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Way Wes Jr

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We don't have this thread for Big Brother yet, and my reply doesn't relate to the feeds for this season, so ...


The Brigade should have been broken up but nobody was focusing on them, instead folks made it their mission to get rid of Rachel.  Danielle's loss was entirely her fault because of her diary room antics.  Season ten much like this season was the season where there were plenty of good female players who took each other out. 


If Vanessa or Liz wins this season I am cool with it but to me it does not matter one way or the other.


Antics which were prompted and encouraged by production.  Yes, Danielle should have resisted, since she knew the evicted houseguests would have access to her DR's, and shouldn't have talked smack in the first place.  [but, dear Lord, how boring would this show be without at least one shade-thrower in the cast?]

Antics which were prompted and encouraged by production.  Yes, Danielle should have resisted, since she knew the evicted houseguests would have access to her DR's, and shouldn't have talked smack in the first place.  [but, dear Lord, how boring would this show be without at least one shade-thrower in the cast?]

I miss the unscripted DRs so much. I hate hate hate that they read scripted lines and we never get a good insight into what the HGs are truly thinking (although I don't blame them bc production can fuck them over). I re-watched BB7 not too long ago, and ugh. The DRs back then were so quality. 


Actually, when did they start going the scripted route? I actually can't remember the last time there were real DRs. Maybe BB12? Did it start after Britney started giving them great soundbites and they thought they could manufacture DRs because of it?

Edited by Ceeg

Ok, so since I never watched this show except for a few episodes every so often, the second half of S16 and all of S17, I decided to get CBS free month of access to watch the earlier seasons.  Most of my regular TV shows are stopping for the winter soon, and there's only a few "winter" shows I plan to watch.  I figure I'll have the time for some bingeing over the holidays.


I'm starting from S1.  First impression, small house, such a tiny stove and fridge and bunk beds!!   They really upped the living arrangements in later years.  I can't believe they limited hot water/shower time so drastically, cameras in the toilet and shower????  Chen-bot with short hair.


Oh, American used to vote on evictions and the winner?  Like American Idol, eh?  Definitely more interesting that now the houseguests do it, like Survivor.

Edited by Hanahope
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The first season was basically a carbon copy of the original Dutch version, to the point the house had the exact same layout and the bedrooms were painted the exact same colours. I suspect the main reason that format failed in the US is that its producers decided to go out of their way to make America look good and cast Good People like a UN interpreter and a politician and a mother, with an exotic dancer for "controversy" (or not), forgetting what would happen when you have a bunch of people who make a living out of decorum sharing a house. The failure is even more noticeable when you contrast with some of the other versions; for example, Big Brother UK 1 started less than two weeks later, and there are naked people rubbing their clay-covered bodies against the wall within the first five minutes of the first episode (no, really).


There are other issues with BBUS, sure - since the start, Julie has felt about fifteen years too old to host the thing (not even an age issue; like, here's a clip from BB Australia's first episode in 2001, in which the host is eight years older than Julie was during BBUS1) and the continued refusal to do anything more to the house between seasons than changing the set decoration is bizarre and frankly stupid when the house itself could unsettle players more than any of the show's many, many (many) failed twists could - but I think over the years fandom has settled on the idea that the format didn't work, when... you know, the format was fine, it's just that the producers did a terrible job realising that "upstart European cable network targeted at twentysomethings" and "the Tiffany Network" aren't the same thing.

I haven't seen, or even read much about, any of the non-American versions of the show, so nothing to really compare it to (wow, clay covered naked bodies in 5 minutes?). I did notice that most of the house-guests seemed more, IDK, mature maybe than in later seasons, and of course, several in 'committed' relationships does affect, I presume, a lack of 'hook-ups.' I could see where it may not have been as much 'riveting' TV. It will be interesting to see how the HGs react, the first time, to always being on camera. Certainly in later seasons, the HGs didn't seem to care one whit, whereas I could see in the beginning the whole idea of being on camera 24/7 kindof intimidating, at first at least.

I see what you mean by the difference in hosting. Chen-bot really is a 'bot.'

I see they used to have to do gardening and get their own eggs. I can't wait to see if someone kills a chicken. I guess production didn't supply as much food back then? And was those little briefcases they carried the only clothes they brought/ere allowed?

Eta. I see real suitcases though sure doesn't look like there was room for them in the bedrooms. I wonder where all their stuff is.

Very interesting seeing the show from the beginning. No hoh, log, have nots, much simpler 'challenges,' etc. it looks like they get grocery money so I guess that's why the provide a garden to grow food and eggs, to help ration it.

Hearing all the guests do a nomination was different too.

Edited by Hanahope

The way the food worked in the first season is you had a set budget (I'm not sure of the exact figure, but probably somewhere around $2 each per day) and you had to bet part of it on whether you were going to pass the task, given only the rules to base your decision off. If you failed, you usually only got a comically small amount of money to work with, which is why you have a ready-made source of vegetables and eggs if needed. But you wouldn't be allowed to eat the chickens.

But you wouldn't be allowed to eat the chickens.


When that one chicken was injured, my first thought was finish it off, dinner tonight.  I watch too much Survivor.  I just lol'd at all the care given to it. 


Haven't yet seen the first eviction, but I wasn't surprised Will was nominated.  Can totally see that occurring when the majority of guests are a different race (white) and the black man challenged some of their beliefs/culture because of his different experiences.  Cassandra, otoh, at least appears to be a more 'get along' type of person. I could see the same thing occurring if the majority were black and there was only 1 or 2 white guests.  Be interesting if BB ever actually did that.


eta - So, first night banishment for William, not surprised.  Did the houseguests in the early seasons get any money/stipend other than the winner?


Commenting on CBS' all access pass.  I think its a bit more cumbersome than Netflix or Amazon when it comes to TV shows, as both of those will automatically queue up the next episode, where for CBS I have to go back out to the list of episodes and select the next one.  I also noticed (and maybe this is a factor of it being a competition show), that half the time, CBS' list of episodes has them in reverse order, so I see a still of the last episodes first and scroll past those to get down to the earlier episodes.  And because of this, I know who the last few houseguests are, without previously being spoiled about it.  Now spoilers don't bother me, but I can see where that could annoy other people. 


I will be interested to see how it all works out, but I have to say, seeing that Curtis and Josh are the last is a bit disappointing.  I mean, unless something interesting comes out over the season, I think both of those are the two blandest houseguests (which is probably why I mixed up Josh and Eddie).  Maybe that's why they last long/aren't nominated much by the HGs.

Edited by Hanahope

Still working my way through S1, up to Episode 42.  Sheesh there are a lot.  Couple comments. 


Have to laugh at all the hate-messages Brittany and George got over the hair coloring.  Maybe it would be the same 15 years later, I see a lot more people with different colored hair (and I even have a colored stripe myself)  And frankly, why not George, his hair is short, it will grow out to his original color in a couple months. 


I also thought the comments Cassandra made about being uncomfortable with the square dancing interesting because it wasn't her 'culture.'  I'm not sure its in the 'culture' of French or Italian or Irish either, just because more of them are white.  Its "American" culture, which I thought we all were (and I've seen a lot black people in square dance clubs - maybe it just depends on your region?).


Ok, I can't believe Jamie chose a 2 minute "interview" with a casting agent (that she was clearly unprepared for) over her mother.


Lol'd at Mega doing the 'blind' massage and Eddie griping about it the whole way through.

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So finally finished S1, boy 70 episodes take a while.  I'm so glad future seasons have half the number.  And agree that overall it was a bit of a yawn.


Just started S2 and they certainly did their best to get a more "exciting" cast this time, my gosh.  Talk about some obnoxious personalities, I think I hate half the cast already.  And a banishment already at Episode 4, it took Survivor quite a few seasons before they got someone that unhinged.


I guess they must have really prepared the new cast for all the changes, as they certainly seemed completely up to speed on voting each other out, and Mike Boogie sure got the nominate a pawn next to your target strategy down from the get go (though it blew up in his face, lol).  And amazing how Will is able to completely manipulate everyone so quickly.

Edited by Hanahope

I randomly started watching BB10 again, I haven't seen it since it aired. Man, that was a good season IMO. No big gimmicks, a wide variety of ages, people who voted how they wanted and not "with the house", actual gameplay, OTT fights, sincere DR sessions without cue cards. I miss that version of Big Brother.


Yeah over the summer I was watching a video that had all of the best Big Brother American fights and I found myself remembering how great that season was.  That has to be one of the best seasons of all-time.

I have a BIG request - I need, yes NEED, someone who happens to have a clip of Amy and Marcellas ripping on Chiara in Season 3 of Big Brother USA to upload the clip to YT. Which clip you ask? The "Chiara's a wh0re! 555-S L U T!" comments Amy made. They were  hilarious. I searched around but couldn't find a video anywhere online, to my amazement.


Does anyone have this? Please say yes. It was Amy's drunken delivery that made it so damn good...a classic TV moment, at least where I'm sitting.

I randomly started watching BB10 again, I haven't seen it since it aired. Man, that was a good season IMO. No big gimmicks, a wide variety of ages, people who voted how they wanted and not "with the house", actual gameplay, OTT fights, sincere DR sessions without cue cards. I miss that version of Big Brother.


My brother is a Big Brother fan, as well, but Season 9 was so bad (I think it was so bad that it doesn't even make it fair to compare it with other bad seasons, as it is not even close) that he skipped Season 10 and boy, did he miss out. I don't know if I think it is THE absolute best season, but it's definitely in the top two or three. Such an awesome season. And then they seemed to go out of their way to make every season since then as different from 10 as possible. Blech. Blech, I say!

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I finished S2 a bit ago and started S3.  I wasn't really happy with Will winning S2, I was kindof surprised that so many voted for him saying he played a better game.  Yeah, I guess if lying and betrayal is a "better game", that scrappy/fighting survival, then ok.  But I'm sure Will was "more fun" to hang around with than Nicole, so in that respect its similar to how the winner of Survivor gets picked - most/all things being equal, the winner is the person "liked" more/"disliked" less.

  • Love 1

I mentioned in the spoiler thread that I was rewatching BB15 while waiting for this season (and its feeds) to start. And I just got to the best part of it: Aaryn's eviction. That episode will probably go down as my absolutely favourite eviction and exit interview. It's just delicious from start to finish. When she first walks out and there's light cheering that gets drowned out by boos as she sits down. The confusion on her face when the audience starts laughing while she defends the racist and homophobic comments she made in the house. Her pretending that she didn't say that, well, she didn't mean to say that and if she did, she's sorry but she's from Texas, y'all and sometimes they say things that... And the icing on the cake is Elissa's goodbye message: "I have nothing to say to you. Have fun in the jury house. Or don't. *shrug*"

Just a brilliant, brilliant moment in that season. I should make it a point to rewatch that moment before the start of every season. I don't think I'll ever enjoy a live eviction episode as much as that one.

  • Love 6

While the hamsters sleep, I'm still working on catching up from prior seasons.  On S3 now, where the PoV is first introduced.  Its interesting that all play, the veto-er can be one of the people nominated after using the veto, a nominee cannot use the PoV on themselves, and that so many people don't want the PoV, compared to current seasons where people usually want it a lot.

They still have food competitions and PB&J is still the 'food punishment'.  Guess they must have screened for people who have peanut allergies.  

On 6/14/2016 at 0:58 AM, TimWil said:

I remember being really impressed with Will on the live feeds with Nicole acting like quite a bully, constantly threatening him. He handled her brand of aggression with grace and good humor.

Nicole was aggressive with Will because she wanted to fuck the ever-loving eyebrow-plucking shit out of him, and she felt guilty as she was married. I didn't pick up on that when the season originally aired as I was a naive 15-year old, but it's obvious on re-watch.

Season 15 is hard to watch, but GinaMarie going off on Amanda was hilarious.

I never thought anything was going to top the toxicity of the Friendship until we met Aaryn Gries and co.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 3

Finished S3.  It went faster than S2, which I think is because I liked the cast a lot better.  Certainly I liked the winner better. Admittedly, I was surprised that Lisa won.  I thought Danielle played the better game.  But I suppose it still goes to who people liked better, and they liked Lisa better.  I did tend to think that Lisa got there more by luck, than skill.  Maybe Danielle shouldn't have admitted how much she lied, but then, I suppose, they would have accused her of not 'owning' her game.  Still, a virtual blow out was very surprising.

I didn't think Danielle was shown to be that bad, but I guess editing helped a lot. I thought Danielle played a great game, made a key alliance that was kept hidden throughout the game, she allowed everyone else to do the dirty work, even Jason and masterly convinced others to vote out whom she wanted to go.  I did have to laugh when she took the $5,000 offer saying mother didn't raise no fool, but obviously 'fool enough' that she didn't realize that there'd be better offers (not that it ended up mattering).  Of course, the continued X down, Y to go was nice and prescient editing. She certainly appeared to be a nicer person and not a back-stabber or a significant liar like Will was, but I guess editing helped a lot since she herself thought she was a 1 for ethics.  I thought it amazing that she never got nominated for eviction once (and neither did Jason) until there was no choice.


I wanted to comment on that one food challenge, where there was just the five left and the two teams had to eat a huge amount of culturely different food in a very short amount of time.  I assume the producers intended for them to not win any of those challenges.  I mean even someone who liked escargot, Marcellas, had an extremely difficult time trying to eat that much in one minute.  I thought the whole thing was rigged.

Edited by Hanahope
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On 6/27/2016 at 10:37 AM, Hanahope said:

While the hamsters sleep, I'm still working on catching up from prior seasons.  On S3 now, where the PoV is first introduced.  Its interesting that all play, the veto-er can be one of the people nominated after using the veto, a nominee cannot use the PoV on themselves, and that so many people don't want the PoV, compared to current seasons where people usually want it a lot.

They still have food competitions and PB&J is still the 'food punishment'.  Guess they must have screened for people who have peanut allergies.  


On 6/27/2016 at 10:40 PM, SnideAsides said:

They didn't get rid of PB&J until All-Stars.

I didn't start watching until S8 and didn't realize this; the punishment food was PB&J before it was slop???

Re: the PoV, from what I've heard the version we have now (veto can be used on yourself, maybe even also the immunity from nomination) was brought in as a special "upgrade" version, which is why when I started watching it was still specifically "the Golden Power of Veto" even though the older version was no longer in use.

Things we don't see anymore that I miss: the original nomination key carousel (why is it still gone when there's no BoB?), food reward/punishment comps (we rarely hear who the Have Nots are), and Pandora's Box (I still laugh thinking about Britney (I think) taking "an hour's worth of advice from a former houseguest" only to be trapped with Jessie Godderz talking about bodybuilding while the rest of the house got a treat).

  • Love 1

Yeah, I've started on S4, where its the veto power we know today, but still referred to as Golden.  Actually, I'm not 100% sure if it makes the veto user safe as well.  I'll have to see if that ever comes up.  The exes theme is kindof cool.  And the first producer boot with Scott.

I did hear one of the HGs in S3 use the phrase "have not" during one of the food challenges about those that got the PB&J and wondered if that's where TPTB got the idea.  And the HoH room is so small compared to it now.

I do like that we get to see the eviction votes live these days, where that wasn't the case early on.

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So read an article where it said that in S3, the booted HB got to watch the entire episodes, including all the diary room statements of the final 2 and that played a big part in why they chose Lisa over Danielle.  But beginning in S4, the jurors would be sequestered and I presume only shown edited tapes.  So I like that because the diary room is supposed to be essentially the only place an HG can be completely honest.  Like the Survivor players only get to see tribal counsel and get info from other contestants, but never see the 'talking head' interviews.  I think Danielle might have won in that case (or at least made it closer).

Almost half-way through S4 and wow night and day.  These HGs are all awful (course the theme guaranteed big conflict).

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Hanahope said:

 So I like that because the diary room is supposed to be essentially the only place an HG can be completely honest.

That is kinda debatable, because the HGs aren't actually alone in the DR; Production is in there as well, and more than once it has been conjectured Production has used DR-gleaned information on HGs' strategies to tweak the game to mess with said HG's game, or to benefit Production favorites.  Although it was aggravating as hell at the time, many viewers - myself included - think a large part of Derrick's success in BB16 was due to his close-mouthedness about his strategies in the DR.  TPTB can't quash what they don't know.

  • Love 3

Ah good point.  I hadn't thought about that.  I'll have to watch out a bit for that as I continue my viewing of the early seasons I missed, and when I get up to S16 (where I came in about half-way through the season).  Still, I suppose its one thing for the TPTB to tweak the game to try and keep and/or get rid of certain players.  Its still different from having the jurors actually seeing the person talk about it.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Ah good point.  I hadn't thought about that.  I'll have to watch out a bit for that as I continue my viewing of the early seasons I missed, and when I get up to S16 (where I came in about half-way through the season).  Still, I suppose its one thing for the TPTB to tweak the game to try and keep and/or get rid of certain players.  Its still different from having the jurors actually seeing the person talk about it.

Absolutely, and it's a valid point - as I'm certain Danielle Reyes would attest.  :)  I was simply positing that individual HGs may have their own reasons not to speak honestly in the DR, because there may be more than one way DR-encouraged freedom of speech could come back to bite them in the ass.

Finished Season 4.  Agreed that neither finalist were "nice", but I agree that Jun deserved it best, she played the best without having to be a huge flirt.  Allison did make the right choice in booting Robert, I think he would have won otherwise.  I had to laugh at the jury getting locked in with the entire season to watch after voting.  I guess that took a couple days or so.

At least the "weird food" challenge really wasn't all that weird.  Most of the fish was pretty common.

Another contestant booted by production.  Guess the confinement really gets to some people.

I thought the Exes theme pretty decent to bring the drama.  I guess they tried to find all of the original 8s exes to see which would be interested in appearing on the show, and thus the 4 who ultimately appeared were the ones who were interested and able to appear.

It seemed that there was less alcohol, or at least it wasn't shown quite as much.

On to season 5

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I decided to randomly watch Season 6 today because it was the first season I was really sucked into and I remember it being highly interesting to watch (albeit also frustrating). I didn't really know about the live feeds back then, so I'm hoping some of you with awesome memories might be able to answer some things for me.

How soon did they start realizing everyone was paired up? For some reason, I was remembering that Kaysar was the one who blew that secret up, but in episode 2 or 3, it seemed like a lot of them suspected it and also were guessing some of the pairs correctly (Ivette and Beau apparently sucked at hiding that they knew each other). 

Also, what made them start suspecting this? That's not addressed in the episodes- like there's no conversation about how they heard Ivette say X to Beau and that's why they knew they had a previous relationship. 

Was Michael really sexually harassing the women? I remember him being into Janelle, but they're showing conversations about the girls feeling uncomfortable with him, claiming he's trying to kiss them (even married April), to the point where even the loathsome Cappy/Eric tells him to knock it off and tells him its not ok. I guess I'm wondering how bad it was since it made the show. 

I don't understand the split between Cappy and Kaysar. Early on they form an alliance and then Kaysar warns Michael to not seem so close with Jennifer, and suddenly Cappy hates Kaysar, can't trust him, and wants him gone? I feel like there's some info missing from the broadcast about that rift.

I hate Cappy and his sanctimonious machismo. Ivette likewise irked me from the moment she appeared on screen. Maggie and April seem a lot more likeable to me (though I know eventually the nastiness will bleed into the show). I love Sarah. She was apparently a last minute replacement to be James' partner and she just seemed to roll with whatever has been thrown at her so far. She was way too good for James. Speaking of James, I loved him when I watched this back when it was airing...I cannot for the life of me fathom why. He was probably my type at the time- kind of nerdy cute with a large side of asshole? I really don't know what I saw in him then. 

I loved the secret room Rachel found and also loved the food comps. I wish BB would do a throwback season and bring some of those things back. 

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Maggie's relationship with Cappy is weird to me. She seems a lot more into him than as a friend. I don't see it from him, but she's always like "we love each other. I don't want to be here without him" and then all the tears when he leaves and doesn't get voted back in, despite her being in the power alliance. It's just odd.

Do they still throw birthday parties for houseguests? So far April, Maggie, and Kaysar have all gotten birthday cakes and presents which I thought was really nice. 

Pressure cooker!!! Oh my gosh, I love this challenge. I think they should do this every year and let us watch on the live feeds. Of course in this most recent season, everyone would have taken their hands off the button immediately for Paul.

@Hanahope, did you ever get to season 6 in your watching?

Edited by Jenniferbug
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Well, took a little longer to finish S5 as I got to the end, as it became a bit predictable and I wasn't really happy with the ending.  I didn't care for Drew, I thought he was very bland and manipulative, and annoyed with Diane who allowed herself to be manipulated.  Michael was a 'cowboy', but I thought he was a lot more genuine than Drew.  

Overall, I was a bit surprised at how long Michael and Nakimos lasted, I had originally pegged them as early boots because they were a bit 'different' from the typical pretty girl/boy cast member, and with their new connection, I thought people would think they'd team up too much.  Michael lasted mostly, imo, because the "four horsemen" needed a fourth, and neither of the other men fit their mold.  just smh that Jace and Scott fought over Holly of all people.  I loved it when all 3 of those got the boot.

I give props to Marvin for taking on Adria when she was booted and made a stink.  Adria/Natalie certainly went on a power trip that blew up their game.  I didn't get Marvin's accusation of racism to Michael, either I missed something on what was shown, or it was solely a feeds thing.

I love that it was Nakomis who came up with the backdoor strategy.  She was very smart - good player.  Course, that backdoor strategy depended on no one picking Jace for the veto, as the guests could do that back then.  I can see why they changed it to be more random.

Probably won't get to S6 for a bit, need to get read/listen up on the new season's HGs, and I have HBO for free for a month, so I want to catch up on Bill Maher, John Oliver and Westworld before I would have to pay.

17 hours ago, threebluestars said:

Season 5 was one of my favourites. I thought the twin twist was so good that time (fell flat the second time ... they should've had identical triplets. Put twins in the house and have the third switch in and out lol). I thought the casting was really good because there was a decent mix of people.

I liked that no one had any idea of such a thing in S5, but they were ready for it the second time.  Triplets would have been a hoot, but it might be hard to find 3 at an older age that keep their hair and such exactly the same.  I agree that S5 had a decent mix of people in general, but really Jace, Scott, Drew, very interchangeable, imo.  I couldn't even tell the difference between Scott and Drew for many episodes.

I only started BB with BB16 so every now and then Ill go back and watch previous seasons. Tried to watch S1 but it was just to painful, skipped to S10 and it was GREAT. Decided to watch BB12 tonight and really enjoying the housemates. I know very little about the main storylines, just who ends up winning in the end so everythign is still very exciting to watch. I liked the infiltrator guest and wouldnt be opposed to them doing that again, especially if they last longer then the first eviction.

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