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House Hunters: Buying in the USA

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I loved the condo the Chicago man bought, and wish the first remodeling he does is getting rid of Miss Whiny Britches.     She was damned picky about a place that he was buying, and it was obvious that she thought her priorities were the only important ones.    I hope she's history by now, and he's found someone much nicer, and not such a self-involved diva.  


I like the rerun of the two women buying in Iowa, where they pick the older house, and didn't whine about the fact it would need updating.   

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7 hours ago, Sweet Summer Child said:

Damn, that friend the Atlanta woman brought with her was ORANGE.  It was so distracting.

In keeping with the theme, lol.  Didn't the realtor wear a bright orange (Halloween orange) blouse at some point?

Happy Halloween, everyone!

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21 hours ago, laredhead said:

Aguabella, in addition to grabbing the Wellies, one should also grab their wallets.  Prices are high out there.

That's certainly true.  Those two were probably comparing it to the Santa Clara / San Jose area, however.

Yes, many of us know the effects of too much water / flooding on an area or home(s), too.  Hope nobody here is dealing with the recent hurricanes.

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On 10/24/2018 at 8:56 AM, LittleIggy said:

Methinks it would be weird being married to a twin and having the other twin as a housemate!

Me agrees that it sounded like faux HH reality tv!  IIRC, they made a couple of mistakes, i.e. flubbed lines, during the episode.  At the end, they said they were staying with the twin during the reno.  Uh, when's she moving?

Didn't check out either them or the house but it didn't feel right.  And, I believe HH loves to imply certain things or at least get viewers talking.  If you know what I mean, lol ...

On 10/24/2018 at 7:41 AM, mojito said:

I wondered what they actually did in construction? Not that I doubted their knowledge, I just wondered if they actually worked hands-on. 

They were a unique trio, being 38 and having been in college together. That's potentially a lot of history between them all. 

Same, here.  When they moved a few pieces of flooring around for the cameras, one said something about "getting" muscles.  So they don't already have them from doing construction???

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On 10/24/2018 at 1:40 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

The Indianapolis episode certainly was different from the usual house hunters, who only want move-in ready, and whine about everything they see that's 'outdated' to them.    

I hope they love that house, and I hope the have an update in a year or so.    I thought all three women were a refreshing change from many of the other house hunters on here, and I'm sure they'll do a spectacular job remodeling it.      I'm betting that a big project will be getting professional painters to do the final paint job on the house.   My guess is the second the cameras left the painters with paint guns came in to do a neutral paint on the entire place.  

 I hope they also get a bunch of dirt for that back yard, because there were some serious ponding places in it, and the dog is going to love running through the mud, and into the house.     I'm sure the location had a lot to do with their choice.    I liked the first house, but I don't know enough about the area to know if it was in a good location or not.     The third house would have been a disaster, since the dog would have zero room, and the yard was so tiny.   

Yep, sad scene, throwing on paint with brushes for the camera.  Those walls will require extra prep, too, before the paint guns begin.  Good idea on the pond.  Many people fail to consider yard upgrades when hunting.

Unfortunately, I doubt we'll see an update.  They're not filming WATN as much lately.  The last HH act / segment is now known as WATN.  Hopefully ...

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On 10/30/2018 at 9:43 AM, juliet73 said:

The buyer's "winged" eyeliner was so distracting! 

When she made an initial comment about loving travel because she learns new things, I thought "For example, eyelining secrets from the ancient Egyptians!"

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On 10/26/2018 at 12:19 PM, Sweet Summer Child said:

God, the Redmond wife came off as such a bitch.  Not only did she have this ugly smirk on her face most of the time, she bragged about "stealing" her husband from another girl.  How charming.


I liked the place they got, with the acre of land, but wow that price -- market out there is crazy.

Despite the third place being on the freeway, I would have been tempted by the view.  First place was the worst so was glad they went with one of the others -- the thought of that place being $1 m was just insane.

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Re Chicago, paying $715K for a new construction 2/2 in Lakeview is nuts IMO.  HOA is $110 now (so at least that was okay), but just wait, lots of new construction is poor quality, I bet that will go up.  I would have gone with the first (well, maybe not because of parking), or more likely one of the other 56 places he allegedly saw.  As for the first, the idea of turning a 3/2 into a 1/2 from the realtor was totally crazy from a financial perspective -- although I guess it would save on property taxes if you aren't planning to resell.  You can get a much better place for $600K in Lakeview than the places they saw.  What I would have done with place 1 was turn the "office" into the guest bedroom and then had 2 beds and an office upstairs.  You are with one other person, who cares if there's a master bathroom?  Even if you have a kid (hypothetically, assuming they stay together and marry), it's not that big a thing to share with a baby.

As someone who lived in a 4th floor walkup (with a roof deck, near the 2nd place they bought) for years, the complaints about elevators were lame and not realistic to the area.  Like the buyer I prefer vintage, and non white cabinets, but the focus on the stairs being a showstopper when shopping for a condo was a bit eye rolling.  If a coffered ceiling is some big thing, they can be installed.

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1 hour ago, msmarjoribanks said:

Re Chicago, paying $715K for a new construction 2/2 in Lakeview is nuts IMO.  HOA is $110 now (so at least that was okay), but just wait, lots of new construction is poor quality, I bet that will go up. 

 You can get a much better place for $600K in Lakeview than the places they saw. 

According to public records, the unit below them sold for $565k a month earlier and it's 1000 sq ft bigger!  The unit they bought also is $2000 more a year in property taxes.  I guess they thought the rooftop deck was worth paying an extra $150k.  

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33 minutes ago, juliet73 said:

According to public records, the unit below them sold for $565k a month earlier and it's 1000 sq ft bigger!  The unit they bought also is $2000 more a year in property taxes.  I guess they thought the rooftop deck was worth paying an extra $150k.  

I think a roof deck is usually worth about $100K in a place like that.  If there are no differences beyond that, nuts.  Do you have a link to redfin (or the like) for either place?

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I caught an episode where the HHers were British pyschics who met "at a university for mediumship."  I didn't even know "mediumship" was a word.  Has anyone else seen this one?  Despite being able to talk to ghosts, they were pretty boring.  They were buying in SoCal.

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14 minutes ago, Sweet Summer Child said:

I caught an episode where the HHers were British pyschics who met "at a university for mediumship."  I didn't even know "mediumship" was a word.  Has anyone else seen this one?  Despite being able to talk to ghosts, they were pretty boring.  They were buying in SoCal.

It was a repeat so HH could keep up with their Halloween theme they had going all week. Guess they ran out of new eps.

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Grand Rapids - I wanted to punch the wife in the face!  He wanted move in ready and wasn't into doing an reno.  She wanted a fixer, but wanted her husband to do ALL the work.  First of all, painting and replacing light fixtures does not classify the house as a fixer.  She could have easily done those herself.  Then she acts surprised when he doesn't want to make the kitchen window taller or add double French doors (in place of a single).  It's not like those are 30 minute changes lady!! I had to laugh though when they were looking at paint samples and basically chose the same color gray that was already on the wall.  And her new light fixtures were fugly!! 

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When she held up that gray paint sample to the wall it looked like the exact same color to me, and if it wasn't, it was not worth painting.

Her ears sticking out of her hair distracted me. I have fine hair with very little body, I tuck my hair behind my ears because I would hate to have my ears sticking out.

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Juliet73, I thought the exact same thing.  Her attitude about raising the height of the window was just dumb.  Did she even think about what it might look like from the outside, in addition to the work and expense required to undertake such a job?  The other thing that really grated on me was her repeated statement in the new build of only 1400 sf, that she thought the bedrooms would be larger in a "new build".  It can be an older house, or a new house, but when you have only 1400 sf total, the bedrooms aren't going to be huge, and you aren't going to get a giant master suite. Did all of these HH's flunk geometry/math in high school?  Yes, I could barely tell the difference in the paint colors they were choosing, but thank goodness she at least got to put her personal touches on that house.  I was afraid the world would end if that didn't happen.   

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10 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

When she held up that gray paint sample to the wall it looked like the exact same color to me, and if it wasn't, it was not worth painting.

Her ears sticking out of her hair distracted me. I have fine hair with very little body, I tuck my hair behind my ears because I would hate to have my ears sticking out.

OMG! I thought it was just me and I was seeing things. They had two samples up and the one they picked was the same color they already had. The other one was lighter which I thought they were going to pick. I'm glad I can come here and find out I'm not losing my mind. LOL!!!

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That HH wife drove me up a wall with her stupid suggestions for renovating. We bought our house new in 1987 and my "personal touches" were furniture, window coverings, and pictures on the walls. We have recently put in new kitchen countertops and flooring, swapped carpet in the family room for wood flooring, and are in the middle of a master bath reno, removing a "garden" tub and replacing it with a big shower and putting a linen closet where the old shower was. Tastes and styles change over the years and, in our case, it took 30 years before we felt the need to do major work.

1400 square feet means tiny rooms in a house with more than two bedrooms. Yep, they should do the math.

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11 minutes ago, laredhead said:

The other thing that really grated on me was her repeated statement in the new build of only 1400 sf, that she thought the bedrooms would be larger in a "new build".  It can be an older house, or a new house, but when you have only 1400 sf total, the bedrooms aren't going to be huge, and you aren't going to get a giant master suite.

I haven't seen the episode yet but this is a House Hunters pet peeve of mine, when people go into small places and complain that they're ... small. Square footage doesn't lie. You can fake it to a certain extent, but if you're looking at a 3-bedroom 1200-square-foot house, yes, the rooms are going to be small. That's the way dimensions work.

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Smallish? Check. New build with below-average finishes? Check. Price tag around Grand Rapids? WTF? 

Before she entertains herself thinking she’s going to Joanna Gaines the window and French doors, maybe save up for countertop and shower/tub upgrades. 

Ha, yes those paint colors were so close I thought she was goofing on her husband.

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How much was the house they bought?  Mid 250’s?  

I wonder why they picked the two houses in Rockford (or the Rockford area, more likely) as decoys?  It just seemed odd to pick two houses in the same small town, a town they were not looking to live in.   Unless the realtor is based there.  Can’t remember his name or I would look him up.

The houses in Rockford are probably cheaper now, after the water issues that have been discovered there.

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I thought I was the only one annoyed by the Grand Rapids woman.  I came here to try and get somebody to agree with me and here I find a bunch of agreeing posts!!  I just couldn't stand her.

It really bothers me when HHs say they want to put their stamp on the house and it makes me roll my eyes.  Production needs to come up with some new phrases. They all are exactly the same now.  We're hardcore HH watchers..not someone who just watches 1 a month and wouldn't notice.

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LOL...the Grand Rapids husband looked so dead-eyed, like he gave up, years ago.  When his high maintenance wife kept telling him about all the stuff HE could do for renovations, I felt so bad for him.  What a rude thing, to tell your spouse, "Hey, you're gonna put in all the work to make my dream home a reality, while I sit on my ass and watch."  But, hey, he agreed to marry her.  :P

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5 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

How much was the house they bought?  Mid 250’s?  

I wonder why they picked the two houses in Rockford (or the Rockford area, more likely) as decoys?  It just seemed odd to pick two houses in the same small town, a town they were not looking to live in.   Unless the realtor is based there.  Can’t remember his name or I would look him up.

The houses in Rockford are probably cheaper now, after the water issues that have been discovered there.

I wondered about that too.  Seemed obvious they would pick the first one because of location.  I do think it was the cheapest one, maybe $225K?

Hilarious about the paint color being basically the same, and I also thought the new light fixtures were terrible.  I did generally like the place they got, nice yard.

Edited by msmarjoribanks
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Anyone watch Mt Clemens, MI?  That's in my general zone of interest, so I did, and predicted they'd go with the first.  Some hilarious grey paint stuff and for once pulling up the carpet apparently (and realistically) did not lead to usable hard wood, but I did like the place.

Edited by msmarjoribanks
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Still catching up on the Halloween episodes -- "world traveler" in Atlanta whose shtick was she needed a full sized room for a walk-in closet and space for her obsession with Halloween decorations.  Wanted a townhouse because a condo wouldn't allow proper display of the decorations (and mentioned in passing wanting a bit more privacy/space/outdoors, which I hope was the real reason).

Said she wanted Buckhead, saw a condo building with lots of amenities that I suspect was over her budget with assessments, a supposedly nearby (I don't know Atlanta) townhouse in a less walkable area that had closet space she loved but she thought was ugly on the outside, and a place in Marietta that she liked the outside of, but was too far away.  Third was the cheapest but the second was also in budget. She went with the second.

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30 minutes ago, msmarjoribanks said:

Said she wanted Buckhead, saw a condo building with lots of amenities that I suspect was over her budget with assessments, a supposedly nearby (I don't know Atlanta) townhouse in a less walkable area that had closet space she loved but she thought was ugly on the outside, and a place in Marietta that she liked the outside of, but was too far away.  Third was the cheapest but the second was also in budget. She went with the second.

I thought she made the right choice with the second one.  She can always "pretty" up the outside with some plants.

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16 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I thought she made the right choice with the second one.  She can always "pretty" up the outside with some plants.

Yeah, given that she had her heart set on a townhouse, it was the best fit.  I don't usually like the high rise thing, but actually kind of did like the first one, but I think it was over budget with all the costs.

Continues to be a HHers weekend for me (I really need to get some stuff today, yesterday I went to look at some rentals with my sister, so that complemented the HHers). 

I watched the young Pittsburgh couple who wanted a place under $200K, seemed nervous about some aspects of home ownership, husband cooked, wife wanted a separate kitchen due to noise issues -- for once, no open concept!  They didn't bother me at all, can't recall any particular quirks being played up.  They looked at a house way out with a huge yard that I figured wasn't really a possibility due to location, a very cute row house that seemed to be in the city? (I wish they'd be more clear on location) that was overbudget and needed work (and the husband didn't want a row house), and then a 1930 house in the Brookline neighborhood (which from how it looked and was described seemed like a perfect location for them, but I don't know Pittsburgh).  The third was in budget and didn't need immediate work and had way more space than the second place, so even with concerns about closet space and a scary-looking set of front stairs, it seemed the obvious choice. Wife claimed to be nervous about it being "too much house" but on the whole it seemed less work than the second one.

I'd hire a snow service to deal with the stairs over Pittsburgh winters, personally.

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On 9/14/2017 at 8:34 AM, MortysCleaningLady said:

Did anyone watch the Rochester chiropractor and realtor wife last night?   He was trying a bit too hard to be zany, but I did actually like the house they bought.   Over time, they'll upgrade as necessary.   It was a pretty special location; not one that would come on the market with any great frequency (though I don't know Rochester) and it met their needs.   Twice her budget though -- Egads!!!


On 9/14/2017 at 8:34 AM, MortysCleaningLady said:
On 9/16/2017 at 8:13 PM, laredhead said:

I'm catching up on this past week's episodes and saw the Rochester couple who bought a house that had a room that looked like a cave.  Talk about a true "man cave"!  I loved his comment about not noticing the orange carpet in the cave room at first.  I was so surprised that they made that the master bedroom, but the wife seems to have a great sense of humor and I liked the couple a lot.  That house has a lot of potential and the amount of land is great for a family.


Watched the rerun of this one too, the central conflict (such as it was, they seemed to get along fine) was that the wife wanted a starter home (they had a toddler and baby on the way, she wanted a smaller place and to move after 5 years).  The husband, on the other hand, wanted to just get the forever home.  Not knowing who was right about their budget, if they could swing the almost $300K the husband wanted to and they ended up spending, I think that's really a better plan.  The bubble and bust where lots of people got burned on plans to hold for only a few years seems to have changed many people's minds away from the whole "starter home for just a few years," and given transaction costs, I don't think that's a bad thing (although in this case the wife was a real estate agent so that would have saved some). Plus moving is just a hassle.

Anyway, I really loved the place they got and figured they could fix it up (cosmetic stuff) over time.  I did not anticipate they'd use the cave room for the master, and thought that was great.  

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Just saw the Boston episode, where the wife wanted acres and a barn for her alpacas.  They seemed pretty down-to-earth for having a million dollar budget, which was nice.  I heard them say they could work with more things that were not exactly their taste than ripping them out, and I don't think the words "total gut job" were ever uttered.  I was surprised they went with the 17th century farmhouse, since the wife said she really didn't like old houses, and that's pretty much as old as they come, in the US.  It looked like people have always taken good care of it, though, and that makes a huge difference.

Anyway, they seemed like nice enough people, and I didn't want to punch them in the throat, so it was a good episode.  But, the bow-tie the realtor was wearing was disconcerting.  No, dude.  Just...no. 

ETA: Oops, didn't realize this one was a rerun.  Sorry about that.

Edited by Sweet Summer Child
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Knoxville wife. Wanted a ranch with long hallways, so her kids could play soccer in the house. That wouldn’t be too annoying, would it? Have to recreate those childhood memories! And she had a phobia about basements. Would not even look at them. These were nice finished basements. Bizarre.

They didn’t want any projects, but then chose the house that needed projects. The house they currently owned looked nice and large. Interesting how they seemed to really downsize. Had two kids and a third on the way. 


He was a youth pastor, but I swear he pronounced it as pasture. Lol. Maybe I misheard. 

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Konoxville. Their current house was a McMansion which most young people are moving into. Who knew pastors made such a good living?! The wife was a little bug eyed but they seemed to like each other which is a good thing. LOL!!! Their daughters were cute, too. Overall, the house was meh. It wasn’t too grande but it was a little dull. It just didn’t have any wow factor. I did like that they thought it was their forever home and they weren’t ever gonna move. I hope they are happy.

Edited by ByaNose
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1 hour ago, chessiegal said:

Wife in Knoxville - get over yourself! What a bitch. Honey, all the emoting in the world is not getting you your own show.

Ha, a few minutes after I read this, the husband said he should have his own show. No, no, you shouldn’t.

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1 hour ago, chessiegal said:

Wife in Knoxville - get over yourself! What a bitch. Honey, all the emoting in the world is not getting you your own show.

So much this.  I liked all the houses, however, although I hope they found out the deal on the water issue (that basement seemed mostly above ground too) and got comfort it would not be a continuing problem.  I thought the first one was adorable and would have liked it, and the third seemed like the best fit, but whatever.  The wife's basement phobia was such a ridiculous HH shtick but she made herself seem super unpleasant with her refusal to go down into the first place's basement.  The soccer in the hallway thing was so so very annoying (and unrealistic or just a super self-indulgent thing to fixate on -- that hallway looked like where I used to play fetch with my cat, heh, but it/the area wasn't really big enough to have the kids running in it, certainly once they are a year or two older).  Also, play soccer outside, or, here's a thought, in the basement!

The outside part of the place they got was great, so I see the attraction, but it seemed a bad fit given the options even before the new baby announcement.

Agree the daughters were really cute, and the husband seemed pleasant enough.

Edited by msmarjoribanks
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2 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I suspect the Knoxville couple were house poor, and had to sell that nice big house because they couldn't afford it.

I doubt youth pastors make a lot, and she apparently painted flower pictures for a living. ? Her basement shtick irked.

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9 hours ago, chessiegal said:

Wife in Knoxville - get over yourself! What a bitch. Honey, all the emoting in the world is not getting you your own show.

I couldn't stand her. Wanting a hallway for her kids to play soccer was so silly - did her kids even play soccer?

I did like the zip line in the backyard.

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

I couldn't stand her. Wanting a hallway for her kids to play soccer was so silly - did her kids even play soccer?

I did like the zip line in the backyard.

Did they add the zip line or was it already there? Wait! They already owned the house while "House Hunting". What was I thinking. LOL!!!

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I suspect the Knoxville couple were house poor, and had to sell that nice big house because they couldn't afford it.

I agree.  Especially now that they have another little one on the way.  

How could the wife not see that lovely, bright, basement room as a necessity with a smallish upstairs?  After all the wailing about a fear of water in the basement, and then actually finding what appeared to be water damage on the ceiling, and then......nothing???  No follow-up?  Huh.  

All her over the top dramatics were, I fear, an attempt to be cute.

"Soccer hallway".  Guess we've heard it all now?  

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13 hours ago, Pickles said:

That backyard was also so woodsy. I was thinking about ticks and snakes.

My husband referred to the one they chose as the Tick Preserve house.

You're supposed to teach your kids NOT to play ball in the house, dimwit, not to seek out a hallway to dedicate to the activity. She really got a bad edit, between that idiocy and her overdone weirdness about basements.

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Who plays soccer in the house, and that hallway wasn't long enough for that.  Those girls will grow fast, and I guess they are planning to have them share a room forever.  I love the yard of the house they bought, but I think that house is too small to accommodate everything they wanted to have - library, painting room, etc.  

I understand not wanting a dark, dank, dirty, creepy basement, but none of those basements were bad.  I would have loved any of them.  That and her constant saying over and over she wanted a long hallway to play soccer in like she did when she was growing up, really grated on my nerves.  She's being added to my list of annoying HH's.

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On 11/4/2018 at 9:38 AM, msmarjoribanks said:

I watched the young Pittsburgh couple who wanted a place under $200K, seemed nervous about some aspects of home ownership, husband cooked, wife wanted a separate kitchen due to noise issues -- for once, no open concept!  They didn't bother me at all, can't recall any particular quirks being played up.  They looked at a house way out with a huge yard that I figured wasn't really a possibility due to location, a very cute row house that seemed to be in the city? (I wish they'd be more clear on location) that was overbudget and needed work (and the husband didn't want a row house), and then a 1930 house in the Brookline neighborhood (which from how it looked and was described seemed like a perfect location for them, but I don't know Pittsburgh).  The third was in budget and didn't need immediate work and had way more space than the second place, so even with concerns about closet space and a scary-looking set of front stairs, it seemed the obvious choice. Wife claimed to be nervous about it being "too much house" but on the whole it seemed less work than the second one.

I'd hire a snow service to deal with the stairs over Pittsburgh winters, personally.

With the back entrance where the garage is, I doubt they'll be climbing those stairs very often. I feel bad for their mail carrier, though!

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