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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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20 hours ago, ulkis said:

I don't think that's what they're going for. I think they're just trying to give Lante conflict. I think after the cheating storyline they've been afraid to make Dante more proactive so Lulu gets the brunt of the wacky scheming and Dante reacts.

Yes and I don't get it now or then. Dante and the female cop had a lot of chemistry and certainly more implied grinding passion than Baby Doll Lulu with her impossible Cousin-It hair and mascaraed pop-eyes. Her clueless egomania and latent baby-rabies complete the look. Yet the fans far and wide crucified Dante and the writers for wanting a mature female relationship in Valerie, a woman with grit who trained for and earned her career in law enforcement. Valerie was arguably more serious about her career than busty Jordan of the low-cut gowns, tight suits, and multiple affairs. How I would have loved to see Lulu dumped on her ass for real woman Valerie, who would be an ideal life partner and police partner for Dante. They are both deeply committed and serious in their jobs, thinking about the public they protect, keeping their skills sharp and serving with pride. Neither would be seeking glory and fame like Lulu did when she wasn't even aware of journalism basics such as vetting your sources. With her professionalism and serious dedication, Valerie could have risen to be a much better police commissioner who wouldn't allow all that nonsense in the PCPD station and interrogation room, especially Sonny stalking around like he owns the place and escapes from the holding cells.

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15 hours ago, Perkie said:

For the record, I for one am hoping Chase remains Finns' brother and doesn't become his son.  I think they work better as brothers.  but that's just me.  

It is also me.  I think two brothers learning to have a relationship is more interesting than another "You're ain't my mudda, YES I AM!" storyline, especially, as I mentioned yesterday, on the heels of Anna and LWB/FS.

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2 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Yes and I don't get it now or then. Dante and the female cop had a lot of chemistry and certainly more implied grinding passion than Baby Doll Lulu with her impossible Cousin-It hair and mascaraed pop-eyes. Her clueless egomania and latent baby-rabies complete the look. Yet the fans far and wide crucified Dante and the writers for wanting a mature female relationship in Valerie, a woman with grit who trained for and earned her career in law enforcement. Valerie was arguably more serious about her career than busty Jordan of the low-cut gowns, tight suits, and multiple affairs. How I would have loved to see Lulu dumped on her ass for real woman Valerie, who would be an ideal life partner and police partner for Dante. They are both deeply committed and serious in their jobs, thinking about the public they protect, keeping their skills sharp and serving with pride. Neither would be seeking glory and fame like Lulu did when she wasn't even aware of journalism basics such as vetting your sources. With her professionalism and serious dedication, Valerie could have risen to be a much better police commissioner who wouldn't allow all that nonsense in the PCPD station and interrogation room, especially Sonny stalking around like he owns the place and escapes from the holding cells.

There are several reasons why people would take Lulu's side over whatever romance Dante and Valerie would have.

  1. In general, people find it distasteful when someone cheats on another person (if the person in question didn't cheat to start with). You will see it on the internet, even when a famous person cheats on the non famous spouse, they will immediately take the side of the wrong party.  Dante had no actual proof of Lulu cheating on him, he never confronted her before he jumped into bed with Valerie. 
  2. Lulu is a long standing character-she predates Emme Rylan, being born on screen, the daughter of the Super Couple with the near perfect casting of Julie Maire Berman in the SORASed role.  Ironically, they tried to "Scotty Baldwin" her character, but luckly for ER, Brytni Sarpy is no Tony Geary (who was something special when he debuted,) nor was the writing for the affair nearly as good as when Laura left Scotty for Luke. Also helps that a show that catered to women, and a woman  was at the center of the triangle. 
  3. Part of the reason for Lulu "baby rabies" was that she attacked and subsequently left infertile. I think a lot of women could at least sympathize with Lulu's plight. Now she has to share custody with a douche because of the douche's family shenanigans. 
  4. Lulu never was a glory hound, but an adventure junkie who was trying to live up to her parent's legacy. Considering how long she did work in publishing with never mentioning any sort of desire to be a writer (which Guza should have done then), the entire sequence of her jumping into investigative journalism really came out of left field.  
  5. The romantic and professional partnership of Dante and Valerie sounds as dull as all get out. The only time people enjoy those kind of things when the couple are dysfunctional as heck (Alan and Monica) or take a long to get together/reconnect (Robert and Anna, and they co parented a kid).   
  6. I deeply resent the show having Jordan taking Anna's position, but it is delusional to think somehow Valerie would be immune to Jordan's treatment. Her skank attitude after she found out Lulu didn't cheat on Dante, certainly didn't make her moral superior to Jordan.  
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I fully expected not to feel anything during the Robin and Anna scenes yesterday. Especially at how cold Anna came off when Robin arrived. Color me shocked when I felt the sting of tears during their last two scenes I think it was, when Finola actually emoted, telling Robin that their relationship, what they went through, was real.  And at Robin's pain and confusion when she told Anna, in light of this new information about Heinrich, that when Emma and Noah were born, Anna wasn't thinking about the new grandbabies, but HeinrichfuckingFaison!???

I'm so glad that the fucking writers didn't have Robin be so perfect, and just accept this and tell Anna there was nothing to forgive, or that she understood everything and nothing has changed between them. Robert!FUCKING!Scorpio! Should be there for Robin. But noooooo. Can't have any substantive scenes with Father and Daughter now, can we?

And I kept muttering to myself, "must suspend disbelief, must suspend disbelief" when Anna was talking about how she got herself into a "situation" and found herself pregnant, because, the FIRST thing spies are told* when placing a honeytrap, or even when not**, BIRTH CONTROL And all this supposedly happened after abortion was legal, so there was that option as well. Considering what Anna did for a living, that should have been something for her to consider. I don't want to get into the whole abortion debate, but as a storyline, this should have been considered. But then these fucking "writers" couldn't massacre the character of Anna if she hadn't bore Faison's spawn.??

So, she thought about this baby every day of her life? What about the other daughter she had with David? Oh, wait. She's not allowed to mention her, or was written to never have had that child? This would have been a better, more believable story, if they'd retconned that baby's death, and had her gunning for Anna. There's history there, and it would have been more believable for me. This Fakakta show.??

And that cafe? Where Robin said the coconut and almond scones are the best? Looked like a fucking dive/hole in the wall.??

James Read looks GREAT!!!!! Much better than Easton.

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So, she thought about this baby every day of her life? What about the other daughter she had with David? Oh, wait. She's not allowed to mention her, or was written to never have had that child? This would have been a better, more believable story, if they'd retconned that baby's death, and had her gunning for Anna. There's history there, and it would have been more believable for me. This Fakakta show.??

What about last year or was it two years ago when Anna thought she had cancer? If I'm remembering correctly she only wanted Robin. 

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11 hours ago, ciarra said:

He seemed bewildered by Kiki's accusations,

I didn't see that at all.  When he walked up to them and said he'd been to HR, he still seemed smug to me, like he managed to convince HR that it wasn't true, especially since he already sent the evaluation in and it was glowing.  He knows exactly what he's doing.  

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2 minutes ago, Perkie said:

He knows exactly what he's doing.  

Bensch sure does. He's playing this exactly right as far as having plausible deniability of everything Lauren has accused him of. I thought his mention yesterday of having already turned in the (positive) evaluation was especially devious. That was kind of her ace up the sleeve, and he's taken it away from her.

This story has been a little slow, and I wish it didn't have the usual pacing issues, but I'm shocked the writing has been so effective so far.

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18 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So, she thought about this baby every day of her life? What about the other daughter she had with David? Oh, wait. She's not allowed to mention her, or was written to never have had that child?

She did mention Leora, and the baby with Duke she lost, when she was in the hospital getting diagnosed with that blood cancer (which...I'm blanking on the last time that was mentioned).  But yeah, Leora almost never comes up as part of Anna's history.

Edited by TeeVee329
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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

It is also me.  I think two brothers learning to have a relationship is more interesting than another "You're ain't my mudda, YES I AM!" storyline, especially, as I mentioned yesterday, on the heels of Anna and LWB/FS.

For me it would be more interesting if it were a Lucky and Nikolas type situation where both had tons of issues to work through. Right now all the issues are on Finn's part.

Edited by ulkis
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53 minutes ago, ulkis said:

For me it would be more interesting if it were a Lucky and Nikolas type situation where both had tons of issues to work through. Right now all the issues are on Finn's part.

I think you could do something in a more lighthearted vein with their different temperments - Dr. Michael Easton, a self-serious grump vs. Detective Chase, an overeager goof - like, I dunno, they are forced to work together on a case that crosses over with the hospital.  Not every story has to be a DEEP DARK SEKRIT FROM THE PAST.

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4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Not every story has to be a DEEP DARK SEKRIT FROM THE PAST.

When everyone has one, all it does is dilute the next DEEP DARK SEKRIT FROM THE PAST.

Why the show keeps falling back on tired soap tropes and telling them in the tiredest of ways is beyond me. And then there's incredulity that the ratings are so low.

Edited by dubbel zout
my nemesis, parallelism
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Thinking of the Finn/Chase situation reminds me of the time that Tony Jones first showed up in PC. Rock star bro Frisco was in GH after having been beaten by thugs (somehow, evil band manager Steffi Brand was involved, IIRC). Tony, having just joined GH, was doing rounds and came upon Frisco, who belted him from his hospital bed. Reason why they were estranged? Tony had been having an affair with their dying mother's private nurse and, in fact, was porking her as mom died in the next room. I don't remember how they resolved it (especially as they both became infatuated with Nurse Tania Roskov), but it took a while.

And I remember everything Frisco so vividly because I was totally in lust with Jack Wagner. I even named my first male cat Frisco so I could say I slept with Frisco every night. Don't hate me! 

Edited by TheMediaHo
damned wrong spellcheck
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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

And meanwhile, what happened to Baby Swap 2018, Show!

1) The usual terrible pacing.

2) Nelle hasn't given birth yet.

I think James Malcolm West is safe—unless the entire town develops face blindness, which of course is entirely possible.

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2 hours ago, TenPea said:

I really want Finn's father to meet Anna and say, "Who brought back my dead wife?" .  It would make 90's me SO happy to see a Charmed reunion.

Bonus: Finn's father's wife is Anna's twin. Which opens up a boatload of issues with Finn.

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2 hours ago, TenPea said:

I really want Finn's father to meet Anna and say, "Who brought back my dead wife?" .  It would make 90's me SO happy to see a Charmed reunion.

Oh, my grandson is still weird and entitled.

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With this case and the initial custody case between Lulu and Valentin, Diane is certainly not living up to her exuberant fee. What the heck does Nelle's sob story about her kidney have to do with Carly pushing her down the stairs? And when is anyone going to mention that, among other things, Nelle has a clear vendetta against the defendant and her family, for example, drugging Sonny and gaslighting him into thinking they slept together for blackmail purposes?

Edited by LexieLily
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It is beyond lame that the show is doing something, however troll-y it ends up being, with Liz's estranged family and it's all about/being spearheaded by Franco.  Ick.  Also, I guess I could give them the benefit of the doubt that Liz figured Franco was talking about Rebecca Budig since he knew her, but if someone asked you about your sister, wouldn't your mind leap first to the sister you grew up with/have had for decades versus the one you had for five seconds?

The penguin mobile being discussed during a court proceeding, I can't!

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Also, are we supposed to feel bad for Carly?  Don't we all remember when she went sashaying into court with baby Joss in her lap and perjured her ass off during that whole Sonny/Claudia/Michael mess?  What goes around, comes around, Snarls.

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I know this isn't going to be popular, but I LOVED Sonny's face when Nelle faked that stomach cramp. And, I know it isn't a jury trial, but that little stunt would make me seriously question Nelle if I was in the jury. My issue is that there isn't any real suspense here. We know Carly is going to win this. Even if the unthinkable happens and she is found guilty, we know she will be out in no time and Nelle will be found out likely talking Ava down with her. 

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The court case is a total dud for me (I lived through all this stuff already, I don't need the CliffsNotes version with clever editorializing by Nelle) but I do want to give a shout-out to MB for his background facial reactions. He kept closing his eyes in exasperation and made the perfect scrunched up "give me a break!" face when the attorney commended Nelle's courage. 

Lulu as PC's answer to Ronan Farrow is a much better use of her than chasing down dangerous criminals. I'm glad to see Kiki's story is branching out and including more of the cast, a subject this important deserves a broad scope.

There were moments today where Ava spoke to Griffin like he was her son, and he had the uncomfortable air of a kid forced to tag along with his mom. This coupling is so awkward and hard to watch right now, and I'm afraid the show is going to make me suffer by stretching out the Kiki/Griffin sex reveal.

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Is the new DA going to take one look at Jason and "Drew" like Kim did? 

That trial was/is such a joke. Nelle faking that cramp was about the most hilarious thing I've seen on GH in a while. Maybe it was MB's reaction to it. 

Watch out everyone! Lulu reporter extraordinaire is now on the Dr. Bensch case! I'm glad they have the women banding together to bring down that creep, but not Lulu, please. Also, she's no Ronan Farrow.

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How is Kiki (geez, I hate that name for her) related to Franco? Liz kept telling her that she had to tell Franco and her mom about Dr. Bench (?).

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God. Kiki is an adult woman (pause as I let that sink in for a second. Maybe I should start calling her Lauren, which is an actual human person name) and doesn't have to tell her parent or quasi-parental figures any of her business. Does Liz not remember how Franco made her rape all about his feelings? Whatever, Webber.

Edited by Melgaypet
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Took me seven minutes to try and figure out how Kiki and Lulu knew each other.  The only thing I came up with was that Kiki dated DIllon and so did Lulu (apparently she had his abortion).  Twenty minutes later I remembered Kiki dated both Morgan and MIcheal, who are Lulu's cousin's sons and her brother in laws.  Oy

43 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Franco thought he was Lauren’s dad for a hot minute; they’re still friendly.

I thought Kiki and Franco thought they were father/daughter her entire life until the Silas reveal, which would explain why they're still friendly nowadays.  


3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Why doesn't Kiki tell Ava about Bensch? Is she afraid Ava will murder him?

Liz asked her to day to tell Ava and Franco but Kiki said she wanted to fight her own battles.  But yeah, I'm sure she doesn't want Bensch's death on her hands, cuz for sure Ava and/or Franco would take that perv out.  

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On 6/5/2018 at 8:16 PM, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Threw up in my beak when Drew heard that Sam was joining up with Curtis in a detective agency and bleated an outrageous compliment that Sam is the best PI in the world. Gag me! To staunch their baby rabies, Sam and Lulu and Nina all got careers in which they were immediately successful, despite lack of training and experience.

I'm still snickering at the way Jason kept his eyes rigidly on Sam's face while he was talking to Sam as she was ransacking the Crimson offices in her braless ballgown.

You owe me a new screen! Speaking of eyes rigidly fixed, Drew’s look a Curtis after he said he was ok with him working with Sam was interesting.

On 6/6/2018 at 12:14 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Dante had a very good point; hell all his points were good, but what I really liked and what was also very fucking true was that Lulu didn't, did NOT vet her sources. Just accepted what Heinrich told her as truth and gospel. As a journalism student, the one point that was hammered in our heads was to VERIFY and get more than one source to VERIFY. This little BRATZ doll didn't do shit. She's an insult to all reporters. Someone needs to sit her ass down and make her watch All the President's Men.

And how long has Alexis had that house of hers? I thought having a fireplace where you actually light a match, was very bad for the environment, and that almost every home that has one, has a gas? fireplace? You know, the ones you use a remote to turn on and it looks and feels like real fire?

I still have a real fireplace. Use it all the time. 

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9 minutes ago, Perkie said:

I thought Kiki and Franco thought they were father/daughter her entire life until the Silas reveal, which would explain why they're still friendly nowadays.

I don't think Kiki and Franco met until they were both in Port Charles, when Keeks was college-aged. (High school? How old were Kiki and Morgan supposed to be when she - in Kristen Alderson form - and our friend Brydawg showed up?) Ava spun the lie about Franco being her father because at that time he was pretending to be (or thought he actually was, I can't keep track) then-dead Jason's twin and so ELQ shares were in play. Stupid Kiki has for some reason kept up her affection for her serial killer fake daddy ever since.

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7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

that blood cancer (which...I'm blanking on the last time that was mentioned)

A couple of days ago actually.  She was talking to Griffin in his office about Peter being her son (had you head about that?!!) when Deanna came to get her for her treatment.  They've actually been pretty good about mentioning it periodically.  


6 hours ago, TheMediaHo said:

And I remember everything Frisco so vividly because I was totally in lust with Jack Wagner.

Right there at the table with you. One of my first soap crushes when I was a teen was Frisco.  Right after Robert and right before Matt Ashford's Jack Deveraux.  


4 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Nelle has a clear vendetta against the defendant and her family, for example, drugging Sonny and gaslighting him into thinking they slept together for blackmail purposes?

That actually works against Carly, since that just gives her motive for throwing Nelle down the stairs.  


4 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I know this isn't going to be popular, but I LOVED Sonny's face when Nelle faked that stomach cramp.

I hate Sonny with the heat of a thousand suns, and I'm not a fan of Mo's, but man, that made me laugh.  There was one WTF look in particular, I don't think Mo knew the camera was on him, because they had him sort of blurry, with the emphasis on Carly's face in the foreground.  

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God, I miss the days when this show put on good courtroom drama. Like when Kevin the serial killer was on trial-Jake was awesome. Or years later with the crazy DA who Sean had an affair with—I’m blanking on what the trial was about-I just know it was done well. Even the one in more recent years, if 20 years can be considered recent-where Laura lied in the stand and it clued Luke in that she was lying. Was Stefan on trial? 

Today was just mind  numbingly boring. ????????

The only amusing thing was Mooby’s reactions to Nelle’s testimony, as mentioned up thread.??

SheBeast couldn’t even look like she was...well can’t say insane because Diane is arguing she was out of her mind “in that moment.” But the SMUG! Like she had no remorse and knew she would be found not guilty. Well, we all know that’s what will happen in the end, but her face was so punchable.

If the gentle direct examination of Joss was “attacking” her, I wonder what her really attacking a witness will look like.????

STFU Bobbie.

10 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

I don't think Kiki and Franco met until they were both in Port Charles, when Keeks was college-aged. (High school? How old were Kiki and Morgan supposed to be when she - in Kristen Alderson form - and our friend Brydawg showed up?)

They were both 19, I think.

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10 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

I don't think Kiki and Franco met until they were both in Port Charles, when Keeks was college-aged

Right, but I thought the original story was that Ava had told Kiki that famous artist Franco was her father from a young age even if they didn't officially meet until they were both in PC.  I could have sworn there was a scene between Franco and Ava where he was pissed at her that he thought he was Kiki's father all these years.  

6 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

But the SMUG! Like she had no remorse and knew she would be found not guilty.

I thought she looked angry and pissed off, which would tip off the judge that she's not some delicate flower that losing her marbles over Morgan's death.  


6 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

If the gentle direct examination of Joss was “attacking” her, I wonder what her really attacking a witness will look like

I laughed both time the judge warned the court to calm down, like there had been some three ring circus going on, when in fact it was one minor outburst from Carly defending her teenage daughter and some silly thing the DA said.  

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The actress who is the new DA seems really nervous to me. I could have sworn that her voice shook several times. Can't get into Diane thinking the DA is so smart and formidable. Even the Judge took gratuitous snarks at her as if she was taking liberties with the solemnity of his sacred court. Actress needs to adopt some badass swagger like Diane's.

Oh no Lulu is off like Don Quixote on his horse to avenge the Keeks from her Perv Dr Bensch. Lulu is all bug-eyed over faulting General Hospital for its lackluster pursuit of the likes of Dr Bensch. But because Kiki has no demonstrable proof of the sexual harassment, Lulu is going to end up with egg all over her face when she shades the hospital that is barely holding its own financially. Her enthusiasm is going to be bad news for the institution, whose negative publicity is exactly what it doesn't need to keep afloat. In fact, if Lulu's story misfires, it could wipe out a lot of the glamor and good will that the Nurses'Ball produced, according to Lucy. Lulu is like a bull in a china shop.

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22 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Right, but I thought the original story was that Ava had told Kiki that famous artist Franco was her father from a young age even if they didn't officially meet until they were both in PC.  I could have sworn there was a scene between Franco and Ava where he was pissed at her that he thought he was Kiki's father all these years.  

Franco did think that because Original Recipe Franco mentioned his daughter Lauren to Carly, which lead to the mess RC left us with in the wake of PP taking away the OLTL characters (Luke pressured Carly to tell him about the unknown Quartermaine when AJ and Tracy were vying for control of ELQ).

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29 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

SheBeast couldn’t even look like she was...well can’t say insane because Diane is arguing she was out of her mind “in that moment.” But the SMUG! Like she had no remorse and knew she would be found not guilty. Well, we all know that’s what will happen in the end, but her face was so punchable.

At last the hair artist tamed Carly's massive head of locks into some decorum for her court appearance. Carly had so much support in Sonny, Bobbie, and Diane that she was able to keep her sneering smug attitude fresh today. Diane was holding all her cross examination until later. What surprise is she planning?

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Franco is like an undisciplined puppy creating a mess with his insistence that the families be invited to the wedding. It's just his need for attention and childish sense of mischief that is behind it, and Liz ought to throw the book at him for not STFU and bedeviling her with extra family worries on her wedding day. Every time I see them they are reverting to the son-and-mommy roles that they unconsciously play in the relationship. Ewww it's disgusting. Make it stop, Show.

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Dante, Michael is your step brother, not you half brother, no matter how much he wants Sonny to be his birth father.  Be happy you don't share any genes with the SLS.

6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

 What the heck does Nelle's sob story about her kidney have to do with Carly pushing her down the stairs?

Sympathy for Nelle, the poor sweet girl who is the subject of Carly's vendetta.

6 hours ago, ulkis said:

Why doesn't Kiki tell Ava about Bensch? Is she afraid Ava will murder him?

I wish!  At least Ava would get the job done.

HE has reached Finola levels of anorexia.  I could count her ribs in that V-neck sweater today.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Dante, Michael is your step brother, not you half brother, no matter how much he wants Sonny to be his birth father.  Be happy you don't share any genes with the SLS.

It would be half brother as Sonny adopted him.

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9 minutes ago, nilyank said:

It would be half brother as Sonny adopted him.



Half-siblings are people who share one parent but not both. They may share the same mother but different fathers (in which case they are known as uterine siblings or maternal half-brothers/half-sisters), or they may have the same father but different mothers (in which case, they are known as agnate siblings or paternal half-brothers/half-sisters. In law, the term consanguine is used in place of agnate). They share only one parent instead of two as full siblings do and are on average 25% related.[3]

"Stepsiblings" (stepbrothers or stepsisters) are the children of one's stepparent from a previous relationship. They are unrelated by blood.

Two "adoptive siblings" are raised by a person who is the adoptive parent of one and the adoptive or biological parent of the other. Adoptive siblings are legally related but need not be blood-related or biologically related.

Michael and Dante are stepsiblings or adoptive siblings but they are not half-siblings.

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"It's not good when the best-case scenario is Carly ending up at Ferncliffe." Speak for yourself, Dante.

How old is Joss, 15? Does what she saw/thinks have enough sway in this case to make her testifying worthwhile?

7 hours ago, Linny said:

I do want to give a shout-out to MB for his background facial reactions. He kept closing his eyes in exasperation and made the perfect scrunched up "give me a break!" face when the attorney commended Nelle's courage. 

MB's reactions were the only thing that made this dumb trial remotely watchable.

Why is Griffin testifying? He didn't examine Nelle at the hospital, did he?

Oh, Lauren. Trusting Lulu Falconer, Girl Reporter, to tell your story is a dicey proposition. Her last exposé led to Nathan getting killed.

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On 6/2/2018 at 11:55 AM, Melgaypet said:

It was Katherine Bell she referred to as bovine. I admit it made me snicker at the time, because I haaaaaated Katherine. I didn't take it as a shot at Mary Beth Evan's weight, but at Katherine being stupid and common. Not saying you're wrong about the writers' intent, though! TPTB don't have a great track record. Regarding Genie Francis, I remember rumors that she was given grief backstage about not losing weight after her maternity leave, which is so shitty.

She definitely said it about Laura, on several occasions. 

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This is a couple of days ago, but did anyone recognize Drew's assistant? I don't think it's from this show. But she was on something, maybe a legal show? And had a similar solemn look and even the same hairstyle. 

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but I do want to give a shout-out to MB for his background facial reactions.

That is a good use for MB.  Do not give him dialogue.  Have Carly and his father have the big stories.  I also can't stand his character - specifically the violence that TPTB and the writers continually  gloss over that accompanies the gangster profession - but I do understand the behind-the-scenes sympathy and love for an actor who has given one-quarter of a century of his professional career to play a character on a soap opera in the twenty-first century.  On the other hand - SBu.  YUCK.

Edited by sunnyface
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7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Why is Griffin testifying?

He's testifying on Carly's side.  He tested Carly when she thought there was something wrong.  Diane wants to lay it on thick that Carly has lost her marbles and needs Shadybrook and not Pentonville.  

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39 minutes ago, Perkie said:
7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Why is Griffin testifying?

He's testifying on Carly's side.  He tested Carly when she thought there was something wrong.  Diane wants to lay it on thick that Carly has lost her marbles and needs Shadybrook and not Pentonville. 

He can also add that Carly kept insisting about all these Morgan related events (phone calls, scarf, the smashed picture/blinking lights, disappearing message) when nobody else did. He could tell the court that he examined her and there was anything medically wrong with her and that he referred her to Kevin. And he treated her before Nelle's baby shower so it is not like Carly made up these events as a strategy to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.

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