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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I can't speak about B&B but Days is the best of the other three. It has its problems but there is still stuff I find entertaining about it. Y&R competes with GH as being the worst soap on air.

I find this so depressing. Y&R was my first soap and my sister still watches it. Maybe I will give DOOL a try. Or with B&B at least I would be wasting less time.

If you need help with paternity lie he's your guy.

Edited by stacey
Fixing quote issue
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Tracy dancing around claiming she found Alice a heart, and Michelle Stafford's disgusting character smiling that Rafe died for her, was as repulsive as anything Guza ever did.  What is wrong with these writers?  They have no sense of decency, no sense of humor, and no sense of storytelling.  And Michelle Stafford is a cartoon that is too painful to watch.


Its a special day for RC/FV when they managed to write things more offensive than Guza. Way to remove any sympathy I have a woman that had the company she worked her whole life to take over and given to some golden spooned grandnephew and women that was in a coma for 20 years.


Never cared about Rafe, never saw him as anything interesting or necessary. No problem whatsoever with him dying,


I didn't like the last portrayers of Emily and Justus and if they weren't characters related to anyone, but because they were, I'm pretty pissed that unless we get some convoluted story with them returning from the dead, they won't be beck on GH. I rather had the death of Levi than the death of Rafe.

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My soap pal is as about fed up with TFGH as I am.  We watch and snark on the phone during commercials.  She has talked me into B&B...started watching this week and I really like it.  Things move quickly since it's only a half hour plus it has Thorsten Kaye and Jacob Young from my sadly missed AMC.  Even tho I hear a rumor TK is leaving.  Hey maybe he'll come on GH and sex up Alexis or Sam.  That would be cool/hot.  They also have beautiful exterior shots, better wardrobe and hair & makeup.


MSt does play cray-cray well.  I think someone as far off her rocker as she is acting ott fits.  When she's talking to Rafe ever so sincerely when she gets to the words "trailer trash girlfriend" she about snaps then next word--back to Miss Sweetness.


And yeah....she's going to end up being KaKa's mom thus sealing her ties to Silas forever. That's why she keeps referring to her as "Silas' bastard daughter". Maybe she'll get Brad to mess up the DNA. 

Edited by OhioSongbird
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Does anyone know if DOOL or the CBS soaps would be a better way to spend my time?

I highly recommend watching this week of DOOL - aka The Wrath of Sami. It has been a thing of beauty and Alison Sweeney (future GH director) has been tearing it up. Hell, I have watched her parts of Thursdays show 4 times - so much fun!


I liked the Patrick/Sam scenes yesterday and...that's it. Got nothing.

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I just finished watching yesterday's show.  Man, you guys weren't kidding--that Golden Girls crap was not funny AT ALL.  And I like the Golden Girls.  If you want to do that kind of jokey camp, that's fine, but you have to do it well.  This was not that. 


I really enjoyed the Sam/Patrick scenes.  I feel the same way about Patrick as I feel about Ric--I will never, ever hate those characters based purely on the strength of the actors portraying them.  Patrick can douche out all he wants--he's one of the few characters left on the screen who generally looks alive and appropriately emotionally involved in whatever crap is coming out of his mouth.


Speaking of not appropriately emotionally involved, perhaps I'm projecting, but I feel like Silas went dead in the eyes as soon as Nina showed up.  After a full week of turning up to work and reminding me why I once had hopes for any of the various characters ME has had to portray on this show, I felt like today we were back to the hollow-eyed look of the damned.  Though again, I may just be projecting because that's how I feel every time Nina starts in on her jazz hands routine. 


There remains no need for her.  This story is already plenty full with Sam/Patrick/Silas and eventually nuJason and/or Robin with assists from Kiki, Molly, TJ, and Alexis.  Nina is pointless overflow, and she needs to move on ASAP.  I vote for pairing her with Sonny so she can be part of the Sonny/Ava/Carly/Franco nonsense that I'm already not watching. 


Did not watch:  Levi, Kaka. 

Don't forget Olivia. If I have to watch Olivia, I kind of want it to be about scenes where people are trying to get away from her, but they don't want to hurt her feelings cause she's so nice so it's like, "oh man Olivia I have to go water my plant. See you around!"


Thanks for the reminder. Olivia is so useless, I can't even put it into words. I need her and Shawn to be shipped away. Lulu is going on her "I'm able to carry my own child" tour. You might think it's about other people because she's good at disguising it (romance talk with Maxie and Lucas), but really it's still all about her baby rabies.

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But Murder She Wrote got their ratings because it was broadcast to audiences in nursing homes, death row, and on those tv's in airports you can't change. 


How dare you disparage Murder, She Wrote! I grew up on that show, dammit!


Does anyone know if DOOL or the CBS soaps would be a better way to spend my time?


I haven't properly watched DOOL in years (it was my first soap though so it'll always hold a special place in my heart), but my sister loves it right now. She usually shows me the good stuff at the end of the week. Lately she's been showing me all the Sami stuff and it is just so on point. Really entertaining.

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If it was a woman running around kissing everyone like that we all know what she'd be called......<not allowed>


"Predator" or "harasser" is the word you're looking for, I believe. Brad is force-kissing people. That's not being a slut, that's being an asshole who's asking for assault charges.


Was this really that complicated?


Yes. That's the problem with plot-point writing. It has to be overly complicated to make it work.


"Silas' bastard daughter"


As much as I hate Lauren, I hate this term more. The circumstances of her birth are not her fault. I get the anvils (and really hate that Lauren's parentage gets changed yet again), but there are other things to call her that don't involve that term. "Useless," "pointless," "troublesome," "dumb/moronic/idiotic" are just a few that come to mind.


ETA: Why is formatting so exasperating?

Edited by dubbel zout
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I really enjoyed the Sam/Patrick scenes.  I feel the same way about Patrick as I feel about Ric--I will never, ever hate those characters based purely on the strength of the actors portraying them.  Patrick can douche out all he wants--he's one of the few characters left on the screen who generally looks alive and appropriately emotionally involved in whatever crap is coming out of his mouth.


Great way of putting it.  I think RH (Ric) and JT (Patrick) are good and good-looking actors who are especially gifted in bringing their emotions out to play.  I want Sam/Patrick because it would be a nice change in the sense of a "shit or get off the pot" moment in Ron C's storytelling, but also, I feel Patrick would bring something deeper and more interesting to Sam's story than Borg Jason or Dead Eyes Silas could ever bring.  Although, I did like ME as John McBain in a general cop sense.  I also want Ric/Alexis for the same reason, but Guza screwed that up.  

Edited by sunflower

Sorry, you're right.  I watched AMC for the last 10 years of its ABC run so I have NO room to talk.


LOL! We all have our demons!


In an effort to actually be on topic, I watched most of the Sam/Patrick scenes on Friday. I've been skipping them because I just don't care about this story. Anyway, l liked the scenes. I mean pretty much anything is better than Silas/Sam or Jason/Sam, but at the same time I feel like Patrick/Sam is kinda similar in a way. They're all just so low energy.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Although, I did like ME as John McBain in a general cop sense.


ME is better portrayer of characters who are doers than he is of characters who are contemplators.  Hence, McBain was pretty cool, and Silas was more palatable when he was doing his doctor stuff and has been better this last week plotting revenge on Patrick than he was when he spent months crying about Nina.  Interestingly, JT is somewhat the reverse.  I don't really buy him as a take-charge kind of a guy, but he cries ever so pretty.  If the writers had any sense they'd figure out how to work around this dynamic so that everyone had a part to play in this drama that worked to his/her strengths.  But since all RC does is latch onto crazy plots and try to shoe-horn characters into them whether it makes any sense or not (or whether the audience cares or not) that's probably not going to happen.

Edited by Rancide
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I'd rather see ME acting all evil and BSC with a list. He played evil oh so deliciously on Port Charles. And no, I'll never stop saying it. Caleb Morley was the best thing he ever did. He knows how to reign his crazy in, which is what makes him a good actor a'la Roger Howarth who can out psych the best of them. But this regime clearly doesn't want brilliance. They want shocks, thrills, and camp.

I imagine Roger, Micheal, and Fiona sit around and have drinks, talking about the days when they had good material.

  • Love 3

LOL! We all have our demons!


In an effort to actually be on topic, I watched most of the Sam/Patrick scenes on Friday. I've been skipping them because I just don't care about this story. Anyway, l liked the scenes. I mean pretty much anything is better than Silas/Sam or Jason/Sam, but at the same time I feel like Patrick/Sam is kinda similar in a way. They're all just so low energy.


I think I'm over Patrick. They've been giving him too much heavy stuff to play. I feel like he should have a little thundercloud following him around everywhere.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6
Let's be real here guys. Steve Burton and Guza killed Jason Quartermaine. Not AJ.



Fixed that for you.


For some reason, Guza worshiped Burton. Burton liked being the alpha male star. To keep SB happy, Guza would decimate any popular male character, who wasn't a Jason side kick. SB knew he was safe & became lazy, lazy, lazy.


I can't stand how they are writing Maxie as a complete idiot. The plot point stuff is bad enough but the idiocy is driving me insane.

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I didn't care for Patrick and Sam's talk, but big shocker since I don't like either character much. Seems like there are a lot of Samtrick fans so I say go for it b/c I could care less. I feel about Patrick how most feel about Sonny. Every freakin' time he is on screen he does something that makes me want to throat punch him. I could NOT with all the stammering around he did for a whole freakin' show just to say he didn't PURPOSELY cause Rafe to die.  Him making all about HIS stuggle. ugh! I do feel he did cause Rafe to die by negligence so I don't let him off the hook and I hope Silas sues his ass.

I didn't care for Sam's converstation b/c she as someone who cares about Rafe should have been slightly pissed he admitted he actually did consider it. Um come again you pompous ass. Patrick could not forgive Rafe a scared injured child who asked TWICE for forgiveness yet it is supposed to be romantic that Sam forgave Patrick b/c she understood. Silas very much should be pissed at her for disloyalty to Rafe. If Patrick holds a grudge against a brain dead child even now, he sure doesn't deserve Sam to be so decent to him.


I liked crazy Nina today b/c she was so calmly psycho. I really got her truely thinking thanking Rafe was compassionate. It was sooo CRAZY. Now the end with the weird hallucination and the preview for the OTT screaming doesn't look appealing though. I wish the writting wasn't so schizophrenic with her.

I like Silas away from Sam and I think he and Nina could be decent if the writers can somehow redeem her crazy self eventally.

  • Love 2
I'd rather see ME acting all evil and BSC with a list. He played evil oh so deliciously on Port Charles. And no, I'll never stop saying it. Caleb Morley was the best thing he ever did



I actually came to know about Michael through some of his earlier work, so I was surprised to see  him pop up on PC because I wasn't sure if he'd be that great a soap actor. Then they gave Caleb fangs and powers and an entirely unhealthy fixation on Livvie and it worked for me. I loved him as Caleb and I agree that was his best soap role by far. It just suited him, that style of acting suits him.


I never looked at Michael as a conventional actor who could play a cop or doctor or lawyer, at least not with much interest, just let him be as devious and wicked as he can be and watch him come to life. I think that's what gets me most about Sam and Silas, they're boring.


I actually think if they pair Sam with Patrick she'll only become more boring because he's a "golden boy" character, and while that worked with he and Robin, as she was a "golden girl", no pun intended, I don't see that working at all with with who Sam is, not unless they just completely gut her of all the "shady business" in her life.


She came to PC first as a bad ass, not the best characterized by far, thanks to Guza, but she was spunky and fiery and sneaky,  a little like Livvie. Now Sam bores me more often than not, and I've already suffered through watching her wilt under her "love" for Jason because they have just stopped playing to Kelly's strengths, aside from making her cry buckets.


The thought of Sam being Patrick's next squeeze, no thanks. She'll either be continuously pitted against Robin, because of course, or when Robin returns with Jason that whole shit fest will hit the fan, neither endings make me, as a Sam fan, happy. And not to mention it brings Sam into Sabrina's orbit and I just can't have that.


To me Kelly's best role was Livvie, just as Michael's was Caleb, and now seeing them as the snoozefest that is Silas and Sam, and it doesn't even need to be that way...it's almost disheartening, because I like them both so much.


Seems like there are a lot of Samtrick fans so I say go for it b/c I could care less. I feel about Patrick how most feel about Sonny. Every freakin' time he is on screen he does something that makes me want to throat punch him. I could NOT with all the stammering around he did for a whole freakin' show just to say he didn't PURPOSELY cause Rafe to die



That's how I have come to feel about him too. I never had much use for Patrick when he first came on the show, and while he's had a few good moments, and I do mean a few, I find him quite unlikable. And he's as selfish a character that is on the show at the moment, imo, it is always all about him, always, and he isn't shy about making that known. 


To me his personality just stinks, plain stinks and he doesn't seem capable of having a relationship unless the woman is willing to do exactly and all things as he wants, at all times, or else he will have a hissy fit and tell their six year old daughter they'll be getting divorced because he's just that "mad" at her. Yeah, what a great catch he is.

Edited by CPP83
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Patrick could not forgive Rafe a scared injured child who asked TWICE for forgiveness yet it is supposed to be romantic that Sam forgave Patrick b/c she understood. Silas very much should be pissed at her for disloyalty to Rafe.


I'm kind of impressed they're giving Sam some nuance in this situation, instead of having her blindly follow the man in her life (ahem, Alexis). I don't think taking Patrick at his word automatically makes her disloyal to Rafe. Silas barely knows Patrick. And given Silas's guilt over everything, he'd most likely blame Patrick for Rafe's death no matter what. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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Patrick could not forgive Rafe a scared injured child who asked TWICE for forgiveness yet it is supposed to be romantic that Sam forgave Patrick b/c she understood. Silas very much should be pissed at her for disloyalty to Rafe.


I don't think it was supposed to be romantic, I think it was to justify Patrick wanting Rafe to die.  I think that part of the dialogue would have played similarly if Patrick had talked to another character who is also a parent (like Liz, Alexis, or even Nik).  & I don't think Sam was disloyal to Rafe.


For once I think everyone has a pretty valid reason to feel the way they feel over Rafe. Sam was his foster mom and cared about him... *clears throat* but is also Patrick's friend so she believes that he did the best he could, and Silas was his uncle who cares about him... *clears throat* and he was witness to Patrick's out of control behavior about Rafe right before he was to do the surgery, and Patrick was incredibly angry at the kid and he didn't hide his feelings from anyone.


Silas saw enough of Patrick's rage at Rafe to doubt him, he was the one who threw him out of Rafe's room when he was all over the kid, but Sam is Patrick's friend and believes he would never be so hardhearted to just let the kid die but she also understands why Silas isn't so keen to just take him at his word, and Patrick knows he was tempted to do that as he admitted to Sam, but at the end his ethics kicked in and he tried to save Rafe but just wasn't successful.


I don't think any of the three are being unreasonable, and that's a first for me, heh.

Edited by CPP83
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My big sticking point is Rafe being a child. If he was an adult I migh feel different. But Sam has a child and if she wanted to be Rafe's parent enough to fight to be his guardian she should love him like a mother. I would actually be MORE upset to hear someone I though of as a good friend say what Patrick did about hesitating to help a child I loved as a son.

I would not have thought the scene had a romantic element if it wasn't for the hug. It was a bit overkill just for a friend, especially when a child I thought of as my own lay dying b/c of this man.


Patrick still in the end didn't show much compassion for Sam SHE was showing compassion for him. ugh!

Edited by Cattitude
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Ugh.   Thank you show for providing me with something I never knew I really, really did NOT want.


Sam and Patrick. DO. NOT. WANT. 


Why can I ever just have nice things?   I'm sorry I ever disliked KMc.  Fine, she was cute as a little girl.  Fine, Robin is the best legacy character EVAR.  Scrubs is awesome.  Pay her whatever she wants.   Bring Robin back.  I'll join everyone else in singing her hosannas if it will keep {shudders} JT away from KeMo.  :PLEASE:






First of all hah! and second of all I couldn't be in agreement with you any more. The fact alone that if Patrick does get with Sam that he'll be doing so knowing full well where Robin is and who she's with, that Jason is alive and Robin is currently working on bringing him back to PC, to his "family"...my brain would explode, that just might be the last straw for me.


Patrick still in the end didn't show much compassion for Sam SHE was showing compassion for him. ugh!



I feel like that's just who Patrick is. He is always the one expecting to be understood, give him sympathy, give him the benefit of the doubt, give him compassion, give him love, yet he is pretty shitty at returning the favour to really anyone else. Patrick's end game, imo, will always be Patrick.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Ugh.   Thank you show for providing me with something I never knew I really, really did NOT want.


Sam and Patrick. DO. NOT. WANT.  


Why can I ever just have nice things?   I'm sorry I ever disliked KMc.  Fine, she was cute as a little girl.  Fine, Robin is the best legacy character EVAR.  Scrubs is awesome.  Pay her whatever she wants.   Bring Robin back.  I'll join everyone else in singing her hosannas if it will keep {shudders} JT away from KeMo.  :PLEASE:




Take heart.  I actually want SamTrick (at least until McBain is released from litigation hold--Silas is a snooze!), and i don't think the show is going there.  I think this is fake plot point angst to drum up some Sam/Silas conflict and to raise the stakes for when nuJason and/or Robin returns.  If there's one thing we've learned about RC it's that he's stubborn.  He does what he wants no matter how much the audience hates it or how poorly it's working out.  And he seems to have gone all-in on KMo and ME regardless of whether it makes any sense with the characters they're playing.  I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't see SamTrick happening unless Robin, Jason and whoever the hell ME is playing are off the show permanently.

Ugh.   Thank you show for providing me with something I never knew I really, really did NOT want.


Sam and Patrick. DO. NOT. WANT.  


Why can I ever just have nice things?   I'm sorry I ever disliked KMc.  Fine, she was cute as a little girl.  Fine, Robin is the best legacy character EVAR.  Scrubs is awesome.  Pay her whatever she wants.   Bring Robin back.  I'll join everyone else in singing her hosannas if it will keep {shudders} JT away from KeMo.  :PLEASE:




AMEN! Except that I've always loved Robin.  And why can't Sam and Patrick just remain good friends? Why, why, oh WHY just because two actors have chemistry or work well off each other, mean that OhEMGEE, CHEMISTRY!!!! They have GOT to have sex or get together! Why? This show is missing and lacking in so many friendships, be they of people of the same gender or opposite genders. I still remember fondly, and bitterly, the friendships between Bobbie and Rick, Bobbie and Alan, just off the top of my head. And let's just forget the wee bit when Bobbie and Alan tried to have sex during Monica's breast cancer story, shall we? Since I believe they both realized, what the hell are we doing here?

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AMEN! Except that I've always loved Robin.  And why can't Sam and Patrick just remain good friends?


Because RC likes fuckery. I think he's jonesing for a Scrubs/JaSam/Samtrick/J&R clusterfuck quad. And I'm torn. Because on their own? I have no interest in Samtrick beyond friends, either. AT ALL. But if it comes down to Sam or Sobby and there HAS TO be a choice there? OY. ONLY then, would I be forced to choose Sam. But not out of a REAL DESIRE for the pairing, you know?


But in all honesty, I miss soap FRIENDSHIPS, too. Days had it with Marlena (hate her, but still) and Eugene Bradford. Santa Barbara had it with Cruz and Julia. And Another World had it with Cass and Felicia. It's been long missing, so it would be cool if GH did something DIFFERENT and let Sam/Patrick remain as friends of the opposite sex rather than falling into the usual PAIR THEM! CHEM TEST! frenzy.

Edited by WendyR72
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I wouldn't be at all surprised if Patrick did fuck Sam, knowing that both Jason and Robin are alive. Simply because, he's a cheating douche.  He cheated on Robin for the lamest of reasons the first time, and right now, he's pissed at her, right? So probably believes he shouldn't have to honor his wedding vows.


That's just how Patrick rolls.

  • Love 5
That's just how Patrick rolls.



Preach it. Sam is no perfect princess when it comes to fidelity but to get, literally, fucked over like that by someone claiming to be her "friend" first and foremost? Unforgivable. Patrick will be the scum of the earth to do that, not only to Sam but also Robin. All because he's "upset"? He'll be no better than Sonny then.

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The thought of Sam being Patrick's next squeeze, no thanks. She'll either be continuously pitted against Robin, because of course, or when Robin returns with Jason that whole shit fest will hit the fan, neither endings make me, as a Sam fan, happy. And not to mention it brings Sam into Sabrina's orbit and I just can't have that.


I want Sam and Patrick to happen, but not because I think Patrick is all that great, he's just not as useless as Silas. Plus them getting together would upset Robin and I will always welcome that. I absolutely don't want Sam involved in some five way shitfest involving Silas, Robin, and Jason, though. Let Robin/Patrick break up for good and Silas can leave town. I liked Jason/Sam but if he's going to sniff around Robin then fuck him. Let Robin have him and Patrick/Sam can be moved away from those two.


What I've gleaned from reading is....when Ron writes for a relationship it's a clusterfuck. Whether triangle/quad, gay/straight, young/old or brand new/ending the relationship will be a clusterfuck.

Thanks, Ron

I just want Robin happy & not helled captive by a nutso. Let her go back to Paris or work at Mercy.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I think Patrick is more useless than Silas, at least as a potential mate for Sam, because of all the baggage he brings with him. Yes Silas has been saddled with the Nina and Kiki, though Sam is connected to Kiki regardless of Silas' ties, but Patrick has Sabrina, Felix, Emma, and Robin, to name a few, and I just don't see Sam fitting into his world without her pretty much losing what is left of her identity.


That's my biggest issue with their potential coupling; Patrick is the sort of guy who goes for a Robin type, at least when she's doing whatever he wants, or if he's really desperate a Sabrina type, but Sam isn't Robin, and she sure as hell isn't a Sabrina. I've always seen her as the anti-Robin and that's always been a big reason why I've remained a fan, even though it's been getting tougher and tougher as the years have gone on.


Pairing Sam with Patrick is going to the other extreme of potential mates that I just don't think do her any favours, he's the opposite of Jason but in his own way just as bad for her.


A friendship is fine, I think it works for the characters, there's a lot more wiggle room with that. But to me putting Patrick together with Sam romantically would be like smothering her with a wet blanket. And I do not think for a second Ron would resist on playing up the Robin and Jason angles as well. I can see it being bad enough with Sam and Silas, but Patrick and Sam and Robin and Jason? Hell on earth, imo, absolute hell on earth.


Just watching them on Friday made me cringe because if that's the direction they go in...I really won't be able to watch that, I've put myself through enough torture for this show. No more.


Put the Nina with Patrick, maybe then he'll realize how good he had it with Robin and go crawling back to her.


[W]hen Ron writes for a relationship it's a clusterfuck. Whether triangle/quad, gay/straight, young/old or brand new/ending the relationship will be a clusterfuck



Yup, that sums it up rather nicely. It's as if he takes all that's good and positive and crams it all down the garbage disposal and replaces it with Sonny love, aka "Imma kill you bitch" is how we say 'I love you' or Franco's 'the tumor made me do it, when's your kid finally going to get over his rape issues and like me?' brand of affection.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 1

Now Patrick is as bad as Sonny? Sorry, not seeing it.



Until Patrick shoots Emma in the chest, decides to mainline Coppertone, date Stouffer's Family Size Lasagna, starts throwing the family china, hires Shawn as his stand-in surgeon, mumbles his lines and starts wearing cheap sharkskin scrubs, he's not even in the same spittle-filled universe as Sonny.

  • Love 14

For me Sonny's biggest flaw is that he's selfish, it's all about Sonny, and as I've mentioned I think the same of Patrick. I really don't care to compare what he's done or hasn't against Sonny, at the end of the day I still view them as two selfish, self-centered characters who have both proven to be disloyal, untrustworthy, cheating, manipulative, lying asshats with the women in their lives and I don't think either deserves someone to step on and use up and then dump whenever they feel "neglected" or "hurt" enough. I really don't care who's supposedly "worse" or has done more, it's the behavior I find most repulsive.


They're practically Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice.



Oh you're right! The puns from Ron will be coming from left and right field at such a fast pace we may not all survive...and somehow Spencer will be involved.


I have to say, it was nice to have another week without the kiddies. It was one of the few pluses I can think of.

  • Love 3
That's my biggest issue with their potential coupling; Patrick is the sort of guy who goes for a Robin type, at least when she's doing whatever he wants, or if he's really desperate a Sabrina type, but Sam isn't Robin, and she sure as hell isn't a Sabrina. I've always seen her as the anti-Robin



How so? Yes, Sam is more of a vixen-ish type but I definitely don't think she's the opposite of Robin. I'd say someone like Maxie is more the opposite of Robin; ditzy and implusive while Robin is grounded and practical. Sam is more morally ambiguous than Robin but she, like Robin are pretty practical, no-nonsense characters.

  • Love 6
How so? Yes, Sam is more of a vixen-ish type but I definitely don't think she's the opposite of Robin. I'd say someone like Maxie is more the opposite of Robin; ditzy and implusive while Robin is grounded and practical. Sam is more morally ambiguous than Robin but she, like Robin are pretty practical, no-nonsense characters.



Well as I mentioned before I see Sam as being a bit of a bad ass, at least with all the qualities, but Robin, despite being Anna and Robert's, just never read that way to me. Her sense of adventure and reactions to potential danger, etc, they just aren't the same. Sam is the one who carries a concealed weapon "just in case", just for example. It isn't a knock against Robin but it's more my preference of character. Robin is very practical and straight forward, true, and Sam can be as well but I just think she's more fun because of her, as you said, "moral ambiguity" and as it has seemingly taken them both down very different paths in their lives I think that's where the differences are apparent.

  • Love 1

I like Sam, although I can't think why? She was Rafe's foster *Mother*, she loved Rafe he saved Danny, .Sam also had to beg, beg, beg Patrick to help Jason. She knows he holds a grudge. He said he wanted Rafe dead, did he say, he also operated and used drugs at the same time. Did he say Rafe was a kid with a rotten miserable bringing up ,on the run no less. Did he care the kid kept saying he was sorry. NO Sam should have told him ,sure he loved his son*maybe*, but she also loved Rafe and she knows now, he didn't have any help. Patrick should lose his medical license ,he thought about killing a patient on the table.HAd to be prodded and told to wake up and be a doctor.  I was a Patrick fan until now ,but this was disgusting to watch. Every time I break down and watch this mess, re-Ron makes me shut it off and say fergetaboutit.

  • Love 6

Now Patrick is as bad as Sonny? Sorry, not seeing it.


Just to clarify since I made the statement, I said I feel about Patrick what most people here feel about Sonny.  I don't even like to see his face on screen. It has nothing to do with being like Sonny, it is how I feel about him. I find Sonny entertaining.  I don't take him seriously, but I don't think he is a good person.  I find Patrick to be a pompous selfish ass. I don't find that entertaining. I do think he's meant to be taken seriously.  It's my preference not anything to do with comparing the two crime wise.

  • Love 3

Well, Patrick sure as hell put his wife's life in danger and kinda whatevs about it when he cheated on her with Lisa the crazy doctor. Remember she also stalked Robin and messed with her meds? Although, I think Sam could/would just cut a bitch like that. I'd like to see Patrick try to cheat on Sam. She'll get drunk, spring your cute bro from prison and have hot tub sex with him.... in your face.

  • Love 1

I'm not seeing the Patrick as Satan stuff either.


The dude is lonely and heartbroken. I think some of the shit coming out of his mouth recently about wanting a divorce is ridiculous, but I blame that on Ron more than Patrick, who has been through hell these last couple years. It's not like he knew Robin was alive and chose all of this. The guy is struggling.

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See, I just interpreted all the Golden Girls nonsense as sucking up to Marc Cherry. Maybe he's angling for a "Devious Maids" gig. Well, that and he probably thinks its 'edgy' to make any reference to gay tropes.


I would be interested to see Silas get all revengey. I never watched PC (I mean Lucy as a vampire fighter, really?) So I have a hard time believing that Easton can do anything but too-cool-for-school low energy.


I don't like the idea of SamTrick. I actually like Patrick being friends with women. He and Liz have great friendship chem, and I never want that to go anywhere. Let Sam and Patrick be friends. She can talk about her relationship with Silas, and Patrick can feel guilty about the Jason secret. It's especially complicated given he was getting married when his presumed dead wife came back to town.

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I'm not seeing the Patrick as Satan stuff either.


The dude is lonely and heartbroken. I think some of the shit coming out of his mouth recently about wanting a divorce is ridiculous, but I blame that on Ron more than Patrick, who has been through hell these last couple years. It's not like he knew Robin was alive and chose all of this. The guy is struggling.


Taking this to the Patrick thread.

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