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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 hour ago, tvgoddess said:

So here's my thoughts on that. Although "could have been" could be interpreted a few different ways in the grand scheme of things, I think in this case the writers probably did mean it in a romantic sense. I think they're just setting up that Nik and Ava will be paired, or at least seriously tested if and when Tyler comes back. I'm not actually convinced he is coming back, no matter what was said at FCW. If that's the case, I'm not sure they'd hire back Temp Nik or just have him not on the show at all. That's why it's kind of a moot point no matter what.

They could just mean it to say that they could have been good friends who were the only ones who understood each other in a fucked up way because both of them pretended to be dead and up and left their children. And then they could have done a slow build and have them start out as friends and then progress to more. I actually think Ava needs friends much more than she needs a love interest. Scotty definitely did some truth telling the other day.


28 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really like Nik/Ava, but yea this is too much. They always make couples out to be so grand. STOP! Not everything has to be star-crossed lovers and grand romances one day after two people met!


24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't get this AT. ALL. Ava and Nik spent, what, three days together? I get that travel/being held hostage together forces an intimacy onto people, but COME ON. Ava spent half the time yelling at Nik for getting them into trouble she could have easily avoided in the first place if she hadn't glommed onto Nik. GAH.

As usual, the pacing on this show is terrible. There's no reason why the writers should ALREADY be setting up Nik/Ava as a future pairing. They were sorta kinda companions/captives for a few days, that's it. That's not a good enough basis for a potential pairing and neither one of them needs to be thrown into another romantic situation right now anyway. They should have just had Ava be sad that someone died trying to save her and kept it at that. The Curtis/Hayden friendship is a decent (for this show) model the writers could follow if they wanted to establish a foundation for Nik/Ava eventually getting together. 

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22 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:
1 hour ago, tvgoddess said:

And they've dropped the Curtis/Hayden friendship altogether for stupid Finn. 

Yeah, so weird.  It really seemed like that was going somewhere, given the jealous reaction Valerie had to them hugging, but then, bloop, over.

Valerie can get jealous when she sees Nina and Curtis together.

Today's scenes are why the Sam/Liz ones yesterday rang so hollow and unearned. The second Sam goes away and Liz gets Jason alone she's back to being an unrepentant and snotty bitch about Sam. I'm not even getting into why Liz, the rape victim, is so badly trying to minimize what Franco did to Sam (and Jason and Danny by extension). Jason is very clear in his requests for Franco not to be around his son and Liz is blatantly defying him so if this was any sort of realistic show he should be going to a lawyer to talk about changing their custody arrangements and creating some enforced limitations.

  • Love 8

Oh Liz, girl.  Snarking on Sam and Jason being "bastions of truth" is not a good look on you.  Sam's been keeping a secret for about five minutes, for a decent, human reason.  You kept a secret FOR MONTHS, for mob peen, and stood by and let a woman BE SHOT over it.

Valentin has been suuuch a letdown.  Nothing of import came out of his conversation with Lulu.  And they end the episode/the whole week with him seeing Nina?  Who fucking cares!

Shut up with your whining, Franco.

  • Love 13

If they were going to be at the Q mansion anyway, I'd much rather have that Liz/Sam scene between Sam and Monica.

This version of Jason is more receptive to his family and there's drama in Monica being torn by a fear of losing him again if she keeps something this big from him and respecting Sam's request.

It wouldn't need to be a whole story but a scene between those characters would've made more sense 

Edited by Oracle42
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Liez really couldnt resist being a bitch after Sam was unrealistically nice to her. 

Jason wanting Sam to be his nurse was cute. Slightly amusing he said it with Liez right there.

Sam should just tell him already. Annoying.

I dont know who is worse Nina or Franco. They get the most air time over GH vets. That last scene of Nina/Valentin was 5 mins long.

  • Love 8

Kristina is just too much. Your mother has bigger concerns today than your "love life". Where is Molly? I really wanted her there to shut her selfish sister up.

For once in his life Franco would like to know what it's like to be given the benefit of the doubt. Are you kidding me? Such a selective memory. SHUT UP whiner. Every line he whines to Liz makes me hate him more. Show has the perfect opportunity for Liz to bring out the bitch face and set him straight. But no, we get treated to a reformed serial killer/rapist old man continually playing the victim while Liz saves her bitchiness for Jason/Sam.

Nina is now being watched on mute. Please pair her with Franco again so I can hate watch them both in silence. I just can't with her anymore.

I'm conflicted over Finn. I hate him for helping mend things with Franco/Liz. But I quite enjoyed his pointing out that Dr. O is awful.

Lulu questioning Valentin. He is such a dud. Oh show, you make me laugh.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Jason is very clear in his requests for Franco not to be around his son and Liz is blatantly defying him so if this was any sort of realistic show he should be going to a lawyer to talk about changing their custody arrangements and creating some enforced limitations.

Jason and Liz don't have a custody arrangement for Jake, and never have. 

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Jason and Liz don't have a custody arrangement for Jake, and never have. 

I'm sure the writers forgot this ever happened, or they'd come up with some reason why it never happened (like the ridiculousness of Lucky never formally adopting Cameron) but after the lie was exposed, Jason talked to Liz about setting up some kind of custody deal. I remember because Liz overreacted and assumed at first that Jason was planning on suing her for custody.

I didn't want to slap Kristina a thousand times like I thought after watching yesterday's preview. I only wanted to slap her 5 or 10 times. Parker is a grown ass woman. Alexis didn't force her to do anything and stop playing the victim, you're not powerless. If you want to fight for Parker go ahead. 

The scenes did show me that Kristina is, unfortunately, a lot like Sonny in a lot of ways. The way she doggedly repeated the same thing about Alexis forcing Parker to break up with her with no evidence to back it up. I loved her retort when she insisted that Parker loved her and Alexis asked how did she know. Her response was basically "because." A very excellent argument. Sonny would be proud.

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Jason and Liz don't have a custody arrangement for Jake, and never have. 

I guess I can kind of be grateful that the show is dead set on making Franco happen, so they probably won't go the route that will make my head explode - seeing a judge decide that Jake is in less danger living with the mob hit man, whose children (and the children of his BFF) have been repeatedly in danger thanks to his lifestyle, and the woman who sat by and watched him being kidnapped when he was a baby.  I'm still finding brain fragments here and there from the time a judge decided that a child was safer with a mob employee than his mother, because she was dating a cop.  

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm still finding brain fragments here and there from the time a judge decided that a child was safer with a mob employee than his mother, because she was dating a cop.  

That seemed to be more about punishing Maxie for lying than anything else. The reasoning was insanely stupid, but Georgie living with Spin at least means she's accounted for. That's more than we can say about most of the kids on the show.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm still finding brain fragments here and there from the time a judge decided that a child was safer with a mob employee than his mother, because she was dating a cop.  

If you're talking about Maxie and Spinelli - A) Spinelli wasn't really working for Jason at the time he got custody. And B) Maxie didn't lose custody because she was dating Nathan (I don't even think they were at the time). She lost because of her cover-up and lies about the surrogacy debacle with Lulu/Dante.

Also, right now, Jason also technically doesn't work for the mob. So if he decided to go for custody it would be the unemployed (but rich) guy and his girlfriend (who once stood by and didn't say anything when Jake was kidnapped) versus Nurse Webber (who stood by and let a guy get away with shooting a woman in the head) and the serial killer/sexual assualt artist she's dating.

  • Love 4

So I heard the writers finally remembered the Tracy and Lulu relationship this week. I've been waiting a while for that-but I don't know if it's worth bothering to seek out a clip. I heard they talked about Luke-which is irritating-but if the scene was good, I may check it out. Does anyone know about how long the scene is, if it's any good/worth watching? It doesn't sound like much, but I like them. Worth it to watch a clip, or not?

What say you, good people?

44 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

That seemed to be more about punishing Maxie for lying than anything else. The reasoning was insanely stupid, but Georgie living with Spin at least means she's accounted for. That's more than we can say about most of the kids on the show.

Oh! I thought the judge was just worried about her mental state. I mean, she was claiming to be in a relationship with an inanimate object

Edited by Oracle42
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20 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

So I heard the writers finally remembered the Tracy and Lulu relationship this week. I've been waiting a while for that-but I don't know if it's worth bothering to seek out a clip. I heard they talked about Luke-which is irritating-but if the scene was good, I may check it out. Does anyone know about how long the scene is, if it's any good/worth watching? It doesn't sound like much, but I like them. Worth it to watch a clip, or not?

What say you, good people?

I didn't see all of it, but I don't think so. I think it was really short, but maybe it lasted longer than what i saw.

Jason and Liz's interactions are so repetitive. It's not entertaining or amusing.

And I HAD to laugh at Liz's whole truth dig. I can't. Then again, the word "honesty" or "truth" should never be associated with Liz, Sam or Jason. Sorry. I don't even care about how they're being written currently. Too much shit happened over the years. It doesn't apply to any of them.

I blocked out anything that had to do with Lulu, Franco, Nina, Kristina, oh, hell, I'm naming everyone again.

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Is someone gonna call Lucky and tell him to get over his darkness bullshit because Liz is dating FRANCO now? Or kinda dating him, whatever.


  • Love 1
2 hours ago, backhometome said:

That last scene of Nina/Valentin was 5 mins long.

I ffwd it and it still felt like it lasted 500 years. So fucking stupid. And for that to be the cliffhanger and FV to actually tweet about it is really just completely mind-boggling.

I think I watched about maybe 10 total minutes of this ep. I'm just SO over basically everything.

  • Love 2

Fuck Jason and his smug remarks to Liz about Franco. Hey Dickface?  Why don't you try BEING A PARENT to Jake for longer than a few days before making declarations about who can and can't spend time with him?  Why don't you stop going off on month long trips that you most definitely didn't need to go on before you criticize how another parent is raising the child you share with her? Do your part, for a long time, and THEN maybe you're in a position to make requests like this one.  First rule of parenting? You do it ALL THE TIME, not when it's convenient.  THAT is what Liz should have shoved in his face, his bullshit 'parenting' and how he does NOT prioritize Jake the way he should.  Franco may be dangerous, but so is Jason. Jason needs to shut his damn face and make Jake a damn sandwich and stop nagging Liz.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

Oh! I thought the judge was just worried about her mental state. I mean, she was claiming to be in a relationship with an inanimate object

Better than a Baboon who never resembled a human being more like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon.

That shit was pure msygosinic. Nothing they write can justify that shit that a asexual clown who was another man's bitch, who profited off the blood of dead people for a living is better fit to be a parent then a mother who lied about the Paternity of her baby. Never mind that Spin lied for months about the same damn thing & never answered or paid for it. His criminal past wasn't brought up he just got to get on the stand & acted like they were better than this knowing damn well they were not. Especially his trying to kill Dante & helping Jason get away with murder on a daily basis ass.

The judge had it out for her it was about her dating which in his view meant she didn't miss or care about her baby. It was about Ron covering his ass because he used & damn near destroyed Maxie as a means too an end to reunite piss ass forced Spixie who couldn't get back together on there own merits.

The judge needed to have several fuckin seats trying to dictate who she date's. This is the 1st time since Matt that she has been with a real man & was living her life that isn't based on living a lie to keep some man-child in her life. 

Maxie & Georgie are legacy characters yet her baby isn't treated like it. It's only the spawn of Spinelli.  Mac has never had a scene with his grandchild on screen. Insulting. Even more that F&F & Mac 1st grandchild is nothing more than a plot point baby who's only purpose is to force Spixie back together. Ron & Jelly don't give a shit about Maxie being a mother. This is what happens when you knock up a legacy character for 1 point only.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, ulkis said:

Is someone gonna call Lucky and tell him to get over his darkness bullshit because Liz is dating FRANCO now? Or kinda dating him, whatever.

Say what?!  Lucky and Jason BOTH took Sam back after what she did to Elizabeth, Cam and Jake, so they can STFU about Franco and I don't even like the character or Elizabeth around that freak.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Vella said:

Fuck Jason and his smug remarks to Liz about Franco. Hey Dickface?  Why don't you try BEING A PARENT to Jake for longer than a few days before making declarations about who can and can't spend time with him?  Why don't you stop going off on month long trips that you most definitely didn't need to go on before you criticize how another parent is raising the child you share with her? Do your part, for a long time, and THEN maybe you're in a position to make requests like this one.  First rule of parenting? You do it ALL THE TIME, not when it's convenient.  THAT is what Liz should have shoved in his face, his bullshit 'parenting' and how he does NOT prioritize Jake the way he should.  Franco may be dangerous, but so is Jason. Jason needs to shut his damn face and make Jake a damn sandwich and stop nagging Liz.


Jason told Cam and Aiden that he would be in their lives and hasn't seen either boy since the Shriner's story which was in February!  Jake Doe is/was a better parent to all four boys.

  • Love 7

Jason will never be The Best Father. For one thing, this show does not care about kids unless they're necessary for plot point reasons or Nicky B. needs a paycheck. More importantly, it doesn't work with Jason's character. It never did. Even when he was obsessed with Michael, he still left the demon spawn with nannies, bodyguards, Bobbie, Robin, Carly, while he conducted criminal activities. Like, no. He was never a good father. He loves his kids, sure. But other things were ALWAYS more important. 

Now, the show could change this now. Give him scenes here and there with them. Drop lines that Jake spends every other weekend with him. But even if they do that, Jason is still a character that is involved with dangerous crap. May not be mob-related, but they still haven't given Jason a legit, safe occupation. He just lives off blood money and travels to clear his name from whatever.

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4 hours ago, NiqueAlexis said:

Better than a Baboon who never resembled a human being more like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon.

That shit was pure msygosinic. Nothing they write can justify that shit that a asexual clown who was another man's bitch, who profited off the blood of dead people for a living is better fit to be a parent then a mother who lied about the Paternity of her baby. Never mind that Spin lied for months about the same damn thing & never answered or paid for it. His criminal past wasn't brought up he just got to get on the stand & acted like they were better than this knowing damn well they were not. Especially his trying to kill Dante & helping Jason get away with murder on a daily basis ass.

The judge had it out for her it was about her dating which in his view meant she didn't miss or care about her baby. It was about Ron covering his ass because he used & damn near destroyed Maxie as a means too an end to reunite piss ass forced Spixie who couldn't get back together on there own merits.


Do you realize BA and Spin share the same face? Maybe dial back on the tearing down of his looks. Just because he's a guy doesn't make it any less cool than when it's done to female actors.

It wasn't misogynistic. Maxie lied for months and showed that she was an immature idiot. She had no one to blame for what happened at the custody hearing than herself. And Spinelli did not know for months. Lulu and Dante had Georgie for at best a month after she was born before they found out the truth. Spinelli didn't find out about Maxie's lie until Georgie was born. Spinelli wasn't acting like anything on the stand. He and Dante were the only two trying to put Georgie's best interest first.

Spixie could have got back together on their own merits just fine. The only reason they didn't was because BA left. And don't try and pin the crap with the judge and Nathan came after on Spinelli or Spixie, since BA had left by that point. That crap was more about giving Maxie and Nathan contrived angst.

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