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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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15 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, the custody battle for Charlotte starts next week. Dante was talking about Valentin's lawyer being a shark; I thought Hilary B. Smith wasn't airing until March.

And Sonny used up his quota of glowering and staring up down at an opponent with Nelle, otherwise he confront AnnnnndSonnyandJasondefeathimin30seconds about keeping Charlotte away from her mother, who is the wife of his son, and He. Will. Make. You. Disappear.

Haus Nutmeg has an interesting theory about Anna's blindness and fainting: she was chipped by  the WSB way back in the Training!Baby!Anna days. (Or, as Helena would put it, "She! Is! Ack! Tive!") That's how she could go undercover for the DVX and work for Faison. Valentin found a way to make her Ack-Tive again.

Of course, jokes started to fly around the Haus:

* Great! Anna just got a bad update!

* Have you tried turning your Anna off and on again, Robert?

* Anna is only Vista-compatible.

* Anna is a Replicant/Host from Westworld!

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, comosedice said:

We obviously do not have the same perception of this couple because I see none of what you are seeing. I am trying my best to be as open as possible observing this relationship. Liz is stronger and more assertive than I have ever seen her before, so I don't know what you're talking about when you say her self-worth is low. I see Franco as being very deliberate in making sure Liz feels empowered in the relationship. She actually holds the reins and can step away from the town pariah whenever she wants, but she is choosing to stay. Of course Franco is a little insecure and gets jealous of men he perceives as more acceptable and deserving of Liz. He doesn't see himself as worthy of the affections of a woman like Liz and thinks he will lose her to a "better" man. It will take time and love to get over that. This is realistic storytelling. Try watching without prejudice. This duo is holding my attention.


 Which time? When he broke into her car and jumped up and scared the hell out her? That other time when he stopped the hospital elevator and covered the camera so he could talk to her uninterrupted, and apparently without any witnesses? When did any of the several crimes he committed against Tom Baker do anything to protect Elizabeth or even help? Franco pretty much stole Liz's thunder when he burst in through the door and attacked Seth, as it looked like Liz was talking Seth down. I think I am shipping Seth/Liz at this point. He had a better reason to kill Tom (who was set off by Franco) than every other person in town who kills people and now walks around free as a bird. When Sonny could arguably a step up to having a romance with Franco, you have hit rock bottom. 

She was as assertive in her relationship in 2007-2008 with Jason. Heck, before Guza decided to trash GV!Lucky in favor of Liason, she was probably the most centered and stable I had seen, during the the courtship and early days of their marriage. The most assertive Liz was pre-rape Liz, which is partially why I resented Tom Baker storyline. Again: Tom Baker became all about Franco. Liz is in a house alone with Seth and all she could keep yammering about is how stupid Franco needs her.

I know framing people is illegal, though Seth was doing a public service framing Franco for Tom's death, but it seems only crime taken seriously is killing someone in defense of another, which is what seemed happened when Seth killed his brother. Murder some mentally ill fashion editor; you get to walk (keep in mind, one of the woman that killed Sharon Tate had brain cancer and I still didn't give a shit), kill an unarmed man with a gun; who a granted a full pardon and even get to keep your gun! A serial killer that attempted to kill your mother and kidnapped a newborn; you're the hero! Kill someone that is terrorizing a boat full of people or kill your unhinged brother menacing a woman, into the clink for you!

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 8
12 hours ago, comosedice said:

Of course Franco is a little insecure and gets jealous of men he perceives as more acceptable and deserving of Liz. He doesn't see himself as worthy of the affections of a woman like Liz and thinks he will lose her to a "better" man. It will take time and love to get over that.

Except Franco is putting all of this on Elizabeth, and these are his issues, not hers. She shouldn't have to reassure his widdle hurt feelings that she loves him whenever Griffin stops by or she talks to a man who isn't Franco. This is not a healthy relationship, yet the writing is telling us Franco just needs the love of a good woman to be a decent human being. Uh, no. He needs a boatload of therapy. 

  • Love 16

I wish the writers would stop trying to normalize gross behavior. It's a lot easier to watch when something like this isn't presented as positive. It's fine if Elizabeth and Franco want to think that, but other characters should be allowed to think it's messed up and gross and not get the stink eye for it. They do the same thing with Sonny's behavior. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, CookieBud said:

With all these daily presidential news briefings/press conferences, running over or cutting into GH,'s time slot, it could be years before we see those episodes referring to 'next week.'

We're getting the episodes here in Toronto.  Ironically, we were always interupted when you guys were before, but now, I guess we figure we don't really need to know what Trump has to say!!

I'll have a recap once the episode is done but so far:

Kiki and Dillon have sex.

Valentin brings Anna to the hospital.  CT scan shows a blood clot.

Laura's pissed at Tracy for the layoffs.

Franco wants to help the nurses so Felix asks him to spy for them.

Nathan asks Nina to reconsider rehiring Maxie.


More in an hour, for anyone who didn't get the episode. 

It was moreso about whether she can trust her Mom. But whoever wrote the scene seemed to forget that the bomb was for Julian. Morgan was killed by accident.  Kiki kind of acts like Ava blew up Morgan on purpose, when really she should be wondering why Ava would try to kill Julian since there was ZERO indication there was any strife between them.

  • Love 5

That news conference kind of fit perfectly in GH's timeslot because it, like GH, contained lots of words and very little substance.

Anyway. Of course Franco stepped in to help the nurses. Not all heroes wear capes; some have tiny sad ponytails dangling behind their head.

I don't care about the hospital drama, but I'm all for scenes between Tracy and Laura.

Just when I thought I was over Anna and Valentin, he pulls me back in by acting all vulnerable and emotional over her. 

Kiki really needs to work on her pillow talk.

  • Love 5

Best parts of today?  Laura/Tracy talking about their respective family legacies at GH.  And Hayden breezily firing Franco's rank ass. You could tell she wasn't nearly as ripped up about it as she was with the nurses. So deliciously well played by RB. Franco's sudden fear at realizing what was coming and flustering to protect his job as she smoothly laid out why he wasn't needed anymore? Glorious. His reaction as she fired him? So, so SO GOOD.

But UGH. Franco lumbering into the nurses storyline and becoming a spy for 1/2 an episode was such bullshit. Of COURSE he gets shoved into the forefront to take over a story that does not need him. Just like the damned rape revisit.

And I hated how Tracy becoming emotional (read: real human woman) suddenly means maybe there's another solution to the hospital crisis. Like if only her WOMANHOOD came to life, she'd SEE how wrong she was. And Laura diminishing the REAL value of nurses, their PROFESSION and how critical they are to the medical system by reducing them to teddy bear gush balls that fawn over patients was just gross.

Felix and Epiphany gushing over Franco and Liz. Just FUCKING stop trying to make Franco happen GH.

  • Love 10
47 minutes ago, Perkie said:

We're getting the episodes here in Toronto.  Ironically, we were always interupted when you guys were before, but now, I guess we figure we don't really need to know what Trump has to say!!

I'll have a recap once the episode is done but so far:

Kiki and Dillon have sex.

Valentin brings Anna to the hospital.  CT scan shows a blood clot.

Laura's pissed at Tracy for the layoffs.

Franco wants to help the nurses so Felix asks him to spy for them.

Nathan asks Nina to reconsider rehiring Maxie.


More in an hour, for anyone who didn't get the episode. 


While it was wrong for Maxie to call Lulu to sneak a visit in with Charlotte, and perhaps Nina was right to fire her, I was glad she got that dig in about Nina running Crimson into the ground without Maxie. Nina might have been able to spin some of Julian's sabotage (that would never work in the real world), but it was Maxie that coached Nina, from the business side of things to even dressing her. It is almost like Maxie should have been made editor and chief and Nina should be working for her...oh, wait that is exactly what it means. Of course Jelly/FV prescribes to the Trump school of qualification, where you are an automatic great at a job with the less experience you have. 

  • Love 5

For anyone who didn't get today's episode because of the press conference,  here is the gist of it:


Valentin brings Anna to the hospital and tells Griffin what happened at Windemere.  
Liz and Franco's romantic moment is interupted by Felix and Epiphany, arriving for a strategy meeting.  Franco says he wants to join their cause.  Felix tells him to go and spy for them and find out what management's next plan is.  After he leaves, Pif and Felix question Liz about her relationship.  Liz admits she's in love with Franco and that she's happy.  
Laura wants Tracy to pull her weight in helping out around the hospital but Tracy refuses.  Laura's not happy with the lay offs but Tracy says it's the only way to have the hospital survive.  
Laura feels the nurses are the heart and soul of the hospital and without them it's just a building.  Tracy admits she lost track of what was important and may have another solution.  
Hayden wonders what's going on with Finn but he says he's just run down because of the extra work he needs to do without the nurses.  
Nathan wants to hash things out with Nina again.   He says Maxie is vital to Crimson.  Nina counters that Maxie violated her trust and upset Charlotte.   Nina says she's going to support Valentin.  Nathan only wants a compromise.  
Maxie arrives and is not happy that Nathan is fighting her battles but he reassures her that he's working things out.  Nina gets a call from Valentin that he's at the hospital and rushes out.  
Kiki and Dillon make love.  In the afterglow she brings up Morgan, again.  Kiki says she wants to beleive her mother wasn't responsible but Ava has lied too many times.  
Franco tries to get information from Hayden, claiming he understands management's position.  Hayden says they're getting rid of all non essential positions and fires Franco.  
Griffin calls in Finn, who does a CT scan on Anna and tells Valentin that there is a blood clot and they are waiting for more test results.    Grif notices Finn's hands shaking and sweating and confronts him.  
Finn claims he had Blackwoods Syndrome longer than Hayden and it's taking longer to recover.  Finn gets Anna's test results and they aren't good.  
Nina gets to the hospital to find Valentin sitting at Anna's bedside.  

  • Love 6

They make Dillon look like such a loser. I don't think too many guys would put up with what he's put up with from Kiki. Most guys definitely would've kicked her ass out of bed once she started talking about her mother and her dead ex boyfriend right after they had sex.

Damn, they even have Pip out here acting like Freako and Liez being together is acceptable and not gross.

Hayden firing Freako was my favorite part of the episode. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Linny said:

Just when I thought I was over Anna and Valentin, he pulls me back in by acting all vulnerable and emotional over her. 

I know, right! I hate myself.

This episode was worth it to see Hayden fire Franco without a hint of remorse. True entertainment! It's hard to sit through Liz saying she's in love with that freak while Felix squeals with delight though.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Yes. Hell, I miss them just walking around the halls talking or bantering or arguing. They were written like a real relationship, which is a concept Frank's GH doesn't understand.

Yep. But they are better off faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from this mess now. I shudder to think of the crap they'd be getting now.

39 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I am dreeeading Liz being a bitch to Rebecca Budig about firing Franco ("How could you, sister, he's my lovah!") because you know that's coming.

If Liez cops an attitude about her unlicensed rapist serial killer baby kidnapping boyfriend being fired from his job as an art therapist for troubled children I hope Hayden fires her ass with no remorse. 

  • Love 14

If Nathan really wanted to convince Nina, he really should have gone the, "please, otherwise if she's not at Crimson she's gonna show up at the station claiming to be personally shopping for someone at least 3 times a day." but really, I wish Maxie would say "screw it" and start up something on her own.

It feels so fake to see people cheering on Liz dating Franco.

I liked the Tracy/Laura scenes.

I liked the song that played during Kiki/Franco. And Kiki's nail polish. But really, I can't wait to see how Kiki works in Morgan next. "Oh Dillon! I just saw Michael at your house! I slept with him after I slept with Morgan. How could I hurt Morgan like that? Sleeping with BOTH of them?"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

So Anna has a blood clot and it's serious, and no one has thought to call Patrick and Robin and Emma? Isn't Patrick a neurosurgeon? I know it is a blood clot and not a tumah, but still he might want to examine her at least for a second opinion. Why is Valentin allowed to act in a family member's role, when they could call Anna's real family in ASAP?

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I rolled my eyes so hard when Sam said she didn't want to have her baby any place besides GH, guaranteeing she's going to have it in, like, a dingy warehouse or an elevator.

Or they'll go the wacky high jinks route and she'll have the baby in the park.

LOL that Sam and Jason didn't realize there weren't any nurses at GH. Why is there a birthing class at what seems to be late at night? Or are Ned and Olivia taking advantage of the early-bird special?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Jason can't be at the Q mansion for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but sure, invite him over to talk business. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else. I swear Jason has this secret fantasy of packing up Sam and the kids and moving to Idaho to farm potatoes or something.

I'm completely over watching Finn freak out over his drugs. What happened to Roxy? Give me quirky Finn with the therapy lizard, not this drug addled mess.

The thing with Valentin is that I totally buy that he has feelings for Nina, but when he's with Anna he becomes so soft and open, and it's obvious he cares for her. His acting is what's selling this story for me and is definitely elevating the script.

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, Linny said:

Jason can't be at the Q mansion for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but sure, invite him over to talk business. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.

Which is rude, considering all the babysitting Monica's been doing off-screen.

And did I miss a mention as to where Danny was anyway?  He wasn't with his parents or his grandparents.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Were Julian and Olivia meeting at Jake's? If so, way to stay under the radar. (It definitely wasn't Gene's Branford Roadhouse, est. 1987.)

ETA: Yes, indeed, they were meeting at Jake's.

And I loved how super PI Sam said the name "Olivia Jerome" out loud while web-searching  her but missed the the actual blonde Olivia Jerome whose blurry picture she had just seen in the booth behind her. I run out of fingers when I start trying to count up the investigative mistakes she continuously makes.  

Edited by rur
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I rolled my eyes so hard when Sam said she didn't want to have her baby any place besides GH, guaranteeing she's going to have it in, like, a dingy warehouse or an elevator.

While it was fun to have all the on-canvas Q's together, I was annoyed by a) Jason's attitude and b) Olivia's presence.

I thought Olivia's boobs' presence was a bit inappropriate. Get a shawl, girl.

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