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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Anna:  Robin has PTSD.  We should just continue to ignore her existence, ok?


Mother of the year.  And poor, naive Robin still thinks Patrick will figure out something is wrong with her and come help he

Edited by aw86
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Anna:  Robin has PTSD.  We should just continue to ignore her existence, ok?


Mother of the year.  And poor, naive Robin still thinks Patrick will figure out something is wrong with her and come help he


Considering what Anna said about PTSD was in response to Patrick thinking Robin's behavior was "annoying", I'll give her a reluctant pass.  And she went off by herself after Duke died to deal and obviously is not comfortable with therapy so maybe that's what's shading her thoughts on how Robin's "acting".


So it sounds like they have one number for her and there have been sporadic, very short calls from her.

Edited by TeeVee329
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MY GIRLLLLLL!!! The show is just better when Robin is on. <3

Even when the writers go out of their way to retcon the story, Anna and Patrick STILL come off looking like douchebags. So she has PTSD but still nothing from y'all?!

Robin calling Patrick her husband gave me sad and rage-y feelings. She still loves the idiot. Sigh.

I liked the JaSam stuff. I do not like how he only remembers sex. The hell?

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I did like the twist that Hayden is working for Tracy, not Paul.


I liked this twist a lot.  But if we end up in a scenario where Rebecca Budig falls for Prince Dikolas for reals and stabs Tracy in the back, I will throw her off a parapet.

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I liked the JaSam stuff. I do not like how he only remembers sex. The hell?

This time, he only remembered being in bed- I assume that's because Sam was touching him and reminding him that he couldn't obey Helena's order to kill her because he remembered being with her/the bed in the penthouse. So I think that's acceptable in this situation.

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This time, he only remembered being in bed- I assume that's because Sam was touching him and reminding him that he couldn't obey Helena's order to kill her because he remembered being with her/the bed in the penthouse. So I think that's acceptable in this situation.

Welllll, he didn't kill her cause he had that convo with Robin, too. Come on, show!

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So, in these short, very short phone calls Patrick and/or Anna have supposedly gotten from Robin in the past year, do you suppose he has ever mentioned Sam or their relationship? [/sarcasm]

Edited by LexieLily
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WOOOOO!!!! Tracy and Hayden, founding members of the Bad Bitches in Business Club!!!!  Next to Robin trying to save herself, that was the best part of today.


Although it was funny watching Sam take a cue from Carly and sob, beg, cling to Jason like static, insisting over and over that he remembered her, only to have him say "uhhhh, no. Sorry."


The Tracy/Hayden reveal was fantastic. Nice Friday surprise.

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So, in these short, very short phone calls Patrick and/or Anna have supposedly gotten from Robin in the past year, do you suppose he has ever mentioned Sam or their relationship? [/sarcasm'

That's probs why she hung up real quick.

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 Spencer being grateful for Grandma Laura and Emma being grateful for her grandmother was sweet.


Congratulations! You just saw the GH Thanksgiving episode! (/sarcasm font)

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Does someone want to explain to me what stake Tracy has in the Jason/Liz/Nik scam? I assume that is what she and Hayden are working together on?


I think Tracy wants ELQ back from Nikolas and she probably approached his new bed buddy at some point to spy for her.  But I'm not sure that means Rebecca Budig has told Tracy about the Jason/Liz stuff.

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Does someone want to explain to me what stake Tracy has in the Jason/Liz/Nik scam? I assume that is what she and Hayden are working together on?

I agree with TeeVee; she wants to know what's going on with Nikolas and ELQ, including Nik's possible thoughts on what Jason being alive means for the company.I don't think Tracy cares at all about Liz, although she may have heard from Hayden (before Monica) about the Liz and Jake wedding getting canceled and why. Spencer told Emma he heard all about the dramatic events at the wedding from Hayden (instead of his father doing the responsible thing and telling him). So Hayden may have gossiped to Tracy, too.


Today was just a reminder that Show turned Nikolas and Patrick into thoughtless fathers, and legacy characters Lucky and Robin - who loved their kids more than life - into the Skyping parents. Ugh. 

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How is a child as young as Emma supposed to handle not one, not two but three people (her mom, daddy's girlfriend's husband and Duke) coming back from the dead?


Well, at least with Duke, she didn't know him, he "died", and then came back.  He was just Grandma Anna's new beau, for all intents and purposes.


Siiigh...Duke and Emma tangoing, so sweet.

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Then why is Sam still with Patrick? She should seriously tell him she wants a break or something. 


This. I get Patrick being hated upon. He's even working my last good nerve. But Sam is being just as gross. Woman up and cut the cord. Or does she, like Liz, need backup dick in case Jason ditches her?


I'd think Patrick would have some self esteem and back off, but the merry band of hacks need to drive more nails into his characterization.

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I do think Patrick/Sam should take a break. But I dont think Sam is being gross. At least she tells him about the kiss. I thought she would lie to him. I know its unpopular ti think but I do think she loves Patrick and Emma. Just obv. not like she does Jason.

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I don't think it was ever romantic love for Sam and Patrick. I think they have just deluded themselves into it.

Yup. I think they both, unintentional or not, were using each other to fill a hole in their lives. I don't believe they're really in love and I don't care how many times the writers make them say the word "family."

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This whole episode I was all, "what is your point, Rebecca Budig? Why are you here? Go home!" And then she shows up next to Tracy. That's pretty good, not gonna lie. The Rebecca B./Laura/Nik/Liz scenes were awkward as hell. I felt like both that scene and the Emma/Spencer would should have been played by exposition robots.


You know what makes Spencer even more appealing? Giving him an apple to much so he's making gross smacking noises to boot. ugh. That scene was so painful. And lolol forever at Sam reading and reviewing Emma's report for her. Braid her hair, make breakfast, sure. Studying Narnia for symbolism? Not so much.


Also awkward, Robin/Patrick/Anna saying and doing things they should have done ages ago, but oh well. And also, I think Robin would have killed herself by now rather than be in captivity, but whatever. (Yes, I know, they're threatening Emma, but there'd be no reason to threaten her if Robin was dead.)

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Yup. I think they both, unintentional or not, were using each other to fill a hole in their lives. I don't believe they're really in love and I don't care how many times the writers make them say the word "family."

Which might be the best way to end their romantic relationship if they came to that conclusion. It actually sounds like something that could happen in real life.

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And lolol forever at Sam reading and reviewing Emma's report for her. Braid her hair, make breakfast, sure. Studying Narnia for symbolism? Not so much.

I'm fine with Sam, so I say this with great respect - I'd like to imagine Sam responding to a little girl's request that she braid her hair by pulling her hair into a ponytail and cutting the entire tail off with a knife. And thinking "mission accomplished."

Or maybe I'm just confusing Sam with Diaz on Brooklyn 99.

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I'm fine with Sam, so I say this with great respect - I'd like to imagine Sam responding to a little girl's request that she braid her hair by pulling her hair into a ponytail and cutting the entire tail off with a knife. And thinking "mission accomplished."

Or maybe I'm just confusing Sam with Diaz on Brooklyn 99.

LMAO. They try too hard with Sam and Emma. We never see it! It's all just talk.

Also, I can't stop laughing at Robin saying basically "Patrick will never give up on me!" and Patrick a scene later, "I'm sick of her shit!"

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She hooked up with Patrick and actually agreed to marry him so this point has well been established for some time now.

Patrick is a doctor who doesn't put her life or her son's life in danger and he treats them both great(though Patrick is passive in the relationship) He's good for Sam and Danny.

Jason is a hitman who have the baggage of nearly every female wanting to ride his jock, Sonny and Carly not being able to function without his fixing their screw ups, Jason's constant obsession with Michael. Also Sam got shot at and lost the use of her uterus for a while, she was kidnapped constantly, almost raped and faked rape and much more all with Jason.

And now she is trying to get back with this dude like really? I need her to focus on Danny, Emma, and Patrick she's so stupid right now.

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This whole episode I was all, "what is your point, Rebecca Budig? Why are you here? Go home!" And then she shows up next to Tracy. That's pretty good, not gonna lie. The Rebecca B./Laura/Nik/Liz scenes were awkward as hell.


Yup.  I mean, Liz getting shaded on was enjoyable enough, but I watched those scenes with Laura/Liz/Nikolas thinking, "If only this was a character who mattered and not some random chick from Beechers' Corner." 


But then she showed up with Tracy and was I like, "Damn you, Rebecca Budig, I now have to slightly care about you."

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Patrick is a doctor who doesn't put her life or her son's life in danger and he treats them both great(though Patrick is passive in the relationship) He's good for Sam and Danny.




I didn't say anything about Sam being with Jason instead of Patrick because comparing them is something I really don't care to do. Frankly I think Sam should cut both out of her life. 


I don't want her with either because I find both men to be terrible people. I hate Jason for all that he's done and all he stands for, but Patrick is no peach either. He may be a doctor but, imo, he's a selfish, self serving, egotistical prat.


I don't like Jason and I don't like Patrick and I do not think either have redeeming qualities when in relationships.

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And Emma's voice with shaky tears and gloomy background music is just so tedious.


I hate to be so disparaging about a child but I really can not stand this actress. Her voice was grating so hard today. Does she talk like this in real life or does she think talking that way is 'acting?'


I hope Hayden and Dead Now Alive Jake team up to expose Liez.


This is my fave idea ever.


I love Hayden idgaf. She was fantastic today. I actually gasped when it was revealed that she and Tracy are working together. I haven't been surprised like that in awhile. So good! Now, do it right, show! Oh who am I kidding, they're gonna fuck it up.


The Robin/Patrick/Anna stuff was so bizarre. It's like they were trying to fix this mess but they were also still trying to do the same thing they've been doing. But Robin's face after she knocked out that one guy was one of my fave parts of this ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Why does this show hate Kimberly McCullough? I'm serious. She has been so willing to return, time and time again, this show insists on making Robin look as unattractive as possible.


Oh, so now Patrick knows something is wrong? That Robin isn't telling him everything? Really?  Is there a bridge in swampland these fucking writers want to sell me as well?

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Dear Liz, Jason and Sam:


I. Don't. Care. Go all "Big Love" and go the hell away.


Dear Patrick:


The song from Wizard of Oz, "If I Only Had A Brain", fits you. Find it. You used to have one.


Dear Sonny, Carly, Michael, Morgan, Kiki, Franco, and Nina:


Eat a bag of hell and die. Just because it needs saying regularly.


Dear Robin:


Cut some bitches when you're free.


'Tis all.

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I can't even with Hayden as a Jasam shipper. Sam will make him love her again through sheer force of will.  Blech.


I really thought after bringing Jason's bike back that Sam was gonna play things cool, and like Monica, give him some room. 


If Patrick (a brain surgeon) and Anna (a spy/cop/investigator) can't put it together that something is seriously up with Robin then I may have to give up. Has Patrick told anyone besides Sam that Jason was the reason Robin left town? The fact that no one is making the connection between Jason, Robin, and Creighton Clark is totally bonkers. 

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You know, I get the whole thing of Liz's lies needing to come out and Jason needing to know the depths of what she and Nikolas did.


But doesn't the fact that Sonny murdered Jason's brother need to be brought up too?  Or that Carly covered up the murder of Jason's brother? Doesn't Jason need connect THOSE dots too?


Or how about the fact that Carly hooked up with tumorless Franco,the guy who is responsible for Michael's rape, and who terrorized Jason and Sam and Danny for FOREVER? Or how about the fact that Carly was willing to trade on her friendship with Jason just so she could bump uglies with Todd, the guy who let Sam/Jason believe Danny was dead for MONTHS?


So the two people weeping and whining to Jason the other day? Murdered and covered up the murder of Monica's oldest son. The woman pleading with him to wipe her ass? Fucked and was going to MARRY the guy who terrorized Sam and fake raped her and let her believe she was maybe carrying his child.  THAT should matter to Jason, especially since he seems reluctant to do anything other than wrinkle his nose in distaste at Jason Morgan's life of crime and killing.


It would be nice if Jason coming back didn't actually mean nice things for those who cling tightest to him.

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You know, I get the whole thing of Liz's lies needing to come out and Jason needing to know the depths of what she and Nikolas did.


But doesn't the fact that Sonny murdered Jason's brother need to be brought up too?  Or that Carly covered up the murder of Jason's brother?


A sexy, vital, alive woman like Carly would never do those things! How dare you write such slander.

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You know, I get the whole thing of Liz's lies needing to come out and Jason needing to know the depths of what she and Nikolas did.


But doesn't the fact that Sonny murdered Jason's brother need to be brought up too?  Or that Carly covered up the murder of Jason's brother? Doesn't Jason need connect THOSE dots too?


Or how about the fact that Carly hooked up with tumorless Franco,the guy who is responsible for Michael's rape, and who terrorized Jason and Sam and Danny for FOREVER? Or how about the fact that Carly was willing to trade on her friendship with Jason just so she could bump uglies with Todd, the guy who let Sam/Jason believe Danny was dead for MONTHS?


So the two people weeping and whining to Jason the other day? Murdered and covered up the murder of Monica's oldest son. The woman pleading with him to wipe her ass? Fucked and was going to MARRY the guy who terrorized Sam and fake raped her and let her believe she was maybe carrying his child.  THAT should matter to Jason, especially since he seems reluctant to do anything other than wrinkle his nose in distaste at Jason Morgan's life of crime and killing.


It would be nice if Jason coming back didn't actually mean nice things for those who cling tightest to him.


Shhhh!  You haven't gotten the "Liz is the worst ever" memo.  Silly stuff like murder, covering up a murder, hurting the nephew Jason has always loved more than anyone else, and fucking the serial killer who terrorized Jason and his loved ones pales in comparison.  Pales. 


On another note - I just picture JT and BM having "God this sucks so hard." and "You lucky bastard, you're getting out of this shit soon" conversations frequently.  Neither seems remotely interested in the shit this show churns out. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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If Patrick (a brain surgeon) and Anna (a spy/cop/investigator) can't put it together that something is seriously up with Robin then I may have to give up.


And Robin is sooooooooo helpless, except when she smacked the guard over the head to get the cell phone.  But whenever she gets a cell phone and actual contact with an outsider like Patrick she's all tongue-tied and can't seem to ask for help. Robin saying instead: "OHOH MUST TELL YOU TRUTH ABOUT JASON!" when it was her one chance to ask for personal help was infuriating and stupid. God, I hate this show.


ROBIN SCORPIO, have you forgotten simple English? Have you forgotten that you are a SCORPIO, with badass parents?

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I wouldn't say she's a Jasam shipper. More like she's a Liz hater. Which is my favorite thing about her!


Yeah, it's definitely about hating Liz vs. liking Sam, considering her relationship with Sam is also quite frosty.


I did think her dialogue that Carly would "break the tie" was a) kinda WTF considering I dunno how she would know about Carly's attachment to Jason and b) also scary because that better not be how this is resolved.


Yeah, if/when Jason gets his memories back are the writers going to remember what Franco did to Sam/Michael?. Will Franco break out the dvds and throw another party for Jason. 


It indeed hasn't been mentioned that Jason knowing he is Danny's dad is a big deal because he "died" before that was revealed.  I think there was a little bit of that in Sam's reaction to Jason hugging Danny, but it's certainly not in the text.  But I guess we're only supposed to think of Franco as Kiki's awesome pseuo-dad and not a SERIAL KILLER.

Edited by TeeVee329
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