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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Yeah, Patrick is where he is because of the hack writing, but he also can't express concern for Robin because of the same hacks that want to ignore the pink elephant in the room. So in the end, the writers (ha!) have screwed this character six ways to Sunday because of their ineptitude in writing Robin out.

And that ineptitude dragged Patrick (and Anna) right down with Robin. So the characters, in a roundabout way, are a prisoner to the hack writing just as Robin is an actual prisoner to the Legion of Doom and nobody wins.

Completely erasing Robin's importance to Anna and Emma and Patrick and everyone isn't ignoring the elephant in the room, it's to get the audience to stop caring and/or asking about the character. They have plenty of dialogue trashing Robin, for example. She's mentioned. They just don't want the viewers to care. There's a reason the new writers won't discuss it, the soap press won't ask about it and Frank won't say anything other than essentially blaming KMc. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

Completely erasing Robin's importance to Anna and Emma and Patrick and everyone isn't ignoring the elephant in the room, it's to get the audience to stop caring and/or asking about the character. They have plenty of dialogue trashing Robin, for example. She's mentioned. They just don't want the viewers to care. There's a reason the new writers won't discuss it, the soap press won't ask about it and Frank won't say anything other than essentially blaming KMc.


But not ending the captivity is still ignoring the elephant, which is the main problem. And in doing so, it is destroying the characters connected to Robin that still remain on canvas, and that's fair to absolutely no one.


TIIC can spin it however they wish to: It still doesn't change the facts. They dug a hole too deep and now are scrambling to pretend it doesn't exist even as the hole is now a sinkhole and is swallowing Patrick and Anna. And Emma.

  • Love 8
Valerie saying sex with Dante was everything she imagined it would be was kinda sad. Really? Maybe it was hot but he didn't one nice thing to her or smile at her. That's depressing if that's what she was envisaging in her head.


It really is. Did she seriously think sleeping with Dante would lead to a relationship? I..it's...she...[goes into rage blackout]


Kiki apparently falling into the bottle, though

Because the dad she barely knew was murdered? I get that finding him was traumatic. I have no problem with that. But their relationship was minimal. And the Morgan/Ava betrayal? Lauren's better off without him, and if she were smart, she'd make Ava grovel like no one's groveled before. Maybe if she got a job or some other purpose in her life she wouldn't have to drink. Yet another rage-blackout-inducing story.

  • Love 2

Because the dad she barely knew was murdered? I get that finding him was traumatic. I have no problem with that. But their relationship was minimal. And the Morgan/Ava betrayal? Lauren's better off without him, and if she were smart, she'd make Ava grovel like no one's groveled before. Maybe if she got a job or some other purpose in her life she wouldn't have to drink. Yet another rage-blackout-inducing story.


I love the job she made up. No, nothing like retail or something. Japanese stock markets. Come on Kiki. We see you. Why not just say, "I got a business job in a business doing business things!"

  • Love 9

But not ending the captivity is still ignoring the elephant, which is the main problem. And in doing so, it is destroying the characters connected to Robin that still remain on canvas, and that's fair to absolutely no one.

TIIC can spin it however they wish to: It still doesn't change the facts. They dug a hole too deep and now are scrambling to pretend it doesn't exist even as the hole is now a sinkhole and is swallowing Patrick and Anna. And Emma.

Well, they're happily spinning. Because the writers don't think anything is wrong with how Patrick, Emma, or Anna are behaving, so it'll never change. Even if Robin comes back, they'll make it her fault. Bring on NuRobin! She can be crapped on.

So all it takes to get a neurosurgeon to declare you're the most beautiful girl EVAH is a room full of stinky white candles (you know they were probably heavily scented like bathroom freshener, yes?) and a kindergarten crayon sign that Spencer would roll his eyes at and declare "Townie!"? Sam acts like a schoolgirl who hasn't learned to rein in her charms with a decent-fitting bra. 


But Maxie gets this week's prize for the Most Gross Behavior by a Young Lady Who Should Know Better, for flinging herself atop half-dressed Dillon pleading "Is this the way you'd like for me to straddle you?"


Can you picture the expressions on Mac's and Flea's faces if they heard her say that?


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Wait, Franco and Nina are really going to live in Silas' apartment?  Really?  The apartment where Nina pretended to be wheelchair bound and wackily tried to rape Silas?

I don't think so (unless it was said in a preview that we don't get up here).  All they said was that they wanted to move in together and would use Nina's estate money to fund it.  But at no time did they say they were going to buy Silas' place, because Kiki said she couldn't afford to live anywhere else and had to stay even if she didn't want to.  

  • Love 1


Omg, his HAIR today. Who would've thought it would look worse wet.

It was like it's own entity!  I think the hair was revolting against the scene.  I mean, what 30 something (40 something?) woman, makes a poster, with a drawn heart and then a photo of her and her man, cut and pasted on the heart.  To accept a marriage proposal.  What?  The candy ring, ok, he hadn't gone out to get one so he grabbed whatever was on hand, but she sat there for hours drawing up a poster?  

  • Love 4

Oh, I don't think the sign looked like it took hours. It looked like she cut out three pictures, glued it on the posterboard, and then wrote the sentence out. That's like 20 minutes, heh.


The whole thing is just off because neither of them are the type to want to get married again after a year of dating. Less then, maybe, I don't remember. Ron just has people hand out wedding proposals like they're candy. Makes no sense for Jake to ask, it made no sense when Nikolas asked Britt both times, when Sonny asked Connie, when Patrick asked Sabrina. Basically, the only times it made sense was when Franco proposed to Carly, Fluke proposed to Tracy, and Trey/Kristina and Morgan/Kiki proposed and got married, and that's because those were proposals of manipulation.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 5

Re; Sam and Laura knowing each other, Sam did date Lucky briefly and she is Nikolas' cousin.

(Quote) Oh, I don't think the sign looked like it took hours. It looked like she cut out three pictures, glued it on the posterboard, and then wrote the sentence out. That's like 20 minutes, )

I really hope she used Elmers glue because if she used the cheap dollar store stuff that heart will fall right off the poster board by Monday. Then where will they be!

Edited by Perkie
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If occupying the same space and screwing as Sam talks about Jason in the afterglow is dating, that is. Reads as pathetic here as it actually is/was.

Lol, just thinking about how ridic their entire relationship has been and then watching those scenes today was surreal. You'd think they had been in a 4-year long will-they-or-won't they pairing for the ages.

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I don't really think the writers care about robin or the fact that her captivity is an elephant in the room. The writers just care about propping Sam -- and to a lesser extent Patrick -- before the Jakeson reveal. The audience is supposed to think Sam is the best thing evah and since she's dating patrick, he and his connections (Emma and Anna) are the most convenient props. I'm sure Laura will go on about how wonderful sam is on Monday and how Lucky was never happier in his entire life than when he was dating her.

  • Love 1

I don't really think the writers care about robin or the fact that her captivity is an elephant in the room. The writers just care about propping Sam -- and to a lesser extent Patrick -- before the Jakeson reveal. The audience is supposed to think Sam is the best thing evah and since she's dating patrick, he and his connections (Emma and Anna) are the most convenient props. I'm sure Laura will go on about how wonderful sam is on Monday and how Lucky was never happier in his entire life than when he was dating her.

Sam, Patrick, and Jason have continuously been able to float around in this Bubble of Innocence while everyone else is trashed. That's pretty much what it comes down to.

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"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on."

SO insulting. So. Insulting.


I literally CRINGED when I heard that line. How insulting to Robin. And never mind that I'm a (mild) Sam fan and don't have much use for Robin, but that was just horrible. You guys should be glad Robin isn't around, lord knows what kind of dialogue would be spewed her way.


I don't have much to say about today except this: boring and trash. You can pretty much figure out which is which. Oh, and STFU, Dante Falconeri. Calling Ava a "psychotic monster" and then propping Sonny to the high heavens and saying that you should be running the organization?! You're a fucking cop, act like one.

  • Love 5

I literally CRINGED when I heard that line. How insulting to Robin. And never mind that I'm a (mild) Sam fan and don't have much use for Robin, but that was just horrible. You guys should be glad Robin isn't around, lord knows what kind of dialogue would be spewed her way.

Thank you. I'm biased, but come ON. I'd feel like this about any couple that had been on-screen for 9-10 years. It's about respecting the past; respecting the place a character/couple had on the show. And if they're going to go THERE, as in, wanting Sam to hold such a greater importance in Patrick's life (she's prettier, smarter, better, faster, awesomer!), at least give them a real relationship. Not a months-long pairing based on how many times the name Jason and Jake were mentioned. It's a joke.

And I can only IMAGINE how she'd be treated if she was on-screen. She barely beat out Sabrina, for fuck's sake.

  • Love 5


I would have bought it more if it turned out poorly, and then she and Patrick laughed over her attempt or something.  (I guess at least we didn't get scenes of Emma and Anna helping her make it, so, silver lining?)


And at least we didn't get her making him a five-course gourmet dinner, since we know the gal can't cook to save her life. Didn't she once mess up a BLT she made for Jason?


I did think Sam looked pretty in that dress, but that dress and that sign and this whole thing? It's not Sam. It just isn't. But aside from the hideous line that Patrick said, I think the thing that bothered me the most was his hair. I agree you guys, it was hideous.

  • Love 8

Val said she knew Dante considered her a mistake. Child, when you know that and persist in stalking him and "loving" him, you really are just a step away from boiling bunnies.


Ladies and gentleman, 1/2 of the black characters on GH.  The other half being a single mom working in law enforcement who we are meant to believe is the Evillest Evil Who Ever Eviled because she wants HER OWN DAMN KID BACK from the monsters currently holding him.


Writers, they're supposed to be POC, not POS.


I disagree with ulkis, especially after JP's interview a few weeks back. Sam is supposed to be completely in love with Patrick and wants to marry him. That is what they're selling to the audience.


Yeah, they are both supposed to be so very much in love and so ecstatically happy that

Laura can't bring hereself to tell them that Jason is alive because she can't bear the thought of causing them pain.


It would have made way more sense for Patrick to find out and hide the truth, because he hated Jason. Instead Ron had to stir up the show's most irritating fan war.


I'll never be able to figure out the TIIC's obsessive need to protect the character of Patrick at all costs.  He was the most logical person to have figured out that Jason is alive and he actually had a logical reason to keep that knowledge a secret.  Instead, RC came up with some contrived-as-shit reason for Liz to find out and then had her go insta-cray-cray to keep the plotline going.  It was like he was deliberately going out of his way to make the story as nonsensical and stupid as humanly possible.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 7

I just watched Sam accept Patrick's proposal via elementary school project board. JT looks like he's being prodded by an electronic rod off camera.

He's recently looked SO strained and awkward in his scenes. I don't know what it is but there is something about his facial expressions and the tone of his voice that's off.

Instead Ron had to stir up the show's most irritating fan war.

The hate being thrown at Kelly and Becky and Kim is at an all-time high thanks to Ron.

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I just realized that not only is Sam bring written as if she has never, ever attempted to move on from Jason until Patrick started eyeing her lady bits, despite her time with John McBain and nearly a year of being with and dating Silas, but what about Patrick?


He was with Sabrina, the purest as the driven snow sanctified new nurse of GH who was the perfect replacement for Robin, according to everyone in his life, including Robin's own bloody mother, who he nearly married and then knocked up, not to mention they shared the, so called, "sorrow" of losing said baby, aka blanket of nothingness.


But with the way he's being written, just as with Sam, it's as if he and Sabrina were merely passing professionals in the night,, who would ever be able to guess she was once the one he gave an actual ring to and prepared to rebuild his life with hardly a year ago.


Yet no, instead the shoddy writing would have one believe that poor lonely Patrick, busying himself with being a surgeon and father, has been pining after and awaiting Robin's return since her supposed "death" and just now Sam has awaken his desire to "live and love again" and give Emma a new "Mommy" who will be present in her life and stop getting kidnapped and held hostage and the like.    


The rushed hack-job that they have done with Sam and Patrick's "relationship" would be almost surprising if Ron weren't responsible for this, and it does not seem that anyone can save anything about it, new writers aside.


The very fact that Sam turned into Sandra Lee 2.0 by crafting a poster-board marriage proposal acceptance sign is just the final straw for me.


JT looks as if he would rather be giving Maurice a sponge bath, or maybe even a tongue bath, and Kelly seems to be more interested in catching a nap than appearing to actually give a damn when speaking those words "I love you/too" with any kind of conviction.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 7

If the show thinks any of this is elevating Sam, Patrick, or Jason as characters -- HA! It has turned all three into clueless, boring, sappy little drips that have no personality or edge, and just exist to be propped or tricked by the other characters. I don't care what happens to any of them at this point, because they are lazy, moronic pod people.

(Kind of like Saint Sabrina used to be ... Y'know, before she tried to force-abort another woman's baby, and then decided to be Team Sonny).

Of course, on this show a character can have only three modes of being: (a) boring and constantly praised, (b) always on the losing end of things (if they dare go against the show's pet mobsters and villains), or © murderous or otherwise shitty.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 4


Oh, I don't think the sign looked like it took hours.

It couldn't have. Patrick was gone the length of time it took to take a shower. In that time she set up and lit a few dozen candles, sprinkled rose petals everywhere (which- where did those come from.. in update New York... in October. Not from a garden)

She had to have run out to the store to pick up roses, cheese poofs and art supplies. That gives her maybe 15 minutes for collaging.


and really..

Sam: you wanted me to give you a sign, so here's a sign.

Patrick: Surely, you can't be serious.

Sam: I am serious, and don't call me Shirley (Ba-dum-dum)


So very very bad. Are we sure there are actual writers writing this show? 

Edited by sacrebleu
  • Love 3

I can't stand Elizabeth. . I hope Sam beat her down when she finds out that Jason is still alive. This is probably why Laura showed up.It is none of her business. Maxie is annoying  she needs to mind her own business. I can't stand her. Anna's character sucks it is like she just there. I think Dylan is going to use what Valerie said against her to get lulu.

Edited by thewhiteowl
misogynist slurs

I can't stand Elizabeth. 


I'm sorry, but that title unequivocally belongs to Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Joonnyah!  His sexual proclivities are so notorious that even Blanche Devereaux, and Tony Stark would think he's a desperate 


Just in this decade he screwed one son's girlfriend in the family crypt of his other son, he screwed his ex wife in that son's apartment on his couch while she was engaged to another man, and he slept with his ghost!wife's cousin literally a couple of weeks after that woman died and literally on the place that woman died while he fumbled around for 38 minutes trying to dial 9-1-1.    


ETA: that said, I do think Elizabeth is now technically a rapist, which is really sick given her history.  But she is also technically in a relationship with Jehhh-yake, and was also in relationships with Ric and AJ when she slept with them.  


The only time she has ever cheated was when she rutted like a farm animal with Nik while engaged to Lucky.  But that, even given her current whackadoodledo behavior, was wildly out of character and not part of a pattern of "hoe" behavior like all of Sonny's actions.

Edited by thewhiteowl
  • Love 5

I just watched Sam accept Patrick's proposal via elementary school project board. JT looks like he's being prodded by an electronic rod off camera.

Did somebody dust off a Sabrina/Patrick script?

Who are these people?

Did any of the writers watch this show after the 80s? Because there doesn't seem to be even a passing familiarity with the GH of the past 20/30 years

  • Love 2

Did somebody dust off a Sabrina/Patrick script?

Who are these people?

Did any of the writers watch this show after the 80s? Because there doesn't seem to be even a passing familiarity with the GH of the past 20/30 years


I'm going to defend 80s GH. The show wasn't perfect (ditto for 90s GH and 00s GH) but it didn't inspire "Everybody Loves Sonny." Even tho Rick hooked up with Ginny pretty darn quickly after Lesley died he mentioned Lesley's name at appropriate times. 

Re-watching the show because I fell asleep in the middle of it the first time, I was enveloped by the juvenile cheesiness. Sam's big pink plastic engagement ring, Patrick's lies to himself and us about Sam's first place in his heart, clueless Dillon and Valerie confessing their innermost secrets in front of a "charging" camera, Kiki tossing back drinks at a bar to forget, Neen's and Frank's romantic cooing, and Maxie's obnoxious demands to Nathan made this one of the worst GH shows I've ever seen.


It was sooo baad...stinking.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3

Yet no, instead the shoddy writing would have one believe that poor lonely Patrick, busying himself with being a surgeon and father, has been pining after and awaiting Robin's return since her supposed "death" and just now Sam has awaken his desire to "live and love again" and give Emma a new "Mommy" who will be present in her life and stop getting kidnapped and held hostage and the like.

Honestly, I'd completely take Robin out of the equation.


poor lonely Patrick, busying himself with being a surgeon and father

...is pretty much Patrick's POV. Robin isn't a blip on his radar.

They made Patrick's struggles more about "uh......Gabriel" (thanks for that hilarity, JT) than anything else.

I'm going to defend 80s GH. The show wasn't perfect (ditto for 90s GH and 00s GH) but it didn't inspire "Everybody Loves Sonny." Even tho Rick hooked up with Ginny pretty darn quickly after Lesley died he mentioned Lesley's name at appropriate times.

80s GH certainly had its flaws, but it was usually a very enjoyable experience, and featured interesting, complex characters with believable emotions and reactions to things.

The characters were able to get themselves in all kinds of interesting trouble that didn't constantly involve the mob, shooting / getting shot, or acting stupid to the point of dementia.

The show doesn't know who any of these people are or should be -- 80s, 90s, 2000s. Everyone has minus IQ points and no consistent traits when the shitty, repetitive plots call for it. Except for the newish characters, who are consistently bad (and even Franco is not what he originally was, and even Sabrina went off the rails to crazy town for a while).

  • Love 4

Is it wrong that when I imagine Morgan as a comic relief character, he's tolerable?

I almost choked from laughing at the scenes where he tried to trade his... um... essence de Corinthos for Avery. Then told his mom after. Wtf? Who does that shit? He's not bipolar, he's just a giant douche.


Morgan I'd trade my quality time with my penis for that baby, Ava.

Ava Sorry, Morgan, screwing with Carly and Sonny is more fun than screwing you. Toodles!


Morgan I offered Ava my disco stick in trade for Avery and she refused!

Carly She refused Corinthos glory stick?! What kind of sick bitch is she?


Ric Your Honor, as proof of Ms Jerome's depravity, I offer evidence that she refused Corinthos peen.

Judge You mean, proof she accepted Corinthos peen in the crypt of the man he murdered?

Ric No

Judge You mean, proof she chose Corinthos peen over her daughter Kiki's happiness?

Ric No

Judge Proof she sought out Corinthos peen in a limo after visiting her comatose son?

Ric No, that's Carly. 

  • Love 6
But Maxie gets this week's prize for the Most Gross Behavior by a Young Lady Who Should Know Better, for flinging herself atop half-dressed Dillon pleading "Is this the way you'd like for me to straddle you?"


They were rehearsing a love scene for a movie. Why is this inappropriate?


Didn't [sam] once mess up a BLT she made for Jason?


Jason wanted a LBT. He was very particular about the order.


Sam is supposed to be completely in love with Patrick and wants to marry him.


Marriage for Sam/Patrick or Jakeson/Liz is so unnecessary, but I guess the secret has to come out in the most "dramatic" way possible. Laura should just make it via anonymous tweet.


Is it wrong that when I imagine Morgan as a comic relief character, he's tolerable?


I think it's the only way to imagine Morgan.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

Marriage for Sam/Patrick or Jakeson/Liz is so unnecessary, but I guess the secret has to come out in the most "dramatic" way possible. Laura should just make it via anonymous tweet.

Laura is so useless. I just can't with another character being involved with this shit to preserve Sam and Purseholder's months-long relationship.

  • Love 2

Could Neenah be any more manic?  She's in Sila's apartment where he was stabbed to death, and she's making goo-goo eyes at Franco and talking about living together.  And she's "well, whatevers" about Kiki's mourning and "could I get a business card?" from the realtor who was rude and snippy to Kiki.  Neen's only "homage" to her late husband was making a huge step-over of the spot on the floor where Silas' body lay, like it was a playground game.  And they think Morgan needs medication, Neenah should be first in line at the pharmacy.

  • Love 2

Could Neenah be any more manic?  She's in Sila's apartment where he was stabbed to death, and she's making goo-goo eyes at Franco and talking about living together.  And she's "well, whatevers" about Kiki's mourning and "could I get a business card?" from the realtor who was rude and snippy to Kiki.  Neen's only "homage" to her late husband was making a huge step-over of the spot on the floor where Silas' body lay, like it was a playground game.  And they think Morgan needs medication, Neenah should be first in line at the pharmacy.


I don't know how much homage good old Silas deserves. He cheated on Nina when they were first married, never bothered to tell Sam he was still married, kidnapped Avery to use as a donor, hid escaped murderer Ava, let Nina be accused of kidnapping, etc. His blue eyes only deserve so much mourning. I'd feel the same way if Nina had been the one stabbed and Silas stopped by for a visit. 


I mean, it's not like it was Jason or anything. Then the whole town would turn that place into a shrine.

  • Love 5

I'm going to defend 80s GH. The show wasn't perfect (ditto for 90s GH and 00s GH) but it didn't inspire "Everybody Loves Sonny." Even tho Rick hooked up with Ginny pretty darn quickly after Lesley died he mentioned Lesley's name at appropriate times.

I'm not knocking 80s GH. 80s GH had Robert/Holly and I adored them - at least until Guza ruined Holly so TG could be gross about 'Dodger'

I just don't see any indication that the writers know anything about the characters that they're writing for, right now. Most of whom are post-80s creations

  • Love 3

It would have made way more sense for Patrick to find out and hide the truth, because he hated Jason. Instead Ron had to stir up the show's most irritating fan war.



It would be a stretch, a very big stretch, but it might not be too late for the new writers to retcon that and have it turn out that Patrick has been aware of Jake/Jason's true identity all along, even before Liz and Nik knew the truth.


It could be claimed that when he preformed the brain surgery on Jake Patrick actually did pick up on all of Jason's past surgical brain work, that so many of the exact sane areas had also been worked on, and fueled by great suspicion he had Jake's blood tested in GH's DNA database and the results would have made it clear he was really Jason.


But since Patrick knew what would happen if he told the truth, especially that he'd have no chance with Sam, he decided to keep his mouth shut and because he doesn't know anyone else knows, such as Liz, he's just been keeping all of this to himself for obvious reasons.  


At least that might help a little with explaining why Patrick is acting so pathetically hopeful that he and Sam can make things work out and get married and be a family and all that blah blah bullshit. And if I am not mistaken wasn't there a recent scene where JT flubbed a line and referred to Jason in the present tense instead of past? They could even work off of that.

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