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Rob: The (Mostly) Invisible Man

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The difference with French though is he and Khloe are on good terms, they have remained friends and hang out. Rob/Adrienne is on a whole different level and its obviously Kourtney and Kylie being spiteful.

Ah.  I didn't know Khloe could do that.

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That's pretty different from what BC posted and deleted though. BC's now deleted instagram post was a photo with outreached arms and said something "when you get out of a relationship and your hoes welcome you back into the hoe world". 

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Here's the exact caption:


robkardashian: Chy and I are not broken up we just feel like it would be a lot healthier for our relationship if we kept a lot more to ourselves. It's impossible to have a positive relationship with so much negativity from the media and outsiders and we would appreciate it if everyone respects that -ChyRo

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If they are actually trying to keep their relationship healthy by keeping a low profile, then this might be the smartest and most thoughtful thing a Kardashian kid has done in...well, ever.


So okay, you two.  Stop with the videos, pictures, cryptic posts, etc.  I'd bet Rob could go a lot longer without a play by play of their relationship on social media presence than his girlfriend, but we'll see.

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 I'd bet Rob could go a lot longer without a play by play of their relationship on social media presence than his girlfriend, but we'll see.


Heh did you see the pic she posed yesterday :o  Staying out of the spotlight and not broadcasting every aspect of the relationship is smart. But they really need to get a clear definition between them of what they consider"choosing to keep it all private" because, I dunno. BC posting a pic of herself on a bed in a dimly lit room saying she's "waiting on bae" as her legs are suggestively up doesnt really smack of "private" or even low profile for that matter.

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He does look good.  I just wish he would dress in something other than sweatshirts and sweatpants. To be honest, they are probably adding 10 pounds too his frame because it is so bulky.  He probably looks even better than the pictures are showing.

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My guess is that he's been dressing like that for so long, he's probably uncomfortable wearing anything else, at least for now.  His body image issues go way back.  I saw an older episode from a vacation (can't remember which one, they take so many vacays) where he wouldn't take off his shirt because he thought he was too fat, and I think this was shortly after he did Dancing With the Stars.  I can't imagine where his body issues came from....  Kim, do you know?

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I still think Rob is a disgusting, immature, whiny baby. I literally have zero sympathy for him, at all. He is one of my least favorites of the whole bunch. Be happy, get healthy, do whatever, just quit whining and quit over sharing bullshit on social media.

Edited by Rebecca
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Even if he did have surgery you have to completely change your lifestyle afterwards. If you get liposuction its just as easy to gain all that weight back if you dont diet and exercise.  In fact when you get it done and the hospital sends you home they give you a list of "do's and don't's" including a recommended diet plan. Just looking at everything he and BC have posted when it comes to food and their shopping trips it looks like she has him on a strict no red meat, no carb diet.

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I doubt he had surgery, it surely would've leaked somehow...probably by one of his sisters in a thoughtful, caring tweet or Instagram.  No way could Khloe not post if her dear brother was having surgery.  I agree, it must be driving her crazy that Rob is getting healthy without her "support."


Whatever he's doing, he looks great.

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I wonder when was the last time Khloe saw him beaming like that? I'd like to believe she's happy to see him happy but nah this is Khloe we're talking about it. A few weeks back when BC posted something on Snapchat where he looked so happy Khloe posted the same night boohooing about missing him.

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Also rumors that say Rob and BC want their own reality spin-off show.


Nooooooooo, Rob.  Don't go there.  You have a brain and a degree, there are much better ways to make a living than to sell your soul to the reality show devil.


Unfortunately, with the exception of Kendall, this family seems to know no other way.

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They're all masters at looking all happy and relaxed together.... in front of the camera.


As far as her saying that she sees him all the time?  Yeah.. and she said she didn't use anything other than lip liner either. She lies, he lies, pimp mama lies,,,, they all lie.

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There are rumours (and pics) that are indicating BlacChyna is pregant with Rob's baby. I wonder what khloe and Kris has to say about that little tidbit of news

BlacChyna posted to Instagram a video clip showing her flat stomach as if to say SEE I AM NOT PREGNANT! Which I say time will tell chick.

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My guess is that he's been dressing like that for so long, he's probably uncomfortable wearing anything else, at least for now.  His body image issues go way back.  I saw an older episode from a vacation (can't remember which one, they take so many vacays) where he wouldn't take off his shirt because he thought he was too fat, and I think this was shortly after he did Dancing With the Stars.  I can't imagine where his body issues came from....  Kim, do you know?

Now Princess Kanye does the same thing on vacation!

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 While I don't think that Rob & Blac Chyna will last, she's done wonders for him in the short-term. Because of Blac Chyna, Rob has gone from a lonely, overweight recluse to an outgoing, friendly party guy. He looks healthier and seems happier than he's been in years. That BC has apparently done for Rob what Kim, Kris & Khloe couldn't do is just the icing on the cake-no pun intended.

Edited by DollEyes
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While I don't think that Rob & Blac Chyna will last, she's done wonders for him in the short-term. Because of Blac Chyna, Rob has gone from a lonely, overweight recluse to an outgoing, friendly party guy. He looks healthier and seems happier than he's been in years. That BC has apparently done for Rob what Kim, Kris & Khloe couldn't do is just the icing on the cake-no pun intended.

True about Blac Chyna helping Rob, at least for now, but I wonder if Kim, Kris & Khloe ever really wanted (deep down) to help him - a family steeped in narcissism needs a scapegoat.

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I'm looking at all the Snapchats and pics posted from the party and it looked like such a nice time. I know these people can be obnoxious but family is family and its nice they did this for Rob. Probably for the best Khloe wasn't there- I can totally see her starting some drama.

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Blac Chyna and the Kardashian family seem to be playing a media tug-of-war over Rob, the dueling birthday party celebrations being the latest case in point. I’m sure Rob is enjoying all of this as it’s the most positive attention he’s gotten in years, especially from his family, and (thus far) it seems to be doing him good.

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Rob isnt really thin yet. He's losing a lot of weight and looks much better considering how badly obese he was, but he still has a way to go before he can be called "thin" or at least the way he use to look before his weight ballooned up. And it was Rob who was refusing to go outside except for the occasional fast food run and was being a recluse in every sense of the word, including family gatherings for holidays and pictures being taken.  They werent the ones locking him up in Khloe's house.  Now that he's starting to look better and is breaking out of the funk hes in we're seeing more of him.  I doubt the family will ever give BC credit for it but I think shes pretty much the reason he is on a better path.

Edited by howmanywords
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Rob isnt really thin yet. He's losing a lot of weight and looks much better considering how badly obese he was, but he still has a way to go before he can be called "thin" or at least the way he use to look before his weight ballooned up. And it was Rob who was refusing to go outside except for the occasional fast food run and was being a recluse in every sense of the word, including family gatherings for holidays and pictures being taken. They werent the ones locking him up in Khloe's house. Now that he's starting to look better and is breaking out of the funk hes in we're seeing more of him. I doubt the family will ever give BC credit for it but I think shes pretty much the reason he is on a better path.

And if they break up and he backslides, they'll blame her.

I thought Kris's birthday message to him illustrated completely the mentality of the family. She commented on her wonderful son who is beautiful on the outside as well as the inside. With all the drama about his appearance, why even mention the physical aspect? Just say he's a wonderful son and human being.

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I read that Khloe wasn't at Rob's party because she was "sick."  Which I instantly took to mean that she didn't want to be there because Rob is doing fantastic without her and she can't handle it.  


That said, it was nice to see Rob and Scott back with the family, and Rob looks happy.  I truly hope the gossip about him wanting his own spin-off reality show are wrong.  Although I must admit, when I watch older episodes that I haven't seen before, I tend to zone out when the women are on.  When it's just Scott and Rob, it's far more interesting and funny.  Scott can be hilarious, especially when Rob was his sidekick, wondering what the hell they were getting into.  Hmm...maybe I would watch that....

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I read that Khloe wasn't at Rob's party because she was "sick."  Which I instantly took to mean that she didn't want to be there because Rob is doing fantastic without her and she can't handle it.  


That said, it was nice to see Rob and Scott back with the family, and Rob looks happy.  I truly hope the gossip about him wanting his own spin-off reality show are wrong.  Although I must admit, when I watch older episodes that I haven't seen before, I tend to zone out when the women are on.  When it's just Scott and Rob, it's far more interesting and funny.  Scott can be hilarious, especially when Rob was his sidekick, wondering what the hell they were getting into.  Hmm...maybe I would watch that....

I would probably watch too; Rob and Scott are funny together - but, for their sake, I hope it doesn't happen.
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 Rob has gone from a lonely, overweight recluse to an outgoing, friendly party guy. He looks healthier and seems happier than he's been in years. That BC has apparently done for Rob what Kim, Kris & Khloe couldn't do is just the icing on the cake-no pun intended.

He was always a party guy. He just did it in the confines of Khloe's house. Everything he wanted was brought to him while he was holed up in his bedroom at Khloe's. 

I remember one episode Khloe was fed up with him and saying she was sick of the "whores" (as she put it) he was having over to her house and another ep where Kris was concerned because he kept asking for more and more money to be brought to him and she couldn't figure out what he was doing because he never left the house. He's  as worthless as the rest of the family. Just because he lost a little weight doesn't make him something special.  Does anybody really think Blac Chyna is a good influence for him?  Where's her kid while she out partying with Rob? 

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As of 2 weeks ago Rob still wasnt part of filming for KUWTK so if this thing with BC isnt part of a story to be shown and unless something has changed since I last read he wasnt being filmed why would E give her a check?


  Does anybody really think Blac Chyna is a good influence for him?  Where's her kid while she out partying with Rob? 

Better influence on him considering what he was like a few months ago? Yeah I do.  Just the fact that she has helped him lose weight is a good thing for him and his diabetes. They aren't partying 24/7 and when you have a child you are allowed to go out once in a while. She's always posting pics of King and the day before Rob's birthday they spent the day at Legoland together, he and Rob seemed to be getting along quite well together and looked like they were having fun.

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As of 2 weeks ago Rob still wasnt part of filming for KUWTK so if this thing with BC isnt part of a story to be shown and unless something has changed since I last read he wasnt being filmed why would E give her a check?

Better influence on him considering what he was like a few months ago? Yeah I do. Just the fact that she has helped him lose weight is a good thing for him and his diabetes. They aren't partying 24/7 and when you have a child you are allowed to go out once in a while. She's always posting pics of King and the day before Rob's birthday they spent the day at Legoland together, he and Rob seemed to be getting along quite well together and looked like they were having fun.

No one really knows what was wrong with Rob. If she's really been instrumental in helping him, I applaud her. Or was Rob on his way to recovery and BC's appearance on the scene is just a matter of coincidence, real or manufactured. I just find it odd that the person who is being touted as saving him, turns out to be connected to someone else within the circle. Will Rob be a part of filming again? Who knows? I suspect he will. What else is he suited to do? What exactly does BC do for a living? Rob's always wanted to be rich and famous. A big part of his issue with Kris is that she didn't promote him and get him the same big dollar deals that she did for Kim and the girls. He needs something that Kris can sell in order to get him a deal. His comeback, the relationship with BC and its affect on him, the alleged strife it's caused within his family, the Kylie/Tyga connection etc. All grabbing lots of headlines and chatter on the Internet. Just what Kris can use to make a deal. I don't see anything this family does or deals with as being considered private. Everything is for sale, the only question is how much can they get for it. Kris was so hurt by Caitlyn, so betrayed, Caitlyn is so unwilling to hear her side or acknowledge that her comments to VF were unfair to Kris, blah, blah.. But there's Kris !! Cozying up to all Caits new friends! She's one of the girls now!!! How quickly she's overcome her disappointment and hurt and jumped right on the bus. The opportunity for $$ is so healing .

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