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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What is this "whole story" that Patrick must tell? He said they didn't work out. Liz is lying because she knows where JASON wanted to be. I'd say Patrick isn't far off in his "story". Sam was the important one when it came to Jason. I don't know why characters around to witness it must speak for Liz's deluded history with Jason.

For one, why didn't Jason and Liz work out? I'd say their issues were beyond Sam, for one thing. And I'd think it's important to realize Liz's problems with Sam stem beyond Jason, as in Sam's history with Lucky and Sam's shady incident with her kid. But, again, just MO. I'm not trying to open this debate again. I just think it's not just Sam's side to tell, if the show is going there.

  • Love 2
OW!  Oh sorry, the anvil that is Dillon's script being about a couple torn apart by infidelity (whoever could the PARALLELS be about, Ron!) landed right on my foot.


I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough at those scenes. We need to come up with a new name for "anvil" when it's this blatant.


"Technically, Dillon's the reason Dante and I slept together."


Tuesday is a bit early in the week to have a rage blackout, but this line is revving things up. No, Valerie, technically you and Dante being terrible people are the reason you and Dante slept together.


Paul's shirt-and-tie game was on point today.


Where is Rocco's crib if it's not at the end of Lulu and Dante's bed? It looked like Dante came out of the bathroom.


Speaking of guh-ross, Nikolas was so skeevy with Rebecca Budig today.


"You were a slut before I tried to kill you, and you'll probably be a slut again." Ugh.

  • Love 9
I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough at those scenes. We need to come up with a new name for "anvil" when it's this blatant.


Didn't we used to say "stanvil"? I forget why it was called stanvil though.


"Technically, Dillon's the reason Dante and I slept together."


That reminds me, was Dillon just talking in general daddy and son metaphors when he said that Paul wasn't there for when he broke his arm in football? Cause I'm pretty sure Dillon never played football.

  • Love 5
And really, Jason talked a good game with Liz. She was good to sex up as long as he could treat her as last in a list of priorities. He used DANGER DANGER as an out, and he took it. I am a fan of neither JaSam or Liason, but the SHOW wrote it as Jason loving Sam with Liz as a pitstop. Maybe not when he asked Liz to go away with him in the early 2000s, but later on? Yeah. He even chose Courtney over her. Liz was the "love the one you're with" woman.

So yeah, I see no revisionist history.


I agree with this 100%. 

  • Love 3

And really, Jason talked a good game with Liz. She was good to sex up as long as he could treat her as last in a list of priorities. He used DANGER DANGER as an out, and he took it. I am a fan of neither JaSam or Liason, but the SHOW wrote it as Jason loving Sam with Liz as a pitstop. Maybe not when he asked Liz to go away with him in the early 2000s, but later on? Yeah. He even chose Courtney over her. Liz was the "love the one you're with" woman.

So yeah, I see no revisionist history.

Of course the show eventually wrote it as Jason loves Sam and married her. It doesn't mean the viewer forgets what happened in between. Jason and Liz were in love. That happened. It is what it is. But I'll shut up now, I swear. ;) I really didn't mean for this convo to happen. I mostly just think Patrick is a dumbass and I'm sick of watching him speak on Sam's behalf like he's a spokesperson.

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Both Jason and Liz told each other they were in love with each other, and they were even engaged for a hot minute.  And then they broke up only because of danger and protecting Liz/ her children.  That's what the characters said, and the show presented, at least in 2008.  I don't think its revisionist for Liz to feel like she lost her shot with Jason and that he wanted to be with her over any other woman, at least at that time.  The show also showed Jason pining for Liz throughout 2007 after getting back with Sam.  Now that doesn't mean Jason didn't love Sam or even that he didn't love Sam more.  He definitely fell back in love with her through 2009 and was in love with her until "died."  Liz is delusional if she thinks Jason died wanting a family with Liz, but not Sam.  However, I don't think its delusional for Liz to believe that Jason did want a family and a life with Liz at some point in time (even if it was like 7 years ago, sweet jasus). But whatever because none of that means Liz hasn't lost her damn brain.  This story aggravates me...

  • Love 9

Didn't we used to say "stanvil"? I forget why it was called stanvil though.


I vaguely remember "stanvil" being used for awhile, I don't know the actual why, but I think it had something to do with Epiphany's son Stan and his way obvious about-to-die death, although none of the details remained in my head I think it might have been a car accident or something non-mob related even though he was working for Sonny at the time.   

  • Love 3

Tuesday is a bit early in the week to have a rage blackout, but this line is revving things up. No, Valerie, technically you and Dante being terrible people are the reason you and Dante slept together.


Technically, I'm not so sure about your reasoning here.  I'm not trying to mitigate Dante and Valerie's guilt - not at all.  However, if Dillon and Lulu hadn't run off - and if Dante had made such a hasty rush to judge Lulu's and Dillon's actions, then, technically, the seriously-mistaken actions on July 4 would not have happened. 


This isn't about laying blame on anyone - just noting that I think Valerie's choice of words was actually rather accurate.  Dillon being absent from Port Charles with Lulu did begin a chain reaction that led to serious consequences, the worst of which have yet to unfold. 


Even the way she said this was in an off-hand way - as a segue to the conversation that was much more about the positives of her trying to move on and make new friendships. 

  • Love 1
I forget why it was called stanvil though.


Stanvil is when a rarely or never seen character suddenly becomes front and center, then dies. Pip's son, Stan, was often mentioned but never seen except for the two weeks leading up to his death.


Technically, I'm not so sure about your reasoning here.  I'm not trying to mitigate Dante and Valerie's guilt - not at all.  However, if Dillon and Lulu hadn't run off - and if Dante had made such a hasty rush to judge Lulu's and Dillon's actions, then, technically, the seriously-mistaken actions on July 4 would not have happened.


Either one of them could have put the brakes on and not gone through with it. The blame is all on Dante and Valerie, not Dillon and Lulu.

  • Love 3

I believe Jason loved Liz but I don't think he really wanted a life with her or he would've made it happen. But yeah, Patrick isn't really the right person to relay that history


I agree with that.  But I don't think it's delusional for Liz to think that Jason would have wanted a life with her at that point in time without the danger and all that nonsense because he talked the talk even if he didn't walk the walk. 

Edited by tallyrand
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How long will it be before Jordan winds up in Sonny's bed? She had no qualms about sleeping with his hitman.


I don't think Jordan will sleep with him. I do think she will either end up seeing the light, get TJ killed somehow because she didn't trust Sonny, or get herself killed because she didn't trust Sonny. All options that suck.

  • Love 2
Either one of them could have put the brakes on and not gone through with it. The blame is all on Dante and Valerie, not Dillon and Lulu.



Sigh!  I was afraid you wouldn't get my point - which still stands.  Note I said that my comment was NOT about laying blame. I also said that my post was NOT meant to lessen Dante and Valerie's guilt.  I simply tried to point out that had Dillon not left town with Lulu, the July 4th mistakes would not have happened.


Putting in another way, I ask the question:


"Would the Dante and Valerie's private 4th of July fireworks have happened IF Lulu and DILLON had not left Port Charles?"


So, "technically" speaking, Valerie is right in that their absence created the environment in which Dante and Valerie fucked up literally and figuratively.


Semantics, yes.  But  Valerie gets blamed for breathing and, in this specific case today, I think she chose her words appropriately.  

  • Love 5

I KNOW. Oh, Silas, why did you have to be the first to die when there are so many more worthy candidates?

I feel bad for the little guy. Poor sleepy, probably clinically depressed because he lives in the Port Charles hell dimension and has Kiki for a kid and two insane exes Silas. :(((((

I mean, I don't really care too much. At this point my very, very favorite characters have been ruined and I'm on the Barge. So I'm kind of like the guy at the poker game who had to fold hours ago and is just sticking around, drinking and laughing bitterly every now and then.

But if I was still actually invested, I would be pissed. Nina or Franco should have been the ones to get murdered.

  • Love 1

So, "technically" speaking, Valerie is right in that their absence created the environment in which Dante and Valerie fucked up literally and figuratively. 


I think where dubbel zout is coming from - and she can correct me if I'm wrong - is not that Valerie is not right per se, but more the writers always pull this "well if x hadn't done this y would not have had sex" and it's a cliche at this point, because when it comes down to it, what would have really prevented y and z from having sex is if y and z had some self-control. And I actually agree with Valerie that they wouldn't've had sex if Dillon hadn't gone with Lulu, but she can't say that with any certainty, and neither can I, even though that's what I think. If Lulu and Dillon hadn't gone away, maybe Dante and Valerie would have constructed some other scenario in which they told themselves it was okay to have sex in the moment. So technically blaming Dillon, especially when he barely knew of Valerie's existence at the time (and Dante's for that matter), is a little much. 


But like you said, it was just a segueway anyway, so I have officially given it more than the writer did, probably.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Sam talking about Danny liking to "take risks" like his father... ah, Sam, Jason took lives! For a living. For years.


As much as I hate this Jason story, I do have to give props to BH, she's continuing to sell Liz on the verge of a breakdown. It doesn't excuse her actions, and I don't even know if that's what TPTB want, but I like she's doing it.

  • Love 8

I guess they're so cheap they're gonna say Dante and Lulu have another room beyond the door. There's probably an entrance to Narnia too.

I'm going to spend the last few weeks of Ron's scripts picturing all the magical things that lie beyond that door.

It's probably the entrance to "offscreen" where all the best parts of the show take place

  • Love 6

That reminds me, was Dillon just talking in general daddy and son metaphors when he said that Paul wasn't there for when he broke his arm in football? Cause I'm pretty sure Dillon never played football.


I loled so hard at this. As if anyone would buy that Dillon played football. But I can buy that Dollar Store Dillon did. Sigh.


The only scenes I watched were the Dillon/Paul ones. Dillon's lips are weird as hell. I never noticed it before but now it is all I can see.


Looks like I can skip tomorrow entirely.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
How long will it be before Jordan winds up in Sonny's bed? She had no qualms about sleeping with his hitman.


At least they'd had a prior relationship, so it wasn't the lure of working for Sonny that drew them together.


I simply tried to point out that had Dillon not left town with Lulu, the July 4th mistakes would not have happened.


I understood your point; I disagree with it. Dante was upset before Dillon and Lulu left town, so who's to say they needed to go for Dante to stray?


ulkis put the right words in my mouth:


I think where dubbel zout is coming from - and she can correct me if I'm wrong - is not that Valerie is not right per se, but more the writers always pull this "well if x hadn't done this y would not have had sex" and it's a cliche at this point, because when it comes down to it, what would have really prevented y and z from having sex is if y and z had some self-control.


 Why couldn't Valerie just have said, "It never should have happened" and leave it at that? 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

Was I supposed to feel sorry for Liz?  Because I don't.  She brought this all on herself,  and the sooner she gets her selfish ass handed to her, the better.    Newsflash, just because Sam tells you to go for it, does not mean it's a damn sign.  It means she doesn't have the same information you have because you are a pathetic whiny desperate little LIAR.  And again....Jason DID NOT come back to you.  JAKE did.  If it was JASON he would have gone back to his WIFE.  The woman he actually married.  I just can't deal with her delusions anymore.  And I can't stand it when BH rolls out the whine.  It literally hurts my eardrums.  And her tears and "guilt" don't mean a damn thing...it's all empty gestures since she is still keeping her damn mouth shut.


I didn't see anything wrong with what Patrick said today, although it's silly that was a spoiler.  I was expecting a full history, not just a quick, pretty generic summary.  It's not like he aired anyone's dirty laundry, he just stated a simple fact.  Which I am sure he knows because Liz is his best friend and Sam is his girlfriend.  I am sure he has been filled in offscreen on certain things.

  • Love 9

Previews...oh that evil Jordan, how dare she try and take Sonny and Carly's adopted minority son away! #eyeroll

I am really confused as to what, if any, statement Ron was trying to make about race. Part of me wonders if Ron even had the capacity to realize he was writing three of the four black wimmins in town as "villains", with the fourth rarely seen and given no story or point of view at all. And then part of me wonders if it's just more of his blatant anti-female agenda. Every women on canvas, except maybe Felicia, Monica, and Pip have been written horribly and those three have only "escaped" because they have no story and no point of view.

I honestly don't know; maybe Ron hates black women at large, and maybe he just sucks as a writer?

  • Love 3

I am really confused as to what, if any, statement Ron was trying to make about race. Part of me wonders if Ron even had the capacity to realize he was writing three of the four black wimmins in town as "villains", 


I don't think they're presenting Valerie as the villain. In fact, they're going overboard to show she's not, imo. The problem is, she could be going to church and wearing a hair shirt and whipping herself, and probably a good damn portion of the audience is still going to hate her, because she slept with who had been one of the show's best husbands within four months of her arrival. Is that fair? No, but that's human nature. 

Considering all the falls she's had before, you'd think Liz would be wondering if God is setting her up for a reeeaaalllllly big one.


Crazy eyes doesn't have time for that!

  • Love 3

Speaking of NotDeadJake, where is the lil White Queen minion plot point? Spending time around a gaggle of strangers instead of curled up on the couch with his mom and brothers, trying to re-bond? Liez wants Jakeson's peen more than her kids. Otherwise she would end this foolishness, take a leave of absence from work, and take care of her children. And seek professional help. And maybe some pharmaceuticals to even out that thirst. Literally take a pill and chill, damn girl.

RC is a trollish little hack that FC let run wild over the bridge and until his unimaginative and insulting writing is off the screen and he's back under it, I'm out.

But I can't stay away from this board. Why can't I quit you??

Edited by Badsamaritan
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