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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I forgot to mention this earlier, but it cracked me up when Carly said how together Sam was about Jake returning

Well, how the hell is anyone supposed to be surprised when someone comes back from the dead on this show?


Once everyone processes Jake's return, is someone going to do the math abou ELQ shares? I believe he's got some in play. Which means Liz controls them, and when she sides with Nic to keep the Jakeson secret-- he  (Jakeson) will go ballistic and want to know why. 


I thought Michael might start connecting the dots when he was talking to Luke yesterday, but alas.

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Sam said that in the context of raising Danny without his dad there; that Elizabeth now gets to raise Jason's son without him around


Right, that was the context. Thanks, Bringonthedrama. The talk about grieving made it sound as if Carly had been doing it longer. As usual, it was a badly written exchange. (Though of course Carly's pain will always trump everyone but Sonny's.)


In other random news, is Tracy not going to go see Brook Lynn anymore?


Not unless she goes to L.A., which apparently is where BL is now. I don't blame her for hightailing it out of Bensonhurst and escaping the Olivia mess.

Edited by dubbel zout

Alan left Jason's children assets that were stolen by Tracy and Luke, which included stocks and money, so that would go to Jake since he was alive at the time.


Jake was giving Luke the "Stone Cold" glare after hitting him with his toy truck.

Carly was about to dry hump Jake's leg which is why Liz quickly told her that Lucky was the boys father.  However, Laura acknowledged that Jason was Jake's biological father.

Not unless she goes to L.A., which apparently is where BL is now. I don't blame her for hightailing it out of Bensonhurst and escaping the Olivia mess.


What I mean is, Tracy ran into Paul at the airport because she was on her way to see Brook Lynn in LA and find out what went down with her ELQ shares.  Does Tracy really not care about that anymore?


In other random news, is Tracy not going to go see Brook Lynn anymore?


Yes, good question!  Even if she's going to distance herself from ELQ, while she reconciles her darkness (It's the latest fad in PC.), as a loving grandmother, Tracy might want to concern herself with whatever is going on in Brook Lynn's life that gave a blackmailer leverage.

Edited by Fellaway
Yes, good question!  Even if she's going to distance herself from ELQ, while she reconciles her darkness (It's the latest fad in PC.), as a loving grandmother, Tracy might want to concern herself with whatever is going on in Brook Lynn's life that gave a blackmailer leverage.


Tracy hasn't mentioned Brook Lynn since she bumped into Paul at the airport. But a lot has happened since then.


Is Jane due for a vacation soon? That would be a decent way to write her out.


Tracy hasn't mentioned Brook Lynn since she bumped into Paul at the airport. But a lot has happened since then.


Is Jane due for a vacation soon? That would be a decent way to write her out.


I don't think so?


Oh God, TG is playing Tim again and it is embarrassing. The music sounds exactly like the stuff that played when Mario went into Koopa's castle. :facepalm:

Edited by ulkis
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Right, that was the context. Thanks, Bringonthedrama. The talk about grieving made it sound as if Carly had been doing it longer. As usual, it was a badly written exchange. 


No problem, and agreed. Just like Laura saying Lucky has two sons to raise (not three). Whether she was talking about Cam and Jake or Cam and Aiden, it is still terrible writing since Lucky has made it clear he considers Jake to be his son, all the fuss years ago about baby Aiden being his child, and Lucky telling Cam around that same time he's the first born/that Lucky learned to be a dad from him. 

Jake was giving Luke the "Stone Cold" glare after hitting him with his toy truck.

Carly was about to dry hump Jake's leg which is why Liz quickly told her that Lucky was the boys father.  

Thanks, I LOVE that Jake was glaring at the man who ran him over (even if he doesn't remember that). I saw that he hit Luke with his toy, but I missed this look.


Such an accurate assessment of Carly's reaction. 

Alan left Jason's children assets that were stolen by Tracy and Luke, which included stocks and money, so that would go to Jake since he was alive at the time

Not unless Alan specifically named Jake in his will. Jake is not legally Jason's son so he's not in line to inherit from Jason or Jason's family (including shares of ELQ) unless he is specifically named in the will. He would be entitled to anything willed to the children of Liz or Lucky

On the plus side, the edditing was very tight and the jumps added to the drama.


Honestly, I have had eough of Lulu's faces and Maxie's smug. I want a reshuffle of couples. Val and Dante at work isn't the worst thing ever, and at least the actress can act.



Bobbie looks darn good for her age. What year did she go from whoring to nursing?


The ghostlie characters were certainly getting their mileage today it seemed.


Of course Dante realizes that he has pulled a Sonny with attempting to rationalize his cheating, and then turns right around and rationalizes, again very Sonny like, keeping his cheating a secret because it would wreck his kid's life.


I can't help but think that it'd be nice if Dante and Lulu would realize that they need to go to couples' counseling and then real!Kevin can have something to do. 


At least we were spared dead eyed littleJake today. I really wonder about that kid sometimes.


Michael and Sabrina may just be the most beige and boring couple I've ever seen on a soap, at least in a good decade or so. And what is with Michael's hair. I feel as if it is attempting to transition somehow but it's in bad form right now.

Edited by CPP83
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Is this show seriously trying to get people to feel sorry for Valerie? Seriously? By having her fuck someone's husband? Interesting route to take there.

Michael and Sabrina ooze nothingness. Yet it cracks me up that Sparkle Pony has more screentime with vet characters than Jason Thompson. Damn, he lost that battle.

I hate Luke Spencer. Nothing this show does will make him a loveable hero. Nothing.

So, Brad proposed PUBLICLY with his horrible fucking singing but now he's married? Oh, show. Did you already forget about that?

  • Love 5

Not only is Brad being married, as we all guessed, so stupid, but draaaging it out by having Lucas get called away right when he pressed Brad about who he was married to was BEYOND DUMB.



I am trying so very hard to ignore what Ron is doing to these two but it's hard...it's so bloody hard.


There were so many other options they could have gone with, good options too! Ron, you are a pompous little prick.


I did think it was nice to see Ryan and Parry trying to make something of their scenes. Though I am not sure if that doesn't make it worse because, imo, they can act and seeing them forced to try and drag themselves through this shitty minefield of nonsense is... *sighss* This has not been a good week for me.


TG's last scenes before he disappears should be with Jackie Z/little sister Bobbie - the siblings only - so of course that won't be the case. I thought he would have at least a brief scene with Carly, to say one last time sarcastically "Sweet Caroline" and "don't break your mother's heart any time in the future with the crap you pull. She's been through enough hell for one lifetime, and some of that was your doing."

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 7

Honestly, I have had eough of Lulu's faces and Maxie's smug. I want a reshuffle of couples. Val and Dante at work isn't the worst thing ever, and at least the actress can act.


I don't mind Dante and Lulu with other people theoretically, depending on how it's done, but the way Valerie and Dante have happened have totally ruined that pairing for me. Maybe if they had first slept ANYWHERE but Lulu's friggin' bed. Like, anywhere. Even the floor. I probably still would not have been on board, but that pretty much did it in for me. Plus I'm not fond of the wife's cousin angle.


Valerie looking at her mom's picture was nice but young Pat hugging her was a touch over the cheese line for me. Shoulda been older Pat if they had to do that.


Between Dante skipping rope and TG's performance as Tim, I almost fainted from cheesiness in the very first segment. Obviously I have a thing with cheesiness.


Maxie: Dante is the opposite of me. He does not arrive straight to the worse case scenarios




Maxie: okay the writers know it was totally not a conclusion Dante would jump right to, but hey just go with ti please! we're having characters acknowledge that it was out of character, what more do you people want?!


Brad/Lucas and Sabrina/Michael were decent scenes.


Oh, back to Nina/Franco/Kiki/Madeline/Hell Hospital tomorrow.

Edited by ulkis
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So much fucking Luke. UGH. So sick of TG screaming his lines.


I did however like seeing the actress playing young!Patricia again. This show can find and cast talent when they try, they just would rather stick with cardboard long-term.


Dante is a dumbass for telling Nathan he cheated. You just know he's going to "accidentally" let it slip to that vapid, shrill harpy, Maxie.


Brad has no leg to stand on. Retroactively this story makes no sense. Why hasn't he divorced this person yet? Especially if he never sees them anyway. He's been married for at least 2 years assuming he was married when he first joined the show.

  • Love 3

Is this show seriously trying to get people to feel sorry for Valerie? Seriously? By having her fuck someone's husband? Interesting route to take there.


She was holding a picture of her dead mom! HAVE YOU NO HEART, HEATLIFER?


Also, no, Nathan and Valerie. If Dante cheated, then he obviously is he not only the NOT the furthest thing from a cheating husband, he actually IS one. His wee self has a whole lot of cheating husband crammed into it!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

So much fucking Luke. UGH. So sick of TG screaming his lines.


I did however like seeing the actress playing young!Patricia again. This show can find and cast talent when they try, they just would rather stick with cardboard long-term.


Dante is a dumbass for telling Nathan he cheated. You just know he's going to "accidentally" let it slip to that vapid, shrill harpy, Maxie.


Valerie's gonna get there first before Nathan oils his joints back into movement. She might not tell everyone about the sex but she obviously wants people to know the feelings between her and Dante were somewhat mutual.


Tim: rrrrrrrrrrrrrr Luke! you're rrrr and misssrrrr and rrurrruh!!!


me: what was that. Oh, that Luke is old and miserable and alone?? Yes, that's perfectly correct!! Tim has wizened up so much since Luke killed him.

Edited by ulkis
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Dr. Cox is too good to ever step foot in this dump.


I'm not at all lying when I state I was going to type words to this exact effect, but you saved me time. Perry Cox is smarter than all of GH's staff combined - which isn't hard as there's like, what, two or three folks who actually work there now?


Although Chris Meloni's guest turn as the pediatrician who outsnarked Cox was also worth its weight in gold, too.

  • Love 1
Although Chris Meloni's guest turn as the pediatrician who outsnarked Cox was also worth its weight in gold, too.


I realize this is a GH site, but I have to admit -- this is only one of two things I've read in ages here that's made me think 'Oh, I need to check that out!'* Is Scrubs on hulu, netflix, or amazon prime?


*The other was JE's and TG's goodbye scene. I'm sad to say, I was underwhelmed.

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I didn't need TODAY to make me feel sorry for Valerie, I've felt sorry for her ever since she found out she was related to Lulu (the cousin who treated her like shit because she had a NERVE to have a vendetta for five minutes against her abuser) and Luke (her abuser). There was some type of reprieve with Bobbie today...all is not lost. 

  • Love 7


Brad has no leg to stand on. Retroactively this story makes no sense. Why hasn't he divorced this person yet? Especially if he never sees them anyway. He's been married for at least 2 years assuming he was married when he first joined the show.

Not to mention he was a sleazy horndog. Didn't he try to blackmail Michael into sleeping with him? I forget what he had on Michael (or some other Q maybe).


The Luke "All is Forgiven" tour is rage inducing. Everything he ever did was because he was in pain?!?! Pimping out his sister, raping Laura, years as a criminal, but he was the real victim. Bullsh#t.

  • Love 13

Not to mention he was a sleazy horndog. Didn't he try to blackmail Michael into sleeping with him? I forget what he had on Michael (or some other Q maybe).



Yes. He caught Michael and Lauren kissing--when they thought they were related. Ewww.  And then Felix asked him to let Brad kiss him, for Sabrina related reasons.

  • Love 1

I just thought of a way I could get behind a Valerie/Dante pairing - if she encouraged him to hate Sonny forever and punch him in the face every time they passed. Then I'd vote in polls for them! I have priorities. 



Not to mention he was a sleazy horndog. Didn't he try to blackmail Michael into sleeping with him? I forget what he had on Michael (or some other Q maybe).


The Luke "All is Forgiven" tour is rage inducing. Everything he ever did was because he was in pain?!?! Pimping out his sister, raping Laura, years as a criminal, but he was the real victim. Bullsh#t.


I couldn't watch. It's one thing for Laura Wright to play his mom in a flashback, but it's just weird to see Carly act like Luke's mom.

  • Love 5

I just thought of a way I could get behind a Valerie/Dante pairing - if she encouraged him to hate Sonny forever and punch him in the face every time they passed. Then I'd vote in polls for them! I have priorities.

If she offed Luke, Sonny, Franco, Nina, Magda, Carly, Ava, Silas, Kiki, Patrick, Nik, Helena, Sabrina, I'd like her. I mean, the show would be canceled 'cause all the characters would be gone, but she'd have my support in the final episode.

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TG's last scenes before he disappears should be with Jackie Z/little sister Bobbie

It should but we haven't seen Luke/Scotty or Luke/Sonny yet and those were pretty big relationships over the years as well.  


Anyone else notice that they had a piece of plywood in the basement door?  Like that's how you fix a house explosion, with a piece of wood, fit to measure.  

  • Love 3

Not only is Brad being married, as we all guessed, so stupid, but draaaging it out by having Lucas get called away right when he pressed Brad about who he was married to was BEYOND DUMB.

THIS. If this were a different show with different pacing, I might get it. But this is fucking GH. We may not see Brad/Lucas for a month. Are we to believe that Lucas won't know who, what, how and where's of Brad's marriage?

All MoRon seems to know is how to write boring nonsensical plot point scenes with camp and no freaking continuity that he draaaags out for an eternity.

ETA: The tree looked like he was trying to pass a splinter through his ass during the Maxie scenes. WTH, was RP attempting.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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