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S31: Kelly Wiglesworth

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At least Survivor has moved on from all the pharmaceutical sales women.  Or drained that well dry, or got them to list other 'professions'.  


Big Brother is the worst for fake professions.  They may as well be "what did you want to be when you grew up".

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I love the idea that we have run out of pharmaceutical sales women who haven't been on Survivor.  I have a friend who wants to be a pharma sales rep, but now I'm wondering if this is a long con to get on TV.


Now that Wiggles is gone, are we done bringing back Borneo players?  We've had Hatch, Rudy, Gervase, Sue, Jenna, and now Kelley. Apart from Colleen who has been abducted off the planet, who else is there we want to see? I think the only one anyone remembers is Sean because of his silly alphabet voting thing.

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Apart from Colleen who has been abducted off the planet, who else is there we want to see?


Gretchen is number one on my list, and always has been. I don't even bother adding Colleen to the list because I know she would never do it. But really, anyone from season one that wants to come back would get a warm welcome from me, even Stacy Stillman, but we all know that won't happen.

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I think the only one anyone remembers is Sean because of his silly alphabet voting thing.


I have to defend Sean. His alphabet voting was a way for him to vote with the Tagi alliance without openly saying so. He was trying to replace Kelly in the Tagi Alliance, and it would have worked to get him to f4 if Wiglesworth hadn't gone on her immunity run. (and given how much male strength tends to be feared in Survivor, it always amuses me that Kelly was the original immunity monster)

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I'd love to see Gretchen, Greg, and Joel again.  Greg had continually turned them down but seemed on board for this season, though his new job got in the way.  It surprised me he actually wanted to return.  So I would never 100% rule out Colleen (even though it is unlikely).  Gretchen was asked back for BvsW with her daughter but didn't make the final cut (would have much rather seen that duo than Tina or Rupert for the 3rd/4th time).  It actually surprised me that Gretchen would want to come back and that she was disappointed they didn't select her for that season, though I get that it was a different concept playing with a loved one and that might have been why she was eager to do it.  Yet she's mentioned even after that she would return. 

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Now that Wiggles is gone, are we done bringing back Borneo players?  We've had Hatch, Rudy, Gervase, Sue, Jenna, and now Kelley. Apart from Colleen who has been abducted off the planet, who else is there we want to see? I think the only one anyone remembers is Sean because of his silly alphabet voting thing.



There's also Greg, the original first boot Sonya( though she's probably in no condition to play) and chauvinistic Joe as well and Gretchen. I remember everybody but I loved that season but I would say those five (including Sean) merit an invite back.


have to defend Sean. His alphabet voting was a way for him to vote with the Tagi alliance without openly saying so. He was trying to replace Kelly in the Tagi Alliance



Sean was originally offered the spot in the alliance that was offered to Rudy but he turned it down. If that was new school alliance he's the one we'd all get on for settling for fifth.

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From what Monica said, Kelly has a very old school mind set.  She didn't care about alliances and was more about the survival aspect

This is not an  "old-school Survivor mind set." It is very specifically a "first season of Survivor" mindset.  People who applied for season one were people like Kelly and Greg and Colleen and Rudy with extensive background in wilderness experience/ outdoor camping.  It persisted somewhat into season two and by season three we have a completely different type of play that continues into the present.  We don't get the same kind of people applying since almost everyone by now has figured out what Hatch figured out initially - that social manipulation is what the game actually rewards, not physical survival.


Good for her for not being obsessed with being a reality television star.  But given that as I've said it's so ironic that she is literally the first person on a TV reality show to say the she "wasn't there to make friends."  I feel like she needs to be forced to atone for that in some way.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I think the fact that underwhelming pre-merge boot Kelley Wentworth wound up on this season despite clearly being filler on the female half of the ballot to ensure Kelly/Kimmi/Teresa got on suggests that literally anyone could come back at any time, except the people who have sued the show and the people who have died.


I do think if they're going to keep bringing back Classic Era players, they need to go more with the Africa-Pearl Islands side of things though. Borneo players have nostalgia but clearly don't work (the editors didn't know what to do with Kelly; Gervase is the biggest misfire in the post-Hantz era), and they've pretty much run out of new Outback people to bring back (Elisabeth and Nick are far too successful; Debb and Kel wouldn't return even if the show paid them the million bucks upfront; Rodger and Mad Dog are both over 65 now; so that basically just leaves Keith and Mitchell, neither of whom have any discernable fanbase), but... like, none of the Samburus has ever returned. Clarence and Kelly Goldsmith both seem like they'd jump at the opportunity. Vecepia, Sean, and John have all actively asked to be invited back, and Vee and Sean auditioned together for TAR. Brian, Clay, and Helen have all said they'd go back. Robb Zbacnik would and seems like the sort of growth story Probst loves. Amazon's weirdly under-represented in terms of returning players (it's literally just Rob and Jenna, and they're both out of All-Stars by the time Saboga is dissolved), but the only person from it I could actually see returning now is Deena. And Pearl Islands, I think, has really been screwed - it's had four returnees, sure, but Rupert was the only viable option for All-Stars because they filmed so close together, Fairplay and Sandra were both token inclusions who were never expected to last long (hee), and Savage basically only made it onto the ballot because he's one of Probst's best friends.

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And Pearl Islands, I think, has really been screwed


I would like to see Lil come back and be freed from wearing the Scout uniform the whole game. I don't know if she would actually play well--especially since she must be in her 60s now--but her whole game was defined by being stuck in that stupid outfit. 

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Gervase is the biggest misfire in the post-Hantz era


Gervase made the finals,  was pretty much responsible for the purple rock being reintroduced, got his niece booted due to his overexuberance and was not dull in his confessionals. How exactly was he a misfire? If anything, he's proof that more old schoolers need to be bought back.


I wonder if Gretchen came back if she would adapt her gameplay to the current norm or do like Kelly, revert and get her licks in while she can.




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I thought Gervase was great. He played the game and advanced to the finals. He may have over adapted but he adapted.


I think Joel is the only player from Borneo who would succeed in this era. I don't think Hatch could, he is far to invested in how wonderful he is to actually try and change his game.


ETA: I just listened to Survivor Talk. Kelly has not watched any of the season and did not do a Skype chat because she doesn't have the internet at her home. LOL


She is so different then the rest of the players.

Edited by ProfCrash
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I'd love to see Gretchen, Greg, and Joel again.  Greg had continually turned them down but seemed on board for this season, though his new job got in the way.  It surprised me he actually wanted to return.  So I would never 100% rule out Colleen (even though it is unlikely).  Gretchen was asked back for BvsW with her daughter but didn't make the final cut (would have much rather seen that duo than Tina or Rupert for the 3rd/4th time).  It actually surprised me that Gretchen would want to come back and that she was disappointed they didn't select her for that season, though I get that it was a different concept playing with a loved one and that might have been why she was eager to do it.  Yet she's mentioned even after that she would return. 

Ugh, are you serious? We could have had Gretchen back but they needed to shove Rupert and Tina in our faces again? Much as I can't stand him, I get that the show just loves Rupert, but why has Tina been back so many times? 


Kelly's video bored me so much, I turned it off a little more than half way through.  She also said in her boot remarks that she was happy to be gone and let the others play.  To me she was easily the worst choice of any contestant this season.


I watched the whole thing, but she really does not make good TV for me. She's very reflective and self-contained, so there's not much to react to. 

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I'm pretty sure Colleen would never come back. She was actually the first recruit. The show was doing an open casting call at a mall or someplace and making videos of applicants. Colleen's friend was the one who tried out but had Colleen be in the video as well explaining why the producers should pick her friend. The casting people loved Colleen and, I guess, her friend not so much, so she was the one who got the offer.


I don't think she has any interest in the show at all anymore. She was on twitter (just tweeting about her daughter and crafts and stuff) and had only about a hundred followers until someone posted her username in a Survivor thread on reddit about a year ago. Then she got about 500 more followers and stopped tweeting after that.

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This is not an  "old-school Survivor mind set." It is very specifically a "first season of Survivor" mindset.  People who applied for season one were people like Kelly and Greg and Colleen and Rudy with extensive background in wilderness experience/ outdoor camping.  It persisted somewhat into season two and by season three we have a completely different type of play that continues into the present.  We don't get the same kind of people applying since almost everyone by now has figured out what Hatch figured out initially - that social manipulation is what the game actually rewards, not physical survival.

True. Borneo people have no prior season to base their games on. It was basically feeling it out for everybody. Not just the players but the producers and crew as well - Would this rule work? Why does this rule doesn't work even if it sounded great on paper?, etc. 


Seeing as Wiggles hasn't followed Survivor that much over the years, she came into the game still with that mindset. She tried to adapt but it was too late. I do think if the OG players went far, like Varner and Dietz, we would have seen more of her game. A lot of the eliminated players have said Wiggles would only work with her pregame alliances of Varner and Dietz. Only when they were gone did she move on to create new relationships.

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I think Gretchen might actually adapt better than expected.  The fact she's willing to return again makes me think she'll give it a serious shot and not just go back to believing it is survival based.  However, even Kelly was caught off guard by how much scheming and stategizing was going on from day one.  She said back in her day, everyone was worried about fire, water, shelter, and food on that first day and didn't think much about strategy until later on.  We saw kind of a similar pattern in the next few seasons (always an argument, too, over who could be the best provider and build the better shelter).


Ugh, are you serious? We could have had Gretchen back but they needed to shove Rupert and Tina in our faces again? Much as I can't stand him, I get that the show just loves Rupert, but why has Tina been back so many times?



I guess she was disappointed, more so for her daughter, because she thought she would do really well at this game.  She has said that she would love her own opportunity again, but I think she liked the concept of getting to play alongside her daughter.  Rupert is horrible at this game, has done nothing to evolve his strategy, and his tie dyed novelty has worn off, imo.  Hopefully BvsW is the last we see of him on this show.  Probst has always had a fondness for Outback so Tina's inclusion isn't too surprising.  Someone here said he actually pushed for Tina and Gervase to be included, as CBS apparently wasn't crazy about bringing back older season contestants.  So maybe because Tina won, she was a compromise.  Likely more recognizable than Gretchen, to people who haven't watched every season or kept up.


I think Joel is the only player from Borneo who would succeed in this era. I don't think Hatch could, he is far to invested in how wonderful he is to actually try and change his game.



The only reason I would want Hatch back is to see him take a humiliating fall.  He'd probably be cockier than he ever has thinking he will be playing everybody.  I don't believe he would succeed in the modern era if he was a new contestant, tbh.  I always wonder what would have happened had Joel wound up on Tagi over someone like Sean or Dirk.  He had the game figured out like Hatch, yet wound up on the tribe where alliance was a dirty word.  I wonder, would Hatch have considered him a threat, or would they have worked together?  I could see it going both ways.  There's actually quite a few pre-mergers/jurors I would like to see back.  I'm in agreement about some of the early seasons (Amazon, Pearl Islands, and Africa) being underrepresented.  Amazon especially surprises me since it seemed like one of the more popular seasons, even after all this time.  It's like one or two contestants came back and defined it, and everyone else was forgotten.  Ryan Opray from PI has made it extremely clear for years that he wants a second shot (many posters on Sucks make fun of him for it). 


Anyway, getting off topic slightly, but has Kelly kept in touch with any of her fellow Survivors over the years?  I wonder if that'll change after this season.  I really wish they had shown more of her.  I don't really think she was as boring as they made her out to be.  Going by bonus clips, anyone can be boring in those (even one with Joe giving a lesson on spear fishing put me to sleep).  But editing it through the context of the episode, they might have been able to give her enough screen time and made it interesting.  I'm sticking with she didn't go on and on about her second chance so they ignored her.

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After that nonsense with Sue, and that taxes stuff, Rich should never be allowed anywhere near a survivor set.


I doubt that Kelly keeps in touch with anybody. She lives in Mexico and apparently only has a phone and not much else. I don't see her as somebody interested in keeping in contact with anybody from her survivor past.

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I would like to see Lil come back and be freed from wearing the Scout uniform the whole game. I don't know if she would actually play well--especially since she must be in her 60s now--but her whole game was defined by being stuck in that stupid outfit. 

I don't know if I would enjoy seeing Lil on Survivor again, but I would be very happy if CBS bought her a house next to Andrew Savage's.

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Since we're talking about returning old schoolers, I would add Neleh to the list, I listened to her RHAP interview, and she would have been a better candidate for for what the show was looking for this season than Kelly. She came in second, lost by one vote, and she really does think about it a lot, she would have given them the arc they were looking for.


Kelly didn't give them them what they wanted, but I don't think her game should be completely dismissed, she made personal connections, and talked a lot to people, just not about the game. That doesn't get you air time, but it might win you the game if you can get to the end, the jury doesn't see the edit we see, they see Kelly sitting up there, the woman that never stabbed them in the back, was their friend, and made it to the end, so she outlasted them, and if she's sitting there and you're not, it's easy to feel that she outwitted and outplayed you too. Her game and attitude wasn't what they were looking for, but I think it gave her decent shot at winning.

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I would love to see Neleh back!  Her and John Carroll have always campaigned hard for a second chance.  In reality, Marquesas is also one of those seasons where I thought it had a lot of great contestants but became defined by Boston Rob.  I think he and Kathy are the only two to ever return.  Sean Rector and Vee also have continually expressed interest in returning.  But I'm really surprised that Neleh hasn't been back.  Dealing with Amber and Jenna during the first AS season, then getting Amanda back twice, or Candice twice (even if one time was with her hubby and last minute).

Edited by LadyChatts
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I would love to see Neleh back!  Her and John Carroll have always campaigned hard for a second chance.  In reality, Marquesas is also one of those seasons where I thought it had a lot of great contestants but became defined by Boston Rob.  I think he and Kathy are the only two to ever return.  Sean Rector and Vee also have continually expressed interest in returning.  But I'm really surprised that Neleh hasn't been back.  Dealing with Amber and Jenna during the first AS season, then getting Amanda back twice, or Candice twice (even if one time was with her hubby and last minute).

I'd be good with Neleh too :)  No more winners, and no more "characters" -- i.e., thanks, Randy, but don't call us, we'll call you...


Candice actually showed up three times.  But I'll always remember her for what could have been with Billy Garcia

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I'd prefer not to see Neleh again. The way she and Paschal talked about Sean and Vee when they were trying to convince Kathy to vote with them and also privately when they were just talking to each had some pretty ugly undertones and I think we saw only a fraction of it.

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I'd prefer not to see Neleh again. The way she and Paschal talked about Sean and Vee when they were trying to convince Kathy to vote with them and also privately when they were just talking to each had some pretty ugly undertones and I think we saw only a fraction of it.

Yeah, I always got an ugly vibe from those 2 when it came to Vee and Sean, it wasn't overt racism per se, but there was a tone of otherness that bugged me. I never thought Neleh was as nice as she pretended to be and wouldn't want to see her back.


John Carroll on the other hand, I would be interested in seeing again and in fact, think he would have been perfectly cast on this season. He had an epic rise for the first half of his season followed by an even more epic fall, his alliance was running the game and then just like that, they went down one-by-one. He has a great second chance sob story. I've heard he had some run-ins with the show, otherwise I think they would have loved the chance to have him back if for no other reason than it would give them a chance to put Boston Rob's mug back on the screen (because you know those little pissing contests between John and BR would be part of his story.) 

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It's been a long time, but I don't remember Neleh saying anything racist, I know Paschal made some questionable comments that seemed iffy to me at the time, I know when asked about it, Sean said he liked Paschal and didn't consider anything he said racist. I don't know if Vee ever said anything, I always muted the tv whenever she spoke at the reunion, couldn't stand her, hope to never see her back on the show again. Sean would be fun to see again though.

Edited by BigRedCheese
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There wasn't anything overtly racist -- nothing like racial slurs -- but there was a lot of dog whistle language, like Paschal telling Kathy that she's from New Hampshire so she doesn't understand how it is with "them"  the way he does, being as he's from the South. He didn't explain how being from the South helps him understand Sean from New York and Vee from Oregon, but I'm pretty sure we all got the gist. Paschal was worse, but Neleh did say something like, "it's like those people think we owe them something," and Paps was all, "yes, it's exactly like that!" while the audience was like, "oh, real subtle, idiots."


I know when asked about it, Sean said he liked Paschal and didn't consider anything he said racist.


He wasn't quite as forgiving as that. Maybe a year or so ago, I rewatched the season on DVD and it includes The Early Show interview Sean did the day after he was voted out. Sean said he thought he and Paschal were friends and he was surprised by the things he heard him say. He said some of what Paschal said did sound racist but he wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and talk to him first and find out what he meant, specifically with all the "those people" remarks. It came up again at the reunion and Paschal gave a "oh Sean is a fine young man blah blah blah" evasion and Sean said nothing, but you could tell he was basically over Paschal at that point.

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It's been a long time, but my memory is of Sean being pretty forgiving toward Paschal, but there could have been qualifiers in there as well, I don't recall. Me personally, I remember being taken aback by some things Paschal said, but don't remember what it was now. You've obviously seen it since then, so I would defer to your description of it. Neleh never came across that way to me, even in the quote you used

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she so boring that most of this thread is about her first time on Survivor or about other people who played with her…lol. I don't think she cares about her fans and I guess that doesn't matter. She might be better suited for a show like The Island which is more about survival but not that exact show because it involves interacting with other people and the producer (Bear McGryls [sp?]) seems to fake stuff.

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I just watched 3 Ponderosa videos in a row, starting with Kelly's, and I saw more of her and her personnality there than during all the episodes this season. Finally, I have an idea of who/what kind of person she is, and I wish I had had some of that during the game. 

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Bledsoe: I guess fifteen years ago. Literally every time Probst would talk to her he’d start, “Kelly, fifteen years ago you were blah blah blah.”
That quote is from Spencer's EW interview. I know there's been a lot of spec about why Wigles didn't get screen time, so I wanted to bring that over in her defense. What she's said is that Jeff kept wanting her to talk about Borneo, but she just wanted to focus on Cambodia. Seeing Spencer confirm that also confirms for me that Wigles' purple edit wasn't as straightforward as Wigles gave bad confessionals or bad answers to Probst or had a non-TV friendly personality or anything. Probst was so focused on Wigles being something she's not (obsessed with Borneo) that he couldn't interact her with her as she actually was.
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That quote is from Spencer's EW interview. I know there's been a lot of spec about why Wigles didn't get screen time, so I wanted to bring that over in her defense. What she's said is that Jeff kept wanting her to talk about Borneo, but she just wanted to focus on Cambodia. Seeing Spencer confirm that also confirms for me that Wigles' purple edit wasn't as straightforward as Wigles gave bad confessionals or bad answers to Probst or had a non-TV friendly personality or anything. Probst was so focused on Wigles being something she's not (obsessed with Borneo) that he couldn't interact her with her as she actually was.


That has always been my belief.  Watching some of her bonus clips, I thought she came across well, intelligent, and I believe would have had interesting things to say.  The fact she wasn't going to dwell on the past makes me believe they held it against her.  Which is too bad, I think they might have been able to get some interesting soundbites from her about Borneo (in a round about way) comparing it to Cambodia.  Something about how challenges have changed, rewards, etc.  I mean, maybe they did and she still wouldn't bite.  Regardless, I'm more disappointed that they bailed on her because she didn't stick to the script.  Hearing every other TH start with "my second chance" from people got old in the first 5 minutes.

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That quote is from Spencer's EW interview. I know there's been a lot of spec about why Wigles didn't get screen time, so I wanted to bring that over in her defense. What she's said is that Jeff kept wanting her to talk about Borneo, but she just wanted to focus on Cambodia. Seeing Spencer confirm that also confirms for me that Wigles' purple edit wasn't as straightforward as Wigles gave bad confessionals or bad answers to Probst or had a non-TV friendly personality or anything. Probst was so focused on Wigles being something she's not (obsessed with Borneo) that he couldn't interact her with her as she actually was.

I like this and it strikes me as true. I suspect even more so now that her FTC question might have been a subtle way of thumbing her nose at Jeff and his whole insistence on bringing up Borneo at every opportunity. I think he is way more focused on how she lost (by one vote) than she is. In the first episode, she knew what answer he wanted and gave it to him. So in a way, her question at FTC was a good coda to her season. You want to focus on Borneo, this is what I will do. I truly believe that she was always going to vote for Jeremy...she just found a way to thumb her nose at Probst and his obsession with Borneo at the same time.

Honestly, this is a bit OT, but isn't Probst like this with every player to a point - he has this belief that they want to focus on the thing he wants to focus on but they have no desire to do so. No wonder he loves Savage so much...I'm sure Savage plays right into his hand. He likes to talk about what Savage likes to talk about: Savage.

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how lame! Doesn't surprise me


I think even Greg said he was always voting for Richard. Nobody's actually crazy enough to go through this experience and then vote for somebody based off of a number.


I think that's a great point, SarahSmile, and sounds totally like something Jeff would do. And then of course, she'd get punished for it with a bad edit. 

Edited by loki567
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I've been reading The Golden Bough, so this kind of thing is on my mind, but how fitting!  How perfectly fitting!  That the Kell(e)y Kurse has finally been ended, by the original Kelly herself, who returned to the island and took the Kurse upon herself, and symbolically died to save her successor Kelley from suffering it.  The Queen, the goddess, the scapegoat all in one, sacrificed to herself for the good of posterity.

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even Greg said he was always voting for Richard. Nobody's actually crazy enough to go through this experience and then vote for somebody based off of a number.


Yes, Greg did say that, whether it's true or not who knows, I personally don't believe him. Kelly Goldsmith voted for Ethan to win based on a number pick because she didn't want to vote for either player. I don't think it's crazy, despite the tagline, there are no rules on how the jury has to vote, and if they vote based on picking numbers, it's because the players never did anything to secure their vote in their eyes. Works for me.

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Yes, Greg did say that, whether it's true or not who knows, I personally don't believe him. Kelly Goldsmith voted for Ethan to win based on a number pick because she didn't want to vote for either player. I don't think it's crazy, despite the tagline, there are no rules on how the jury has to vote, and if they vote based on picking numbers, it's because the players never did anything to secure their vote in their eyes. Works for me.


Goldsmith's number picking also intended to show that neither of them made an effort to get to know her because her answer was related to The Graduate, which she talked about all the time (much like how Penny in Thailand grilled Brian about her personal details to show the jury his terrible social game). I don't know if it necessarily accomplished that, but Kim and Ethan were equally blah players and both complicit in what should have been the game-losing move of betraying her, so I don't blame Kelly for needing some way of differentiating them.


I find it interesting that Wiglesworth refused to put on a show for the cameras all season, yet ended up having a very "showy" on the nose jury question that strongly alluded to her first season. I wonder if production encouraged her to ask that as her question.

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I wonder if Kelly was just giving Probst the finger with that question. He wanted her to talk about Borneo all the time, and refused to accept that she'd moved on. So she gave him a callback to Borneo, but one that makes a mockery of the show. It made me respect her. I'd been put off by her lack of enthusiasm during the pregame campaign, so this was a nice ending for her.

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