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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Hmmm, considering the Abby return tweet and Sabrina's actress having suggested for the baby to be Carlos', maybe they won't end up together when she returns?

In my eyes, it would be the worst for Michael to be stuck with Sabrina and a baby at this point in his life. I really wish TPTB thought he was important enough to give him a real, well-written love story with an actress he can build something with.

  • Love 4

In my eyes, it would be the worst for Michael to be stuck with Sabrina and a baby at this point in his life. I really wish TPTB thought he was important enough to give him a real, well-written love story with an actress he can build something with.


I think he and Sabrina have chemistry, but one or both of them needs a stronger personality and better writers. I'd still be interested in them trying something with him and Maxie (I'd be game for them to try her with Morgan too).

  • Love 3

I think he and Sabrina have chemistry, but one or both of them needs a stronger personality and better writers. I'd still be interested in them trying something with him and Maxie (I'd be game for them to try her with Morgan too).

Won't debate the chemistry (bc we all see things differently), but yes, both are too low-energy and the writing is atrocious. I still think she only has a good acting connection with JVP.

Morgan/Maxie could randomly be so good and hilarious, so it will never happen.

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They aren't actively repulsive or anything, they just kinda fade into the background together. There's nothing particularly soapy or inherently interesting about them.

Suited up MWOP with baby Avery was kinda hot. Babysitter!Michael with Sabrina's dumb baby is just a recipe for backburner boringness and TeCa's hyperventilation crying

Edited by Oracle42
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They aren't actively repulsive or anything, they just kinda fade into the background together. There's nothing particularly soapy or inherently interesting about them.


This. There's nothing wrong with a sweet couple, but they have to do something more than be sweet together. Writing in TeCa's pregnancy was a disaster. Neither of them needs a kid, and a WTD is so played out, especially when it's so badly written. And what's with the coyness of whether the baby is a boy or girl? As an infant it makes no difference, so unless they're going to drastically SORAS the kid really soon, it's just dumb to keep it a secret.


Oh, I think the show is getting ready to play with some lazy slash infuriating parallels.  "Look, Sonny Michael loves this child that isn't his and is determined to keep him/her away from that evul AJ Carrrrrrrrrrrrrlos!"


Ugh, I know. This show. (Sorry, I don't know how to make the line-through on a Mac.)


This fakakta show.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Low. Bar.

Shrug. The bar for Michael's love life has always been low. Tbh, now is when we should be seeing Michael, Dante, Morgan, and Kristina in hot romances. Not disrespecting vets, but at some point the torch has to be passed so to speak. Maurice Bernard has to know, hell the network has to know, someone - that Sonny is a grandfather. It's time to see exciting, sexy, romance adventures from his adult offspring /stolen kids. First GH had TG with his eternal dreams of Luke being a bad boy dragging this down, now it's Sonny as a sexy, but good bad boy. No. Just no. Michael has no love life, two of Sonny's kids have homes, but we've seen Sonny's office, celebrated his birthday, and watched him flirt with Anna. That's why daytime ratings are down. Viewers want an escape. They want to believe Dante is a cool and lovable guy and see it. Or Michael is a tortured, conflicted man who wants to love. Even Morgan, troubled, angst guy is an escape.

  • Love 5

For awhile this week I thought Show was tinkering with the idea of a WTD sl with Neener/Dillon/Franco, if Neener had succeeded in raping Dillon. Her screeching at Franco and his puppy gift are probably designed to make us sympathetic toward him, but I feel manipulated. Neener and her box of pain desperately need analysis by either Dr K or his colleague, Anna's shrink. Neener's baby rabies outbursts are symptoms of unresolved angst that runs deep. Neener's psyche is just temporarily splinted and bandaged.


I hope the Lante story doesn't revert to baby rabies again, but that may be inevitable since where else can their sl go? Valerie is keeping a wide berth. Lante seems to have rushed into sexual healing instead of examining the relationship very deeply, so they might still have a San Andreas fault way below the surface.


Does anybody else feel like tossing a drink back every time the name "Sabrina" is spoken? IMO, it's beyond weird to have a character's name spoken so often by so many characters when she never appears onscreen or participates in any of the story lines. Seems like blatant manipulation as taught in advertising: repeat the product name incessantly and people will think it is popular and will want some.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3

Tuned in to yesterday's episode just for Ned. Him and Olivia are still sparkly together.

Why is Carlos not dead again? Why has Sonny not burst into flames at his hypocrisy?

Speaking of sparkly, wow with Kiki and Dillon. I am all over that. Their scenes may bring me back. Same with Finn and Tracy- ME has so much personality with her.


I can't help but notice that the three pairings you mentioned all have Quartermaines in them.  Hopefully TPTB will take notice of this too, and use all three of them more.

  • Love 5

I had a fair amount of dislike for Nina as it was, but to open a box, see a puppy (with that face!) and her first words are "What the hell is this?" And she wants to send Daisy back to the shelter?  Loathe!  New levels of hate have been reached!


For some reason when she was flailing around with her PAIN! I kept seeing Bambi scrambling and slipping on the ice.  Well, a non-cute version of Bambi.  Her physical choices are so odd.  I swear I can see RoHo thinking "WTF?"


Bring back my Anna Devane.  I'm perfectly fine with the retcon of her killing Carlos, but not so much with the I Must Pay Martyrdom Tour.  I wish they could have had FH look in the camera one day, say RC wrote that shit and now we're moving on.

  • Love 9

I know lots of people hate Franco, but I find it ironic that he actually shows some "caretaker" or nuturing instincts, and doesn't want a kid, as opposed to Nina, who keeps blathering about a kid, but has yet after several years, to show any warmth of that kind to anybody. Unless I'm forgetting something, I don't think she ever has reached out to anyone in a supportive/nuturing/caring way, except her brother. And I do get the feeling she was more of a mother than a sister to him, growing up, so maybe I'm just overreaching. I just don't see it with her.

But lots of women IRL and on this show have kids and shouldn't, so eh.

  • Love 7

Nathan seems like the older brother to Nina because he's always taking care of her. If we had a better actor in the role and writing, he could be an interesting character. 6 year old boy sees his beloved older, off beat sister go into a coma and decides to go into law enforcement because of that. He spends his entire life obsessed with the case, researching it and whatnot- all while hoping his beloved sister wakes up. He suspects that her husband, whom she put through med school is the one who put her in the coma. So, as her husband becomes this amazing doctor helping people with cancer, he grows up watching his sister waste away and vows to make him pay. He finally gets his chance, only to learn that his own mother was the culprit.

There are prime time dramas with premises like that. Except they have actors that can play the beats of the story. We never needed any extraneous bs. Nathan's initial reason for coming to Port Charles was good, but the actor sucks and the writer got distracted.

  • Love 3

I thought Micheal was still living at the Q's.


He is, and he will be head of ELQ.  SO I don't see him leaving the Q mansion anytime soon.  He told Sonny and Carly that is part of two families, and I can just hope that the writers allow him to spend more time with the Qs since they only thing they ever seem to write for him is waiting on his siblings or worrying about Sabrina.  Why is it so hard to write some Q scenes?!!  I should be grateful that they FINALLY had Michael visiting and worrying about Tracy.

Strooker Abby does not need to come back from the dead. I was never so happy for Crane to do its deed offscreen.

I liked Michael and Abby, and Chad and Andrea had great chemistry.  I would take her 1,000 times over Sabrina and Kiki.  I think Michael does better with older women.

  • Love 2

Didn't a hitman enter his room after he represented the Corinthos family at a meeting for the Five Families? The meeting where he told Ava she couldn't raise Avery and run a mob organization like Sonny because she was a woman.

No, the hitman entered his room long before the five family meeting.  Rosalia was in Michael's room at the time, and they weren't even together yet.  The hitman was before Michael knew Sonny killed AJ - you know, the story that has been completely whitewashed.


Michael shouldn't really be CEO of ELQ because of his representation of Sonny at the Five Families and the taking of the Corinthos name. If Tracy Quartermaine was ousted due to mob ties, then I'm sure being associated and taking the name of the self proclaimed Number One Gangsta and hiring a woman who ended up being hired to infiltrate the company just because he banged her once could and should get the board to kick Michael out.

I don't agree.  I think Michael is still Michael Quartermaine, and he loves the Qs and running ELQ.  So why shouldn't he run the company?  At least he didn't give away his shares like a love struck teenager ala Tracy.  I actually like the fact that Tracy is happy to have the Quartermaines back in control of ELQ,  and I love the idea of her, Ned, and Michael running the company.  The writers are not going to erase 20+ years of Corinthos history where Michael is concerned just because some want to see it.  He is both a Quartermaine AND a Corinthos (and a Spencer, although you would never know that fact either). Damn writers.

  • Love 1

So Maxie brought light and life to the talking tree. Does that mean she's the Geppetto to Nathan's Pinocchio?


Oh good grief, was that what he was saying? I tuned out after the big spotlight came on and he said that Maxie was his sun. How many more cringe-inducing public proposals is he going to offer up? With Griffin and his new Richie Valens hair constantly giving them the Stare of Pain, you know this marriage is never happening.


Speaking of bad hair, what is up with Jordan's new extensions? It looks like Walgreens had a sale.


I hope Griffin is Claudette solely because I really want to see RP and guy who plays Griffin try to act that shit out. UCG out the wazoo!


I don't think Griffin is Claudette, but now that you've explained what this could entail, I want him to be so much.


That puppy with the one-up one-down ears was the cutest. If I were Nina, I would rather have the puppy than Franco's baby, and if I were Franco, I would rather have the puppy than Nina. As far as I'm concerned, they both made the wrong choice.

  • Love 8

Speaking of bad hair, what is up with Jordan's new extensions? It looks like Walgreens had a sale.


LMAO! Her hair looked really bad on Friday. I was taken aback tbh because it was just horrible. They already ruined her character and now they're making poor VA look like shit. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Why was Nathan proposing again anyway? At his engagement party? Did he not remember the first time?


LOL. Maybe he'll keep proposing to her and eventually they'll figure out he has a brain tumor. Then when he's wheeled into the OR for emergency neurosurgery, Griffin will break down and say, "I can't operate on this man. He's ... HE'S MY HUSBAND!"

  • Love 8

LOL. Maybe he'll keep proposing to her and eventually they'll figure out he has a brain tumor. Then when he's wheeled into the OR for emergency neurosurgery, Griffin will break down and say, "I can't operate on this man. He's ... HE'S MY HUSBAND!"

Omg. Lol. I don't want to laugh. I want to not have GH write this story because they can't. Sonny will call Griffin Duke's "daughter", Anna will cry that she was lied to, and Maxie will be a huge catty, pun mess. But that shit? Is hilarious.

  • Love 2

They aren't actively repulsive or anything, they just kinda fade into the background together. There's nothing particularly soapy or inherently interesting about them.

Suited up MWOP with baby Avery was kinda hot. Babysitter!Michael with Sabrina's dumb baby is just a recipe for backburner boringness and TeCa's hyperventilation crying


I think they were good together at first.  But he's just become so bland since he reinserted himself up his parents' greasy behinds, that I don't see them being nearly as interesting if they're re-paired.  TeCa is better opposite someone who has some energy, like JVP/Carlos.  She was good with Michael Q, but I can't imagine her with Michael C.  

  • Love 5

What was on top of William DeVry's head on Friday? It was jelled very heavily and plopped on top of his head. It looked like he preparing to Grease: The Musical. I guess he could have rehearsing for the Nurses Ball playing Danny Zucko but I don't think that's it. So is DeVry bald-bald or going bald?


Possibly. I mean, what other explanation could there be for  . . . that.


Although it still might be better than some styles he's had with his real hair:



  • Love 4

I'd say that Nathan's repeated proposals were so that Griffin sees each and every one of them. Why? Well, mileage will obviously vary. I saw someone make a great point about Griffin on another message board. He's Griffin, the interloper shot by Nathan upon being caught screwing Nathan's wife. If Griffin knows that Nathan inflicted potentially deadly harm on him, why isn't he trying to intervene on Maxie's behalf? Forgiveness my ass! If Griffin knows Nathan to be a violent man, I'd say he has a moral obligation to clue Maxie in on what she might be getting into by marrying him, and after that, Maxie can decide for herself one way or the other, if she wants Nathan in her life. Suppose history repeated itself, and Nathan unleashed gunfire on Maxie because she disappointed him in some way? Griffin needs to spill it if he knows Nathan has been violent.

Possibly. I mean, what other explanation could there be for  . . . that.


Although it still might be better than some styles he's had with his real hair:



When was this? So he knew MS before GH? As for the, um, hair......I'm speechless. He'll always have his pecs & abs. Not a total loss. LOL!!

  • Love 2

Possibly. I mean, what other explanation could there be for  . . . that.


Although it still might be better than some styles he's had with his real hair:




Oh my dear lord. I have to say, you have a knack for finding these kinds of things. Kudos.


I'm all caught up but not much to say. Still think pretty much all the men on this show suck and aren't worthy of being acting partners to the women (clearly not in all cases, but most).


Felicia is pretty, but KW's line readings are painfully bad. Just awful.


I'm so bored by everything going on.

  • Love 2

Possibly. I mean, what other explanation could there be for  . . . that.


Although it still might be better than some styles he's had with his real hair:





I don't know why he just doesn't just let it show, if he's going bald. Bald can be sexy. Maybe not on him, but on some other men. Is he afraid the Julexis army would drive to the studio and hold him down, while sewing a toupee to his head?

Be free, Will. Be FREE.

  • Love 2


Felicia is pretty, but KW's line readings are painfully bad. Just awful.


Could you expand a little on your judgment about the actress? She's always spoken with that drawl. I realize that KW does not have the acting chops of Meryl Streep, but what is particularly abrasive for you about the line readings? (I admit being favorably prejudiced about her since she's one of the vets....)


  • Love 1

Could you expand a little on your judgment about the actress? She's always spoken with that drawl. I realize that KW does not have the acting chops of Meryl Streep, but what is particularly abrasive for you about the line readings? (I admit being favorably prejudiced about her since she's one of the vets....)


I would go back and rewatch it to better articulate what I mean, but I deleted the episode as soon as it was over. Maybe it's just her voice, but it makes the lines sound extremely stilted and not natural. I appreciate that she's a vet, and my god looks better than almost anyone on that show but her words are grating to my ears. *shrug*

  • Love 2

KW has always sounded kind of strangled. I'm used to it, though I can see how it would bother others. I'm just glad to see Felicia onscreen at an important event in the life of her daughter. That's the big surprise.

How incredibly sad that that would surprise you - and that the rest of us would know exactly what you mean (and most probably agree).

I hate this show. Or, rather, what it has become.

  • Love 4

What kind of direction was MSt given that resulted in Nina being an emotionally stunted tweenager? Is that what she does when told the character is naive? I just..I don't...what is even happening in her scenes?

No one knows. The visual dissonance of a fifty-something person trying to act like a tweeager is jarring and unpleasant, if not disturbing.

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