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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Best part of yesterday's episode was Nathan struggling to free himself from being handcuffed to that bar that looked like it could be successfully pulled from the wall with a firm tug by a 5 year-old.  Another victory for budget cuts!


Spencer will probably be able to do it. Nathan just wasn't applying pressure in the right place but Spencer will be able to pull it free!


What I wouldn't have given for her reaction to be, "Oh, shit, you again? Why can't you stay dead?! Sheesh, Stavros."



All I know is, I hope he just goes to prison or runs away this time because if he "dies" again and they look shocked again when he pops up a 4th time from the dead, it's stupid. For many reasons.

Why is this show unable to come up with new, original villains for their younger heroes?  Why are they all repurposed from their parents (Stavros now being this Big Bad for Lulu and Dante) or are those bad guys' offspring (Levi).  It's lazy.


Because a man trying to rape mother and daughter is, uh, thematic! Yeah, that's it, thematic.

Edited by ulkis
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 Why is this show unable to come up with new, original villains for their younger heroes?  Why are they all repurposed from their parents (Stavros now being this Big Bad for Lulu and Dante) or are those bad guys' offspring (Levi).  It's lazy.



Because, Ron is a lazy hack writer, who doesn't know how to develop characters or have an original thought. see, Franco, Kiki, Silas, Nina, Rosalie....... 


Was this the first year with no type of teen story line over the summer?

Edited by BestestAuntEver

It's about time someone - anyone - owned Obrecht. I love Kathleen Gati but their attempt to spin an entire family out of her and Silas's story is beyond awful. Britt can't carry a story, Nathan definitely can't (and I find him likable, but come on)


You just know the scene where Victor laments that he didn't get a chance to mold Nathan into a proper Cassadine is coming, and my brain is breaking picturing Ryan Paevey trying to imitate Thaao Penglis' voice or body movements.

Edited by ulkis
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Why is this show unable to come up with new, original villains for their younger heroes?  Why are they all repurposed from their parents (Stavros now being this Big Bad for Lulu and Dante) or are those bad guys' offspring (Levi).  It's lazy.

It's also dumb. Hardly anyone remembers Peter what's-his-face, and no one cares that Felicia done him wrong THIRTY YEARS AGO. No one was born when the Aztec Princess stuff happened.


Stavros being obsessed with Lulu is really tired (and gross). Cut your losses, dude.

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Speaking of KeMo and Danny..she posted this adorable picture on twitter today of her and nuDanny:




Seems like they get along fine.


If Ron manages to shock me, and make Nathan NOT be Victor's I will say ONE nice thing about him.  (Only because I REALLY don't want him to be a Cassadine, so Sam can hit that in the hot but at some point)


The picture is adorable.


As for Nathan & Sam, they are Cassadines, incest is almost normal for them.

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Okay y'all, I succumbed, but only because of reading that Anna "OWNED" the conversation with Obrecht.  So I watched those scenes online, at work, so can someone please confirm, that after talking to Mac, on the phone, that it was RobertFucking!Scorpio she was talking to next? Because it couldn't have been Robin. It sounded like she said, "Thanks, Robert."


Also, STFU, Nik. And the only thing I liked about the Emma and Spencer scenes (and boy does he look like a beaver with those two overly long front teeth) was her pushing him. But no, no just no. Kimberly and Jonathan were EONS better as child actors. And I like Brooklyn. I really think the last of the good child actors I've seen were Kimberly McCullough and Jonathan Jackson. .

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Okay y'all, I succumbed, but only because of reading that Anna "OWNED" the conversation with Obrecht.  So I watched those scenes online, at work, so can someone please confirm, that after talking to Mac, on the phone, that it was RobertFucking!Scorpio she was talking to next? Because it couldn't have been Robin. It sounded like she said, "Thanks, Robert."


Yup, she was talking to Robert, sounded like he was trying to help her track down Frisco.

Was this the first year with no type of teen story line over the summer?


Unless you count Rafe suddenly being addicted to drugs, I guess.

Yeah, she was talking to Robert.


That reminds me, the way nobody can get Frisco on the phone, I have a feeling that they are either going to vilify him horribly or kill him off on-screen. Which, look, I actually am quite glad never see to Frisco again, I think Jack Wagner was stiff and creepy, but that's just not cool to do.




Thanks TeeVee and ulkis!


As far as vilifying Frisco? That's already been done by the former and current regime. Unless they're going to recast him as well. That fucking douchecanoefuckwit is bound and determined to recast all previous GH characters with his "own" people or others to the point where...ugh, never mind. I don't want to give myself an aneurism here.

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Peter survived the waterfall in 1984 and came back to Port Charles injured in early Spring 1985. He was the reason why Frisco's brother Tony was almost killed and why Frisco and Felicia were broken up from April 85 until August/September 1985. Peter called Felicia to tell her that he knew where the treasure was. He was in the same pullman car that Frisco had Felicia in when they first met and when she was hiding out. Peter was very injured and Felicia called Tony to help him. Tony arrived at the pullman car and was working on Peter when one of Sean's henchman, Slater (who was also after the treasure) shot Tony in the head and in the chest, leaving him for dead. Peter escaped but wasn't heard from again. 


At the time, Gloria Monty was planning on killing off Tony but the fans saved him. Anyway, don't listen to the Soaps in Depth assholes or Ron for the history stuff. Listen to me. I watched it and remember the actual facts. 


Anyway, back to modern day, I wouldn't put it past Ron to vilify Frisco even further, especially because Jack Wagner had to the balls to speak up about the shitty writing, basically telling both RC and Valentini that they weren't doing Frisco justice. 


And as for yesterday's episode, I found the Patrick/Sam/Emma/Spencer stuff painful. I was actually yelling at my TV saying, "SPIT IT OUT ALREADY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!" 


Also, I think the fact that RP and KSt hang out in real life is helping him in his scenes with her. He should hang out with everyone! 

Edited by Box305
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I really think the last of the good child actors I've seen were Kimberly McCullough and Jonathan Jackson.


They had much better writing, and they kept the precociousness to a decent level. It could get awfully twee, though, especially when Robin addressed her godfathers as such. Gah. At least Lucky wasn't being written as an 8-year-old Hugh Hefner.


I think Brooklyn is doing a pretty good job. She's not as polished as the girl playing Joss, but that's not a bad thing, IMO.

Edited by dubbel zout
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They had much better writing, and they kept the precociousness to a decent level. It could get awfully twee, though, especially when Robin addressed her godfathers as such. Gah. At least Lucky wasn't being written as an 8-year-old Hugh Hefner.



Meep. I must have missed those parts. Admittedly, I was splitting my time between GH and G.I. Joe (don't judge me!) as I was, as a tween, heavily invested in the romances of Flint & Lady Jaye and Duke & Scarlett.

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No one was born when the Aztec Princess stuff happened.



Hey, I was alive. I started watching in '85 at the mature age of 9. ;-P


Anyway, don't listen to the Soaps in Depth assholes or Ron for the history stuff. Listen to me. I watched it and remember the actual facts.



Don't worry. I trust the memories on this board than any other site & definitely not asshat ,Ron. Things are a little fuzzy until I hit my teen years.


Was this the first year with no type of teen story line over the summer?


Unless you count Rafe suddenly being addicted to drugs, I guess.


I don't count that insta addiction & death as a teen story.  

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Spencer was especially mushmouthed these last few days. I couldn't understand a third of his dialogue when he was yammering on with whatever big, elaborate one-liners the adults had shoved in the poor kid's mouth, and he seemed only half-aware of their tone himself. Poor little guy. This shit's got to stop - stop putting the kids alone together, stop forcing them to spout all this crap.

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Well knock me over with an ice cube, Stavros??  No way!!  And of COURSE he did something rape-y that will lead to more baby/embryo angst for Lulu and Dante.


Speaking of gross, way to use a baby whose parents have been kidnapped to get in Carly's pants, Sonny, you turd.


Shut up, Nik.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I am so damn glad I don't waste money on the magazines, because this SHOCKER is lamer than hell.


The kids stuff got more painful.


What's up with the Maxie clip show? 


Lulu gets dumberer and dumberer, but there is another chance of another child. Time to ditch hubby because...baby! Baby! BABY!

Lulu, Honey, don't you already have a baby already, with your husband? Also, yuck on the storage place.


Without getting into the actor, Sonny the character is a scum who shouldn't be around kids. Adult women can do what they want, but no kids near him. Ever.


Dr O's stock took a hit today, and Britt's correction to her was too weak. At least do the right thing when your kid's ass is on the line, even if evil. A main character evil character has to have some gray for the sake of the audience.


Levi was even more lame today.



Why is JT's hair nicer than Kelly's?

Edited by Happyshooter
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I think the "back-from-the-almost-dead present" line proves we're being trolled here. I did enjoy Victor's dead-pan insult to Levi. And Levi is funny/interesting for the first time since he's on the show. Re: RKK...ye gods I don't even have the words. I actually feel bad for the Lante actors. And this Stavlu embryo concept just proves what a sick freak Ron is.


I liked Nik's "Oh for Christ's sake"-type reaction to finding out yet again that his family is leading/mixed up with recent underhanded dealings and his little sister's most recent disappearance. 


Anna needs to slap the smug right off Dr. O's face.  And that woman is no mother - she proved again that she thinks the truth about Faison is more important than the safety of Nathan, the sister and BIL of daughter Britt's "love" Nikolas, and Maxie. 


I call child abuse for the stuff Carly and Sonny think is appropriate to discuss while holding/playing with little Rocco. UGH, those to really really have to go DIAF. Pretty please.


KT did a great job with Britt going off on Dr. O.

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Completely understandable. But if you expect GH to lift you out of it, you need a room in Ferncliffe!


Oh please. Not expecting any such shit. Just wanting the information to see if I should muster up energy to rant. That's all.


Okay, something nice.  Even though I'm pissed at him, and not liking him right now, Patrick did look very niiiiice with that rug off his face.

I didn't watch the Stavros scenes except for two brief glimpses to note, a) Dante was really not trying as hard as he could to escape and b) RKK looks bad without the beard and c) jsbt I should have bet you money because I did read the recap of those scenes and it went down exactly as a feared. So I tweeted this to Ron even though it's futile but damn it I am pissed:


"Can't lante just break up like normal people instead of this rape shit that no one liked with Jessica Buchanan the first time."


I mean, seriously? Even fucking Stavros has baby rabies? Excuse me while I down this bottle of vodka. Everclear, to be exact.


Sonny started seducing Carly in his missing son's loft, right on time.


And this Stavlu embryo concept just proves what a sick freak Ron is.


No seriously. What the fuck is his deal.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9
Lulu gets dumberer and dumberer, but there is another chance of another child. Time to ditch hubby because...baby! Baby! BABY!

Lulu, Honey, don't you already have a baby already, with your husband? Also, yuck on the storage place.



Like I said, didn't watch the Stavros scenes but I assume she's trying to trick him into thinking she's willing to go along with it so she can maybe stall for time.

No one was born when the Aztec Princess stuff happened.

Hey, I was alive. I started watching in '85 at the mature age of 9. ;-P


I meant that Levi, Maxi, Lulu, Dante, and Nathan weren't alive when the Aztec Princess stuff first went down.


What is Ron going to pull from the vaults next? Will some relative of Jessie Brewer's storm back into town demanding satisfaction from Scott Baldwin because Lee never put a ring on Jessie?


Crap, I just gave Ron an idea, didn't I?

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UNacceptable.  Victor Cassadine in cahoots with Peter Harell Jr./Levi.   Makes no sense, doesn't feed classic GH continuity and is just plain stupid.  I have the closed captioning on and glance over now and then.  Because I fast forward the show when necessary, I need a family tree of who screwed who and spawned whom.  I prefer my Ice Princess, Aztec Treasure, Cassadine and Faison stories separate thank you.  They are idiots.  And to think I did stop watching for 8 years, returning in 2010.   8 years!


Edited to say - just reading what those above wrote, we're on the same wavelength.  I was there for all the stories as a teen/young adult.  I lived and breathed it every day at 3 pm or on my monster VCR.

Edited by TessHarding2
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I'm really over back from the dead characters, but especially Stavros.  RKK plays creepy a little too well.  He sounds like he's about ready to have an orgasm with every sentence.  Gross.



It sure does. 

Yup. *Shudder* And I actually saw spit go flying from RKK's mouth while Stavros was snapping at/addressing Lulu today. Ugh.


When I just watched the preview of Stavros screaming at Lulu that she WOULD give birth to their child, I had a flashback to JJ's Lucky snapping "forced her to carry his own child!" at Nikolas when they fought about the Stavros/Laura/Luke past during the Lucky/Elizabeth's pregnancy/Nikolas mess. Just sickening.....

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Gross thought - are we heading towards some kind of WTD situation where Lulu is implanted with an embryo, but isn't sure if it's Dante's or Stavros'?!?!


I don't know. If she does get pregnant, and she probably will, because Ron is an idiot, they will think it's just Stavros'/it is just Stavros, and Dante will do a Jason and say he can't handle it and they break-up over that. Because you know, Lulu is such a bleeding heart that she would have Stavros' baby (and sure, maybe you can make an argument that Lulu will have this baby because she'd never thought she could have another, but no, I think it would still be out-of-character but whatever).


I just really hope that she has a miscarriage and it turns out the surgery wasn't a success and she can never have another baby again that's it zip finito no if ands or buts. End of the fucking line.

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Today's show was brought to you by thw word Embryo.

So are we to assume that Victor is currently holding Robin, since he has a file on her.

I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't rush into Naxie relationship. RP is starting to lossen up around KSt, so give it time to build show.

RKK plays creepy a little too well. He sounds like he's about ready to have an orgasm with every sentence. Gross.

Hahaha, so true. It was nasty but damn I couldn't stop laughing. RKK was the perfect combo of OTT & bad & the writing was awful as usual which made for a good laugh.

Woo, the kid that plays Spencer was a mushmouth a number of times today. Way to much dialogue. I felt terrible because my first thought was, "yeah, he's related to Sonny". I'll go sit in the corner now.

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Not liking the Stavros/Lulu embryo story but at least it's better to just take Lulu's egg than what he did with Laura back in the day to create Nik.  (Although why only one egg? Doesn't he know the odds of an AI egg not taking?)


Not like Victor as head of the WSB but I am enjoying the evil Cassadines back.  Between Thao P.'s Victor and Kathleen Gatti's evil Dr. O, it's like being back in the glory days of GH.  


RKK, stop over-acting.  Even psychotic villains have limits.


So I guess it's win one, lose one.  The disturbingly adult kids is all lose.  For a minute there, I was trying to figure out how Sam could have a cousin-to-cousin talk with Spencer until I remembered she was related to Nik.

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I meant that Levi, Maxi, Lulu, Dante, and Nathan weren't alive when the Aztec Princess stuff first went down.


What is Ron going to pull from the vaults next? Will some relative of Jessie Brewer's storm back into town demanding satisfaction from Scott Baldwin because Lee never put a ring on Jessie?


Crap, I just gave Ron an idea, didn't I?


Ron's mentioned in an interview that he started watching GH in about 1978, during the David Hamilton storyline. And it seems that his favorite time period is 1979 to about 1985. So, due to his ginormous ego, all history tapped will be from that time period. 


So, you could expect any of the following:


David Hamilton returning from the dead

Susan Moore returning from the dead

Diana Taylor returning from the dead


Luke reopening the campus disco

Richard Simmons leading a zumba/spin class at the campus disco

The reopening of the spa, the name of which I can't even remember


Oh, and I'm quite certain one day he'll somehow put that damn scar back on Anna.

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