returned from the barge during Niz. She is as entitled as Carly to "her" men. I thought that she was awful during the time that Nik was with Brooklyn and the time Lucky was with Siohbahn. She seems to feel that once a man has been involved with her, then she owns him. I still blame her for Shibbahn's death even if crazy AZ carried out the deed.

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Yes there has always been shirtlessness, but if you compare the amount of shirtless scenes lately to what there has been in the past?  I am almost sure it would be ridiculously high.  It seems like every show has at LEAST one guy shirtless.


Maybe it comes down to when you started watching, but this certainly matches my recollection of soap opera shirtlessness. I remember I stated watching ATWT because my VCR would record a little bit of it and at least twice a week the show would start with a guy in the shower. That got me to pay attention and eventually that minute of story I'd get convinced me to switch soaps (because ATWT was sooo much better once I sampled it). Overall, I've popped in an out of different soap audiences (sadly the survivors are all the shows that I watched/cared about the least) and this feels pretty average in terms of shirtlessness. 


and this feels pretty average in terms of shirtlessness.

It may very well be average for shirtless men. But the point is the gratuity of it. We are way below average on women in bathing suits, bras and panties and many of the times we see Shirtless men it is for no reason, I mean just as a show of hands how many men walk around their apartment on a daily bases shirtless? For that matter how many of us work out in very small cramped living rooms, even if I am to believe that the PCPD does not have a gym wouldn't Nathan do that stuff in his bedroom or join Gold's?  Hell Sonny owns a boxing club.


And for me there is still the very very creepy having 16 year old TJ (it is irrelevant how old the actor is the character is 16) appear as a male stripper. Not to mention the silliness of a classy event like the Nurses Ball where people are in Tux's and Evening Gowns having a strip act any way. 


Between 16 years olds stripping and the entire character of Count Chocula I wonder if anyone from Disney is actually paying attention to this show, it kind of goes against the image

  • Love 3

Are 9-year-olds still missing teeth? I wouldn't think so...


First permanent teeth usually come in around 6.  Last ones (except for the teenage molars) around 12-13.  9 is prime tooth-missing period. 

ETA:  It's come up a couple of times recently, so I did some Google searching.  I didn't find any super-authoritative sources, but most places are reporting that the kid who plays Spencer was born in February 2005, which would make him 9, almost 9 1/2.  I also found a recent interview with Tyler Christopher in which TC says the actor is 9.  So I think he's probably actually 9, however small he might be for his age.  This makes sense to me.  I worked with elementary-aged kids for a bunch of years, and although he's definitely small for his age, and it would be extremely unusual to find a child significantly younger than 9 who would be able to memorize that much dialogue and recite it reliably on camera under the conditions we know this show shoots under.  I know a lot of people aren't fans of the material that's being written for him, but it's really quite a big ask even for a 9 year-old  (which is perhaps why the show should dial it back a little).

Edited by Rancide
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I just got finished with yesterday's episode and the only take away I got from it was...anyone remember the classic scene of Laura showing up at Scotty's and being greeted by Bobbie, acting like they had just done it?  (It actually predates me, but I've seen the clip over the years).  Looks like they recreated it with Lucy at the end there.  And I'd buy Lucy's grief over what's his faces' death IF I HAD SEEN THEM INTERACT AT LEAST ONCE SINCE THE VAMPIRE ARC!


Spencer can die (and I do feel bad for wanting a little kid dead.  Hell, I think I want shamwow alive more than Count Chocula at this point!)  And I will personally buy Levi a ticket back to Down Under AND pay his legal fees for his arrest.  It is beyond stupid, his entire story and I hate women being dumbed down to this degree.


Really need to start looking for permanent lodging on the barge.

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I agree that the kid playing Spencer is good at memorizing his lines and even reciting them with some believability. I have nothing against the kid, it's how the character is written that I detest.


Agree completely.  The kid is good, but the problem is, the character is way too much of a brat.  And I loved kid Starr and her antics, but he's way too OTT  (as, I suspect, that is what they are going for, ReRionning KA's glory days with Spencer.)

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Agree completely.  The kid is good, but the problem is, the character is way too much of a brat.  And I loved kid Starr and her antics, but he's way too OTT

I could deal with it if Spencer were a Brat but it is the flamboyant over the top George Hamilton in Love at First Bite and almost Liberace way that character is being written that makes me queasy

  • Love 4

In my short time watching yesterday's show was really the first whole episode I found stomach turning. There was not one decent story and only a couple of scenes I liked.

I'm sure Felicia is a well loved legacy character, but she really got on my nerves yesterday, no wonder Maxie is the brainless wonder with her for a mother.

Lucy please use that tissue to blow your nose. yuck!

I hate MSt being stuck in the stupid manipulation story that just goes in circles.

I want Levi and Patrick to DIAF already.


Dante and my Det Special Kitty were the only things worth watching and that was all of 5 mins. I hate Nathan being a boob for Maxie the brainless wonder. ugh!


Nik I love ya but you are dumber than a box of rocks.

Edited by Cattitude

flamboyant over the top George Hamilton in Love at First Bite and almost Liberace way that character is being written



THIS! A thousand times THIS! If he was just a bratty child, fine. But the writing is not for a 9-year-old. Or even a 16-year-old. I don't know what age he's being written as, because I don't know anyone who acts that way. It's just stupid.

  • Love 5
I thought that she was awful during the time that Nik was with Brooklyn


I can't blame Liz there. That story was so sleazy. Nik was playing Henry Higgins to Brooklyn, which was beyond ridiculous. And there was the grossness of him paying her to act as his hostess/escort. Ew.


Spencer can die


He did in the elimination game. Woo-hoo!

Edited by dubbel zout
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I know a lot of people aren't fans of the material that's being written for him, but it's really quite a big ask even for a 9 year-old  (which is perhaps why the show should dial it back a little).


That would also free up some of his time for speech therapy, so we could actually understand what he says. Either that, or he should just text all the time like he did yesterday. 

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I know that this show is not realistic when it comes to, well anything really, but it was bugging me that the hospital wouldn't have any lawyers present at that press conference. 


I'd like to see Nik with someone new. I'm tired of Liz and her flakiness in regards to relationships in general, and Britta is attractive and successful, she doesn't need to resort to this foolishness to get someone interested in her. 

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To those wondering why Lucy wasn't at the hospital when Rafe died, Ron 'explains' in SOD::


There was so much story going on at the hospital with Molly and Rafe, with Alice," he says. "It was one more character to add into that mix and the days just became too big and too complicated. So, we decided to give Lucy her own separate moment after the fact [to mourn Rafe]."



Still BS, but I wouldn't have minded her mourning on her own if she actually spent more than 30 seconds on him before crying over Scotty.

Still BS, but I wouldn't have minded her mourning on her own if she actually spent more than 30 seconds on him before crying over Scotty.


Yes, this!  Since she moved on from talking about Rafe to talking about herself/her divorce/her daughter being mad at her/Scotty in about ten seconds flat, it came off less as, "We're giving this character moment room to breathe" and more as, "Well shit, someone on the Internet will complain if Lucy never reacts to Rafe's death (*raises hand*) so let's have her mention it super quick and then get on with the sexy shenanigans!".

  • Love 6

Bringonthedrama, can I buy you a drink for that? So rightly said!


Britt and Elizabeth might as well be fighting over an accidently marked down Marc Jacobs purse at a Barney's sale as over a man. It's just a game ... a prize.


Absolutely, a drink would be appreciated :) - life is stressful since my company got rid of a bunch of us in favor of outsourcing work overseas. 


Actually I think Elizabeth was both jealous (seeing Britt and Nik together at the kiddie camp) and worried (she rightly sees Britt as a lying snake who will only hurt Nik).  Britt doesn't even like kids except for Spencer, it was allll about manipulating Nikolas. Elizabeth and Nikolas have been friends for a long time, had the affair, have feelings for each other but it's not a simple situation. Becky Herbst played Elizabeth back together with Ric like okay I'll settle for this because Ric is very assertive about wanting my love, seems to be good for Cameron, and I'm scared about what could happen if Nikolas and I 'go there' again. Liz is in love with Nikolas and struggles w/ 'I want him but I shouldn't want him and I don't want anyone to get hurt' ... so I'll just sit here and shoot Britt dirty looks.


Britt's mindset is: Nikolas is handsome, he rescued me and cared about me and no one had ever been sweet and nice like that, he tolerated my mother, has a cool kid, is rich w/a huge home...so I'm still in looovvveee with him and just have to remind him that I'm awesome with Spencer. The three of us can have fun together!! The fact that she's continuing to be completely untrustworthy doesn't even register. 


There wasn't any depth to the 'relationship' she had w/Nikolas, but she's too emotionally immature to see that. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 3
I still blame her for Shibbahn's death even if crazy AZ carried out the deed.



I'll split the difference and throw a ticker tape parade for both Liz and Anthony, giving them joint credit for one of the few things that's happened on this show in recent years that I genuinely appreciated. 


Are 9-year-olds still missing teeth? I wouldn't think so...



My 11 (almost 12) year old just lost a tooth yesterday. I ended up googling, because my first thought was "wait, this is still going on here? I thought we were done!"   Kids can lose teeth up through 12-13 years old, and there's no "right" time frame for it. 


THIS! A thousand times THIS! If he was just a bratty child, fine. But the writing is not for a 9-year-old. Or even a 16-year-old. I don't know what age he's being written as, because I don't know anyone who acts that way. It's just stupid.



And it just occurred to me... We've already noticed that Ron picked up on the "Children of the Corn" references made on TWoP about Joss, and ran that into the ground on air.  Maybe this is his way of being "clever" and running the old "Spencer is an old man" jokes into the ground?  


I blame his annoying behavior on his maternal genes.



Considering who his mother is, it's amazing he's not a bigger asshole. Nothing good could possible come of getting half of your genetic material from CopKilla. (And, despite his lineage, his father isn't exactly a prince either.) 

  • Love 5

To those wondering why Lucy wasn't at the hospital when Rafe died, Ron 'explains' in SOD::



Still BS, but I wouldn't have minded her mourning on her own if she actually spent more than 30 seconds on him before crying over Scotty.


I probably had a snappy retort, but TeeVee said it best.



Considering who his mother is, it's amazing he's not a bigger asshole. Nothing good could possible come of getting half of your genetic material from CopKilla. (And, despite his lineage, his father isn't exactly a prince either.) 


As much as I love my Cassadines, any DNA combo of Cassadines and Corinthos would be horrific (okay, maybe not Kristina).


As much as I love my Cassadines, any DNA combo of Cassadines and Corinthos would be horrific (okay, maybe not Kristina).

Yes and what a shame to not allow that to be Spencer's Character, especially if he then gets Fasions daughter as a step-mother, this kid could be come the ultimate GH bad guy when SOAR's , Now thanks to Ron no one will be able to take him seriously, he is not evil he is just Flamboyant (Snaps Fingers a la in Living Color) Count Chocula. The best we can hope for now is that he grows up to be a funnier version of Vito Spatafore.


We can also hope that when Robin revives Helena her first step is to snap Spencer's neck turn calmly to Nicholas and say "Try again."  All the while Victor, Stravos and even Stephan stand around and shake their heads in agreement.

  • Love 5

There was an old fan fiction called "Dark of the Moon" that I recently re-read (it's great, actually, would love to find more by the author).  It was about how Zander (remember him?) was actually a Cassadine and Stephan's son, and how he coped with becoming part of a royal family.  


The thing that struck me the most was remembering how the Cassadines really were royalty when they first arrived on the scene.  These days, not so much.  It's like Mac forgetting his Aussie accent.  It's really disappointing because it made those characters distinct.  They weren't just rich bastards.  Nikolas didn't have ridiculous tattoos.  I would really like to see a return to actual royalty, it made for interesting conflicts and story for the characters.  I have real difficulties relating to the Cassadines as they are now.  It made a lot more sense for Nikolas to be forced into an arranged marriage for political and monetary reasons (remember Lydia?).  Instead, the present Cassidine heir is a ridiculous little twerp whose mother was the not terribly intelligent sister of a local crime lord, and his father is a horn dog currently sniffing after a poor nurse with multiple baby daddies (one of whom is his father's brother) and a doctor with a history of deception.  Like much on GH, it doesn't make a lot of sense.


Oh and BTW, thank you for all of the up votes and comments on my hospital story.  I was a little stunned to log on and find all the attention.  You folks are all too kind.

Edited by Reo
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The writing for Bobbie was horrific today.  I couldn't believe my ears when she said, "I intend to use all the tricks I used back when I was turning them."  Gross! 


And she's tooting her horn a little too hard about landing Scotty.  Even though he amuses me, he's not exactly Port Charles' most eligible bachelor.  And if it worked out, it would mean having a SERIAL KILLER (and the guy doing her daughter) as a son-in-law. These are not goals to aspire to, Bobbie!


It also goes without saying that all of these relationship developments happening off-screen (Bobbie and Scotty getting together, Lucy getting over Kevin and wanting Scotty) and these characters only managing to stumble in front of a camera when it's catfight time is lame-o.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

My brain is going to explode, I swear this show is crafted from the devil's own sputum.


Every time they show Sam and Silas having a "fight" all I can think about are the Caleb and Livvie fights which often ended with her pressed against a wall and him ravaging her. *Sighs* Those were the days... this shit is just unwatchable, plain and simple.


Bobbie and Lucy fighting over Scott-thank you for finding yet another way to pair the vets up together in an incredibly ridiculous, demeaning, and all around insulting manner Ron, much appreciated you wanker.


Nik, stop shouting at everyone because you are a shitty father, because you are, a very shitty father, with an equally shitty son. And Britt...hopeless head case that girl.


I guess Julian was doing a bit of upkeep at his place, trimming a bush or two. Jordan is a really terrible undercover agent but of course Julian can't be made self aware so he has to look like an idiot who can't take a hint, or eleven, as usual. Yawn.


Maxie and Levi, I just can't be bothered with anything dealing with that gruesome twosome.

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What I got out of Spencer's letter: he is one melodramatic 40 or 50-something. Although actually I've never heard a guy say or write 'alas.' It's not cute or funny, Ron. It just makes the kid more unappealing.


Bobbie's face is looking much better!! (She was almost unrecognizable a few years ago.) So now Lucy is all about Scott, and doesn't know how to behave like an adult. Thanks, Show. 


So much love for Mac! That's the way a father acts! Felicia, grow a spine!!


Britt would be a shit parent (beyond the newborn/toddler years). Hope Nikolas finds out she's been in contact with Spencer the whole time, allowed him to worry, and tells her never to speak to him again. 


Jordan looks like she wants to do Julian. 


Silas makes it hard to feel bad for him. Does this mean Sam will dump him soon? It's nice to see her stand her ground and not go running after him like she always used to do with her obsession, Jason.


So Sam the mob moll thinks that Silas telling someone that Patrick contemplated killing Rafe is "unforgivable"? I hate Silas but damn, Sam, sit down.


Why are these reporters ganging up on Patrick and not THE INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST WHO IS STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. 


Ugh, I feel like Ron wrote those Bobbie and Lucy scenes to humiliate them. And I can't deal with Lynn Herring's gasping and screeching. I don't care if it's out of character to do so, take it down a damn notch anyway.


Good Lord Anna, get off Scott's case for not bonding with his 45 year old serial killer son. And Scott, shut the hell up about how did Rafe get drugs in his system, he was an idiot, that's how.


Am I supposed to believe that Julian is shocked, SHOCKED, that there's been heroin distributed around here? 


What I got out of Spencer's letter: he is one melodramatic 40 or 50-something. Although actually I've never heard a guy say or write 'alas.' It's not cute or funny, Ron. It just makes the kid more unappealing.



I did find "Emma cavorting with Cam" funny, but that's because of Tyler's halting, what-the-fuck-is-this reading of it. If Spencer had been spewing it I would have ripped my hair out.

Edited by ulkis
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The writing for Bobbie was horrific today.  I couldn't believe my ears when she said, "I intend to use all the tricks I used back when I was turning them."  Gross!



Ron just wants us to know that he so does too know GH history!


I can't believe that Nathan just passed up the perfect chance to tell Maxie that he loves her.



Why would he though? He doesn't love her. He has a crush. Maybe he should have told her so, but a love declaration probably just would have scrambled Maxie's brains even more.

  • Love 2
I still blame her for Shibbahn's death even if crazy AZ carried out the deed.

I'll split the difference and throw a ticker tape parade for both Liz and Anthony, giving them joint credit for one of the few things that's happened on this show in recent years that I genuinely appreciated.


Same here. I hated Siobhan. Such a terrible cliché: fiesty redheaded Irishwoman, UGH. I didn't mind the idea of Lucky finding someone new, but it shouldn't have been Siobhan.


I can't believe that Nathan just passed up the perfect chance to tell Maxie that he loves her.  She asked him why he really didn't want her marrying Levi and he responds by talking about the law?  Nathan could've nipped this entire situation in the bud just now, but once again, Levi wins.


I doubt saying ILY would have changed Maxie's mind about marrying Levi, but it would at least have thrown a giant monkey wrench into things.


The thing that struck me the most was remembering how the Cassadines really were royalty when they first arrived on the scene.  These days, not so much.  It's like Mac forgetting his Aussie accent.  It's really disappointing because it made those characters distinct.  They weren't just rich bastards.  Nikolas didn't have ridiculous tattoos.  I would really like to see a return to actual royalty, it made for interesting conflicts and story for the characters.  I have real difficulties relating to the Cassadines as they are now.  It made a lot more sense for Nikolas to be forced into an arranged marriage for political and monetary reasons (remember Lydia?).  Instead, the present Cassidine heir is a ridiculous little twerp whose mother was the not terribly intelligent sister of a local crime lord, and his father is a horn dog currently sniffing after a poor nurse with multiple baby daddies (one of whom is his father's brother) and a doctor with a history of deception.  Like much on GH, it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Exactly. If Ron was determined to turn Spencer gay, and let's face it that is the implication how much more compelling to SOAR's the quad (him/Joss/Cam and Emma) bring back Helena and play out a tortured love story  Helena demanding that as the daughter of a Scorpio at least Emma is worthy (she felt that way about Robin with Nic if I recall). Spencer trying to hid his feelings for...some new male teen character, maybe the son of Sly Echart. Cam in love with Emma who wants the Prince, and Joss as the bad girl set to spoil it all. Spencer's very real angst at being gay but having the demands of the Royal Line Thrust Upon him would be awesome as we watch the agony of his dilemma turn him more and more evil until finally Cam Spencer, grandson of the upstart Luke Spencer (and now very much like his grandfather was before he got old and ruined) and Emma Drake granddaughter of Robert Scorpio must go on the run, as Spencer grows each day more and more like the royal Russian/Princes of old, his only confident his older cousin Molly whom he loves dearly and who knows all his darkest secrets.


Instead welcome to today's addition of Ron's unhealthy nine year old obsession.

  • Love 1
So Sam the mob moll thinks that Silas telling someone that Patrick contemplated killing Rafe is "unforgivable"? I hate Silas but damn, Sam, sit down



And now he's been "fired" so of course this will mean she will rage further. I'm surprised the actors can all breathe under the weight of all these ginormous plot devices they're having to haul around. It's all such contrived bullshit.

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LOL guess serena is still scotts fav kid the way he was talking about her today but I guess if I had to choose between her and franco its not a hard descion lol.

I can see her as his favorite after all Dominique, her mother (Lucy is her surrogate mother)  was the love of his life. Not Laura, Not Bobbie and Not Lucy. Did anyone give Ron the shows history before he took over.

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 2

Ron just wants us to know that he so does too know GH history!



Why would he though? He doesn't love her. He has a crush. Maybe he should have told her so, but a love declaration probably just would have scrambled Maxie's brains even more.

Why would he?  Because Levi is trouble and Nathan's gut instinct tells him so?  Furthermore, if he only has a crush on her then tell her that.  What would he have to lose by doing so?  Anything, to possibly keep her from running off with Levi.

Edited by Syndicate
Nik, stop shouting at everyone because you are a shitty father, because you are, a very shitty father, with an equally shitty son. And Britt...hopeless head case that girl.



This. I run hot and cold on Olivia, but I was getting so pissed when he was acting like this was her fault.  Yes, the MC rented him a room, but you're the one who has done not even a bare minimum effort to stop your kid from behaving like such an entitled little hellspawn. And you're also the one that let him believe the scheming bitch he's currently scheming with was going to be his new mommy when you'd known her all of five seconds. You're a shitty father, and an out of control kid is one of the natural outcomes of a shitty parent. Own up to it already. 


Bobbie's face is looking much better!! (She was almost unrecognizable a few years ago.)



It's a sad statement on how JZ has looked over the past several years that today was better.  It was, don't get me wrong, but I still had an "oh, honey, what you've done to yourself" head shake when she appeared on screen. 


Britt would be a shit parent (beyond the newborn/toddler years). Hope Nikolas finds out she's been in contact with Spencer the whole time, allowed him to worry, and tells her never to speak to him again.



If he doesn't get in Liz's pants soon, he'll give in and "forgive" Britt for this (and stealing his sister's baby) because he wants to get laid. Unless he grows a new tumor so he can have ghost tumor sex with Emily again. 


Why are these reporters ganging up on Patrick and not THE INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST WHO IS STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM



I tuned the press conference out.  Did we even get one reporter snarkily saying "what you you expect from a hospital run by an international terrorist?"


Did anyone give Ron the shows history before he took over.Did anyone give Ron the shows history before he took over.



Well, yeah, but, see, Ron was on his way to the bathroom when they handed it to him, and the stall was out of TP, so...

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