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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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No reason for Sabrina NOT to be a nurse? How quick is she to forget the fact that she tried to murder pregnant woman and fetus? What medical setting is going to chance that happening again? And why wouldn't the state of New York rip up her nursing license? Yeah, braindead!Michael, i'm sure that the medical people in your family will be thrilled to help out St. Sabrina. Since she hasn't mentioned once about seeing a therapist.  And she has kept on making stellar life decisions since her attempted murder of Ava and baby Avery. What the hell happened to Michael's great idea of a medical clinic? He has the company back, he has Sonny's  $$$ too. 

I can't wait for Greek authorities to finally come on scene and just have them arrest Sam and St. Jasus. For kidnapping, assault and trespassing to start. The Cassadines are supposed to run the island. And Nik speaks greek. Unlike Dumb and Dumber. 

I can not begin to talk about how terrible this show is right now.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, stlbf said:

What the hell happened to Michael's great idea of a medical clinic? He has the company back, he has Sonny's  $$$ too.

I'm just as glad if they don't pick up the clinic storyline again, because, by now, Michael'd be all about naming it the Sonny Corinthos Clinic, instead of after A.J.  They really want us to forget he even existed, let alone had any impact on Michael's life.

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Jason SUCKS. I hope Theo kills him.

His acting choices (bored cyborg) and the script clearly have him as Jason Morgan with Sam playing a the role of a christmas ornament on his tree.  There was one line in yesterday's episode, where he was joking about KILLING Nikolas after Sam mentioned that maybe they should tie Nik/Ava up.  At least the actors playing Ava/Nik are putting in appearances reflecting the fact that they appreciate a paycheck.

Then again, the actors that they have at the hospital aren't exactly 'watchable'.  Looking at you - Felix and Sabrina.

  • Love 4

Carly confiding in Nina is ridiculous, but that's fine, I'm not even going to get upset about that right now because there are more important things to deal with. Like this stupid Cassadine shit. Ava and Nik are boring me again and Sam needs to be back in PC with her family. I wish she an Jason would hop on the magical teleporter and set fire to the island on their way out.

Whatever, Laura. You had no problem helping Nik cover up attempted murder or keeping quiet while Liez had Jason in her bed but now you decide to find some moral outrage? K.

LOL at Sabrina and Michael. I have nothing else to say about them. 

This whole "OMG I'm dying I need some fake heroin quick" thing with Finn is tiring. As is his anger and bitchiness towards someone trying to help his garbage ass. STFU. 

Why did Hayden say she had "dabbled" in the "legalized stuff" instead of saying she smoked weed? Would that be too much for these writers delicate sensibilities? 

Is it really necessary to bring on another big bad Cassadine? Really? Stop it.

  • Love 7

If Valentin is going to be a scary, evil, batshit crazy guy who will kill off half of the town, BRING IT! If they are retconning him to be afraid if the midget moobster, or a mustache-twirling villain, then he's pointless. 

If he's got real Julian in the catacombs and what we've been seeing is plastic surgerized JusticeForDuke or Jonathan Padgett out for revenge, then I'm okay with that too! 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, stlbf said:

No reason for Sabrina NOT to be a nurse? How quick is she to forget the fact that she tried to murder pregnant woman and fetus?

But-but-but--- TEDDY/EDWARD!!


I can't wait for Greek authorities to finally come on scene and just have them arrest Sam and St. Jasus. For kidnapping, assault and trespassing to start. The Cassadines are supposed to run the island. And Nik speaks greek. Unlike Dumb and Dumber. 

Jason will just beat up one person, get his gun, force the rest of them to drop their guns in the ocean, take their shoes and badges, and, oh yeah, their lunch money. Sam will mention "Sonny Corinthos", which will cause them to capitulate.

Hate me, but I'm liking the Spencer/Laura/Kevin scenes. At least with Spencer overacting, he MEANS it, unlike some of the adults on the show.

  • Love 6

I'm calling it-- oh, who am I kidding? I'm fanwanking a better storyline:

Tyler returns to the show with tempNik still on, because Jasam will look at both and not see a difference (like when RoHo looked oh so much like Franco).

And we'll have definite proof that all these "back from the dead" characters are just copies created by Helena.

  • Love 1

I'm so bored with the show I'd almost welcome something provoking a rage blackout.

"I was a mother once." Nina, you ripped a baby out of Ava's uterus and ran off with her. That's not exactly being a mom.

I don't see the problem with Sabrina being a nurse again. She's not the first person at GH to have attempted murder. It's hardly outside the line. 

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm so bored with the show I'd almost welcome something provoking a rage blackout.

"I was a mother once." Nina, you ripped a baby out of Ava's uterus and ran off with her. That's not exactly being a mom.

I don't see the problem with Sabrina being a nurse again. She's not the first person at GH to have attempted murder. It's hardly outside the line. 

I assumed Nina was referring to the baby she was pregnant with before her Donna Mills poisoned her.

The former chief of staff was a terrorist, there's a serial killer on staff working with disturbed children, and the current chief of staff ran over someone with her car while drunk. Not to mention Lisa Niles. And Liez. And Tracy and Nik are board members. It's not like GH is opposed to having criminals on the payroll. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, stlbf said:

No reason for Sabrina NOT to be a nurse? How quick is she to forget the fact that she tried to murder pregnant woman and fetus? What medical setting is going to chance that happening again? And why wouldn't the state of New York rip up her nursing license?

I might be remembering this wrong, but I think that, as far as the hospital management knows, Sabrina gave Ava that medication on accident and thus Dr. O fired her for negligence.  So I think she still has a license, because wasn't she going to work with Michael at the AJ Clinic we've now supposed to totally forget about?

But yeah, Sabrina being all, "It's not fair!" about it is not a good look for her.  And hey, for a show that likes to tout its "strong women", how about Sabrina works to get her job back on her own instead of having the rich guy she's glommed on to do it for her?

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate you.


10 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Oh FFS. Take it back. Take it back RIGHT NOW! I swear @rur, if this happens, I will hunt you down lol!

Sorry … I truly believed others would have had the same thought. 

If it's any comfort, I'm pretty bad at predicting the direction of GH story turns.

In the meantime, I'll move myself to he quarantine level of the barge. (We have to pay for our drinks there. I'll be broke soon.)

Edited by rur
  • Love 11

I think that's the idea. We're supposed to think he is who he claims to be...a fisherman who's afraid of the Cassidines. Let's see what happens when his identity is discovered this time next year.

Maybe, but for me, the best villains are the ones who raise the hair on the back of  your neck up, just by walking into the scene, even with no dialogue.(Alfred Hitchcock was a master at getting that kind of performance out of his actors).  Of course, to be fair...GH has only ever had one villain like that-early Cesar Faison. I am assuming the tattoo is a Cassadine family crest or something?


If Valentin is going to be a scary, evil, batshit crazy guy who will kill off half of the town, BRING IT! If they are retconning him to be afraid if the midget moobster, or a mustache-twirling villain, then he's pointless. 

This is my fear-that JAYSUN will be the one to take him down. Let's just be real: if Valentin/Theo is the scariest scare who ever scared, he has to be mentally sharp. Jaysun ain't mentally  sharp-like, at all. And the idea of an idiot like him matching wits with Valentin-help us now.

Me Jason. Me good. You Valentin. You enemy. You bad. You go away now. I shoot you. Bang.Bang.

Monica, Sonny, Carly, Sam, half the town: Jaysun. How did we ever tie our shoes while you were dead?

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Here's an idea: let him work to get back ELQ. Or you know, set up that clinic he was so gung ho about last year! Or maybe get another job. Or go back to school! I hate that he sits around doing nothing all day except fawning over Sabrina or kissing Sonny's ass.

Seriously.  And isn't ELQ embroiled in some kind of lawsuit thanks to stupid Nikolas?  But Tracy and Michael are too busy propping the medical professionals in their lives to care? #eyeroll

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Or go back to school!

He's gone to summer school, or something. What else does he need? /sarcasm It's absurd that 25-year-old Michael is CEO of a worldwide conglomerate and has no college degree whatsoever. I don't need to see him at school, but they could at least say he's taking night courses or something. Not that Nik is anymore qualified to run ELQ when it comes to education. I don't think he has a college degree, either.

Just now, LeftPhalange said:

I don't even know who the CEO of ELQ is supposed to be.

Jason reinstated Michael when he (Jason) bought back the majority shares.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I can't stand Michelle Stafford's stupid mugging & weird faces. Can't she just act? On Y&R she was jazzy hands & repeating her lines twice. Now, it's that stupid cutesy baby doll mugging.


Let's gift this poster with a bagful of Nik's family jewels! Amen, brother! M St does all that superfluous distracting body language to make herself stand out as memorable (and not in a good way). I think her motive is to upstage her hapless fellow actors and hog all the audience attention. She's selfish and calculating.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm so bored with the show I'd almost welcome something provoking a rage blackout.

I feel like after having my years-long rage blackout with this show, I'm no longer capable of having another one. Like, there's nothing they could do to shock me anymore. I've already reached the tops of WTFFFF Island.

  • Love 1

Enquiring minds apparently agree that the Show's constant Sonny-propping is rage-inducing. He's a regular Secret Santa for PC, buying a new heart for Alice, an overly expensive home for the Lantes, and so on. Plus, he rescues people from bombs, throat-slitting, and somesuch. Are the writers propping Sonny (among other reasons) to give Carly motivation to stay married/allied with him? They have separated and re-joined many times; she must feel powerful motivation to return. I think Carly likes the limitless power that Sonny seems to control, and his godlike ability to bribe and prop other weaker figures.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Me Jason. Me good. You Valentin. You enemy. You bad. You go away now. I shoot you. Bang.Bang.

This is literally how Jason has been coming off during this Cassadine Island thing. It's kinda of hilarious, but more annoying than anything.

21 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

We really need to shorten this kids name.  I vote for Terd. 



While I know I'm going to be incredibly disappointed, as of this date, I'm intrigued by this Valentin story.  Check back with me next week and I will probably have changed my mind.

This. I'm intrigued. This story could be SO good. But so many of GH's stories could be great, but they never are.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

He's gone to summer school, or something. What else does he need? /sarcasm It's absurd that 25-year-old Michael is CEO of a worldwide conglomerate and has no college degree whatsoever. I don't need to see him at school, but they could at least say he's taking night courses or something. Not that Nik is anymore qualified to run ELQ when it comes to education. I don't think he has a college degree, either.

Jason reinstated Michael when he (Jason) bought back the majority shares.

Nikolas had private tutors for a bajillion years, so he had a college education at home. Except for that brief period where he attended P.C. high. Shudder.

  • Love 3
53 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Nikolas had private tutors for a bajillion years, so he had a college education at home.

Given how status-conscious the Cassadines have traditionally been, you'd think Nik would have gone to Oxbridge or the Sorbonne or something, not what was basically a correspondence course. But whatever. I should be grateful that Molly is still at PCU and actively thriving. 

  • Love 3
53 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is literally how Jason has been coming off during this Cassadine Island thing. It's kinda of hilarious, but more annoying than anything.

I wish they'd let JaSam have a story that wasn't about them acting like cops or the moral police. I get that's how it's always been done, but damn, switch it up.

  • Love 4

I give negative fucks about whatever mild pain and suffering Sam and Jason are causing Nik. He deserves everything he gets and more. Ava gets no sympathy from me either since she willing signed up to be his groupie. I wish they would turn Nik in and start stealing what's left of the Cassadine assets. Maybe burn down a property or two. Then take Danny on a vacation. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 6
24 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I mean, the number of fucks I give about Jason/Sam causing Nikolas grief is negative infinity because Sam still hasn't burned down Wyndemere and has only been permitted to express mild annoyance with Nikolas but yes please, fer cryin out loud, time with Danny and a decent adventure story......and a tiny bit of arson

Oh, yeah, I don't give a crap about Nik. That's not my issue. Some may call what I want "boring", but their story should have been about their family after Jason regained his memories.

  • Love 3

UGH at Anna bringing up Sonny taking a deal (OVER A MURDER HE TOTALLY COMMITTED, MIND YOU) to protect Carly because he wuvs her so much when she confronted Julian.  Hey Anna, you know who else benefited from that deal?  Duke, WHO ACTIVELY CONCELED A CRIME FOR A MOBSTER!  Gawd, fuck!  At least Finola's break is here so I can imagine Anna having fun with Robin and Emma and not have to watch her say shit like that.

Lulu's begun IFV treatments, how interzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

Lulu's begun IFV treatments, how interzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

In Lulu's defence it's not like they're showing us any of that onscreen.  Because then they'd have to take away from Sonny rescueing all the damsels in distress and everyone declaring how he's such a wondeful man.  Or from Jason/BM gritting his teeth when he talks which drives me completley crazy.  Heck, give me Lulu discussing her treatments in great detail over those twho shits and I'm there.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Given how status-conscious the Cassadines have traditionally been, you'd think Nik would have gone to Oxbridge or the Sorbonne or something, not what was basically a correspondence course. But whatever. I should be grateful that Molly is still at PCU and actively thriving. 

The good thing about Molly and TJ being offscreen all the time, is that are both in a healthy, loving relationship as they both pursue their academic studies. Plus, based on what TJ has mentioned of interning for the summer at GH, I think he is actually pre-med.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Just her mentioning it - and then her stupid "If I wasn't trying to get pregnant, I'd be guzzling wine to deal with this Nikolas news!" reminder ten seconds later

This is a soap convention I think should die. People have DVRs and Web access; we don't need things repeated umpteen times because there's no way to watch again.

  • Love 4

The way ER purses her lips still annoys me, but she and DZ are very pretty people. Too bad they wrote the cheating story so shitty that it ended up with them entrenched on the backburner. 

Aw, Dante told Laura he loves her. Must have been all that bonding on skype!

I liked JE working in that armrub on Lulu. Too bad the script didn't even let them hug, yeesh

Bye Anna. The show could have at least had the decency for Griffith and Anna to have farewell sex.

Ew at Dr Michael Easton being a dick to boring but nice Griffin.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh, I like Lulu fine.  It's just that particularly story avenue that drives me bananas.

Yeah, especially since it's all just being done to make

Lulu has a Stavros baby

more shocking somehow, although I dunno what that does for it. 

I mean, are these two even wearing their wedding rings again? Might wanna work on any lingering issues before cooking up another baby? No? Okay, fine.

  • Love 3

 It's just that particularly story avenue that drives me bananas.

Agreed.  But for me, it depends on who has the rabies and how often it's discussed.  For example, 50 year old Nina with baby rabies with her sociopathic psychopathic serial killer talking about it on an almost daily basis with the same exact words, exact words (!) no thanks.  But 30 year old Lulu's baby rabies with her hot, legal husband mentioning it once every three weeks, I'm good.  Now if Lulu mentions it 24/7 during this trip to Cassadine Island, then all bets are off.  

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