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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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SON has ratings out: GH is dead last in all categories. Keep on keepin' on!



So, so, so fitting. I tuned in this week just to see how things would go, but I haven't watched live in weeks and have no intention to in the future. This show is tanking and they refuse to open their eyes, figure out why and actually make the changes necessary to bring back, at least some, viewers.

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You know, I am ok with them

keeping Liz's lies in the dark right now....that way everyone can focus their rage on Nikolas first and then later give Liz a go when she is outed (just spec)


I hope that if Nik tries to deny it, Sam uses her brain for once and remembers that Nikolas had Jason's ring in his safe.  And then I hope she knocks him on his ass.  "Family means everything to me" my ass Prince Douche.


I forgot to mention how cringeworthy Ava and Paul were when they started making out.  It looked awkward as hell.


Eta: Spoiler tagged it just in case

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 4

IMO Carly has gone completely over the edge, even more than Liez. She acted like Jason was her lover and her big brother and her Daddy, all in one. Babbling like a fool, she seems to think that Jason is responsible for fixing every problem in her life and rescuing her from every dicey situation. Her behavior would guarantee, in real life, that most contemporary men would flee as fast as possible and never look back. The yelling; the neediness!


I just don't get what Jason/Jake is supposed to have that other men in the world are lacking.

  • Love 4

IMO Carly has gone completely over the edge, even more than Liez. She acted like Jason was her lover and her big brother and her Daddy, all in one. Babbling like a fool, she seems to think that Jason is responsible for fixing every problem in her life and rescuing her from every dicey situation. 


If that's Carly over the edge she hit that point 16 years ago.

  • Love 2

I forgot to mention how weird it was for Lucas to be at the wedding.  He disappears for weeks, but they trot him out for this?  I know he and Liz are "friendly" co workers, but it's just weird.  I am hoping it's so he can support his sister (Sam, not Carly) after.  But I am not holding my breath.  It's probably just to meet his monthly quota and he'll disappear again for a few weeks.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 6

I forgot to mention how weird it was for Lucas to be at the wedding.  He disappears for weeks, but they trot him out for this?  I know he and Liz are "friendly" co workers, but it's just weird.  I am hoping it's so he can support his sister (Sam, not Carly) after.  But I am not holding my breath.  It's probably just to meet his monthly quota and he'll disappear again for a few weeks.


Yeah, that was weird. And why wouldn't Lucas bring Brad as his plus 1?

  • Love 5

I forgot to mention how weird it was for Lucas to be at the wedding.  He disappears for weeks, but they trot him out for this?  I know he and Liz are "friendly" co workers, but it's just weird.


We've had some scenes of them being friendly at work, but not for a long while now.  And yeah, per ulkis, it's pretty glaring that neither Lucas or Felix were allowed to attend the Wedding of the Century with a date.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think that's the real reason Jake doesn't want to accept that he's Jason. Knowing that Carly will be stuck to you like glue for the rest of your life is probably terrifying.


I was laughing at how much he seemed to really not want this to be true.  Not that I blame him.  Who wants to be told "you were a hired killer for the mob!  Yay!!"?  

  • Love 6

Lolololol. And why is Jason forgetting that he did have flashes of Sam, Danny, Robin....like, are we pretending that never happened?


And in addition to those flashes, wasn't he very drawn to Monica during the scene they had together?  And the portraits at ELQ (or was it at GH) when he first came to town that all  seemed familiar to him?

  • Love 7

Lolololol. And why is Jason forgetting that he did have flashes of Sam, Danny, Robin....like, are we pretending that never happened?


Maybe the new writers skipped as many shows as the rest of us did, because yeah, that was a wtf moment.  When he said he had no sparks....um yeah you did dude.  You even told Michael you dreamed that Danny was yours.  You had countless flashes of Sam, you couldn't kill her, you stole her happy meal toys, you felt weird when you were in the Q mansion for the first time.....Unless he is in crazy denial that was a huge oversight on the writers part.

  • Love 10

? It's pretty darn blond in my book!


I dunno.  I had the same thought.  Maybe it was the TV I was watching on, but my reaction was "That's the darkest, brownest blonde hair I've ever seen."


I just don't get what Jason/Jake is supposed to have that other men in the world are lacking.


I've been flummoxed by that for years.


So . . . who wanted to punch Nikolas today?  Did he seriously bring Emily's name into things?  Emily would be disgusted by both him and Elizabeth for doing this to her brother.


I'm sure she'd want Elizabeth to be happy.  No doubt.  But not like this.


Yeah, I seriously doubt Elizabeth's happiness would trump Sam's in Emily's eyes.  I guess Monica doesn't rate any consideration at all from Elizabeth and Nicholas, but she would for Emily, Nicholas.  Not to mention Danny.  But you go right ahead, Elizabeth.  You're obviously more important.  Oy.


I was laughing at how much he seemed to really not want this to be true.  Not that I blame him.  Who wants to be told "you were a hired killer for the mob!  Yay!!"?  


Seriously!  I would think "I don't wanna be a hired killer and thug!" would be tops on Jake's list of reasons he doesn't want to be Jason, not the drivel he was spouting today.  It's called a Traumatic Brain Injury for a reason, Jake.


This reveal was so anti-climactic.  I hope the Elizabeth reveal comes soon because that's the only hope of payoff on this storyline.

  • Love 4
siouxbee39, on 06 Nov 2015 - 9:28 PM, said:

And in addition to those flashes, wasn't he very drawn to Monica during the scene they had together?  And the portraits at ELQ (or was it at GH) when he first came to town that all  seemed familiar to him?


mybabyaidan, on 06 Nov 2015 - 9:30 PM, said:

Maybe the new writers skipped as many shows as the rest of us did, because yeah, that was a wtf moment.  When he said he had no sparks....um yeah you did dude.  You even told Michael you dreamed that Danny was yours.  You had countless flashes of Sam, you couldn't kill her, you stole her happy meal toys, you felt weird when you were in the Q mansion for the first time.....Unless he is in crazy denial that was a huge oversight on the writers part.

Those flashes were from before Sherry and Jean took over for Ron, so they probably forgot.

  • Love 1
Yeah, I seriously doubt Elizabeth's happiness would trump Sam's in Emily's eyes.  I guess Monica doesn't rate any consideration at all from Elizabeth and Nicholas, but she would for Emily, Nicholas.  Not to mention Danny.  But you go right ahead, Elizabeth.  You're obviously more important.  Oy.




If it was JUST Sam vs Liz, Em would definitely choose Liz over Sam.  I mean, Emily and Sam were friendly, but Liz was her best friend.  But again, it's not.  She would NEVER allow her mother to suffer so her best friend could get laid.  Just...no.  That entire conversation was complete drivel and delusion.  But you keep keeping on you 2.  Dirtbags.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 12

IMO Carly has gone completely over the edge, even more than Liez. She acted like Jason was her lover and her big brother and her Daddy, all in one. Babbling like a fool, she seems to think that Jason is responsible for fixing every problem in her life and rescuing her from every dicey situation. Her behavior would guarantee, in real life, that most contemporary men would flee as fast as possible and never look back. The yelling; the neediness!


I just don't get what Jason/Jake is supposed to have that other men in the world are lacking.


Not to defend Carly at any point, but she's really only ever been this way with/about Jason. Because God forbid she should ever want something and not be able to have it, and if I never give Steve Burton credit for another thing, it'll be that he put the kibosh on any further canoodling  Everyone else, even Sonny, has never been such an obsession with her. On a show where everything else shifts back and forth like sand on the beach, the consistency of Carly's maniacal devotion to Jason is stunning.*


As for what Jason possesses that no other Port Charles man does, all that comes to mind is this old Kids in the Hall sketch where an average looking guy had all these girlfriends falling all over him, and at the end of the skit he's fresh out of the shower or something, and when he looks under the towel he's wearing, a golden light appears from nowhere. That's all I've got.


*I don't count the thing with Franco because, well, Franco, and that happened when there was the possibility that he was really Jason anyway. I think.

  • Love 4


If it was JUST Sam vs Liz, Em would definitely choose Liz over Sam.  I mean, Emily and Sam were friendly, but Liz was her best friend.  But again, it's not.  She would NEVER allow her mother to suffer so her best friend could get laid.  Just...no.  That entire conversation was complete drivel and delusion.  But you keep keeping on you 2.  Dirtbags.


I don't know, if written in character, I don't think it would even come down to a Sam vs. Liz thing. As much as I hated NL's Emily, aside from being a disgusting cheater, she was pretty moral and honest. Sure she'd want Liz to be happy, but not at the expense of the woman Jason actually loved, and not by lying to him and making choices for him. But given TIIC had Lucky and Laura uncharacteristically keep the secret, I could see Emily keeping the secret and choosing to protect Liz.

  • Love 2

Maybe the new writers skipped as many shows as the rest of us did, because yeah, that was a wtf moment.  When he said he had no sparks....um yeah you did dude.  You even told Michael you dreamed that Danny was yours.  You had countless flashes of Sam, you couldn't kill her, you stole her happy meal toys, you felt weird when you were in the Q mansion for the first time.....Unless he is in crazy denial that was a huge oversight on the writers part.

THIS is seriously a fabulous description of the "symbols" of their (Jasam's) wedding day and so-called epic love. LMAO!!! What can I say, sometimes it's the little things in life that make me happy. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 1

And in addition to those flashes, wasn't he very drawn to Monica during the scene they had together?  And the portraits at ELQ (or was it at GH) when he first came to town that all  seemed familiar to him?

Also, that when he first woke up, he had flashes of Liz and Jake, as well as remembering their kiss on the bridge. Jake should have figured out he was Jason a long time ago, which is why I don't feel bad for him that Liz and Nik aren't telling him. 


Yeah, I seriously doubt Elizabeth's happiness would trump Sam's in Emily's eyes.  I guess Monica doesn't rate any consideration at all from Elizabeth and Nicholas, but she would for Emily, Nicholas.  Not to mention Danny.  But you go right ahead, Elizabeth.  You're obviously more important.  Oy.


Elizabeth was Emily's best friend. Emily would absolutely put her above Sam. Monica is a different story, but Emily loved Liz like a sister. Sam wouldn't come first for her. Elizabeth would, if she had to choose.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 2

Well Emily "wanting Liz be happy" might be out the window if Liz was not only withholding key information from Jake, namely his fucking identity but going around town trying to prevent the information from being exposed. If Jake knew he was Jason as soon as Liz found out and still picked her over Sam, that would be one thing but he has obvious feelings for Sam and is not acting on them because he doesn't think he should interfere, which would change if he found out he is married to her.  Then again,Emily didn't exactly promote honesty when Liz was keeping Lucky in the dark about Little Jake's paternity. And you might not remember this, but Emily was in the Sam role when Nikolas got amnesia and was presumed dead and some woman (who was a fantastic actress) basically withheld his identity and convinced him he was her dead husband, (who turned out to look exactly like Nikolas, so maybe she wasn't that crazy). So knowing that someone pulled same thing on him that he is pulling on Jakeson, he not only lacks any familial loyalty, but can't even relate to things he actually experienced at one time. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

I love that the Carly picture is the new Kiki jumping off the dock.



Yeah, that was weird. And why wouldn't Lucas bring Brad as his plus 1?


Guessing Brad probably had to work, someone had to stay behind at the hospital besides Kevin and Hot New Doc. Who doesn't look like an Andre to me though, so I'll probably refer to him as this for a while.


I watched yesterday and today back to back. Liz needs to cover herself. We've seen this before - at Nik and Britt's engagement party and a few other occasions, she looks really pretty other than those eye-poking shoulder blades. But that's just kind of scary. 


Nik needs to shut the hell up. At least Liz admitted Emily wouldn't like it, I don't even know the complete history and wasn't watching back then, but I know enough from you all that Emily most certainly would not do that to her mother. I enjoyed Hayden screwing with Liz though. Chick needs to come clean, and if she isn't going to, she deserves everything she gets.


My thoughts on the show in general can be summed up in four words: Sonny Corinthos Must Die. Oh, one more - Painfully. If I hear one more ridiculously overblown statement on what a good father/person he is, I think I might seriously lose it. Of course you know I'm Team Ava, but in a neutral setting I always root for the underdog, and she's been so overwhelmingly lambasted by him and the entire town, so I'm really Double Team Ava now. And STFU with the slut-shaming, you hypocritical man version of "Easy Annie". [/sweet Valley High]


Ava and Paul are pretty, but I think I actually kind of wanted her with Scotty. *runs away* In any case, it's refreshing to see her getting it on with someone besides Captain Dumbass.


I'm not going to make it to the Liz knew reveal. The fact that they're dragging this out is insane. Call this liar out already. And don't tell me to have patience either, JP.

  • Love 4

Well Emily "wanting Liz be happy" might be out the window if Liz was not only withholding key information from Jake, namely his fucking identity but going around town trying to prevent the information from being exposed. If Jake knew he was Jason as soon as Liz found out and still picked her over Sam, that would be one thing but he has obvious feelings for Sam and is not acting on them because he doesn't think he should interfere, which would change if he found out he is married to her.  Then again,Emily didn't exactly promote honesty when Liz was keeping Lucky in the dark about Little Jake's paternity. And you might not remember this, but Emily was in the Sam role when Nikolas got amnesia and was presumed dead and some woman (who was a fantastic actress) basically withheld his identity and convinced him he was dead husband, (who turned out to look exactly like Nikolas, so maybe she wasn't that crazy). So knowing that someone pulled same thing on him that he is pulling on Jakeson, he not only lacks any familial loyalty, but can't even relate to things he actually experienced at one time. 

I have yet to see any feelings from Jake to Sam, other than friendship. That man is 100 percent, completely in love with Liz. Sam is the one with the crush on Jake, despite her claim to love Patrick.

  • Love 3

Elizabeth was Emily's best friend. Emily would absolutely put her above Sam. Monica is a different story, but Emily loved Liz like a sister. Sam wouldn't come first for her. Elizabeth would, if she had to choose.


Emily, above all, hands down, would care about Jason.  She wouldn't let Liz stand by and keep him in the dark about who he was, best friend or no, nor would she side with her truest wuv Nikolas about this.  She would tell Jason and let the chips fall where they may.


ETA...or what jsbt said.  This is not about Sam vs. Liz.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

I have yet to see any feelings from Jake to Sam, other than friendship. That man is 100 percent, completely in love with Liz. Sam is the one with the crush on Jake, despite her claim to love Patrick.

I think he feels a connection to Sam, I seen him give her some looks, but yes, he does love Liz and Sam is trying to make a go of being with Patrick. The point is he isn't been given all the information so he and Sam can make decisions.


I don't enjoy custody wars either, I pretty much skipped the entire Maxie/Lulu battle. I just won't accept any other outcome except Ava winning or at least shared custody which would almost be a win at this point.

And that is the thing. I don't like Ava, but I buy she would be more open to shared custody. However, Sonny doesn't like to share. He and Carly didn't allow AJ to even exist to Michael during his entire childhood even though given half a chance, they were capable of having a good relationship and AJ could stay sober and work at a job. While AJ would rightly not want Sonny anywhere near Michael, he would keep Carly in Michael's life because he had more respect for Carly's role as his mother than she did for AJ as his father. (It doesn't help as now legitimately believes that AJ pushed her down the stairs and not that AJ was trying to catch her). I believe he might have had some sort of restraining order against Carly at one time, to keep her away from Michael and Morgan) when their marriage imploded. I know he had her cousin Lucky arrest her when she picked up baby Morgan. He tried a similar tactic with Alexis after Kristina, not because he believed she was a bad mother, but because he was pissed. I even think he a bit too pleased when he realized that Dante confided something in him rather than Olivia. It doesn't matter to him what is best for the children and what will give them the best life, all that matters is that Sonny gets what he wants. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 6

I think he feels a connection to Sam, I seen him give her some looks, but yes, he does love Liz and Sam is trying to make a go of being with Patrick. The point is he isn't been given all the information so he and Sam can make decisions. 

My point, is that he's not hiding any feelings for Sam, as to not interfere. He's not with Liz because he can't be with Sam. He wants Liz and only Liz, and honestly, I think he will still choose Liz, even after knowing he's Jason, at least at first, until he actually remembers who he is.

  • Love 1

This is definitely a YMMV discussion.  I absolutely don't think Sam has a "crush" on Jake any more than Jake has a "crush" on Sam.  I think they both are with other people, yet feel a pull to each other for some unexplainable reason.  And they both push those thoughts aside and go home to their significant others.   Now they finally have an explaination for their pull, and can now talk about it openly.

  • Love 8

Emily, above all, hands down, would care about Jason.  She wouldn't let Liz stand by and keep him in the dark about who he was, best friend or no, nor would she side with her truest wuv Nikolas about this.  She would tell Jason and let the chips fall where they may.


ETA...or what jsbt said.  This is not about Sam vs. Liz.


Well, the Emily we know wouldn't. But they would come up with some stupid reason for Emily to keep the secret if they wanted her to. blah. I'm almost surprised they didn't being Emily back as a ghost to approve of this shit.

  • Love 3

Well, the Emily we know wouldn't. But they would come up with some stupid reason for Emily to keep the secret if they wanted her to. blah. I'm almost surprised they didn't being Emily back as a ghost to approve of this shit.


True, last time we saw her, Ghost!Emily was there to prop Liz when Nikolas was engaged to my girl Britt.


I could see Ghost!Emily swanning in when Nikolas hits rock bottom, which can't come soon enough for me.

Edited by TeeVee329

I also keep forgetting that Nikolas tried to have Hayden KILLED to keep this fucking secret....and that Liz knows and is totes cool with it.  Emily would LOVE that too.  "as long as you guys are happy, go ahead and order hits and manipulate your kids....I support you!"

Liz was not cool with it, and stopped him from actually trying to kill her again. Liz is never going to turn Nik in though. Even without her benefiting from this secret, she wouldn't turn him in.

  • Love 1

Here's the thing, Jason/Sonny are gross criminal assholes who have made conscious choices to be murdering assholes - they can also choose not to (that they haven't is another post)

Franco was a serial killer for decades. He was operating under a compulsion that he could not or would not control that existed in accompaniment with a sadistic streak that STILL EXISTS. The tumor was probably but not definitively the cause of the serial killing and he's just wandering around my soap town with no required therapy or parole officer.

I just...wtf

I'm pretty drunk (it's what I do), but I'm not sure I see the difference in the two things you're describing. Sonny and Jason choose to kill, but Franco's choice to kill is somehow worse? Please, correct me if I'm misunderstanding.

They all have murdered with impunity, have no remorse, and are revered as good people. The Franco tumor thing was, according to my personal soap-watching value system, a much better excuse for murdering than the "gangsters with a heart of gold" BS about Sonny and Jason they've fed us for years. And Franco has not been privileged to the many tongue baths that Sonny and Jason have been (not defending Franco, or any of them- I'm so tired of General Murder).

When Jake stared at Carly after she told him he had to call off the wedding, I was hoping that he had remembered that killing people is always the answer.

I've been really enjoying Nik and Hayden, and it seemed weird because I'm usually more in sync with y'all (my Spencer love aside). But then I realized that I only like them because they're not Sonny, Carly, Liz, Jake, Nina...

  • Love 7

Liz just didn't need to know that Jake is Jason whatsoever. They had built in conflict once she would find out with the rest of them, remember the danger show? Remember how Liz couldn't handle Jason's hitman life? Ugh disgusting.


It's the sheer utter pointlessness to Liz being trashed to keep this terrible storyline going that is so rage-making and infuriating.  The story would have worked just fine if Liz had been in the dark right along with everyone else.  There was no fucking reason to make her into an insta-cray-cray delusional EVULLLLLLLL liar in this shitstory.  NO.  FUCKING.  REASON.


IMO Carly has gone completely over the edge, even more than Liez. She acted like Jason was her lover and her big brother and her Daddy, all in one. Babbling like a fool, she seems to think that Jason is responsible for fixing every problem in her life and rescuing her from every dicey situation. Her behavior would guarantee, in real life, that most contemporary men would flee as fast as possible and never look back. The yelling; the neediness!


The writers really should have made Carly the one to find out the secret and then not tell anyone and romance Jake to get her into her bed.  It's much more in character for Carly then it is for Liz to do such a thing and to keep justifying it as moral and right.  Just think, her lifelong dream of being able to ride Jason's joystick would finally come true!  But no, we have to have Liz find out in the lamest and most contrived way possible and then have her keep the secret for the lamest and most contrived reason possible... and then we have drag this horror show out for as long as possible ...


GH deserves to be dead last in the ratings for what they are doing to the grandaughter of Steve Hardy.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 9

Good God, the neediness.  Carly is freaking painful to listen to.  If I were him, I would stay Jake Doe forever if it meant getting away from her clutches. Can you imagine having a barnacle like that attached to your ass forever? UGH.


This!  This is why writing Liz obsessed over Jason made no damned sense.  Carly?  Yes.  Liz?  No.

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