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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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26 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Maybe Valentin framed her

I like this. Valentin starts to feel his control over the situation slipping away, so he frames Lulu for something serious enough for her to go on the run. She's been acting impulsively enough that it wouldn't be such a stretch to believe she'd do something.

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36 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Maybe Valentin framed her, maybe not.

5 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I like this. Valentin starts to feel his control over the situation slipping away, so he frames Lulu for something serious enough for her to go on the run. She's been acting impulsively enough that it wouldn't be such a stretch to believe she'd do something.

I actually like this idea too. Laura has to clear her daughter's name because of course she is the only one that believes Lulu is innocent and gets Kevin to help. That can give them a story that, while about Lulu and Charlotte, isn't all about them and highlights Laura/Kevin's relationship and also circles back to when they were working together on Helena's clues, that inexplicably got dropped with half of the Cassadine Island stories.

If Luke really is being brought back for Tracy's exit, he and Laura can have a few scenes together re: helping their daughter and he can help Laura/Kevin/Diane ultimately take down Valentin.

Edited by LexieLily
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I can not fucking believe they are going to make Anna Griffin's mom. Just, why? WHY? In a long line of terrible and stupid decisions that one ranks quite high.

I'm a little confused about this.  When Griffin told Anna what Olivia said about him not reminding her of his mother and asked her if it's possible that Olivia knew his mother, Anna pointed out that Olivia didn't meet Duke until she came to Port Charles.  To me, that implies that Griffin was supposedly born before Olivia came to Port Charles; in which case,  Griffin couldn't be Duke and Anna's son.  Did Anna find out onscreen about her pregnancy (with Duke's baby) before or after Olivia's arrival?

Edited by drtslim
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Shut the fuck up, Lulu! What a whiner. OMG. I get one day a week to start to create a relationship with my kid! That's not enough! And it is too hard! I want I want I want! Jebus. Poor me! 

Not once has she even thought about Charlotte's feelings. Or what is best for Charlotte.  Not one damn time has she mentioned going to a child therapist,  asking for help with Charlotte and following that advice. She bitches out Kevin for not agreeing that Charlotte should be with her to right now. All Lulu wants is to win her new prize. 

Lulu is close enough to an edge that it wouldn't take much to tip her over that sanity cliff. She could do something like point a gun at Valentin or Nina and pull the tigger. Especially with her delusion of perpetual victim hood concerning Charlotte. If her visits with Charlotte don't help with her lack of any relationship with Charlotte,  then I can see Lulu panicking and being rash. And do something stupid, like shooting Valentin,  Nina or even Nell (thinking she is Nina). And of course Laura and town folks will just blame Valentin and Nina. Cause Lulu is good and perfect.

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how many times can finn and tracy say zen zen?  at least je is retiring and wont have to say that anymore.  

was nelle really a teachers assistant

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19 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Kevin was rightly not allowed to evaluate Charlotte or provide testimony because Valentin shot him and also because of his personal relationship with Laura and thus Lulu,

So, they acknowledged the shooting when deciding who could evaluate the SORASed embryo but ignored it when actually deciding custody?



These writers are shitty.

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34 minutes ago, drtslim said:

I'm a little confused about this.  When Griffin told Anna what Olivia said about him not reminding her of his mother and asked her if it's possible that Olivia knew his mother, Anna pointed out that Olivia didn't meet Duke until she came to Port Charles.  To me, that implies that Griffin was supposedly born before Olivia came to Port Charles; in which case,  Griffin couldn't be Duke and Anna's son.  Did Anna find out onscreen about her pregnancy (with Duke's baby) before or after Olivia's arrival?

You make good points, but none of them matter to these writers.

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Valentin, if you want "peace" with Anna, tell her what she wants to know. FFS. This story is nearing rage-blackout levels for me. 

Oh, the tension. The passion. Of two people who were supposedly falling in love and then one betrays the other. I'm really feeling the rage and sparks.

I'm surprised they didn't whisper their lines.

TW was hilarious today.

"Nora Buchanan? I'm the DA." I know she's only a day player, but can't the DA have a name?

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You make good points, but none of them matter to these writers.

It's just weird that they would point out a storyline conflict onscreen if they're going with this.  But I do recall, the Dani storyline on OLTL where they mentioned that specifically Todd got trapped on the island with Tea after trying to kidnap Jack and Starr; then promptly made Dani older than Jack.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Kevin was rightly not allowed to evaluate Charlotte or provide testimony because Valentin shot him and also because of his personal relationship with Laura and thus Lulu, but it's fine for him to testify at a competency hearing for Olivia Jerome when one of OJ's many, many crimes was ordering one of her minions to drug and kidnap Laura?

I don't think anyone outside of Kevin and Laura herself (and I guess they don't know it was related to Olivia J. necessarily) knows that kidnapping actually happened, given what a non-deal the show made of it.  So bizarre.

Edited by TeeVee329
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5 hours ago, Lillybee said:

So who is Griffin's mother. I do hope that it is not OJ.

I think it's going to be Anna.

4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I just don't get the point.  Anna loves Griffin like family already, what does them blood related change?  NOTHING!

So?  It gives Griffin an actual living tie to a vet character, and the two actors have great chemistry together.  Now I know the hoops that will need to be jumped through to make Anna his mother are pretty extensive, but I don't care.  Griffin is one of the few - the very few - list of newbies on this show that I genuinely like (the other being Curtis.  The rest (Franco, Nina, Nelle, Andre, Jordan, Fin, and Valerie) can all go)).  So if they can tie Griffin to a vet character, which would also bring in Robin and Emma, rather than them just being surrogate relatives, I think is a great idea.

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If Lulu shot Quasimodo, Amish Duggar and Ginger Bitch, she would become my new fave for that day.

I don't want her kidnapping that brat nor having a breakdown cause she isn't crazy or wrong in this Charlotte bullshit.

My reason for watching is on tomorrow. I hope she throws up on Sonny.

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8 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I just don't get the point.  Anna loves Griffin like family already, what does them blood related change?  NOTHING!

The writers probably realized AFTER a year that making Griffin the son of dead Duke was stupid, AF.  RC wrote Franco as a Quartermaine and then realized that Jason and Alan were both dead!

Griffin could have been Robert or Mac's son.

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I don't mind unexpected children showing up, it's kind of a soap staple. But it should make sense and it shouldn't be happening for the third time in less than a year in the same town.

Ugh. JP/SA are lazy and creatively bankrupt in addition to being terrible at nearly every other aspect of their job

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1 hour ago, Darklazr said:

The writers probably realized AFTER a year that making Griffin the son of dead Duke was stupid, AF.  RC wrote Franco as a Quartermaine and then realized that Jason and Alan were both dead!

Griffin could have been Robert or Mac's son.


Or, as others mentioned, a Q (considering is resemblance to a young Stuart Damon).

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3 hours ago, Bishop said:

So?  It gives Griffin an actual living tie to a vet character, and the two actors have great chemistry together.  Now I know the hoops that will need to be jumped through to make Anna his mother are pretty extensive, but I don't care.  Griffin is one of the few - the very few - list of newbies on this show that I genuinely like (the other being Curtis.  The rest (Franco, Nina, Nelle, Andre, Jordan, Fin, and Valerie) can all go)).  So if they can tie Griffin to a vet character, which would also bring in Robin and Emma, rather than them just being surrogate relatives, I think is a great idea.

But as I said, Griffin is already tied to Anna and Robin and Emma, he's been in their orbit since he arrived and they love him and consider him part of their family and vice versa.  I just find the need to cement it with an actual blood relationship pointless and not narratively interesting, especially given all the retconning hoops they'd have to jump through to do it.  And I, in general, find surrogate families on soaps - the people who chose to love and care about each other - more interesting than, "Guess what, I'm your secret son/sister/cousin, let's hang out!".

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Mods please move this if you need to - I don't know what section to put this question in - Does CBS really have that much more money to spend so half the cast of B&B can travel to Australia and Italy, but GH can't afford sets so major characters can have homes? At least a living room set? 

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17 minutes ago, TessHarding2 said:

Mods please move this if you need to - I don't know what section to put this question in - Does CBS really have that much more money to spend so half the cast of B&B can travel to Australia and Italy, but GH can't afford sets so major characters can have homes? At least a living room set? 

ABC doesn't care about GH and has no reason to. So their budget, which Frank manages, is significantly less than CBS. 

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15 hours ago, Perkie said:

Line of the day:

Valentin to Nelle:  I adore my daugther so if anything happens to her, they'll never find your body.  

Nelle's expression:  I think I just peed my pants

We would have also accepted, "I  should have taken my chances with Sonny. He doesn't actually kill anyone."

Dillon was the Voice of Reason and Voice of the Fans for saying, "Um, Lulu, you didn't lose ALL contact, and remember that neverending custody battle with Maxie....", but Lulu couldn't hear him with all the "MAH BAYBEE!!!!"

It's sad when the term "crossover event" isn't involving characters and plots on different shows, but characters and plots on the SAME show.

That said, I'm thrilled that the Valentin/Olivia plotlines are tied together. Laura with Michael -- maybe Laura and Carly together later?

Warning for Sonnyhaters and FF thumbs:


Sonny gets to yell at Olivia and act all threatening in a confined area, either the PCPD or Darkham. Was more threatening with Nelle, and in a lower voice.

Anna/Liesl was great. BRITT MENTION! Too bad they couldn't handwave Britt's crimes away due to Nik being dead. But do we get Faison in person or over the phone?

Can we get DA Day Player back?

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Dillon was the Voice of Reason and Voice of the Fans for saying, "Um, Lulu, you didn't lose ALL contact, and remember that neverending custody battle with Maxie....", but Lulu couldn't hear him with all the "MAH BAYBEE!!!!"

The person who at any given time is saddled with telling Lulu something she doesn't want to hear -- whether it's Dillon, Kevin, Diane, Laura, Dante, Olivia Falconeri, either of her brothers, and on and on back through time -- is (1) the person with the worst job on the show, and that includes Sonny fluffers, (2) the most sympathetic person in Port Charles to me. It is a thankless job. Even when ER doesn't actually have a line like "You're not on my side!" or "You're against me!" it's conveyed.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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I've been a soap watcher (this soap, watcher) for 33 years (when I did the math on that, I thought, holy crap, I'm old!!)  I've put up and accepted lots of non realistic stuff.  Latex masks, I'm there.  Weather machines to freeze the world, you're on.  Aliens in my garage, pass the popcorn.  The only one I've truly hated is the back from the dead one, mostly because it negates the emotions from the original death.  But if they're really going with Anna is Griffin's mother via miscarriage, well then, I have a new hate.  I know they did it on AMC, but that's one I never watched so I didn't care.  But if they're doing that here, with MY Anna, I will not be amused.  I'm supposed to believe that Anna fell down the elevator, got taken to the hospital, was knocked out long enough for someone to remove her fetus, then tell her that she miscarried, then said fetus was implanted in someone else, who ended up raising him.  What?  Why?  UGH.  

End rant.

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So I get that Lulu wants to be with her kid, and I don't get what the writers are doing with her character. She won't listen to anyone, she lashes out at people trying to help her. I'm looking forward to Emme's maternity leave and Lulu probably running off with Charlotte. 

I really didn't need Charlotte in my life.

Also, the preview for today and Sonny holding the baby. I always thought that Mo was good with the small children and I've always liked his scenes with the little girl who plays Avery, but I thought that bit with the baby was kinda creepy. 

Also, it's kind of crappy that the aunts and uncle and brothers met the baby off screen but nuncle Sonny, different story.

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By the way, what's this place to which Liv is being sent? I was watching the episode in crappy online quality*, and it sounded like "Darkham Asylum." Was that their cute reference to the place the Batman villains are kept, but with one extra letter? Also, have we had that this one before? How many General Hospital mental institutions does that make? 

I loved the way Finola/Anna played the reaction to that news. First, "Oh, now she's trapped herself. Pentonville is like a country club compared to that hellhole. She'll never get out of Darkham Asylum," because she's all up on every place a dangerous crazy person could possibly be sent. Then she says, "At least I hope not," because she's thinking, I thought we were rid of the bitch before, and then she was kidnapping half the town and pouring magical tea down Duke's shirtless son's throat.  

* - How crappy was the crappy online quality? When Griffin was approaching Liv from behind in the courtroom, I thought he was Ric Lansing. I thought Hearst was on really, really sporadically recurring status and they had un-mothballed him to handle the Liv defense.  

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14 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

How crappy was the crappy online quality? When Griffin was approaching Liv from behind in the courtroom, I thought he was Ric Lansing

It wasn't your online quality.  My tv is perfectly fine, and yet there was a split second when MC walked in where he had the same kind of swagger that RH has, and for a split second, I thought it was Ric, until I realized it was Griffin.  

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I've been saying even before it was announced that TW was coming back, that Olivia was Griffin's mom. It's the main way, the only real significant way, to have built in conflict with Anna and Griffin. He's Duke's son(so we think), so Anna wants to be near him, but he's Olivia's son too, which will make Anna hate him. And talk more about Dewq. Because yeah, that's what the world needs. Either way, Anna, Olivia, or anyone else. It's stupid. And no, Griffin can't logically be the son of Duke and Anna. He could logically be the son of Olivia and Duke, because if memory serves, the character of Olivia  came, went, and came back at least once back in the day, and it could be said the baby was born offscreen. But ya know what? The Jeromes-all of them-are a pox on humanity. I don't need or want more of them on this show. There are more of them now than there are of the Qs, and there's just no excuse for that.

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58 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

So I get that Lulu wants to be with her kid, and I don't get what the writers are doing with her character.

I think they want to even out the sympathy field between Lulu and Nina (but NOT Valentin, because I do think he is still supposed to be a villain for the most part.) I do think a better actress would be able to temper the writing for Lulu a bit, but not much. 

I also think the loss of Nikolas, Lucky, Luke, even Ethan, and now Maxie being gone, and not being allowed to have a relationship with Tracy, has hindered the character. There are much less people around for her to have non-baby conversations about. I think actually having Laura around has hindered her instead of helped her. Instead of thinking up stuff on her own she has Laura doing a bunch of stuff for her now, like talking with Michael yesterday.

(And of course Lulu is far from the only character to suffer from the loss of a bunch of characters that used to be around - Liz and Maxie come to mind as well.)

Speaking of Valentin, the actor is good but someone needs to tell him he can convey vulnerability without bursting into tears. Unless, I guess, he is playing it as Valentin overdoing the wounded lover bit.

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18 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

And no, Griffin can't logically be the son of Duke and Anna. He could logically be the son of Olivia and Duke, because if memory serves, the character of Olivia  came, went, and came back at least once back in the day, and it could be said the baby was born off-screen.

But then why the scenes of Olivia finding out about Griffin's existence and screaming at Julian for not telling her?  That's what eliminated the possibility of her being his mom to me.  Not that it would stop this show, if that's the way it wants to go.

2 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Britt is the AnnaDuke baby. Let me resurrect this.

That, at least, would have resulted in some dramatic narrative conflict because Anna rightly hated Britt.  But there'd be no such struggling to create a mother/son dynamic if Griffin is Anna's child, they already have one.

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:

I think they want to even out the sympathy field between Lulu and Nina (but NOT Valentin, because I do think he is still supposed to be a villain for the most part.) I do think a better actress would be able to temper the writing for Lulu a bit, but not much. 

If the goal is to even out the sympathy between Lulu and Nina, then they shouldn't have a woman that was forced into a miscarriage and put into a coma being unsympathetic to a woman that had her eggs forcibly taken and then being complicit with Lulu's co-parent in denying Lulu all access to the child she never knew existed.

Edited by LexieLily
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Valentin to Nelle:  I adore my daugther so if anything happens to her, they'll never find your body.  

Nelle's expression:  I think I just peed my pants



We would have also accepted, "I  should have taken my chances with Sonny. He doesn't actually kill anyone."

Unless they're fat, but that's OK.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

If the goal is to even out the sympathy between Lulu and Nina, then they shouldn't have a woman that was forced into a miscarriage and put into a coma being unsympathetic to a woman that had her eggs forcibly taken and then being complicit with Lulu's co-parent in denying Lulu all access to the child she never knew existed.

Nina's reactions to Charlotte/Lulu are the one decent bit of believability the show has written. Nina is super projecting on the whole relationship. She sees Lulu as a younger version of her selfish, controlling bitch of a mother. That Lulu sees Charlotte only as a possession. So Charlotte needs protection from her. All we know about Mr. Reeves is that Nina was a daddy's girl and that he grew to hate Madeline. So, Nina wanting to slowly allow Lulu into Charlotte's life isn't at all shocking to me.

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4 hours ago, Perkie said:

I'm supposed to believe that Anna fell down the elevator, got taken to the hospital, was knocked out long enough for someone to remove her fetus, then tell her that she miscarried, then said fetus was implanted in someone else, who ended up raising him.

I'd call it an embryo, Anna was pregnant for a minute and wasn't even showing.  Absurd.  But then so is bringing back a dead kidney donor/not donor.

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19 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Nina's reactions to Charlotte/Lulu are the one decent bit of believability the show has written. Nina is super projecting on the whole relationship. She sees Lulu as a younger version of her selfish, controlling bitch of a mother. That Lulu sees Charlotte only as a possession. So Charlotte needs protection from her. All we know about Mr. Reeves is that Nina was a daddy's girl and that he grew to hate Madeline. So, Nina wanting to slowly allow Lulu into Charlotte's life isn't at all shocking to me.

She and Valentin weren't allowing Lulu into Charlotte's life at all. They certainly weren't working with Charlotte to help her accept Lulu as her mother. That's the whole point.

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27 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I'd call it an embryo, Anna was pregnant for a minute and wasn't even showing.  Absurd.  But then so is bringing back a dead kidney donor/not donor.

Let's bring Liz/Jax and Sam/Sonny's babies back, too. Let's get crazy !!

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Maybe Nina could try projecting how she felt when she woke up from a coma and found out that her pregnancy had been ended and she was no longer capable of carrying children - instead of continuing to be an asshole. 

Given her entire history on this show, it's much more likely that she's less concerned with protecting Charlotte than with maintaining her position in her life. She just got lucky this time because someone was stupid enough to allow her access to a child

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22 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Let's bring Liz/Jax and Sam/Sonny's babies back, too. Let's get crazy !!

Okay, but not until we find dynamic enough actors for the parts.

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17 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Okay, but not until we find dynamic enough actors for the parts.

And Michael Easton is what to you?

11 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

 I bet Ethan Scorpio is looking pretty good right about now

Robin and Ethan as Holly/Robert's kids? Make it happen, Frank. 

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:


Valentin to Nelle:  I adore my daugther so if anything happens to her, they'll never find your body.  

Nelle's expression:  I think I just peed my pants



We would have also accepted, "I  should have taken my chances with Sonny. He doesn't actually kill anyone."

Unless they're fat, but that's OK.

But--but--- Sonny didn't kill AJ. Ava made him/tricked him into pulling the trigger, even though he had a long running vendetta against AJ. It's HER FAULT, that BITCH!

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6 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Britt is the AnnaDuke baby. Let me resurrect this.

Somebody had better do a wellness check on jsbt after he reads this.

5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

So I get that Lulu wants to be with her kid, and I don't get what the writers are doing with her character. She won't listen to anyone, she lashes out at people trying to help her.

I wonder if they think they're making Lulu "strong" by writing her this way. "She'll do anything to get her daughter back!" and that sort of nonsense. Making it all about Lulu isn't winning her any sympathy points from me.

4 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Is Darkham where Heather Webber is incarcerated?  

The show cleverly spells it D'Arkham. (*rme*) Heather is at Ferncliffe. Though I wouldn't be surprised to see that she's been moved (offscreen, of course) so that she and Olivia can have a meet-cute.

38 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

 I bet Ethan Scorpio is looking pretty good right about now

Not to me. Robert doesn't deserve that chucklehead for a son.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Sonny: Nice to meet you, Emily Scout.  I promise not to kill you like I killed your uncle.  And I promise not to sleep with you when you're of age like I did your namesake.  Welll, maybe I can't promise that last one...

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