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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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IMHO, Rosalie comes across as, 'as long as I get paid, I don't give a damn what you do, and I don't get paid if you go to prison so shut-it'.




Same here, she's looking out for numero uno that one. She knows what she stands to lose if the Nina becomes human for two seconds and she just can't have that.

Edited by CPP83
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  On 7/16/2014 at 3:16 AM, Cassiopeia said:

I love Parry Shen. He does the best work possible with the crap writing he's handed, so I can always find an excuse to overlook anything sketchy that Brad does


I'll take actors who put in an effort, regardless of what they are given or who they play, over actors who could be good but choose not to be, any day of the week.


  On 7/16/2014 at 6:46 AM, Lillybee said:

Is there anyone inside Sonny's bubble that he has not threatened to kill? Aside from Shawn and Michael, I can't think of anyone.


SONNY:  "... and if you touch a hair on my latest slampiece's head, I'LL KILL YOU!!!!"


OTHER PERSON:   ::Rolls eyes, continues buffing nails::

  • Love 1

You know what bugged me about the death scenes?  That not ONE of them was holding Rafe's hand as he died.  Silly, I know since it's fake.  But it REALLY irked me for some reason.  I thought KeMo and HP did a nice job, while ME and KA were painfully bad.   It was actually pretty funny watching ME try to squeak out that tear.


I actually didn't hate the Liz/Sam stuff.  I like it when they are civil to each other. 

  • Love 2

While HP was very good, I really didn't like her being in that room. She wanted to be there when Rafe drew his last breath? What teen thinks like that? and really, she hadn't really spoken to Rafe in weeks, and she just barges in to his room??


I don't know why I would expect realism on GH, but that really bugged.


Why hasn't anyone (least of all Maxie) noticed that Levi, supposedly Mr Zen, Mr everything is part of the cosmic plan, even the death of a baby", Is soooo unwilling to let go of the whole "who called immigration on me" thing?


Shouldn't he be all, I guess mooching off of Maxie is not my 'journey' .. hell, I just want him to leave, body bag, handcuffs, wormhole, just gone. 



Morgan for the love of god it is possible to do manual labor with a shirt on


To be fair, I don't think there was any manual labor. Kiki mentioned coffee so I assumed it was early morning and he was was just getting up. Looking way hot, too bad it was all wasted on that idiotic twit who can't act. Yeah KA, I'm looking at you. And really, this is how you're going to be dressed around your boyfriend's brother, your ex? Blech.


Aside from Kiki, who was also laughably and pathetically bad at Rafe's bedside, I thought it was actually a pretty well done show. HP was my standout, I swear she is just getting better and better. KeMo was pretty good too.


I hate to let Ron think he does anything well, so I hope to go back to hating the show tomorrow.


I also need to point out that Liz' hair looked awesome. And I really liked the Sam/Liz scenes, god help me. Quick, someone slap me for saying something positive about Liz.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 3

I think I'm just sick of boys being nekkid on this show for no good reason, it's become like a crutch in too many scenes. Would it really kill any of them to put on a fucking tank top? I don't need to see Kiki parading around in a bra and booty shorts and I don't need to see Morgan's man nips on display either, or Michael's, or Nathan's, or Levi, dear god never, ever Levi's.


It's making me want to grab my cane and start beating them all while ordering them to put some damn clothes on.

  • Love 3
  On 7/17/2014 at 2:20 AM, CPP83 said:

I think I'm just sick of boys being nekkid on this show for no good reason, it's become like a crutch in too many scenes. Would it really kill any of them to put on a fucking tank top? I don't need to see Kiki parading around in a bra and booty shorts and I don't need to see Morgan's man nips on display either, or Michael's, or Nathan's, or Levi, dear god never, ever Levi's.


It's making me want to grab my cane and start beating them all while ordering them to put some damn clothes on.


I'm with you.  I'll get my cane and we can do a twostep beat down.


Ron C. defaults to nekkid when he has no coherent thoughts.  I guess I'm even more surprised that the entire show isn't a strip tease.


Personally, I'd go for Kiki doing a Cousin IT imitation at all times.

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  On 7/16/2014 at 11:33 PM, Sake614 said:

Joss is a foot taller and about 3 years older. I'm not great at kids ages (puppies are more my thing lol!) but I'd guess she's about 10 or 11. The other kids are 6-8.


I used to work at an elementary school, so I'm pretty good at guessing kids' ages.  I'd put Joss at about 10 with an early growth spurt and Spencer at 9 and small for his age.  Emma looks about 8.  Cameron I'd put at 9 or 10.  They're all about the age where girls are often much taller than boys. 


After yesterday's crapfest, I enjoyed today's show.  Except I wish they'd stop asking ME to cry.  He's really, really terrible at it, and it takes me out of the scene by giving me the giggles.  Let Silas be dazed and numb at the thought of Rafe's death.  Or hell, have him revert to the raging asshole he was when he came on the show.  Leave the crying to Sam and Patrick.  Or even Molly, who I thought did a really good job today. 


Wasn't quite sure why TJ was included in the death vigil.  I guess maybe to support Molly, but it still felt kind of wrong under the circumstances.  He and Rafe were not friends, and even though he's Molly's boyfriend, they're still kids.  I was at least 21 before my family took my relationships seriously enough that my SO would have been included in something like that.

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Well, Kiki barely even knew Rafe, in fact I'd say that TJ knew Rafe much better than she did. I wish that the final scene between TJ/Rafe wasn't them fighting, because that was a little weird and awkward. Still, I think it just shows that TJ cares an awful lot about Molly. I liked that Molly and Sam got to hug, Sam was comforting her even though she's grieving herself. It felt natural and appropriate.


Echo that ME needs to not attempt to cry.

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  On 7/17/2014 at 3:09 AM, Rancide said:

After yesterday's crapfest, I enjoyed today's show. Except I wish they'd stop asking ME to cry. He's really, really terrible at it, and it takes me out of the scene by giving me the giggles. Let Silas be dazed and numb at the thought of Rafe's death. Or hell, have him revert to the raging asshole he was when he came on the show. Leave the crying to Sam and Patrick. Or even Molly, who I thought did a really good job today.

I started to question whether ME & KA were trying so hard because they were being out acted in an emotional scene by a 16 year old. I'll admit, I wondered if HP talked or worked with JT or KMc because those two can cry.


even though he's Molly's boyfriend, they're still kids. I was at least 21 before my family took my relationships seriously enough that my SO would have been included in something like that.

I understand & agree with what you are saying but this is the show with a freaking Kiddie Quad. So TJ being there for Molly didn't phase me. SAM & Alexis were there & supported Molly as well.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I'm with you.  I'll get my cane and we can do a twostep beat down.




Perfect, you go high and I'll go low.


The fact that Michael managed to muster up some tears over that driftwood of a character Silas had for a nephew I consider a miracle. At least he appeared to be sad and his tear ducts worked, and it was over Rafe.


I know I'm projecting but I wanted to dance a shimmy shake jig when that kid flat-lined. If Silas had jived out of the room while shouting "Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty I'm free at last!" I would have applauded him.


Kelly could cry over a BLT at Kelly's so I wasn't surprised to see her with raccoon eyes, but really water proof isn't just a suggestion makeup crew stop using that shit from the Dollar store already.


Now that I think about it I think I might have liked the song they played though during the bedside scene. I am not sure who it was or half the lyrics but it sounded pleasing to the ear, certainly a better choice than the crap they played during poor AJ's minute service that was, shockingly, all about Sonny anyway 

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4
To be fair, I don't think there was any manual labor. Kiki mentioned coffee so I assumed it was early morning and he was was just getting up. Looking way hot, too bad it was all wasted on that idiotic twit who can't act. Yeah KA, I'm looking at you. And really, this is how you're going to be dressed around your boyfriend's brother, your ex? Blech.



Well if Morgan is wandering around shirtless around his brother's girlfriend/ex-girlfriend/ex-girlfriend's daughter... 

  On 7/16/2014 at 11:41 PM, RedRockRosie said:

Wish they would have had a visit from Rafe's late Mother, Allison to  take him to the afterlife. PC always had this ghost/angel aspect (in addition to the vampires) that I really liked. Considering she was on GH not that long ago, it would have been nice.


All in all I think the death scene was handled well. (Gosh, I don't say THAT very often about this show these days!) Why they had to kill him in the first place I still don't get since there was no transplant. He was a legacy character from PC/GH. Thanks again, Ron*.(Why can't we have nice things??)


* edited to add this should have been in a sarcasm font. We really need a nice sarcasm font.

I agree that having his mother there guide him away would have been a nice touch.  I was also surprised that Lucy wasn't there, because I thought she felt very responsible for Rafe.


While KA was terrible, at least she didn't really know Rafe very well, so her awkwardness and lack of real emotion actually worked okay from my perspective.  I thought ME was going to pull this off and there were a few moments where he did, but then there was the weird awkward stand/lean against the bed.  KM was good in the way she physically connected with ME, Molly and even Rafe (rubbing his hair).


I think they gave Rafe a pretty good send off on GH, I actually was moved, and it felt very much like, this kid's life was wasted because of circumstances out of his control, and these people here tried to help but fell short, and they know it.  I honestly didn't expect this from this show of late.

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  On 7/17/2014 at 4:05 AM, KerleyQ said:

Well if Morgan is wandering around shirtless around his brother's girlfriend/ex-girlfriend/ex-girlfriend's daughter... 


I think my problem is more that she shouldn't even be there. Michael gave this project to Morgan in exchange for a place to live, and of course Kiki just weasels a place from her boyfriend too instead of, actually working which she hasn't a single day since she stepped foot in this town. Morgan may have gotten jobs through or in opposition to his family, but at least he was working.



I think I'm just sick of boys being nekkid on this show for no good reason, it's become like a crutch in too many scenes.

I stand by my statement from before if a heterosexual male writer was having female characters parade around with their tops off not only would the censors be up in arms but some one some where would be screaming sexual harassment. Ron is exploiting young male characters (even if they are of age on the show and in real life) with the topless stuff. The male strippers at the nurses ball was just the most gross example. 

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I agree that having his mother there guide him away would have been a nice touch.  I was also surprised that Lucy wasn't there, because I thought she felt very responsible for Rafe.



They probably didn't think of it because they just did it with AJ which they copied off of Edward.


They should have just let the kid leave town. He already disappeared.  No one would have noticed but I guess they had to add more fuel to the pity fire of Patrick.


I stand by my statement from before if a heterosexual male writer was having female characters parade around with their tops off not only would the censors be up in arms but some one some where would be screaming sexual harassment. Ron is exploiting young male characters (even if they are of age on the show and in real life) with the topless stuff. The male strippers at the nurses ball was just the most gross example.



Maybe they feel that the equivalent of the male shirtless scenes is Sam and Alexis constantly having their girls hanging out. 

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She wanted to be there when Rafe drew his last breath? What teen thinks like that? and really, she hadn't really spoken to Rafe in weeks, and she just barges in to his room??


Molly didn't barge into Rafe's room; she thanked Silas for letting her be there. Also, I don't find it odd she'd want to be with Rafe then. They were in the car crash together and she was reeling from the news he was dead. She told Alexis she wanted to see Rafe one more time if she could so that it wouldn't be like not seeing Ric before he "died." Molly has been shown to be a sensitive, caring person. Why wouldn't she want to be there? Silas seemed to appreciate everyone who was there.

  • Love 13


Maybe they feel that the equivalent of the male shirtless scenes is Sam and Alexis constantly having their girls hanging out.

But they don't have them hanging out, they are fully covered. Hanging out is what they do on HBO. Now if they wanted Sam or Alexis to go topless, it with boast rating and take away the sexual harassment argument but until then It is a serious double standard and I am sorry I just can't help but think that Ron is doing it in a self serving way. He constantly does it with characters no one else cares about (re: Milo) or thinks are attractive (re: Levi)

It's official: Maxie has joined Carly, Kiki, Dr. o, Nina, Tracy, Olivia, Delia, Sabrina, Rosalie, Ava and Felix as one of the dumbest bitches in Port Charles. She has been dumb before, but when it comes to Levi, her ignorance is of titanic proportions. Maxie believes that Levi's word is gospel while everyone else's is bullshit. Poor Nathan. If Maxie was even remotely as smart as she thinks Levi is (for some reason), she would have asked herself how dumb would Nathan have to be re calling ICE to not only protest his innocence but offer his own phone to prove it, only to have the number on it after all? If Nathan really wanted to hurt Levi, he would've kicked his ass after Levi sucker-punched him in the park that day-which Maxie saw-then thrown Levi in jail for assault, which he would've deserved. If Nathan wanted to hurt Maxie, he would have not only had Michael press charges against her and Levi for disturbing the peace with the brownstone protest, if Nathan hadn't wound up handcuffed to Maxie, he would have pressed charges against her for resisting arrest, which would have done even more damage to her chances of seeing Georgie again, if not destroyed them altogether. ITA that Levi not only framed Nathan, he probably did it while Nathan was in the shower and Maxie was gone. Nathan could've asked Levi to show his phone to prove that he didn't call the judge the day before the hearing, but he probably already deleted the call anyway. As for Maxie's throwing Nathan out, while her name is on the lease, she's not the one who's currently paying rent, as Mac could point out, meaning that if Nathan goes, then she and Levi go, too.


It's sad that I don't know who's worse today, Sonny or Levi.


Levi. No contest. Sonny's disdain for Franco warms me more than his disdain for Spinelli.


  Choosing between Sonny and Levi is like choosing between crabs and genital warts.




Brad and Levi are trying my last nerve and I don't know which one I loathe the most.


 Levi, by a country mile for me. At least PS can act, has charisma, has chemistry with his love interest (Lucas) and doesn't make me want to kill my TV everytime I see him, unlike Levi-or Felix, for that matter.

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Sadly, I think KA, in the tank & boy shorts was suppose to be the male eye candy. Just. NO.

See that worries me as well, Ron watched KA grow up, I always noted that Gloria Monty and others never put KMc in a position where she was suppose to be a "sex kitten" in part I know that was because it was the Robin character but I also always thought it was because they had known her as a child. There is something vaguly perverted about Ron pushing KA as male eye candy (even if she was) as opposed to Sam or Liz or even Robin none of whom he personally knew as an underage girl

  On 7/17/2014 at 3:59 PM, Fylaki said:

There is something vaguly perverted about Ron pushing KA as male eye candy (even if she was) as opposed to Sam or Liz or even Robin none of whom he personally knew as an underage girl


I get what you're saying, but KA is a twenty-something playing a twenty-something character on a soap opera and keeping her buttoned up just because they knew her when she was younger would also be inappropriate.  Why should she be treated differently than her peers?  Plus, they seem to be pushing Kiki as more sexual to differentiate her from Starr, which they've been doing since the beginning with Kiki flashing her boobs at Michael and nailing the Captain all over his apartment and the like.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think Ron likes to objectify anyone or thing with a pulse. I'm just waiting for the day he has one of the female characters open her shirt to someone as a "distraction" so he can giggle and twitter about it later.


To me both Kiki and Morgan have no business wandering around each other in skimpy sleepwear, due to their past history and her current relationship with Michael. Obviously Ron is driving the shuttle bus of "subtlety" through their scenes together, as if Kiki is some sort of girlfriend timeshare Michael and Morgan swap every six months.



I get what you're saying, but KA is a twenty-something playing a twenty-something character on a soap opera and keeping her buttoned up just because they knew her when she was younger would also be inappropriate.  Why should she be treated differently than her peers?

But she is being treated differently then her peers, we don't see Lulu or Maxie or Sabrina or Sam or any of the other women in boy shorts and tank tops.




Plus, they seem to be pushing Kiki as more sexual

Yes they are but again is she more sexual than Maxie? Or Britt? 

  On 7/17/2014 at 2:08 AM, tvgoddess said:

I also need to point out that Liz' hair looked awesome. And I really liked the Sam/Liz scenes, god help me. Quick, someone slap me for saying something positive about Liz.


*slap* But actually, I liked the Sam/Liz scenes, too. Liz looked so pretty. But then I hated the Liz/Felix scenes and I despised the shirt Liz had on. She's just so thin/pale and it really accentuated it. I know she can't help that, but I hate her, so I will be shallow.


I feel like I'm pretty prudish but damn I don't have a single problem with the shirtless scenes. The Morgan ones especially just really don't seem that gratuitous to me. He's working, it's hot. I mean the Levi ones and most of the Nathan ones are very gratuitous, but IDGAF really. I mean, with Levi, Silas, Patrick,  I'm not into it because they have such terrible bodies, but I still don't particularly care.


In the Morgan/Kiki scenes, they just woke up and they're in their home. It's not that insane to me that they'd be wearing what they're wearing. If Kiki starts wearing booty shorts to hang out at the hospital then maybe it'd be something. It may be better than what she normally wears though since she has terrible fashion sense.


And really, sometimes Sam and Alexis are showing as much boob as is probably allowed on daytime network TV, so it's the same thing, IMO.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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  On 7/17/2014 at 4:19 PM, Fylaki said:

But she is being treated differently then her peers


See, I don't think Kiki really has any peers as far as her age group, she's the only early twenty-something girl in all of Port Charles, apparently.  If Serena or someone showed up to challenge her for Michael and Morgan, I could see them being dressed the same.  And I also feel like Lindsay Morgan's Kristina was given the same kind of treatment, right?


Also, we've seen Britt both in her sports bra yesterday and in a bikini in that photo in Dr. O's PowerPoint presentation so it's not like every other woman in Port Charles is wearing turtlenecks.

Edited by TeeVee329
  On 7/17/2014 at 4:19 PM, Fylaki said:

But she is being treated differently then her peers, we don't see Lulu or Maxie or Sabrina or Sam or any of the other women in boy shorts and tank tops.

My conspiracy theory is TPTB are trying to make KA into a lead on GH. They've thrown her into multiple stories & some situations she shouldn't be involved in, so that she's more rooted in the fabric of the show. The old, "We can't let KA go because she's to much a part of the show"excuse. They have her as part of Franco's story line, Joss adores her, FauxLuke desires her, Micheal loves her, Silas is her dad, Nina wants to "pay her back", Ava's her mother, Julian is her uncles, Sam & Lucas are her cousins & Morgan is her ex-husband/current friend/upcoming love interest.

I see them trying to use her sexuality as another component to cementing her status as a female lead. The above theory is why I personally believe we haven't seen any of the rumored young female additions. The minute you have a viable actor that is young, prettier & can act, KA's position on this show is compromised.

I've decided I don't like Rosalie. The actress is compotent. I just don't like the character. I'll take her over Sabrina anyday thou.

It's time for Nina's storyline to take a break. She needs to be off screen for a while with Ron giving updates on twitter.

The minute you have a viable actor that is young, prettier & can act, KA's position on this show is compromised.


I'd argue they have that in Haley Pullos, but Molly is clearly a part of the teen set, not the young adults, so she's no threat. Plus, Molly is related to the two guys who are inexplicably attracted to Lauren. So KA is safe on a number of fronts.

  On 7/17/2014 at 4:49 PM, BestestAuntEver said:

I've decided I don't like Rosalie. The actress is compotent. I just don't like the character.


She's definitely wearing thin. They need to give her something outside of Nina soon so we can see another side of her. I still like her, but I am growing tired of her snark/hardness.



My conspiracy theory is TPTB are trying to make KA into a lead on GH. They've thrown her into multiple stories & some situations she shouldn't be involved in, so that she's more rooted in the fabric of the show. The old, "We can't let KA go because she's to much a part of the show"excuse. They have her as part of Franco's story line, Joss adores her, FauxLuke desires her, Micheal loves her, Silas is her dad, Nina wants to "pay her back", Ava's her mother, Julian is her uncles, Sam & Lucas are her cousins & Morgan is her ex-husband/current friend/upcoming love interest.

I see them trying to use her sexuality as another component to cementing her status as a female lead. The above theory is why I personally believe we haven't seen any of the rumored young female additions. The minute you have a viable actor that is young, prettier & can act, KA's position on this show is compromised.

I agree and I think this is more of the self indulgence on Ron's part that is making this show unwatchable. Female leads in Anna, Alexis, Ava and even though I hate her Carly, on the younger side Lulu and Maxie (both legacy characters) and then Molly. KA in boy shorts and hording in on every story is as ego indulgent as Milo shirtless. And again it is being done as if Ron was writing the show for himself. He fulfills his personal fantasies by removing the shirts from men he finds attractive and plays dress up doll with KA.


Guza may have made the terrible trio far to much the center of the show but at least Jason and Carly were tied to the show's history and Sonny by the time Guza came along had paid his dues and was woven into the fabric of Port Charles. Kiki, Nina, and Silas really do not have a place here. Maybe if Kiki was in the Jerome story line but her relationship there is at a dead end, and her clinging to Franco instead of her Father Silas is again an indulgence on Ron's part as he just cannot seem to give up on OLTL. I fully expect Rafe to be whisked away to Eternia by Victor Lord.

  On 7/17/2014 at 4:55 PM, dubbel zout said:

I'd argue they have that in Haley Pullos, but Molly is clearly a part of the teen set, not the young adults, so she's no threat. Plus, Molly is related to the two guys who are inexplicably attracted to Lauren. So KA is safe on a number of fronts.


Which was the same problem with Kristina as well (related to the two guys). I don't get what Ron is thinking, having her go back to Morgan so soon. Well, I kind of get it. Michael and Kiki suck. Maybe, MAYBE having Kiki go back to Morgan would work if she hadn't just screwed over Morgan for Michael, less than a year ago and now she's changed her mind again? I know Ron and Frank love Kristen, but if they want her to have a job on GH maybe they can stick her in Wardrobe or have her make scenery. Because her character is just not working.

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  On 7/17/2014 at 5:06 PM, tvfanatic13 said:

The shower bugs me. Everything is visible from the waste up, which is fine for guys (not really though- many men may not want to be seen in any form of undress), but definintely not fine for women. It isn't the men's locker room- both sexes share it.

It only bugs if you use this little thing called logic. Who uses logic or needs things to make sense anymore? *<sarcasm>

Fylaki, check out the media thread. Ulkis posted a vid that proves you aren't the only one questioning Ron's writing or choices. The ending is spot on.

* I wish sarcasm font was a real thing

Edited by BestestAuntEver

I know Morgan is worried about Alice and super busy with the Brownstone and all, but when's the last time he mentioned that there's a 50/50 chance he's going to be a father in a few months? 


Pushing him back at Kiki when it's possible her mother is pregnant with his child is just...so Ron.

Edited by TeeVee329
I don't see the shirtless male scnes decreasing any time. I believe that police locker room was new. Also, I think we will be seeing the hospital shower again soon



And, you know, save for shirtless Sonny or Levi, I have no problem with that.  I would far rather my soaps be about romantic and sexual hijinks than violence.  I miss love in the afternoon.

  • Love 3
  On 7/17/2014 at 5:22 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I know Morgan is worried about Alice and super busy with the Brownstone and all, but when's the last time he mentioned that there's a 50/50 chance he's going to be a father in a few months? 


Pushing him back at Kiki when it's possible her mother is pregnant with his child is just...so Ron.


I was just thinking about that. But I think he did mention it last Friday maybe? Or whenever it was, last week when he and Kiki were talking about how they were friends again now and they came from dating to her mother possibly being pregnant with his child, and then they laughed at the absurdity. Which I actually liked. And to be fair I do think it's plausible for Morgan to not want to think or talk about it at all and repress that little fact. It is a little weird though that he's not curious about what Sonny's plans are if it is his (Morgan's) kid. I don't think Sonny's ever explained to Morgan what he would do in that case. But I'm sure Morgan will start asking questions . . . 6 months from now.

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  On 7/17/2014 at 5:26 PM, Reo said:

And, you know, save for shirtless Sonny or Levi, I have no problem with that.  I would far rather my soaps be about romantic and sexual hijinks than violence.  I miss love in the afternoon.


This! Like seriously can we get some sex up in here though? It feels like it's been forever. Although maybe there's been some that I'm forgetting because it was people I fast forward through.

  • Love 1
Maybe they feel that the equivalent of the male shirtless scenes is Sam and Alexis constantly having their girls hanging out


Ron specifically crafts scenes and expressly puts into the scripts the fact that the men are shirtless, only in boxers, wearing a towel, etc.


Sam's always being a tank top wearing character, long before Ron.  There was a joke about her best tank top, but it was clearly written to reflect what Sam likes to wear and wasn't a dictate that she be wearing one at the time.


Nancy is the one who likes to show her cleavage. If you watched Santa Barbara back in the back, you can readily see she's had significant enhancement surgery, and as her twitter followers know, she's very proud of the work and likes to show them off.  I'm quite certain Ron has never once written, "Alexis enters wearing a deep plunging shirt."


At this point, I'm sure the wardrobe department knows "Nathan, in apartment," means, "Nathan, wearing a towel."



When was the first time that RC and company introduced a viable female character? Both the Nina and Ava are so over the top.


Fixed that for you.  All of his female creations are two-dimensional, with disposable personalities (witness, Sabrina's sudden transformation from bookish nerd who can't talk to a boy to the fiery "lots of sex" Latina with the explosive, intensely passionate 35-year-old ex-boyfriend.)

  • Love 1
  On 7/17/2014 at 5:41 PM, peachmangosteen said:

This! Like seriously can we get some sex up in here though? It feels like it's been forever. Although maybe there's been some that I'm forgetting because it was people I fast forward through.


I know, right? We need more of this







Fylaki, check out the media thread. Ulkis posted a vid that proves you aren't the only one questioning Ron's writing or choices. The ending is spot on.

OMG, I may die of heart failure from laughing. Spot on does not begin to sum it up.


BTW: It irks me that Ron has the opportunity to break stereotypes and chooses instead to pander to his own fantasy. Lucas could have been brought back to the stage as a WSB agent like Uncle Frisco or ner do well adventurer like pre-Guza Uncle Luke, Ron could have given us a gay leading man action hero type. Instead we get swishy Felix. Yuck

  On 7/17/2014 at 5:44 PM, ulkis said:

I know, right? We need more of this






Ah, memories. It actually hurts me that we will most likely never get Morgan/Ava hotness again. And that we will probably get Morgan/Kiki sex scenes. Like that is gonna be really hard to take for so many reasons.


  On 7/17/2014 at 5:46 PM, Fylaki said:

It irks me that Ron has the opportunity to break stereotypes and chooses instead to pander to his own fantasy. Lucas could have been brought back to the stage as a WSB agent like Uncle Frisco or ner do well adventurer like pre-Guza Uncle Luke, Ron could have given us a gay leading man action hero type. Instead we get swishy Felix. Yuck


Or Lucas could be a doctor. Like wasn't that supposed to be what he was anyway? What the fuck happened? What even does Lucas do? Why is he even still in PC? 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
I know, right? We need more of this






It's so Monkey's Paw, isn't it?


The viewers:  We want some spicy sex scenes.


Poof! KA tapes the exact same love scene (boobies!) twice.


What you wished for is the last thing you want. Sigh.


Here's the other thing about Ron and his shirtless men. Notice how they're hardly ever shirtless in a love scene with a woman.  Sure, they'll walk through the house in a towel in front of their female platonic roommate. They'll hang in the police station locker room, with their fellow men.  A female who isn't a lover can come interrupt them in the shower. They can strip and the women can look on and appreciate and hoot and holler. But none of that icky heterosexual romance to muck up a perfectly good fantasy ... errr shirtless guy scene, eh, Ron?


Yeah, I said it.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 6


Here's the other thing about Ron and his shirtless men. Notice how they're hardly ever shirtless in a love scene with a woman.  Sure, they'll walk through the house in a towel in front of their female platonic roommate. They'll hang in the police station locker room, with their fellow men.  A female who isn't a lover can come interrupt them in the shower. They can strip and the women can look on and appreciate and hoot and holler. But none of that icky heterosexual romance to muck up a perfectly good fantasy ... errr shirtless guy scene, eh, Ron?


Yeah, I said it.

And I will co-sign it Francie and add an AMEN

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  On 7/17/2014 at 5:46 PM, Fylaki said:

BTW: It irks me that Ron has the opportunity to break stereotypes and chooses instead to pander to his own fantasy. Lucas could have been brought back to the stage as a WSB agent like Uncle Frisco or ner do well adventurer like pre-Guza Uncle Luke, Ron could have given us a gay leading man action hero type. Instead we get swishy Felix. Yuck


Off-topic: And it's not like Ron is completely incapable of writing a gay character that way.  On OLTL, no matter the personal crap he had going on, police officer Fish was always able to stow it away when the job demanded it and he helped save the day on several occassions.  Siiigh, Kish.


On-topic: While I'm in the camp who'd rather see Lucas as a doctor, to honor both his adopted parents' medical legacies, at this point, I'd just like to see Lucas have some kind of purpose, any kind, outside his love triangle.  Hell, have him work on the brownstone with nephew Morgan!

Edited by TeeVee329
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  On 7/17/2014 at 5:49 PM, peachmangosteen said:


Ah, memories. It actually hurts me that we will most likely never get Morgan/Ava hotness again. And that we will probably get Morgan/Kiki sex scenes. Like that is gonna be really hard to take for so many reasons.



Or Lucas could be a doctor. Like wasn't that supposed to be what he was anyway? What the fuck happened? What even does Lucas do? Why is he even still in PC? 


Peachmangosteen, you are in denial if you think the enticements of staying in the same house as Carly and Franco whilst Brad and Lucas vie for your charms would not be enough to keep you in bullet ridden Port Charles.

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