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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Two weeks ago the show ended on Nina and Franco. I haven't watched last week at all. I watch everyday but I'm debating not watching it at all, to be honest. I may be hitting my upper limit of bullshit with the show, and I haven't done that with a soap I regularly view since the Ford scourge on OLTL. I'll try to catch up fast, but I'm not terribly motivated with these stories. I'm only doing it for Laura at the moment.

  • Love 9

Two weeks ago the show ended on Nina and Franco. I haven't watched last week at all. I watch everyday but I'm debating not watching it at all, to be honest. I may be hitting my upper limit of bullshit with the show, and I haven't done that with a soap I regularly view since the Ford scourge on OLTL. I'll try to catch up fast, but I'm not terribly motivated with these stories. I'm only doing it for Laura at the moment.


jsbt, I'm with you. And even though Genie is gone (for now), and we're agreed the story is shit, Laura's last scenes were good. I don't know if it's my bias, but Laura was giving Liz some serious shade as she "explained" to Nik how Liz convinced her to stay quiet.

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Having finally watched last week's episodes: next to Maura West in that black dress and Nik's Helena moment (I can't help thinking that the way he explained to Liz about trying to whack Hayden came off as just White Queen-ish enough to be deliberate, if with a generous assist from a bug-eyed BH), it was all about Big Dead Silas.  Or rather the swerve-counterswerve-counter-counterswerve regarding his poor dead ass; Nina pulled out the knife, Franco wiped it off and got his prints on it, and Ava apparently saw Nina with the body?  I'm assuming, by TFGH standards, that this should eliminate all three of them from the suspect pool...which leaves, what, just Morgan?  (Although, even as the red-headed Corinthos child, I'm not even sure they could use

that rumored bipolar condition of his

to explain that away.  Could they?)


By loose extension: Franco jumping to the conclusion that Ava took Silas out I can at least accept, but since when are Franco and Dr. O friends?  Or was his calling her to act as his confidant just the usual Mostly Reformed Villains Amalgamated Local 245 thing?


The mob summit?  "Don of the Northern Seafront"?  And twirl, and blam?  Whomever it was who said it was the guy playing the mediator for the thing who kind of made it work, you were right.  About the only other person there who wasn't eating the scenery was Ms. Wu (who probably will somehow end up connected to Brad, God help us).


As for Kiki flipping out over her father's death...I'm not going to gig Hayley Erin much on her work in these episodes.  It was screechy, true, but at least it was appropriate (and, while I don't hate Michelle Stafford, her repeat-nearly-everything schtick was kind of in overdrive for these episodes; that and RoHo's wall of smug kind of trumped the hell out of anything Hayley could have done here).

  • Love 3

There was a way to make Dr O bad, but in a more subtle, less cartoon-y way. If Robin hadn't been tortured, if Dr O had felt remorse and helped her in some way, if she'd tried to redeem herself in that situation at all. Or even if she had PRETENDED to turn on Faison or to have been forced into it to save her own hide ... and only the audience knew she only turned "good" to save herself ... any of these might have worked.

The problem is she's guilty as sin and all the characters know it, she was fine doing MANY absolutely sadistic and evil (not merely illegal or shady) things, her motives were selfish and pathetic (helping a psycho she wanted to love her and being jealous of Anna - and later trying to kill Liz and Brad to protect her pathetic liar of a daughter).

But the show wanted it both ways -- she's completely diabolical! no, she's FUN! And, look, she's being nice-ish, now, with no explanation, but hey, we just want to keep the actress, so deal with it!

Completely ignoring the fact that they could have not written her into a corner to begin with ...

They did this with Ava and Nina and Sonny, too -- they didn't have to push the characters to extremes, but they did, and now we are supposed to just shrug and accept it.

"I can write anyone out of any corner at anytime!"


~Ron (gone but not forgotten)

  • Love 4

Two weeks ago the show ended on Nina and Franco. I haven't watched last week at all. I watch everyday but I'm debating not watching it at all, to be honest. I may be hitting my upper limit of bullshit with the show, and I haven't done that with a soap I regularly view since the Ford scourge on OLTL. I'll try to catch up fast, but I'm not terribly motivated with these stories. I'm only doing it for Laura at the moment.

This is the kind of feedback that the new head writers need to see.  I don't think they realize just how uninteresting the show currently its and just how unpalatable some of the characters are.  So far, the tweaks I'm hearing about are minor and cosmetic.  The show is hemorrhaging, and so far it sounds like the only thing they plan to do is take off the kiddie Batman-themed band aid and putting on an old-fashioned plain one. Oh, and maybe stomp on our toe (re-focus on Sonny and the mob) so that the other pain doesn't feel so bad.


For instance, here's what I've gotten out of the recent interviewers and recaps of the fan club weekend:


- The show is going to re-center around Sonny and the Mob again

- They are going to have longer scenes and focus more on relationships and maybe even romance (I'll believe it when I see it)


Nikolas and Elizabeth will pay for their crimes to one degree or another

- Frank still has blinders on about Franco and Nina

  • Love 4

Well, I tried to watch Friday's show on YouTube. Really I did. Except there wasn't a damn thing that held my interest and I started falling asleep while watching. So I finally just turned it off and went to bed. Seriously, not even Nikolas menacing Hayden could keep me awake, although I did kind of like him asking Elizabeth 'isn't that what you wanted?' when she pushed him about trying to kill Hayden.

By loose extension: Franco jumping to the conclusion that Ava took Silas out I can at least accept, but since when are Franco and Dr. O friends?  Or was his calling her to act as his confidant just the usual Mostly Reformed Villains Amalgamated Local 245 thing?



She's a Franco fangirl (supposedly of his art, but I suspect his serial killing clicks her trigger more than his art).  At this point, it seems that O, Kiki, Nina, and Scott are the only people in town who can stand the sight of him (well, not Kiki anymore, since she thinks he killed her bankroll). 

  • Love 2

Aside from his gleefully tweeting about their terrible storyline, what do we know about this?


Apparently there was some tidbit about Frank reassuring Kin Shriner that he'd still be around because he's involved with Franco. If that's true that he said that, that could just be the old Frank-and-bait though, I suppose.

Edited by ulkis

I will LOL if this is what makes finally Lauren get a job. Though Denise will probably step in because she feels guilty/sorry, and Lauren will live to mooch another day.


Oh, I assume Kiki will inherit Silas' estate and apartment, she'll never have to get a job.  "I can't possible work, I'm too weak with grief, my SERIAL KILLER best friend killed my daddy!".

  • Love 6

I forgot all about Silas's estate. LOL on me. Watch, she'll be a millionaire or something. Now Morgan has a reason to be torn. Stick with the beautician he can't stop boinking, or try to make it work with the rich girl he's iffy about?


(You know that Sonny is keeping Morgan on a tight money leash.)

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Two weeks ago the show ended on Nina and Franco. I haven't watched last week at all. I watch everyday but I'm debating not watching it at all, to be honest. I may be hitting my upper limit of bullshit with the show, and I haven't done that with a soap I regularly view since the Ford scourge on OLTL. I'll try to catch up fast, but I'm not terribly motivated with these stories. I'm only doing it for Laura at the moment.

It's gotten to the point where I don't even search the GH hashtag during the show's airing anymore. I used to keep up with what's going on the show even if I didn't watch.  Now I care what happens to anyone who's currently the focus of the show. 


It still would be a great time for Patrick, Dante and Emma to be on vacation and for a meteor to land on Port Charles.  C'mon, what's a Legion of Doom for if they can't pull off something like that!

  • Love 4

It was somewhat similar with various extended stretches in the last year on OLTL, as well - there were good times, but there was also endless stalls, some really bad B and C-plots (high school football jock Nate is 'forced' to do a porno! Starr fights with Austin Peck over her music career!), and the endless Tess/Ford capers. I had to binge those just to get through them and it was mostly a fog. I haven't had an experience like that since, until now.


There have been dreadful periods on this show since 2012, but there's almost always been one major or at least prominent story I can enjoy - they've never seemed to frontload absolutely everything that's wretched until now. Now it's frontburner Franco, frontburner Nina, lots of Donna Mills, Ric, crazy Liz, pointless Rebecca Budig, Denise, Morgan - I just can't. Like I said a few weeks back, the show has begun to feel utterly alienated from itself.

  • Love 5

Oh Scotty, anti-swoon!  I got so much second-hand embarrassment watching him try to throw his weight around for his SERIAL KILLER son today.  You may have stolen the election from Felicia, Mayor Lomax, but you stole my heart today reminding Scotty that Franco is a SERIAL KILLER who people want punished.


Kiki is too fucking stupid to live.  "Franco did horrible, despicable things to lots of people, but he was nice and gentle with me so I didn't care.  And now he's killed my father, but I STILL want him to give him the benefit of the doubt." 


I dunno how much more of "Generally Franco Is The Awesomest" I can take.

  • Love 6

I got as far as:

Elizabeth telling Jakeson she's "sorry" that nothing positive has come out of him talking to Hayden UGH

Scott telling a colleague that NotTodd!Franco is "brilliant" UGH

Sam suggesting to Kiki possibly Franco was jealous that Silas turned out to be her father UGH


Had to turn it off. Mob crap is bad enough; I hate the show being focused on characters/actors who are forced on the GH audience because they had roles on other soaps (or are recasts of them, in HE's case).

  • Love 2

Oh my God, Jason asking Liz to marry him is so fucking stupid. 


The look on Sam's face when she told Kiki that she (Sam) would be around all the time to help Kiki and she would get sick of her face was hilarious. It was like she was thinking, "take one for the team." Or at least, that's the way I interpreted it, and it's more fun that way dammit.


Sam: you shouldn't have to be the one to do everything


Sam, Kiki isn't doing *anything*!!!


Morgan: Franco got arrested. Remember him? The guy you almost married even though he almost ruined all of our lives.


You're a douche, Morgan, but that was a good zinger. 


Lomax: Are you willing to ruin your whole career for a son you barely know?


Thank you, Lomax!!! YOU DON'T KNOW HIM SCOTTY.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 11

There have been dreadful periods on this show since 2012, but there's almost always been one major or at least prominent story I can enjoy - they've never seemed to frontload absolutely everything that's wretched until now. Now it's frontburner Franco, frontburner Nina, lots of Donna Mills, Ric, crazy Liz, pointless Rebecca Budig, Denise, Morgan - I just can't. Like I said a few weeks back, the show has begun to feel utterly alienated from itself.


Yeah. I feel bad Dante and Lulu finally got a story (whatever I may feel about it) and it's shoved in among all this bullshit.

  • Love 3

Yeah. I feel bad Dante and Lulu finally got a story (whatever I may feel about it) and it's shoved in among all this bullshit.


That's a terrible story, though, so I lump it in with the rest. It's incredibly dumb and forced, they both come off deeply stupid, and it features a very whiny Valerie and Vanilla Paste Dillon, who only works with his family and even then it's a crap shoot.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I have a feeling both Lomax and Felicia will disappear though. Some more. 


My assumption for both writing teams, past and present, is that they would/will blow it off by saying "eh, Felicia's over it, get someone else". Which is so fucking stupid.


I have never liked Lomax and I have no idea why she is still on the show other than to serve as a crude plot device while they refuse to hire other black people on contract.

  • Love 4

ulkis - I assume it (proposal) is just to amp up the drama for when the secret implodes, i.e. GV's Lucky proposing to Liz right after she first had sex with Nikolas; Lucky marrying Siobhan, the woman he barely knew; Purina getting engaged and then inexplicably in a rush to have the wedding (just so Robin could interrupt it).So very predictable. 

  • Love 1

Honestly lomax is an idiot or maybe RC is an idiot no way in heck could scotty prosecute Franco anyways its called an conflict of interest.For someone who went to law school RC should be able to keep up with these simple things.


But that goes both way.  Scotty was trying to force Jordan to let Franco go, even though he clearly has a conflict of interest.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

Apparently there was some tidbit about Frank reassuring Kin Shriner that he'd still be around because he's involved with Franco. If that's true that he said that, that could just be the old Frank-and-bait though, I suppose.


Even if that's true he said that, he also told Scott Clifton his character was going to stick around on OLTL, then he was fired two weeks later in The Purge. Regardless, yikes, a vet like Kin, and I'm not even really a Scotty fan (I don't dislike him, though), should not have to hear "we'll keep you around for Franco." I'd take it as a sign to hit the road ASAP, personally.


I tuned out half way through this episode to go post on the Ray Donovan board. Jason proposed?! As lame as the Stereotype Mafia was and the twirl, at least that's snarkable. This episode and Friday's were just duds. Although, good for the Mayor calling Franco a seriel killer and animal. Of course that's just further proof in the eyes of the show how evil she is, I guess.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

That's a terrible story, though, so I lump it in with the rest. It's incredibly dumb and forced, they both come off deeply stupid, and it features a very whiny Valerie and Vanilla Paste Dillon, who only works with his family and even then it's a crap shoot.

True, but even with all that it's a notch above all the rest of it. I'm interested in Tracy and Paul too but unsurprisingly they have disappeared now with Luke gone.

ulkis - I assume it (proposal) is just to amp up the drama for when the secret implodes, i.e. GV's Lucky proposing to Liz right after she first had sex with Nikolas; Lucky marrying Siobhan, the woman he barely knew; Purina getting engaged and then inexplicably in a rush to have the wedding (just so Robin could interrupt it).So very predictable.

Of course. But it's ridiculous and doesn't add any tension.

  • Love 1

Isn't it sweet that Sonny wants to cover it up if Morgan killed Silas?  It really worked when he did the same thing for Michael.

I'm surprised Morgan didn't reply with "No thanks, I don't want to be raped in prison. Deuces!"

Does Liz really want her name to be Liz Doe?  Or Liz Webber-Doe?

Liz is crazypants now, I'm sure she's already embroidering all her shit with LM, while cackling that she'll finally be Mrs. Morgan. Too bad she'll have to rip out the stitching so no one knows she knows Jake is Jason. Ooh, maybe that's what will trip her up, someone will find her work and (after the truth comes out) realize she knew for months.

  • Love 4

Liz is crazypants now, I'm sure she's already embroidering all her shit with LM, while cackling that she'll finally be Mrs. Morgan. Too bad she'll have to rip out the stitching so no one knows she knows Jake is Jason. Ooh, maybe that's what will trip her up, someone will find her work and (after the truth comes out) realize she knew for months.


Nothing could be stupider than what the show came up with to expose Britt, her randomly writing a letter about how guilty she felt and NOT ensuring it was burned or shredded.

  • Love 4

Are they SERIOUS with Jake proposing?! Patrick should propose to Sam next. Then we can have the double wedding of the century with the most useless couples!

Patrick proposing has nothing on Jakeson proposing, and Patrick proposing would be pretty dumb. Jason is an amnesiac who has known Liz for less than a year and probably can barely support himself financially, let alone Liz and her three kids.

The contrivance burns. It buuuuurns!

  • Love 5

Nothing could be stupider than what the show came up with to expose Britt, her randomly writing a letter about how guilty she felt and NOT ensuring it was burned or shredded.


Having Olivia randomly decide to confide in RAPIST SERIAL KILLER FRANCO (friend of WE NEVER (-2) CARED) that she was pregnant with Julian Jerome's baby just to have him turn around and blackmail her ranks right up there.


Though, granted, Ava deciding  to confide in RAPIST SERIAL KILLER FRANCO (friend of WE NEVER (-2) CARED) that she is actually not her separated at birth identical twin sister in a bad wig and no fingerprints and then having Franco turn on her and blackmail her is a distant runner up. 


They all pale in comparison to Kiki's name, which was the stupidest thing on this show until ....


Denise's wig showed up.  


I was at a fair on Sunday and saw a booth with a bunch of cheap wigs.  Sadly, no one understood me when I said, "Oh, I bet this is where Ava Jerome shops!"



The contrivance burns. It buuuuurns!


Ok, serious question.  Does anyone know if they have vendors at the Fan Club Weekend.  Because I have the business model. I have the ideas. I have the capital.  It's time to make this t-shirt business a reality.


Because, that? Is the shirt I'm wearing while hawking the rest.

Edited by Francie
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