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My point is if they're willing to tolerate murder why are they all of a sudden such hard asses about domestic violence? I'm not saying players should get away with abusing women, just that the whole thing seems so arbitrary.


As Dave Zirin said, the NFL has about as much of a commitment to do something about violence against women as BP has to cleaning up the environment. 


The article from which I stole that quote is a good analysis of the new DV policy.

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Dallas is signing Michael Sam to their practice squad.   This makes so much sense.   Dallas needs defensive players and they are used to handling circuses.

I think Jerry Jones loves a circus and will pimp this out for all the PR he can. Personally I think Sam should have waited until after he was drafted and signed to a team before he came out. Being gay is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, but I do think it cost him a lot of money by revealing it too soon.

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I think Jerry Jones loves a circus and will pimp this out for all the PR he can. Personally I think Sam should have waited until after he was drafted and signed to a team before he came out. Being gay is certainly nothing to be ashamed of, but I do think it cost him a lot of money by revealing it too soon.


He revealed it to his teammates a year ago. It was bound to come out, or become a rumor that dogged him.


If he waited until he was signed to a team, then the team would be pissed off by this surprise, creating an uncomfortable situation.


It's better to put this out on the table so a team would know what they're getting into.

It would be cool if this would work out, though. Imagine Jerry Jones being a gay rights hero. In Texas of all places.

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If he waited until he was signed to a team, then the team would be pissed off by this surprise, creating an uncomfortable situation.




If they were pissed and made an issue, they'd be in violation of about a hundred EEOC laws. If the owners and players were uncomfortable it would have been their problem, not his. Sam would have had his contract and gotten his money. 


My point is that his sexuality shouldn't have had any bearing on him getting signed, but it has. I don't think it's necessarily due to homophobia as much as it is coaches and owners not wanting the distraction and endless questions about it during press conferences. 

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While I do feel that the Michael Sam story is culturally important to show troglodytes that yes, he is a real human being, it is so overblown at this point that the media is doing more harm than good.

Players aren't going to resent him outwardly because he's gay, they're going to resent him because he's a 7th round pick who got cut and then picked up by a practice squad and no one is reporting on any other 7th round picks who were cut.

Now, he was the defensive POY in his league last year, so that could actually be a relatively big story. But that is most assuredly not how it's getting reported.

And anything that puts Jerry Jones back in the media is never a good thing.

On another note, I'm starting to feel a little ambivalent about the season. Maybe once I see a meaningful game I'll change my mind again, but with the abundance of injuries and the horrible way the game is getting called on the field it's starting to feel anti-climactic.

Merrill Hoge went off on Johnny Manziel's relative non-worth as a first rounder. It was awesome.

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My point is that his sexuality shouldn't have had any bearing on him getting signed, but it has. I don't think it's necessarily due to homophobia as much as it is coaches and owners not wanting the distraction and endless questions about it during press conferences.

Which is exaclty what Tony Dungy said a month and a half ago and the press killed him for it for a week


 It must be nice to be seriously rich. If I get pulled over for a DWI while having a bag of cash and a bag of prescription pills, I am almost certainly going to jail.


  It depends on why you have that cash and that "bag of prescription pills". 


The fact he is a multimillionaire explains the bag of cash.  Thats not illegal to carry around large sums of cash and its much less suspicous for Jim Irsay to have that much money than someone who isn't super rich.  Its stupid, but no illegal to have a lot of cash in the car


As for as the "bag of prescription pills", depends on how many there were, what kind, if he had prescriptions for them or was suspected of buying them off the street or from a dealer and other factors


I don't think its true that necessarily having cash in the car and prescription meds means anyone is going to jail.  Plus he took a plea deal, has no prior offenses.  I don't think we can say for sure he received any preferential treatment


You also would not be fined $500,000 for such an infraction either

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TONIGHT's the NIGHT.    NFL Kickoff is finally here.   We can talk about the games instead of who got arrested, anyone's sexual orientation, etc.  (yeah right).   I am so excited I am not sure how I will make it through the day.   


My big prediction:   Teams better figure out how to stop Russell Wilson or it is going to be a loooong season for the other 15 teams in the NFC.

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Jim Irsay was originally facing felony charges for possession of the pills. And while it's not illegal to carry around bags of cash, it sure does prejudice how prosecutors and judges look at a person. For most people, I think those circumstances eliminate the kind of prosecutorial discretion Irsay got.



You also would not be fined $500,000 for such an infraction either


Nope, I'd be fired.  And probably have a felony record that would make it more difficult to find another job for the rest of my life.

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Irsay was originally charged with 4 class D felonies based on scheduled IV prescription meds in his car.  Scheduled IV meds are things like xanax, soma. they are not narcotics like hydrocodone, oxycodone, those are schedule II/III meds.  ANd he was charged with a felony because he did not have prescription bottles for these things.  Its very possible he had prescriptions for these and they were not in bottles, thats why the felonies were dropped.  Either way, for a first time offender, I doubt seriously anyone would face jail time for possession of scheduled IV meds without a prescription.  May get probation, but actual jail time I would be shocked if anyone would get for a first offense.  Repeated offenders would be a different story, but a first time offfender is likely getting probation and told to go to rehab, which he did.


Lose your job, sure, that would likely happen.  Anyone that owns their own company though, not just a football team, would still be in operation.  Might lose some business over it, but the business is not collapsing over such a charge.  I just don't think its a stretch to think someone else with no criminal history and even a decent lawyer could have achieved a similar deal to what Irsay was given


I personally don't care how long he is away from the team even as a fan of the Colts.  He is a distraction many times, I think it would be best if he did take about a year off and leave his family in charge

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Pam Oliver discusses demotion and Erin Andrews

I would take Pam Oliver over Erin Andrews any day and twice on Sunday. I know I'm not really in the demo FOX cares about, but do guys even get gaga over Erin any more? I mean, her interviews are terrible. Poor Pam. At least the execs gave her the news in person, but it sounds like they were reticent about even adding her to the B team.

Good god. It just occurred to me that means the A team is Joe, Troy and Erin. And if the Giants are good, that's the team that will be doing their games. I like Kenny, Moose and Goose but I think they were demoted from the B team to either C or D.

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They demoted Pam Oliver in favor of that bimbo Erin Andrews? Wow, that is awful. She must be sleeping with one of the network execs or something.


Erin can't interview to save her life and it's obvious the players don't take her seriously. I guess being skinny and blonde won out over being classy and professional. Poor Pam.

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I have a friend who knows nothing about football.   But being around me, she is learning.   So today she asked me who was playing tonight.   I told her.   She asked me how they choose who plays opening game.   I told her the Super Bowl winner always opens.   She then asked how it is decided who they play.   I started explaining the scheduling rules to her.   Her eyes glazed over.   I shortened it to "Based on who the Super Bowl team plays that year, they pick the team which will give the best game.   This year it is Seattle-Green Bay because of the fail mary."   Yeah her next question was "Fail Mary?"    I decided not to try to explain simultaneous possession to her and just went with "Replacement refs blew a call that decided the game."   At least she knew what a Hail Mary was so she got how "Fail Mary" came about.  


I have very understanding frieds.

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Pam Oliver is 53 years old?!? Damn she's got it going on! [/shallow end]

In the interview, she that she noticed that all of the new hires are young, hot and blond.


I am okay with older people getting annoyed that younger people are taking their jobs, and I appreciate that competent older female reporters have a legitimate beef with being replaced by younger, attractive, but less competent reporters. (I suppose it happens once in a while to male reporters, but this is really a female reporter issue.)


But it would do Pam Oliver some good to remember that when she was hired 20 years ago when she was 33, her good looks played a factor. I am pretty confident that there was a 53 year old guy who could have interviewed the hell out of coaches coming out of the tunnel back then, but didn't get the job because he wasn't an attractive young woman.


Here is the quote:

While Oliver said she did not think her demotion was race-based, she did tell Essence and SI.com that age might have been a factor. She turned 53 last March. "The business is very demographic-oriented," Oliver wrote. "As one executive said to me, Fox Sports will look radically different in the coming years. I assume that means they want to look younger. It’s not difficult to notice that the new on-air people there are all young, blond and 'hot.' That’s not to say that Erin isn’t capable. I think she’s very capable. She’s also popular on Twitter and social media, so I can see how that would also make her highly sought after. Still, covering the NFL is a big deal. Stations like ABC and NBC entrust their programming to veterans. So when people talk about all networks making a turn to a particular type of girl on the sidelines, it doesn’t hold water."


Edited by JTMacc99
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With regards to Michael Sam, it is very reminiscent of the whole Tim Tebow thing. Too much media focus on an aspect of someone's personal life that has no bearing on the actual game. Who cares.


Feel bad for Pam Oliver - actually thought she was a great commentator. Erin Andrews I don't mind either, but hiring only young blond pretty woman....*sigh NFL*


Yes! Start of the season tonight!!


Seahawks to win, 28-24 final score.

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I bet Pam Oliver was a better reporter 20 years ago than Erin Andrews will ever be.

I have always liked Russell Wilson, partly because I'm shallow and partly because of that rookie class, I thought he was the better QB from the beginning. Griffin is hurt all of the time and also plays for the Redskins and I still don't think Luck is the greatest thing since sliced bread like the commentators do.

However...I hope someone tells Russell that the word is "especially." "Expecially" makes my teeth hurt.

I have Grande family fatigue because I watch Big Brother but I was impressed with Ariana's SSB. She put in a few tricks but mostly just did a pretty, melodic version. Her voice has a nice tone, it reminded me of singers from the eighties. I see what people say when they call her Baby Mariah.

I like both of these teams. I can't pick a winner.

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SEATTLE WINS! Yeah baby - 36-16. Okay, so my team pick is good, but my score was off. Ah well...


You know, I love the underdog, so to know that Russell Wilson - 3rd round pick in 2012 (when RGIII was #2 and Andrew Luck was #1) warms the cockles of my cold dark heart! May the underdog so win!!!

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"Have mercy, we have Percy." Love it! Harvin and Lynch together are amazing and the Seahawks are certainly not sitting back and relaxing. I really enjoyed watching Harvin whiz by the Packers. The speed of the Seahawks as a whole really puts lots of pressure on the opposing team.

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Happy, happy, happy, joy, joy, joy.  (Yes, I am a Seahawk fan).


Great win tonight against Green Bay, but I'm even happier that we haven't lost much ground at all in the off-season.  Okay, there were some things we can fix, and we weren't executing quite as perfectly as we were deep into last season - but a win over a really good Packer team, that included outstanding defense, a refusal to pass anywhere near Richard Sherman, and both Beast Mode and a healthy Percy and I am a very happy camper.

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Great win tonight for the Sea Bags. As a Niner fan there are many teams I respect, the Packers among them.But we saw again tonight why Seattle is the only team in the league that, frankly, scares me.....they're that good. I love my team but I love the game more, and the simple truth is barring injury I don't see anyone stopping the 'Hawks from repeating. 

Edited by Snowprince
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It has been a LONG time since the defending Superbowl Champs have done so much as win a playoff game the following year. Some of the teams looked great the following year (the 2008 Giants were 11-1 when Plaxico shot himself) but the whole lot of them eventually couldn't keep up the focus and intensity needed to do it two years in a row.


The personality and talent level of the Seahawks, both coaches and players, makes it seem like they have a chance to break the trend. It also doesn't hurt that what looked like a brutal division schedule seems like it will be a little easier with the Rams losing their QB for the year and the Niners having a really difficult off season and looking like they'll be facing challenges they hadn't faced the last few years.

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It has been a LONG time since the defending Superbowl Champs have done so much as win a playoff game the following year. Some of the teams looked great the following year (the 2008 Giants were 11-1 when Plaxico shot himself) but the whole lot of them eventually couldn't keep up the focus and intensity needed to do it two years in a row.


The personality and talent level of the Seahawks, both coaches and players, makes it seem like they have a chance to break the trend. It also doesn't hurt that what looked like a brutal division schedule seems like it will be a little easier with the Rams losing their QB for the year and the Niners having a really difficult off season and looking like they'll be facing challenges they hadn't faced the last few years.

Fair point, but it really hasn't been that long. The Evil Empire (KIDDING!!!), otherwise known as the New England Patriots went back to back in '04 and '05. Quite the accomplishment in the free agency/salary cap era.

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Fair point, but it really hasn't been that long. The Evil Empire (KIDDING!!!), otherwise known as the New England Patriots went back to back in '04 and '05. Quite the accomplishment in the free agency/salary cap era.

I should know better than to quote somebody on sports talk radio, but I did so anyway. I think it was on Sirius NFL Radio where I heard that it had been something like 10 years since a Superbowl champ did as much as win a playoff game the following year. As it turns out, it has been since 2006, which is still a pretty long time for such a streak. That is a lot of very good teams all in a row to not win even one playoff game.


The Patriots were the 4 seed, and were the last defending champ to win a playoff game when they won their Wild Card game in 2005 before losing to the Broncos in the divisional round.


After that:

The Steelers didn't make the playoffs in 2006.

The Colts were the 2 seed, but lost to the Chargers in 2007

The Giants were the 1 seed, but lost to the Eagles in 2008

The Steelers didn't make the playoffs in 2009. (I just copied and pasted from above, which made this easier.)

The Saints were the 5 seed, and lost to the 7-9 Seahawks in 2010.

The Packers were the 1 seed, but lost to the Giants in 2011.

The Giants didn't make the playoffs in 2012.

And the Ravens didn't make the playoffs in 2013.

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Much of the lack of "repeat" champions and lack of success the next year has to do with the fact that anymore winning the SB has to do with a good team playing their best in January.  The SUperbowl winner often is not the best team for the whole year, its the team playing the best in January.  That is not to diminish the accomplishment, but it explains the lack of follow up success many years. 


Pittsburgh in 2006, Even Indy in 2007 (was far from their best team of the Manning era), Giants both years, Ravens when they won a few years back, Green Bay in their title year, all those teams were good but really not the best all around team over the course of the season.  In those cases repeating that magic or everything coming together again the next year just wasn't likely to happen again.  Its like a regression not to the mean but regression to being good or to about where they should have been overall.  That is not to say that has been the case in all SB winners, but many of them. 


Seattle last year though was different.  They were the best team overall for the season and they won it all.  And they look just as good if not better now as they did in the playoffs.  And I am not a big Seattle fan.  I don't particularly like Pete Carroll.  College coaches that cheat and then jump ship when they are caught I think are pretty despicable.  But he is a great coach and the team is put together well.  Plus they have the advantage of Russell Wilson right now on a cheap contract.  This is what really helped Brady and the Pats win in 2001-2005.  You get a lower round QB that is young and greatly outperforms their rookie contract and that lets you put a whole lot of help around them by being able to spend money elsehwere.  Once they get that second contract and you are spending $15million plus on one player, its get much harder to do. 


They are going to be very hard to beat this year.  I think teams are going to shift towards loading up to stop the run and making Russell Wilson throw a whole lot to beat them, thats about your only chance.  They are hard to stop up front with that running game with Lynch and Harvin the way they use him.  ANd thats not to say Wilson can't beat team by throwing the ball, many teams I think he can if given the chance.  Buts the running game is much more talented than the passing game and most team I think are going to opt to take their chances making wilson throw 30+ times a game rather than letting Lynch beat them up and down the field.  Still a tall order either way.  If you can put up 20 on that D you are lucky. 

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Right?!? Let's live in the now, no need to bring up past failures.

And really, if I want to think of something that has the potential to haunt me in my sleep, I can think about who is going to cover Megatron on Monday. And if they will be successful.

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So every year, I call DirecTV asking them to downgrade my NFL Sunday Ticket package from the "Max" to the regular. (The Max contains the Red Zone and some fantasy stuff.) And every year, they offer to give me the Max at the regular price.


This year, when I called, I didn't even have to fake it. They right off the bat offered me NFL Sunday Ticket Max for $190 for the season (I think it's like $350).


So that's about $11 for each Sunday.


Meanwhile, it costs a family of four $660 to attend a game at Levi's Stadium.


Despite living near 2 NFL stadiums, that's why I've never been and possibly never will* attend an NFL game.


(*Actually, I probably lose my NFL game virginity next season when the Packers play @ the Raiders, which they haven't done since 2003, the week Brett Favre's dad died. But actually going to a game would mean missing out on all the rest of the NFL action....)

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Flex schedules

Buried in this article is the tidbit that games can be moved from CBS to FOX without changing the times. This has already happened today at 1, the Bills have moved to FOX and the Jets stay on CBS.

If they can do this at any week at any time, it's going to be awfully hard to keep up with it and find the game you want, no? I only saw it because it was in my paper this morning, but the onscreen guide didn't make the change. I mean, I was going to watch the Jets anyways, but still.

Edited by mojoween
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I'm from Boston, so I'll be rooting for the Evil Empire today against Miami. If the Pats lose to Denver in the playoffs again this year, you might have to talk me down from the ledge... 

Edited by BitterApple
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I enjoyed the Cleveland/Pittsburg game today. Even though they had the tough loss at the end, I am glad that Cleveland fought back in the second half and kept things tied throughout almost all of the half. I thought that Hoyer played well in the second half. I was also really impressed by Rookie RB Isaiah Crowell  (2 rush TDs) as well as rookie Terrence West (100 yards). I thought those guys looked pretty good on the field today, I thought they both had really nice movement on the field.  I hope that to see a lot more good things from them this season and in the future.


Justin Gilbert struggled throughout the game, but hopefully he will improve.


Also ouch to the kick that Antonio Brown gave to the face of Brown’s Punter Spencer Lanning.

Edited by Jx223
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If the Cowboys keep playing like this you may have to talk me off the ledge by the end of the month.


Is Troy Aikman actually watching the game?   Before the THIRD Dallas turnover he said "The game is actually a lot more balance than the score appears."   And just now he said "Other than the turnovers which are the difference in the game, I have to think Romo and Lineham (the Dallas OC) feel good about what they are capable of doing."    Troy dear, the concussions have clearly scrambled your brains, Jerry Jones doesn't pay you anymore, you don't have to kiss up to him anymore.

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Is Troy Aikman actually watching the game? Before the THIRD Dallas turnover he said "The game is actually a lot more balance than the score appears." And just now he said "Other than the turnovers which are the difference in the game, I have to think Romo and Lineham (the Dallas OC) feel good about what they are capable of doing." Troy dear, the concussions have clearly scrambled your brains, Jerry Jones doesn't pay you anymore, you don't have to kiss up to him anymore.

Haha, I'm a Niners fan & kept thing WTF game is he watching, also. I died laughing when he said something like "no one expected Tony to have 3 turnovers", really. I mean really. I have a brother who is a Dallas fan & I send him memes all year about turnover Romo.

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I watched the Yankee game yesterday and then tennis so when I finally turned on the 4:00 game it was at the end of the third quarter and San Fran was already up 28-3. Dallas scores and then a series or two later they go three and out, and it was a bad three and out. When the offense came off the field, Garrett was clapping.

There is no way in hell that Tom Coughlin would ever clap after a series like that. He would be barking at the offense, hands on his hips, headset sideways, play sheets grasped in his hands.

And then, in the presser, Garrett was praising the team for good things that they did.

And yes, you can't just berate your team without losing morale, but they just have the worse mindset of a team, and it starts with the top. Surprised Jerry didn't declare yesterday a moral victory because they scored.

On another note, Denver's defense is infuriating.

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It was deplorable, when Janay's head hit that rail on the way down, I was surprised she didn't lose consciousness for a lot longer. The way Ray Rice acted when he dragged her off the elevator with no urgency or immediate regret leads me to believe this isn't an isolated incident.

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I don't know why Jerry Jones has orgasms over that guy. When you've been a .500 team for nearly 20 years, it's time to start changing stuff up.

Because Jerry Jones is convinced he is the greatest GM in the history of football.   He picked Romo.   To get rid of Romo would be the same as admitting he made a bad pick.    That is the problem with Dallas.   Not specifically, the QB or the coach, it's the Owner.   Until he admits he sucks at being GM and gets a real one, Dallas will never be better than a .500 team.   I actually think this year we will have a losing record.   Maybe that will get his attention.


As for the Ray Rice video, there is speculation that the Commish never saw it.   That Rice lied to him about it.   If he did not see the video and Rice lied, Goodell can re-open the case.   But does he want to deprive the Ravens of a good player that long?   You saw how well they played without him.   And yes, it will come down to a football decision.

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As for the Ray Rice video, there is speculation that the Commish never saw it.   That Rice lied to him about it.   If he did not see the video and Rice lied, Goodell can re-open the case.   But does he want to deprive the Ravens of a good player that long?   You saw how well they played without him.   And yes, it will come down to a football decision.


It will be a business decision. If the league thinks they can weather the storm then perhaps they won't do anything more. But after the release of that video, damage control, not keeping Ray Rice on the field, is their top priority. Goodell has some really uncomfortable questions headed his way.

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As for the Ray Rice video, there is speculation that the Commish never saw it.   That Rice lied to him about it.   If he did not see the video and Rice lied, Goodell can re-open the case.   But does he want to deprive the Ravens of a good player that long?   You saw how well they played without him.   And yes, it will come down to a football decision.


From what I've read, the Ravens did know about what the video depicted, because Rice described it to them. So Goodell must have known. Unless Rice lied to the Ravens as well.


But I don't need to even watch that video, because I was already disgusted with him, and embarrassed by the organisation and those fans who cheered him. The time for cutting him (as John Harbaugh apparently wanted to) was when it first happened. Cutting him after the video is released feels a bit like them saying, 'damn, you caught us out. Yeah, now you've seen what happened, we'll cut him to save face'.


Goodell will do what is right for Goodell, but if I was the Ravens, I'd beat him to the punch and impose their own suspension on Rice, for a further four games. That would match the six that Goodell has said should apply in domestic abuse cases. Don't cut him after you've made a big deal of "helping him through this difficult time" or whatever. They look bad either way, but by absorbing the monetary hit of paying a player for a suspension they've imposed themselves, they might just win back a bit of respect.

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It was deplorable, when Janay's head hit that rail on the way down, I was surprised she didn't lose consciousness for a lot longer. The way Ray Rice acted when he dragged her off the elevator with no urgency or immediate regret leads me to believe this isn't an isolated incident.

Lol, she obviously didn't find it too deplorable because she went ahead and married the guy after he beat the crap out of her. It's hard for me to feel sorry for these women. Janay apparently decided the perks of being an NFL wife outweighed a few knocks to the head. She has a kid with him so it's not like she wouldn't get paid whether she stayed or left. If she's willing to tolerate that kind of treatment, it's her problem, not mine.

Edited by BitterApple
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Lol, she obviously didn't find it too deplorable because she went ahead and married the guy after he beat the crap out of her. It's hard for me to feel sorry for these women. Janay apparently decided the perks of being an NFL wife outweighed a few knocks to the head. She has a kid with him so it's not like she wouldn't get paid whether she stayed or left. If she's willing to tolerate that kind of treatment, it's her problem, not mine.


It's easy to judge, and I'm guilt of it myself sometimes. But we don't know what their relationship is like, outside of that one night. Ray Rice seems like a nice guy, most of the time, and never appeared to be one of the macho, douche bro types. If he's always been great to her before, and then he appears so genuinely regretful for this one incident, then are the years of happiness they've had to just be thrown away?


That's one argument. It's tough, because I agree you should never stay with someone who does that to you, but then I've never been in that situation, so I don't know how someone even processes that. I think it's unfair to say she was motivated by being an NFL wife, when we don't know what on earth is going through her head.

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