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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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He says Frank reins him in, but Frank does not do enough.


I think the only thing Frank reins in is the budget.


So "Jason Morgan" has been reduced to folding laundry


He is living in the House of Rage and Folding Laundry. The rage might be gone, but laundry is eternal.


I think this is more a systemic problem tbh.


Definitely; it's not as if the men have lots of friendships, either. I think Nathan/Dante is the only one now that Mac and Kevin are offscreen. Everyone else has business relationships.

  • Love 4

I don't think this is isolated to Liz or Carly, though being two female characters with long, continuous histories on the show, they are obvious in this regard. Many of the ladies on GH don't have female friends or they haven't gotten along with their 'rivals.' Lulu/Maxie is the only friendship I can think of where it got messy and catty and they were able to become friends despite boys and other drama.


I'm trying to think of current female friendships on this show at all and I'm drawing a blank. Carly/Olivia were at one point, I guess? Sabrina/Liz? Sam used to be friends with Maxie years ago during but have they talked recently? If I don't count relationships between relatives, it's a sad situation overall. I think this is more a systemic problem tbh.

Not that we ever see them but felicia and lucy are good friends.I'm disappointed they have seemed to have forgotten felicia/Anna/Bobbies friendship.

I've just returned from a holiday trip and catching up on this week's GH - y'know nuthin' screams Christmas like Sonny arranging Franco's rape in prison, a heroin dealer arranging a hit on a subordinate who prevented a hit man from killing a helpless man bound and gagged in a trunk, an adult (Nicholas) sanctioning his 9 year old to lie and Krampus terrorizing children. Hee haw that was all a laugh riot.  And again, no Christmas story. I really wonder - do the ABC execs know what is going on with this show?


When can Ron and Frank be fired and we get our show back?


I used to love this team but this year has not been good. Yes, we got Ric back and Maxie saw her child.. but really.. really show?? 

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 4

Honestly, other than Lulu and Maxie, Sam and Liz have been the best at attempting to put past shit behind them and at least try to be civil.  Shit flares up every now and then with them, but, other than that, they try.  I can't think of any other woman on this show who has managed to be friendly with a woman who she's had any conflict with (whether it be over a man or something else).  

  • Love 4

Post-vacay catch-up thoughts:


(1) Krumpus is awesome, but I was the kid reading Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark to all her friends at sleepovers, so I'm predisposed toward the terrifying. 

(2) Obrecht doesn't bother me, but her singing to Nathan was rather cringeworthy.

(3) I still don't think Ryan Paevey can act. I think he may have regressed, actually. He looked proud of himself for remembering his lines.

(4) Maxie's distress over not being able to make it for New Years' Eve was really hard to swallow being as it meant she'd get an extra day with her daughter. Um, Show, that's been her real sacrifice this year--not being able to see her daughter. Not dating the hot cop for a few months does not compare.

(5) Way too much mob. I don't mind Port Charles: Behind the Bars, but I do mind it and so much of the rest of the show being about mob family reallocation. Not interested in the mob. Never have been. Still am not. Not going to change. 

  • Love 5

Your examples illustrate IMO one of the biggest problems with GH these days: the cast is too large. Because of that, and also due to Ron's ineptitude, he tries to tell too many stories simultaneously and thereby he tells thin stories made up of plot points. Two days ago was Christmas, now it's NYE. Are they still recounting the mayoral votes? What's Lucy been doing? Where's Bobbie? Ron plays lip service to using the vets, but he wants it all. The entire week of Ric and Liz of which it would have been nice to see even a scene or two was summed up in 2-3 sentences by Liz today.

It isn’t just the size of the cast, it is the over focus on complete newbies and pretty shady ones at that. How much time was focused on Nina and Franco and trying to “sell” their “bond? For Nina, not only did they create a new family for her, they connected her to the slightly less newish family. For Franco, they made him Scott’s kid.


When can Ron and Frank be fired and we get our show back?

Because it seems the current crop of Daytime writers have been all pretty terrible, or at least the ones that get the top jobs. Remember Guza, and his decades long "Jason is the best ever" storyline?

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

Thankfully Franco wasn't obsessed with Lulu. He just kidnapped her because he wanted to force Jason to make a choice between Sam and Lulu, who he both strapped to bombs. He wanted to use Maxie but she hadn't been in the office that day and Lulu was. We all laughed about it at the time because Jason basically has no relationship with Lulu - the show just used her because Lulu and Dante were being built up at the time and they wanted Dante to dramatically rescue Lulu.


Franco was aaaaaaaall about Jason.

I was on the barge then, who did The borg actually save first. They  are both still alive,sooo ?

I was on the barge then, who did The borg actually save first. They  are both still alive,sooo ?

Franco strapped Lulu to the real bomb, and Sam to the fake bomb that everyone also thought was real. It was a test to see who Jason would save. He had Dante on the phone riding to Lulu's rescue while he was saving Sam. Dante saved Lulu, so she got away with a few scratches. I remember it because JJ's Lucky was furious with Jason, and throwing some attitude at Sam too, that Lulu almost died because of serial killer Franco's obsession with Jason the killer. Lucky was like yeah my sister's alive because "Dominic" (Dante) saved her, not because Jason's a big hero. (Lucky was angry about overhearing Nikolas telling Liz he loved her, and it brought up his old anger about Jason the criminal having feelings for/a ONS with Elizabeth.)

  • Love 2

The cast is certainly too big and that is an issue, however my biggest gripe is none of these storylines make a bit of sense!


This Luke/Fluke thing has been going on for over a year and can anyone actually explain what is happening? Can any of us explain all of the mob stuff? Why is Obrecht even around anymore? How can she have more family scenes than any other character on this show? Seriously we are still having a recount on the mayoral race? Ric is suddenly in love with Liz again? When exactly did Helena have time to brain wash Jason? Why hasn't Scotty gotten a DNA test with Franco? Why does Ron have to write the police as so incompetent? Why does no one have a job? Why does Spencer have lines that make him sound 50? What exactly is Jordan supposed to be doing?


Why can't we have any love in the afternoon? There are a few couples that actually have chemistry like Lucas and Brad (I actually had to look up the character names because it's been so long since we've seen them) but when do we see them? The answer: never. I personally like Alexis and Julian but now Ron has just written them into the ground. They repeat the same conversation over and over and over. I simply refuse to count Spencer and Emma as love in the afternoon.


This show is an utter and complete mess. Nothing makes sense. The characters have been dumbed down to a painful level.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 10


This Luke/Fluke thing has been going on for over a year and can anyone actually explain what is happening? Can any of us explain all of the mob stuff? Why is Obrecht even around anymore? How can she have more family scenes than any other character on this show? Seriously we are still having a recount on the mayoral race? Ric is suddenly in love with Liz again? When exactly did Helena have time to brain wash Jason? Why hasn't Scotty gotten a DNA test with Franco? Why does Ron have to write the police as so incompetent? Why does no one have a job? Why does Spencer have lines that make him sound 50? What exactly is Jordan supposed to be doing?

To Answers your questions


1) No not really. I think that Ron and Tony were hell bent on Fluke being Bill but when too many people not only figured it out but called Ron on how out of character that would be for Bill, they began to scramble. Tony's illness and Ron's inability to write around it made it worse


2) Because Ron despite his cries of loving GH wants to piss on the memory of Steve Hardy and Alan Quartermain by making that nut job COS, instead of Monica or even Patrick (who is a douche but at least he is a legacy douche)


3) Okay this one I can by, it is Felecia in the middle of the recount. She likely loses count every time a bright shiny object goes by. Flea while a favorite has never been the brightest


4) I have to defend Ron here, it was implied that while Ric was away he considered his life and realized that Liz was the best thing that ever happened to him and came back with intentions of winning her and being with his daughter. What I hate is that Ric is about to get thrown under the Jake bus and then in turn Liz is going to get run over by the Sam trolley and both characters, who really do have chemistry (even if you do not like either of them) lose out


5)  I think Victor began the brainwashing and he allowed Helena to be one of the people who could command him (No sillier then years ago when Faision had Anna under his spell)


6) Because Ron is obsessed with RH and will do anything to make Franco work


7)  The show's conceit for 20 years has been to prop Sonny and Jason at the expense of the Police (especially Mac and GV Lucky) Ron has added Franco, the Jerome's and Nina to this list


8)  Ron cannot be bothered


9) Because Ron has an unhealthy attachment to the character and he is Ron's Alt, a bratty nine year old with a smart mouth, who needs to be slapped and sent to his room


10) Jordon is suppose to be undercover, but Ron does not know how to pull that off: Hell Guza did it better with Dante

  • Love 5

Am I the only one who initially liked Jake, but immediately started hating him when Helena fracking Cassadine spent an entire episode figuratively sniffing his jockstrap?

And then him being all BFF with Carly . . . uGH!

I am a huge Billy Miller fan, and was thrilled to find he was coming on the show.  I have been terribly disappointed because the writing is shit and the entire story line disgusts me.  If they have him sleeping with that cow, Carly, I will lose any interest I ever had in him.  He is a fantastic actor who is being wasted on a ridiculous storyline.  Y&R (spelled JFP) was so stupid to let him go and that show is suffering because of it. Would love to make a trade and have Steve Burton back here. He's certainly finding no fans at Y&R.

  • Love 6
4) I have to defend Ron here, it was implied that while Ric was away he considered his life and realized that Liz was the best thing that ever happened to him and came back with intentions of winning her and being with his daughter. What I hate is that Ric is about to get thrown under the Jake bus and then in turn Liz is going to get run over by the Sam trolley and both characters, who really do have chemistry (even if you do not like either of them) lose out


In what way is Ric going to be thrown under the bus for Jake/Liason? I am in no way Jake/Jason fan but I am not going to pretend Ric is a man of virtue. He is anything but. If he does something now that is heinous, it won't be to solely to prop someone, he is capable of such acts. 


If by thrown under the bus, you mean he'll lose Liz' instant affections to Jake, well then he can join Lucky, Nik, AJ and everyone that Liz has left behind  for greener pastures. Because that too would be more of the same for Liz as opposed to prop for Jake.


It is nice that Ric's had  POV to show why he wants Liz back, good for him. It would be nice if Ron would give Liz the same benefit. So far it seems like she channeling gratitude of him being alive into something more. That is not a bad POV, a motive whether good or bad is a motive. If that is what she is doing, it'd be nice if it were shown on screen instead it being left to debate. 

  • Love 1

I meant to say this after I saw the episode, but things...happened, and I forgot.


It was when Anna "convinced" Jordan to wait a few days before telling TJ the truth about how she was DEA and not a drug addict or whatever. I only got through her first seven words and I fast forwarded that shit. That douchenozzle is now stealing lines from The Godfather, just like Guzasshole did.


You know, when Jordan said "Just when I thought I was out..." I didn't want to hear the rest.  I suppose it's something that they didn't have her go into a diabetic shock or something like Al Pacino's Michael Corleone did, when he uttered that famous phrase. As if the stoopid PCPD is equivalent to the mob or something.

  • Love 1


In what way is Ric going to be thrown under the bus for Jake/Liason? I am in no way Jake/Jason fan but I am not going to pretend Ric is a man of virtue. He is anything but. If he does something now that is heinous, it won't be to solely to prop someone, he is capable of such acts.


If by thrown under the bus, you mean he'll lose Liz' instant affections to Jake, well then he can join Lucky, Nik, AJ and everyone that Liz has left behind  for greener pastures. Because that too would be more of the same for Liz as opposed to prop for Jake.

What I mean by thrown under the bus, is that Ric will lose to Jake weather he stays on the straight and narrow or goes back to being bad, because Ron the Hack wants Liz and Jake in a Quad/Tri with Sam and Patrick. And while Ric will plot point lose Liz to Jake, then Liz, plot point, will lose to Sam.


I could care less if Jason or Lucky "stole" Liz from Ric, hell even Nic or back from the dead Ewan could steal her, what I object to is that this is being broadcast from a thousand miles away, that Jake will get Liz from Ric and then when he discovers he is Jason she will lose him to Sam.  I could hop on the barge and come back in six months and what I have said will have happened and that is what I object to. It is formula and at this point boring

  • Love 5
JSomething I don't think I've seen mentioned - so Nikolas is encouraging Spencer to lie about Helena hanging around and is keeping his evil relative's whereabouts under wraps?

I mentioned this a few day ago. Half the town already knows Helena is back, and the other half doesn't care. So what's the big deal?


Is today the first time we heard that Frisco is the head of the WSB? Way to make that a throwaway line.

  • Love 3


Is today the first time we heard that Frisco is the head of the WSB?

Really? That makes no sense. Robert Yes, Frisco no. Frisco's whole character is as a wanderer, being head of the WSB would tie him down to one spot and take him out of any of the real action. Robert having been a police commissioner for years is the logical candidate,


it is moments like this when I know Ron is lying when he says he watched this show as a kid.

  • Love 5

The throwaway line about Frisco bugged.  Moreso that Maxie apparently reached out to him to help her get to Nathan.  Didn't they leave things on a crappy note when Frisco skipped town after Felicia turned him down?  So they somehow, sometime, off-screen, patched up their relationship enough that she asked for his help with her latest squeeze?  Did they talk about how, you know, Frisco's old enemy Peter Herrell tried to kill her?


Lucy badly needs to check herself.  Her blather about needing a man with eyes only for her was pretty fucking rich considering she had that in Kevin and threw it away.  And she thinks a suitable candidate would be Duke, who's been in love with Anna pretty much forever?


As is, Duke needs to fucking die.  His looking down at Anna for crossing legal and moral lines when he's fucking running the local mob is lunacy.


Was Liz going out of her way to rub salt in Jake(son)'s wounds?

  • Love 5

So Lucy got reeled in from her crazy perch to act like a teenage drama queen discussing Scott and "Boobie" which...seriously? I mean fucking seriously who the hell came up with that nickname and can they end up coated with honey and tied to an ant hill?


Yet again the vets are reduced to spitting out a bunch of grade school, and not even that good at times, putdowns and have the same conversations about their so called "love lives" for the millionth time. And still no Felicia or Mac...


At least Julian was given enough of his brain to take the bullets from Jordan's gun but this whole "He wouldn't kill Jordan if she's under Duke's protection" bullshit is mind numbingly stupid.


At best she's a throw away enforcer, it isn't as if she's some sort of second in command with sway and connections. Her death would create a mob war? In what world?


Jesus...though what a waste of two hotties and thick tension in a room, those two really would create such pretty love scenes together. Yet they keep putting her with Shawn...blech. And honestly Anna and Dante's promises of protection really don't mean much at all considering that they did leave her to almost die the first time.


Okay Liz is just...I don't have an exact word for it but seriously her attachment to Jake has taken that leap from "unhealthy" to "down right unnerving".


She seriously asked him if he was moving out because of Ric's return instead of thinking that maybe now that he's gotten a job he would indeed want his own place.


I mean...she literally makes everything about him about her in some way. She truly is thinking in terms of "we" when it comes to him. The guy has every right to live on his own and perhaps actually try and figure out his former life.


And on that note could she have looked anymore disappointed and unhappy to hear that he's going to try and start doing that? Actually making the effort to find out what his real name is, if he has a family, where he comes from, what all has he left behind if anything?


She looked like he'd just told her that he would be taking Steffy to the prom instead of her or something. It's just nuts.


Sam and Patrick move ever and always closer and closer to getting blown to pieces so I just can't be bothered with them. 


Maxie and Nathan make my head hurt. They just...are too dumb to be believed.




Ron thinks a mention = using history.




Courtesy of Lulu's refined linguistic skills today, "Obvis".


Plus it's so much better when the one mentioned can somehow suddenly be qualified enough to run the WSB because that is like putting double the amount of history in there.




So they somehow, sometime, off-screen, patched up their relationship enough that she asked for his help with her latest squeeze?  Did they talk about how, you know, Frisco's old enemy Peter Herrell tried to kill her?




Oh Maxie isn't picky. As long as she got to her "man" is what counted most. 

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

And still no Felicia or Mac...


Because why see a nice, heartwarming scene where Maxie tells her parents about her first Christmas with her daughter, their GRANDKID, when we can see her lose her mind over Nathan.


The "OMG...will Maxie and Nathan kiss at midnight?!?!" angst today was so unneeded.  Ron really needs to stop ramping these two up to 11.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

Because why see a nice, heartwarming scene where Maxie tells her parents about her first Christmas with her daughter, their GRANDKID, when we can see her lose her mind over Nathan.


The "OMG...will Maxie and Nathan kiss at midnight?!?!" angst today was so unneeded.  Ron really needs to stop ramping these two up to 11.



Especially since Ryan hasn't yet gotten it reeved up past 2 at this point.


And I'm sure Maxie Snapchatted a picture to Mac and Felicia of the baby while they made duck faces and everyone laughed and then Felicia updated her old lady Facebook status with "The Granddaughter is so Gorg! :D" while Mac went about applying for an extra mortgage on their house to afford Maxie's rent for the next year.

  • Love 5

I need to acknowledge the House of Rage and Laundry. Lol. Didn't that come from Liz and Nik and "rutting like farm animals "? I do wish Billy Miller was Lucky or super younger AJ or a secret AJ kid. He would own that line like a mofo. Like, I don't even hate Liz. But that's a fav nickname.

Anyway, I feel like Cristina Gutierrez, but when Maxie starts pouting and talking like a stupid 12 year old I want to take her car keys and yell in her face "Can you nawwwt?!" She's the annoying element in Port Charles and that's a huge hat to hang. Btw "dashing detective" shut up Spinelli. Maxie cheated on you with a serial killer.

Everyone in PC is dumb or they never cleaned the water. Creepy old guy creeps aroun. He must be legit. Creepy old dude sets up tea party in resturant. Let's have a spot! Wtf?!

  • Love 3

Unpopular opinions galore: SamTrick are pretty, and I really enjoyed seeing Spinelli. Wish we could have seen Ellie too, though.


Both Duke and Agent Sloan can take a flying leap off the Empire State building. How dare they? I mean seriously, how dare they?


Poor Dante, having to babysit Fluke while Lulu rushes off to solve Maxie's latest crisis. This Naxie crap is really getting old.

  • Love 8

Mac's been too busy helping recount mayoral votes to worry about expanding the menu.

Like are there at least side items? Because I'd think a good mac and cheese would be great with ribs.

Why the hell did Sonny get an entire floor for his office, yet Duke only gets a table? Signs that he either needs to bang Carly or will lose his or-gah-nuh-zay-shuh-nnnnnnn. I hope the tea set makes it. For real, whomever breaks that tea set is clearly Port Charles's next bad ass. Only a bad ass of the most bad assness of them all would walk in and shatter a cat's tea set. Have you tried taking anything from a cat, let aalone it's favorite toy or food bowl? You have to be crazy or bad ass. No bad ass. Even crazy people don't fuck with cats.

  • Love 2

As a Mac & Flea fan, I am glad they only appear once a quarter. Ron brought back Felicia and fixed her relationships with Mac and Maxie. As long as she's mostly off-screen, Ron can't tuck her up.

Oh Anna, girl, stop wasting your amazing hair on Lewq, Dewq, and Sloane. You are in a hotel. Go get a room and fuck Dante's brains out.

Why the hell is Jewels scared of Dewq and Shawn. Shawn couldn't hit a target as big as the sun, and Dewq is too busy having tea parties.

Lucy calling Bobbie "Boobie" was just lame. Th contrast between her acting like a middle schooler and Anna acting like a fierce, confidant woman was appalling. I guess the men in Port Charles find it appealing, but I think wimmins that act like that are just pathetic. Give me an Anna Devane any day!

I just have no interest in Maxie/Nathan, Patrick/Sam, and Liz/Jake.

  • Love 6

Unpopular opinions galore: SamTrick are pretty, and I really enjoyed seeing Spinelli. Wish we could have seen Ellie too, though.


I thought Samtrick had very nice chemistry today. Could take or leave Spinelli, but I did feel indignant on his behalf when Maxie snapped at him "but his plane hasn't landed, Spinelli!" Look lady, he doesn't have to look up your boyfriend's flight for you. If I were Spin I would have hung up on her. I liked her dress though.


Dante and Anna have Jordan's back! [insert predictable joke here]


Not a bad episode. There was no Franco, Sonny, Kiki, Silas, Carly, or Nina. I think that's like a record! Usually one of those 5 is in the mix.


Lucy calling Bobbie "Boobie" was just lame.



That happened? I hate her.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Nathan and Maxie are ridiculous and I can't take them seriously.


Fuck you Julian. You can pull a gun on Jordan but you can't shoot Fluke? Idiot.


Aww poor stalker nurse. She's sad because her new crush is moving out. I guess she'll have to settle for having just one man around the house kissing her ass.


Liz and Jakeson might be worse than Jiz.

  • Love 10


and I really enjoyed seeing Spinelli.


I enjoyed his first episode, but I wasn't interested in watching him do Naxie propping duty.



There was no Franco, Sonny, Kiki, Silas, Carly, or Nina. I think that's like a record! Usually one of those 5 is in the mix.


I don't think Silas is on that much, in fact I was thinking today how he hardly seems to be on very much.



I thought Samtrick had very nice chemistry today. Could take or leave Spinelli, but I did feel indignant on his behalf when Maxie snapped at him "but his plane hasn't landed, Spinelli!" Look lady, he doesn't have to look up your boyfriend's flight for you. If I were Spin I would have hung up on her. I liked her dress though.


I hated Maxie snapping at him like that. He's not in charge of the weather and he's not responsible for keeping tracking of her boyfriend's whereabouts.


I still SamTrick and I'm finding that it feels like KMo is overselling it. Like the other day when Patrick was apologizing to her she had turned on the watery eyes and was far more emotional than the situation warranted. I don't think she cried that much when Danny had cancer. And now today she was acting all fidgety and breathless and acted liked Patrick was asking her out to the prom.

I'm finding that it feels like KMo is overselling it. Like the other day when Patrick was apologizing to her she had turned on the watery eyes and was far more emotional than the situation warranted. I don't think she cried that much when Danny had cancer. And now today she was acting all fidgety and breathless and acted liked Patrick was asking her out to the prom.

Sam bit Patty's lip today. Would love to know if that was in the script because, yeah, KeMo is totally putting some extra-ness in every scene with JT, whereas I don't think he is. I don't have a problem with it, though. 'Cause if I turn off the part of my brain that thinks Patty is a dick and the story makes NO sense, and damn, it makes NO sense, Samtrick are cool and pretty and have enough chemistry to make it work. I see why people like them.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 2

'Cause if I turn off the part of my brain that thinks Patty is a dick and the story makes NO sense, Samtrick are cool and pretty and have enough chemistry to make it work. I see why people like them.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I've had problems with how it's been written (mostly Patrick being a dick about Robin problems), but I'm vastly more entertained by them than Sam/Silas and Patrick/Sabrina.

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