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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, LMAO at Kristina praising Sam for "overcoming a devastating divorce and being an adventure woman." 

Well, she was trying to come up with an accomplishment, and she couldn't really go with education, like she did with Molly.  Although I am wondering about the "devastating divorce" -- she couldn't get away from Drew fast enough.  Or was Kristina talking about Sam still being married to Jason, and dissolving that was devastating? 

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5 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, LMAO at Kristina praising Sam for "overcoming a devastating divorce and being an adventure woman."  Whatever-the-fuck that means. 

Tripping over air on stairs in stilettos?

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18 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, it was something about passports.  Which, yes, is not something that happens in the same place as criminal court, but also, someone on Twitter noted that both parents need to be present for that kind of thing, lest one parent try to kidnap the child.

Of course the PC courthouse also has the federal offices. Heh.

16 minutes ago, ulkis said:
5 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, LMAO at Kristina praising Sam for "overcoming a devastating divorce and being an adventure woman."  Whatever-the-fuck that means. 

Tripping over air on stairs in stilettos?

Hiding in plain sight at Windemere, having Spinelli hack into whatever she needs him to....

I watched Wednesday's episode out of order, and I have to say that Margaux's decision to bury her dad so close to Morgan's grave is GENIUS. That is Olympic level passive-aggressiveness.

I had to laugh at Carly being so worried about Margaux and Drew. Carly is supposed to be so sharp—did she not see that Drew's body language was anything but "cozy"? What an idiot. And the troika's fear that Drew will spill the beans is pretty insulting to him. When has he given any indication that he's going to implicate any of those ding-dongs? Never, but a good way to make him possibly change his mind is to give him any sort of grief about it. (I know they haven't yet, but it's possible.)

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If Nelle didn't wear an orange jumpsuit, how would we know she's in prison?

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I watched Wednesday's episode out of order, and I have to say that Margaux's decision to bury her dad so close to Morgan's grave is GENIUS. That is Olympic level passive-aggressiveness.

I know!  It's brilliant!  Bad luck to her if she's hoping it will actually cause Sonny or Carly any remorse. They actually believe that by demonizing him Margaux will give up going after Sonny.


2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I had to laugh at Carly being so worried about Margaux and Drew. Carly is supposed to be so sharp—did she not see that Drew's body language was anything but "cozy"? What an idiot. And the troika's fear that Drew will spill the beans is pretty insulting to him. When has he given any indication that he's going to implicate any of those ding-dongs?

As soon as Carly realized that Drew wasn't her beloved Jason, she couldn't show him the door fast enough.  He was persona non grata in everything.

Their belief that Drew might turn them in says more about them than about him.

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33 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Their belief that Drew might turn them in says more about them than about him.

In an ideal world, Drew would tell Margeaux to piss up a rope for trying to manipulate him in this way, still get back his USB of memories (can't believe I just typed this. Who writes this shit) AND still screw over the trio of suck. In an ideal world. But in this horribly shitty ass written show world where the trio of suck are the show's "good guys", Drew will work with them to take down evil Margeaux who is evil for wanting to avenge her father's murder. But they're not evil for murdering said father. Yeah, hard pass on that one.

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36 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

In an ideal world, Drew would tell Margeaux to piss up a rope for trying to manipulate him in this way, still get back his USB of memories (can't believe I just typed this. Who writes this shit) AND still screw over the trio of suck. In an ideal world. But in this horribly shitty ass written show world where the trio of suck are the show's "good guys", Drew will work with them to take down evil Margeaux who is evil for wanting to avenge her father's murder. But they're not evil for murdering said father. Yeah, hard pass on that one.

Yup.  It will never happen.  This show is the worst.   No one has real reactions, everything is kumbaya and the trio of shit + shithead Sam are viewed as some moral centers.  

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

If Nelle didn't wear an orange jumpsuit, how would we know she's in prison?

Handcuffs? :)  Which they did show in close-up.  But then I don't think the writers give the audience much credit.  Hence showing us flashbacks from events that took place the day before.

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Why are EH and BM so awkward with each other all of a sudden? Even before the FD scene they are just off. Not like they were on Y&R. I heard they dated too, but IDK if it's true but their chemistry is just off this time around. 

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3 hours ago, avocadohead said:

Why are EH and BM so awkward with each other all of a sudden? Even before the FD scene they are just off. Not like they were on Y&R. I heard they dated too, but IDK if it's true but their chemistry is just off this time around. 

The characters are not really playing lightness at all.  She has an agenda. He had an agenda since he didn't trust her from the start. The relationship is one of annoyance I would say, so it's not like it's been written to really test any other type of chemistry outside of antagonism.  But I think the biggest issue is trying to force something that was relevant 10 years ago onto a different show.  There was no need to cast EH in this role, as they had auditioned several actresses for the part, but instead Frank decided to not put any effort into anything as usual and said "well Hendrickson is available, she worked with Billy on YR, it will be an easy built in fanbase so I can push an agenda!"  FV's ideas are almost always terrible. In the few "dates" they went on and there was lightness between them (hot dog nonsense, the rib nonsense), I didn't get a sense of any real romantic chemistry.  There are already enough cooks in the kitchen for Drew.  No matter what FV thought of Tamara and Billy's lack of chemistry, that story should have played out more for both characters and it simply hasn't.  Bringing on Margo to potentially pair her with Drew as she is "trying to take down Sonny",  I don't know how she wins or this works out but FV will probably try his best to keep her around no matter what.

The whole thing is inorganic just like Jason and Sam currently are.  Everything feels forced because it is.

Edited by Hater
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15 hours ago, LillyB said:

I can't remember the last time that Sam was on an adventure unless it was the time she birthed Scout through her pants.

And when Scout has problems of any kind (as we all know she will & if GH is still around) then she can blame it all on the above.

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8 hours ago, avocadohead said:

Why are EH and BM so awkward with each other all of a sudden? Even before the FD scene they are just off. Not like they were on Y&R. I heard they dated too, but IDK if it's true but their chemistry is just off this time around. 

They dated and she cheated on him. They seem to be fine (off-screen) with each other now though.

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I don't think EH is that convincing either, but the writing is stacked against her, as usual. She came on immediately wanting to take down Sonny, and they're having her go about it in the stupidest possible way. She doesn't stand a chance, even if we know no one gets the better of Sonny. The suspense is nonexistent.

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11 hours ago, Hater said:

But I think the biggest issue is trying to force something that was relevant 10 years ago onto a different show.  There was no need to cast EH in this role, as they had auditioned several actresses for the part, but instead Frank decided to not put any effort into anything as usual and said "well Hendrickson is available, she worked with Billy on YR, it will be an easy built in fanbase so I can push an agenda!"  FV's ideas are almost always terrible.


A common soap mistake. General Hospital has been there before too. Rather than lightning striking twice, usually it's a case of diminishing returns. Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans flailed around in the '90s trying to make Stefan and Katherine happen as a couple. How could it miss, right? They had been a phenomenon as Patch and Kayla! But Stefan and Katherine were not Patch and Kayla, and sometimes a factor in those supercouples is the actors discovering each other. When they know each other well after working together for years, whether that first experience was good or bad on their side, it's a different kind of chemistry.

Mo and Sarah Brown as Sonny and Claudia, same thing. Sarah worked her ass off, and I thought she gave very compelling performances as Claudia, but I doubt many Original Recipe S&C shippers were rooting for Sonny/Claudia to make this thing work. Wasn't Sonny/Kate (the Megan Ward version) the popular pairing for him in that period? I mean...taking Sonny/Tall Building off the list of possibilities.

Edited by Asp Burger
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Something is missing from all of these plots.  I will give writers a pass on the state of this soap because a serial killer on the loose, a teen-ager finding out he has brain cancer, a daughter moving in on her mother's beau, and a baby switch, a woman who was in a coma for twenty years finds her long-lost daughter, Cassadine history, Faison-lite, Scorpios, brand new detectives and Liz/serial killer-rapist and her kids,  topped off by a Quartermaine who is nearing to regain all of his memories from a thumb drive.  All of these plots should be interesting to watch.  None are - in large part   because of the enormous amount of effort wasted on trying to sugar coat the disgusting and violent Corinthos family ethos - 'Loyalty above all else'.  What is it going to take to get rid of this stain on Port Charles?  The pacing, lack of interesting youth, pets (looking at you michelle stafford, looking at you michelle stafford) and the ridiculous amount of time wasted on the resurrection of Saint Jason circling around the giant Corinthos turd just makes this soap seem like it's spiraling quickly down the porcelain god - even more so than two years ago.

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I liked the Nina/Sasha scenes, because they were realistically excruciating. If you found out in adulthood that Nina was your mother, and she acted that way at the first meeting, proposing Paris trips, wouldn't you be backing away slowly too? It reminded me that Nina never really got to grow up. She's good with Charlotte because she's emotionally only about seven years older than Charlotte, more like a big sister. And I go back and forth on the Staff and her mannerisms, but she was really committing to Nina's neediness. Give her that, she throws vanity to the wind. It kind of broke my heart when she started crying and begged Sasha not to leave her again. I could see the point of view of both women. And I love Sasha's loyalty to the dead adoptive mother, and her firmness about how that woman will always be her mother.   

I'm somewhat interested in where this goes. I know there's a vocal contingent that Sasha is a red herring, but I don't know...they got a really beautiful woman to play her, and she can act. It will be a waste if she's just a red herring for a few weeks and the real daughter is someone else on the canvas.  

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I hope @LexieLily enjoyed Ryan visiting Kevin because based on the preview, starting tomorrow, it's about to be all about Spencer.  UUUGGGHHH.

What was the point of bringing Nelle back at this juncture if they didn't move the baby swap along?

Edited by TeeVee329
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7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I hope @LexieLily enjoyed Ryan visiting Kevin because based on the preview, starting tomorrow, it's about to be all about Spencer.  UUUGGGHHH.

What was the point of bringing Nelle back if this juncture if they didn't move the baby swap along?

So much for the high-security at Spencer's boarding school that was the entire reason Laura chose it. He's broken out twice now. 

Charlotte was a little rude to Laura about the doll gift and I'm glad that Lulu called her on it. But ugh, here we go with the off-screen trashing of Dante and the Lulu/Dante marriage to get Lulu ready for either Chase or a triangle with Maxie and Peter. Do not want.

I feel so bad for Laura every time Ryan-as-Kevin turns her down. Shut up, Ryan. I knew he would taunt Kevin about Laura. 

Why was it any of Liz's business what Sam did or didn't do with Jason OR Drew?

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7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm more relieved, I don't trust this show not to go there.

I'm relieved, of course, but it's still sad to watch Laura blame herself for staying away as to why Kevin might not want her anymore. And now that Ryan taunted Kevin about Laura and Kevin reacted, I don't trust Ryan not to go home and re-create that romantic evening Laura was trying to make, just to hurt Kevin.

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I can only assume today's Liz/Sam scenes were for any remaining fans who in 2018 are still jonesing for these two getting snippy and defensive with each other over their men. There was no need at all to insert Liz into Sam's affairs, and considering who Liz's fiancé is, she and her heavy sighs of judgment can zip it. 

Lulu's already warming up the bus to drive over the remains of Dante's good character, I see. It rankles a lot to see her portray him as someone who would hide behind his job and deliberately distance himself from his family. No matter Dante's failings as a husband, he wouldn't abandon his kids.

If the show wants me to care at all about the potential threat of Jason going down from Drew's info, then they probably shouldn't show me how Jason is relishing digging up dirt on Vincent Marino and how he plans to use that dirt to malign the D.A. He'd trample over anything and anyone to protect Sonny because he's a criminal, pure and simple, and any ramifications of Drew's decision will be richly deserved.

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Yeah, I don't know why off-screen characters can't ever have partial custody. And it would make more sense than characters always managing to find a sitter.

Edited by ulkis
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And look at Drew, all concerned about the blowback on Monica if Jason were to go to jail.  Meanwhile, Jase is working to make sure the murderer of Monica's other son skips out on jail for another murder.

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Kelly had her eyes closed for the first half of her scenes with Becky today.

I did like how Liz said everyone basically goes down when jashit is together.  The bus comes for everyone!

Edited by Hater
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2 minutes ago, LillyB said:

Does Jason know that Sonny killed AJ? Did he find out off or on screen? I guess that he was totes OK with it.

We didn't see him find out on-screen, but we did see him stand there blank-faced one time when Sonny talked about Michael being angry with him about it.

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Just now, TeeVee329 said:

We didn't see him find out on-screen, but we did see him stand there blank-faced one time when Sonny talked about Michael being angry with him about it.

I think his only concern was sympathy for Sonny because Michael was angry with him.

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LO-fucking-L, so now not only was Marino a "dirty guy," hence he's not worthy of being defended, but now Scully was "setting" Sonny up by ordering him to do the hit.  Christ on a cracker, the lengths this show goes to to make Sonny not culpable in anything is pathetic.

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It's a good thing for the PFMs that Nelle has the shittiest lawyer to wrap up her storyline and have her go away forever.

As Franco listed who would be hurt if Jason went to prison, I replied, "And that's bad because....?"

So Spinelli found all this dirt on Zinfindel's dad. Wouldn't this further connect Sonny to Frank Smith and Joe Scully and everything mobbish?

Sonny and Jason are still a podcast series away from someone hitting paydirt, and it wouldn't be going after friends or family. Follow the money between the PCPD moles and the blue collar workers who control city resources. All you need is one flip, or one sloppy coercion....

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5 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

LO-fucking-L, so now not only was Marino a "dirty guy," hence he's not worthy of being defended, but now Scully was "setting" Sonny up by ordering him to do the hit.  Christ on a cracker, the lengths this show goes to to make Sonny not culpable in anything is pathetic.

Wasn't that supposed to be the original story? Sonny did this under Scully's orders?

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Just now, LexieLily said:

Wasn't that supposed to be the original story? Sonny did this under Scully's orders?

Yes, because he worked for Scully, not because Scully was planning some long con to keep Sonny under his thumb.

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"[Peter]'s always on my side!" Lulu sounds like a moron.

Show, don't show a Cassadine ring and then not show it for months. I am not gonna watch every episode for that, it's called reading recaps.

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2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Wasn't that supposed to be the original story? Sonny did this under Scully's orders?

And, the original was that he was just dumping the body and gun. Someone else killed him.


Calling it that Papa Jerome did this.

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

LO-fucking-L, so now not only was Marino a "dirty guy," hence he's not worthy of being defended, but now Scully was "setting" Sonny up by ordering him to do the hit.  Christ on a cracker, the lengths this show goes to to make Sonny not culpable in anything is pathetic.

It's also bizarrely unnecessary in this case because in the original story he was, at most, an accessory after the fact. What was the point in making the crime worse?

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Ugh, Lulu's whining about Dante being away was unbearable. Of course he's the villain here and Lulu is the poor neglected wife. Spare me.

1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

It's also bizarrely unnecessary in this case because in the original story he was, at most, an accessory after the fact. What was the point in making the crime worse?

Probably so that it makes more sense for Margaux to be so gung-ho to get Sonny. They think it evens the playing field, but of course it doesn't, since Sonny always wins.

Wiley is ADORABLE. His hat killed me.

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So Nelle, under the guidance of a lawyer, pleaded guilty but the plea/sentence was not negotiated ahead of time? Totally ridiculous. 

Is Spencer coming back as the same actor? Is he going to ask Cam and Joss about their incredible growth spurts? 

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Drew: "I could get my memories back but it would mean putting Sonny and Jason away for a long time."  Me:  sounds like a win-win situation to me.

The only good thing about the Liz/Sam and Franco/Drew scenes was the parallel of the characters. There was no reason for Liz to get all righteous for Drew about Sam's relationship with Jason (apparently this is the only way to get viewers to buy it, to have other characters talk about it) and Franco being all proud that he's now Jason's BFF was gross.

Nelle  is too stupid to live.  Or maybe she's just building a good legal case to get out later, a thoroughly incompetent lawyer.

5 hours ago, Linny said:

If the show wants me to care at all about the potential threat of Jason going down from Drew's info, then they probably shouldn't show me how Jason is relishing digging up dirt on Vincent Marino and how he plans to use that dirt to malign the D.A. He'd trample over anything and anyone to protect Sonny because he's a criminal, pure and simple, and any ramifications of Drew's decision will be richly deserved.

Sing it. The harder Jason works to besmirch Marino, the more it makes Jason himself an awful person.

Like Carly wouldn't blow up the entire city if someone killed Sonny or Jason.

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I don't think they villainized Lulu or Dante. Lulu was upset about Dante leaving, and Laura said that she didn't blame Dante for not wanting Lulu to work for Peter and Lulu mentioned how Dante was devastated about Nathan.

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