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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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KA is horrible and BC is stuck with her big potato head until they pair her back up with Michael.


Just think of the ENORMOUS number of french fries we could make if someone sliced and diced that giant potato head!



STOP--You guys are killing me.

Am I the only one who thinks Helena want to jump Jason/Jakes bones?  She practically drools...............

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STOP--You guys are killing me.

Am I the only one who thinks Helena want to jump Jason/Jakes bones?  She practically drools...............


Need I remind you of her much-younger boy-toy Andreas? He was hot. Helena likes 'em young.

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Sam did admit she hadn't taught him "stranger danger" so well just yet.


It's a wonder why Liz didn't use that today as evidence of how wrong Sam is about Jake. "Your son loves him! How could he be a bad guy??", etc.


I'm currently on the barge, but lurk in this thread, and this made laugh; because it reminded me of Braden Walkes as Cam and how he hated Jason. The looks he used to give him!

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 And Kiki's sneer at him was, as usual, awful. When will the writers give up on this non-entity of a character? Valentini should give her money for college and let that ease his conscience.


She really does give root vegetables a bad name, doesn't she?  The only thing that would make her palatable would be is was covered in cheese and baked in a 375 oven for 45 minutes.  And then tossed in the garbage.

She doesn't need money for college.  Yukon Gold Tech would take her for free as long as she'd be their mascot.



That and Kiki is struggling to accept that Franco, the SERIAL KILLER and rapist, isn't the goodly good guy she's believed him to be up until this point...someone needs to hang her from a ledge and then let go.


Me!  I'll do it!!!  I love 'em mashed!


WOW at Carly, the queen of life ruiners, calling AJ a "one-man wrecking crew".  Ditto her insistence that Sonny would totally have been set free if he had gone to trial.  Like, yeah right, bitch. 


I spent the day making Christmas cookies and decorating, doing cards, feeling the season.  Then I turn on THIS and the first thing I see and hear is Snarly at her finest.  Christmas cheer turned into needing a beer.

GOD how I wish Monica would drop kick this horror back into Bobbie's womb.  Hell, she could toss her into Olbrecht's.  She deserves an idiot child. 


I'd go with albatross Kristen Alderson, but potato, potahto.



So to speak.


Oh, lets call the whole thing off.                                (Brilliant one, guys!)

Edited by boes
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Because she's been told ten times now that he's dead, super dead in fact because even Robin said so after trying to bring him back to life, according to Patrick anyway.



At this point, given that she already believed he was "dead" and he turned out not to be, thanks to some machinations from the Legion of Doom, she should demand to see a body before she ever believes he's really, most sincerely, dead now.  If they faked his death once, who's to say they didn't do so again, if Robin did believe he was dead this time?


The irony, the irony! Liz calls Sam out for suspecting Jakeson over a phrase, yet she was convinced Mr. Murty was her rapist just because he said "not another word".



This would have been a chance for Ron to show some of that respect he says he has for the show's history by having Liz tell exactly that story. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Well, fucking Friday on TFGH. Between Jakeson putting a table faceplant on Carrrrlos nd

Sonny beating down Johnny for holding Rick

, I thought I was seeing a Guza retread. At least there was shirtless buff Julian who ended up unmarked by the Sonnyverse.


Can we get Canada to refuse to extradite Ava because The Great White North Doesn't Gives A Shit About Connie?

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Carly was entertaining in a love to hate kind of way...AJ was a drunk is a good enough reason for someone to take his life? Lol. If AJ was a trainwreck, Carly, you were the car on the train tracks that caused it. You and Sonny.


Also had to laugh at how quickly she recovered from her heartbreak and was drooling all over herself watching Jakeson make that martini.


Not sure I like where they are going with Johnny, I didnt mind him being so smug at first (in fact I applauded it) but its getting to be a bit much on the mustache twirling. I don't want Johnny to turn into a villain, and I'm scared they may be throwing him under the bus to make Sonny look good.


Happy Ava was arrested along with everyone else. She is still a murdering mobster bitch, even if she is a mother now.


That baby rescue was pathetic though. Every single scene of it was terrible, the 4 idiots going to get the baby sans cop, Morgan grabbing Nina (still lol-ing, idk why that had me in hysterics, the flour thing, the pointless Kiki Franco dialogue (Kki needs to be shot, and whatever chemistry she had with her ex OLTL dad has vanished like a fart in the wind). Just terrible.

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I'm still startled by LIz giving Sam the time of day after the crap she pulled with Jake - the REAL Jake, not this Macy's Float version.


But then again, with all the rest of the OCC stuff I guess that's small potatoes.  


Hmmm, small potatoes.......makes me hanker for a heapin' helpin' of mashed Kiki.....

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I thought both Sam and Liz were kind of snotty in their interaction today.   I HATE HATE that we are in for yet round 700 of Sam vs Liz.   I really can't deal with Liz's smug bitch face, it makes me see red.   Instead of having them act like children, maybe let them have a mature interaction??  They could have had almost exactly the same convo and still behaved like adults that may not be friends, but have reached a mutual respect for each other.   Sam could have shared her concerns in a better way, and Liz could have reacted to them better.  Instead she acted like Sam just said that Cameron was the one that held her hostage. 


Stupid.  As always.   That said, I hope Liz drinks a huge cup of shut the fuck up when it is revealed that Sam was right.  But that's my petty side.  And I hold no hope that it will happen.  It will be revealed that Jake is Jason, and Liz will be all "see, I KNEW we could trust him!"

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Not sure I like where they are going with Johnny, I didnt mind him being so smug at first (in fact I applauded it) but its getting to be a bit much on the mustache twirling. I don't want Johnny to turn into a villain, and I'm scared they may be throwing him under the bus to make Sonny look good.


Johnny's already been a villain for a long time, especially under Ron. He a)


-engaged in a blackmarket organ drug trafficking ring and blackmailed Steve Webber into helping him


-accidentally killed Cole and Starr while aiming for Anthony and then lied about it


-killed his father, tried to frame Tracy and Luke and then tried to make Lulu feel bad about not telling the cops about not telling them about Luke, who he was framing for the crime


-kinda raped Connie/Kate by engaging in sex with one of her alters


-and at one point towards the end of their marriage shook her and almost punched her in the face


Johnny's got a conscience, but this isn't new territory for him at all.

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At this point, given that she already believed he was "dead" and he turned out not to be, thanks to some machinations from the Legion of Doom, she should demand to see a body before she ever believes he's really, most sincerely, dead now. If they faked his death once, who's to say they didn't do so again, if Robin did believe he was dead this time?

But supposedly his body would have burned up in the explosion at the clinic, always so convenient.

Though now that Sam knows Robin worked to bring him back to life the fact she hasn't hightailed it to Paris to track her down and talk to her yet...that is really unbelievable, imo.

At the very least she'd be trying to Skype or something, she'd be wanting to ask Robin about her time with him, how he died, was it peaceful, did he ever wake up at all and say anything, etc.

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But supposedly his body would have burned up in the explosion at the clinic, always so convenient.

Though now that Sam knows Robin worked to bring him back to life the fact she hasn't hightailed it to Paris to track her down and talk to her yet...that is really unbelievable, imo.

At the very least she'd be trying to Skype or something, she'd be wanting to ask Robin about her time with him, how he died, was it peaceful, did he ever wake up at all and say anything, etc.

That's a good point. But everything is such a plot point. Instead of trying to find Faison or Robin, or talking to someone about the Jase information she just found out, Sam needs to know who the gunman was. And instead of Patdick doing...anything, really...he's a walking plot point that talks to Sam or about Sam.

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And instead of Patdick doing...anything, really...he's a walking plot point that talks to Sam or about Sam.


You forgot, "And bemoans the fact that he lost Sam's benefits".


The two heroes of the day today were Silas and Dante.  Silas for having enough brains to figure out that maybe talking the crazy woman down might result in no injured baby and for showing compassion to Nina, and Dante for showing compassion to Ava in letting her hold her baby before he slapped the cuffs on her.  Compassion tempered by knowing what the right thing to do is and doing it.  I like it.  They should try that with more GH characters.

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That's a good point. But everything is such a plot point. Instead of trying to find Faison or Robin, or talking to someone about the Jase information she just found out, Sam needs to know who the gunman was. And instead of Patdick doing...anything, really...he's a walking plot point that talks to Sam or about Sam.




I know, it's Ron desire to make sure everything happens exactly when he deems it fit to, even as logic and rational thinking goes flying right out the window. Things that should have happened almost immediately take weeks, even months to get even halfway anywhere or partly close to some type of conclusion.


It's a wonder Patrick didn't pop up at the Metro Court, proving that he is stalking Sam, er I mean attempting to earn her forgiveness. I could even see him agreeing with her that Jake is the bad guy she thinks he is just to try and cut down on any competition.



The two heroes of the day today were Silas and Dante.  Silas for having enough brains to figure out that maybe talking the crazy woman down might result in no injured baby and for showing compassion to Nina, and Dante for showing compassion to Ava in letting her hold her baby before he slapped the cuffs on her.  Compassion tempered by knowing what the right thing to do is and doing it.  I like it.  They should try that with more GH characters.




Well said, I completely agree, even about Dante, heh.


Silas acted aware of everyone's needs, the baby's, Ava's, and even the Nina's. He treated her with respect in regards with her mental issues or whatever the hell kind of issues she truly has. Like you said he was compassionate, that seems to be such a foreign concept on this show nowadays.


And Dante was very effective and professional, he didn't just spring into action. And it was good of him to allow Ava a bit of time with the baby.


Though enough can't be said about that baby, my gosh...I am of the belief that if anyone* holds her they automatically become tolerable. They should pass her around the set.


*Anyone except for Kiki that is. Not even that gorgeous little girl can turn her into anyone or anything worthwhile.

Edited by CPP83
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Carly was entertaining in a love to hate kind of way...AJ was a drunk is a good enough reason for someone to take his life? Lol. If AJ was a trainwreck, Carly, you were the car on the train tracks that caused it.


And this is why we need in Skye in town.  Because every time Carly goes into one of her "AJ was an alcoholic horror!" rants, I need someone to saunter up and remind her about drugging him and drenching him in booze.

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Silas acted aware of everyone's needs, the baby's, Ava's, and even the Nina's. He treated her with respect in regards with her mental issues or whatever the hell kind of issues she truly has. Like you said he was compassionate, that seems to be such a foreign concept on this show nowadays.]


I wish what Silas acted aware of was how visually distracting his frenetic bouncing of infants and small children is.  I'd completely forgotten that it bugged the shit out of me whenever he was holding Danny, and now he's doing it to baby #2. 


Unpopular opinion, I realize, but I'm not loving the jail stuff.  About the only positive thing I have to say about it is at least people who need to be in jail are actually there for a change, but frankly, the show is so overrun with thieves, murderers, and mobsters at this point that if they're actually going to send everyone to jail who deserves it, they're going to have to change the name of the show from General Hospital to General Population. 


Oh, well, at least everyone I hate is now centrally located for ease of fast-forwarding.

Edited by Rancide
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In retrospect, while I can see the appeal of everyone's crimes being exposed in one fell swoop, each contrivance to keep these characters out of jail is more eye-rolling than the next and they're all stacked up one after another.

Edited by TeeVee329
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You forgot, "And bemoans the fact that he lost Sam's benefits".


The two heroes of the day today were Silas and Dante.  Silas for having enough brains to figure out that maybe talking the crazy woman down might result in no injured baby and for showing compassion to Nina, and Dante for showing compassion to Ava in letting her hold her baby before he slapped the cuffs on her.  Compassion tempered by knowing what the right thing to do is and doing it.  I like it.  They should try that with more GH characters.


Totally agree. I actually really liked today after two days of stinkers. I blame Fluke/Luke.


I thought mounties aside that the end to the babynapping was really good. I really believe Silas does care about Nina after all she IS his wife and he knows the part he played in what happened to her. I find it hilarious that someone who is a physician was more level headed and able to figure out  what was up than any of those other idiots. Another reason he really cared about Nina is he thought Franco had Jamie, but still his only thought was for Nina, it was just a surprise that she had the baby.


And Dante didn't give Ava a moment with the baby he just happened on her after she had the baby. He only cared if the baby was okay then he slapped the cuff on Ava for his cousin(?). If ya'll can get satifaction with Sonny being in jail then allow me to revel in Ava getting hers.

LOL at her boohooing about the baby in a jail cell.


It is BS that they can't test the baby without Ava's consent. Since she is in jail for murder the baby would be in foster care. The state would want the baby to be with family so the state would want a paternity test. If not then Kiki would be the baby's closest next of kin so she could also consent.


This Johnny stuff is hard to watch. I don't see how anyone can get satisfaction out of it. If you despise Sonny how can you enjoy someone who acts just like him and if you like Sonny it is hard to see him struggle against a thug like Johnny. I just really don't like him.

Also way to ruin Caarrlooss by tying up his hair of wonder like some bad 1980s Steven Seagal. boo!

Edited by Cattitude
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Unpopular opinion, I realize, but I'm not loving the jail stuff



Not in my neck of the woods, I completely agree.


Imo Brandon is just an okay actor and not my type so I really have no use for the character Johnny. The idea that he's trying to take over territories and beating up Sonny doesn't endear him to me.



And as always the less said about Sonny the better. I'd just like him to stay away, locked up for a while. This prison stint isn't going to last forever, sadly, so any breaks from the Sonny show that I can get I will gladly take. 

Edited by CPP83
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This Johnny stuff is hard to watch. I don't see how anyone can get satisfaction out of it. If you despise Sonny how can you enjoy someone who acts just like him and if you like Sonny it is hard to see him struggle against a thug like Johnny. I just really don't like him.

Also way to ruin Caarrlooss by tying up his hair of wonder like some bad 1980s Steven Seagal. boo!


Sonny's had more time to commit crimes. And mostly, he's committed them to Johnny first. (Once Sonny locked Johnny in a room for a week and had him beaten, I forget why, but Johnny was innocent of the crime.) But that aside, I'm enjoying them being jerks to each other. I don't see it as Johnny bullying Sonny, I feel like they're on even ground.


Yes, Connie was Dante's cousin once removed. She was his mother's first cousin. They didn't know each other very well though - Olivia and Connie were best friends growing up but not long after Dante was born Connie went away to college and never came back to the neighborhood after that.

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Liz, Liz, always so smug.


And every single time, she looks even worse than the previous time. She makes me see red.


Well, you know I'm not happy about what happened. I'm glad that the two psychotic freakshow SERIAL KILLER and BABY STEALER have finally had their little party come to an end. And from the sneak peek, Nina is back to going off the walls and Ava gets to taunt her this time, which serves her ass fucking right after what Crazy Pants Batshit Lunatic Bitch did. Rot in hell, Nina. And take your lameass SERIAL KILLER with you.


I'll just forever freeze the moment where it was just Ava and Morgan and the baby in my head. Because that's the world I prefer to live in.


I'd be fine with Johnny doing anything to Sonny, but that hair? No, just no. He doesn't look like that in the IG pics I see of him. Forget Carrrrrlos, this is a hair travesty. I can't focus on anything else in the scene. Cut it off, BB.


So much for Carly trying to find Ava's baby, she kept that up for a whole zero seconds. Good job on yet again ignoring your son and his needs due to your sex drive. Mother of the freaking year.


This show is making me so angry, and the worst part is I can't drink while I'm on this medication. Another thing to blame on Ron.


Shut up Franco, shut up Kiki, DIAF Nina and Sonny. Okay, I feel a little better now.

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It just seems to me if the reason someone doesn't like Sonny is b/c he is a mob boss who does bad mob things like running drugs, kidnapping, tauting, roughing up and killing people then how can you like a different character who does the same damn thing?

At least with Sonny he also has other sides to him, and right now is being pretty selfless for Michael and Carly.


Someone from my position at least knows Sonny to be multisided whereas this wise guy seems all bad and a common prison thug. yuck!

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It just seems to me if the reason someone doesn't like Sonny is b/c he is a mob boss who does bad mob things like running drugs, kidnapping, tauting, roughing up and killing people then how can you like a different character who does the same damn thing?


I personally don't like Sonny because he's a huge hypocrite.  He has these "rules", but they never apply to himself.  He blows a gasket when he's betraaaaayed, but he cheats on one son's mother by fucking one son's girlfriend on the graves of his third son's relatives and he basically orders them to get over it immediately.

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Okay, I have a question. I know Carlos was wrongfully imprisoned for killing AJ, even though he confessed. But the thing is, he did try to kill AJ. He didn't succeed obviously, but does that just get ignored? It's attempted murder. Are they glossing over it, or does he just get time served?

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It just seems to me if the reason someone doesn't like Sonny is b/c he is a mob boss who does bad mob things like running drugs, kidnapping, tauting, roughing up and killing people then how can you like a different character who does the same damn thing?

At least with Sonny he also has other sides to him, and right now is being pretty selfless for Michael and Carly.


Someone from my position at least knows Sonny to be multisided whereas this wise guy seems all bad and a common prison thug. yuck!


Because the show never venerated Johnny for it. NOW the show treats Sonny as a bad guy, kinda. But for years and years we'd see Sonny do heinous things and the writing kept telling us that it was okay Sonny was awful because the other mobsters were worse or he didn't get a cake as a kid.


Plus on for my own part I think Maurice Benard is a pretty poor actor at this point, and Brandon Barash is a much better one, imo. Also I don't think he's hot, but a lot of people do, and that always helps too :)

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Okay, I have a question. I know Carlos was wrongfully imprisoned for killing AJ, even though he confessed. But the thing is, he did try to kill AJ. He didn't succeed obviously, but does that just get ignored? It's attempted murder. Are they glossing over it, or does he just get time served?


I'm sure Ron forgot that first assault/attempt on AJ's life happened.

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No matter what Johnny does, or says - or even his atrocious hair - he'll never be as bad as Sonny in my book.  


Johnny has always had at least a glimmer or self-awareness, and he's had more actual guilt than Mumbles has EVER had.  Even now I don't see Mumbles being selfless in any way for either Carly or Michael.  At best he's once again rolling around in his idea of "honor" like a pig in shit and doing it in such a "look at me, aren't I noble" way that completely negates any "good" that might come from his actions.


And more damning from my perspective is his - and Carly's - complete lack of remorse for killing AJ.  They have absolutely none.  And not a smidgen of awareness of their own part in what happened over the years with AJ.


OH - one more thing, maybe not that important - but Johnny actually did his own dirty work a lot of the time, unlike Sonny who was great at sitting back and spitting out his venom while he had other people do the damage.  And how often has he let other people pay the price for what he's done.

Plus, Johnny never had sex on anyone's tomb as far as I remember.


And he's eaten Port Charles alive and slimed it like a deranged banana slug.  


Mostly, he's a selfish little turd who, whenever he does do something not awful, expects - no demands that he be celebrated for the wonder that is him, never pays for anything and yet always has the audacity to demand that others pay, and in general is a nasty little creep.  

And it sure hasn't helped that for decades Show has kept TELLING US that Sonny is just taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRIFFFFFFFFFFFFic!    No.  No.  nooooooooooo.


So nope, Johnny Zacchara will always be more than one step above Mumbles the Moobster.  

Edited by boes
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It just seems to me if the reason someone doesn't like Sonny is b/c he is a mob boss who does bad mob things like running drugs, kidnapping, tauting, roughing up and killing people then how can you like a different character who does the same damn thing?

At least with Sonny he also has other sides to him, and right now is being pretty selfless for Michael and Carly.

Someone from my position at least knows Sonny to be multisided whereas this wise guy seems all bad and a common prison thug. yuck!

I hate Sonny for what he dI'd to Robin.

1. He turned his back on her because of Carly. He died to me TH e moment he told his goons to "escort, Ms. Scorpio home".

2. He shot and grazed Robin in her own house. He was attempting to kill Jax and shot Robin instead.

3. He refused to leave Robin's funeral when asked and got his stupid ass up to speak even thou no one wanted him there. It was all about his freaking pain.

I hate him for AJ too.

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Okay, I have a question. I know Carlos was wrongfully imprisoned for killing AJ, even though he confessed. But the thing is, he did try to kill AJ. He didn't succeed obviously, but does that just get ignored? It's attempted murder. Are they glossing over it, or does he just get time served?


Do you mean the time he tried to kill him at the Quartermaine Mansion?   Did he ever get caught for that?  I thought only we viewers knew that was him.  But I could be wrong, I block out so much.

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Do you mean the time he tried to kill him at the Quartermaine Mansion?   Did he ever get caught for that?  I thought only we viewers knew that was him.  But I could be wrong, I block out so much.


Yeah, that's what I meant. And maybe you're right, who the hell can remember it was so damn long ago. I can barely remember last week.

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Do you mean the time he tried to kill him at the Quartermaine Mansion?   Did he ever get caught for that?  I thought only we viewers knew that was him.  But I could be wrong, I block out so much.


My memory of it is extremely fuzzy, but I think when Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos faked his confession, what he claimed was that he tried to kill AJ that first time, failed, and then caught up with him a second time and shot him.

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2. He shot and grazed Robin in her own house. He was attempting to kill Jax and shot Robin instead.


After seeing this and watching a clip of Carly giving birth to Morgan, I'm beginning to see why Sonny has Shawn as his hitman. He doesn't seem much better at aiming himself. heh!

Edited by Cattitude
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I think they managed to match Carlos' DNA to what ever blood that was on the vase that Tracy hit him with.


I will say one good thing about Fluke being ongoing, I can pretend that it will end with Tracy cutting his balls off for raping her. 

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My memory of it is extremely fuzzy, but I think when Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos faked his confession, what he claimed was that he tried to kill AJ that first time, failed, and then caught up with him a second time and shot him.

As I remember, the first "trying to kill" was more showing up to the planned location, realizing it wasn't going to work, and leaving. He didn't ever fire a shot. "Tried to kill" is a stupid expression on this show anyway, remember when Starr supposedly "tried to kill" Sonny and got arrested when she also never even fired a shot. In her case, being in possession of a gun and making threats was enough to get her locked up (I think?), even though we have seen numerous characters do the same, and worse! and nada.

Dante doing the arresting today really bugged. Do they even have the same Miranda rights in Canada? I realize they are not going to show fighting extradition, but would it have been so hard to show the Mounties doing the arresting and then handing them over.

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I am still glad that Dante was able to arrest Nina, Franco and Ava even if he had to defy international law. In fact, I am so happy that the PCPD stopped this stupid kidnapping, that I opened my 30 dollar wine instead of drinking my usual box of wine.

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Carrrrrrlos is getting annoying already. And does his precious Sabrrrrrrrina approve of him getting out of prison and going right back to his old way of life? Oh wait I have to care about any of that first to be bothered with finding out the answer.


If Johnny is running such a business why is he still in prison? Wouldn't he have arranged some sort of escape by now? Or have paid off a judge or at least a guard or two?


He can arrange for Ric to be snatched from WPP but he can't plan a prison break?


It's just all over the top and yes it is a soap but there's no break, it jumps from campy storyline to campy storyline, it's wearisome.



Yeah, but he assaulted AJ, didn't he?




I believe he did.


Even if they proved that Carrrrrrlos didn't actually murder AJ at the very least he'd still be locked up on obstruction of justice charges for lying in the first place and making a false confession.


He is no innocent and they had plenty on him to keep his ass behind bars for a good decade plus, including the attempted murder of AJ which was also a very real crime but Ron could care less because it involved the "lard ball" AJ.

Edited by CPP83
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In other news, what the fuck was Kiki wearing today?  If she thinks that's an appropriate outfit to wear when trying to find a kidnapped baby in snowy Canada, that just proves right there she's not fit to be anywhere near that kid.

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I loled at Carlos's hairdo today. My son (who looks a lot like JJ), used to wear his hair like that when he was playing goalie for his soccer team. He really just wanted to keep his long hair out of his eyes. I used to tell him that he was using his inner samuri but I doubt that was the reason for Carrrrlos's do.

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If Johnny is running such a business why is he still in prison? Wouldn't he have arranged some sort of escape by now? Or have paid off a judge or at least a guard or two?


I think he's stayed in prison because of the skin care.  He's never looked so good.  Must be the food - and a higher grade of goon than Port Charles can supply.

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