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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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7 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Also the reason that Laura allowed Spencer to attend that school was because the security would keep Spencer safe from Valentin that already tried yo kidnap him.

So great job, exclusive fancy school.

I don't know why they made it so needlessly, stupidly complicated.  Just say he came home for summer vacation.

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5 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Yes, but that's more distant than them being first cousins via Nikolas and Lulu.  Or half first cousins,  technically.

Basically, like a few other combinations of people on this show, Charlotte and Spencer are related to various degrees two or three different ways.

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Can anybody guess about why Sam is hearing voices about the safety of her family? Is it just sleep deprivation due to a new baby? or, when Julian was holding her, was he really just measuring her to see if she'd fit in his backpack?

I'd love to see some real-life stories too on this soap: We saw just a passing reference to immigration and ICE. Isn't the WSB worried about terrorism? Is that corrupt mayor still in power? Doesn't Sonny owe the IRS any back taxes? Away from his posh school, will Spencer be hazed dangerously?

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5 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Can anybody guess about why Sam is hearing voices about the safety of her family? Is it just sleep deprivation due to a new baby? or, when Julian was holding her, was he really just measuring her to see if she'd fit in his backpack?

Probably a lame attempt by the writers to give Sam something to do and dumb boring angst  for Jason/Sam. It's a plot point so nothing will come from it just crappy writing. 

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49 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Anna is arresting Valentin and marching him off to the Hague

Wow, that was fast.  And yet Ms. Superspy and RF!Scorpio couldn't find Carrrlos and 11 months pregnant Sabrrreena.

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Did Spencer wear those glasses before?

Laura: I can multi-task. 

Heh. I  . . . actually did not find Spencer that annoying? Maybe cause I can actually hear what he's saying now. Still think they should SORAS him a bit though.

what does Valentin expect Anna to do? Give Charlotte WSB mini spy classes on the side?

What was the point of the Jason/Sonny scenes?

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56 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

And also apparently forging Laura's name on a note to the school about Laura needing him home immediately.

Charlotte and Spencer are related via the Cassadine side, are they not? Cousins?

If I did my figuring right, Charlotte and Spencer would be first cousins through Laura, and first cousins once removed through Valentin. 

ETA: Sorry -- the question got answered while I was drawing my diagrams.

Edited by rur
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Question: Did Spencer utter the word "townie" at any point? Because that might effect my decision to watch his scenes.

Also, he forged a note? Schools still deal with notes, especially boarding schools on a different continent from the child's legal guardian? They couldn't have had him fake an email from Laura or something?

Edited by Melgaypet
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6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Did Spencer wear those glasses before?

I'm pretty sure he's worn them in the past.

And yeah, want to write a story about Spencer trying to avenge his father's death and reclaim his family home?  That'd be a pretty good time to SORAS him, IMO.

Edited by TeeVee329
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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

What was the explanation for Spencer, a young minor, traveling alone?

He has an app on his phone that allowed him to buy a plane ticket and pay for the uber from the airport to Lulu's.  And he forged a note from Laura saying he was needed back at home.  

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3 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Question: Did Spencer utter the word "townie" at any point? Because that might effect my decision to watch his scenes.

Also, he forged a note? Schools still deal with notes, especially boarding schools on a different continent from the child's legal guardian? They couldn't have had him fake an email from Laura or something?

I don't think he said townie, but I'm not sure. I'd like to think I would have felt it if he did.

No, he didn't forge a note, he faked a text from Laura. Via some app. 

Just now, Perkie said:

And he forged a note from Laura saying he was needed back at home.  

It was a text.

Edited by ulkis
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Thanks to all those who so helpfully explained the cousin relationship of Spencer and Charlotte. I got a headache just thinking of the question.

At last today we heard/saw Charlotte speaking French! My closed captions said she answered Valentin with "Oui'. Kids pick up foreign languages so fast; it seemed odd that he would speak to her in French and she understood but didn't reply in French or start conversations in French on her own. Maybe she can teach Spencer how to conjugate those French verbs he was complaining about,

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27 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Can anybody guess about why Sam is hearing voices about the safety of her family?

I'm mostly spoiler free, but ten bucks says there is a post partem depression story on its way.  Can't wait, cuz i'm sure it will be fascinating and well written.  

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3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm pretty sure he's worn them in the past.

And yeah, want to write a story about Spencer trying to avenge his father's death and reclaim his family home?  That'd be a pretty good time to SORAS him, IMO.

Yeah, if they cast some wiry-clever looking actor as a Spencer who was out for revenge? That could be pretty good. With Frank around we'd get a model with glasses though.

Oh, and where the hell did Valentin and Charlotte live before P.C.?

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46 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I don't know why they made it so needlessly, stupidly complicated.  Just say he came home for summer vacation.

But there's no fun in that.  You can't have Spencer be all, "I will avenge my father and vanquish Valentin from Windemere" if all he's doing is coming home as expected.  Also, the point of him being at the school was for his protection from Valentin, who's still in town, so he wouldn't be coming home for vacations.

7 minutes ago, ulkis said:

It was a text.

My bad!!

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1 minute ago, Perkie said:

But there's no fun in that. 

Maybe less fun, but also less stupid than believing there's an app that lets minors buy plane tickets.

In other news, what money did Spencer use to fund this excursion?  Valentin's got all the Cassadine assets, doesn't he?

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1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

In other news, what money did Spencer use to fund this excursion?  Valentin's got all the Cassadine assets, doesn't he

Laura's paying for the fancy schmancy high security school so maybe she's given him an allowance.  

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The sale of Wyndemere did go through, right? I assume Laura got money from that to pay for tuition to the fancy super high-tech security boarding school in France and maybe she also gives Spencer some sort of monthly stipend?

LMAO Perkie we said literally the exact same thing! Jinx! :-)

Edited by LexieLily
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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't think he said townie, but I'm not sure. I'd like to think I would have felt it if he did.

No, he didn't forge a note, he faked a text from Laura. Via some app.

Ah. Well, that makes slightly more sense. Though @TeeVee329 is right, why not just say he came home for summer vacation. Oh, of course, we have to be reminded that Spencer is such an adorable scamp!

7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

And yeah, want to write a story about Spencer trying to avenge his father's death and reclaim his family home?  That'd be a pretty good time to SORAS him, IMO.

Absolutely. That could actually be a decent story with a skilled young actor in the role, not a quip machine. Of course, I'd want this to fold into my long-desired story with Nikolas and Lydia's secret son coming to town to claim the Cassadine estate and slapping Spencer's entitled ass with the reality that he is not the prince, but yet another Cassadine bastard. Alas.

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3 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

I'd want this to fold into my long-desired story with Nikolas and Lydia's secret son coming to town to claim the Cassadine estate and slapping Spencer's entitled ass with the reality that he is not the prince, but yet another Cassadine bastard. Alas.

I don't even know who Lydia is, but I really need this to happen.

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4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

but also less stupid than believing there's an app that lets minors buy plane tickets.

Why write smartly without insulting viewers intelligence when you can write stupidly.  I'm pretty sure that might be written somewhere in the writers room.

I think they wanted Spencer's visit to be a surprise, to Laura and to us (because weren't we all waiting with bated breath for that boy to come back and chew the scenery), so they had make it this whole convoluted thing.  Would have just been easier to have Laura know he was coming but forgot with all the Valentin/Charlotte hoopla going on.  

5 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

that he is not the prince, but yet another Cassadine bastard.

Spencer is Sonny's nephew and all those that are related to the annointed one cannot be malighned so that would never happen.

Notice Spencer had the "Sonny's ass must be kissed in every episode" stick today, as he reminded Laura  (and us) of how Sonny saved him from being kidnpped by Valentin. 

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15 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't think he said townie, but I'm not sure. I'd like to think I would have felt it if he did.

I think he did say that if Laura made him take the red eye back to France that night he would have to sit in the middle of the plane with people who bring their livestock, lol.  I actually didn't mind him too much today.  The actor has outgrown his speech impediment and I think he is a good actor.  As long as the writers don't get too out of control with his precociousness........which will certainly happen. So just for today I say he was OK.

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13 minutes ago, Broken Ox said:

I don't even know who Lydia is, but I really need this to happen.

@Broken Ox, Lydia Karenin was Nikolas' first wife. She was part of the Stefan Goes Ax-Crazy storyline that I hated. She was an heiress and he reluctantly married her for her money, at Stefan's urging, because the Cassadines were having some cash-flow problems for reasons I don't remember. She was only around for like six months (and played by two different actresses in that time) and she divorced Nikolas before she left, but I say if she (hypothetically) conceived while they were still married, then their kid is legitimate and he can lay claim to all Cassadine spoils. Suck it, Spencer!

I think I have more residual hostility for that kid than I thought, heh.

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15 minutes ago, Blackie said:

I think he did say that if Laura made him take the red eye back to France that night he would have to sit in the middle of the plane with people who bring their livestock, lol.

UGH. This is obnoxiousness, pure and simple. It's on par with Spencer using "townie." A dumb, hateful attitude by someone who has no right to feel superior.

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BROKEN OX, Lydia Karenin was Nikolas' first wife. She was part of the Stefan Goes Ax-Crazy storyline that I hated. She was an heiress and he reluctantly married her for her money, at Stefan's urging, because the Cassadines were having some cash-flow problems for reasons I don't remember. She was only around for like six months (and played by two different actresses in that time) and she divorced Nikolas before she left, but I say if she (hypothetically) conceived while they were still married, then their kid is legitimate and he can lay claim to all Cassadine spoils. Suck it, Spencer!

After divorcing Nikolas, she was roommates for a short time with Lucky and then left town with AJ.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Did Spencer wear those glasses before?

Laura: I can multi-task. 

Heh. I  . . . actually did not find Spencer that annoying? Maybe cause I can actually hear what he's saying now. Still think they should SORAS him a bit though.

what does Valentin expect Anna to do? Give Charlotte WSB mini spy classes on the side?

What was the point of the Jason/Sonny scenes?

SORAS-ing would be a problem for Frank, though.  It's NB he loves - more than the character.  Speaking of Nikolas, has he grown at all? 

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It's nice to read through a GH thread where I see there actually ARE others out there that aren't enamored with Spencer. Is he around the whole summer? The little actor is cute and all, but his character bugs the tar out of me.

I also don't think Sam would have been overjoyed at Julian holding Scout. Lucas was awesome today. I hope that unlike Sonny's myriad of brats, Lucas gets to stay mad at dear ol' dad for a while.

I giggle at the fact that other than black tops, they don't even attempt to hide ER's bump anymore. She's got to be giving birth any day now.

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2 hours ago, Perkie said:

I'm mostly spoiler free, but ten bucks says there is a post partem depression story on its way.  Can't wait, cuz i'm sure it will be fascinating and well written.  

That was my first thought too but then I remembered they did it with Robin, so I thought they probably wouldn't do it again. But then I remembered this is GH and they are incapable of not recycling storylines so it might still be that.

Just seeing Lucas is nice, but I would have much rather it be a scene with him and Brad discussing their life together than one with Lucas telling Julian how evil he is.

My thoughts on today's ep: I liked Sam's top; Scout is adorable; JPS is not good in this storyline and I'm embarrassed for him; Anna's face when Valentin pulled a gun on her is my face the entire time I watch this show.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Ugh. Lydia. Memories I did not want resurfacing.  

Nicholas Bechtel is a cute kid who is comfortable on camera, and in any kind of television, the tendency when writers/producers get one of those is to over-script him. He always burrows through his scenes with a lot of energy, and they know he's going to do it. I don't mind him. I gutted it out through however many years of Dylan Cash, who was on constantly and was unpleasant in the extreme. Now that was a soap kid to "hate-watch."  

I will say that in the child-actor department, GH is having a golden period. The little girl who plays Charlotte is quite good, the one who plays Emma isn't bad at all, and the current Jake has handled some difficult material very well.  My favorite of the last ten years, though, was the pre-SORAS Morgan who loved Dante so much. That was such a sweet relationship.  

MVP of today was James Patrick Stuart.  

Every time I hear it repeated that Morgan had won, he was beating his condition, and Ava took that victory away from him, it rings hollow because it's Sonny and Carly. AJ was beating his alcoholism before Carly drugged him, dumped him in a back alley, and doused him with booze, making his family think he had let them down again. He believed it himself too, didn't he?


Yeah, but he was fat.

At that point he was not fat. He was short, though, which was almost as bad! 

After listening to the 345,978th discussion of Morgan being off his pills, and the 4,790th time Lulu has berated herself to the same person/people about tipping off Valentin, I'm struck by how many more stories could actually be taking place on this bleeping show if the bleeping writers would just stop having the characters repeat themselves every.blinking.day.

Here. I'll give you some material that wasn't in today's show, but that we definitely have not heard yet:  Amy 2.0 couldn't use her own picture for that advice column. You know why? Because people don't like taking advice from a woman, thus explaining the dismal failure of the Ann Landers column that provides the pun title of Amy 2.0's, as well as the very short-lived one by Ann's sister. People like taking advice from a sexy, intelligent, gorgeous man! Like Nathan!

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1 hour ago, Mnemosyne said:

Lucas was awesome today. I hope that unlike Sonny's myriad of brats, Lucas gets to stay mad at dear ol' dad for a while.

Can I just say how pissed off this makes me.  Sonny, Julian and AVa are essentially one and the same.  Career criminals who do criminal things, like murder.  Yet Sonny's children all think rainbows, unicorns, puppies and lollypops flow out of his butt, while Lucas and Sam despise Julian and Kiki has now sworn off Ava.  GUH.  

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56 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

Nicholas Bechtel is a cute kid who is comfortable on camera, and in any kind of television, the tendency when writers/producers get one of those is to over-script him. He always burrows through his scenes with a lot of energy, and they know he's going to do it. I don't mind him.

But there's no reason to keep him when this show is desperately in need of a teen scene for summer. Emma is gone and Joss has already been SORAS'd. It's also holding the SORAS of Caspar hostage to an actor who isn't even recurring. It's ridiculous. 

It would be nice if FV could make one or two casting decisions based on what was best for the long term viability of the show 

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Please don't give Sam a postpartum depression story. This show is the worst at any sort of illness/issue. Ugh. Also, Scout is cute, but I can't stand it when babies wear bows. Is it really such a tragedy if someone can't immediately identify a girl? Hardly.

Am I supposed to find it attractive/admirable that Sonny is crowing about Ava being in terrible pain and needing multiple surgeries for years instead of killing her? 

I loved that Charlotte wanted to choose someone from Narnia as her new name.

Spencer needs to be sent to the most draconian school that exists. What a horrible, entitled little turd.

Ugh to Julian and his woe-is-me moping around town. 

Today made me angry nearly from start to finish. That hasn't happened in a long time.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

ten bucks says there is a post partum depression story on its way

I forgot Sam had a baby.  She probably wishes Thea? Tea? would raise her for the first year, so she doesn't have to bother.  There aren't even any trees around the penthouse to put Scout in.

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1 hour ago, Perkie said:

Can I just say how pissed off this makes me.  Sonny, Julian and AVa are essentially one and the same.  Career criminals who do criminal things, like murder.  Yet Sonny's children all think rainbows, unicorns, puppies and lollypops flow out of his butt, while Lucas and Sam despise Julian and Kiki has now sworn off Ava.  GUH.  

Because Sonny will get people to beat people up/blow people up/kill people, and they don't want to be in the wrong place.... or Sonny drugs the coffee.  I've actually suspected it was a combo of Stockholm Syndrome and drugging the coffee that explains why everyone loves Sonny.  

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On 6/2/2017 at 8:23 PM, ulkis said:

I think he looks handsome sometimes. I think you're getting me confused with @Francie in this instance lol.

Just for the record, because this is inportant, I think scruff is handsome sometimes. Especially on Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.  I refrain from any specific comment on WdV. 

OMG, hand to Dog, after typing that I just realize that I was confusing WDV with the actor who plays Valentine. I refrain from making comments on either of them. 

Life on the barge is fine. I  almost earned a one year medallion, but I did catch the show on Memorial Day. I was confused, because I thought Jane Elliott had already retired, and then I remembered that they do repeats on holidays.  Glad to see they sent her off with a Tracy-centric episode. Though, the writing was still thin. 

 So, when's Steve Burton coming back? 

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1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

But there's no reason to keep him when this show is desperately in need of a teen scene for summer. Emma is gone and Joss has already been SORAS'd. It's also holding the SORAS of Caspar hostage to an actor who isn't even recurring. It's ridiculous. 

It would be nice if FV could make one or two casting decisions based on what was best for the long term viability of the show 

Desperately in need of a teen scene? No this show isn't! They can't even write the adults as adults. And I'm already suffering through one  awful teen scene on Y&R filled with bad actors and slang I've never heard teens use ever. 

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