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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Because of Michael's view of women in the mob, I really want Krissy to seize control of of Sonny's mob. I think that she would be as ruthless as Sonny.


I would like this a lot, actually. (And she could destroy Helena on the way, that would be poetic justice).


But they'd have to recast for that. I like Lexi Ainsworth a lot but there's no way anyone could take her seriously doing that.


I think with Michael, despite everyone and their mother crowing about how Carly is brave and strong and loves with her whole heart blah blah, everyone in his life  - from Sonny, Carly, Monica, Tracy, and AJ too - held Carly in some measure of contempt, and it's kind of soaked into his world view. "If a certain type of woman isn't controlled/handled in such-and-such away, her hormones will wreak chaos!"

Speaking of, is that really all they had Kristina pop in for, to genuflect before Sonny and then disappear?


It's starting to look that way. What the hell. 

  • Love 4

WHAT. He did it too???? COME ON. They really should just call Patrick by another name each episode he's on, just to emphasize how much this is not Patrick. 



Oh yes he did, and it was with googly eyes! Of LOVE!!!!!! of course. He was all happy grinning and stuff. I thought they might started playing "Can you feel the love tonight?" in the background just to complete the utter cheeseball factor of the whole scene.




I don't think any of Sonny's kids have the requisite brain cells to run a mob. Then again, Julian and Sonny did it, how hard can it be?




Rule number 1: Never wear a condom, that's the wimmins' job to keep from having those babies.


Rule number 2: Always pivot and turn and grand jete before firing off your gun, it's looks cooler that way. Extra points if you actually manage to hit your intended target. Pregnant women and unknown man babies need not apply.


Rule number 3: Honour is the most important part of the business until it isn't and then you just save the governor's daughter or his cat Muffins and everything is forgiven.


Rule number 4: It's always self defense unless your name isn't Sonny and then you're a rat bastard who deserves instant death.


Rule number 5: Always refer back to rules number 1 through 4.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 11







Rule number 1: Never wear a condom, that's the wimmins' job to keep from having those babies.


Rule number 2: Always pivot and turn and grand jete before firing off your gun, it's looks cooler that way. Extra points if you actually manage to hit your intended target. Pregnant women and unknown man babies need not apply.


Rule number 3: Honour is the most important part of the business until it isn't and then you just save the governor's daughter or his cat Muffins and everything is forgiven.


Rule number 4: It's always self defense unless your name isn't Sonny and then you're a rat bastard who deserves instant death.


Rule number 5: Always refer back to rules number 1 through 4.


I love it-I think Sonny has this printed on his business cards.

I think with Michael, despite everyone and their mother crowing about how Carly is brave and strong and loves with her whole heart blah blah, everyone in his life  - from Sonny, Carly, Monica, Tracy, and AJ too - held Carly in some measure of contempt, and it's kind of soaked into his world view.


How can it not? Jax might be the one person who never slagged Carly too badly—he called her on her crap, but he didn't call her a slut/tramp/whore, IIRC—and Michael was in the coma for most of Jax's stint as Carly's husband.


That said, I think that comment was more about Ava specifically than single moms in general. I will not be surprised if Michael turns out to be generally misogynisitic, though.

Edited by dubbel zout

I actually enjoyed this episode. I don't even know why. Actually, it might've been because I was watching with my sister and she was cracking me up with her reactions.


When Paul was like, "Sorry about your family," to Dante my sister asked what he was talking about and I said Sonny was his dad and she was like, "SONNY'S HIS DAD? EVERYONE IS RELATED TO SONNY!" LOL. And she wondered why it appeared that Jason and Sam couldn't even walk properly. LMAO!


I loved Julian in the scenes with Anna. They need to hate fuck, sorry not sorry.


Dante/Anna hug! I squeed! However, Anna's outfit is a straight-up mess and it really disappoints me.


Michael is deadtome. HATE. (*whispers* But he looks really hot to me currently and it's making me uncomfortable tbh.)


Sonny seizing before he could marry Carly was truly amazing.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3



Rule number 1: Never wear a condom, that's the wimmins' job to keep from having those babies.

Rule number 2: Always pivot and turn and grand jete before firing off your gun, it's looks cooler that way. Extra points if you actually manage to hit your intended target. Pregnant women and unknown man babies need not apply.

Rule number 3: Honour is the most important part of the business until it isn't and then you just save the governor's daughter or his cat Muffins and everything is forgiven.

Rule number 4: It's always self defense unless your name isn't Sonny and then you're a rat bastard who deserves instant death.

Rule number 5: Always refer back to rules number 1 through 4.

At last, Sonny's "Code" revealed.

  • Love 5

Rule number 1: Never wear a condom, that's the wimmins' job to keep from having those babies.


Rule number 2: Always pivot and turn and grand jete before firing off your gun, it's looks cooler that way. Extra points if you actually manage to hit your intended target. Pregnant women and unknown man babies need not apply.


Rule number 3: Honour is the most important part of the business until it isn't and then you just save the governor's daughter or his cat Muffins and everything is forgiven.


Rule number 4: It's always self defense unless your name isn't Sonny and then you're a rat bastard who deserves instant death.


Rule number 5: Always refer back to rules number 1 through 4.


Rule number 6: Betrayal is unforgiveable...unless Sonny does the betraying and then it should be forgiven immediately.  Examples include if he a) cheats on your mom, b) sleeps with your girlfriend, and c) has sex IN A CRYPT on top of your relatives.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 13

Sonny seizing before he could marry Carly was truly amazing.


I thought of you! 


And she wondered why it appeared that Jason and Sam couldn't even walk properly. LMAO!



That is hilarious. They need to hire Constance Towers as some sort of on-set consultant/director for them. "Speak up! Don't mumble! Stand up straight!"


Michael is deadtome. HATE. (*whispers* But he looks really hot to me currently and it's making me uncomfortable tbh.)



He is. It's weird. Michael will be pretty alive to me if, once Sonny is well, he doesn't let Sonny return. Or even better if Sonny is never well and he gets paralyzed or something and Michael will somehow make him feel weak and feeble and Sonny will mumble mumble about how he's so proud of Michael but secretly cry. Or he can take over and dismantle everything and be like "whoops, sorry, fucked up your whole business and I did it on purpose", but that one will never happen, booo.

I can't even with the WTFery of Jakeson and Sam and their wedding anniversary. Why would some Asian woman who met Jason and Sam four years ago care whether they celebrated their anniversary or not?


and enough already with the dragon and the phoenix...


friggin Garin Wolf man. He was only headwriter for like six months and yet his pheonix and dragon shit is still here.

I still think the crypt sex was a new low for Sonny. Even worse than meat hook, IMO.


I will take my response to the Sonny thread.

  • Love 1

Sam is whining about the fact that she thinks Jason is alive and she has all these unanswered questions about Jason death. So, PI Sam, why don't you try and contact the woman who was with him when he "died." You know, the woman whose husband left her because she wanted to save your husband and then jumped into bed with you?

*claps loudly*

Pretty much THIS.

Sorry, show. You wrote it. Can't ignore it. :P

  • Love 3
It's the Patrick version of Larry


Should we start calling him Puddy?


Rule number 6: Betrayal is unforgiveable...unless Sonny does the betraying and then it should be forgiven immediately.  Examples include if he a) cheats on your mom, b) sleeps with your girlfriend, and c) has sex IN A CRYPT on top of your relatives.


Don't forget d) shoots you in the chest when you're unarmed, e) plants a car bomb that almost kills you, etc., etc.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

He is. It's weird. Michael will be pretty alive to me if, once Sonny is well, he doesn't let Sonny return. Or even better if Sonny is never well and he gets paralyzed or something and Michael will somehow make him feel weak and feeble and Sonny will mumble mumble about how he's so proud of Michael but secretly cry. Or he can take over and dismantle everything and be like "whoops, sorry, fucked up your whole business and I did it on purpose", but that one will never happen, booo.

OK yea he'll be alive to me again if any of that happens. 


They need to hire Constance Towers as some sort of on-set consultant/director for them. "Speak up! Don't mumble! Stand up straight!"


That reminds me of another reaction from my sister: she couldn't understand anybody, but particularly Jason and Sam. She was like, "I literally couldn't understand a word they said." LOL.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Rule number 6: Betrayal is unforgiveable...unless Sonny does the betraying and then it should be forgiven immediately.  Examples include if he a) cheats on your mom, b) sleeps with your girlfriend, and c) has sex IN A CRYPT on top of your relatives.



Rule number 7: As long as your name is "Sonny" and you're currently in possession of a penis you can work in the mob and play "Daddy" to any children sired from said crypt sex. If you are the bitch!slut!dirtywhore! who birthed said child you're just a disgusting piece of trash who deserved to be put under for daring to breathe, of course.


Rule number 8: If your name is "Sonny" you can and should always expect total support/and or forgiveness/ and or bye bye byegone hand waving of your behaviour and actions from your kids because you're just that "amazing" of a dad. Double points if you can get the kid whose real dad you murdered to still end up defending you to the death and also running your business for you while your heart gives out attempting to marry their godawful mother for the millionth time.

  • Love 5

I wonder if Billy mumbles due to utter embarrassment over the truly awful lines they force him to spew.


"Sure thing, Sam...I don't mind pretending to be your dead husband and going along with this super weird and uncomfortably awkward fake wedding vows renewal so the blind Chinese grandma will stop holding my sweet and sour pork hostage..."

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 15

How does Frank not notice this? It's getting bad. And same applies to JT. They both speak so quietly. It's worse with Billy, though, 'cause it's quiet AND mumbly.


I don't know, maybe when he's on set it sounds differently? DZ is also guilty of not enunciating clearly a lot.


BM is, from what I can tell, saying things through his gritted teeth. Open your mouth dude!

  • Love 3


It's getting bad. And same applies to JT. They both speak so quietly. It's worse with Billy, though, 'cause it's quiet AND mumbly.

Maybe it has to do with having Kelly as a scene partner. She whispers everything (I know, she's got an eardrum thing) but maybe the sound levels are set to pick up her voice, so anything louder would come across as really loud.


I am not a sound engineer.

  • Love 1

Maybe it has to do with having Kelly as a scene partner. She whispers everything (I know, she's got an eardrum thing) but maybe the sound levels are set to pick up her voice, so anything louder would come across as really loud.

I am not a sound engineer.

I always thought KeMo's prob is she has this thing where she frequently closes her eyes and covers her hands over her face while she's talking. I think it effects me not being able to hear her clearly.

  • Love 2

I will give a tip of the hat to Ava, who knew she'd be the least annoying person on today, for taking shots at that pitiful loser Michael about going back to being a "Corinthos" suddenly and standing in for "Daddy". Her "bring your kid to work day" comment was quite brilliant as well.


I really need pretty much everyone mocking that little shit and calling him out on his disgusting turnaround and hypocrisy and general asshole behaviour.

Not me.  I do wish Michael was still conflicted about Sonny, but I am loving this more adult material for him to play, and Ava tried to rattle Michael and it didn't work.  When she was losing the argument, she would try and insult him, and he refused to take the bait.  I actually think Michael and Ava's scenes, from a story standpoint, were good.  At least I enjoyed watching them go back and forth, and let's face it, that conversation could have happened in a boardroom meeting.  It was two people coming at each other.  I liked it.  It was much better than Sonny yelling and getting Julian's face and making him look weak.  Ava tried to belittle Michael, and it didn't work, and by the end, I think she was begrudgingly respecting him.  That's what I saw.


Everything to do with the Jake/Jason and Sam scenes at the restaurant with blind granny and goateed grandson was so...agonizingly and painfully idiotic I am at a lost for words. Honestly it looked like Billy was as well, because I am not sure what his face was going for during the ceremony but it wasn't...good?


BM was terrible.  What is his aversion to making eye contact with his co-stars?  


Ava: I can parent and run the organization at the same time. Sonny does it.

Michael: Well, Sonny's not a mother.


what in the heeeell. That's right up there with Luke's "a man knows his sons bone deep, not so much the daughters because ~~women are a mystery~~" line from a couple years ago. I don't know why I'm defending Ava's ability to parent and be able to kill and thieve at the same time, but here we are, this is what GH does to you.



See, I didn't take it as a slam against a woman.  I think men do view mothers differently, as if they are suppose to be "better" than fathers or want what is best for their kids.  It's wrong, but I do see that in men.  Frankly, Ava sucks as a mother.  What she did to her daughter Kiki - with NO remorse, is pretty bad.


Apparently the CO poisoning was still affecting Sam at the restaurant, since she looked like she was sleeping though her JasonJasonJason scenes with Billy Miller. She did perk up a little when she had to stand up, though. 

You would think after a year, this story or Jakesam's connection would be MUCH further along than it is.  I mean, God . . . shoot us already.   

  • Love 2

See, I didn't take it as a slam against a woman.  I think men do view mothers differently, as if they are suppose to be "better" than fathers or want what is best for their kids.  It's wrong, but I do see that in men.  Frankly, Ava sucks as a mother.  What she did to her daughter Kiki - with NO remorse, is pretty bad.


I don't think Michael meant it as a slam against women either. But like you said, it doesn't mean the viewpoint isn't a double standard.


I think Ava shouldn't be raising a child either, but I do think she had remorse for sleeping with Morgan. Just not nearly enough.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 2
Not me.  I do wish Michael was still conflicted about Sonny, but I am loving this more adult material for him to play




Personally I find his reverting back to type, as in the little mini gangster kid who was raised by two incredibly narcissistic assholes, as being anything but adult frankly.


In fact I will go so far as to state that, to me, at this point the mob and all things to do with it on this show are so infantile and juvenile it's embarrassing for all those forced to be involved. I'll even include Maurice in that, begrudgingly.


The whole entire mob angle is so stale and redundant and, imo, pointless at this point because Sonny "always wins" and nothing ever changes. Plus now that they have hired all these new terrible actors with worse accents to sit around the table only adds to the laughability of it all I find.


And Michael and Ava weren't having an actual business meeting that two self respecting adults would have. They were at a mob sit-down, which to me showed just how weak-minded Michael really is, and an idiot, because he is sticking himself right back into the middle of that world even after all he's been through and seen, and all that has been done to him countless times.


He is the same person who sat in court and rattled off all the ways Sonny's business is "dangerous" and "destroys lives" and yet he may as well have been carrying a cane and twirling his cape when he entered that room. And how does that honour the memory of the man he called his "real father", A.J., once upon a time. 


And Ava wasn't really insulting Michael as just pointing out the facts, imho. She ragged  on him on his whole turnabout and suddenly being a "Corinthos" again willing to stand up for his family business and the man he's all of a sudden reclaimed as "his father" and all that nonsense. 


To me Michael being adult would be not standing in for Sonny at mob gatherings and spouting off about protecting "his father" when he was the one just a few  months back screaming at all who would listen that he was going to "destroy" Sonny for  murdering A.J., blah, blah, blah.


Now, as Ava so pointed out, he's back to being a typical "Corinthos" and throwing around "my dad"s and "my father"s at will and actually is going to go to bat for Sonny to keep Avery and act as if Ava is the devil when compared to Sonny to dare go after paternal rights to the very same kid he himself was willing to bend/break the law to keep away from Sonny not so long ago.


I find Michael's current behaviour to be no different than when he was a child, wanting to play "mobster" just  like Daddy, except he is indeed way too old enough to know better by now. 




Basically, imo, the only reasonably adult reaction Michael could/should have had over Sonny being shot would be to say something along the lines of: "At he won't have to worry about anyone having sex on top of his crypt" and then go about filing papers to take back custody of Avery.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 14

I'm late with this, but I have to say the meeting between Alexis and Paul just demonstrates why NLG isn't getting more acting opportunities. The coquettish affect, the smugness, the simpering. My god, the simpering. All completely inappropriate for a meeting with opposing counsel to discuss a case, not to mention that she's a couple of decades too old to pull that shit off. However, I've always disliked Alexis and thought NLG was overrated, so now that she's drawn attention to herself and specifically her acting, I'm actually enjoying how bad she is. Brought it all the way back around.


THIS! THIS! I want to gurgle while chewing on my block, give this post a big toothless smile, and say"Ma-ma!"

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3

Magic monkey dick?  I got nothin'.


I'm kind of glad I was only half-watching this episode, though...almost entirely because I saw a promo on ABC's website about how the nearly-blind Noodle Buddha yenta thought Jake was Jason and it just pissed me the hell off.  Infinite troll level achieved, show. 


You missed some very subtle dialogue as well.  I don't remember it word for word but the basics were:


Sam: "I feel like I can reach out and touch him"  "It's like he is right in front of me"


Jake:  "If I were Jason..." (seriously, the nuance of the dialogue here is astounding.  It's like I am reading poetry and have to deciper the meaning of the words)

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 14

You missed some very subtle dialogue as well.  I don't remember it word for word but the basics were:


Sam: "I feel like I can reach out and touch him"  "It's like he is right in front of me"


Jake:  "If I were Jason..." (seriously, the nuance of the dialogue here is astounding.  It's like I am reading poetry and have to deciper the meaning of the words)


I saw about fifteen minutes of today's episode and it was those scenes and the eyeroll was very long. And I actually think Billy Miller and Kelly Monaco have decent chemistry but my goodness, do these writers even know the word subtlety?

  • Love 1

Kiefer was standing in the middle of the road when Alexis was rushing Kristina to the hospital. She did not seek him out and "aim an automobile at a boy." It was not pre-meditated murder, as Sonny did by calling Dante to his house for an assignment, and then shooting him himself instead of having employees kill him because Dante confronted him about his intentions.  I can't comment on her actions re: little Michael, AJ and Sonny because I wasn't watching at that time. I know she conspired with Luke at one time, and there have been situations where she wasn't Miss Innocent, but my point is she doesn't have a job that involves deciding to inflict violence/kill people on a regular basis. She does judge others, but at least some of the times I've seen she was absolutely in the right. She issued a smackdown of Carly at the lakehouse (right after Jax's plane went down) and everything she said was dead-on accurate. She had a right to want to take Sonny's head off when he was thoughtless and reckless with having the bomb planted in Johnny's car that could have killed their daughter.

Seemed to me she aimed the car straight at him. he was a jerk ,but Kristina was just as bad she almost got Ethan killed . ETHAN was her friend and she put him in danger. Alexis knew because Zander told her Sonny had AJ on a meat hook and was threatening to kill him. He had already planted Aj's wallet in a car where a drunk driver had been killed. Alexis knew the papers were coerced. Alexis was Jax's lawyer , just before court she decided to protect carley and not be Jax's lawywer any more. She believed Sonny when he said he didn't put the bomb in Johnny's car . Krissy would be dead if Johnny hadn't thought something was wrong and dragged her out. Alexis never said a word to Sonny about it. She believed him. Morgan and Michael knew he did it. Not only is Alexis a mob lawyer and a mouthpiece for the mob. She has her head in the sand where sonny is concerned.

  • Love 3

I think that era was okay (although the Ryan as hero paradigm was almost as bad as the Sonny one), but I think McTavish was a more decent fit for AMC than GH.

Interesting that you bring that up... Ryan as AMCs Sonny was one of the things that turned me off as a viewer after being a loyal every day viewer since pretty much day 1. That and everyone clamoring that "Babe is Love". I left and didn't go back until Broderick was writing the final months (which were pretty good all in all).


But back to GH - who now knows that Jake is Jason? Liz, Nick, Laura, Greenlee... anyone else find out since I stopped watching in June?

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 1

Nik told Lucky for some reason

oh right I did see the Lucky episodes in mid July and remember that. the scenes with he and Luke were pretty great.... I guess I mercifully forgot about the Jake stuff and Nik telling him about Jason. Was hoping that Patrick would have found out and kept the truth from Sam in order to hold on to her.

I think what makes the dialogue seem more awful than usual is Sam and Jake feel no connection with each other.


Neither do Sam and Patrick, so at least the deck isn't stacked that way.


Jackson should be having more fragments of flashbacks, or at least some déjà-vu every now and then. Making him and Liz a couple doesn't make me think they're solid. Liz is way too crazy for me to want them to stay together. (Were I to want Liz and Jason together. I don't.)


Every possible angle of this story has been handled wrong. I'm kind of in awe of that level of stupid.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 9

I died of rage black out from the BS that was today's episode. BS was streaming from everyone's mouths.That sexist comment from Michael to Ava did me in. GH is off my DVR and will someone on this board be so kind as to message me when it's safe to start watching again? Off to the barge. Nobody gets between me and my XL frozen margarita....

  • Love 7


I think Ava should still go, and I don't get why she's still here.


Because this show owes me, damn it. And I sure as hell intend to collect.


So, Carly is a role model? Excuse me while I simultaneously fall off my chair laughing and puke my guts out. As if. What, is Avery going to grow up to start sleeping with the man who had her child raped? *slow clap* Great role model there.


The Sam/Jakeson scenes were a combination of boring, frustrating and mind-numbingly stupid. I thought the same thing as someone upthread, why in the world would this woman care about some vows that were said four years ago? Add embarrassing to the list. Just ugh.


I've gotten to the point where whenever I see Liz I want to feed her to a hungry pack of wolves. I blame her for the story being dragged out this long. Is it rational? No. Is it satisfying? Most definitely.


I hope Sonny has a stroke and if he isn't going to die, then can't speak, can't feed himself or anything and basically just sits in a wheelchair and drools all the time.


Did anything else happen? This show gets worse and worse. Next week probably won't even be that different from Ron, regardless of the new writers.

  • Love 3

Neither do Sam and Patrick, so at least the deck isn't stacked that way.

Jackson should be having more fragments of flashbacks, or at least some déjà-vu every now and then. Making him and Liz a couple doesn't make me think they're solid. Liz is way too crazy for me to want them to stay together. (Were I to want Liz and Jason together. I don't.)

Every possible angle of this story has been handled wrong. I'm kind of in awe of that level of stupid.

It's so frustrating because I feel like I know why it's being done this way. Billy Miller basically said why Sam and Jakeson haven't had "feelings" in an interview awhile back. "Jakeson isn't a cheater!" And like, that's not the point! Sam is his wife! How does he not have some deep kind of connection or SOMETHING? Same goes for Sam. The show is so worried that Sam and Jason will look bad and "mistreat" Patrick and Liz.

  • Love 3

 he was a jerk ,but Kristina was just as bad she almost got Ethan killed . ETHAN was her friend and she put him in danger. 

I get it loud and clear that you hate Alexis, but this is victim blaming as Kristina was a scared, battered teenager. She is NOT comparable to her mother or a boy who beats on a weaker person. She didn't want Sonny to have Kiefer killed, so she lied. She figured Ethan would be safe because of Sonny's so-called code/friendship with Luke. I think she made poor choices because her feelings were hurt and psyche twisted from the rejection of Ethan, being in an abusive relationship with Kiefer, and the inherent mess of being Sonny's girl child. 

  • Love 3

Is Paul working for Faison?


I don't think so . . . maybe he's just talking with a friend, heh. It would be lame imo if there were an even bigger boss. Just let Paul be at the top of the totem pole of this scheme. The "no, this villain is really in charge of that villain who is in charge of that villain!" was almost as cartoonish as the masks.

  • Love 4

Perfect timing Sonny. It's just a shame he'll recover. I still don't understand how marrying Carly is going to prevent Ava from getting custody of Avery? Ava is the child's mother. Carly being married to the baby's father doesn't trump that. And I don't *think* she can adopt avery without Ava's consent, can she?



Isn't that why God created meat hooks? 


That they haven't had Patrick and Liz team up already to keep Jason's true identity under wraps actually surprises me. At least Liz is running her crazy ass all over the place to keep the truth hidden, Patrick is just being a blind moron to the truth without even knowing Jason is still alive. 


I still think it would have made more sense for Patrick to find out than Liz. He could have had a more targeted rant to self about people doing horrible shit and living happily ever after - Jason was a fucking killer, Robin "died" trying to save him, she was later forced to go to work reviving him, and that's what led to the death of his son, Sham-wow.  Now Robin's gone again, and Jason is alive, right when Patrick has gotten together with Jason's widow and is attached to Jason's son?  He has reason to, specifically, be angry at Jason and look at Jason as a big part of the reason he's lost so much (not that any of it was directly Jason's doing). And then he could also rationalize that Liz and Jake are happy (because I'd buy someone viewing Liz and Jake as happy together much more than I'd buy anyone saying "but look how happy Patrick and Sam are!"), and now that little Jake is back, they're raising their son together, etc.   For once can't we have it be one of the men who goes a little crazy over losing the object of their affection (you know, other than someone like Faison, who is just crazy, period)?  


Sam is whining about the fact that she thinks Jason is alive and she has all these unanswered questions about Jason death.  So, PI Sam, why don't you try and contact the woman who was with him when he "died."  You know, the woman whose husband left her because she wanted to save your husband and then jumped into bed with you?


I'm sure that, before he was canned, Ron had plans to tweet that someone threw a rock through Patrick's window with a note tied around it, made of cut and paste magazine letters, saying "Patrick, there's no phone service in (whatever country we're currently supposed to believe Robin is in), so nobody should try to call me.  Love, Robin" So, how could Sam possibly call her? 

  • Love 8

I can't even with the WTFery of Jakeson and Sam and their wedding anniversary. Why would some Asian woman who met Jason and Sam four years ago care whether they celebrated their anniversary or not?


and enough already with the dragon and the phoenix...


It would be great if after Sam and Jakeson left Robert looked at his grandmother and said "you said you weren't going to pull that anymore" and the woman started cackling about how it always gets people to buy more if they feel sorry for the half-blind woman who keeps mixing people up.


Or if she tore off her mask and revealed she's actually Faison who's back in PC because Helena sent him a coded message via Craigslist saying "kill them all." /Manhunter


Or maybe Robert ends the ceremony by taking Sam and Jake aside and telling them not to stress--last week he "married" Hillary Clinton and Newt Gringrich when "the Hendersons over from Elm Street" came in for their weekly Szechuan Chicken.


I'd believe any of those scenarios over the dreck I saw today. 

  • Love 5

Actually I was referring to both the phone call and Anna's mention of Faison.  Coincidence? 

I love creepy Faison, but they've been to the well too many times with him.  The "hidden in the stable floorboards at Windemere for a year" pretty much finished off my enjoyment of Faison as villain on this show. 

Whatever happened to Paul's daughter?  Wasn't Paul blackmailed by Faison for required medication for her?  I don't even remember her name. 

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