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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Best part of the episode was Bobbie's amused "bring it" smile when Nelle showed some bite. 

My DVR failed to record yesterday, so I was excited to get my GH fix yesterday.  It took less than a couple of seconds of watching a flashback of CarSon in bed for the bile in my stomach to rise.  Is it that tough to find eye candy that can act in SoCal?

It was great seeing Bobbie and Scottie.  Ava and Diana were also nailing their lines like professional actors should.  It is nice to see some of the actors polishing their crafts despite the horrid writing.

Meanwhile, BM continues with his constant state of ennui with a tinge of rage.  The only 'acting' that the camera caught Jason performing yesterday was him glaring at the smoke at the beginning of the episode.  And enough with the coughing throughout the entire episode.  We get it.  There was a fire. 

AND ENOUGH with the whitewashing of Sonny, Jason, and Julian's.  The tools of their trade are the next-to-worse (Franco wins) that humanity has to offer. So what if Morgan had some mental health issues?  His life was terminated directly due to their violent lifestyles. 

I hope that Nelle purchased Carly's ticket from Malaysia Airlines.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 1

I can't stand watching Kiki be Franco's sounding board. She needs an age appropriate, less problematic friend. Valerie would be perfect, now that Kiki knows Valerie isn't a threat for Dillon's affection. Anything would be better than watching Kiki placate Franco.

I'm impressed by Valentin's network of minions. First the doctor, now the Canadian cop. How did he know Nathan and Maxie were there? Did they tell Nina and she told Valentin?

Alexis chewed all of the scenery today. I'm in desperate need of a break from her. I don't care what happens to her anymore, if she stays a drunk or gets back together with Julian, whatever, just get her off my screen for a while.

Maxie and Nathan are going to buy a home because the Tree has decided it's time to put down roots.

  • Love 10

Again, based on what Sonny knows at this point, why is he trying to heap all the blame for "them sleeping together" onto Nelle?  If he stuck it to her while drunk, he's just as culpable.  It's not like that's OOC behavior for him, i.e. fucking Ava IN A CRYPT.

Damn, Valentin getting that cop to tell Nathan and Maxie Claudette's dead means she's still alive somewhere.  Booo.

Oh thank goodness, Franco signs off on Dillon.  Also?  STOP SLURPING FOOD IN SCENES, ROGER HOWARTH!!!!

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Again, based on what Sonny knows at this point, why is he trying to heap all the blame for "them sleeping together" onto Nelle?

When has Sonny ever taken responsibility for any of his actions? Especially when it involves the wimmins, it's never his fault. He's just a helpless lamb with no control over his penis.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Again, based on what Sonny knows at this point, why is he trying to heap all the blame for "them sleeping together" onto Nelle?  If he stuck it to her while drunk, he's just as culpable.  It's not like that's OOC behavior for him, i.e. fucking Ava IN A CRYPT.

Damn, Valentin getting that cop to tell Nathan and Maxie Claudette's dead means she's still alive somewhere.  Booo.

Oh thank goodness, Franco signs off on Dillon.  Also?  STOP SLURPING FOOD IN SCENES, ROGER HOWARTH!!!!

RoHo always uses his Todd Manning schtick and his fans eat it up with a spoon!  Hmm....  Let me go check Wubtub twitter feed!

RP and KSt need to go on a vacation to an ABC Family show and never come back. 

Valentine should have Claud killed.

Kiki and her rapist serial killer best friend are sickening. Also, Jelly can fuck right off by having Freako keep quiet about Alexis possibly killing Tom because he supposedly feels bad about what he did to Sam.

The Alexis/Julian scenes were...I can't. Stop this.

LOL at the picture of young WD being used as a picture for young Julian. Jelly fail at every level.

I wish Sonny would just have Nelly killed and stop with all of the unnecessary drama.

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Kiki and her rapist serial killer best friend are sickening. Also, Jelly can fuck right off by having Freako keep quiet about Alexis possibly killing Tom because he supposedly feels bad about what he did to Sam.

Franco "feeling bad" (note: not at all, clearly) about what he did to Sam has nothing to do with his dumb theory that Alexis killed Tom, TPTB.  

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Fellaway said:

Their hotel room looked like the one Carlos and Sabrina were in when they fled to Canada, and stereotypical.  A moose head, really?

Perhaps GH should steal an idea or two for how to indicate how they are in Canada from this Mystery Science Theater skit (whose seem to have had a higher budget than GH does at the moment):

  • Love 7

I just skipped right through the Kiki/Franco scenes. I don't need that shit in my life!

I skipped most of the Julian/Alexis scenes too, but I took a peak at the end because I was curious and goodness NLG was terrible. I had so much second-hand embarrassment.

I half watched the Nathan/Maxie scenes and my only takeaway was that KSt's contour is dreadful.

I also half watched the Valentin/Nina/Charlotte scenes, which were really boring.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I also half watched the Valentin/Nina/Charlotte scenes, which were really boring.

Soaps In Depth (the guy who runs the Twitter account, at least) brought up a good point. Why is Valentin telling Charlotte that he and Nina got married and Nina is her new step-mommy when presumably next week Lulu has to ask Valentin for permission to tell Charlotte she is her mother? Valentin is allowing Lulu to spend time with Charlotte, yes, but he and Nina are making no effort to integrate Lulu into Charlotte's life and help Charlotte understand. No wonder Charlotte is wary.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I half watched the Nathan/Maxie scenes and my only takeaway was that KSt's contour is dreadful.


My only take away is that I want Tree to be chopped down and to die a horrible death right in front of Maxie and for Maxie to be permanently traumatized. Why is this vulgar interspecies relationship on TV?

  • Love 5

LOL at the picture of young WD being used as a picture for young Julian. Jelly fail at every level.

I wish they had a Twitter account, like Ron did, so that fans could remind them of the sheer stupidity that they would use a baby photo of WDv when Julian supposedly had facial reconstruction done when he was in witness protection.  I would also tell them to hose down RoHO and his greasy hair.  And that Sam looks like she's carrying a bean bag and not a 3rd trimester baby.  

I also want a pony and a year's supply of chocolate.  

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Perkie said:

I wish they had a Twitter account, like Ron did, so that fans could remind them of the sheer stupidity that they would use a baby photo of WDv when Julian supposedly had facial reconstruction done when he was in witness protection.  I would also tell them to hose down RoHO and his greasy hair.  And that Sam looks like she's carrying a bean bag and not a 3rd trimester baby.  

I also want a pony and a year's supply of chocolate.  


I didn't know they closed down their twitter account.

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I skipped most of the Julian/Alexis scenes too, but I took a peak at the end because I was curious and goodness NLG was terrible. I had so much second-hand embarrassment.

I think NLG was good. The problem is, even well done crying starts to sound ridiculous when it's done over again like with Alexis, and I'm sick of Alexis right now.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

Their hotel room looked like the one Carlos and Sabrina were in when they fled to Canada, and stereotypical.  A moose head, really?

How else would we know they were in Canada? I'm surprised they didn't immediately go out for poutine.

Ugh at Sonny berating Nelle. What a strong, powerful man he is. *rme* Here's a shocking idea: Tell Carly the truth and let the chips fall where they may, asshole. Or Nelle says something. Someone gets this idiotic story moving.

I wish Lulu had seen Charlotte yell "Yay!" after Nina and Valentin exchanged rings and kissed.

Of course Sonny's pea brain can't conceive of a woman being behind the car bombing.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Linny said:

I can't stand watching Kiki be Franco's sounding board. She needs an age appropriate, less problematic friend. Valerie would be perfect, now that Kiki knows Valerie isn't a threat for Dillon's affection. Anything would be better than watching Kiki placate Franco.

I'm impressed by Valentin's network of minions. First the doctor, now the Canadian cop. How did he know Nathan and Maxie were there? Did they tell Nina and she told Valentin?

Alexis chewed all of the scenery today. I'm in desperate need of a break from her. I don't care what happens to her anymore, if she stays a drunk or gets back together with Julian, whatever, just get her off my screen for a while.

Maxie and Nathan are going to buy a home because the Tree has decided it's time to put down roots.

Thank you for the image of the Tree putting down roots.  Most entertaining thing about GH so far this week.  

Interesting point about Valerie being a good friend for Kiki- a slightly older friend - one established in a career - would be good for Kiki.  Good for Valerie, too.  and Valerie's being Dillon's friend can be a plus as well.  Wish GH wrote relationships like this.  Oh well.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

How else would we know they were in Canada? I'm surprised they didn't immediately go out for poutine.

At least they refrained from having the cop show up in the red uniform of a Mountie.

I think NLG has been doing a good job, but what's been bugging me is, here's this woman, all frowzy haired and dressing down, half the time slumped over the bar at Gene's Branford Roadhouse, half the time slumped face down on the couch at home, yet her nails are always perfectly manicured.  Take a chance, NLG, and show up to work with unmanicured nails for this storyline, just once.  It could be the difference between an Emmy or no Emmy!

  • Love 2

I don't mind the Kiki and Franco friendship. After all, she thought that he was her father due to Ava's lies for most of her life and she only knew her birth father for about a year. Franco was the person who supported her after his murder. Kiki sees him as a father figure and with her horrible mother, she needs some parental figure. However, Franco and Liez  and Franco and Dr. O annoy me no end.

  • Love 1

I caught up on this week's episodes. I do think some people are getting good opportunities. NLG is playing DTs Alexis for all it's worth, but it's just sad to watch, because there seems to be no end to the humiliations that character gets put through. (remember when we thought Dobson was going to be the low point?) I loved Maura West's laughing fit when Ava went from being worried that Sam was "hot" to realizing that she's meat-locker levels of "cold." Scott makes Franco scenes a little better. 

I was mixed on the Nelle/Bobbie confrontation. I thought Chloe Lanier rose to the occasion. It reminded me a little of when "Eve" (in All About Eve) dropped the innocent act and showed one of her marks what she was really made of ("You better sit down. You look a little wobbly").  But Jackie Zeman...the lines and the attitude were right, and I should be applauding that a veteran is getting a bone thrown to her, but I find JZ/Bobbie difficult to watch now. She's trying so hard to hold on to a "still-sexy older woman" appearance, with the hair and the face and the wardrobe, that she paradoxically seems ten years older than she is. I looked up her age just now and was surprised it was only 63, although that does make sense, timeline wise. Would she really be doing worse in screen time if she...relaxed her grip a little? 

Who ever knew that Gene's Branford Roadhouse was such a happening spot? 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

(remember when we thought Dobson was going to be the low point?)

I think that's still definitely the low point, especially for NLG herself. She might find Alcoholic!Alexis creatively challenging, who knows? But Dobson was an insult from start to finish all the way around.

8 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Who ever knew that Gene's Branford Roadhouse was such a happening spot?

Heh. For someplace that's supposed to be far enough from PC so that no one will know you, it's getting very popular.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Lillybee said:

I don't mind the Kiki and Franco friendship. After all, she thought that he was her father due to Ava's lies for most of her life

Actually for most of her life, she thought her father was dead. It was only after she came to PC and met Franco that Ava 'came clean' and said he was Kiki's father. And it was less than a year later that she found out Silas was her father, not Franco.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, ulkis said:

I think NLG was good. The problem is, even well done crying starts to sound ridiculous when it's done over again like with Alexis, and I'm sick of Alexis right now.

She just doesn't seem real at all imo. All her crying is very "I'm acting!" for me. But maybe it is just the fact that it's so played out. All I know is I can't even watch it anymore. I either fast forward or watch through my hands. Too much second-hand embarrassment in her acting for me!

On the other hand, I think WdV is great in this story. The writing and plotting is just terrible, but I enjoy WdV's performance.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

Let me get this straight, Elizabeth is supposedly okay that Franco kidnapped and tortured Tom in a dog cage?!  WTF is wrong with IIC?!

I always enjoy seeing Laura and Elizabeth scenes, but why are these two talking about slimey Franco?

Valentine is a bad man according to Laura and not fid to raise Charlotte, but she's okay with how Franco terrorized Lulu and kidnapped Aiden?

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

Let me get this straight, Elizabeth is supposedly okay that Franco kidnapped and tortured Tom in a dog cage?!  WTF is wrong with IIC?!

I always enjoy seeing Laura and Elizabeth scenes, but why are these two talking about slimey Franco?

Valentine is a bad man according to Laura and not fid to raise Charlotte, but she's okay with how Franco terrorized Lulu and kidnapped Aiden?

Didn't Laura/Liz have this exact. same. conversation on Monday? Oh, Laura, just do your job and spend time with your boyfriend, please. Stay as far away from the crazy as you can.

  • Love 7

I'm sure we're supposed to think Jordan and Dante are being super mean investigating the crime and completely credible suspect Franco, but I was cheering when Jordan wanted the cage tested for DNA.  Because locking a man in a dog cage with a SHOCK COLLAR is a crime, LIZ.

Speaking of Liz, her saying she didn't like being called a liar while in the midst of lying?  Oh girl.

I don't know what Anna thought she was going to get confronting Valentin like that. 

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

I'm so glad Julian was there to toss out the booze, get Alexis in AA, and rough up the bartender to change his story. Thank God that the man who assaulted her and consistently manipulated her now gets to be her savior. It's a love story for the ages, honestly.

"You're so smug, you think you know everything!" Preach, Valentin. I'm interested by what Anna could have done to him. This may be the only storyline I'm genuinely curious about.

Thanks, karma, for clocking Franco across the back of the head, because it's certainly time for him to reap what he's sown. 

  • Love 14
50 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

Let me get this straight, Elizabeth is supposedly okay that Franco kidnapped and tortured Tom in a dog cage?!  WTF is wrong with IIC?!

I always enjoy seeing Laura and Elizabeth scenes, but why are these two talking about slimey Franco?

Valentine is a bad man according to Laura and not fid to raise Charlotte, but she's okay with how Franco terrorized Lulu and kidnapped Aiden?


Because the audience isn't being "trained" (tmGuza) right, so they are going into overdrive to make Franco "approved." My other guess? Having the Tom story featuring the bare minimum of Elizabeth, his victim,the only character from the initial story in the 90s and someone that could use some rehab herself, in favor of Franco and his umpteenth frame up. 

  • Love 1

I don't know what Anna thought she was going to get confronting Valentin like that.

More than I thought she would get.  He essentially admitted he was there with her.  So either she's really rattled his cage or he's playing her.  



Thanks, karma, for clocking Franco across the back of the head, because it's certainly time for him to reap what he's sown

Except that's not what the story will be about.  It will be about poor widdle Franco being beaten up when he's not even the bad guy, lets feel bad for him, yo.  

  • Love 2

Jordan said that it's hard to believe anyone who could paint it could be capable of murder, but the painting of Liz gives me definite "this person could totally have murdered someone" vibes.

Can Franco at least still get fined with kidnapping? (since we know he is not gonna go to prison lol.) He is actually guilty of a major crime here, even if it's not murdered.

The writers need to stop writing the men fucking up and the women going into pieces over them, and instead do vice versa, because they are bad at it. 

Hmmph, I don't like Julian roughing up gruff bartender. Mean. Although yay for hitting Franco with - I couldn't see what he hit him with. A whooshful of air.

If they had included Nikolas freaking dying into the reasons why Alexis is drinking/falling apart I would find her a tad more sympathetic, although I guess I can't blame the writers for not really remembering when I didn't.

Lulu: But at least Claudette's dead!

Maxie: But now he's gonna be thiiinking about heeer.

So sympathetic! But Claudette did suck. (Plus, I'm pretty sure Nathan doesn't really think in general, so Maxie's wrong anyway.)

Valentin got in a couple of good zingers. Oh, speaking of, Alexis needs to imagine Helena mocking her. Helena would be having a ball with this situation.

I'm impressed they actually had another sign for Gene's Roadhouse when Franco was in the alley when they could have just shown the building without it. I guess they need people to know he was hit outside of GENE'S ROADHOUSE.

2 hours ago, ciarra said:

And Nathan and Maxie aren't the least bit suspicious of Clod's "suicide"?  After she changed her name and was seen getting off a flight with a man?  Couldn't she drown herself in Port Charles, if she was so inclined?

It's Nathan and Maxie over here. With Morgan gone I think they have taken over from Morgan and Kiki as the least canny couple in Port Charles, and that's rough competition.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Hmmph, I don't like Julian roughing up gruff bartender. Mean. Although yay for hitting Franco with - I couldn't see what he hit him with. A whooshful of air.

Anyone who wants to attack Franco for whatever reason they are so inclined is always welcome but it would have been nice if Julian would have gone after Franco before this, for what Franco did to his daughter (and grandson).

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Can Franco at least still get fined with kidnapping? (since we know he is not gonna go to prison lol.) He is actually guilty of a major crime here, even if it's not murdered.

Yes, THIS.  The writers seem to think Franco isn't legally responsible for luring a man into a trap, assaulting him, locking him in a dog cage, and putting a SHOCK COLLAR on him because Franco changed his mind.  Doesn't matter.  Those are crimes, WRITERS. 

And LIZ, with her line about Franco not being a criminal.  Girl please.

  • Love 12

Is Valentin not capable of multitasking? He should be able to deal with this Charlotte crap while also coming up with a plan to take down Anna. I'm sure he's probably humoring her because she's pathetic and crazy but I REALLY need for him to go after her. While he's at it, it would be great if he killed Claud and had Lulu sent to ferncliff. 

I love how Lulu feels no sadness over the woman who "raised" her embryo for years committing suicide. 

I like how Laura doesn't think Valentin is fit to take care of Charlotte but she has absolutely no problems encouraging the mother of her grandchildren to date a rapist serial killer who kidnapped one of her grandchildren and strapped her daughter to a bomb. Speaking of the gruesome twosome, STFU Liez getting indignant because the cops have the audacity to accuse you of lying WHILE YOU'RE LYING TO PROTECT YOUR RAPIST SERIAL KILLER BOYFRIEND WHO KIDNAPPED ONE OF YOUR CHILDREN AND RECENTLY LOCKED A ENTIRE HUMAN BEING IN A MOTHERFUCKING DOG CAGE. I wish Valentin would go after Laura, Liez, and Freako because reasons.

Julian could've just offered Gene money without threatening him. I'm pretty sure he would be willing to keep quiet in exchange for money. Also, fuck Julian for being the one to help Alexis when he's the reason her drunk ass is an instant alcoholic. And fuck him again for not having Freako murdered. He doesn't love Alexis or Sam. I wish Valentin would go after him as a favor to Alexis.  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Speaking of Liz, her saying she didn't like being called a liar while in the midst of lying?  Oh girl.

Well, that is Liz to a t, so at least she's being written in character!

2 hours ago, Linny said:

"You're so smug, you think you know everything!" Preach, Valentin. I'm interested by what Anna could have done to him. This may be the only storyline I'm genuinely curious about.

This. All of this.

7 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Did Julian actually order him to get Franco or did Minion act on his own? I missed a scene.

I must have missed it, too. I was asking myself why Gene didn't tell Julian that Franco knows because I wanted Julian to have Franco murdered for it lol. But then Julian Minion made that face at Franco and hit him, so I guess Julian did know that Franco knew about Alexis.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

I love how Lulu feels no sadness over the woman who "raised" her embryo for years committing suicide. 

Lulu doesn't think Claudette should have taken care of Charlotte in the first place. Lulu was robbed!

1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

Julian could've just offered Gene money without threatening him. I'm pretty sure he would be willing to keep quiet in exchange for money.

Franco tried to give Gene money when he was asking about the mystery woman (i.e., Alexis), and Gene said no. Gruff bartender has principles.

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Lulu doesn't think Claudette should have taken care of Charlotte in the first place. Lulu was robbed!

Franco tried to give Gene money when he was asking about the mystery woman (i.e., Alexis), and Gene said no. Gruff bartender has principles.

You would think Lulu could at least consider Charlotte and how she will feel if/when she finds out Claud is dead. I guess that's expecting too much of her. 

Julian is rich while Freako is a homeless looking freak who lives is someone else's apartment. I doubt he has much money to offer. 

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