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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Personally I expect good acting. The role Jimmy is playing and how he is playing it do not meet in the middle, for me, they may as well be two continents apart. The role is actually a pretty decent one for a young character, a lot of drama, pain, angst, the whole nine yards. However, Jimmy doesn't have the skills nor capability, imho, to pull off any of what he's required to portray. The emotion isn't there, the passion, the grief, the anger, the anxiety, the trauma, he may as well be playing a kid who dropped his ice-cream cone on the ground for how "troubled" he appears.


I don't disagree that Jimmy isn't a great actor. The easiest fix would be simply to recast the character. I wish someone would talk Eddie Alderson into signing a six month contract to take over Rafe. But, we have seen a lot more of TJ and his family drama than Rafe. We have seen more of TJ and his family drama more than we have with Molly! Rafe is missing for months, then pops up one day, with a full blown drug addiction. 


The fact that TJ hasn't stabbed Rafe in the face yet is a testament to how much self-restraint he has.


It has been months. He could have secretly had sex with Molly since then. It seems that Rafe has been avoiding both of them. Plus that little stunt that Rafe pulled had the unintended consequence of Rafe no longer being any sort of competition for Molly. If TJ doesn't want to deal with Rafe he can just ignore, which is what Rafe told him to do twice. 

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Yea, Rafe could've been a really interesting character. RC definitely wasted that potential, but I doubt JD could've pulled it off anyway. It would've been amazing if Eddie Alderson played Rafe, Ambrosefolly. He probably could've made even this shitty story 10 times better.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think the character of Rafe had a ton of potential.  This is a kid who lived on the streets his whole life, who had an unstable mother who was murdered, who found out his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish.  But Ron stamped anything interesting out to make him the latest Ford, the latest Trey, etc.


I don't think it was Ron. I think it was the utter anti-charisma of the actor. imo.

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I don't think it was Ron. I think it was the utter anti-charisma of the actor. imo.



I agree, for once I won't lay the blame at Ron's feet, at least beyond casting the kid in the first place. But Jimmy's a poor actor, and he's shown that it doesn't really matter how Rafe is written or the situations he's put in he can't do anything really with the material. Not even putting him with better actors really helps, they just expose him more.


Eddie is a good actor, certainly he's stayed above water unlike his big sister has as they've aged, but it would have been a hard sell for me to buy him coming from a union of Caleb and Alison. Then again I think Jimmy doesn't look a bit like a kid those two would have made either. If only Drew had stayed a few years younger...


Oh I'm not saying that Jimmy Deshler is helping matters.  But after his initial introduction story was over, his back story was pretty much shelved and Rafe was just some bland, well-adjusted kid pining for his female friend and hatching junior high schemes to get her attention.  No actor was going to be interesting in that kind of story.


They're taking the character somewhere darker now with the (out-of-nowhere) drug problems, but likely, his reasons for doing them won't boil down to his tortured upbringing or even the clear neglect from Sam and Silas, but because Molly doesn't like him wah!

Edited by TeeVee329
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I caught up on the last week of eps in about an hour thanks to the fast-forward button, and I have to double-down on the failure of the Rafe character. JD is just all wrong for that role. I think they wanted a broody, old soul type (like Michael Easton, honestly), and they hired a Cabbage Patch Doll to play him. I wish they would recast him, because I agree that the idea of the character has potential. But it will never work with this actor, and I'm sick of him dragging down his scenes with Sam, TJ, Molly, anyone and everyone.


Other than the Rafe/TJ and Rafe/Sam scenes, I opted to fast-forward through everything aside from Nathan & Maxie, Britt & Brad, Sam & Patrick, and Alexis & Molly. Don't feel like I missed much.

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The show is spending so very much time on the funeral of a tiny baby that never spoke a word. While that's sad, Ric is supposed to be dead, and I haven't heard anyone speak of funeral or memorial plans for him, except for Sonny expressing a reluctant responsibility. I guess Sonny is stuck with burying him...but surely Sonny would want to see the body first?


AJ's funeral wasn't shown either...less time and effort was spent on it, focused instead on Sonny and Ava's crypt sex.


It still looks like all the funeral folderol and cray-cray and conversations and tears are to prop Sabrina and mention her over and over and over, giving her more on and off-screen time....giving me a violent headache.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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The show is spending so very much time on the funeral of a tiny baby that never spoke a word. While that's sad, Ric is supposed to be dead, and I haven't heard anyone speak of funeral or memorial plans for him, except for Sonny expressing a reluctant responsibility.


I haven't watched today's episode yet, but Ric just died.  Unexpectedly at that.  People knew Baby Shamwow was fighting an uphill battle since his birth, so them being Johnny on the spot with his funeral (& TeCa's for-now exit s/l) makes some sense to me.  Even if I don't give a rat's ass about the baby or the grieving mother.  Now if Ric gets the Jason treatment (pretty much everything off-screen), or no one says anything this week about a future service for him, then I'll be upset.

Edited by OnceSane

And there it is.  Rafe turned to drugs not because of his crappy childhood, not because his mother was murdered, not because his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish, not even because Sam and Silas have been neglectful guardians.  He had to take drugs because he loves Molly and she doesn't love him and it ruined his life.


Shut the hell up, Rafe.

  • Love 8

It was both the actor - who isn't that bad - and the writing.


There was a huge backstory in Rafe, but it was only there to make you feel bad for the poor, nice kid. RC and FV didn't care about the drama in that - their only interest was in hiring a nice-looking boy who most resembled the teen hero Cole Thornhart mold from OLTL, where they'd had the popular teen pairing of Cole (another orphaned boy) and Kristen Alderson's Starr Manning which got them all the youth demos. So you had this fresh-faced, doe-eyed sweet kid with a wounded heart who acts like a rescue pup, who has the personality of Nilla wafer ice cream and a One Direction song, and that to them was perfect for Cole Jr. with Starr 2.0 (a.k.a. Molly).


When that didn't take off - when people didn't like the generic teen story for him or those two - Rafe became one of Ron and Frank's many cast-off misfit toys, to be disposed of, which is what he is now.

Edited by jsbt
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And there it is.  Rafe turned to drugs not because of his crappy childhood, not because his mother was murdered, not because his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish, not even because Sam and Silas have been neglectful guardians.  He had to take drugs because he loves Molly and she doesn't love him and it ruined his life.


Ugh. The misogyny of this is staggering. It's basically Molly's fault for not wanting to be more than friends with this bozo.


FWIW, I didn't think Cole and Starr worked, except on paper as Todd's daughter falls in love with Marty's son. So I'm not surprised Ron can't write a story that works for Molly and Rafe. I don't think Molly and TJ are exactly setting the world on fire, but the writing for them and the acting is marginally better.

Edited by dubbel zout
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The show is spending more time on Sabrina and her blanket baby than they spent on AJ and Jake and their parents put together. Killing off a plot point doesn't make me have any fucks to give about a weak character who can do nothing without support played by a poor actress that always fails to rise to the juicy material she gets.

Druggy Rafe and Sabrina should take a long trip together.They're a wellmatched pair.

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I love how apparently easy it was for 20 year comaNina to figure out Rafe was a dope head.  Sonny suddenly "cares" about Ric now that he's "dead?"  Shut up Sonny because no one believes you.  I didn't like Nathan's little frat boy line about Maxie and the meat either.  Some thought it was funny but I didn't.  It's as if he was disrespecting Maxie even though he was talking about ribs.  Levi didn't like it either, hence the sucker punch.  I'm going to enjoy the bitter rivalry between these two.

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"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" when Epiphany started singing at Gabriel's funeral and rolled my eyes so far into the back of my head that I'm surprised they didn't get stuck.



She's a fine singer and Amazing Grace is a beautiful hymn but it is so lyrically inappropriate for an infant's funeral that it completely took me out of the scene and torpedoed any possibility there might be of engaging me emotionally. 

  • Love 4

I am for anything that makes that ugly fake ass clown Levi miserable. That's what he gets for running off at the mouth without knowing what the hell he is talking about. If he can't take it don't dish it out.

Maxie can screw Nathan 500 diff ways to Sunday & he can rub it in his face & I could give 2 shits. Cause at least then something would be believable about her actions

I can't believe that Ron is expecting me to believe that Levi could get the best of Nathan, that's like trying to tell me Spin can beat up a girl. Negative

How much longer do I have to wait for someone to kill Levi or get him the fuck off my screen. His expiration date has passed. Ron needs to stop playing.

  • Love 6

AJ got a funeral, it was just terrible.  Poor Edward's, however, was completely off-screen.


Edward may not have had a funeral but he got a nice send off.  Not anyone singing Amazing Grace, but the writers did a decent job.


What was done for AJ was wrong on so many levels.  First, it wasn't a funeral - it was a reason to get Sonny and Ava together to bang on his grave.  Secondly,it was completely unnecessary to kill off a character that was just brought back from the dead a year before.  Just stupid. 


Just like making a character pregnant, show none of the pregnancy on screen and then trot out the actress right before maternity leave just to kill off her spawn.  That is stupid and un-necessary too.  Sticking a tiny casket on screen isn't going to make me care when the writers barely do and I really think the whole purpose was Emmy bait for TC and the new Jonathan Jackson, JT.

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I actually yelled out, "OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" when Epiphany started singing at Gabriel's funeral and rolled my eyes so far into the back of my head that I'm surprised they didn't get stuck. I know that's probably wrong of me but I couldn't help myself. 


It reminds me of what Tim Stickney (R.J. Gannon) said about his time at OLTL - he had come on as "a hard-ass thug," but he knew that if he didn't do something to keep his character on that edge that within a few years "I would be singing spirituals to Bo on his deathbed." Which is why, though he is a talented singer, he would then tank any singing scenes he got on the show - "because R.J. is not a good singer."

Edited by jsbt

am for anything that makes that ugly fake ass clown Levi miserable. That's what he gets for running off at the mouth without knowing what the hell he is talking about. If he can't take it don't dish it out.

Maxie can screw Nathan 500 diff ways to Sunday & he can rub it in his face & I could give 2 shits. Cause at least then something would be believable about her actions

I can't believe that Ron is expecting me to believe that Levi could get the best of Nathan, that's like trying to tell me Spin can beat up a girl. Negative

How much longer do I have to wait for someone to kill Levi or get him the fuck off my screen. His expiration date has passed. Ron needs to stop playing.


Standing ovation and a million likes!!!!

My eyes were also rolling during AG--she tried way too hard.

And I  realized today I think Patrick SHOULD divorce Robin.  She's a shit mother.


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I thought this episode was hilarious. Granted, I skipped most of it.


"I just had a powdered doughnut for breakfast!" "Did you chase it down with cocaine?" I MEAN COME ON! This is the best comedy on right now!


Sonny is such a little bitch. It's hilarious, but super maddening as well.


I don't remember anything else.

  • Love 2

Was that an Aztec necklace Maxie was wearing today?


Sonny continues to amaze, not in a good way.  He's always treated Ric like he was something he couldn't wipe off the bottom of his shoe fast enough, but now he's all righteously indignant at his "death" in police custody?  I guess even someone who shares part of his DNA is sacred, in spite of the hate, because it's all about Sonny all the time.


Whatever happend to Sonny's father (aka Delia's/Roxie's husband)?  He disappeared during the years I stopped watching!


They keep telegraphing that Rafe is the baby killer, but I keep hoping it turns out to be Levi.  Hate him.  While not the most scintillating of actors, I don't think Rafe's actor compares so badly next to TJ's.  They're both blah, take-it-or-leave-it characters for me.  But I'd take both of 'em and hand them Emmys if it meant getting rid of Levi.

  • Love 2

I actually yelled out, "OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" when Epiphany started singing at Gabriel's funeral and rolled my eyes so far into the back of my head that I'm surprised they didn't get stuck. I know that's probably wrong of me but I couldn't help myself. 


My dream Ephiphany scene is for her to be in the middle of one of her "look at me, aren't I funny/tough/sassy/a songster scenes and have someone just come up to her and shove a sock in that big mouth.

Not a fan.

She and Felix, the Top Sobby Proppers should now take an extended leave from the hospital and go to the basement.

  • Love 2

It reminds me of what Tim Stickney (R.J. Gannon) said about his time at OLTL - he had come on as "a hard-ass thug," but he knew that if he didn't do something to keep his character on that edge that within a few years "I would be singing spirituals to Bo on his deathbed." Which is why, though he is a talented singer, he would then tank any singing scenes he got on the show - "because R.J. is not a good singer."

This makes me love Stickney even more. I hate the "magic negro" portrayed by shows.

I think I'm just going to skip today's episode in order to keep my sanity.

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It was both the actor - who isn't that bad - and the writing.


I don't know, I think he's pretty bad. But I think it was his super doofishness that killed him. I know he's supposed to appeal to tweens but even tweens like their crushed to look 14, not 12.


I like that Rafe said he was having a hard time because of Molly. I don't want the show to attempt to make me feel sorry for the doofus.


I think I'm just going to skip today's episode in order to keep my sanity.



Making a needlepoint cushion for my couch as we speak...

What makes Anna think that she can get by without showing Ric's corpse to any of his friends and family?




Memo to Duke: Holding a 25-year grudge like that is weird. You spook me out.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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What a great way to kick off the week with such a riveting, spellbinding episode...I can't even really remember what I watched now.


Rafe continues to be a waste, not just of time or space but just in general. I have a bad feeling about Ron's intentions having the Nina keep Rafe's druggie secret from Silas.


I get Sam being thrown off about the Nina's return, but she seemed unnecessarily concerned or worried to me. Silas told her about their relationship, that he's fallen in love with Sam now, him offering her a place to stay while she recovers is generous, it doesn't have to be such a big deal, she is still his wife and at the very least someone he cares about who, in all honestly, he owes since he did set the ball rolling with her loss of two decades because of his affair.  I don't like you making me annoyed with Sam, Ron, you already did plenty with her crap towards Julian. Stop it, stop it now.


Levi is a dwouche, a dweeb douche, may he burn in a vat of acid.


So apparently Becky and Michael are vampires, it just doesn't make sense that they look nearly the same as they did when they married, nearly 14 years ago.


I don't care about Sabrina, I don't care about her baby, I don't care about other people caring about Sabrina or her baby, I just don't, I never will. Just get her off screen already, that can't happen soon enough.

Edited by CPP83
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