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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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That's the big reveal? WTH? While I can see where that type of incident would cause a psychotic break, what does it have to do with Fluke trying to kill everyone and take over Sonny's business? It just doesn't make sense. Seems to me that Ron changed the direction of the story midway through and left a lot of loose ends dangling.


At first I didn't recognize LW. She did a great job as Lena. 

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Ron seems to think that a bomb blowing up the basement of a 50 years+ house would leave the rest of it totally intact. 


Okay then...


Ron Carlivati @carlivatiron  ·  1h 1 hour ago
The bomb went off in the basement. The house did not blow up. If it had, Dante & Nathan would both be dead. :) #GH

Edited by TeeVee329
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My main comment is actually about something Ron tweeted. 


Ron said the Spencer house was still up because "only the basement exploded".


Only the basement exploded.


ONLY the basement exploded.


Only the motherfucking basement!!!


If a basement explodes, the rest of the house is pretty much fucked!!!!!!!! I can't even. I can't.


Well at least it explains how Nathan and Dante got out in 7 seconds? They only had to get to the top of the stairs.



...now I wonder if Ron is the one with the head injury. Does he understand how bombs work? Or that wood isn't bombproof?

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Wow, I really liked that.  Unlike most eps these days, it held my interest throughout and even surprised me.  Okay, I did twig early that Luke killed his father, but I'd read the spoilers that it was his mother he killed so I fell for the who killed Lena fakeout.


Yeah, I think killing both your parents in one night could cause your mind to break.  And I liked the way they tied in Fluke's fascination with the basement and the bat, and Bill Eckert.  Really liked the actors playing Young Luke and Young Patricia.  Can we keep them?  But...


But I just...how does this tie into Luke wanting to take over Sonny's bloody territory????


Yeah, seriously.  Let's see that tap dance.  Or are we supposed to have forgotten that? 

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I actually thought this episode was good. That said, I just can't get over this!


Ron seems to think that a bomb blowing up the basement of a 50 years+ house would leave the rest of it totally intact. 


Okay then...


Ron Carlivati @carlivatiron  ·  1h 1 hour ago
The bomb went off in the basement. The house did not blow up. If it had, Dante & Nathan would both be dead. :) #GH


Well I guess Ron did realize that there was no way they'd get out in 7 seconds then? Oh except they said Dante was knocked out because he got the brunt of the impact? ????????????????


But forget about that! Is he joking? I guess he could be but he sounds really dumb! I really hope he is joking because then all of a sudden it makes perfect sense how everyone on this show has had a negative IQ since Ron started writing. And I know nothing about architecture or housing! I just know if the bottom half of something is destroyed, gravity makes everything else fall the fuck down!!!

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NO. MORE. LUKE. I seriously just cannot take whatever this is anymore. Was today supposed to be good? Interesting, poignant, or heart-wrenching? Because it absolutely was none of those things. It was a just a huge April Fool's Fuck You to all of us.

The big payoff to all this is that Luke accidentally killed his mom and intentionally killed his dad? We spent over a year to find that out? I mean, it's awful, but for the Luke I've always known, that's not exactly earth-shattering or personality-splitting level news. Luke sure didn't give a shit when he killed his grandson, and I refuse to believe that it's been alter-Luke all these years that he's been such a horrible person. Bill never told anyone, even though all he got for his trouble was that crappy house? What even *is* any of this???

Sonny's hair polish looks no better on Luke than it does on Sonny. AG's acting is terrible and hammy; that "You did!" was laughable, but even more so the crying. I have no comment on the Hardy, Brewer, whatever crap. Most of the styling was good, though, and I liked Pat. Everything else was even worse than I expected / feared.

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Yeah, I think killing both your parents in one night could cause your mind to break.  And I liked the way they tied in Fluke's fascination with the basement and the bat, and Bill Eckert.  Really liked the actors playing Young Luke and Young Patricia.  Can we keep them?  But...


Recast Franco and Nina with them, I say. It's not like anything else with those characters makes sense anyway.


At first I thought it was just the dad Luke killed and I thought that was a lame reason, but the mom is enough for me. He loved her and she was a good person and I think that would be traumatic.

Edited by ulkis
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I thought the reveal was okay, but Ron best not try and claim that this was the plan/story all along because...no.


So I'm confused - did Luke split during the initial incident or after the dying Bill jogged his memory about killing the mom?


This also might come up tomorrow or the next few days, but I am going to need an explanation as to why Pat then abandoned Luke and Bobbie, why she didn't try and keep Bobbie away from Luke, etc.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Only the motherfucking basement!!!

My favorite part was that the staircase directly above the basement was fine. What is holding them up?!? GH: Laws of nature need not apply.

This also might come up tomorrow or the next few days, but I am going to need an explanation as to why Pat then abandoned Luke and Bobbie, why she didn't try and keep Bobbie away from Luke, etc.

I am going to need an explanation about everything related to Luke and Legion of Doom. Top of the list: why do any of these people give a shit about Luke at this point?

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If this was Luke's last episode, I think I would have liked it.


You have no idea how many times I've said that since 1999. Or, actually, you probably do. :)

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You have no idea how many times I've said that since 1999. Or, actually, you probably do. :)

Oh, I feel you. It's so aggravating how many ways this show tries to pretend that Luke is its main star. I've pretty much been annoyed with him and thought TG was overacting for ages.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Explain to me like I'm Morgan why when casting can get young actors as good as today's teen Pat and Luke that we are stuck with NB, whatever keeps playing Kiki, Cameron, and no Aiden? And a Rosalie that could have birthed Micheal and Morgan? And not a Serena in sight? Let's fire whomever and keep those two. They were great. See- 3/4 of the cast- acting. Ooooh! TG as Tim Spencer resembles Sonny a bit. LW and RC and JT and BH were great as the older characters. Ryan Carnes, how you doin?

Nice break from Looloo and etc.

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I rather liked the episode (ducks barware), although I do wish that we'd seen more hospital scenes (Gosh, that's a familiar refrain.) since they went to the trouble of creating a set and getting actual costumes for the characters.  I did like that  the actual first day's plot, the girl with facial scars, remained though. 


As for, 


But I just...how does this tie into Luke wanting to take over Sonny's bloody territory????


Well, Tim was complaining about the Italians and other immigrants on the docks -- maybe evil TimLuke wants to get all the foreigners out of the PC mob?



GH: Laws of nature need not apply.

And another T-shirt I have to buy!

Edited by rur
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So....that happened.


I said on Twitter that they just should have recreated the entire 1st episode with the current cast. That could have been interesting, especially seeing who they would have had Mo play. 


And I was also right in my earlier post - entirely underwhelmed.

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Did they explain why Fluke chased after Kiki and generally was a creepy horny harasser who was attracted to every woman other than Tracy?


Kiki is just that hot!

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Kiki is just that hot!

I just died. I think maybe TimLuke had a thing for The Skirts. Tracy wears Pants. I'll buy that because Kiki isn't special there.

So where does ELQ fit in? I'll give him wanting to kill Sonny. Sonny is just stupid.

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Back in the 80s the husband and I went to see a biography of Joan Crawford. We went expecting to see a movie.  Ten minutes into "Mommie Dearest" we were rolling in the aisles.


So it was a case of deja vu when I saw Patrick and Elizabeth trying to "act" and then I saw Mr. Hambone himself attempting to go dramatic and play the elder Mr. Spencer. 


It was "Mommie Dearest" all over again.


But it wasn't funny this time it was PAINFUL.

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WABC broke in with news right as the father was yelling at Luke. What happened in the last two minutes? I saw Luke hit his mom and then the breaking news alert happened. 

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WABC broke in with news right as the father was yelling at Luke. What happened in the last two minutes? I saw Luke hit his mom and then the breaking news alert happened.



Yeah--I was a urgent bulletin APOLITICAN IS CROOKED. Stop the presses!

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Oh COME ON. They even had to go back and retcon Luke and Bobbie's childhood backstory? Ugh, enough with soaps changing everything.

Look, I don't even care about Luke, although I am kind of learning to appreciate younger him with my early 80s episode watching online. But it was always his history that their mother died of illness right in front of her kids because she was too poor to get medical care, and their useless drunk father just walked out and left young Luke and Bobbie with the body. That incident formed Luke and Bobbie into jaded schemers afraid of poverty.

The original story was a hell of a lot more compelling than Ron's world of everything being violence and insanity.

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That's the big reveal? WTH? While I can see where that type of incident would cause a psychotic break, what does it have to do with Fluke trying to kill everyone and take over Sonny's business? It just doesn't make sense.

Wasn't Luke a pretty low level flunky in Smith's organization? Why would he think he was in a position to take over and run anything? Edited by Oracle42
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I can not believe I'm going to say this, and in NO WAY am I sticking up for ReRon at all, believe me, my fingers don't want to type this but, sigh, when Hurricane Irene came through NJ our house was destroyed, the foundation and basement walls collapsed but the house stayed up.

I know it's totally different than a bomb exploding, but in all honesty, it looked like a bomb went off in the basement, 911 sent some people over to get my 80+ year old Parents out of there and they went downstairs and put up some wood to keep the house from totally collapsing.


Fuck you Ron for making me type those words.

A bomb is different than a hurricane you douche and now I feel dirty for even mentioning this.


And April Fool Ron, ABCDuh interrupted the last few minutes of the show, choke on it.


As far as today's episode, meh. All that long boring buildup for this?

Unless there was some incredible stuff in the last few minutes, I thought it was kinda lame.

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does Ron not remember that the house on Elm Street BLEW UP??? Why does it look exactly like it did before the bomb blew?


Go back a page or two to see the explanation :)

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Oh COME ON. They even had to go back and retcon Luke and Bobbie's childhood backstory? Ugh, enough with soaps changing everything.

Look, I don't even care about Luke, although I am kind of learning to appreciate younger him with my early 80s episode watching online. But it was always his history that their mother died of illness right in front of her kids because she was too poor to get medical care, and their useless drunk father just walked out and left young Luke and Bobbie with the body. That incident formed Luke and Bobbie into jaded schemers afraid of poverty.

The original story was a hell of a lot more compelling than Ron's world of everything being violence and insanity.

I refuse to accept anything that Ron has created or rewritten as canon. This is basically an alternate OLTL universe.

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I can not believe I'm going to say this, and in NO WAY am I sticking up for ReRon at all, believe me, my fingers don't want to type this but, sigh, when Hurricane Irene came through NJ our house was destroyed, the foundation and basement walls collapsed but the house stayed up.

I know it's totally different than a bomb exploding, but in all honesty, it looked like a bomb went off in the basement, 911 sent some people over to get my 80+ year old Parents out of there and they went downstairs and put up some wood to keep the house from totally collapsing.


Fuck you Ron for making me type those words.

A bomb is different than a hurricane you douche and now I feel dirty for even mentioning this.


And April Fool Ron, ABCDuh interrupted the last few minutes of the show, choke on it.


As far as today's episode, meh. All that long boring buildup for this?

Unless there was some incredible stuff in the last few minutes, I thought it was kinda lame.


Still, they did put some wood in there to keep it from collapsing. So if that was the case with Spencer house, where the explosion was two months ago, it probably would have collapsed by now. And the stairs probably would have taken more damaged. The Spencer house, I mean. On top of that, the house was already condemned. There was also the detail of Dante having passed out because "he took the brunt of the explosion". If he was clear dunno how he did that. (although I remember laughing at the time that he got knocked down the stairs, hit with a crow bar, but they needed to say it was debris that REALLY knocked him out? oh, show.)


Oh, plus, the way Ron wrote the tweet, made it seem this would be the case for all houses with basements that exploded, heh. 


(Sorry about your parents' house, from a fellow NJ-er.)

Edited by ulkis
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I liked it.

I want more of Dee as Patricia, and of those kids that played Young Patricia and Young Luke. Maybe they could play, as someone else suggested above, Valerie's half sister & brother?

I don't understand why they didn't use the original opening, or at least the music that originally went with the 80's opening. That opening with the current music was odd.

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Yeah--I was a urgent bulletin APOLITICAN IS CROOKED. Stop the presses!


OMG! IT'S THE MOST SHOCKING NEWS IN THE WORLD! What's even funnier is that the news was starting at 4. They could have waited three minutes to break in. RC must be having a shit fit. 


Although to be fair, I had a bit of a shit fit because I sat through the whole fukakta episode only to not be able to see the end/resolution.

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The only thing I have to say is that LW did a good job playing a different character than Snarly.


She's good when she's not flaring her nostrils and yelling at people. 

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I refuse to accept anything that Ron has created or rewritten as canon. This is basically an alternate OLTL universe.

I think of it as an alternative hell dimension. I'm just waiting for Anna and Dante to figure this out and try to start putting things right, or escape and get back to the real universe.

I may totally write this as fan fic. Nathan can help, too, but he will no longer be Dr O's son since she can only exist in the hell dimension... that's the only explanation for her ...

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Kiki is just that hot!

Oh, you're so funny on April Fool's Day!!


But seriously, why did Luke suddenly start trying to goose Kiki for months straight?  Why marry Tracy to get ahold of ELQ?  Why be repulsed by her when usually she's his quesadilla or meximelt or whatever? 

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I think, as an homage, the episode was very good. The hospital scenes were excellent and everyone (except TG and both versions of Bobbie) did wonderful work.

As a resolution to the giant clusterfuck that is this idiotic tedious year-long story? It failed on every level.

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Oh for the love of...who the hell cares if Robert Menendez was indicted? It couldn't have waited THREE MORE MINUTES until the 4 pm news? I'm gonna have to read the posts here to see what I missed after Tim screamed at Luke that Luke killed his mother...

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