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That 70s Show - General Discussion

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I love That 70's Show!  So glad to see it on Nickelodeon, although it makes me feel old. lol

MrsEVH, I'm not sure if KISS was actually on the show, but it was a Gene Simmons look-alike in that episode where Red was being really tough on the kids when he found out Eric and Hyde were smoking pot.  When Kitty protested his going overboard with the booby trapping of the house (with her Christmas bells, no less), Red tried to justify it as good parenting, and if not- *scene of future Eric as KISS*.  I'm terrible with episode names, but that's the only one I can remember.      

Excited to see this thread, and some names I remember from TWoP. I still love this show, even though I am a little bitter that Hyde and Jackie didn't end up together. I loved them. And now in real life, Jackie is pregnant with Kelso's baby. What?

More or less my thoughts. It's surreal to think Jackie and Kelson would be together. They were not a good couple, and yes, to this day, I still ship Jackie/Hyde and refuse to watch the final season.

I've tracked Mila Kunis's career for awhile so I'm happy that she is at least.

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I love That 70's Show!  So glad to see it on Nickelodeon, although it makes me feel old. lol

MrsEVH, I'm not sure if KISS was actually on the show, but it was a Gene Simmons look-alike in that episode where Red was being really tough on the kids when he found out Eric and Hyde were smoking pot.  When Kitty protested his going overboard with the booby trapping of the house (with her Christmas bells, no less), Red tried to justify it as good parenting, and if not- *scene of future Eric as KISS*.  I'm terrible with episode names, but that's the only one I can remember.      

Thanks. I found it (segment, not entire show) on youtube. 

More or less my thoughts. It's surreal to think Jackie and Kelson would be together. They were not a good couple, and yes, to this day, I still ship Jackie/Hyde and refuse to watch the final season.

I've tracked Mila Kunis's career for awhile so I'm happy that she is at least.

YES! Me, too. The last season doesn't exist in my world.

I love Mila Kunis, and I have to say I would probably pick Ashton Kutcher over Macaulay Culkin (her previous boyfriend). I loved her in Friends With Benefits, and totally thought she should date Justin Timberlake for real. I obviously put way too much thought into both real and fictional celebrity relationships.

I notice that in some episodes the audience is not as boisterous as they are in others, even though some of the jokes are funny. Is the phenomenon similar to that of talk shows, where some audiences are more quiet than others?


Makes sense. I actually like the 70s Show audience was less obtrusive. Live audience shows have an audience person that gets the audience hyped up so it may depend on them as well.


Since there was probably a few takes of certain scenes, the audience may have found them less funny as they watched it subsequently.

I usually stop watching with Season 6. Basically, if I see a blonde Donna, I know the episode is going to be crap so I switch the channel. And this way Jackie ends up with Hyde, as it should have been. To this day I do not understand how they thought to have Jackie and Fez date would be a great idea, especially since it was likely going to be the last season. And Danny Masterson was still on the show. It seemed like a big FU from the writers, to which I said FU right back, I ain't watching that shit. Nor am I buying the DVDs. It's such a shame too, because that last season kind of retroactively diminishes the show overall, when it was really good up to season seven. I do wonder, did any of the writers or producers or whatever ever speak up afterwards and acknowledge that it might have been a bad idea to put Jackie with Fez? Or are they pretending that this was an awesome ending for Jackie? Cause, seriously, no.

Edited by Athena
See below.
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Lol, I thought I'd clicked on the Gravity Falls thread and read "I hate it when they have a female character sleep with all the guys in a group" and thought "woaah, when did Mabel do that?" lol took me a while to process that you were talking about Jackie :D


It kind of makes me think of big bang theory and how all the guys want to get with Penny..


Anyway yes, it would have been better if Jackie and Hyde stayed together.

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Obviously I meant Fez, but for some reason I can't edit that post.


Posters can only edit seven days after they make the post. If it really bothers you, I can make the edit for you because I hated the Fez/Jackie ship. I saw the finale and it was disgusting particularly Hyde's line about Jackie dating Kelso, him, and Fez basically implying she had downgraded. 


If it really bothers you, I can make the edit for you because I hated the Fez/Jackie ship.

Well, if you're offering that would be nice. I don't want to be on record dissing the Jackie/Hyde pairing which I loved! Conversely, words cannot express how much I hated the Fez/Jackie travesty of Season 8. I know the pairing had some fans (not me though) in early seasons when it seemed like Fez was the one who really got Jackie and worshipped her, but then she sparked so great with Hyde and they had such an interesting dynamic. I seriously cannot think of any positive response to the pairing when they suddenly went there in Season 8. What were the writers thinking? Why couldn't they just introduce a new love interest for Fez instead of stripper!wife for Hyde? Ugh.

Edited by KatWay
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I just starting rewatching the show and I kind of forgot how good the early seasons were.  I picked up the DVD's through season 3 because I felt that the show started to go down hill once Donna and Eric broke up.  Also I agree that on TV Blonde Donna was an automatic channel change.


That said, I was a fan of Jackie Hyde.  That was a relationship that really worked well. 

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Also to add, according to my DVD sets the last full season I watched was Season 2 after which I went to collage so the subsequent seasons I was as reruns during breaks or the summer (no TV reception in the doors at the time). 


That said, from what I saw I didn't much like the Eric/Donna relationship after they broke up.  Also never cared for her dating Kelso, even though I do like Luke Wilson as an actor I didn't care for the story line.  Also another pet peeve was what they did to Eric.  I'm not sure how to describe it but I guess I'd call it wussification.  While Eric had his moments early on, he became so much of a caricature as the series went all (although that does generally happen for most series). 


Rewatching season 1, one of the things I really enjoyed which didn't seem to even really happen again was the Jackie/Red dynamic from the "Take your Kid to Work" episode. 


As fro favorite moments so far, the President Ford episode was a classic, loved the light bulbs appearing over everyone's heads plus Red giving Eric some credit.  Kelso trying to figure out what his dad did in the "Take Your Kid to Work" was still funny. Actually the whole episode was great, Eric at the Hospital was nice moment, especially seeing Kitty outside the home.

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Also to add, according to my DVD sets the last full season I watched was Season 2 after which I went to collage so the subsequent seasons I was as reruns during breaks or the summer (no TV reception in the doors at the time). 


That said, from what I saw I didn't much like the Eric/Donna relationship after they broke up.  Also never cared for her dating Kelso, even though I do like Luke Wilson as an actor I didn't care for the story line.  Also another pet peeve was what they did to Eric.  I'm not sure how to describe it but I guess I'd call it wussification.  While Eric had his moments early on, he became so much of a caricature as the series went all (although that does generally happen for most series). 


Rewatching season 1, one of the things I really enjoyed which didn't seem to even really happen again was the Jackie/Red dynamic from the "Take your Kid to Work" episode. 


As fro favorite moments so far, the President Ford episode was a classic, loved the light bulbs appearing over everyone's heads plus Red giving Eric some credit.  Kelso trying to figure out what his dad did in the "Take Your Kid to Work" was still funny. Actually the whole episode was great, Eric at the Hospital was nice moment, especially seeing Kitty outside the home.

As the series went on, I continually wondered if Topher Grace had pissed someone off, because the writing for his character went to shit.  No wonder he wanted off the show.


I remember reading once that what the producers originally wanted to do after he left was make Josh Meyers' Eric, and just say that he "changed a lot when he was in Africa", but decided not to when someone pointed out it might make fans mad.  Why in the hell would they think that would be a good idea in the first place?

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"Dine and Dash" is still my all-time favorite episode. It's a plot you don't see at all on other shows. It made me really want to try it with my friends but I was too chicken. So many great moments. The part where Fez whispers in Donna's ear, then she whispers in Eric's ear, who gives Kelso a 'wet Willie' and Fez "That was from me, you sonofabeetch!"  Hyde completely failing at his first try and trying to get out. The 'Butch and Sundance' ending.  

Edited by VCRTracking

"Dine and Dash" is still my all-time favorite episode. It's a plot you don't see at all on other shows. It made me really want to try it with my friends but I was too chicken. So many great moments. The part where Fez whispers in Donna's ear, then she whispers in Eric's ear, who gives Kelso a 'wet Willie' and Fez "That was from me, you sonofabeetch!" Hyde completely failing at his first try and trying to get out. The 'Butch and Sundance' ending.

Such a great episode...I crack up every time Eric says to Donna "Why don't you sit your lying ass down?" when she pretends like she's just going to the bathroom

Edited by spaceytraci1208
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I went through some Netflix binge-watching yesterday when I was house-bound due to snow, ended up watching some episodes of the show, and remembered how funny this show is when it was at it's peak.  I watched most of season 2, and in the garage-sale episode, I think I rewound Eric saying "What a bitch....a rooney dooney" at least 5 times.  The show really did lose something when Topher Grace left; there was something he brought to Eric that really couldn't be replaced by Josh Meyers.

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I knew these people (well, my school's version of these people), so I loved this show. All but Jackie would have been a class behind me in real time, so *everything* on the show brought back memories.

Topher leaving was one challenge, to be sure. The other one for me was the fact that very little changed after they graduated. Hanging around Eric Foreman's basement as a bunch of high school kids made sense and was funny. Hanging around Foreman's basement (more or less - not a lot going on for any of them), especially after he left, just felt sad and dopey.

I don't know what a logical, funny next step would have been; but it wasn't what we got, at least for me. Perhaps this one was better off ending at graduation?

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I'm watching the "Vanstock" episode now, and realizing that Red and Kitty's subplot of Red's being unemployed and caught up in a soap opera is the best part. I love that the adults got almost as much screen time as the kids. Oftentimes, they were funnier anyway.

Edited by spaceytraci1208
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I thought Mila Kunis wasn't great at a straight face too although sometimes it added to the realness of the show because they were kids hanging around laughing at each other.


I also think Mila is the one that improved the most throughout the seasons. I currently just finished season 5 in my rewatch and I tend to like her more and more with each rewatch when originally I just couldn't stand her and was more of a Donna fan.


I think I also liked Fez more in previous watches, I'm not sure what it is about this time around that makes me like him less. I think I'm noticing the creep factor a lot more of the guys this time around. Their obsession with catching the girls topless or sniffing/seeing/stealing their underwear etc. I don't recall, at that age, guys I hung out with having the same mindset. Sure, they were pervy but not to the point of trying to take photos of us in the shower.

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Nearly finished my re-watch and Season 7 Fez was made into this massive perv loser. I don't remember that happening, maybe I just rarely ever make it that far through a rewatch because it goes downhill after Donna dyes her hair.


He seems to only be redeemed once Jackie starts to like him, suddenly he's this charming sweet guy again and not the guy that hides out in Donna's closet. I still think Jackie and Hyde were the best couple on the show. He made her less conceited (slightly) and she made him less paranoid about everything and more happy about life in general.


I think there is also a lot of Randy hate but I actually don't mind him this time around. Dare I say I like him better than Eric and feel like he's a better match for Donna, mostly because he doesn't feel like he's second best to her and they come across more as equals than Donna and Eric ever did.

Looks like no one has talked on here in a few years. I guess I'll start it back up by agreeing with Kalliste's last point on randy. I don't understand the hate for Randy. Like, Eric left for Africa [to film a movie in real life] so someone had to fill the gap in the group, but not exactly taking Eric's spot. I also think he's a better match for Donna than Eric. Eric is too close-minded for Donna. That's just how I feel. 

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I wouldn't say I hated Randy, he just seemed so useless and brought nothing. It was almost like they took bits and pieces of all the characters to form hom so he had no identity of his own. He was just pointless. But quite frankly Randy was the least horrible thing that season. The writers fucked that season so mych that Randy;s not even on the radar. 

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I think the reason I hated the final season was because I always thought of Eric as the main character, and the show going on without him was bizarre. Add in that everyone just seemed so old and played-out at the end (particularly Hyde and Fez). Randy was actually the least of the last season's problems, imo. Kitty becoming a never-ending menopause joke was unfortunate considering she was my favorite character. 

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I have never felt so old as I have seeing that "fun fact" go around that if That 70s Show was made today, it would be called "That 90s Show" and it would start in 1999 -  a year after the show actually debuted. 

I will say, I think this show does hold up really well on rewatch, and I'm continually disappointed that Topher Grace wasn't able to find more success after the show ended. He's quite funny (he's my favorite part of Oceans 12), and he could excel in the right role - if you had told me back then that the actor from the show that works the least is Topher Grace, I wouldn't have believed it.

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One of my favorite lines, and I use it with my friends anytime we see a group of teenagers at a gas station, fast food place, or wherever, comes from this scene:

The kids are having a party where a house is empty and up for sale.  The real estate agent shows up unexpectedly to show the house and the kids race to the empty pool to hide.  The real estate agent and customer stumble on to the pool full of hiding teenagers.  Without missing a beat, the real estate agent says,

"And here are the neighborhood children.  You'll notice, most of them are caucasian."


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I used to watch reruns of the show on tv when i was a preteen and I'm rewatching it on Netflix and wow, I did not notice how wooden Laura Prepon was at the time. Out of the kids I'd say Topher Grace was the most natural actor, which makes it more obvious how bad LP is. Loved Jackie and Hyde then, still love them now.

Edited by JustaPerson
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It's weird to think that I'm pretty sure I discovered That 70s Show by watching reruns of season 8 episodes on FX. I didn't catch all of them, and when it eventually cycled back to the earlier seasons (season 5 I think?) I was like, "Donna's a redhead!" and "Is that Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace?" I was confused as to why Randy was gone, but I can't say I missed him much. And then, since I ended up seeing a lot more of the pre-blonde-Donna era I kinda forgot about season 8 until coming to this board (although I remembered that Jackie ended up with Fez, ugh). Either way, I watched a lot of it out of order and in bits and pieces and now I get to see it with more clarity than before. 

I have to Ashton Kutcher some credit -- Kelso could have been A LOT more annoying as a character, especially after multiple seasons. And the show was still able to be fairly funny even in season 7, although it still wasn't as good as earlier seasons. Consistency wise, the sitcom I've found to actually be hilarious in its entirety was Malcolm in the Middle. Rewatching is reigniting the slight crush I had on Topher Grace as a preteen. I like a snarky guy. Ashton Kutcher is still pretty, but Kelso is too dumb. 

Also a bit irrelevant, but I just found out that Danny Masterson was in that old TBS show Men at Work, which I remember watching occasionally. And I recalled all of the other main characters (when I looked up images on google lol) except for him. Big hole in my memory where his character is. 

Forever bitter about Jackie and Hyde (even more now that I just rewatched their whole relationship, even season 7). And I see that I'm not alone!

Edited by JustaPerson
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I just binged the whole series. I have to agree with everyone here about the Jackie and Fez situation in season 8. I too liked Jackie better with Hyde. 

I absolutely loved Red and Kitty. 

Wow at Kelso being a father! I was sure he would bolt.

Eric and Donna' s relationship got me hooked.

I may be in the minority, but I liked Donna (Laura Prepon). She is my favorite between the girls. 

Danny Masterson was an absolute cutie!

I was also really into Jackie/Hyde. The actors had great chemistry. By the time they were together, Mila Kunis had grown into a decent actress.

Danny Masterson gave a lot more depth to Hyde and he was one of the reasons it worked. I am sad to hear about the rape allegations. He had some of the best arcs on this show; after Eric, they wrote the most for Hyde. If the allegations prove true (they honestly have a ring of truth), it will impact how I rewatch the show. In fact, I don't know if I could separate it when watching this show.

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On 8/19/2017 at 7:55 PM, spaceytraci1208 said:

I love Red Foreman. However, as I rewatch this show, I find myself taken aback and disappointed at the racist comments he would throw out at Fez. I know he's a "product of his time," but it still makes me cringe.

You are exactly right about this, but if you want a way to forgive him then watch the episode where Greg and Peter Brady guest star as a gay couple.  Everyone was afraid Red would not want them around, but he even invited them in to watch football.  Why?

"Because, you are a couple of decent guys."

Of course, there were the usual jokes before Red found out, and Kurtwood Smith did a great job with the delivery:

"You guys don't need wives.  You bicker like a married couple."

And after Kitty insists on dragging Red to the kitchen:

"I wish there was a bar with just guys, and women weren't allowed."

Greg Brady:  "I know a few"


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On 6/20/2017 at 1:45 PM, Athena said:

I was also really into Jackie/Hyde. The actors had great chemistry. By the time they were together, Mila Kunis had grown into a decent actress.

Danny Masterson gave a lot more depth to Hyde and he was one of the reasons it worked. I am sad to hear about the rape allegations. He had some of the best arcs on this show; after Eric, they wrote the most for Hyde. If the allegations prove true (they honestly have a ring of truth), it will impact how I rewatch the show. In fact, I don't know if I could separate it when watching this show.

They were proven to be false.

On 11/14/2017 at 0:52 PM, thebigboot said:

They were proven to be false.

The allegations have not been proven to be false. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/11/danny-masterson-rape-allegations  No decision has been made yet.  Instead, the case appears to have been stalled even though there is allegedly "overwhelming evidence." 

Edited by SourWolf
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5 hours ago, SourWolf said:

The allegations have not been proven to be false. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/11/danny-masterson-rape-allegations  No decision has been made yet.  Instead, the case appears to have been stalled even though there is allegedly "overwhelming evidence." 

My bad! Last article I read said it was unsubstantiated, thanks for the new link on it! 

To change the subject to a much lighter tone:

I'm a fan of aging naturally, and am proud of my hard-earned wrinkles and graying hair.  But if you watch the flashback episode where they show how Eric and Donna met, they have Kurtwood Smith wearing a toupee to make him look younger.

He needs to buy that toupee and wear it all the time.  He looks very handsome with hair!  Who would have thought?

Edited by TheLastKidPicked
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On 11/28/2017 at 9:13 AM, TheLastKidPicked said:

To change the subject to a much lighter tone:

I'm a fan of aging naturally, and am proud of my hard-earned wrinkles and graying hair.  But if you watch the flashback episode where they show how Eric and Donna met, they have Kurtwood Smith wearing a toupee to make him look younger.

He needs to buy that toupee and wear it all the time.  He looks very handsome with hair!  Who would have thought?

Yet in the episode with the flashback to when Kitty found out she was pregnant with Laurie, Red is shown to be as bald as he was 20 years later.

Personally, I hated Donna. I know Eric wasn't the best boyfriend and the implication was that Donna could do better (Red even told Eric that a few times, though he did also admit that Kitty was too good for him), but even though Eric basically worshiped the ground she walked on, she often treated him like shit for the most part. Hyde even said it in Vanstock, telling Donna that Eric worshiped her and she wasn't even sleeping with him (at the time). And really that didn't change even after they had sex at her parent's wedding.

Whenever Eric did lie to her over something (e.g. Mr Bonkers), he did so because he cared for her and wanted to spare her feelings. Yet in the episode when they broke up, although she was nothing more than a Girl Friday at the radio station, she acted like Eric was a jerk when he didn't like that she ditched him to hang out with Ted Nugent because to her, hanging out with Nugent would further her career (though TBH her best shot at a radio career was as Hyde told Eric....banging rock stars on a tour bus). She couldn't see that she had done anything wrong. No, nothing at all wrong with ditching your long term boyfriend at a concert to hang out with a rock star who probably wouldn't even remember her name the next morning anyway. If it had been the other way around and Eric had ditched her to hang out with someone like say.....Deborah Harry (Blondie), he would have been the biggest a-hole alive for ditching her. She's lucky Eric didn't dump her sorry ass, though it did cause her to break up with him. And then how she acted afterward, basically getting everyone to hang out at her house instead of the basement because she had cable simply to get one over him was nothing more than petty when she had caused the break up in the first place.

And don't get me started on blonde Donna.......

Edited by Holden308
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It took a while, but I just finished binging the whole series. The arc of season 8 wasn't great, but I think it did have a few good episodes. 

I felt like the actor actor playing Randy knew he was just a filler and he came across that way on TV. 

Fez was just ick. I can't believe Jackie went for it. He had a different girl over every night. Just gross. 

I liked Jackie and Hyde. I didn't get the point of the stripper. It was bad from the get-go with an unlikable character. She wasn't involved with the gang at all. Whenever they all went somewhere together, the stripper wasn't included. It seemed like their scenes were mostly about marital disputes. 

I did enjoy the MTM episode with Captain Stubing. They did a very nice throwback to both of their shows.

I also liked the Brady kids showing up as a gay couple.  

I found the last episode to be very unsatisfying. Like I needed more closure. 

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