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S10.E08: Living the Dream


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I thought it was rather odd that the DCC gets on the field to practice for the first home game and 60 Minutes is on the field doing an interview?  What?  If I was Kelli, I would contact the publicity people and have a chat about that.  


Warning from the PR people would have been nice to help avoid the girls running over the reporters, but that's about the extent of what difference it would have made. I have a feeling stuff goes on all the time on the field during pre-game, but maybe just not during the first pre-season game. At the end of it, the DCC is a small cog in a large machine and just has to work around distractions.


As for keeping Simone and Kat - I'm wondering if they were kept because they were worried 32 would have been too few since clearly injuries do take down girls (and probably more often than we necessarily see). Agree though that unless they improve significantly during the season or turn out to be huge hits on appearances, that they'll be one and done vets.

I was actually confused by Emma's comment about taking a year off because she just retired this spring. Did she mean a year off from the jump splits? Do they only do those at games so it had been since last football season? With her being on show group I just figured she was jump splitting up until this April or May, lol.

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I realize Jackie's not in the picture, is she not one?

I thought someone said Jackie was now the Tour Leader for Cowboy Tours. So maybe that conflicts with being an All Star.


Oranaiche - I was confused by Emma's comment as well, because I thought she'd just retired this past Spring 2015. But I think she meant it had been a year since she'd done an opening game routine. Others would know better, but I'd think the opening game would have special routines from the DCCs to kick off the season, and she wouldn't have practiced those in a year.

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I thought it was rather odd that the DCC gets on the field to practice for the first home game and 60 Minutes is on the field doing an interview?  What?  If I was Kelli, I would contact the publicity people and have a chat about that.  

I the grand scheme of all things Cowboys, cheerleaders are on the bottom list of importance. If 60 Minutes is there filming about the team, players, coaches, owners, etc., that will take priority over cheerleader rehearsal. Pretty sure Judy knew and recognized that. Also, even if the field had been booked all year, if 60 Minutes shows up with an hour or two's notice, then Bye, Felicia, to whoever had it booked while 60 Minutes wants to do an interview.60 Minutes is a lot of free, respectable, high profile exposure.


Warning from the PR people would have been nice to help avoid the girls running over the reporters, but that's about the extent of what difference it would have made. I have a feeling stuff goes on all the time on the field during pre-game, but maybe just not during the first pre-season game. At the end of it, the DCC is a small cog in a large machine and just has to work around distractions.


As for keeping Simone and Kat - I'm wondering if they were kept because they were worried 32 would have been too few since clearly injuries do take down girls (and probably more often than we necessarily see). Agree though that unless they improve significantly during the season or turn out to be huge hits on appearances, that they'll be one and done vets.

Absolutely agree on the cog statement. Simone and Kat - Simone brings diversity and Kat brings the prestige of having a former (Jr) Olympian and national gynast, plus she's very well spoken. I think they both are pretty, but with SImone's injury - and she drives me crazy with her mouth hanging open all the time - and Kat's 29 plus, many think she doesn't look DCC (I think she does, but to each their own).


I was actually confused by Emma's comment about taking a year off because she just retired this spring. Did she mean a year off from the jump splits? Do they only do those at games so it had been since last football season? With her being on show group I just figured she was jump splitting up until this April or May, lol.

I think she just meant a year off from being a regular DCC starting a new season, and I don't think the All Stars have a need to jump split when they do perform. Jump slips are just some of those things that if you're not doing them often, and stretching constantly, it's easy to lost that flexibility, especially as adult women.

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Kelli and/or Judy book the field for rehearsal time. Whomever books for the field knows the cheerleaders always rehearse before the game. They have said in past shows how much time they have for rehearsals. The way Kelli said it in Thursday's show, she didn't know 60 Minutes was going to be there.

Maybe 60 minutes changed their filming time last minute. Who knows. Not really that important.

Angela's injury and the first injury shown at the Oxnard camp seemed totally legit.  The second girl who was having issues (shown after Judy's call re: the first Oxnard injury, Kinzie?) seemed to be full of excuses.  First it's the heat, then you think you have asthma.  Just tell Judy that you don't feel well and that you'd like to sit down for a few moments to see if that helps.  If it's truly that hot, why aren't they sucking down water in spades and it's Texas (or California) in August.  Shouldn't they be used to practicing in heat like that by now, even if they're in California (I think that's where the Cowboys training camp was)?


Unless the humidity is drastically different between Irvine/DFW and Oxnard California (which I doubt and I'm prepared to admit it if I'm wrong), girls shouldn't be flattened by the heat/humidity/weather.  They should be more used to it and, if they aren't used to performing in it, they should be acclimating themselves LONG before they even get close to making the team because they'll have to be performing at least four to five hourse in it for at least a few pre-season (and probably even a few of the regular season) games, depending on when the heat breaks (if it ever does) in the DFW area.



Edited by EricaShadows


They should be more used to it and, if they aren't used to performing in it, they should be acclimating themselves LONG before they even get close to making the team because they'll have to be performing at least four to five hourse in it for at least a few pre-season (and probably even a few of the regular season) games, depending on when the heat breaks (if it ever does) in the DFW area.



Well, Valley Ranch is air conditined, and AT&T Stadium is air conditioned. So they usually have rehearsal and performances in a temperature and humidity controlled environment. Most show group appearances are indoors, too.

I personally felt for Kinzie. Even when I was in good shape, outdoor exertion in mid July was never something I could do because of asthma and being warm-natured.

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I personally felt for Kinzie. Even when I was in good shape, outdoor exertion in mid July was never something I could do because of asthma and being warm-natured.

I don't have asthma, and I vastly prefer extremely hot, humid weather....EXCEPT when I'm working out. I'm perfectly fine to run in a fleece shirt & pants in the mid 20s, but in temps as warm as low 70s I can't take it. I get that feeling that when I inhale more air should be getting in but something is stopping it (even though I technically can breathe, I say I can't breathe when I feel that way).  So yeah, I really felt for her and knew exactly what she meant.

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I didn't know AT&T Stadium was air conditioned, but (and I'm no HVACR specialist) I would think that it would be hard to keep a place like that cooled with all those people packed into the same place.  I can see how it would be a lot easier to perform there than elsewhere.  However, in season 9 I think it was, Jay saying they have to perform in the heat so they should get used to it a lot earlier.


However, asthma is a completely different beast.  It's a nasty thing to have to deal with.  However, if you have asthma, wouldn't you know it or at least have issues with breathing (whether exercise-induced or not) and go to see a doctor about it?  I'm wondering if her trouble with breathing was nerves, just a reaction to a different performance venue, or truly a reason to be concerned.  I don't know.

Edited by EricaShadows

Angela's injury and the first injury shown at the Oxnard camp seemed totally legit.  The second girl who was having issues (shown after Judy's call re: the first Oxnard injury, Kinzie?) seemed to be full of excuses.  First it's the heat, then you think you have asthma.  Just tell Judy that you don't feel well and that you'd like to sit down for a few moments to see if that helps.  If it's truly that hot, why aren't they sucking down water in spades and it's Texas (or California) in August.  Shouldn't they be used to practicing in heat like that by now, even if they're in California (I think that's where the Cowboys training camp was)?


Unless the humidity is drastically different between Irvine/DFW and Oxnard California (which I doubt and I'm prepared to admit it if I'm wrong), girls shouldn't be flattened by the heat/humidity/weather.  They should be more used to it and, if they aren't used to performing in it, they should be acclimating themselves LONG before they even get close to making the team because they'll have to be performing at least four to five hourse in it for at least a few pre-season (and probably even a few of the regular season) games, depending on when the heat breaks (if it ever does) in the DFW area.



Sometimes you just CAN'T acclimate to that super hot, especially if it is humid, weather, especially if have issues with heat and are sucking down water. I don't think Kinzie was making excuses, as much as trying to get a grip and explain how she was feeling. If she was dehydrated and having some heat stroke or sun poisioning issues, which can come on quickly when you're dancing hard core in that head, sweating in polyester dance tights, long hair, thick make up and sleeves. Dehydration can make you feel nauseated, hot, short of breath, dizzy, etc., which can feel like asthma. I think she was legit. 

I didn't know AT&T Stadium was air conditioned, but (and I'm no HVACR specialist) I would think that it would be hard to keep a place like that cooled with all those people packed into the same place.  I can see how it would be a lot easier to perform there than elsewhere.  However, in season 9 I think it was, Jay saying they have to perform in the heat so they should get used to it a lot earlier.

It doesn't have sun beating down, so that's a big difference, and it's climate controlled. Not AC like your house cool, but a whole lot cooler than outside, plus a lot less humidity.

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Yeah I don't buy that Kinzie was making excuses whatsoever. She's always seemed super reliable and drama free so I'm sure she was really just having a hard time that day. If you are even a little under the weather, the sun and heat can affect you much differently than if you are healthy. I felt for her, but she pulled it together and was able to perform. Go Kinzie!

  • Love 3

 However, if you have asthma, wouldn't you know it or at least have issues with breathing (whether exercise-induced or not) and go to see a doctor about it?  I'm wondering if her trouble with breathing was nerves, just a reaction to a different performance venue, or truly a reason to be concerned.  I don't know.

That's what I wondered, too.  The "I think I have asthma" comment made me pause for a second.


And AT&T is quite comfortable, temperature-wise.  I've been to several high school football playoff games there (which is the cheapest way to visit that stadium, BTW).  Don't think we're going to be there this year, though.

Angela's injury and the first injury shown at the Oxnard camp seemed totally legit. The second girl who was having issues (shown after Judy's call re: the first Oxnard injury, Kinzie?) seemed to be full of excuses. First it's the heat, then you think you have asthma. Just tell Judy that you don't feel well and that you'd like to sit down for a few moments to see if that helps. If it's truly that hot, why aren't they sucking down water in spades and it's Texas (or California) in August. Shouldn't they be used to practicing in heat like that by now, even if they're in California (I think that's where the Cowboys training camp was)?

Unless the humidity is drastically different between Irvine/DFW and Oxnard California (which I doubt and I'm prepared to admit it if I'm wrong), girls shouldn't be flattened by the heat/humidity/weather. They should be more used to it and, if they aren't used to performing in it, they should be acclimating themselves LONG before they even get close to making the team because they'll have to be performing at least four to five hourse in it for at least a few pre-season (and probably even a few of the regular season) games, depending on when the heat breaks (if it ever does) in the DFW area.


Have you ever experienced Texas heat? Oxnard in the summer can be just as horrible. Unless they've been on a college dance team like TCU or the UT Pom squad which performs in that heat frequently, I wouldn't expect most girls to be acclimated to performing in it. I'm 35 years old and I've lived in Texas my entire life- you're never truly acclimated to it. You have to start hydrating hours before you're out in it. Guzzling a bunch of water during practice isn't going to help. AT&T Stadium is inside and so is Valley Ranch. Anyone can get overheated and have breathing difficulties at anytime because of the heat. It can strike at anytime. Just last week a friends daughter was hospitalized for heat stroke.

I felt bad for kinzie. The heat can make you so sick.

Edited by PrincessLeia
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I thought this episode was so weirdly put together.  We didn't get to see any footage of the their first game--just them getting ready to head out and then them coming back in at the end.  And at the end of the episode, when they're talking about the long journey of making the team, they have weird footage of the group practicing, highlighting Taylor, who as cut!  It's like they ran out of footage!

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I will say that when I used to play sports and cheer/dance when I was younger, I would struggle at times with breathing in extreme heat or just when I wasn't sufficiently hydrated. I even vomited in the middle of a game once when I felt like I may pass out from shortness of breath. The doctor said I had a "touch of asthma" but it was never serious enough for me to have inhalers, etc. So from my own experience, I can absolutely buy that Kinzie may have felt like she couldn't breathe in the extreme heat with no shade. Regardless, she's a 4-year vet and a second group leader. I don't see why she would have a reason to fake it.

  • Love 2

I can't believe how many people are not a fan of Kat and not a fan for the wrong reasons! Is she the best dancer of the rookies? Clearly, not. However, she is very coachable and does not make repetitive mistakes. When they tell her to fix something, she fixes it or shows a real effort in changing it. It's frustrating as a coach to tell someone to change something and they keep doing the EXACT same thing (for example, Courtney's clunky feet), but that is not the case with Kat. She may be a slow learner, but she processes her critiques and changes - exactly what any elite gymnast is trained to do. When she says Judy I will not make that mistake again, she doesn't - and I'm sure that's exactly what they saw. Heck, she even said it in the episode... clearly she has shown Kelly and Judy that when she says it she means it. They wouldn't have kept her if that wasn't the case.

As for her looks or being too skinny... She is a completely fine, gorgeous young woman just like all the other woman on DCC. I can't wait for a day when professional cheerleading is known for its talent instead of "looks". When this happens, maybe it will be respected as such. Which is exactly why I'm happy about Holly, all DCC look standards set aside (again she's a gorgeous young woman), every one of these comments about her are squashed by talent, talent, talent! Which is exactly what should win out everytime.

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I really disliked the fact that Melissa was in the locker room post game with Amy to congratulate her on making the squad and completing her first game. SO annoying!!!! Let her enjoy her moment with her girls!!!


I am hoping if there is a next season, Melissa is not there. I liked her when she was a cheerleader, but in this complete other realm as a judge/mentor, she is not as likeable. It's as if she is trying super hard to relive her days as a DCC when that part of her life has already passed by.


Over all, color me not so impressed with this season. All of our "girls" we've been following since 2006 are pretty much all gone and the new cheerleaders just don't grab my attention like the ladies from the 2006-2012 squads did.

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I suspect Melissa is there simply as a cast member. If the ratings don't improve, I doubt they'll keep her. This is at least her third TV show (didn't she and her husband have a show right after they married, when they moved to Hollywood?), so I think she's in this for her entertainment career rather than as a DCC mentor.

I've never been in the Texas heat (though I've heard that it can be particularly brutal) so I bow to those who have experienced it.  I guess what really made me think she was making excuses was the "I think I have asthma" comment and the changing from one type of not feeling good to another.  Just say you don't feel good and sit down if you can.  You can try to explain later what you felt like.  T  It just rubbed me the wrong way upon viewing.  I won't comment on the whole breathing issues because I don't know enough about asthma and the impact of exercising during high heat and humidity plus I don't know the girl's health issues, if she has any.

  • Love 1

Over all, color me not so impressed with this season. All of our "girls" we've been following since 2006 are pretty much all gone and the new cheerleaders just don't grab my attention like the ladies from the 2006-2012 squads did.


Not only that, but one of the team captains, Holly, was BARELY if ever featured in her rookie season..and ANY season..

I've never been in the Texas heat (though I've heard that it can be particularly brutal) so I bow to those who have experienced it. I guess what really made me think she was making excuses was the "I think I have asthma" comment and the changing from one type of not feeling good to another. Just say you don't feel good and sit down if you can. You can try to explain later what you felt like. T It just rubbed me the wrong way upon viewing. I won't comment on the whole breathing issues because I don't know enough about asthma and the impact of exercising during high heat and humidity plus I don't know the girl's health issues, if she has any.

I get what you're saying, and I thought the "I think I have asthma" thing was weird at first too, but I figured that she either A. Was experiencing a loss of breath she's never had before and was freaking out that maybe it was an asthma attack (which I have been there, not fun), or B. Had been having breathing issues recently that she hadn't had checked out yet and maybe thought that was what it was. Asthma can strike at any age after all. Maybe I am wrong, but that's just how I interpreted it.

Are these seasons getting shorter?  I feel like the show just started and it's already over.  :(  I am a complete sap and always cry when the team is announced.  This season was no different.  I have no idea why I get so emotional about this stupid show.  I wish they would another season where they go on the calendar shoot.  And maybe a few games into the season? This show is my guilty pleasure and it's just over way too fast.

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Can't quote for some reason, I think b/c I'm on my phone, so i'm replying to this:


"I work in video production and I have a strong suspicion that there was pressure to do more with less this year, probably to save production costs. I think that's a reason for the choppiness and the amped up drama (the extended cut scenes, the focus on injuries) - save money yet bring in more viewers with the drama. Didn't someone say that this series no longer appears on the ratings charts, meaning its viewership has fallen? And they moved it from its regular schedule. Perhaps it is circling the drain in terms of being renewed."


I kind of got that feeling too- like there was some assembly line producing going on or something.  Maybe the people doing the interviewing were young interns, or were doing a lot of jobs besides interviewing TCCs.   Most of the one on one interviews were pretty boring/standard stuff- no genuine moments or emotion like we've seen in the past.  That's how we get to know those girls as viewers!!  At least if there are budget issues, that stupid coffee shop scene got the ax- bye bye awkward TV!  I do hope it gets renewed, I love watching it!  How can they quantify ratings when people watch so many places- on TV, online, on apps, etc?  I need to go back and take a look at who advertises on this show.  I know I saw about 10,000 previews for Party Down South- does that mean ad slots aren't selling?

"EricaShadows, on 27 Sept 2015 - 12:54 PM, said:

I've never been in the Texas heat (though I've heard that it can be particularly brutal) so I bow to those who have experienced it. I guess what really made me think she was making excuses was the "I think I have asthma" comment and the changing from one type of not feeling good to another. Just say you don't feel good and sit down if you can. You can try to explain later what you felt like. T It just rubbed me the wrong way upon viewing. I won't comment on the whole breathing issues because I don't know enough about asthma and the impact of exercising during high heat and humidity plus I don't know the girl's health issues, if she has any.

I get what you're saying, and I thought the "I think I have asthma" thing was weird at first too, but I figured that she either A. Was experiencing a loss of breath she's never had before and was freaking out that maybe it was an asthma attack (which I have been there, not fun), or B. Had been having breathing issues recently that she hadn't had checked out yet and maybe thought that was what it was. Asthma can strike at any age after all. Maybe I am wrong, but that's just how I interpreted it."


I wonder if she had a panic attack?

on the Melissa comments, I'm not a fan either.  I don't remember her being The Best DCC of All Time.  I think Kelli and Judy just want her around now b/c of her Dancing with the STars and Bachelor fame.  Of all the girls they could dial up to come mentor, she's not at the top of the list in terms of skill, being a big name during her short time on the squad, etc. They have her there b/c they want her fans watching their show. She's nice enough and I agree her role wasn't so token this year, but seriously when I think of mentors who have lived and achieved, I think of newly retired Nicole, who really grew into a leader, or Jackie Bob who was such a go-to girl for everything. 

I don't get the impression that Kinzie was making excuses or having a panic attack. when it's humid, it can be hard to breathe in an environment where you aren't exerting yourself. I agree with other posters she was trying to explain how it felt...and if you suddenly can't breathe, I think I may have asthma may be a logical conclusion. She seems to be a dedicated dancer and performer but she probably was either dehydrated or overheated and her body just said, I'm done! She went on to perform sp clearly it passed when she had a chance to cool down. I loved Lacey trying to help! And I understand they want the girls to always look their best, but if they are having an extended practice in the intense sun, could they let them at least wear pony tails, lighter clothing, and ditch the dance stockings for rehearsal?

My heart breaks for Ashkey N. She is such an awesome performer but I think her knee is telling her to turn in her poms. :-(

I liked this season better than last year, but there are still things that could have been better. Regardless, I really liked the finale because it had lots of dancing, and that is my favorite part. It was weird seeing mystery rookies (Claire?) and you have to wonder if it was their choice or they watch the show every week and leave upset that they weren't on it. I admit that while I didn't have any feelings about Simone one way or another (nothing personal, I just didn't get to know her on the show), I thought her reaction to making the team was very touching.

on the Melissa comments, I'm not a fan either.  I don't remember her being The Best DCC of All Time.  I think Kelli and Judy just want her around now b/c of her Dancing with the STars and Bachelor fame.  Of all the girls they could dial up to come mentor, she's not at the top of the list in terms of skill, being a big name during her short time on the squad, etc. They have her there b/c they want her fans watching their show. 

Kelli and Judy might not even have much to do with Melissa being there. It might be a requirement made by CMT as a condition of continuing the show. After all, it was CMT that had one of the other shows on Melissa; perhaps her presence on the last two seasons of MTT is seen as a tie-in to the same audience. 


Someone else commented that it appeared that it was improper for Melissa to visit the locker room and that she shouldn't have done it.

I would say: Blame the show's producers, not her. It's likely that every single appearance by her in MTT has been scripted. Heck, they probably shoot & re-shoot each scene. 

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