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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I was kind of hoping Greenlee would get caught in the crossfire and take a bullet meant for Jakeson. Maybe Monday.


Definitely Monday.  Rebecca Budig is standing way too close to a person Shawn is aiming to kill.

I can't decide who was worse Sloan or the Nina.


Today, I have to give it to Nina.  Why are we supposed to care about ANY of that?!?!

  • Love 3

Eh, well, that's fair. Still, I hope someone has the full 3 PM feed.


Oh, we're back! And Carlos is crying. 


It made me feel uncomfortable.

The camera goes apeshit as Anna runs out of Sabrina's apt to face Carlos!


Are these people improvising? "He comes in your house and disrespects your woman!" And they throw the cart again!


And, "get out of here, BUM." Too far Shawn. Too far.

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Heh, I think Budig averted her eyes like, "uh, is the camera gonna get off me now?" It also lingered a beat too long on Anna.

Liez is such a fucking carpetbagger.


Team Greenlee.


So now Anna is a murderer just like so many other people on this show.


Anna was a spy and a double agent, I'm sure she's murdered a couple of people in her time.

  • Love 6

Anna has definitely taken lives before, but I still maintain that her sparing Faison but being unable to stop herself from killing Carrrrrrrrrlos doesn't track, IMO.


Of course not. Because killing Faison would be for all the years he terrorized her and her daughter.  Killing Carlos? All about another mobster man. Right up that douche's alley.

  • Love 5

Anna has definitely taken lives before, but I still maintain that her sparing Faison but being unable to stop herself from killing Carrrrrrrrrlos doesn't track, IMO.


I clicked "like" on your post (and I do), but then I thought maybe it's a cumulative thing for her -- losing faith in the system. She didn't take out Faison, and he escaped. She lost her job in a dirty election. Now she's had it, and she's taken out Carrrrrrrrlos.

I'm really bummed I couldn't see the last 15 minutes. Did Franco agree to marry Nina, or is she still pretending she's moved on and is marrying someone else?


  • Love 3

I have no problem with Anna blowing Carlos away (and his hilarious death spiral). Anna has been a trained killer for decades. She doesn't kill enough people in cold blood AFAIC.


They cut into the weird ending with Lilly Melgar right as Maurice walked up. I don't know what the gag was. That whole thing with her was weird as hell and much more tense than when they did that with the dead folks/past stars on OLTL during Live Week.


That already had more blatant technical flubs and weird pauses than anything I can remember from Live Week 2002, but they survived. I still have no idea WTF went down with Blakemore, MB and deVry.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

Anna has definitely taken lives before, but I still maintain that her sparing Faison but being unable to stop herself from killing Carrrrrrrrrlos doesn't track, IMO.


Not only that, but that she's totally forgotten all of his mobular connections overnight kind of burns, too. I agree with whoever it was upthread who said this is someone in an Anna mask. (Ava! is that you?)

  • Love 1

That long pause on poor Finola with the gun.


Anna has killed a lotta people in her day. If she really does take out Carlos I will cheer. They sanitize her too much.


Yeah, I'm a little torn about Anna get her hands dirty. I actually thought the emotional crisis she had over dealing justice to Faison was very well done, and I'm still not sure whether I'm disappointed or not that they didn't kill him in the end. This sudden re-acceptance of Duke, warts and all, has served to remind  me that she was a double agent herself once, and she's a conflicted character in ways we haven't explored onscreen in a long time--she's been the blessed matriarch of Robin's family for a while, and I've loved her as that, but Anna isn't as clean-cut as her daughter. I think I'm okay with us watching that side of her now, as much as I love my faves to be actual good guys I can root for.

  • Love 6

There is the small problem of okay yeah Carlos did kill a man in cold blood, except that man was also a mob boss who wanted to kill a woman in cold blood. Which okay fine I can still understand it if Anna killed him. But why is no one going rogue on fucking Sonny then, who actually has shot innocent people in cold blood? Or Franco? aaaaaaaaaaaargh.

  • Love 12

Lily Melger looked like a crazed fan who stormed the set. WTF was that? Also, did she mess up the queue card flip? All in all, not too many screw ups. The camera cut a way to Sonny house while Sam was still talking in the garage and William DeVry looked like he slid off the bar cart and started laughing.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 5

The camera goes apeshit as Anna runs out of Sabrina's apt to face Carlos!


Are these people improvising? "He comes in your house and disrespects your woman!" And they throw the cart again!


In the 2 pm version, he says "disrespects your wife", so I guess he said the correct version the 2nd time. Shawn doesn't add "bum!" though when he tells Julian to get out.


I had to mute it when Lily Meglar popped up. Too much second hand embarrassment.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

There is the small problem of okay yeah Carlos did kill a man in cold blood, except that man was also a mob boss who wanted to kill a woman in cold blood. Which okay fine I can still understand it if Anna killed him. But why is no one going rogue on fucking Sonny then, who actually has shot innocent people in cold blood? Or Franco? aaaaaaaaaaaargh.

Duke drank tea. AJ, apparently, did shots of used frying oil. There's your difference. Nothing else matters.

That Ron Cue Card would make an interesting dart board...

Edited by Gigi43

In the 2 pm version, he says "disrespects your wife", so I guess he said the correct version the 2nd time. Shawn doesn't add "bum!" though when he tells Julian to get out.


Did he throw the cart again? Sean Blakemore was so OTT I was convinced it was some random addition.


Lilly Melgar looked like she had a gun on her.

Okay. I think I believe that RC doesn't remember OLTL's excellent LIVE WEEK because if he did he'd be embarrassed by the comparison to the show he's writing


The writing was not all genius that week, to be fair. There were a lot of really embarrassing Niki Smith hijinks, and the riveting plotline of Antonio Vega and his mother arguing over his girlfriend's student loan debt. Plus Nora having sex with the identical twin of her attempted rapist, who she murdered.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

I don't think they should've given Anna a long speech to Carlos. I thought Finola was struggling with it - maybe she does it differently in the 2 PM show. I think it would have been much more effective if Carlos had told her why he'd get off, and she'd just said, "You know what? You're right." And shot him.


I am glad she did it. They don't let Anna be hard enough. But I have a feeling it will eventually be Sloane's cue to come in and keep playing Father Knows Best. His weird, touchy-feely patrician thing with her is so disgusting, both last week before Duke's death when he was reading her the riot act and again now. This dude is scum. First he was flashing her and being a perv and now he's being her disapproving male partner, moralizing to her. I'm so tired of Ron coming up with characters like this for women and thinking they're appealing.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

I am glad she did it. They don't let Anna be hard enough. But I have a feeling it will eventually be Sloane's cue to come in and keep playing Father Knows Best. His weird, touchy-feely patrician thing with her is so disgusting, both last week before Duke's death when he was reading her the riot act and again now. This dude is scum. First he was flashing her and being a perv and now he's being her disapproving male partner, moralizing to her. I'm so tired of Ron coming up with characters like this for women and thinking they're appealing.


All of this.  He's a gross, groddy toolshed.


And he stole the election from Felicia (who?), never forget!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

The interruption was for the Boston Bomber verdict, which I would pay to see Ron try to whine about. It really wasn't very long.

WdV so far totally laughed and there was a weird camera cut away. I have to say, I'm shocked by MB not blowing this.


Soaps In Depth already bitched for them on Twitter.  Something about how disrespectful it was to FrankenRon to cut in.  I was dismayed at how many people jumped right in and agreed, but encouraged that a few people, at least, pointed out that it was pretty disrespectful to the victims and their families to piss and moan over the verdict being important enough to interrupt a TV show. 


Haven't seen the second half yet, but from what I saw of the first half, I kind of wondered if Greenlee was supposed to throw that vase or if RB improvised.  Because TC looked kind of surprised (real, not scripted) and RB seemed like she wanted to laugh.  

  • Love 5

That bomb gag with Melgar in the 2 PM is embarrassing. She just sort of wanders around the stage giggling after Mo walks off and leaves her there.


I don't know what the 3 PM was, or if it was different at all - she didn't say "bomb!", Mo and Billy Miller just walked up and then NY cut away for the bombing verdict.

Edited by jsbt

Soaps In Depth already bitched for them on Twitter. Something about how disrespectful it was to FrankenRon to cut in. I was dismayed at how many people jumped right in and agreed, but encouraged that a few people, at least, pointed out that it was pretty disrespectful to the victims and their families to piss and moan over the verdict being important enough to interrupt a TV show.

Haven't seen the second half yet, but from what I saw of the first half, I kind of wondered if Greenlee was supposed to throw that vase or if RB improvised. Because TC looked kind of surprised (real, not scripted) and RB seemed like she wanted to laugh.

Disrespectful to Frank and Ron? Wow. Wow. No words that some can't see that there are far more important things than this show. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6

Disrespectful to Frank and Ron? Wow. Wow. No words that some can't see that there are far more important things than this show.


I remember once they interrupted for some house fire during the episode where Franco was revealing he didn't rape Sam and Lulu was telling the story of what looked like Stavros raping her and Ron bitched about it and we were all like sorry your rapetime story hour got interrupted!  ugh. Ron. It was a dumb interruption, but that episode was so foul it was begging to be cut in.

It was a verdict, it could have waited.


It definitely could have, but the way the Soaps in Depth writer phrased it could have been better.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Here in Boston (we're the 2:00pm broadcast), we got preempted once there was word a verdict had been reached, had to listen to local anchors blather for 20 minutes, then listened as the anchors read tweets from the reporters (no cameras or mics allowed in Federal court) on each charge, question, and verdict, and then the announcement of the death penalty.  ABC Soaps in Depth needs to take a chill pill.

I take it that in NY and other places that watch at 3:00pm Eastern/2 Central, that you just had a brief interruption and then returned to the show, yes?

I'm watching the youtube video now. The audio is out of sync with the visual, but I am still blessing this person who put it up. Sloan is so bad live, he has to win UCG player of the day. 

Soaps In Depth already bitched for them on Twitter.  Something about how disrespectful it was to FrankenRon to cut in.  I was dismayed at how many people jumped right in and agreed, but encouraged that a few people, at least, pointed out that it was pretty disrespectful to the victims and their families to piss and moan over the verdict being important enough to interrupt a TV show. 


Haven't seen the second half yet, but from what I saw of the first half, I kind of wondered if Greenlee was supposed to throw that vase or if RB improvised.  Because TC looked kind of surprised (real, not scripted) and RB seemed like she wanted to laugh.

It sounded like the vase bounced instead of broke, so I wonder if that made RB almost laugh.

Oh Sam, you've killed people before, your hands were plenty bloody before you thought Jake killed Duke.

Hayden won't tell Sam and Jake anything, she'll die from Shawn's bullet first. If by some miracle she does tell the truth, they won't believe her because she's a lying liar who lies. Rinse and repeat. I hope Hayden doesn't die or go into a coma, though; I'm enjoying her putting the screws to Nik and Liz. And did it seem like Nik was setting up his new bedmate while talking to Liz? "Who cares if Hayden tells the truth and we become pariahs, Liz? My penis will comfort you in your time of need."

  • Love 4

I could have handled Anna killing Faison. A lot better than this, because they're just turning her into another killer for dumb reasons like half the people in town. Enough with all the fucking murdering and kidnapping.

I feel responsible in a weird way? Like Ron read my rants and took it as a challenge to REALLY ruin Anna? Ugh.

  • Love 5

Soaps In Depth already bitched for them on Twitter.  Something about how disrespectful it was to FrankenRon to cut in.



I'm sorry but I find that silly.  I really don't think whoever runs ABC News gives two shits or a damn about GH or the guys who run it (I also doubt they would even know their names). And honestly they cut in regarding the verdict of a man who terrorized a city.  How about taking a moment to see how dumb it is to talk about disrespecting a couple of guys who make a TV show?

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