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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I may be on the barge for the first time in nearly forty years

The wifi here on the barge is amazing.

I'm not sure if it's my personal distaste for Ron and anything he pens that makes me cringe at all the threesome talk, or if it's my distaste for the characters that were part of the various discussions. I've complained loudly for awhile now about the lack of romance on this show, and the superficiality of "hey, let's just all get it on!" without even seeing lust resonate from the characters, let alone love, is yet another step from true emotions and actual romance. YMMV. Thank God I'm a child of the 80s and watched Duke throw tantrums about Robert in a jealous rage and Anna look longingly at a happy Robert and Katherine rather than march up to them and inquire about a ménage a trois.

As for life on the barge, we did have an attempted mob-takeover of the ship's casino, though luckily it was thwarted by cruise security personnel. Apparently they are more adept at fighting crime than the PCPD.

Due to all the long-term guests becoming all too good at shuffleboard, badminton, and ping pong, we've now installed a full-size tennis court on the top deck. It's in between the Port Charles Harbor water ride and the Haunted Port Charles Hotel attraction.

Though, sadly, no one looking like Det. Sexypants has been seen climbing the rock wall shirtless. Sigh. That really has been the only drawback.

  • Love 6


  When Maxie gets free, she is going to be crushed with guilt again


Look out Port Charles.  The last time she was crushed with guilt (when she thought she was responsible for killing Robin the lab), Matt Hunter ended up going to jail for a public service, oops, I mean crime, he didn't even remember committing.  Maxie and her pity parties can be dangerous.  I guess that's why everyone coddles her ass and tells her its not her fault; they are all afraid of what she might do if they don't tell her that.


I don't even dislike Maxie but she has the emotional maturity of a 2 year old and it never seems to get any better.





I've complained loudly for awhile now about the lack of romance on this show, and the superficiality of "hey, let's just all get it on!" without even seeing lust resonate from the characters, let alone love, is yet another step from true emotions and actual romance.


I have to admit I'm a little annoyed by all the characters telling Felix he is a cold fish because he doesn't want casual sex.  I don't think that's necessarily a character flaw.  It feels a little like mean girls going off on the virgin about how she is frigid.  It would be nice if there was someone to tell Felix he's not frigid just because he wants sex to mean something.


Now, my annoyance at treatment of the Felix character is completely separate from the fact that I don't think I've seen any sexual chemistry between MS and his co-actors, so from that perspective, Felix does appear a little bit of a cold fish.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 8

Why is Milo delivering pizzas when Sonny owns a boxing gym?  Why isn't Milo working there.  The set already exists so they might as well use it.  


I think the comment about the 60's still fits because Felix is black.   Either way, I want them to bring Big Pussy back to play Papa Giambetti.  It'd be awesome if Milo told his dad he was with Felix and Papa G got all pissed but then revealed he didn't care Milo was gay, but was pissed that he'd be with someone so awful.


ETA: i love how the entire set rattled when Carly slammed her flimsy door.  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 2


Why is Milo delivering pizzas when Sonny owns a boxing gym?

Because Sonny will deliver a pizza to Carly tomorrow.



Okay, Olivia's dialogue to Carly is her best scene since


I agree. It's about damn time someone was a truth-speaker to Carly. Although, I will acknowledge Carly has starting returning to her basic, self-centered Carly roots lately. 



I skipped the Milo stuff, but I'll take a guess it's a case of sloppily handled mis-direction.


I agree. I've seen some spoilers, and I think this is a misdirect. Milo won't be gay. But, regardless of his sexual orientation, I was perfectly happy with him off my screen. 



I Did.Not see the Mac shooting coming. Kudos to the writers for that. 

  • Love 1


Due to all the long-term guests becoming all too good at shuffleboard, badminton, and ping pong, we've now installed a full-size tennis court on the top deck. It's in between the Port Charles Harbor water ride and the Haunted Port Charles Hotel attraction.


Can we get some mahjong on the barge?



Why is Milo delivering pizzas when Sonny owns a boxing gym?  Why isn't Milo working there.


Milo didn't want to be in the mob, or mob-adjacent.

  • Love 1

Why does everyone on this show get shot in the shoulder?  Honestly, it's the SAME wound.  Liz, Lucas, and now Mac.


Either the bad guys are really bad at human anatomy and have no idea where the heart actually is, or they are just really bad shots.  How about a gut shot next time?  Switch it up a little there Ron.


I really don't want Naxie together now.  Bitch, you didn't believe him until you literally had a gun pointed at you.  You don't deserve him.

  • Love 1

Why does everyone on this show get shot in the shoulder?  Honestly, it's the SAME wound.  Liz, Lucas, and now Mac.


Well at least he didn't get shot in the chest again. Yes, I still remember when that happened. It wasn't that long ago. And whaddya wanna bet that Victor had a hand in this? you know, to keep Robin in line...

  • Love 1

Why does everyone on this show get shot in the shoulder?  Honestly, it's the SAME wound.  Liz, Lucas, and now Mac.


Either the bad guys are really bad at human anatomy and have no idea where the heart actually is, or they are just really bad shots.  How about a gut shot next time?  Switch it up a little there Ron.


I really don't want Naxie together now.  Bitch, you didn't believe him until you literally had a gun pointed at you.  You don't deserve him.


Dante/Anna/Nathan threeway 4 eva! Even though I don't really like Nathan either. But I'm willing to be nice. 

  • Love 2
Or enough midwesterners for a euchre tournament?


Euchre? I didn't even know you liked her!  Ha, forgive me, I watched a minute of today's show, and my mind immediately and simultaneously went to pot and to the gutter. But, got it, euchre tournament and mahjong coming!


I watched a minute of today's show on youtube to see if Michelle Stafford could pull off Dr. O's accent. OMG, that was horrible. Just a really bad attempt at a Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.  All modesty aside, I could do better. And I suck at that shit.


So, in getting to that moment, I watched as much as I could stomach of the Brad, Lucas, and (I swear to God, I just had to stop and think of the 3rd guy's name) Felix talk about where to "hang out."  Get it? "Hang out?" And, no, I didn't giggle like a 12-year-old when I wrote it, much like I'm sure Ron did every time he wrote or read that in a script. But I did note that I've seen more passion watching three random office personnel, of all different ages, genders, and sizes, discuss where to have lunch during their 45-minute break.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 2


Wait. Did Milo just come out to Sonny?



God I hope so. Then he and Felix can have the best romance ever by getting married next week and leaving town, never to be heard from again. 


Does anyone think that MoBe is utterly clueless about how he looks on camera these days? That ultra-lacquered hair and  glassy-eyed lipless grin made him look like a ventriloquist's dummy come to life when he popped up outside Carly's waving his pizza at her. I shreiked!



That Milo spoiler is just a chain yank, right?

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 3

Oh Olivia, I've been in your corner for so long, glad to see your awesomeness exposed. Carly speechless is truely a thing of beauty.


Never laid eyes on Milo before, but woof, he is not attactive.


I LOL at Levi trying to hoist Maxie up those stairs on those wedge heels.


Liz is not my favorite character but her moves against Britt were cute and Nik really does like her, even he thought she was cute. He has no real feelings for Britt and her continued plays make her look pathetic. I can't get past how a specialist physician would have no money, it boggles the mind.


Nina and Franco are cute, I can't decide if they will just be friends or get romantic. Either way is fine with me. I actually feel a little sorry for Franco losing Carly to Sonny, that's gotta sting.


Oh no he didn't. That Dunklemonkey shot Mac! All I can say is Maxie's saving grace would be if she knees him in the balls, takes his gun and shoots his dumb ass. Maxie don't let me down or you won't get my det Special Kitty! But alas Nathan is such a Special Kitty he will save you and still love you.

I really wish Lulu and Maxie would save themselves.

  • Love 4

Oh for the love of all that's holy, Lulu was wearing FIVE INCH heels. Why didn't she just slam her heel into the agent's foot? I know, I know, because she's Lulu and if it doesn't involve babies or embryos, she's useless.


And Milo wants FELIX? Seriously? He was just pining over Suebrina at the Nurses Ball. Although for a minute I thought he wanted Sonny, which actually could have been interesting.

  • Love 1

Oh Olivia, I've been in your corner for so long, glad to see your awesomeness exposed. Carly speechless is truely a thing of beauty.

Never laid eyes on Milo before, but woof, he is not attactive.

I LOL at Levi trying to hoist Maxie up those stairs on those wedge heels.

Liz is not my favorite character but her moves against Britt were cute and Nik really does like her, even he thought she was cute. He has no real feelings for Britt and her continued plays make her look pathetic. I can't get past how a specialist physician would have no money, it boggles the mind.

Nina and Franco are cute, I can't decide if they will just be friends or get romantic. Either way is fine with me. I actually feel a little sorry for Franco losing Carly to Sonny, that's gotta sting.

Oh no he didn't. That Dunklemonkey shot Mac! All I can say is Maxie's saving grace would be if she knees him in the balls, takes his gun and shoots his dumb ass. Maxie don't let me down or you won't get my det Special Kitty! But alas Nathan is such a Special Kitty he will save you and still love you.

I really wish Lulu and Maxie would save themselves.

On Ron's show where the women are dumber then dirt it never happen. I wish they save themselves but I anit holding my breath

Who knew? Levi is as fake and nasty as TVP chunks and he gives new meaning to the expression "monkey-suit" when he's all dressed up.  I hope Levi's nasty ass stank corrodes his gun and it blows up in his hand the next time he menaces a doily-clad woman or shoots the best dad ever.  Clearly his upbringing in a laboratory snack fridge left him unable to simulate the behaviour of a reasonable human being instead of the hippie wombat flea-colony straw-haired over-inflated violent balloon animal hybrid he truly is.  More importantly, how will this affect Sonny?

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 13

On Ron's show where the women are dumber then dirt it never happen. I wish they save themselves but I anit holding my breath


I was so sure that Lucy was going to create some kind of distraction and save everyone.  She had that look on her face that I remember, the one that says I'm going to take you down and then after I take you down, I'll pretend I don't know how to hold a gun so all the big strong men around me don't feel inadequate in their manhood.  So I was taken completely off guard when Mac got shot.  I guess I'm not used to what has become of the show.  I like it better that way.

If Milo would ever have such a conversation it'd be with his brother, Max, who apparently had disappeared again. But whatever they're planning with Milo I don't care, it's so out of left field to suddenly try and make him a factor when he hasn't been on screen in months and when he is he's either played as being a little ditzy and only good at taking off his shirt, though personally I don't think he's all that great at that either. Though if they do pair him up with Felix there'll be another couple I can happily FF.


Nathan and Dante really weren't good cops during this whole Levi bust, not that I really cared aside from wanting Levi shot in the kidneys. Oh, and listening to Maxie drone on and on and on, my god I wanted someone to gag her. And really that was the longest hostage situation, way to drag it out there Ron with all the needless talking and repeated threats every other minute. Also, no one has a bloody cell phone? Why weren't they rushing to call 911 or at least Anna? Good grief, the stupid burns like acid.


Sonny and Carly always have and always will deserve each other without question, what disgusting hunks of flesh they are.


The only thing about the threesome bs that might prove interesting to me is if Felix is kept delayed by love sick Milo and Brad and Lucas end up in bed again together so I can have another love scene I actually want to watch that reminds me of real romance/hot fun sexing time in the afternoon.


In the previews did Epiphany really tell Liz to go to the island and "jump" on Nik? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

  • Love 3


I have to admit I'm a little annoyed by all the characters telling Felix he is a cold fish because he doesn't want casual sex.  I don't think that's necessarily a character flaw.  It feels a little like mean girls going off on the virgin about how she is frigid.  It would be nice if there was someone to tell Felix he's not frigid just because he wants sex to mean something.


If it weren't for Felix clearly having no problem with casual sex when he kept trying to get something going with Milo around the time of the 2013 Nurses Ball, I would agree with this. Well, or if I didn't hate Felix so much. 

  • Love 3

Today was good for the most part, although the three-way with the guys is getting ridiculous.  RC thinks he's cute, and he really isn't.


I loved Olivia telling Carly the cold, hard truth about Franco.  I think RC just got tired of trying to spin his crap and is finally admitting that it was an epic fail.  The life raft is finally in the water.  Cranco is ending, and I don't even mind that Carson is restarting.  The truth is that Carly and Sonny DO get each other.  Killing people, covering it up, being ridiculously hypocritical?  Yep, they are a match made in heaven.  Franco actually works with Nina because they don't know each other, and they are both crazy.


I thought Britt was great today.  I think she should throw as much cold water on the horrible Niz pairing as she deems necessary since we know that the only reason Elizabeth is giving Nikolas the time of day is because Ric is gone and Nikolas is showing interest in Britt again.  I don't care if Britt is being underhanded.  Go for it!


The wedding fiasco?  I loved that too, but I am not happy that Mac got shot, and RC had BETTER NOT kill off Mac.  At the rate that RC likes to kill off GH characters, he does have me a little worried.  Afterall, RC has to make room for his next newbie:  Jason Morgan even though he won't resemble Jason at all when RC is done with him.  Hence the "newbie" title.

  • Love 2

Lulu has been held at gunpoint enough that she should be annoyed, not teary. I'd love to see her roll her eyes and say, "Oh, God, this again?" Maxie, too. And then they both use their giant high heels to stab their captors in the foot and get away.


What was the name of the fake ICE guy, Scrubsie? 


"You should be battin' girls away with a baseball bat." That's unfortunate imagery coming from Sonny.


"Jason, Jason, Jason!" That's all we're hearing these days.


Brad's apartment looks a lot like Felix's.

  • Love 6

Levi must die. He. Shot. Mac! He must die & die painfully ala "The Blood Aagle" from the History channels, Vikings. Mac being shot actually surprised me.


Every once in a while, Ron can serve up a real shocker.


I really have to hand it to him with the Levi story.  In retrospect, it seems like all the things posters were convinced was evidence of bad writing - Levi coming on like he was giving Maxie Zen enlightenment when in actuality he was manipulating her and shutting down her life - were actually carefully planned seeds to build up to Levi's big heel turn (or, more accurately, heel reveal).  Couple that with the genuinely out-of-left-field Mac shooting, and I have to say well done, Ron.


If, on the other hand, Mac dies and his heart goes to Alice there will not be enough "FUCK YOU, RON"s in the world for me...


I am still amazed at how well RoHo & MSt play off each other. I actually enjoy their scenes.


Whether accidentally or on purpose, I think RC has stumbled on to a couple with real potential.  Hopefully, he will follow up on this.  


That Milo spoiler is just a chain yank, right?


Given how Ron loves to troll certain posters, I'd say, emphatically, YES.

  • Love 1

Milo's interest in

a certain plus-sized nurse

is ridiculous.  When did this supposed crush happen and where has Milo been all this time?  I hate that they've got Felix playing sidekick supporter of love once again.  Poor Felix is never going to find a love of his own at this rate.

Edited by stacey
And really that was the longest hostage situation, way to drag it out there Ron with all the needless talking and repeated threats every other minute.


That's so Ron. Gotta trade barbs, right?


I remember the water poison story. Sonny, FrancoTodd, Johnny, Jax (?), and Carly had Jerry, the bad guy surrounded. I've seen SWAT, they had Jerry exactly where they would have wanted him.  And instead of someone saying, "On the count of 3, fire ... one .... bam! (Franco/Todd of course jumps the gun) ...." we had 10 minutes of insults being traded and absolutely no recognition that the good guys (relatively speaking) had the lone bad guy surrounded.


It's like GH takes place in Stupid Zinger World, where not of that pesky reality stuff gets in the way of a mediocre slam session.




In retrospect, it seems like all the things posters were convinced was evidence of bad writing - Levi coming on like he was giving Maxie Zen enlightenment when in actuality he was manipulating her and shutting down her life - were actually carefully planned seeds to build up to Levi's big heel turn (or, more accurately, heel reveal).


No, it was bad writing.  They weren't carefully planted seeds; they were anvils the size of boulders being dropped about how awful Levi was.  Nathan = good; Levi = bad. And caveman paintings had more depth than this storyline.


I didn't give a shit whether Levi was legit or not as to his zen beliefs and veganism, etc. Levi was an asshat and Maxie had to be dumbed down to about a turnip to let him run over her like that. Regardless of how depressed or off her game she might have been.


And I think many of us suspected that Levi wasn't all that he se....... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 6

Milo's interest in a certain plus-sized nurse is ridiculous.  When did this supposed crush happen and where has Milo been all this time?  I hate that they've got Felix playing sidekick supporter of love once again.  Poor Felix is never going to find a love of his own at this rate.


He'd probably have more luck if he detached himself from Sabrina.

  • Love 1

I'm also very annoyed that Dante didn't a) call Anna for back-up before he made his presence known and b) that he didn't shoot Levi from behind when he had the perfect chance. Booooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Dante could have texted for back-up while he was hiding behind the curtain.  And he took a long while to come out after Nathan ran down the hall and stopped the wedding.  Certainly after Levi and ICE left the room, someone could have called or texted for help.


I wonder if Dr. O intentionally stopped the elevator to force Nina to reveal she can walk.

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