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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I wonder if Brad's secret has anything to do with where Jake's kidney came from.


I've thought that too.


But today, given his insistence that he wants to BE with Lucas, but can't MARRY Lucas, I wondered if he's already married.  For like, I dunno, a lame green card reason and that's why he can't marry Lucas.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

I mean, you could also read it this way too: Dante tried to kiss her because he wants revenge sex, she rejects, and he's like, how can I get her into bed? I'll talk about how we're connected! Which makes him a pig, but since a week before that episode he laughed off Maxie's warning and told Lulu she had nothing to worry about (in a perfectly sincere way, it wasn't played with any "haha totally lying to myself" by DZ), it seems plausible to me.


It's possible, but I doubt they'd ever have Dante be that calculating about it.  Partially because there's no real coming back from that, and partially because if they were really going to make him look like Sonny here it had to be an impulsively stupid kneejerk act...and so it was.  (I had no idea he actually got to the barware-destroying stage of betrayal!, though.  Thanks, magnolia11.  That makes my theory that much more valid.)

Did anyone else think Jakeson came off as a bit of a doofus today with the "he's already met two brothers, why not meet the 3rd" line. He knows from Elizabeth that this little boy understands she is his mom, Lucky is his dad, and he has two brothers. Does he (or Sam) really feel it's appropriate to consider attempting to explain that only a few people know that genetically, you are the son of a different man, and he had another son, which makes that son your brother and Sam here kind of your step-mom. 


 Sam seemed like she's more than ready to tell little Jake she's his step-mom, and wants Danny and Jake to have a great brotherly relationship ASAP. Ugh. Sheesh. The wheels are in motion for a Jakeson, Sam and Danny v. Jakeson, Elizabeth and Jake war. There is not going to be peace in this kid's life.

  • Love 2

There's pretty much no way in hell I believe Laura would keep her mouth shut about this. Aaaaand the Jakeson bus rolls right on over Laura ...

Show, do better. Like, really a LOT better.


Actually, I can believe it, if you look at the history.  Laura kept Nikolas a secret from Luke for 14 years. Sure, his existence was a retcon, because his birth didn't play out when she finally escaped Stavros. BUT, Leslie's car accident that "killed" her and took place offscreen, was explained as what Stavros did when she tried to escape or something. So she knew if she said anything, Lucky could be killed; Luke, Rick.  And the retcon of Nik's existence worked.


So I won't be blaming Laura for keeping quiet about this. Plus, didn't we all speculate that this was exactly this would play out and that Nik would play this card to ensure her silence?

  • Love 6

Reading the recaps of the Tracy and Luke scenes made me teary, so I knew I'd cry watching them. Awesome as always, and yes, there will be a void there, and I'm not sure how the show(and Tracy) will fill it. I'm okay with Paul for now, but as was said yesterday and again today, Tracy needs something other than a man and ELQ to fill that void. And I'm okay with her taking her own journey of self discovery-I just don't have any faith that TPTB will do it justice. JE could rock anything and make it believable and good-she has that power. But I don't think she should HAVE to "make" it anything. It should already just BE awesome because it's her story.


One thing may make me rage, though, and I rarely rage about GH because life's too short, BUT: I am getting anvils she won't have anything major to do with getting ELQ back, now. I am okay, again, with her distancing herself from ELQ and even her family, a bit, for a little while. But I do think she should be instrumental in leading the charge to reclaim it, and in fact, eventually be back running it. Unless of course, what the writers have her doing is so awesome, ELQ is best as a distant memory. And that's not likely, is it? Nope.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

Loved the scenes with Tony and Jane. That was all them and totally not even Luke & Tracy by the end of it.


It's like the point I tried to make about Lucky and Luke scenes. Tony lets his real life and relationship with the other actor bleed into the scene, damaging any verisimilitude. His saccharine sentimentality inevitably makes me gag and ruins the moment.



  • Love 4

That was an okay episode. I liked the Sabrina/Tracy scenes (although I hope with Luke gone they don't completely neglect Lulu/Tracy), unexpectedly nice Michael/Luke scenes. I like this line:


Lucas: I love you too! Just not enough to have a double wedding with you!


I want it to happen. You know Sonny would be side-eyeing Brad and Lucas the whole time. And at first I called shenanigans about Lucas being so excited for Sonny/Carly Attempt #5, but then it was really he was just happy it would distract Bobbie. heh.


Felix: why are you telling me this?


for the billionth time writers, having characters acknowledge how out of character and/or dumb their action is doesn't dismiss the actual bad writing.


Poor Carly. Now she is the only one without a Jason clone!


I like to imagine this happened during filming:


everyone else in the scene: ugh Jake coming back is so stupid.


kelly M: what's wrong with this Jake guy? :takes sip of coffee:


everyone else: You know, Jason's kid who died??


Kelly M: Nope, don't remember at all. Don't give a fuck. On with the scene!


Finally, a Bobbie/Valerie scene tomorrow. That only took 4 months!


Come on Luke doooo iiiiiiiiiiit.


Finally, Nik pointed out the Jason Doe > Jason Morgan, professional killer. Not that he gives a damn, but still. This makes more sense than the other tortured logic!

It's possible, but I doubt they'd ever have Dante be that calculating about it.  Partially because there's no real coming back from that, and partially because if they were really going to make him look like Sonny here it had to be an impulsively stupid kneejerk act...and so it was.  (I had no idea he actually got to the barware-destroying stage of betrayal!, though.  Thanks, magnolia11.  That makes my theory that much more valid.)


I don't think it seems quite that calculating. He's buzzed, compliments are coming out of his mouth, he just wants to forget his wife screwing some other dude. In any case though he doesn't come across as great either way.

  • Love 3

Please let the ratings go back into freefall with this rancid pile of shit. It deserves NOTHING GOOD. Ever.


And that covers the whole show. Not one story works or is interesting. Not. ONE. But the Laura BULLSHIT takes the fucking cake.


Even Guza at his utter worst had MOMENTS of sincerity and goodness and a sliver of romance. This tripe is just...gah! I cannot find the proper words to emphasize my contempt and disgust.

  • Love 9

Actually, I can believe it, if you look at the history. Laura kept Nikolas a secret from Luke for 14 years. Sure, his existence was a retcon, because his birth didn't play out when she finally escaped Stavros. BUT, Leslie's car accident that "killed" her and took place offscreen, was explained as what Stavros did when she tried to escape or something. So she knew if she said anything, Lucky could be killed; Luke, Rick. And the retcon of Nik's existence worked.

So I won't be blaming Laura for keeping quiet about this. Plus, didn't we all speculate that this was exactly this would play out and that Nik would play this card to ensure her silence?

Yeah, but just because a character did X in the past doesn't excuse not learning from it. Laura shouldn't keep this a secret because she is older and wiser and should know better now.

  • Love 5

Definitely. We need some outside characters to rag on Dante cheating to start balancing those scales, though. The men don't get called names. (Lucky calling Nik a farm animal is the exception to the rule. And that's hardly on par with slut/whore/tramp that the women always get.)


I have to stop posting on this story, as it always leads to a rage blackout. Here's hoping it's over before Olivia comes back, or I'm going to have an aneurysm from all the stupidity.


Nooo, Olivia needs to come back and humiliate him at the police station, complete with waving his underwear/boxers on a stick and yelling out, "this is the undergarment of my lying cheating bastard son who I love very much!" And then Dante can crawl away to the door in sheer humiliation.

  • Love 8

I don't know what's worse, no one knowing Jake is Jason or everyone knowing and keeping their mouths shut. I can't take it anymore. Fuck. This storyline has dragged the shit out. I'll see y'all in 2019.


You know poor JT is probably like, "can Patrick know?!?! can Patrick know!?!?!?"


But alas. The only thing he gets to know is that Danny and Emma are so well adjusted in spite of the major upheavals in their lives.

  • Love 3

Nathan, no one else being like Maxie is a good thing. It's sad that you don't get you deserve better. But who cares about anything else when you can have a sexfest in her apartment,right.


At this point, my Maxie hate is starting to rival my Luke hate, since "entitlement" is the main self-image of both characters. I gasped to hear Maxie admit how cute her daughter is, but in the same breath, dismiss her as being well baby-sat by Spinelli and Ellie (out of sight and out of mind). Nathan is absolutely pathetic to adore Maxie, but it's true that many young men will accept any behavior from a woman if she's attractive--especially if she's young and attractive. Nathan needs to learn the hard way that Maxie is developing into a poisonous narcissist who can't deeply care about her own flesh and blood, much less the boyfriend du jour.


  • Love 2


Even Guza at his utter worst had MOMENTS of sincerity and goodness and a sliver of romance. This tripe is just...gah! I cannot find the proper words to emphasize my contempt and disgust.


I think remembering Guza fondly is like old people being nostalgic for their childhood. Everyone always thinks things were better in some other past time.  I have to disagree. Guza could tell a story, but he told the same stories, with the same endings, about the same four propped people over and over and over.

His regime was no better. And IMO, from my decades long viewing of soaps, every writer has dropped plot points and people acting out of character. But then, I'm one of the few that was never crazy about Labine, and I see people online eat her crap up like gravy.

Not that I'm defending Carlivati because I think he's good. I think he's pretty awful, and I think most of all, he just doesn't care. But he's not worse than Guza, for sure. At least Carlivati has gone from making this show about those pets. It actually looks like an ensemble show now.

Now if we can just get him to write stuff that makes sense, no it still won't be perfect, but it's far preferable to Guza's crapfest.

  • Love 7

You know poor JT is probably like, "can Patrick know?!?! can Patrick know!?!?!?"

But alas. The only thing he gets to know is that Danny and Emma are so well adjusted in spite of the major upheavals in their lives.

JT: I'm gonna play this like Patrick knows Jake is Jason on some supernatural, mystical level but his cerebrum won't allow the truth to saturate the surface of reality.

Frank: Remember to get a spray tan appt, you'll be shirtless tomorrow before you're off-screen for 45 days.

  • Love 4

Funnily enough, even as a straight woman in the age range of these "hunks" none of them do anything for me. Why? Because most of them can't act, their characters are underdeveloped and shallow (think: trees, cardboard cutouts and blocks of wood), they lack charisma and presence, and look  (and act) like Ken dolls. It actually makes me dislike them because soap men used to be so romantic and charming along with their good looks. Attraction and appeal is about more than just the outside, and I wish Ron and Frank would get that.


I think that's why even though ALL of the characters currently are boring and have no real agency as characters anymore, the men are suffering more for it. They are truly only hired for their abs.



None of them do anything for me either because they were hired to appeal primarily to the males in the audience, not the females. Show thinks it can get double bang for its bucks by hiring the pretty men who can't act because they will appeal to both sexes. It is such a shallow assumption, overlooking charisma and character depth.

  • Love 1
I think remembering Guza fondly is like old people being nostalgic for their childhood. Everyone always thinks things were better in some other past time.  I have to disagree. Guza could tell a story, but he told the same stories, with the same endings, about the same four propped people over and over and over.

His regime was no better.


Guza was obsessed with Sonny, Jason, and Carly, and they always won. That is indisputable.


But in terms of cohesiveness? Guza did tend to extend shit (LISA!), but even so, he had stories that began, had a middle, and an ending. Maybe not one anyone liked, but the structure existed.


And that regime could do romance, even if it wasn't their bread and butter: Scrubs, Jason and Sam, Georgie and Dillon, Ric and Alexis, Zander and Emily, Nik and Emily...there were couples [whether folks liked them or not]  who had beats PLAYED. They weren't just thrown in bed one week after meeting and declaring their partner the love of their life. There is now no romance. Everything is just for RC's plot of the moment. And people having sex does not a couple make.


So, to me? Guza's regime, for all of its MANY faults, wins by a landslide if just for that.

  • Love 7

JT: I'm gonna play this like Patrick knows Jake is Jason on some supernatural, mystical level but his cerebrum won't allow the truth to saturate the surface of reality.

Frank: Remember to get a spray tan appt, you'll be shirtless tomorrow before you're off-screen for 45 days.


JT: But - 


FV: Justin, anyone ever tell you talk a little too much?

  • Love 11
So I won't be blaming Laura for keeping quiet about this.


I will. There's no reason to keep Jakeson's real identity a secret. It's not a safety issue, as one could argue keeping Nik's existence a secret was. It's pure selfishness (and stupidity) on everyone's part. 


Nooo, Olivia needs to come back and humiliate him at the police station, complete with waving his underwear/boxers on a stick and yelling out, "this is the undergarment of my lying cheating bastard son who I love very much!" And then Dante can crawl away to the door in sheer humiliation.


This is the exact amount of overlap I will accept!

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I would straight up settle for Liv slapping the taste out of his mouth and going "Snap out of it!" after he tries to explain this mess to her.  Public shaming won't hurt, and we'll need it--actually need it--but I think we need one person to just go nuts on him more, and other than Lulu herself it needs to be his mother.


And watch as we have now jinxed it and it'll be Carly or Sonny who will get the honor, bastions of morality that they are...urp, just threw up a little in my mouth...

  • Love 5

I would straight up settle for Liv slapping the taste out of his mouth and going "Snap out of it!" after he tries to explain this mess to her.  Public shaming won't hurt, and we'll need it--actually need it--but I think we need one person to just go nuts on him more, and other than Lulu herself it needs to be his mother.


And watch as we have now jinxed it and it'll be Carly or Sonny who will get the honor, bastions of morality that they are...urp, just threw up a little in my mouth...


Carly maybe . . . I don't think Sonny would do that. Maybe he'll give a little, "hmm, maybe you won't be so quick to judge next time" but that's about it.* After all, when Dante told him about Ben/Rocco he was just like, cool. So who'd you sleep with?


*If he does say that Dante's response should be to shoot him in the chest and then say, "now I won't be so quick to judge."


Also, random, but I need Natalia Livingston to wander in through one of the scenes saying, "Jake died. 5. YEARS. ago. 5 year! Think of it Elizabeth! 5 years when the sun was shining on the grass and we would pick apples and laugh!"


Elizabeth: I guess Helena had you too?? 



  • Love 4

I say all these idiots are pods, and GH has gone all "Invasion of The Body Snatchers" and the real folks are hostage somewhere.


Reasons, damn it!

It's the only way that explains why Nik and/or Liz keep spouting that Sam has a ~family~ with Patrick and Emma as if, you know, Emma's mother is dead. Edited by HeatLifer

Okay, I watched today and we still don't know Brad's secret. We just know he has some type of super bad secret. A secret he's afraid to tell Lucas. A secret that will hinder their marriage. Yet, we the audience aren't privy to this secret. For me, Brad's "secret" has become OLTL's secret agency's "it".

Hack writing at its finest by MoRon and the asshats.


Brad: you want to know my secret? Well her it goes... *commercial break* (then other scenes)

Brad:...so that's the secret.

Horrible editing, pacing and story telling.

My guesses for Brad's secret:

*He was a woman

*He was married

*He has a child

*His parents don't know he's gay

*He's an alien


*Because.... reasons

*Because...of course

*MoRon hadn't decided yet before now.

  • Love 6

I actually enjoyed this ep.


I am super fond of Laura. I'm pissed she's keeping this secret, but otherwise she's super rad. I almost want to go watch old stuff on youtube.


But today, given his insistence that he wants to BE with Lucas, but can't MARRY Lucas, I wondered if he's already married.


When he said he couldn't marry him my first thought was definitely that he's already married.

  • Love 2

Except Monica isn't Jake's grandmother. I find it ironic that, since the time he was a tot, she felt she was Jason's mother in every way that mattered - yet apparently disregards Lucky as being Jake's father legally and in every way that matters because her precious Jason was the sperm donor. Jason didn't claim Jake as his own, end of story. Jason flat out told her she was never supposed to know Jake was his bio son. Yet Monica feels she truly was Jake's grandmother anyway, got screwed out of knowing him, and had an on-going resentment of Elizabeth for it (even when the woman was out of her mind from fever, wanting her son and asking for Jason's help). I was disgusted when Monica implied that baby Aiden probably had bruises (illness) because Elizabeth abused him/neglected him like she neglected Jake and that's why her grandson died. And Monica - not even Jake's own mother - got to slap Luke for "killing my grandson." It would be interesting to see her try to assert herself to 8-year-old Jake as Grandma Monica after Lucky just told him "I'm your father."



Except 99% of PC refers to Jason as Jake's father.  So the "secret" went out the window in a huge way a long time ago.  I don't disagree that Lucky is Jake's father, but Jason IS the biological father as well.  And Liz can't have it both ways.  She constantly referred to Jake being Jason's ALL the time after he died, and now she wants him to raise "his son".   And the only reason she doesn't want Sam and Carly to acknowledge it in front of Jake now is to protect her web of lies.  It's NOT to spare Jake confusion like she is trying to claim.  There are a lot of kids out there with father's, stepfathers, or adopted fathers.  Monica being in Jake's life doesn't take away anything from Laura or Audrey. 


And I am hazy on the details of how awful Monica treated Liz, but wasn't that when she was drinking heavily?  And didn't they bury the hatchet?  I vaguely remember Liz and Monica having a heart to heart where Liz copped to switching the DNA results from Danny.  Ultimately I would say it is Liz's decision because Jake is her son, but she is a fucking liar who lies and her motivations right now are not to protect her fragile son.  They are to protect her pathetic delusional lies. 



I haven't watched the show yet today, I am sure I will have a lot to say later.

  • Love 11


Brad: you want to know my secret? Well her it goes... *commercial break* (then other scenes)

Brad:...so that's the secret.

Horrible editing, pacing and story telling.


That was so stupid, especially because he's telling Lucas the secret tomorrow.  


There was no reason on Earth for these scenes, for Brad to tell Felix, except Ron has to remind the audience that this story is still happening because it's only on for one day a week every three weeks (which is actually a major increase in airtime for them!).

posting for the first time on this forum: most of everybody's theories about Brad's secret are good but I've thought of another: he's in a arranged engagement that his parents set up for him years ago. His betrothed that he hasn't seen has no clue about his sexuality. Either that or he's dying. Either way, it looks like both same sex relationships (this and WilSon on DOOL) on daytime tv  have one thing in common: both couples are being destroyed by very bad writing.

  • Love 7

Okay, I watched today and we still don't know Brad's secret. We just know he has some type of super bad secret. A secret he's afraid to tell Lucas. A secret that will hinder their marriage. Yet, we the audience aren't privy to this secret. For me, Brad's "secret" has become OLTL's secret agency's "it".

Hack writing at its finest by MoRon and the asshats.


Brad: you want to know my secret? Well her it goes... *commercial break* (then other scenes)

Brad:...so that's the secret.

Horrible editing, pacing and story telling.

My guesses for Brad's secret:

*He was a woman

*He was married

*He has a child

*His parents don't know he's gay

*He's an alien


*Because.... reasons

*Because...of course

*MoRon hadn't decided yet before now.


I know the truth about Brad.


Brad is a brilliant child psychologist. One night Vincent, a disgruntled ex-patient confronts him and shoots him before killing himself.


Later, Brad begins working with another patient, a little boy named Cole, who suffers from hallucinations. Brad becomes dedicated to the boy, despite doubts over his ability to help him after his failure with Vincent. Eventually Cole tells Brad his secret: he sees dead people who are unaware they are dead.. Brad convinces Cole to use his ability to help the ghosts with their unfinished business.


Through a series of events Brad eventually realizes that he was actually killed by Vincent that night, and was unknowingly dead the entire time he was working with Cole. Because of Cole's help, Brad's unfinished business – rectifying his failure to understand and help Vincent – is finally complete. His soul is now at peace and he is never seen or heard from again.

  • Love 9

One thing that shocked me was that Carly isn't relinquishing her cease-fire with Elizabeth just because Jake's not Josslyn's donor.  Talk about some semblance of growth.


It's Carly. Under every other regime, and I mean all, her reason to breathe has been Jason. And Sonny. And hating on any woman who dares attract the attention of Jason. Or Sonny. So I don't see it as growth but RC once more writing this character - like all else - vastly out of character.


Except 99% of PC refers to Jason as Jake's father.  So the "secret" went out the window in a huge way a long time ago.  I don't disagree that Lucky is Jake's father, but Jason IS the biological father as well.  And Liz can't have it both ways.  She constantly referred to Jake being Jason's ALL the time after he died, and now she wants him to raise "his son".   And the only reason she doesn't want Sam and Carly to acknowledge it in front of Jake now is to protect her web of lies.  It's NOT to spare Jake confusion like she is trying to claim. 


And I am hazy on the details of how awful Monica treated Liz, but wasn't that when she was drinking heavily?


The secret went out the window to those mostly close to Liz and the Spencers - but not the general public. Liz has tried to have it both ways re: Lucky and Jason since she was pregnant with Jake, that's not new. She said "our son" to Lucky's face when they embraced in joy outside her house. Lucky already introduced himself to Jake as "your father" before he and Luke reunited Elizabeth and Jake. I agree she wants him to be with her in raising their son, now that he has a new face and is not a target as a Mob hitman. 


I get that Monica feels alone, like most of her family is dead or away, but it still annoys me that she is blind to her own hypocrisy (herself as the only mother who ever mattered to Jason, but Jason, NOT Lucky, as the true father of Jake even though Jake barely knew Jason). 


Actually I think the reason she told Carly today that Jake knows Lucky is his dad is because the shebeast has no sense of discretion whatsoever - she said "Jason" loudly in front of Jake (that name doesn't mean anything to the kid) and then started crying. I think Liz was trying to keep Shebeast's freak out to a minimum and let little Jake know what he's capable of understanding over time. I think she wanted to get little Jake away from Sam and Carly because she's lying to their faces about big Jake(son) and feels guilty about it, but I don't feel like that's why she was trying to get Carly to keep her mouth shut to Jake. He just heard from L&L2 what, two days ago, that Lucky is his dad? It's nuts to then directly contradict that to a kid his age. The kid is taking in a lot of information right now about his house, immediate family, hometown, Mom's workplace, etc. as it is. Yes, Liz has referred to Jake as Jason's son often after the "death," but I think that's more her hanging onto her only remaining connection to Jason and the fantasy of what could have been - not because she feels like Jason was the father more than Lucky was. In her anger and pain she spat out why Lucky is Jake's father and he's not the night of the accident, and what she said was essentially true. 


No, when Monica was drinking heavily she hit Sam with her car, long before Luke hit Jake. After finding out deceased little Jake was Jason's bio son, she got angry with Jason briefly, then came down on Liz at the hospital and was nasty to her as well as trash talked her to their colleagues repeatedly while on duty in the hospital. Robin even told Monica - no, stay away from (baby patient) Aiden because you have issues with Elizabeth.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 1

Re: Brad and Lucas


Who proposed to who?  For the life of me I can't remember.  If Brad proposed to Lucas, why did he do it?  He already knew he couldn't marry him for whatever lame reason.


Brad proposed to Lucas.  He did it spontaneously at the Nurses' Ball, and yes, it's extremely stupid he did so if he can't marry him for whatever lame reason.

One thing that shocked me was that Carly isn't relinquishing her cease-fire with Elizabeth just because Jake's not Josslyn's donor.  Talk about some semblance of growth.


Liz should enjoy the reprieve before Carly finds out about the Jason lying.

  • Love 5

I want Valerie to shut up because everything she says and does is wrong.

Where exactly did they have sex. IN Valerie's apartment, at a hotel, in a car. NO. They had sex in Lulus bed in her home. She showed up there. She gave Dante a reason to think Lulu's lieing . This is a mess. She didn't rape Him but she made herself available. What Lulu did was none of Val's business. I am certainly glad I didn't watch Lulu's tell me what happened because if she didn't deck Val I certainly don't want to see Lulu take the blame for these two pigs. If you have sex with someone you know is married and you made sure that you didn't keep your mouth shut. You are certainly trouble. She also went to his boss and said what happened.?? Is she brain dead.?

  • Love 2

posting for the first time on this forum: most of everybody's theories about Brad's secret are good but I've thought of another: he's in a arranged engagement that his parents set up for him years ago. His betrothed that he hasn't seen has no clue about his sexuality. Either that or he's dying. Either way, it looks like both same sex relationships (this and WilSon on DOOL) on daytime tv  have one thing in common: both couples are being destroyed by very bad writing.



Soap equality! Because the hetero romances aren't exactly faring well in the writing department, either. Hence why there are only four soaps still on the air, no doubt.


Hey, hey, hey, hey everybody? Did you guys catch it as well? Did ya??? Oh did ya, did ya, DIDYA?????


Jake looks EXACT-EFFING-LY like Jason!!!!! OMG!! He's like Jason's twin but smaller!!!! He even SOUNDS like a grown man of 45!!!! It's a MIRACLE!!!!!! Praise the all holy and eternally blessed JASASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!


I was ready to have someone run over my brain steam with a tractor before the show was barely five full minutes in.


And just to address Ron directly, without, well most of, the slew of expletives I wish to hurl his way like two ton boulders - for heavens' sake you talentless, self important, immature, haughty, annoying, slaggardly wretch, would you honestly stop patting yourself on the goddamn back like some Soap warrior because you managed to track down (stalk probably) the very same kid actor from years ago and convince (blackmail most likely) his family into allowing him to return in the role of an almost-sorta-kinda dead/zombie tot.


Bully for you, jackass, you managed to raise from the dead one of the most unwanted and unnecessary and ill-conceived in every way imaginable soap children to ever exist and got the original actor back to play the part with hardly any hint of emotion beyond confused befuddlement, but if the characters continue to point this incredibly asinine point out with the added benefit of informing us all that he has actually grown and gotten bigger and taller after FIVE FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!!! I think my blood pressure might just explode out the top of my head.


Why oh why do I get the too horrible to even think that it could even be a possibility thought that Ron might just resurrect Sabrina's blanket shrouded infant of nothingness in the same way he has littleJake...?


But that can't happen right? Because it can't....because reasons and the baby Jasus and the Holy Mary Margarita, because nothing so cruel could be done to us, not after everything else this show has put us through, no... ::goes and rocks in the corner and strokes my prayer beads in the shape of a motorcycle::


Why yes, Laura, you have never really ticked off every box on the check-sheet of what it takes to be a "good mother", how nice of your shittily raised son to point that out, nevertheless be an effing adult, tell said shit son to shove it down his pie hole, and just tell the truth!


I am not sure they could be painting Liz out to look any worse right now than if she suddenly held the entire NICU hostage and ate the babies' souls. It's like she's the female A.J now.


I guess they spent so much money on Maura's new wig someone had to take Ava's place for now.


Far be it for me to have any use for Carly in well...any capacity whatsoever, but that being said - when the truth is finally revealed about bigJake/Jason, I am going to need her to morph into some sort of creature that might just resemble a giant Praying Mantis so that she can then literally bite off Nik's head. I would very much appreciate that.


Luke, the time to kill yourself with any sort of fanfare was decades ago. Just open the basement door and fall forward, done and done, stop being so goddamn melodramatic you dried up old tosser.


Oh good god, I told myself I wasn't going to keep doing this, I wasn't, I just... *sighsss* I need a drink...

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 14
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