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S31: Abi-Maria Gomes


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Meet Abi-Maria Gomes from Survivor: Philippines (Season 25), who returns to play on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance.


Abi-Maria started the game in a strong alliance with fellow castaway RC Saint-Amour—someone she shared her Hidden Immunity Idol clue with—but after being pitted against each other by Pete Yurkowski, Abi-Maria's game fell to pieces.


By the end of Survivor: Philippines, Abi-Maria finished in fifth place and was largely considered to be her season's biggest villain




Here is your Abi-Maria topic.

I hated Abi during her season with a fiery passion.  But, I respected her post game interviews and that she actually owned up to her behavior. I adored R.C. during their original season, but my feelings for the two are now opposite: R.C. is such a whiner in not letting go what Pete did, and still blames Abi, so I've lost respect for her.  Abi took the high road.  Not sure how she'll do this season.  Should be interesting with her around.

Edited by LadyChatts

I like Abi so I'm willing to give her a chance.  I'd like to think being on the chopping block this early will humble her a little to dial it back.  Judging from the previews, I don't see that happening.  And of course she'd have to be at odds with PG, who I really like.  But if she's in the majority alliance, and they view her as more of a shield that will get tossed before them when it comes down to it, I think she's here for awhile.  I would really like to know what the heck was up with bracelet-gate.  Either something was up or the editors didn't learn from last season.  

  • Love 1

I like Abi so I'm willing to give her a chance.  I'd like to think being on the chopping block this early will humble her a little to dial it back.  Judging from the previews, I don't see that happening.  And of course she'd have to be at odds with PG, who I really like.  But if she's in the majority alliance, and they view her as more of a shield that will get tossed before them when it comes down to it, I think she's here for awhile.  I would really like to know what the heck was up with bracelet-gate.  Either something was up or the editors didn't learn from last season.  


Okay now I do not feel bad about not understanding what the whole bracelet deal was.  Did PG actually steal Abi's bracelet? 


If feel if Robert Stack were still alive he would be talking about this on Unsolved Mysteries.

Okay now I do not feel bad about not understanding what the whole bracelet deal was.  Did PG actually steal Abi's bracelet? 


If feel if Robert Stack were still alive he would be talking about this on Unsolved Mysteries.


Your guess is as good as mine.  I don't think PG stole it, or at least took it on purpose.  I thought the bags were all clearly labeled, and that Abi only found her bracelet in PG's bag (but not her actual bag that she was looking for).  PG seemed puzzled how Abi's bracelet wound up in her possession, but that was her explanation-that she found a bag that wasn't labeled and took it, not realizing it was Abi's or that the bracelet was in it.  I'm confused even typing that lol  I don't think PG intentionally took it, if it was not a set up.  If a castaway set PG up, I have to believe production would not have left that out.


Since I think we are missing quite a bit of the picture, it's tough to say whether Abi overreacted.  She told everyone that PG took it, but didn't want to seem like she was making a big deal over it-yet knew it would likely make its way back to PG.  And she was saying PG took it without getting her side of it before telling everyone.  I can understand being upset if my belongings were suddenly missing, then found in another castaways bag.  But like I said, I believe a lot may have been left out, or it was a general misunderstanding.

Edited by LadyChatts
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According to Abi, it was accidental. And that her wondering where it was, was played up by using what she said in a way that made it look like it was all she was talking about all day. Their bags looked a lot alike and it was an honest mistake.


By "accidental" does she mean she put it in the wrong bag by mistake?


Somehow, she's upset that someone took her bracelet but has no problem going through other people's bags.

  • Love 9

Abi is going to spin like there is no tomorrow. Abi found the bracellet and said she wasn't going to talk about it. Then she talked about it with jeff and someone else. She said she was done with it. Then she talked to Woo and shushed him. Then she talked with someone else. She discussed it so much that it made it back to PG who went to discuss it with Abi.


So yeah, she might not have spent all day on it but she spent plenty of time discussing it and was bitching about it enough that at least one person commented that she needed to stop mentioning the bracellet and then even Abi commented that she had made it clear that it was missing and how could PG have missed that. She made it a huge issue and brought back everyones memory of the RC bullshit.


Abi might very well be different in real life but I woudl vote her out as soon as I could if I had to play with her because she has not filter and is an irrational player. Her response to getting votes does not look to be positive. She kills her own game with her inability to chill out and not make mountains out of manufactured molehills. She was lucky that Vytas was his normal swamy self.

  • Love 15

I agree with you ProfCrash, she is her own worst enemy in this game. A part of me thinks she's doing what she thinks Probst & co. wants her to do by creating drama in order to stay on the show. The other part is just her being paranoid out there not knowing if there's a set-up or what. Because she is a very kind, decent person in real life.

  • Love 2

I try and remind myself that we cannot judge who people really are based on what we see on our TVs. I do think that the various shows do depict real aspects of a persons character and life because the conditions tend to force people to rely on some natural traits. I don't think most people can play a character for 39 days, or 98 on Big Brother. But I do think we see elements of them and that some players are surprised by what they see. I think Dan was shocked by his edit last year. I think he sees himself as the juggling fun guy and not a sexist. And I think that he can be a juggling fun guy, givent he comments his cast mates have made, but I also think he is a sexist.


I think Abi is able to fall back on known social skills and behavior when she is well feed and not totally stressed out. But that she probably has very little filter and is someone who is very intense in her feelings and her reactions. When she is in the uber stressful Survivor realm, she cannot contain that part of her but in her real life, with plenty of places to blow off steam and other ways to channel her energy, she could be a fun person to be around.


For short periods of time. I have a feeling that she would be draining.


And I know that my ADHD inspired lack of filters would kill me on this show. I have a sneaking suspicion I would not like how I was portrayed. So I ahve some sympathy but less so on a season like this one. Abi knows what her weaknesses are and she knows that others know that. She could not let the bracellet go. She asked about it multiple times, searched other peoples bags and then told everyone she found it and who had it in a conspiratorial manner. She could have said "Hey if people could be on the lookout for my bag, it has a bracellet in it, I would appreciate it. It seems to have been misplaced." and then let it go. The fact that so many people were looking and asking her about it suggests to me that she spent a good amount of time and emotional energy on the bracellet.

  • Love 8

Why even bring a "super powers" bracelet? Seems to me there's an awful lot of challenges in which it could easily get lost or tangled on something. To me that just says that she's all ego over efficiency.

Also, every time she doesn't flip out, I'm tired of listening to her brag about it.

What do you want, a cookie or a medal?

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 8

Agree with your assessment, ProfCrash, but I also think she doesn't seem able to adjust to others, and expect them to adjust to her, even when they are indifferent to her at best. She needs allies, it's only day 3, and still she's just focused on her silly bracelet that is a weird thing to bring anyway. I find her draining after just one episode, I feel for the poor team stuck with her :)


Also, every time she doesn't flip out, I'm tired of listening to her brag about it. What do want, a cookie or a medal?


Or a bracelet? No idea where I got the idea from

  • Love 7

And I know that my ADHD inspired lack of filters would kill me on this show. I have a sneaking suspicion I would not like how I was portrayed. So I ahve some sympathy but less so on a season like this one. Abi knows what her weaknesses are and she knows that others know that. She could not let the bracellet go. She asked about it multiple times, searched other peoples bags and then told everyone she found it and who had it in a conspiratorial manner. She could have said "Hey if people could be on the lookout for my bag, it has a bracellet in it, I would appreciate it. It seems to have been misplaced." and then let it go. The fact that so many people were looking and asking her about it suggests to me that she spent a good amount of time and emotional energy on the bracellet.

OMG - ME TOO!  And in fact, that compilation of her asking and talking about the bracelet reminded me so much of my younger (un diagnosed) self that it made me cringe.

I get it.  Without severe and immediate censure, you are unable to stop obsessing, wondering and talking about your issue (the bracelet).  You try, but it is like rubbing your eye with a piece of sand in it.  It's just irritating and you think you're going to make it better and it really makes it worse.

  • Love 1

Yeah, but "nice person who just gets obsessive" doesn't explain throwing coconuts at people's heads. She has a history of behavior which is way crazier than the bracelet argument. So, as a viewer, I'm glad they targeted Vytas first. Because I would much rather see Abi in what she was wearing than Vytas in... whatever that thing he had painted on was. But as a player, I would have wanted her out on Day 1. Vytas might be sleazy and manipulative, but Abi seems like "person most likely to murder you for snoring." 

  • Love 6

I agree with you ProfCrash, she is her own worst enemy in this game. A part of me thinks she's doing what she thinks Probst & co. wants her to do by creating drama in order to stay on the show. The other part is just her being paranoid out there not knowing if there's a set-up or what. Because she is a very kind, decent person in real life.



Causing drama gets you voted out.  Probst & Co do not have a say in the voting and she knows that.  



According to Abi, it was accidental. And that her wondering where it was, was played up by using what she said in a way that made it look like it was all she was talking about all day. Their bags looked a lot alike and it was an honest mistake.



The editing did not play it up at all.  It merely showed her telling everyone, which she did.  They did not make it seem like she talked about it all day.  The showed what she gave them.  


The old 'editing made me look bad' cry is old and does never works.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

Hantz.... ring a bell? :)



You think Probst and Co "kept" him in?  I don't believe this show is manipulated to the extent that they "make" the castaways keep someone.  I trust the TCs are not rigged.  


I know you are her friend and I feel uncomfortable slamming her but I wanted to share my take on her like I will with everyone else.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

I only mentioned Hantz as a reference to the fact that sometimes people are kept in the game for a variety of reasons. I have no idea how or why, but it always amazes me when someone like Russel or his nephew are brought in, put front and center via editing, and stay around long past their welcome. Every reality show needs it's heroes and villians, but the Hantz family seemed to have been used beyond the point of necessity. Not just this show, they've been paraded around the block.

Please don't ever hold back on how you feel about someone on this show, or any show. :) I'm friendly with a lot of people in real life and I will always respect others' opinions, good or bad. One of my best friends, who's a chef, has been skewered with the best of them. :)

I think TPTB can, to a point, manipulate it for someone to stay in and possibly get a hail mary.  Tribe swaps, idols, special power idols, giving more than one immunity, holding the merge later...these are all things over the years that have drastically altered the game.  I don't know that they outright rig it for someone to stay, but in certain cases, get someone far enough along, have the others see how they are pissing off the masses, and suddenly they seems like a good choice to keep around until the final 3.  Or, in other cases, it may keep more likable and appealing contestants from being picked off and give them a chance to get back in it (see the tribe swap in Africa).  So it may not be rigging the vote, but kind of, sort of, messing with the results and taking the game on an alternate path.

  • Love 1

The editing did not play it up at all.  It merely showed her telling everyone, which she did.  They did not make it seem like she talked about it all day.  The showed what she gave them. 


The old 'editing made me look bad' cry is old and does never works.



Agreed. She is so awful that when she wasn't voted out, I briefly considered not watching anymore. She must drive everyone at camp crazy.

  • Love 2

Causing drama gets you voted out.  Probst & Co do not have a say in the voting and she knows that.  


The editing did not play it up at all.  It merely showed her telling everyone, which she did.  They did not make it seem like she talked about it all day.  The showed what she gave them.  


The old 'editing made me look bad' cry is old and does never works.  

I'm with you on doubting production messes with tribal results.  But I see Abi's point about the editing, too.  If she told 4 people over the course of the day, that's pretty bad and she did do it.  But when they show all 4 clips in 40 seconds right after showing her finding it, it makes it look worse than it is, as if she couldn't WAIT to tell the whole tribe.  


Vytas said his edit was pretty misleading, too.  He said he wasn't flirty at all and the yoga was mostly welcome by others and done on the beach.  But like he said, they sign up for this and get what they get.  

I'm with you on doubting production messes with tribal results.  But I see Abi's point about the editing, too.  If she told 4 people over the course of the day, that's pretty bad and she did do it.  But when they show all 4 clips in 40 seconds right after showing her finding it, it makes it look worse than it is, as if she couldn't WAIT to tell the whole tribe.  


Vytas said his edit was pretty misleading, too.  He said he wasn't flirty at all and the yoga was mostly welcome by others and done on the beach.  But like he said, they sign up for this and get what they get.  



I take editing into account.  As for Vytas, I can easily see how they manipulated that.  Most out there enjoy an activity and when I watched I thought that I bet most found that a nice reprieve from sitting around camp.  


I also figured that Abi did not necessarily run around and tell everyone immediately.  The point with her is that she HAD to tell everyone and implied something may be afoot and said, "I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt," and it was not sincere.  I just rewatched that part and she was shit stirring.  Why not announce, "anyone seen my bracelet, please check your bags." 

  • Love 3

Oh I agree.  It was passive aggressive and shit stirring and I'm so glad they showed it.  I just understand her point, too.  The editing did play it up just by virtue of showing it.  But she knows they're not going to show us hours of her getting along great with everyone to see it in full context, too.  Or even necessarily if there were leading questions like, "Abi, what do you think of Peih-Gee?  I think she's a little shady..."  

I was really willing to give Abi-Maria another chance.  I strongly disliked her on her season, but I've read many a post of cooksdelight who knows her personally, and vouches for her.  It took just one close up of that face, and all that dislike came back.  She seems to do that passive-aggressive smiling, which means she's actually pissed.  That's a mixed message, and it's always made me uncomfortable.


If I'm remembering correctly, wasn't PG really picked on in her season?  It's really bully mentality to focus in on, and target the victim of a previous season.  I'm wondering if we will see the same treatment of Shirin.


I definitely think editing can exaggerate something - we've seen it happen on Big Brother.  But there are no feeds on Survivor.  And it's impossible to give complete context on Abi's bitching.  So they condensed it to fit within a one hour show.  I will admit that I was even more irritated with her, because it was implied that while others were working on building camp, she did nothing but bitch, shit stir, and riffle through everyone's bags.

  • Love 6

I agree with you ProfCrash, she is her own worst enemy in this game. A part of me thinks she's doing what she thinks Probst & co. wants her to do by creating drama in order to stay on the show. The other part is just her being paranoid out there not knowing if there's a set-up or what. Because she is a very kind, decent person in real life.



How do you know Abi, cook?  Do you get together with her or is it an online friendship that started after/during her first season? 


ETA:  I met one of my closest friends online 8 years ago.  I am placing no judgement here.  I am closer to several people I met online than I am with friends I have had for 40 years.  Things are different now.  Technology puts us in contact with more like minded people than we could meet in our neighborhoods.  I have relocated twice in the past 10 years and that puts a spoke in developing close relationships in real life due to the limitations of real life.  

Edited by wings707
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I would hate being stuck on the island with her, but I have a soft spot for Abi Maria. For some reason I just love her and think everything she does is hilarious. I guess it's the entertaining trainwreck factor? I also remember being so impressed with her Ponderosa clip from the Philippines. She seemed very sweet and mature there and I give her all the credit in the world for dealing with RC as well as she did.

  • Love 2

I would hate being stuck on the island with her, but I have a soft spot for Abi Maria. For some reason I just love her and think everything she does is hilarious. I guess it's the entertaining trainwreck factor? I also remember being so impressed with her Ponderosa clip from the Philippines. She seemed very sweet and mature there and I give her all the credit in the world for dealing with RC as well as she did.

I love Abi Maria and agree with all this :)


She has a naivete about her that I really like.  Even in her dark moments, she's kind of hard to take seriously.  I don't think she's cunning enough to go far, but I like her and find her entertaining.

  • Love 2

The other part is just her being paranoid out there not knowing if there's a set-up or what.

The paranoia is what got me disliking her so much in Philippines.  Hell, she went off on R.C. just because she showed some genuine concern to Skupin when he injured his hands opening a coconut.  She thought they were plotting something else behind her back.  I just . . . I couldn't believe that scene.  Paranoia had already hit her, and it was only week two!

  • Love 1

Gawd.  PM'g between those who may have dirt is so enticing!


Anyhoo...I listened to a segment from Rob Has a Pocast (RHAP) during which he and his wife discuss the strenghts and weaknesses of each of the 20 players from this season.  It's something like 3 hours so I didn't get far with it but I did hear a bit about Abi.  Both Rob and his wife said that Abi is really sweet and nice in "real life".  and that her flare for the dramatics rears its head in only in front of the camera or on a stage...they like her as a person.

I don't understand the villian as a role approach to any show. How often does the obnoxious villan win? Evil Dick on BB but that was sooooo rigged for him and they dodn't show most of his really awful stuff on the show.


I don't count Richard as a villian. Understanding the concept of an alliance and using the material given by other folks is not being a villian. That is having a clue and playing smart. The fact that few other people figured out is a reflection on them and why they were playing, not Richard. The first season is hard for folks because no one knows what to expect and a fair number of folks were there more for the adventure then the game. Same holds true for Australia although I don't think anyone thinks of Colby or Tina as a villan.


Brian probably is a villan.


People don't want to vote for assholes (Russell). People don't want to vote for people who they felt emotionally manipulated them (Dawn, Lisa and other women).


So I don't respect people who play the villan character because they are so unlikely to win it makes no sense to embrace that role. That is the get to the end and then lose role and I cannot respect that game.


So if Abi is embracing that role then she might be a nice person in real life but she is an awful player.

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I think it's hard to hold in your inner villain in a situation like Survivor. Unless you're John Rocker. My God, having met him and talked to him at length about his time out there, I don't know how he did it. Not that he's an ass in person, he's wasn't to me. He was really nice and easy to talk to. But still, I could see stuff under the surface, brewing, wishing he could tell someone what he thought.

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I think in the grand scheme of things, being remembered and getting invited back as a much hated villain is better than being in a sea of forgettable characters, or competing against the coveted Malcolm/Ozzy/Joes, or Spencers, or even the likable but dumbasses like Keith.  Of course, as Dan learned last season, wanting to be remembered isn't always a good thing.  Yet, he said he would return, even with all his arguments about his edit.  Max got a bumbling edit for being a Survivor "expert", one he said was somewhat humiliating, and even though he claims he wasn't out there to create a character and get screen time/invited back, it was obvious.  I don't really know why anyone would want to play the villain role myself, especially when you see the fallout that can come from it.  While I don't think it will garner Abi any votes and instead make her a possible goat, I think she's a fun villain to watch.  Someone like Na'Onka or Dan were downright unbearable.  I can live with Abi, though.  It looks like she might be backtracking just a tad this week, so we will see.  I can also believe that TPTB made braceletgate out much worse than it was.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if she makes it to merge. There seem to be quite a few people on the other tribe that don't seem like they would be interesting in playing her game. Her whole strategy really seems to rely on the other person backing down quickly, or being passive aggressive. I wonder what would happen if someone who intimidated her actually got in her face (never saw her past seasons, so maybe this already happened).

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Her whole strategy really seems to rely on the other person backing down quickly, or being passive aggressive.


I think her strategy relies on making herself a useful vote to a majority alliance.  She also turns herself (intentionally or not) into a useful goat, who others know they can likely beat, and so have another reason to keep her.  One person after another said that in Philippines, and IIRC several have already said that this season as well. 


For the first time I felt empathy, or sympathy, for Abi.  She came across as a more rounded person.  Of course my failure to see that before is on me, not her. 

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I'm very puzzled by the apparent dichotomy I see in Abi: awful in her first season, adorable in interviews, awful again now this season.


So far, my first instinct tells me that she's adorable when she's the center of attention. Which she is in interviews. And that she gets in a rage and hateful when she's not the center of attention. 


(if anyone watched Total Drama, she's the girl who turns into a monster!)


She's playing Sugar's game, but is much less sympathetic to me. Time will tell is my theory is right :-)


As I see it, she in this episode was nothing like Shirin in her season but it still looked familiar. Think, RC, being mocked and laughed at and spoken behind her back by her alliance mates, starting with - surprise, surprise - Abi Maria! The wheel indeed it turns. I'd say girl can ditch it but cannot take it. 

  • Love 5

It took Abi about 4 seconds to show why she's a terrible alliance member.  When she was smugly telling Shirin that she or Spencer were totally going home and no one is on their side any more, I was expecting the plan to blow up.  We saw Shirin and Spencer scrambling (fortunately for Abi, to no avail), but if Abi had kept her trap shut, those two would have hung out all afternoon, completely assured they were in charge.


I understand getting rid of Vytas first. And I understand taking a goat with you to the end. But this isn't Phillip R Us. the longer you keep Abi close, the more damage you're going to absorb when she finally goes -- she'll expose your entire plan while trying to smugly tell someone that she's popular.

  • Love 7

It took Abi about 4 seconds to show why she's a terrible alliance member.  When she was smugly telling Shirin that she or Spencer were totally going home and no one is on their side any more, I was expecting the plan to blow up.  We saw Shirin and Spencer scrambling (fortunately for Abi, to no avail), but if Abi had kept her trap shut, those two would have hung out all afternoon, completely assured they were in charge.


I understand getting rid of Vytas first. And I understand taking a goat with you to the end. But this isn't Phillip R Us. the longer you keep Abi close, the more damage you're going to absorb when she finally goes -- she'll expose your entire plan while trying to smugly tell someone that she's popular.


Agree completely with this.  Luckily for her everyone was on board with getting rid of Spencer and Shirin otherwise she would have blown it.

  • Love 1

No. I don't want her or Kass any where near me because I can't trust them and because they are so fucking random and irrational. Just no. nononononononononononono


Absolutly not.


Seriously, Abi is the only minority that I did not vote for this season. I wanted more diversity and more Old School so that is how I voted. I refused to cast a vote for Abi. I strongly dislike her game play. She is an emotional wreck out there who is irrational, throws tantrums, turns on a dime, and who has no chance in hell of winning.


I don't like known goats who intentionally act like a freaking goat so that they can go far in the game. They are exhausting, tiring, destructive, and they are not playing to win. I never liked or appreciated Russell's game. I hated Kass's game. I despise Abi's game. I never liked Coach. Found Philip to be one of the more annoying players out there.


They are not fun to watch, if anything they make it harder for me to watch because they are so freaking unpredictible and are such massive attention whores.


If you are not out there wanting to win then stay home. Abi does not want to win. I don't care what she says. If she wanted to win she would act like a grown up. She wouldn't be talking behind peoples back. She wouldn't have two seasons were people felt the need to tell her off for her bad behavior.


I cannot state how strongly I dislike this style of game play.

  • Love 14

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