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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 hours ago, Vella said:


Even in his goddamn dreams, Sonny is the picked on victim. He feels sorry for himself awake and he feels sorry for himself asleep.  And the endless WHINING about how evil Ava was to Morgan. Ava should have thrown that bullshit back in his face.

I knew Carly's ass would summon Andre over just so she could ultimately yell at him for her failures.  In that respect S&C are again, exactly the same. Boo hooing and apologizing and pretending that they're SOOOO guilt-ridden.  Say you were horrible parents, say you didn't care enough, say you were always more interested in your own sick drama than you were with ANY of your children.  Someone! Anyone say it. But they won't, they're too busy feeling sorry for them.  Yet if Kiki died and it's was Ava's fault? S&C would be the first to show up and rub Ava's face in Kiki's blood. They'd CROW at her about how awful she was and how she deserved this and they'd smug like there was no tomorrow.

That's what this show never gets. They coddle S&C SO MUCH and they just don't see it.


BRAVA!  This is why I can not feel sorry for Carly and Sonny.  The two of them ARE rotten parents.  Morgan did have a biologically based mental illness, however, he was raised by two violent sociopaths who shaped the person he was.  Morgan grew up to be a cocky, selfish and manipulative douche.  Growing up in the mob he never learned what the word "no" meant because his parents had the power to turn a  no into a yes. If he got into trouble his father's power would get him out of it.  He never learned his actions would have any consequences.  Combine this type of attitude along with bipolar disorder and you have a recipe for disaster.  Morgan was doomed not because of bipolar or medication switching.  His fate was sealed because his rotten parents spoiled and coddled him his whole life.  Because of this he had no tolerance when things did not go his way.  The night he died Morgan was not on his meds but he knew he should not be drinking.  He was angry and having one of his tantrums so he got drunk and stole a car.  He was not out of his mind and unaware of what he was doing, he was just pissed off.  Had he grown up with decent parents who taught him right from wrong, self control and not to throw barware around the house anytime they got angry,  Morgan would still be alive.  No Carly and Sonny, no pity for you. 

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

At least she'll be far away from Robin. Small victories.

True. Thanks to all the horrible writing, I only want to watch if JE is going to be on. So nevermind for tomorrow.

I used to enjoy friendships on this show, once loved the Liz-Laura relationship, and more. That's all been destroyed now. Thanks, Show.

  • Love 2
44 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:
1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Charlotte probably longs for the day Clod says to her "Meet your mommy."   Maybe her real mom will teach her to read.

Not if it's Lulu, she won't. She'll be too preoccupied with the next thing she wants really badly.

I'd make sure Dante taught me. I'm not sure Lulu is up to the task.

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Don't tease, cause you know Dante teaching a little girl to read would be cute as hell.

Dammit.  I would totally watch that too.   With actual feels and stuff.  Like I dgaf about Lulu and her baby bs, but DZ can literally make anything besides Sonny look cute as hell.  Unless it's hating Sonny or arresting Sonny because he has made those look rather attractive too.  Sigh. 

1 hour ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Did I miss it--Are they thinking about a funeral/memorial service for Morgan? GH had an elaborate one for Sabrina.

Morgan Brah hasn't had a funeral yet?  I hope it's true to who he is as a person with beer pong, a sex tape, and mob gunfire.  Someone must get shot in the head at this funeral.  Take them out the same way they brought him into this world- with love and bullets. 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

With Dr. Michael Easton, the story at least seems to be heading in a John McBain direction with the dead wife and him being unable to admit his wuv for Rebecca Budig or whatever.  There's really no reason they shouldn't be doing it by now except the writers are dragging it out.

This is totally the early McBain/Natalie stuff from OLTL.  Except those two had better chemistry and it was a better written "oh woe is me, I have a dead chick in my past but I'm really into this girl" story than any of the other versions of it ME has done since then.  Actually, it's a little bizarro world sometimes when I glance up at the Dr. Michael Easton/Greenlee scenes, because it's a similar story line, and, from the back, RB's hair has this reddish hue to it under the lights, so it's like "wait Natalie and McBain?"  

7 hours ago, ulkis said:

That's what I thought about Silas, and yet, they focused a whole murder mystery on him.

And damn if I can remember who killed him (or even remember that he existed until someone mentions him).  

6 hours ago, Linny said:

Ava, sweetie, I thought you were a professional liar and schemer. Surely you can think of a better way to dispose of those pills than to half-ass cover them up in a trash can. I'm going to guess that it was Curtis who pulled the bottle back out, since we know he's investigating for Julian.

I just want to see Julian figure out that, if it weren't for Ava fucking with Morgan's meds, his ass would have blown up in that car, instead of Morgan's useless ass.  Then he can just high-five her, teach her how to better dispose of evidence, and never speak of it again.  

2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Why is everyone recently talking about leaving? Liz, Anna, Jason...so odd.

Oh, God, they're going to do a "The City" thing, aren't they?  They closed GH, and everyone's talking about moving... 

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'd make sure Dante taught me. I'm not sure Lulu is up to the task.

Hey, as long as neither one of them ever says "time to meet Grandpa!"  Either Grandma is fine, but just say no to the Grandpas.  Well, unless Ned becomes an honorary Grandpa. That's fine.  

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, ulkis said:

What was the point of this storyline if a) Claud doesn't want Nathan and b) no one found out about Nathan drunkenly committing attempted murder.

I don't know why this storyline happened at all without points a and/or b of your descriptions. When I first heard that Claudette was coming, I thought surely she'd arrive for the purpose of either trying to steal Nathan from Maxie or to get revenge on him for almost killing Griffin. I also expected more out of Griffin when he learned that Nathan pumped lead into him. I mean, priest or not, a drunken hot head tried to kill him. A little more anger, if not outright revenge, would've been understandable.

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 5

If only Charlotte had said to Claudette, "How many fathers do I have?!" after the latest introduction.

I enjoyed Griffin and Nathan ganging up on Claudette. And why she thinks kissing Griffin is the thing that will make him leave the church permanently is beyond me. He's an imperfect man, with all of those weaknesses. She really hasn't read The Thorn Birds. It's all in there.

Okay, now the bartender at the Floating Rib feels guilty for Morgan's death? And APOLOGIZED for cutting Morgan off? Which he was legally required to do? That guy is the only person who showed any sense of responsibility.

Sonny and Nelle are boring. So, so boring. Have any of the writers thought that maybe someone should tell Sonny heshouldn't be drinking so much given that he's bipolar, and his bipolar son was killed because he drank too much? 

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Sonny and Nelle are boring. So, so boring. Have any of the writers thought that maybe someone should tell Sonny heshouldn't be drinking so much given that he's bipolar, and his bipolar son was killed because he drank too much? 

Sonny will just say he's been drinking since he's been 12. Wait. Sorry, mixing my assholes up.

9 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

It almost feels like something is afoot behind the scenes. Really, the hospital is closed and several characters are talking about moving away. Have they secretly cancelled GH and they will reveal that to us any day now?

If they did that it would be like they were determined not to get ratings even right up to the end, heh. So weird.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

It almost feels like something is afoot behind the scenes. Really, the hospital is closed and several characters are talking about moving away. Have they secretly cancelled GH and they will reveal that to us any day now?

Hopefully, all of Port Charles isn't going to move in to the brownstone together. The way everyone is talking about leaving is so odd. 

2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I feel you.

Thanks. I know that some people here hated Elizabeth saying maybe she should call Patrick and Robin, but I liked it because it touched on her years of friendship and professional history with them at the hospital (the only other P&R references we get are from Anna, blech - Mac doesn't even get mentioned!). I can still remember good hospital scenes of Robin telling Liz about her pregnancy (wake of Georgie's death), Liz being really excited for her, and encouraging the two of them. I loved the Tracy-Liz scene in the Metro Court restaurant (with Franco being ignored) because the Q Family and the Webbers/Hardy Family have been invested in that hospital for many years now .. plus Liz is still connected to the Q Family via personal history and of course, her son Jake.   So I was feeling a little good about that - the show not being consumed by newbies from other soaps every minute - and then the Laura-Liz scene happened. I thought for sure, because Laura touched on what Nikolas would have wanted and because Liz is out of a job, that they would first have a couple lines about about how the boys are doing in the new house, and then talk about what's happening with the hospital. Laura should know about the hospital being closed, and feel something - maybe want to fight for it w/Tracy, Monica, Kevin and Liz because Lulu was born there and her young life was saved there, Lucky's life was saved there, her grandsons Jake and Aiden were born there, Nikolas has been a committed board member there. Instead, the propping of Hayden and then Franco, with the talk of "falling for men with dark sides" made me ill.  I don't believe for a second that Laura would be all "okay, I don't judge" about her ex DIL dating the nutjob who strapped her daughter to a bomb and also kidnapped her newborn son from the hospital. 

Enough with Ava, Hayden, NotTodd!Franco, Claudette, and Michael Easton's latest character.

  • Love 7

I think the writers messed up a bit (surprise!).  After reading the ID that said Mariah Maxmilliana, the big bad guy called her Maxie.  She never told him that's the name she goes by.  Mariah would have made sense, not the immediate jump to Maxie.  Then she could have corrected him.

So Ava left a message for Scott she might be going to her death, and then waltzes in and out with only minor roadblocks when getting the meds.  What a non-build.

I also think the gloved hand was Curtis.  Oh, and Ava?  You find a public toilet and flush the pills, hon.

Edited by amaranta
  • Love 13

So they're really going to say that Charlotte is the Lante ******, aren't they? I mean, I know everyone here said it was going to happen, but I didn't fully believe it. Surely they couldn't do this. They wouldn't. But they are.. Like...I...#CancelGH

I wouldn't be mad if that guy wanted to keep Maxie held hostage offscreen for awhile. 

So Griffin apologizes to Tree for screwing his precious fake wife even though I don't think Tree ever bothered to apologize for shooting him. Ok. 

Ava and Sonny have the same useless and tiring *conversation* every time they're in scenes together. STFU and die. 

Ava goes to a back alley to dump Morgan's pills instead of dumping them in a trash can on the street because?

Carly hanging up on Nelly was my favorite part of the episode. 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, amaranta said:

I think the writers messed up a bit (surprise!).  After reading the ID that said Mariah Maxmilliana, the big bad guy called her Maxie.  She never told him that's the name she goes by.  Mariah would have made sense, not the immediate jump to Maxie.  Then she could have corrected him.

So Ava left a message for Scott she might be going to her death, and then waltzes in and out with only minor roadblocks when getting the meds.  What a non-build.

I also think the gloved hand was Curtis.  Oh, and Ava?  You find a public toilet and flush the pills, hon.

I thought I made up the part where he called her Maxie after seeing her license. I'm glad I'm not hearing things. That was either a mistake by the writers or something was editied out where Maxie told him her real name. That said, I really like day player kidnapper guy. He's very anti soap looking. I'd be curious to see what he looks like without the beard. Maybe, he can kill Sonny for us. LOL!!

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Carly hanging up on Nelly was my favorite part of the episode. 

I know. I wish we'd gotten Nelle's reaction to that.

Sonny's hallucinations (sigh) are really dumb, but I genuinely liked the one where Carly and Ava were cheerily packing up Avery's things so she could live with Ava. When Sonny called her a murderer, I cracked up when Ava twinkled, "I know, but you're worse." (Paraphrased.)

Did Carly or Michael ask Andre to come over, or did he drop by on his own accord? I'm asking because if it was the former, it was a little odd that Carly threw him out when he didn't take enough blame for Morgan's death. And I get that she's grieving, but FFS, stop calling Morgan perfect. He was far from it. Accepting that might help be helpful.

  • Love 5

Why is Andre even still here?

To make midnight housecalls to Carly's place? 


Have any of the writers thought that maybe someone should tell Sonny he shouldn't be drinking so much given that he's bipolar, and his bipolar son was killed because he drank too much? 

But how would they show Sonny's pain? He has to drink and break things.

Edited by ciarra
  • Love 2

Sonny and Carly grieving could have been good soap today, but they're both vile people in their own right, and no amount of lip service to their past misdeeds can generate the depth of sympathy for them that I'm sure the writers want viewers to feel. Carly has condoned and celebrated violence when it served her own ends, so this week's conversion doesn't mean that much to me. That's what happens, writers, when you make  bad people the center of the show. 


If I were Griffin, I'd be pulling out some strands of that little girls hair, along with some of my own, and submitting them for DNA analysis at every lab in the tri-state area before I acknowledged her as my own. And, in the meantime, I might serve Anna with a restraining order to keep her at least 50 feet away from JusticeforDuke's alleged granddaughter at all times. 


I'm very afraid that somehow that little girl may end up being Laura's because of … Helena … reasons. Drat this show for even putting ideas like that into my head!


And it's 3 damn weeks until Nov. 11! A little too long to be dragging out the Morgan grieving by my lights. 

  • Love 9

Sonny is such a self-centered prick, basically wanting Carly to swallow her feelings and come home because HE needs her to get HIM through this.

More non-drama with Jason and Sam talking about moving, like it will ever actually happen.

Always nice to see Felicia, but where is Mac?!?!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

No, no, no, you pompous orange asshole.  You screwed your son's girlfriend on the day of your other son's father's funeral--whom you killed.  That's quite a high bar to clear.

Not to mention, they screwed in the crypt where his murder victim and the rest of his family are laid to rest!

Edited by sacrebleu
  • Love 10
3 hours ago, LexieLily said:


So apparently Jean Passanante replied to someone on Twitter and said that Ava/Sonny have joint custody of Avery and have since the Nurses' Ball and this was all addressed in the 5/31 episode. This didn't happen, did it?


They did have some sort of conversation about it.  Ava relented (UGH) and said they could share.  It may have been around the NB but can't remember.  This still doesn't explain why Sonny is acting like he has sole custody NOW.  

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

So apparently Jean Passanante replied to someone on Twitter and said that Ava/Sonny have joint custody of Avery and have since the Nurses' Ball and this was all addressed in the 5/31 episode. This didn't happen, did it?

Lol, no.  I remember Carly blackmailed Ava into dropping full/sole custody, but I'm catching up on the week and much like writing a show and feminism or common sense, Jelly knows nothing of joint custody and how that works either.  Wed/Thursday, Sonny barks at Ava that she has "five minutes to see Avery" before he "changes my mind".  He then tells her, after catching her in Morgan Brah's suspiciously clean room (with participation trophies!!!! haha) that she now has "two minutes to see Avery and go".  He later tells Nelle, or AJ's secret daughter (because damn that scene about Sonny and hatred was hitting me over the head with "Red Herring/Lol" so hard)  that Ava is not allowed in the home to just see Avery.  Um, dude, that's not how joint custody works.  Also, who is Carly to set this up?  Should that not be for the parents and/or a court of law?  But huge lol to the moment where Ava literally has the fake lithium in her purse and Sonny has walked in and asks what she's doing in Morgan Brah's room, to which Ava responds "What do you think, Sonny?"  That was such a "duh, Sonny, you moron" moment.  Because Ava totally messed with your bipolar meds too, dude.  You know nothing, Sonny Corinthos. 

Also, quick observation, Clod on why she lied about Nathan being the father "because he came from a wealthy family and is a cop".  Lol.  Weak sauce.  Things that I may have accepted-  "You are probably a Cassadine, your biological mother is a terrorist, your sister is a legit psychopath who will literally cut a baby out of a womb, your sister's father is Faison.  Griffin, you're hot as hell, but Nathan has the upside on knowing legit crazy people that will literally kill for no reason.  Sorry, buddy.  Had to go with that one." 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Sonny is such a self-centered prick, basically wanting Carly to swallow her feelings and come home because HE needs her to get HIM through this.

I'm legit surprised Sonny went over to Carly's house instead of getting her over to Casa Corinthos.

Jordan, you're Dante's boss. Take him off Morgan's murder. You can do that. GAH.

So Jason wants to move to keep Sam and his kids safe. Does he think he's going to be able to take Jake with him? I don't think Liz is going to allow that.

"What are you doing here, Dante?" It's not your house, Sonny. Shut up.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

So Jason wants to move to keep Sam and his kids safe. Does he think he's going to be able to take Jake with him? I don't think Liz is going to allow that.


Since he didn't even mention Jake (as opposed to Kristina, Molly, Alexis, Sonny, Carly, Michael) I'm gonna guess he didn't give him a thought.  Which of course is in direct opposition of his usual "my son, my son" mantra, but there ya go.  Not that it matters--we know the Snooze Couple isn't straying outside PC town limits.

  • Love 6

Jason to Carly: You need to stick by Sonny! 

Jason to Sam: I need to get outta this town, woman!

And I just can't take this version of JaSam seriously at the moment. I'm all for growth, I really am, but I'm gonna need the two of them to apologize to everyone they ever yelled at or sneered at for not accepting ~the business~ before I really pay attention to this newfound Safety First message.

  • Love 14
  • Is the kidnapping-and-potential-death storyline that Maxie has fallen into supposed to be her Emmy nomination entry?
  • Jason and Sam need to move away from PC and Liez. Jake can stay with Liez and visit them a lot in Aurora.
  • Morgan's death was about the only wake-up call that would impress Carly and Sonny. Maybe Ava too. But even after he is gone, his parents still want to see him as a baby instead of  a man with choices.
  • "Churlette" is in kind of a dotted line relationship to Anna and Dewq...the grandchild they could have had. But it's  a deja view relationship of Anna and Emma, really. Been there, done that. The Show just wanted to give Anna a younger grandchild than Emma.
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